Summary of week 46 at Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 46 in Damavis: the latest technological news from the world of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence that we have shared in our networks and the new post of Jun De Wu in…

Summary of week 45 at Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 45 at Damavis: the new blog post by Nadal Comparini and review the most relevant content seen on our social networks. Damavis Blog This week in our blog, we are reporting on…

Summary of week 44 at Damavis

We review the most relevant content of week 44 at Damavis: a new interview with our team on the blog, the latest news on social networks and we also remember the job offer for a Data Scientist that we published…

Summary of week 43 at Damavis

We make a compilation of the news of this week 43 in Damavis: New post in the Blog and the latest news in Social Networks. Damavis Blog This week, Jun De Wu, Data Scientist at Damavis, tells us briefly about…

Summary of week 42 at Damavis

We summarize the latest news of the week in Damavis: New article in our Blog, posts in our Social Networks and a new job offer to work with our Data Scientist team. Damavis Blog New article in our blog by…