Search Results for airflow

Trigger rules in Apache Airflow

Trigger rules in Apache Airflow

Airflow is an open source framework for developing, orchestrating and monitoring batch workflows. In case you are not familiar with it, and to better understand the content of this article, it is recommended to review the basics of Apache Airflow…

Testing in Apache Airflow

Testing in Apache Airflow

Today we are going to talk about two ways of testing in Apache Airflow. Historically, testing in Airflow has been something that has been a headache for all users of the famous framework. The coupling of the code with the…

Apache Airflow with LocalStack

Apache Airflow with LocalStack

Usually, when we start working on a new integration where it is necessary to connect to AWS services in the early stages of development, it is easier and faster to work only locally. For this, we can make use of…

Apache Airflow sensors in detail

Apache Airflow sensors in detail

Apache Airflow is an open source tool for workflow orchestration widely used in the field of data engineering. You can take a look at this other blog post where we made an introduction to Basics on Apache Airflow.  In this…

Basics on Apache Airflow

Basics on Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is a free workflow orchestration software, which are created through Python scripts, and can be monitored using its user interface. Some examples of workflows in which this tool could be used are the scheduling of ETL (Extract, Transform,…