Todos los gráficos presentes en este artículo son interactivos debido a la naturaleza de intentar representar texto de forma gráfica. Para observar qué frase representa cada punto, simplemente hay que situar el ratón por encima del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos se han generado sobre el dataset de “STS benchmark ”.
En el mundo del aprendizaje automático es común tener que trabajar con tipos de datos no estructurados, es decir, datos que no siguen ninguna estructura ni esquema. De estos, uno de los más importantes es el texto, que es el foco de este artículo.
Cuando trabajamos con texto, tenemos la dificultad de cómo podemos tratarlo con los algoritmos típicos de aprendizaje máquina y, mientras que algunos algoritmos simples pueden operar con datos no estructurados (como puede ser una simple cadena de Markov), una gran parte del arsenal del machine learning no es accesible cuando el texto se presenta en ese estado original.
Por eso, es común transformar ese texto a otra representación, una con la que los ordenadores pueden trabajar con mayor facilidad. A esta representación la llamamos un “embedding” y consiste simplemente en un vector, o matriz, de valores numéricos. De esta manera, es posible alimentar de texto a un sistema de aprendizaje automático. Como ejemplo de un sistema muy famoso que hace uso de embeddings para tratar con texto, tenemos ChatGPT.
Por ejemplo, queremos representar la palabra “sol” como embedding y una forma de hacerlo sería generándolo manualmente: podríamos generar diferentes características y atribuirles una puntuación como embedding, como podría ser que tiene un 1 en brillo, un 0 en color azul y un 0.9 en tamaño, creando así el embedding [1,0,0.9].
Pero aquí nos encontramos con un inconveniente: la cantidad de características que se pueden obtener son casi infinitas y no todas ofrecen la misma información. Idealmente, queremos que todo elemento del embedding represente cuanto más posible. Además, existe el problema del vocabulario del texto, si todo mi texto habla de estrellas, este embedding no serviría para poder diferenciarlas entre sí.
Diseñando Text Embeddings
Teniendo lo anterior en cuenta, sería deseable poder diseñar de forma automática un embedding que pueda representar un texto y que esta representación se adapte al vocabulario usado.
A continuación, analizaremos algunos de los métodos existentes para crear embeddings y veremos qué representaciones se obtienen a través de ellos.
Método TF-IDF
Uno de los primeros métodos que apareció para hacer embeddings es el clásico TF-IDF (term frequency – inverse document frequency), que consiste en un simple cálculo donde el texto está representado por cada palabra única, por la multiplicación de la frecuencia de dicha palabra en el texto (TF), multiplicada por el logaritmo de la división del número de documentos totales con el número de documentos que contienen esta palabra.
Este cálculo es interesante, ya que le da mayor valor a palabras que aparecen en pocos documentos y, cuanto más se hable de la palabra en un mismo documento, más importante es esa palabra para ese documento.
El foco de este método es la información ofrecida por la palabra. No importa tanto el significado de las palabras, sino la información que éstas aportan. Esto se debe a la ley de Zipf, que dicta que la frecuencia del vocabulario sigue una distribución de ley potencial inversa (inverse power-law).
En la imagen siguiente, se puede observar esta distribución entre la frecuencia y el ranking en frecuencia de la palabra, generando casi una recta en escala logarítmica.
En esta recta, las palabras más repetidas son aquellas que no añaden mucha información, como “the”, que es la más frecuente, mientras que una palabra como “approval” tiene una frecuencia de 1. Lo interesante de esta recta es que existe en todo lenguaje natural observado, y nos permite estimar la frecuencia de las palabras, y con eso, una medida de “importancia”.
Este embedding de tf-idf tiene ciertas características interesantes: primero, tiene conceptualmente infinitas dimensiones, existen tantas como el tamaño del vocabulario observado. Además, está limitado a representar secuencias de texto, no tendría mucho sentido si quisiéramos aplicarlo sobre palabras singulares. Aun así, es de cálculo fácil y muchas veces se usa como un benchmark base. Si el algoritmo no lo puede hacer mejor que tf-idf, se considera pobre.
Para mostrar el espacio que tf-idf origina, aplicamos sobre el dataset tf-idf y después hacemos lo mismo con PCA sobre la matriz de embeddings, lo que genera la representación gráfica de este espacio.
Pygal 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 A plane is taking off. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man is spreading shreded cheese on a pizza. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Some men are fighting. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man is smoking. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is playing on a guitar and singing. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A person is throwing a cat on to the ceiling. 0.4043742189: -0.2454405269 154.21039905372947 527.3482593305612 The man hit the other man with a stick. 0.6816155886: 0.9645161609 173.66568926756287 487.09015458747837 A man is playing a flute. 1.30321087: -0.2167630773 217.28586260841658 526.3940931357611 A man is running on the road. 1.744798046: -0.202674206 248.27404686585086 525.9253232498125 A dog is trying to get bacon off his back. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 The polar bear is sliding on the snow. 0.2056459774: 0.9493303154 140.26473280827204 487.59542338347876 The man is riding a horse. 0.5107489192: 0.9590646472 161.67519648863203 487.2715392689993 A man pours oil into a pot. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is playing a guitar. 1.412335531: -0.213281447 224.94363727473402 526.2782511061951 The boy fell off his bike. -0.1958889495: 1.2067336 112.0871973138167 479.0310106934473 The woman is playing the flute. 0.5416272372: 0.9429887636 163.84206877103705 487.80642172492 A rabbit is running from an eagle. 1.222608976: -0.2193346867 211.62966041398175 526.4796566278186 The woman is frying a breaded pork chop. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A girl is flying a kite. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 A man is riding a mechanical bull. 0.9378119206: -0.2284211577 191.64415329446973 526.7819848899461 The man is playing the guitar. 0.8394115365: 0.9695506522 184.7389499585353 486.9226452197767 A woman is dancing and singing with other women. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is slicing a bun. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A lion is playing with people. 0.7792364684: -0.2334805192 180.51619123482888 526.9503217457683 A dog rides a skateboard. 2.032670008: -0.1934896298 268.4753342355719 525.6197307989079 A woman is frying fish. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is playing an electric guitar. 1.223675892: -0.2363617053 211.7045307535532 527.0461855817722 A baby tiger is playing with a ball. 0.980746475: -0.2270513276 194.65706661301795 526.736407420128 A woman is playing the flute. 1.114551232: -0.2398433356 204.0467560872358 527.1620276113383 A kid is playing guitar. 0.8901464614: -0.2299419277 188.29925082286488 526.832584484201 A boy is playing guitar. 1.048390071: -0.2248931537 199.40392594703457 526.6645998985858 A little boy is playing a keyboard. 1.025818341: -0.2256133064 197.81996482004033 526.6885610726475 A man is eating a banana by a tree. 0.7389375542: -0.234766259 177.6882327922812 526.9931013338064 A kid plays with a toy phone. 0.7792364684: -0.2334805192 180.51619123482888 526.9503217457683 A man is riding a motorcycle. 0.9378119206: -0.2284211577 191.64415329446973 526.7819848899461 A man and a woman are kissing. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 A man is getting into a car. 0.7584781214: -0.2341428158 179.0594834359545 526.9723579110068 A man is dancing. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is playing the guitar and singing. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A person is peeling an onion. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A monkey pushes another monkey. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A squirrel runs around in circles. 1.222608976: -0.2193346867 211.62966041398175 526.4796566278186 A dog is eating water melon. 1.867341165: -0.1987644587 256.8734559290086 525.7952367635482 A woman is chopping broccoli. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is playing a guitar. 1.223675892: -0.2363617053 211.7045307535532 527.0461855817722 A small dog is chasing a yoga ball. 2.3395742: -0.1836978289 290.01219985008885 525.293934554961 The man talked on the telephone. 0.08980127566: 0.9456342816 132.13538221621766 487.71839911894665 A man is fishing. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is riding a bicycle. 0.9378119206: -0.2284211577 191.64415329446973 526.7819848899461 A woman is slicing up some meat. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 Lionel Richie is dancing on the ceiling. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A woman is cutting an onion. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is dancing. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A dog is jumping on a trampoline. 2.065202082: -0.1924516916 270.7582580528293 525.5851961540718 A woman is picking a can. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 The shirtless man sat in a chair. 0.19786551: 0.949082079 139.71874195427375 487.60368279191107 The puppy played with a blue tennis ball. 0.5590450993: 0.9606055404 165.06435951777766 487.2202701286897 A kangroo is eating something. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man cut some carpet with a knife. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A woman is riding a motorized scooter down a road. 0.7491522818: -0.251501416 178.40504677328892 527.5499193655232 someone is slicing a vegetable. -0.3589241406: -0.1586594799 100.64627505391758 524.4608497944682 A man cuts up potatos. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman is chopping up garlic. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman cracks two eggs into a glass bowl. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is cutting a fish. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is slicing something. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A man is paddling a canoe. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Fish are swimming. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two women mix something in a food processor. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A man is playing a flute in a band. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 The man spread butter on the loaf of bread. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A person is boiling noodles. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A group of people dance on a hill. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man is dancing outside. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is putting a pan into an oven. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman is sitting at a desk. 0.6783207137: -0.2537613024 173.43447288518968 527.6251111010333 Medics transport a patient on a stretcher. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A baby is laughing. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man is folding paper. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Three women are dancing. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A person is writing. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A woman is adding oil on fishes. 0.5473488088: -0.1434061291 164.24357752057404 523.9533349377286 A cheetah is running. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man is eating pizza. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 An orangutan is riding a bus. -0.1921123796: -0.1533373384 112.35221643030603 524.2837696287398 A man and a woman talk in a diner. 