Category Damavis

Data Driven: Make decisions based on data

Data Driven: Make decisions based on data

Thanks to advances in digitization and new technologies, more and more organizations are collecting data on a massive scale in order to better understand their customers and the market.  This data is processed and transformed into useful information so that…

Summary of week 52 at Damavis

We end 2021 with the compilation of the news of this week 52, the last of the year, in Damavis: New post in our blog by David Martín and the latest news about Big Data and Artificial Intelligence seen in…

Summary of 2021 in Damavis

Summary of 2021 in Damavis

2021 has been a year where many things have happened very quickly at Damavis. In this last post before the arrival of 2022, we will make a summary of the contents published in our blog throughout all these months. Damavis…

Summary of week 51 at Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 51 at Damavis: an interview in our blog with Pedro Novas and we review the most important publications and news from our social networks. Seen in networks In addition to a new…

Summary of week 50 at Damavis

We make a summary of the most important news of the week 50 at Damavis: new blog post by Antonio Boutaour and the most relevant news from our social networks. Damavis Blog How to leverage Apache Kafka and Apache Spark…

Summary of week 49 at Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 49 at Damavis: the latest publications in our social networks and a new post in our blog by Sergio Pérez. Damavis Blog A few weeks ago, we published an article where we…

Summary of week 48 at Damavis

We resume the most important news of week 48 at Damavis: New post in our blog by Joan Martín and the latest news published in our social networks. Damavis Blog This week, our Head Data Engineer Joan Martín has written…

Summary of week 47 at Damavis

week 47 Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 47 at Damavis: a new member of the Damavis team, the premiere of our new website and a new interview with our team on the blog. Damavis Blog This Thursday we published…