Category Algorithms

Sudoku Solving Algorithm

Sudoku Solving Algorithm

This post will deal from another point of view with one of the most popular games that can be played on paper, the Sudoku. The objective will be to explain an algorithm for solving it, together with the code that…

Introduction to Fuzzy Linear Programming

Introduction to Fuzzy Linear Programming

In two previous posts we introduced the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic and linear programming with the Simplex method. As promised, in this post we are going to join these two concepts and introduce fuzzy linear programming. In many real-world…

Algorithms in Machine Learning

Algorithms in Machine Learning

Machine learning is perhaps the most popular branch of Artificial Intelligence and uses a series of algorithms whose methodology is based on carrying out a massive analysis of data in order to learn from it and, finally, find the solution…

ChatGPT: The new chatbot from OpenAI

ChatGPT: The new chatbot from OpenAI

Recently, the OpenAI team launched ChatGPT, a new deep learning-based conversational tool that promises to improve human-machine interaction in a variety of environments. ChatGPT is designed to understand natural language and provide consistent and relevant responses to questions or comments…

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

In a previous post, we talked about the basics of linear programming and the Simplex method and, in this article, we are going to give an introduction to an emerging branch of mathematics: Fuzzy Logic. In a later article, we…