0.9962547005: -0.2436175951 195.7453494631047 527.2876061029361 A girl is singing and playing a guitar. 1.073938712: -0.2240780224 201.1967905425108 526.6374785634033 A girl is communicating with sign language. 0.3879259543: -0.24596531 153.05614938072935 527.365720098287 A woman is doing weight exercises. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A cat is playing keyboards. 0.9537646412: -0.227912185 192.7636283865373 526.7650501703487 A woman slices tofu. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A herd of deer are crossing the street. 0.2276976359: -0.2510774063 141.81219816244675 527.535811565616 Someone is mixing ingrediants. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man spreads butter on a big piece of bread. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is mowing a lawn. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is opening a door. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is slicing a potato into pieces. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 The woman is cutting cooked octopus. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man is shooting a gun. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is swimming. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A car is moving through a road. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A woman is cutting meat into pieces. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is selling items. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Runners race around a track. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A woman is frying something. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is dancing by a fire. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 The man is slicing a fish open. 0.1980761654: 0.9490887999 139.7335246018826 487.6034591692562 Butter is melting in a pan. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Three boys are dancing. -0.2393301776: -0.1548438257 109.03872839189836 524.3338940050812 The man is driving a white car. 1.385359225: 0.9869691534 223.05058701063047 486.34309071660823 A man drove his car. 0.7584781214: -0.2341428158 179.0594834359545 526.9723579110068 A car backs out of a space. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man puts some cheese on a pizza. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The man played his guitar. 0.8394115365: 0.9695506522 184.7389499585353 486.9226452197767 A man is walking on a rope. 1.070449988: -0.2241893304 200.95197085179447 526.6411820426889 A man is buttering a piece of bread. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is slicing a potato. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A dog is barking at a ball. 2.03723239: -0.1933440667 268.79549733804515 525.6148875715737 A kid runs away from a fish swinging around on a fishing pol….. 1.222608976: -0.2193346867 211.62966041398175 526.4796566278186 A person is cutting some burrata cheese. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The man is shooting an automatic rifle. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A woman is filing her fingernails with an emery board. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is riding a skateboard. 0.9378119206: -0.2284211577 191.64415329446973 526.7819848899461 A man is dancing. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man holds a small animal in one hand. 1.022459613: -0.2257204669 197.58426757854537 526.6921265532221 A person is folding a square paper piece. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The woman is peeling shrimp. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 Two zebras are playing. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 Some men are playing guitars. 0.1715012375: -0.1417362192 137.86864082253427 523.8977731065561 The elephants sprayed water on themselves. -0.3226299866: 0.9324756318 103.19320121983851 488.15621834617417 Someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A woman is slicing some vegetables. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A badger is burrowing a hole. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A woman is water skiing on a lake. 0.5838234382: -0.2567762449 166.8031684667255 527.7254253301637 A girl is playing a violin. 0.9630287192: -0.2276166139 193.41373095447477 526.7552158249706 A woman is cutting a cucumber. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A puppy is sliding backwards along the floor. 0.2679554031: -0.2497929793 144.637269128606 527.4930756575162 A woman splits garlic cloves. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is drawing a picture. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman is picking tomatoes. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is looking at a computer monitor. 0.9022435674: -0.2295559687 189.14815987375576 526.8197427185893 The boy is riding a tricycle. 0.0009424661495: 0.9427992347 125.89975465057155 487.8127277959186 Two men compete in a tire rolling race. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A man is playing keyboard. 1.321170451: -0.2161900756 218.54616819476598 526.3750280204557 A dog lies on his back on a wooden floor. 1.878850672: -0.198397247 257.6811304996138 525.7830187673856 A woman is frying something in the pan. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man puts seasoning in a bowl of water. 0.9543659974: -0.2278929987 192.80582829187995 526.7644117965527 An elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan. -0.06404435624: -0.1663123773 121.33933319841704 524.7154796882676 A woman is chopping an onion. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is deboning a fish. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is mowing grass. 1.280607606: -0.2174842361 215.69968852101496 526.4180877861048 The boy is stuck in the door of the doghouse. -0.204518941: 0.9362439734 111.48159148799428 488.03083675787514 People flip into a swimming pool. -0.1234213951: -0.1511457475 117.17257581594119 524.2108502443492 A woman is resting in a floating raft. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is slicing octopus. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 The little girl played on the grass with a dog and a ball. 2.373628087: 1.018499944 292.40191625648504 485.2939871476195 People ride and paddle a raft. -0.1921123796: -0.1533373384 112.35221643030603 524.2837696287398 A dog is playing in the snow. 2.964692153: -0.1637533946 333.8795750722476 524.6303363167126 A woman is dancing with other women. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A boy is pushing a van. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 A boy is making some dance steps. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 A man is assembling speaker parts. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Butter is being put into a bowl. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Raccoons are eating. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Someone fell off a horse. -0.2430828025: 0.115250733 108.77538960391212 515.34721279174 A woman peels an apple. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is taking some math classes. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Animals are playing in water. 0.3935167214: -0.1346527988 153.44847898252175 523.6620910512062 A man is riding a horse and jumping over obstacles. 1.263419229: -0.2180326326 214.4935018135957 526.4363342248304 A person is doing pencil tricks with his hand. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The person lit the cameras on fire. -0.3430779481: 0.9318232381 101.75827458582233 488.17792501956245 A man is doing push-ups. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The little boy is singing and playing the guitar. 0.5440594266: 0.9601274214 164.0127465838096 487.2361782719685 The woman is waterskiing. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man and woman is riding in a car. 1.297468959: -0.234007332 216.8829265292201 526.9678500466215 A man plays a piano. 1.328197687: -0.2159658711 219.03930138664762 526.3675682097034 A person pours oil on a skillet. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The animal is eating. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A group of people sing. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The cat is drinking milk. -0.1882343774: 0.9367635336 112.6243535155331 488.01354976807073 A girl is making eyelid. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 Two men are fighting. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 The man is putting chicken into the container. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A woman is adding pasta to a pot of water. 0.7693642927: -0.1363227087 179.82341568056154 523.7176528823787 Two puppies are playing with each other. 0.34196644: -0.1362975143 149.83096083731448 523.7168146050052 A man is running on a field. 2.08917144: -0.1916869474 272.4402971888129 525.5597513171822 A person is playing a guitar. 0.9098310634: -0.229313889 189.68060904486256 526.8116881602731 A group of penguins is walking. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is walking with a horse. 1.216310981: -0.2195356247 211.1877013621554 526.4863423081604 Paper is being cut with scissors. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A person peels shrimp. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A man making a bed in a hotel. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The dog pulled the dogs tail and then his leg. 2.871331764: 1.034379217 327.3280511497674 484.765646405402 A man is jumping rope outside. 0.9703439939: -0.2273832195 193.92707711172707 526.74745024511 Soccer players are kicking a soccer ball into the goal. -0.3307462158: -0.1577604612 102.62364843921792 524.4309373256186 A woman is swimming in the beach. 0.94658223: -0.2452023989 192.25960586365554 527.3403362537571 A man is carrying another man. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The woman is putting paste into a dish. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man is holding up and talking about a gray You Tube T-shir….. 0.7353205569: -0.2348816596 177.43441161410513 526.9969409819689 A person is peeling a potato. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A woman dances while a man plays the keyboard. 1.654699881: -0.2226098531 241.95144812545428 526.5886291180269 A chef is cleaning up a bowl of soup. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 An explosion is booming in the desert. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A woman slices a lemon. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 An overweight man is skipping rope. 0.1246152826: -0.143232119 134.57843971959787 523.9475452126904 The lady cracked two raw eggs. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A man sharpens a pencil using a knife. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The turtle followed the fish. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The woman is pencilling on eye shadow. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A dog is running on the ground. 2.839656133: -0.167742678 325.10522780695305 524.7630691587744 A man is petting a tied up dog. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman is walking on an open ground with a pet dog as some ….. 4.115884663: -0.1440855714 414.66399911655634 523.9759415801777 A woman is mincing some garlic. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 Two teams are playing soccer. 0.34196644: -0.1362975143 149.83096083731448 523.7168146050052 Two robots share a kiss. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A cat is trying to touch a dog. 0.3846896168: -0.2460685656 152.82904083173176 527.369155654489 The rhino grazed on the grass. 0.1854945419: 0.9486873823 138.85061475294717 487.6168152776926 The man drove his little red car around the traffic. 