We compile the most important news of week 51 at Damavis: an interview in our blog with Pedro Novas and we review the most important publications and news from our social networks.
Seen in networks
In addition to a new Tuesday Quiz about programming paradigms, the highlights of week 51 in our networks have been the publications about the training actions we have carried out at Damavis.
Tuesday Quiz
Which programming paradigm do you like the most? This has been the question we have launched this week in our Tuesday Quiz and in which users had to choose between functional programming or object-oriented programming. These are the results we obtained:

Do you agree? We invite you to give us your opinion by mentioning us on our social networks (@DamavisStudio). Don’t forget to participate every Tuesday in the Damavis Tuesday Quiz on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Damavis training sessions
Last week we announced in our networks that Daniel Bestard, Head Data Scientist at Damavis, was going to give a masterclass on Machine Learning at the Universitat de les Illes Balears.
This time, David Martín, CEO at Damavis, has been with the students of the Higher Degree Cycle of Multiplatform Applications Development of the Col-legi CIDE Cooperativa d’Ensenyament, explaining how in Damavis we develop Big Data and Artificial Intelligence projects.

What is Data Driven? Make decisions based on data
One of the most relevant posts this week has been the infographic we published a few days ago about the Data Driven Stage, where we explain what each of the phases consists of and the importance for companies to adopt a data-driven strategy.

We invite you to see the full post on our Linkedin here.
Merry Christmas!
In this last month of the year, we close a 2021 full of new challenges in which Damavis has continued to evolve and face new projects and experiences that have allowed us to grow both personally and professionally.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022 from the entire Damavis team.