Category Software

Introduction to Elasticsearch

Introduction to Elasticsearch

The idea of this article is to save some time for those interested in Elasticsearch and to share some useful concepts and resources. What is Elasticsearch? Elasticsearch is a free, open source, distributed search engine developed in Java capable of…

Introduction to MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB

What is MongoDB? MongoDB is an open source NOSQL database. This means that data does not necessarily have to follow a schema. All data is stored in a JSON similar document format known as BSON or Binary JSON and will…

Introduction to Apache Kafka

Introduction to Apache Kafka

What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an open source distributed event system. It was originally developed by LinkedIn, in order to cover the needs caused by its rapid growth, and moved to a microservices-based infrastructure.  It is also an…

Option Pattern in Golang

Option Pattern in Golang

It has been about a year since I started developing some things in Go. At first, it was an unknown language to me. I only knew that it was a “typed” language, compiled and memory safe through a GC (Garbage…