0.4756514179: 0.9579448588 159.21224489850132 487.3087972614783 A cat rapidly swats a kid in the head. 0.3846896168: -0.2460685656 152.82904083173176 527.369155654489 A person checks some rice pudding. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The man is playing the drums. 0.7285015435: 0.9660120607 176.95589037049928 487.04038248134407 A man is slicing a pepper. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A woman is speaking in sign language. 0.5376631341: -0.2582489928 163.56388959177175 527.7744271166559 A boy is crawling into a dog house. 1.98545221: -0.1949961171 265.1618461971643 525.6698551752493 The girl flew her kite while she ran up a hill. -0.1789702994: 0.9370591047 113.27445608347058 488.00371542269266 A woman is placing food in a pot of hot water. 0.7657063585: -0.2509732569 179.56672177069913 527.53234627213 A young man is singing and playing the piano. 1.443294725: -0.2122936916 227.11618501420108 526.2453861616863 A boy takes off his sunglasses. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 A girl is playing a piano. 0.9898008684: -0.2267624465 195.29245465442438 526.7267956669117 Someone is holding a hedgehog. -0.3273413926: -0.15765183 102.86258039108407 524.427322912367 A cat is drinking some water. 0.6067051007: -0.2389851452 168.40887899171926 527.1334735991392 A person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The man sat in his chair and stared. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A person is frying a meat in the pan. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A man is looking out of a window. 0.9022435674: -0.2295559687 189.14815987375576 526.8197427185893 A man seated is playing the guitar. 1.412335531: -0.213281447 224.94363727473402 526.2782511061951 A rider is running and jumping her horse. 1.606463449: -0.2070877815 238.56647790417733 526.0721732864974 A man is playing a wooden flute while several other men play….. 1.896530008: -0.1978331865 258.92177003619315 525.7642511477911 A small guinea pig is gnawing and eating a piece of carrot o….. 0.4300381494: -0.2446217173 156.0113540033208 527.3210156095575 Three children are eating their food. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man is running on a street. 1.762334237: -0.2021147125 249.50464134827428 525.9067075855199 The man is drawing. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A man is cutting a potato. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A boy is playing a guitar. 1.048390071: -0.2248931537 199.40392594703457 526.6645998985858 A cat opens a drawer and climbs inside. 0.3872077324: -0.1671433266 153.00574847508057 524.7431273261874 A woman is riding a horse. 0.8950132746: -0.2468477103 188.64077728364992 527.3950796309947 A woman is brushing some shrimp. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is dancing on the ceiling. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife. 0.8776908064: -0.2474003849 187.42518075315488 527.4134684156433 Someone is slicing a cucumber. -0.3589241406: -0.1586594799 100.64627505391758 524.4608497944682 The dog is barking at the toy. 1.273486992: 0.9833998616 215.20000264058888 486.46184945087936 A person folds a tortilla. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A cat is drinking milk. 0.3846896168: -0.2460685656 152.82904083173176 527.369155654489 A person is driving a car. 0.2559736541: -0.2501752578 143.79645520608304 527.505794965085 A turtle is walking. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A cow is eating grass. 0.9694295062: -0.2274123963 193.8629033460108 526.7484210257336 A man is crying. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is cutting an onion. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man dives into a pool. 0.7889294558: -0.2331712637 181.19639232400573 526.9400320887704 A woman is cutting a leak. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A little boy is playing a guitar. 1.116983421: -0.2227046778 204.21743390000836 526.5917841583868 Women are talking. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A girl is putting gel in her hair. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 The woman is shooting a machine gun. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man played the piano. 1.328197687: -0.2159658711 219.03930138664762 526.3675682097034 The man is playing a guitar. 0.8394115365: 0.9695506522 184.7389499585353 486.9226452197767 Two little girls talk on the telephone. -0.04434822673: -0.1486229122 122.72150035565257 524.1269095816111 A person is cutting a capsicum into pieces. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The man is walking. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A man is playing two pianos. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A person is slicing a scallop. 0.2684956923: -0.2497757413 144.67518368820987 527.4925021097525 A man and a woman are riding on their bicycles. 1.271341351: -0.2348409353 215.04943322515808 526.9955859875173 Two men are fighting in a cow pasture. -0.0160976143: -0.1477215744 124.70397455937393 524.0969199507682 A girl makes up her bed. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 The cat played with a watermelon. 0.3808406469: 0.9549199142 152.5589410703386 487.40944428393044 A man is praying. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A car is parking. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Two robots kiss. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A woman is squeezing a lemon. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is slicing a carrot. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A girl is styling her hair. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 Two people are riding a motorcycle. -0.02164717717: -0.1478986336 124.31453644508623 524.1028111271889 A man is playing a guitar and singing. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A Woman is eating. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A boy and a girl is dancing in the rain. 0.5521973041: -0.2407242205 164.58381852383886 527.1913367234957 A man is driving a car. 0.7584781214: -0.2341428158 179.0594834359545 526.9723579110068 Two roosters are fighting. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 The woman is slicing herbs. 0.009416526524: 0.9260085417 126.4944180807018 488.3713936448334 A person is playing the keyboard. 0.8186659834: -0.2322225176 183.28313996489456 526.9084650745338 A boy whacks a man with a sword. 0.8905941227: -0.229927645 188.3306652560621 526.8321092662875 A person is slicing a carrot into pieces. 0.2684956923: -0.2497757413 144.67518368820987 527.4925021097525 A man sliced through a bunch of water bottles with a knife. 0.8111327232: -0.2324628669 182.75449677409514 526.9164620583583 A woman is slicing a garlic. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A person is making a bed. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 The woman is smoking. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A woman cuts up broccoli. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 Someone is slicing a tomato. -0.3589241406: -0.1586594799 100.64627505391758 524.4608497944682 A cat stares into the camera. 0.4789314694: -0.2430617723 159.44242105328138 527.2691125714082 Someone slices a bottle with a sword. -0.3589241406: -0.1586594799 100.64627505391758 524.4608497944682 An animal is walking on the ground. -0.05947431257: -0.1491055111 121.66003398763068 524.1429667814826 A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage. 1.03162207: -0.225428138 198.22723890744862 526.6824000847716 A cat swings on a ceiling fan. 0.3846896168: -0.2460685656 152.82904083173176 527.369155654489 The woman is dicing onions. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A monkey is brushing a bull dog. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A man is dangling a mouse near a snake. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is eating a banana. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A cartoon woman dives into a pool. 0.6002698169: -0.256251522 167.95728580282494 527.7079665643477 Someone is frying meat. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man is rapidly chopping some mushrooms using a knife. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A person is cutting a potato. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A man is dancing on the ceiling of a room. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is swinging in a rope. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is dancing on the road. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The deer jumped over the fence. -0.09065985349: 0.939876656 119.47160247834059 487.9099688648242 A girl dances in the rain. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 A gorilla is playing the drums. 0.7792364684: -0.2334805192 180.51619123482888 526.9503217457683 A woman is riding on a horse. 0.8950132746: -0.2468477103 188.64077728364992 527.3950796309947 The boy cut the grass by the curb with scissors. -0.1081460929: 0.9393187562 118.24451338206903 487.9285315018257 A man is lifting weights. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is running with a bus. 1.744798046: -0.202674206 248.27404686585086 525.9253232498125 Men are running a race. 0.6148737453: -0.1275903866 168.98211000168706 523.4271079886063 A woman is cutting potatoes. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A chicken is pecking at a dead mouse. 0.1721020525: -0.2528511875 137.91080274390475 527.5948294374022 A person is slicing a bread pieces. 0.2684956923: -0.2497757413 144.67518368820987 527.4925021097525 A woman is cutting a squash. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 Someone is cleaning a animal. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man is being put into an abulance. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is diving into a swimming pool. 1.006502905: -0.2262295668 196.46451268010497 526.7090655055555 A man is firing a shot gun. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The woman is riding a horse. 0.3220892803: 0.9359843889 148.4360899674512 488.03947374457647 An airplane moves along a runway. -0.3397798278: -0.1580486792 101.98971871631137 524.440527018304 A woman is slipping in the water-tub. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman puts slabs of meat in a pan. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 The boy played his trumpet. 0.3645560833: 0.954400354 151.4161790427998 487.42673127373484 The woman is slicing fish cake. 0.009416526524: 0.9260085417 126.4944180807018 488.3713936448334 A man is eating bread. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman tosses a cat in the air, and the cat hangs off a rod….. 0.8927472201: -0.2469200089 188.4817579141285 527.3974851766407 A big turtle is walking. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man is pushing the van. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A dog is speaking to the camera. 1.921450454: -0.1970380979 260.6705512945444 525.7377966777836 A man is putting two paper towels on a paper plate. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man and woman are walking. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 A man is cutting a rope with a sword. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man is cutting a paper. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Two boys are talking on the phone. -0.1384902186: -0.1516265194 116.11512780720247 524.2268466569926 A man is playing soccer. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A woman is peeling an orange. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is scraping a carrot. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man and woman are Bollywood dancing. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 A woman is cutting flowers. 0.5562400771: -0.2576562941 164.8675183321214 527.7547066357508 The man danced in the diner. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 American flag is waving. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A lion is walking in an enclosed area. 0.5482609183: -0.2408498111 164.30758439992525 527.1955154206948 A woman is adding an egg and stirring. 