Linear Programming and Simplex Method

Introduction We are all familiar with the concept of Linear Programming or Linear Optimization, that branch of mathematics that is dedicated to optimizing (maximizing or minimizing) a linear objective function subject to constraints in the form of equations and/or inequalities.…

Deep Reinforcement Learning: DQN

Introduction In our previous post about Reinforcement Learning, we made an introduction to this area through one of its most popular techniques: Q-learning. We laid the groundwork by talking about Markov decision processes, policies and value functions, and we saw…

Reinforcement Learning: Q-learning

Introduction Although there is no consensus on the definition of artificial intelligence, we can say that it is the set of techniques whereby a computer system can exhibit intelligent behavior.  There are many approaches, such as expert systems, where rules…

Option Pattern in Golang

Introduction It has been about a year since I started developing some things in Go. At first, it was an unknown language to me. I only knew that it was a “typed” language, compiled and memory safe through a GC…