Sergio Pérez

Sergio Pérez

Improving our code with pre-commit

Improving our code with pre-commit

When reviewing code, we often spend time going over small bugs or stylistic details that distract us from what’s really important. In this post we will introduce pre-commit, a tool that attacks this problem by automatically correcting our code. What…

Deep Reinforcement Learning: DQN

Deep Reinforcement Learning: DQN

In our previous post about Reinforcement Learning, we made an introduction to this area through one of its most popular techniques: Q-learning. We laid the groundwork by talking about Markov decision processes, policies and value functions, and we saw a…

Reinforcement Learning: Q-learning

Reinforcement Learning: Q-learning

Although there is no consensus on the definition of artificial intelligence, we can say that it is the set of techniques whereby a computer system can exhibit intelligent behavior.  There are many approaches, such as expert systems, where rules are…