0.5473488088: -0.1434061291 164.24357752057404 523.9533349377286 A woman covers a piece of meat with flour. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A white cat perched on a small wooden cabinet is looking out….. 2.00029392: -0.1945225913 266.2033565824567 525.6540998570134 A man is slicing a potatoe. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 The woman is putting makeup on the man. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man is preparing a hanging rope. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman dances on a stage. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 The girl is riding the horse. 0.1723521005: 0.9482680718 137.92834975640883 487.6307667262076 A person is frying. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A woman is swinging her arms. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man dries his hands. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A girl is playing the piano. 0.9898008684: -0.2267624465 195.29245465442438 526.7267956669117 A man is drawing some figures. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The monkey is hanging from the trees. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A man is slicing a carrot by a machine. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A cat is playing with an antenna. 0.9537646412: -0.227912185 192.7636283865373 526.7650501703487 A woman is slicing pumpkin. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A person is adding oil in the pan. 0.2335039803: -0.1363583129 142.21965581188346 523.7188375162295 A person is mixing water and flour. 0.2699786097: -0.2497284287 144.77924675803487 527.4909279086646 The two dogs were in the pen. 1.254284607: 0.9827872081 213.85248375679606 486.48223387444614 A man is kicking oots of water. 0.9543659974: -0.2278929987 192.80582829187995 526.7644117965527 A puppy is repeatedly rolling from side to side while on its….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The woman is peeling lemon. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man is playing the trumpet. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A dog is looking around 1.997101655: -0.1946244407 265.97934081485795 525.6574886275511 A man is placing meat in a bag. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A woman is squeezing some cucumber slices. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man takes a piece of pepperoni pizza out of a pizza box an….. 0.7334035544: -0.2019709821 177.29988680992008 525.9019253392656 A woman is feeding an aardvark. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A person is rinsing a steak off with water. 0.45186153: -0.2439254407 157.5428000620085 527.2978488506309 Girls are walking on the stage. -0.05947431257: -0.1491055111 121.66003398763068 524.1429667814826 A large bird standing on a table picks up a plastic glass co….. 0.7964041239: -0.2329327839 181.72092384900597 526.9320973036566 A woman is hitting a man. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is riding an elephant. 0.7491522818: -0.251501416 178.40504677328892 527.5499193655232 A person is riding a jetski in the waves. 0.4353074533: -0.2444535998 156.38112506459828 527.3154219440241 A woman is wearing headphones. 0.6695233448: -0.2540419831 172.81712141806574 527.6344500082255 A group of girls are exiting a taxi. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 A woman is seasoning a piece of meat. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man takes a slice of pizza. 0.7710001597: -0.2337432992 179.9382119180813 526.9590650556745 A man is placing meat inside a plastic bag. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A dog is pawing at a fly in the carpet before it. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 A dog is barking. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 A woman is cooking broccoli. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman serving volleyballs over a net. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A man is playing an electronic keyboard. 1.321170451: -0.2161900756 218.54616819476598 526.3750280204557 People are walking in the garden. -0.05947431257: -0.1491055111 121.66003398763068 524.1429667814826 A person is cutting garlic into pieces with a knife. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A man is folding a piece of paper. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The man was pushed into the water. 0.3814420031: 0.9549391005 152.60114097568123 487.40880591013445 A boy is upset playing video games. 0.9374800776: -0.2284317452 191.6208663589985 526.7823371601531 The man lifted barbells. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A woman feeds an animal by hand. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 Several ferrets climb out of their cage. -0.3950556712: -0.08096736075 98.11076091107752 521.8758502623947 A young woman is playing the flute. 1.22964827: -0.2361711561 212.1236397147893 527.0398455633211 A woman shoots a shotgun. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A person is adding chili powder to chili with beans. 0.2335039803: -0.1363583129 142.21965581188346 523.7188375162295 A dog is opening a fridge. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 A woman is holding a dancing baby up. 0.6139232688: -0.2558159076 168.915410734067 527.6934726491504 The lady added cheese to the sauce. -0.359104616: 1.045845748 100.63361027368705 484.38412795373915 A man is giving a lecture on a podium. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The cat shimmied under the bed. -0.1882343774: 0.9367635336 112.6243535155331 488.01354976807073 A man is cutting grass. 1.280607606: -0.2174842361 215.69968852101496 526.4180877861048 A boy runs away from his fishing line. 1.380852585: -0.2142859127 222.73433553815136 526.3116720422034 A man is carrying another man on his back. 1.254539583: -0.2183159383 213.87037658376164 526.4457604738967 A woman is cutting scallions. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A machine is sharpening a pencil. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A woman is brushing her feet. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A boy plays violin on stage. 0.9374800776: -0.2284317452 191.6208663589985 526.7823371601531 A woman cuts a pink loaf with a knife. 0.5609419831: -0.2575062794 165.19747249963785 527.7497152953035 A man is adding pork chops to a pan. 0.7360084477: -0.1203258708 177.48268404175485 523.1854004621514 The men are fighting each other. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A boy is playing piano and singing. 0.9374800776: -0.2284317452 191.6208663589985 526.7823371601531 A woman is putting on makeup. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A dog is driving a car. 1.853336209: -0.1992112879 255.89066437705677 525.8101038199686 The man sang on stage into the microphone. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A man is holding a frog. 0.8025829076: -0.2327356493 182.1545172552478 526.9255381735733 A man is traveling in a boat. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 The man rode his motorcycle down the highway. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 The women are sitiing down. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A man removes a couple of toaster scrambles from a plastic p….. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A boy is cutting paper. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 A boy is playing with a toy. 0.9481686809: -0.2280907245 192.37093435592976 526.7709906002368 A man dives off of a cliff. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man and woman dance. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 A man is sweeping the floor of a house using a long broom. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A group of couples are dancing. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man set up his camera to take sunset pictures at the bea….. 0.3447444252: 0.9537682616 150.02590471253848 487.44776247497657 The man did pushups on a wall. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 A person breaks an egg into a small bowl. 0.4497227515: -0.2439936786 157.39271222531852 527.3001192856296 A child is walking down the street as a jeep pulls up. 0.5482609183: -0.2408498111 164.30758439992525 527.1955154206948 The man took off his sunglasses while talking. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 The two men did a funny skit with a boxer in front of a crow….. -0.2820850614: 0.9337692206 106.03842337613902 488.1131776034631 The girl is tiding up her bed. -0.1789702994: 0.9370591047 113.27445608347058 488.00371542269266 Someoen is cooking onions. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The man is using a sledghammer to break the concrete block t….. 0.1594265192: 0.9478556801 137.02130281569376 487.64448796548436 The lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook. -0.3226299866: 0.9324756318 103.19320121983851 488.15621834617417 Two kids are playing in a swimming pool with a green colored….. 0.7368400618: -0.1236990423 177.54104219398096 523.2976338111491 A man is putting broccoli into water. 0.9543659974: -0.2278929987 192.80582829187995 526.7644117965527 The doctor was helping the patient. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Some is grating onion into water. -0.1755583029: -0.1528091794 113.51389142771625 524.2661965353465 A baby is talking. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A woman puts ingredients in a whisked egg. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A woman is slicing mango. 0.5823405208: -0.2568235575 166.69910539690045 527.7269995312516 A monkey is karate kicking at someone’s gloved hand. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A female applies something to he hair with her hands. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man is playing the wooden flute. 0.7563163215: 0.9668994932 178.90778008690745 487.01085551351196 A young woman is playing a guitar. 1.33877293: -0.2326895258 219.78141438110669 526.924003533755 A woman is running on the beach. 1.741456313: -0.2198418828 248.0395422415148 526.496532234882 Panda’s play on a swing. 0.1715012375: -0.1417362192 137.86864082253427 523.8977731065561 Two green and white trains sitting on the tracks. 1.284626526: -0.1062218749 215.98171444842902 522.7161273440777 a woman at a dinner table writing on her notebook. -0.06404435624: -0.1663123773 121.33933319841704 524.7154796882676 An Apple computer sitting on the floor. -0.2629439477: -0.1555972248 107.38164254220675 524.3589613642499 A close-up of a brown horse’s head. 1.178321973: -0.2207476668 208.52183962360945 526.5266697985596 A group of people eat at a table outside. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The man is riding a motorcycle down the road. 0.3648879263: 0.9544109415 151.43946597827104 487.42637900352776 A woman riding a brown horse. 1.775559976: -0.2187538029 250.4327516879447 526.4603292579689 A black dog standing in front of yellow flowers. 3.421588422: -0.1491760855 365.94206817058404 524.1453149579885 Close up of a bottle of water. -0.1755583029: -0.1528091794 113.51389142771625 524.2661965353465 A close up of a brown faced cat. 1.091761186: -0.1905375555 202.4474747623458 525.5215083442456 A woman in a gray shirt smiles for the camera while the woma….. 0.9664840593: -0.2616284882 193.65620791406033 527.8868708763812 A silver and blue Amtrak train on the tracks near a small tr….. 0.575919577: -0.2399673596 166.24851850810893 527.1661541824575 A person in a blue shirt reclines near a coffee table and te….. 0.4626283349: -0.243581925 158.29835582113608 527.2864192752775 A black and white photo of a woman showing a horse. 3.137872077: -0.175289135 346.03239947830957 525.0141575294444 A dark brown horse standing in a field. 1.798904792: -0.2009479263 252.0709637805361 525.8678858635409 A pitched tent with a horse in the background. 