Summary of week 49 at Damavis

We compile the most important news of week 49 at Damavis: the latest publications in our social networks and a new post in our blog by Sergio Pérez.

Damavis Blog

A few weeks ago, we published an article where we introduced the use of graphs to find optimal routes: Graphs – Finding optimal routes.

This time, our Data Engineer Sergio Perez, has prepared a post in which he studies a technique to solve this problem that is inspired by the behavior of ant colonies.

You can read the complete article here:

Seen in networks

Last month, we announced in our networks that we had revamped the Damavis website, with an improved design, new content and functionalities and a better user navigation experience. This week, we’ve also unveiled a little more about the services and Big Data technologies that we offer at Damavis.

In addition, we have launched a new Tuesday Quiz about exploration environments and celebrated World Computing Day.

Big Data technology solutions

At Damavis we develop customized Big Data technological solutions for companies. We analyze the needs of the organization and design the solution that best suits your objectives.

If you want to know more, check out our Facebook post or visit the Services section of our website.

Tuesday Quiz

This week, the debate has been Apache Zeppelin and Jupiter Notebook, which is the environment preferred by users? And these were the results:

Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to participate every Tuesday in Damavis Tuesday Quiz.

World Computer Day

Every December 9th is World Computer Day and, at Damavis, we wanted to commemorate this day by congratulating all IT professionals.

Do you know why it is celebrated on December 9? We tell you about it in our Instagram post.

Join our team

We are still accepting applications for the Senior Data Scientist selection process. If you want to be part of the data science team, sign up for the job offer through our Linkedin here.

Or, if you prefer, you can send us your spontaneous application through our website in the section Work with us.

So much for this week’s summary. If you missed week 48’s summary, we invite you to watch it and share this post on social media. Don’t forget to mention us to let us know what you think (@DamavisStudio) and we’ll see you on social media!
Laura Rodríguez
Laura Rodríguez
Articles: 56