Guillermo Camps

Guillermo Camps

Apache Airflow sensors in detail

Apache Airflow sensors in detail

Apache Airflow is an open source tool for workflow orchestration widely used in the field of data engineering. You can take a look at this other blog post where we made an introduction to Basics on Apache Airflow.  In this…

Linear Regression with Python

Linear Regression with Python

Regression is a statistical methodology that describes the relationships between a continuous explained variable and a set of explanatory variables. In other words, regression models are able to predict the value of a dependent variable y with respect to a…

Basics on Apache Airflow

Basics on Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is a free workflow orchestration software, which are created through Python scripts, and can be monitored using its user interface. Some examples of workflows in which this tool could be used are the scheduling of ETL (Extract, Transform,…