0.2977752721: -0.2488415741 146.72986521931466 527.4614201715856 A group of people sitting around a table with food on it. 0.3447912832: -0.2473415248 150.02919295450135 527.4115100034621 A brown horse stands in a lush green field. 1.976204964: -0.1952911512 264.51292478110344 525.6796716528999 a black and white cow in hay. 2.131872429: -0.07919043192 275.43682010309846 521.8167276611127 An elderly woman stands in a kitchen with two cats at her fe….. 0.3866932398: -0.1519315611 152.96964418409 524.2369961104596 Three young women standing in a room together. -0.006267325336: -0.1474079383 125.39381072924674 524.0864845402908 Red double decker bus driving through the streets. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A white sheep on a hillside looking at the camera. 1.680287813: -0.2047324097 243.74706988872884 525.9938045284712 A close-up, distorted photo of an empty glass Coke bottle. 0.3400464085: -0.2474929104 149.6962234787555 527.416546957608 Very crowded office desk with computer monitor on. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two people sitting at a table at a restaurant. -0.09247874522: -0.15015852 119.343962556987 524.178002862699 A smiling woman with a beer sitting outside with another smi….. 0.6783207137: -0.2537613024 173.43447288518968 527.6251111010333 The skinny cows are standing on the grass. 0.6727149352: 0.9642321849 173.04108986377662 487.09960313692693 A women laying across two men sitting on a sofa. 0.5355536216: -0.2412552384 163.41585548366876 527.2090049384703 a woman with a big necklace. -0.06404435624: -0.1663123773 121.33933319841704 524.7154796882676 Brown cow with horns standing in a field. 0.4340200014: -0.1333605387 156.29077870152034 523.6190945173003 A cruise liner docked at the shoreline. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Brown and white cow standing in grass at side of road. 1.385824553: -0.1029931443 223.08324116350767 522.6086998859009 A small dog looking up at the camera while standing on grass….. 3.041444876: -0.1613045933 339.2656633612425 524.5488589390138 A tan calf with a yellow tag on his left ear looking at the ….. 0.73087169: -0.235023601 177.122214351646 527.0016637070535 Black and white photo of couch with purse at one end. 0.932116276: -0.1174687403 191.24446395733557 523.0903370104155 Two men on boat floating on the water. -0.005093100416: -0.1473704745 125.47621144249645 524.0852380337956 This is a rear view of a Chevrolet sports car. -0.3714461788: -0.1590589965 99.76754657179075 524.4741426498006 A black and white photo of an old train station. 2.658481654: -0.1735230631 312.3913890372603 524.9553961664017 Group of horses grazing in grassy field. 0.2077089283: -0.1405810101 140.40949946921242 523.8593365848121 Two people dressed in white standing on a grass field. 1.714109259: -0.09251919662 246.1204748715834 522.2602070110623 An orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa. -0.2067380208: -0.1538039706 111.32586854468022 524.2992955781563 Two Eagles perched on a branch. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A striped cat laying down on a bag of cat litter. 0.5592177896: -0.2405002314 165.0764779834402 527.1838840790695 A passenger train in the snow. 0.7785699717: -0.2335017838 180.4694201244707 526.951029269897 The black and white bull is looking at the camera. 2.219807602: 1.01359229 281.6076318857424 485.45727633588984 A living room with a dining table in the background. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A red moped parked on a sidewalk in front of graffiti. 0.5384704813: -0.2411621758 163.62054482217147 527.2059085260744 The seagull is floating on the water. -0.1407470663: 0.9382786198 115.95675452381214 487.96313928814044 A woman posing in front of an apartment building in the snow….. 1.192776891: -0.2373475401 209.5362070674734 527.078986627441 The men are playing a guitar and having a drink. 0.2063124741: 0.94935158 140.3115039186302 487.59471585935 Two cats sitting together on the sofa looking out the window….. 0.2519424814: -0.1391697354 143.51356945055872 523.812380153966 A close-up of an animal with a long face standing on grass n….. 0.5893307562: -0.2395394749 167.18964206845138 527.1519174533745 A brown and white dog sits on a floral-patterned chair. 4.080629231: -0.12814934 412.18996478122216 523.4457056798384 Two sheep on to of a cliff looking at the camera. 0.04321268615: -0.1458292748 128.86604860033972 524.0339586956884 A row of locomotives on a siding in a field. 0.554534839: -0.2406496412 164.74785400298543 527.1888552972782 A boat with four sails is sailing on water. 0.432176928: -0.2445534794 156.1614418400108 527.3187451745587 Red sports car racing down track. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A motorcycle parked next to a car. 0.2628868003: -0.2499546934 144.2815821762801 527.498456267451 Gray cat looking out the window. -0.05315256014: -0.1489038151 122.10366016130047 524.1362558819634 a black and white photo of a cow under a tree. 2.268344434: -0.07483628254 285.0136825622195 521.6718548707158 Four people are rowing a boat near the shore. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse. 1.960355206: -0.1957968389 263.400675021063 525.6964970721897 There is a small desk and chair in front of the laundry room….. -0.09701959263: -0.150303396 119.02531060334059 524.182823230318 An Amtrak passenger train waiting at a station. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A large jet on the ground at the airport. 0.5055117297: -0.2422137272 161.30767903627768 527.2408961143002 People sitting on the porch. -0.2629439477: -0.1555972248 107.38164254220675 524.3589613642499 Two horses standing in a pen. 0.136714667: -0.1428460873 135.4275086557648 523.9347010284341 The red train and the yellow train on on the tracks. -0.008817442954: 0.9424878441 125.21485735592883 487.8230884941779 Two birds are perched on a metal band. -0.2124256133: -0.1539854336 110.92674426127269 524.3053332808902 A passenger train coming into a station. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A white jeep parked in front of a store. 1.490644031: -0.2107830085 230.4389015832124 526.1951221819011 A silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car. 0.5433980669: -0.2410049608 163.9663359555463 527.2006776139044 Feet standing on a pretty day with large building in backgro….. 0.1740302474: -0.1402676581 138.04611296653886 523.8489106262743 A black and white horned cow standing in a field. 3.360190478: -0.1511349914 361.6334946723197 524.2104923653062 A man riding a white horse in an arena. 2.225230847: -0.1873459621 281.98820572463563 525.4153165236428 A train sitting on the tracks near a field. 0.6891646781: -0.2363542663 174.1954432774635 527.0459380708317 A women and small child sitting at a dinner table smiling at….. 0.658909841: -0.2373195491 172.07232349934847 527.0780553000302 Two red buses driving in front of a garden. 0.1012004529: -0.1439791709 132.9353144246571 523.9724013853112 A dog is wearing a gray jacket. 1.955403964: -0.1959548086 263.0532238386823 525.7017530965435 A sheep stands on a hillside. 0.4925572315: -0.2426270414 160.39860286840567 527.2546480504573 A woman in a black bikini top and jeans. 1.662321022: -0.2223667001 242.48625827834186 526.5805388442539 Man standing in front of yellow corvette. 0.06562668419: -0.1451141546 130.43894097627802 524.0101649627754 A man poses in front of a large fountain with a statue on to….. 1.108378288: -0.2229792252 203.61357250046126 526.6009189962671 A white cat standing on a carpet. 1.860704139: -0.1989762135 256.407705556571 525.8022823441204 A flat screen TV on the floor. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Two brown horses standing in grassy field. 1.534930255: -0.09823591593 233.54666772225193 522.450415707847 Two sheep stand in a doorway. 0.05528720305: -0.1454440365 129.71337247089133 524.0211409096942 Room with several computer monitors. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A passenger jet sits on a runway. 0.3447912832: -0.2473415248 150.02919295450135 527.4115100034621 Old green bottle sitting on a table. -0.08564377528: -0.1499404497 119.8236035427741 524.1707471536089 The black and white cows pause in front of the gate. 2.247361154: 1.014471388 283.54119021150876 485.42802667387946 A man and woman stand, smiling for camera. 1.160121797: -0.2383894033 207.24465028413044 527.1136518663931 Grey and white domestic kitten lying down on a desk. 0.827843937: -0.120795557 183.92719879053277 523.2010280250681 A table and chairs are in a room with a picture on the wall ….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The headlights on a blue car. -0.1907535147: 0.9366831604 112.4475741726748 488.0162239754945 An airplane facing the camera. -0.3033319343: -0.1568858065 104.54743348927835 524.4018355076156 a jockey riding a horse. -0.04625138681: -0.1486836327 122.58794694066701 524.1289298942113 The two dogs blend in with the stuff animals. 1.254284607: 0.9827872081 213.85248375679606 486.48223387444614 A train is running on the tracks. 1.222608976: -0.2193346867 211.62966041398175 526.4796566278186 A bird is flapping its wings in the water. 0.446859899: -0.2440850181 157.19181281877454 527.3031583663035 A cruise liner docked at a port. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A red double decker bus on a crowded street. 0.4753291842: -0.2431767035 159.1896322922805 527.272936601809 A woman pets a dog in a fenced area. 2.160738032: -0.2064646687 277.462451003683 526.0514408584356 A man on a mountain bike going down an incline. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A group of horses grazing in a field. 0.642148667: -0.2378543156 170.8961155422768 527.0958482389552 Three sheep on a dirt road viewed from a passenger vehicle. -0.3913874227: -0.1596952233 98.36817862214657 524.4953114136334 The train sits at the train station. -0.2281327111: 0.9354905743 109.82450563830268 488.05590411704384 Two guys sit on a couch holding beers with a girl lying on t….. 0.187158525: -0.1412366723 138.96738403191765 523.8811520059239 Two women in the kitchen looking at a object. -0.05721553041: -0.1490334445 121.81854302437225 524.1405689558321 A race horse galloping without a rider. 0.2977752721: -0.2488415741 146.72986521931466 527.4614201715856 A steam engine and train moving toward the camera. 0.3044032966: -0.2486301065 147.19498390157295 527.4543841468278 A black and white photo of a glass bottle of Coca Cola. 2.658481654: -0.1735230631 312.3913890372603 524.9553961664017 Boy with glasses typing on a computer. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A red truck spins their tires while a black one leaves the f….. 1.57642314: -0.2080462197 236.45841247748737 526.1040627828755 An Esso gas station with trees in the background. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A steam engine comes down a train track near trees. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A train is at a train station. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A group of sheep grazing on a hill. 0.2163478082: -0.2514395234 141.0157290344412 527.5478600528456 Two women are posing for the camera and giving the thumbs up….. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A guy on a white horse. 1.555827535: -0.208703324 235.01312508125898 526.1259261873998 Two dairy cows drinking from a pond. -0.0160976143: -0.1477215744 124.70397455937393 524.0969199507682 There are several sheared sheep in a pen. -0.3913874227: -0.1596952233 98.36817862214657 524.4953114136334 The black dog is lying in the grass. 2.946784471: 1.036786541 332.6229114454781 484.6855490677744 A man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach. 1.717323677: -0.2206118363 246.34604525126548 526.5221503990306 Ten sheep looking at the camera. -0.1272525163: -0.1512679797 116.90372858555949 524.2149171972393 A black table with white fuzzy chair. 2.56703568: -0.1764406537 305.97420837710814 525.052471265129 A blue bird perches on the gloved hand of a person. 