We make a summary of the most important news of the week 50 at Damavis: new blog post by Antonio Boutaour and the most relevant news from our social networks.
Damavis Blog
How to leverage Apache Kafka and Apache Spark technologies for Batch processing? This week on our blog, Antonio Boutaour, Data Engineer at Damavis, explains how to use Streaming technologies to process data in batch.
Read the full post here:
Seen in networks
This week, in addition to publishing a new survey on backups, we have announced in our social networks our presence in a talk on Machine Learning at the University of the Balearic Islands and news on the sports sponsorship of SCD Hispania.
Tuesday Quiz
Copy redundancy or copy frequency, which is more important in backup planning? This was the question we threw out to our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook community and these were the answers:
Do you agree? Follow us on our social networks, let us know your opinion and participate in the Tuesday Quiz on Tuesdays.
Data Science and Data Engineering in the real world
One of the big news this week has been that our Head Data Scientist Daniel Bestard will give a masterclass on Machine Learning to the students of the Master’s Degree in Integral Systems of the UIB on Saturday December 18.
If you want to know more, we invite you to read our Facebook post.
Damavis and SCD Hispania
A few days ago, the basketball club SCD Hispania made the presentation of this season’s teams in which we have been able to see the official jerseys that the Senior players will wear and in which Damavis has participated as a sponsor.
If you want to know more details, don’t miss our Instagram post.