A few months ago, we wrote a brief summary on the blog about the training and team building days at Damavis that our management and HR team organized last April.
And after this magnificent experience and for the second time this year, at Damavis we have decided to arrange a new meeting with the whole team to get together again and spend a few days with each other.
This time, we have once again chosen Mallorca as the meeting point and the first days of November have been the date chosen to celebrate these two new sessions of training and team building.
Productivity and time management
We attended the ProduActividad course provided by the consultancy firm DSKonsulting, where we learnt that productivity at work does not mean working longer hours, but rather better time management.
We also learned about some techniques and tools that can help us to optimize and make the most of the resources we have available to achieve this.
Through the implementation of real cases of our day-to-day work, we have reinforced some knowledge such as, for example, the definition of long-term objectives, and learned some tips to improve, among other things, decision making within the company or project.

Team building activities and games
And as not everything is going to be theory, it was time to spend some fun time together with the team building activities that the Damavis management and HR team had prepared for this occasion.
The natural environment of Can Feliu has served us once again as a setting for various games and other team building activities.
These activities not only gave us many moments of laughter, but also helped us to get to know each other better, integrate more and continue building a strong team.

Just like last time, our experience in these training and team building days has been very positive. The fact of being able to disconnect from the daily work routine by doing something alternative with your colleagues, makes us more motivated, happy and productive.
After these two days of work -but different-, we return to our virtual office with our batteries more charged than ever and full of energy to face the day to day and continue working on our projects.
See you next time, #TeamDamavis!