0.3707258426: -0.2465140808 151.8491391635752 527.3839789945533 A mallard and a tame white duck on the grass near water. 1.728354874: -0.2031988266 247.12015462496026 525.942778610529 The cat is sitting between two bicycles in front of a door. 0.02707295045: 0.9436329298 127.7334498023255 487.784988801597 A girl with a red bag standing on the street. 0.9353308583: -0.2285003162 191.47004584589095 526.7846186786229 A long train is on train tracks. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A silver AreoMexico Jet Liner sitting on the tarmac. 0.3447912832: -0.2473415248 150.02919295450135 527.4115100034621 Two people sailing a small white sail boat. 1.192573219: -0.1091588424 209.52191449668115 522.8138471608141 A white airplane is parked on the cement. 1.409966542: -0.2133570297 224.77739457089802 526.2807659219283 The man is sitting at a messy table and using a laptop. 0.2940563583: 0.9521510551 146.4688920901718 487.50157073903785 A dining table with candles, wine, and a teapot. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Two people paddling a red canoe are reflected in the still w….. 0.242538448: -0.1394697717 142.8536455723302 523.8223630699886 A scantily clad woman is standing next to a car. 0.8726256541: -0.2475619889 187.06973594093293 527.4188453626339 A white and red bus traveling on the street. 1.675134283: -0.2048968335 243.3854231831552 525.9992752938286 Small boat going down a creek. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Four women and two men sit at a long table in a restaurant. -0.2629439477: -0.1555972248 107.38164254220675 524.3589613642499 A black and white photo of a living room with a large window….. 2.99227093: -0.1628734917 335.8149035320946 524.6010598772201 A person is jumping a bicycle and performing a trick. 0.4678395265: -0.2434156616 158.66404888185562 527.2808872991881 A pug dog wits on a yellow chair next to a green dumpster. 2.137420081: -0.190147571 275.8261241280272 525.5085326431563 Black and white cow standing in grassy field. 1.807120592: -0.08955166319 252.64750393162524 522.1614701943893 The television and desk of hotel room with lamp lighting. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 A close-up picture of a white and purple motorcycle. 1.413822372: -0.2132340092 225.0479756804481 526.2766727399977 A young girl riding a brown horse. 1.740919834: -0.2027979406 248.0018951044558 525.9294401915827 A group of people sitting around a table containing food. 0.3447912832: -0.2473415248 150.02919295450135 527.4115100034621 A red double decker bus on a city street. 0.4753291842: -0.2431767035 159.1896322922805 527.272936601809 A man and two women smiling at the camera while sitting on a….. 1.01286178: -0.2260266864 196.91074391115873 526.7023151983561 Two cows crossing a road intersection. -0.0160976143: -0.1477215744 124.70397455937393 524.0969199507682 Several cows grazing on the median by the road. -0.1865628168: -0.1531602792 112.74165454459373 524.2778784523191 A black cow and a brown cow stands in a plain in front of an….. 2.994834185: -0.1627917109 335.9947788123458 524.5983388363902 Red double decker bus driving down street. -0.380037595: -0.1593331062 99.16464775015214 524.4832629264038 A close up of the front end of a purple and white motor cycl….. 1.493991529: -0.1777043668 230.67381074872378 525.0945179729752 A person in a red cap standing next to a brick support beam. 0.7802847661: -0.2334470732 180.58975505801408 526.9492089182236 A bay foal is walking next to its mother in a grassy field. 1.092527554: -0.2234849441 202.5012542543124 526.6177454515719 A women standing next to a brown cow. 1.393515317: -0.2138819073 223.62293711047744 526.2982298329325 Two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with ….. 0.4713862207: -0.1321683667 158.91293657279908 523.5794281516932 A computer on a desk. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A little bird floating in the water. 0.5154532493: -0.2418965422 162.00532077174836 527.2303426261044 Old blue and white train on tracks. 0.9481127391: -0.116958372 192.36700866339154 523.073355855616 Yellow boat on a beach. -0.2122558808: -0.1539800183 110.93865516457349 524.3051531001886 A kitchendiner with papers laying on the blue clothed dining….. 0.3560428716: -0.2469825421 150.81876818481146 527.3995658028085 Train in a station. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Man playing guitar while sitting down. 0.3061310766: -0.1374408442 147.3162300970123 523.7548558801096 Red double decker bus driving down a street. -0.380037595: -0.1593331062 99.16464775015214 524.4832629264038 The brown train is sitting on the railroad tracks. 0.6524139901: 0.9635844817 171.61648004259746 487.1211537440179 A tiny blonde child in a blue dress sits on a table near her….. 0.5151297893: -0.2419068623 161.98262210648787 527.2306859973274 A close-up view of a horse’s head. 0.2977752721: -0.2488415741 146.72986521931466 527.4614201715856 An old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean. -0.3715443413: -0.1590621284 99.76065806241829 524.4742468548656 A white plane on the runway. 1.409966542: -0.2133570297 224.77739457089802 526.2807659219283 Two lambs stand on a grassy hill. 0.2223963312: -0.1401124075 141.44018145570368 523.8437450718263 Large black and white cat resting on a windowsill. 2.095389631: -0.08035441825 272.87665597794194 521.8554562240705 The white sheep is standing on the green hill. 1.296738508: 0.9841417029 216.83166744364905 486.4371666454177 A group of people sitting around a table on a porch. 0.3447912832: -0.2473415248 150.02919295450135 527.4115100034621 A young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the bac….. 0.6348832031: -0.2380861208 170.38626483457685 527.1035609418394 a brown double decker tour bus on a street with a ferris whe….. 0.4829729145: -0.1317986924 159.7260276720235 523.5671282176704 A man in a black uniform on a white horse. 3.196646752: -0.1563528661 350.15688620075827 524.3841033261679 Cars driving near a model building. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A blue and orange airplane flying with its landing gear down….. 0.3723504648: -0.2464622471 151.9631463100545 527.382254365688 A black and white cat lying on a blanket. 2.749127915: -0.1706309875 318.7524502258723 524.859170007969 A building with a temporary sign over the entrance to its pa….. 0.2041337036: -0.2518292153 140.15860966108346 527.5608260190847 A man and women sitting on a sofa holding a small baby. 1.157089452: -0.2214250919 207.03185685302338 526.5492093267757 An orange kitten lay on a leather couch. -0.3812661936: -0.1593723048 99.07843139297175 524.4845671535759 A subway train pulling into the station. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Two men standing on beach. 0.234418745: -0.1397288315 142.28384901331825 523.8309825962493 Long-haired black dog standing in grassy field. 3.131981828: -0.04728186788 345.61905382448714 520.7550546884767 A small desk with chair near a laundry closet. 0.4300381494: -0.2446217173 156.0113540033208 527.3210156095575 A goose flapping its wings in a body of water. 0.432176928: -0.2445534794 156.1614418400108 527.3187451745587 Boy laying on couch with dog. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two women are sitting in a cafe. -0.09247874522: -0.15015852 119.343962556987 524.178002862699 Eight bottles of Harp lager lined up on the floor. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 photo of a television screen showing a movie. -0.2676888224: -0.1557486104 107.04867306646092 524.3639983183958 A bird perched on a flowerpot. 0.2248444151: -0.2511684385 141.61197465878706 527.5388404216534 White cat sitting inside of a sink. -0.08841577496: -0.1500288906 119.62907969391522 524.1736897888303 Young woman in riding gear on top of horse. 0.2872780437: -0.1551034102 145.9932268713553 524.3425309917825 Two people are sailing a small boat. -0.007231878967: -0.1474387124 125.32612360580642 524.0875084687945 A small bird on a tiny branch. 0.4447211204: -0.244153256 157.04172498208453 527.3054288013022 The young rider takes a ride on the brown horse. 0.9842035892: 0.9741702533 194.89966806861116 486.7689402259621 Little white lamb with nose to wood. 0.8022313116: -0.1216127297 182.1298441586034 523.2282172827161 A white leather couch with a purse and throw blanket on it. 1.409966542: -0.2133570297 224.77739457089802 526.2807659219283 A small bird eating from the feeder. 0.4447211204: -0.244153256 157.04172498208453 527.3054288013022 A young boy laying on a sofa with a dog. 0.4835020914: -0.2429159463 159.76316243174642 527.2642605962762 Two buses parked on a street. -0.2095723925: -0.1538944014 111.12696776493236 524.3023044248529 A train is on the railroad tracks. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Large silver locomotive engine in a shed. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A green steam engine traveling on the railroad tracks. 0.3874616165: -0.2459801247 153.02356468059065 527.3662130192675 The man poses for a photo in front of the train. 0.3699889724: 0.9545736907 151.79742962674035 487.42096395315656 A bicyclist in black on a black and red racing bike. 2.695053287: -0.1723562425 314.95778714511744 524.9165732996495 A television in a messy room with several bookcases. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A black and white cat sleeping on its side on a purple blank….. 2.727371119: -0.1713251397 317.225676703493 524.8822660836864 A woman riding a bicycle on a large concrete area. 1.044502567: -0.2420782434 199.13112212954334 527.2363882499149 A man is standing next to a yellow sports car. 1.167598852: -0.2210897888 207.7693493243842 526.5380530015514 a black and white photo of cows in their stalls. 2.261757393: -0.07504644256 284.55143990183063 521.6788473888122 Double decker bus with the London Eye ferris wheel in backgr….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Domestic cat laying on back of cat litter. -0.0485174413: -0.1487559313 122.4289275711456 524.1313354398571 A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball. 2.601649461: -0.1753362984 308.4032151155393 525.0157267691533 a bird lands in the water. -0.1608753319: -0.1523407181 114.54426240647996 524.2506097270912 A girl in a purple shirt and pink headband posing 0.5019614939: -0.2423269977 161.05854281247247 527.2446648914008 A black and brown dog runs through the woods. 4.899631493: -0.1020190125 469.66308547222104 522.5762882267987 A man crouching and holding a camera. 0.8968247601: -0.2297288561 188.76789747679743 526.8254950904924 A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk ….. 1.780998579: -0.2015192253 250.81440322883893 525.8868943263025 A dog is jumping up in the air to catch a toy. 2.184585881: -0.1886427427 279.13596327084974 525.458463465027 A brown dog laying on a blue cover. 2.85363673: -0.1672966261 326.08630998207764 524.7482279607384 The two boys play in the field. 0.7089294782: 0.9653876125 175.58242936576193 487.0611593411044 The two dogs are running through the grass. 2.814989231: 1.032581604 323.3742388798769 484.8254572065583 A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 boy doing tricks on a skateboard -0.2393301776: -0.1548438257 109.03872839189836 524.3338940050812 Three dogs playing in the snow. 2.356956922: -0.07200909457 291.232024659953 521.5777876775003 A little girl with a ribbon in her hair is picking her nose. 0.4625470452: -0.2435845186 158.29265135264308 527.2865055689119 Many people are in the bicycle racing, including one man in ….. 0.1111563614: -0.1436615269 133.63396589353306 523.9618326224995 A group of people are wearing bunny ears. 0.3359939142: -0.2476222055 149.41184148737744 527.4208489106543 A young girl with glasses sits and holds two American flags. 0.7139129662: -0.2355646704 175.93214342505615 527.0196663563179 A small white and brown dog is jumping over a horizontal pol….. 4.365430586: -0.1190627317 432.1757736712963 523.1433728527145 Two dogs are running through a grassy area. 2.575681597: -0.06503066771 306.5809317486689 521.3455990030805 Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs. 1.359680832: -0.1208883203 221.24861715530554 523.2041144770442 A girl playing is a pile of colorful balls. 0.9630287192: -0.2276166139 193.41373095447477 526.7552158249706 An older man is standing outside in front of a truck. 0.4815021947: -0.1318456158 159.62282056587674 523.5686894702749 Smiling man with reflective classes. 0.1246152826: -0.143232119 134.57843971959787 523.9475452126904 five people standing on a sidewalk -0.1213643635: -0.1510801177 117.31692710169325 524.208666588308 A young boy in a brown jacket playing with snow. 2.501532345: -0.1785305424 301.3775408352941 525.1220067790985 Two large dogs running in some grass. 3.245993482: -0.04364431763 353.61977115481557 520.6340248366051 A man playing fetch with two brown dogs. 2.181972239: -0.1887261311 278.9525520909927 525.4612379947364 a dog is running across the sand with a stick in it’s mouth. 2.827486249: -0.05699682174 324.2512115838994 521.0782940524507 A man is standing in water near a waterfall. 1.0486925: -0.2248835047 199.42514882187092 526.6642788521981 A tan dog jumps up to catch a tennis ball. 2.461629873: -0.1798036337 298.5774025790102 525.1643655207444 The man is jumping into the water. 0.6194354835: 0.9625323 169.30222795551586 487.15616230334183 A child is jumping into a swimming pool. 0.7223073161: -0.235296848 176.52121320807038 527.0107552767688 A girl swings her long, wet hair in a lake. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 A guy and two girls are smiling at the camera. 0.4881955474: -0.2427662012 160.09252362121887 527.2592782260301 A black poodle plays in the snow. 2.466275143: -0.179655426 298.9033823469064 525.1594343025307 two girls holding up a scary movie flyer -0.1435491419: -0.1517879247 115.76012011073001 524.2322169915693 Three boys are running on the beach playing a game. 1.342192379: -0.1043852321 220.0213726806623 522.6550179188508 A brown and black dog is jumping to catch a red ball. 4.622215681: -0.1108699844 450.1955538538663 522.870780879244 The tan dog runs through the leaves. 2.347613536: 1.017669948 290.5763567014867 485.3216030717175 A deer jumps a fence. 0.4822641408: -0.2429554432 159.67628979453926 527.2655747512424 A black dog jumps through the water. 3.405847712: -0.149678294 364.8374708804469 524.1620246154959 A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow. 2.594913792: -0.1755512005 307.9305425230771 525.022877064744 Three children and playing and laughing on the floor. 0.1715012375: -0.1417362192 137.86864082253427 523.8977731065561 A man in a blue shirt is running in a stadium field. 2.321953729: -0.1842600114 288.7756911079279 525.312639686479 Children jumping on a trampoline. -0.1595803064: -0.1522994002 114.63514024756334 524.2492349839038 A skier speeds through the snow. 0.7785699717: -0.2335017838 180.4694201244707 526.951029269897 A boy and a girl playing on the beach. 1.306590234: -0.2166552585 217.52300797548918 526.3905057488477 The child in the red coat laid in the red mat. 0.1325005466: 0.946996605 135.13178462349217 487.6730714158762 Two dogs play in the grass. 2.507270689: -0.06721332277 301.7802266194083 521.4182210701632 A little boy and a little girl playing together outside. 1.258459029: -0.2181908881 214.14542198459208 526.4415997589575 Two people sit on the end of a dock. -0.09404011771: -0.1502083357 119.23439393492066 524.1796603483407 A man chases a dog trying to pass the barrier to enter a pla….. 3.009451582: -0.1623253417 337.02054815527697 524.5828216388061 A bloody man and woman pose for a picture. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 A yellow dog is playing in a grassy area near flowers. 2.688441879: -0.17256718 314.49383455071063 524.923591684559 two big brown dogs running through the snow. 3.680876131: -0.02976935469 384.1374682434006 520.1723721865246 Two dogs share a toy in a field of vegetation. 1.407707673: -0.1022949618 224.6188794392613 522.5854697097344 A blond haired lady in white poses for the camera. 1.504208395: -0.2103502365 231.39077479244764 526.1807228388475 Two girls are sitting in front of a statue. 0.1719909943: -0.1417205934 137.90300928894726 523.8972532018742 Young boys running along the pavement. 0.8309113134: -0.1206976921 184.14245057443938 523.1977718305988 A young child slides down an orange slide. 0.3415660755: -0.2474444253 149.80286543281986 527.4149337447709 a black and white dog running through some red and white pol….. 5.997792794: 0.04415204211 546.7260679738719 517.7128334565684 Three individuals are posing on skis behind a «no skiing» si….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man in a white suit walks down the street holding a newspa….. 2.34048748: -0.1836686907 290.07628886602436 525.2929650563792 a boy swinging on a swing. -0.2393301776: -0.1548438257 109.03872839189836 524.3338940050812 A brown dog about to catch a green Frisbee. 2.993750671: -0.1628262805 335.91874369894595 524.5994890480689 The man in the backpack looks to his left. 0.3293195731: 0.9532761305 148.94347255755707 487.464136832171 An elderly man in a blue shirt is holding up a piece of canv….. 0.4276299655: -0.1335644132 155.84236076206827 523.6258779036577 A group of people are standing by a window watching somethin….. 0.4863708674: -0.2428244178 159.96447751398787 527.2612152275202 A dog is jumping over a barrier at a agility competition. 2.065202082: -0.1924516916 270.7582580528293 525.5851961540718 A person is riding their bike on a trail next to the woods. 0.5227037131: -0.2416652157 162.5141188501362 527.2226458467386 A woman in a black dress smiles in front of a silver truck. 1.767455589: -0.219012374 249.8640299378546 526.4689325251919 A dog is on the beach near a ball. 2.028718608: -0.1936156995 268.1980464511837 525.6239254352241 A dog emerges form the water with a stick in its mouth. 2.268264938: -0.1859729562 285.00810401459165 525.3696333895424 A dog carries a leash in its mouth. 2.064997101: -0.1924582315 270.7438736022537 525.5854137530508 A skier is falling into the snow. 0.7785699717: -0.2335017838 180.4694201244707 526.951029269897 A dog with a red toy in it’s mouth. 2.312628649: -0.1845575287 288.1213077320874 525.3225387892437 A dog leaping over a hurdle. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 Two men are setting up some electronic equpitment -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 A black dog is walking on the grass with a stick in it’s mou….. 3.781234844: -0.1377015399 391.18009644018474 523.7635298383693 A girl runs with dogs in a dry field. 3.367821779: -0.1508915142 362.1690178495611 524.2023913053463 a group of old men walking down the street -0.05947431257: -0.1491055111 121.66003398763068 524.1429667814826 Three dogs standing in snow next to a blue fence. 1.784737375: -0.09026580138 251.0767715818622 522.185231251776 A boy in black waves his arms while other people are behind ….. 1.831408595: -0.19991089 254.35190379478533 525.833381228437 A group of young ballerinas are in a dance studio. 0.3252584822: -0.2479647203 148.65848730757682 527.4322451818914 A young boy in a white dress shirt is playing on a grassy pl….. 2.537035646: -0.177397807 303.8689692781821 525.084318006587 A man and a dog are playing tug of war. 2.918472695: -0.1652280298 330.63614507966935 524.6794008987182 A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool. 0.2667403864: -0.2498317445 144.5520058721366 527.4943654667765 Two dogs playing with a ball in a puddle. 2.025841168: -0.0825733671 267.996123401775 521.9292858708833 Three dogs are playing in the water. 2.010563878: -0.08306079015 266.92404637549305 521.945503582162 The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow. 2.391768159: 1.019078705 293.6748877560488 485.2747304302943 Two people walking on the beach at sunset. 0.1109908899: -0.1436668063 133.6223540024109 523.9620082799318 A man and dog on a rocky seashore. 2.349397671: -0.1833844104 290.7015575248639 525.2835063828585 The smiling woman at the beach is buried in seaweed. -0.02923311965: 0.9247754219 123.78219629451296 488.41242244106155 A man standing on a boat is pulling another boat close by wi….. 1.009612978: -0.1931585002 196.68276064388465 525.6087133368773 a man plays his white guitar. 2.004405398: -0.08325727691 266.4918777533139 521.9520411590024 A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains. 1.846893203: -0.1994168524 255.43852929499246 525.8169434369365 Two shirtless young people playing in the water. 0.679078962: -0.1255419145 173.48768262485547 523.3589505016381 Close-up of a hummingbird. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Woman in a black dress walking on the street. 1.101149105: -0.1120757355 203.1062677848827 522.9108990549294 a brown dog running through the dirty muddy grass 3.208840452: -0.04482968782 351.01257369302795 520.6734648904868 Three dogs pulling a man on a bicycle through the snow. 2.310070967: -0.07350499442 287.94182355701656 521.6275597836346 A black dog wearing an orange collar is entangled with fishi….. 3.259165649: -0.1543581961 354.54412207318154 524.3177359636124 a man in red shorts is walking along rocks by a river carryi….. 0.7681402641: -0.1227004071 179.73752001791618 523.2644068672772 Man rowing a boat. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Three dogs running on a racetrack. 2.231920902: -0.075998378 282.4576773946585 521.7105205195621 A black and brown dog walks through the snow near a building….. 4.246951113: -0.1228428281 423.86152912035493 523.2691455484463 A dog is jumping into a swimming pool after a duck. 2.282775531: -0.1855099947 286.02637840892845 525.3542295708568 A dog running through a forest in the winter time 2.839656133: -0.167742678 325.10522780695305 524.7630691587744 The girl is playing along with the images on the big screen. 0.4478986838: 0.9570594058 157.26470908685874 487.33825836616 Many people run in a race on a street. 0.632409937: -0.1270308932 170.21270448411047 523.4084923243137 A man in swimming trunks is standing against some rocks. 1.226133386: -0.2192222401 211.87698432195617 526.4759152662992 Two white dogs walking in the snow. 3.496251673: -0.03565981163 371.18152873070426 520.3683615428957 A woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with her arms ….. 1.011668795: -0.2431258073 196.8270267011536 527.2712431656533 The dog is running with food in his mouth. 2.504520638: 1.022676081 301.5872430200133 485.1550372645425 Two dogs running down a beach. 2.587704011: -0.06464709172 307.4245993062834 521.3328365275034 A black and white dog swimming in the pool 4.363217296: -0.1191333469 432.02045698759866 523.1457223864431 A man is scalling a sheer rock face with a rope support. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water. 1.242387488: -0.2187036518 213.01760872926525 526.4586606130779 A white and brown dog playing with a black toy. 5.605954175: -0.07948373524 519.2289665875311 521.8264865525755 Two brown dogs are biting each other. 2.271096707: -0.07474847107 285.20682210181826 521.6689331764599 A young girl doing a back flip in the water. 0.7310662169: -0.2350173946 177.13586518721021 527.0014572057438 A snowboarder rides a snowboard down a railing beside a flig….. 0.4156228512: -0.2450816384 154.9997668426006 527.336318267952 A woman with two men in hats socializing outside. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A small boy in a bathrobe is sitting in a metal chair. 0.7613505885: -0.2340511695 179.26105754054848 526.9693086239225 a group of teenagers are dancing on a wooden floor. -0.3715443413: -0.1590621284 99.76065806241829 524.4742468548656 A girl runs along a river bank with two black dogs. 2.582825333: -0.1759368836 307.0822402498404 525.0357096514025 A teenage girl running on a beach shouting, with an older ma….. 2.266689771: -0.186023212 284.89756730539864 525.3713055198011 Man riding a surfboard on a wave. -0.1921123796: -0.1533373384 112.35221643030603 524.2837696287398 A man riding a motorcycle while wearing a black uniform. 2.182274538: -0.1887164863 278.9737657694541 525.4609170874658 a black dog swimming through a river. 2.555676967: -0.06566891692 305.1771156844294 521.3668350552111 Two little girls are playing on a trampoline. 0.5943520411: -0.1282451331 167.54200850993425 523.4488929440085 Two girls are jumping high in the air. 0.1946771468: -0.1409967901 139.49499998198948 523.8731705615552 A dog is running along the grass. 3.445707184: -0.1484065746 367.63459164465814 524.1197115205842 A man with long hair is looking through a camera. 0.9964854199: -0.2265491754 195.76154009530543 526.7196996355085 A little girl in a red shirt pulls a kite. 0.7970794549: -0.2329112374 181.76831489680376 526.9313804015017 A little girl with her hands in the air is sitting on a man’….. 1.139756381: -0.2219781048 205.8155162826966 526.5676093667938 A man in a straw hat shades his phone while others walk on a….. 1.070449988: -0.2241893304 200.95197085179447 526.6411820426889 A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall. 0.8153908952: -0.2323270096 183.05331210254025 526.9119417668088 A dog swims in the water. 2.266797534: -0.1860197738 284.9051295890813 525.3711911222996 A woman in an red tracksuit squeezing lemons in a press. 0.791322423: -0.2501559745 181.36431774054543 527.5051533636728 a white dog running in the snow 3.51419219: -0.03508741812 372.44049654106647 520.3493166646294 The black dog is running through the snow. 3.953770814: 1.068914514 403.2877316028319 483.6165758291186 Three dogs are running in a field. 2.576294297: -0.06501111947 306.6239277176206 521.3449485869318 A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing….. 1.375274156: -0.2315249515 222.34287174912882 526.8852554074274 A white dog running through the snow 4.121927421: -0.1268317182 415.088046953361 523.4018653038416 A man on skis on a snow-covered hill with mountains in the b….. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Two dogs are running on the grass. 2.950643197: -0.05306749025 332.89369579856117 520.9475559522135 A man is spraying a fluid from a long hose at the beach. 0.9176684194: -0.2290638376 190.23059202873722 526.8033683613949 A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline. 0.3939536949: -0.2457729945 153.47914339966923 527.3593213091109 A woman standing in front of trees and smiling. 0.9005777868: -0.2466701741 189.03126445699053 527.3891725850642 three little boys cover themselves with bubbles. -0.1707368272: -0.1526553498 113.8522363448722 524.2610782648823 A bird sits in a tree. 0.3660612949: -0.2466629036 151.52180659365382 527.3889306771106 A brown dog chews on an orange ball. 2.925572902: -0.1650014972 331.1343989807215 524.6718636250777 A dog in the snow. 2.395617129: -0.1819097752 293.9449875174421 525.2344418008529 Dalmation running along the beach. 0.8579856102: -0.1198338847 186.04237734711447 523.1690309257062 Four black dogs run across the grass. 4.08957048: -0.0167299314 412.8174129805786 519.7385199055466 A man in red and black is hitting a soccer ball with his hea….. 2.16543978: -0.1892536005 277.79239410084557 525.4787881397918 A brown dog is walking on the grass. 3.594111869: -0.1436717122 378.04882458631386 523.962171512827 The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline. -0.02466307597: 0.941982288 124.10289708372659 487.83990953427656 The black and white dog runs through the grass. 5.133424476: 1.106551451 486.06940443838187 482.364306415352 A large black and white dog is swimming in the water. 4.880583065: -0.1026267539 468.3263705038407 522.5965092154848 Children are playing in a swimming pool while two adult men ….. 0.3890746869: -0.1347945222 153.13676117863344 523.666806523341 Two kids splashing in the water. -0.005093100416: -0.1473704745 125.47621144249645 524.0852380337956 The brown and white dog is walking in shallow waters. 3.672735881: 1.059948074 383.56622977186737 483.9149103842262 A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stan….. 1.672113892: -0.2049931993 243.17346858717647 526.0024816104994 A girl jumping rope on a sidewalk near a parking garage. 0.6319471752: -0.238179795 170.18023037950385 527.1066777023183 A person is out in the water at the beach while the sun sets….. 0.2699786097: -0.2497284287 144.77924675803487 527.4909279086646 A dog jumps in midair to catch a Frisbee. 2.173897278: -0.1889837634 278.3858952739185 525.4698100249433 Two females jump off of swings. 0.01088489607: -0.1468606954 126.59746026234357 524.0682764823529 A woman with a young girl pose with bear statues in front of….. 0.9232576524: -0.2459465713 190.62281397022545 527.3650966186377 A shirtless man playing football on a lawn. 1.301425538: -0.2168200385 217.16057768669805 526.3959883677624 A girl wearing green twists something in her hands. 0.6970863374: -0.2361015252 174.75134220759068 527.0375287792156 The clowns are striking a pose for the camera. -0.3855699695: 0.930467527 98.77641582597614 488.2230327154234 A boy pushes a wagon with two pumpkins. 0.3684050533: -0.2465881258 151.68627880419294 527.3864426442934 Two soccer players battle for the ball during an intense mat….. -0.1602810133: -0.1523217563 114.58596845399815 524.2499788240677 The black dog is walking through the tall grass. 3.261071797: 1.046813901 354.67788520476813 484.3519152075956 Two black dogs playing in the snow. 3.646052272: -0.03088041249 381.6937193423634 520.2093396927235 A black and a yellow dog 3.052152307: -0.160962972 340.0170526028953 524.5374923921331 Three children in a ball pit. -0.3307462158: -0.1577604612 102.62364843921792 524.4309373256186 A small white dog and large brown dog play on the grass. 7.157166665: -0.0299921865 628.0846153846153 520.1797863249164 A woman holds a dog while another dog stands nearby in a fie….. 4.468600401: -0.1328321498 439.4156696769364 523.6015137760432 A black dog is running in snow. 4.526694808: -0.1139175849 443.49241891903074 522.9721817155369 A woman dressed in green is playing with her tan dog. 1.395404547: -0.2308826898 223.7555130240153 526.8638858530252 The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddl….. 0.5024635135: 0.9588003007 161.09377182114747 487.2803346980183 Two brown dogs running together on sand 3.286812041: -0.04234199852 356.4841953882238 520.5906936168716 Two girls with ponytails ride an amusement park ride. 0.1621450736: -0.1420347283 137.21207616473214 523.9077052063913 A dog digging in the sand. 1.827208601: -0.2000448911 254.0571710729948 525.8378397608644 Two men sit on the sidewalk in front of stores. -0.01180125641: -0.1475844987 125.00546956930137 524.0923591226718 A black and white spotted dog jumps over a stream. 4.383637327: -0.1184818443 433.4534236113342 523.1240453628654 A person on a bmx bike. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A group of people standing outside of a building. 0.4863708674: -0.2428244178 159.96447751398787 527.2612152275202 A group of four children dancing in a backyard. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 a group of teenagers are jumping in the air on the beach. 0.02573759954: -0.1463868188 127.6397421444081 524.052509493396 Several people are sitting around a fire at night. -0.2629439477: -0.1555972248 107.38164254220675 524.3589613642499 Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the bea….. 4.224683303: -0.01241914683 422.2988954223001 519.595089964447 One man and two women dressed in vampire costumes 0.1490723612: -0.1424518141 136.29470436679622 523.9215826336557 Two boys, one wearing a hat, in a playground. -0.1012761142: -0.1504392007 118.72661108986307 524.1873417698912 A white fluffy dog is running in pure white snow. 5.807674858: -0.07304782202 533.3846260331497 521.6123485828023 A woman holding a newspaper. 0.6139232688: -0.2558159076 168.915410734067 527.6934726491504 A white dog with red ears is running in the snow. 4.924881691: -0.101213403 471.4350069073158 522.5494837066584 Kids play soccer on a field. 0.5158746324: -0.1307489606 162.03489114549637 523.5322011739256 One child pulls another, sitting in a red wagon, along the s….. 0.04248155963: -0.1458526015 128.81474212062318 524.0347348280504 An owl has its wings up and widespread during the day. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A woman sings into a microphone by a guy playing a guitar. 1.223675892: -0.2363617053 211.7045307535532 527.0461855817722 Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking beh….. 1.754823801: -0.09122019614 248.97759983803107 522.2169862100778 A brown furry animal stands behind some plants. 1.366917569: -0.2147305104 221.75645191828266 526.3264648544944 A child in a red shirt is using a black wake board to splash….. 1.663324001: -0.2052736414 242.5566418918143 526.0118125792724 The tan and white dog is running in the field. 3.89179203: 1.066937077 398.93839791532355 483.68236983110677 Two teenage girls, one is smiling. -0.2271085843: -0.1544538949 109.89637328250896 524.3209200891455 Two hikers stand at the top of a snowy mountain. 0.049100839: -0.1456414129 129.27924711647347 524.0277080867571 Two children in a field of red flowers. 0.05084126726: -0.1455858844 129.40138089753341 524.0258605232425 A small black dog is in the grass. 3.713972546: -0.1398475485 386.4599944530448 523.8349325914895 A lady dressed in a kimono is looking at the camera. 0.4987534291: -0.2424293512 160.83341829063463 527.2480704344798 A group of people are firing up a hot air balloon. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Children play fight with swords. 0.1715012375: -0.1417362192 137.86864082253427 523.8977731065561 A man is wind sailing in the ocean. 0.7323505135: -0.2349764191 177.22599013189247 527.0000938519026 Two people holding hands and walking in a field. 0.5255966789: -0.130438778 162.71713144872834 523.5218806689719 Woman in red overalls standing on the sidewalk. 0.1262671849: -0.1431794149 134.694361231527 523.945791624501 A dog is running through a backyard full of leaves. 2.839656133: -0.167742678 325.10522780695305 524.7630691587744 Two black and white dogs are playing together outside. 4.277448842: -0.0107356584 426.00169378879076 519.5390763447547 Three dogs running through water. 2.453936386: -0.06891495763 298.03751555464595 521.4748384642122 A woman sits alone against a brick wall 0.6783207137: -0.2537613024 173.43447288518968 527.6251111010333 A young woman leans over her plate at a meal. 0.6587879128: -0.2543844978 172.06376723826514 527.6458462794626 A brown dog sits on the beach. 3.027703047: -0.1617430274 338.3013366486122 524.5634466708842 The man is riding a bike down a dirt hill. 0.3648879263: 0.9544109415 151.43946597827104 487.42637900352776 A large gray dog is playing in the deep snow. 3.262405332: -0.1542548337 354.7714653868354 524.3142968560376 A dog in in a car. 1.853336209: -0.1992112879 255.89066437705677 525.8101038199686 A brown dog is splashing water everywhere by shaking the wat….. 2.78802043: -0.169390119 321.4817151893172 524.8178833932062 A woman is eating fish at a restaurant. 0.5436908746: -0.2580566773 163.98688361071163 527.7680283274798 A skateboarder doing a trick on a stone wall. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 People are standing on an escalator moving up. -0.1213643635: -0.1510801177 117.31692710169325 524.208666588308 A lady is running her dog through an agility course. 2.865937536: -0.166904168 326.9495135818017 524.7351699561251 Two people sit on a dock near the water. 0.1295367387: -0.1430750996 134.92380071697448 523.9423208073491 Hockey goal-keeper laying on the ice in front of net. -0.316896298: -0.1573185785 103.5955602800431 524.4162348506692 A skier wearing blue snow pants is flying through the air ne….. 0.5643415307: -0.240336758 165.43603424769887 527.1784449366019 The brown dog is running along a grassy pathway. 3.378368291: 1.050556254 362.909114682862 484.22739831200704 The girl is wearing a blue striped shirt and Rollerblades. 0.1796444594: 0.948500735 138.4400878099397 487.6230254727351 A tattooed man in black playing a white guitar and singing. 3.619860783: -0.1428501912 379.8557432452028 523.934837576556 A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing….. 1.315606821: -0.2334286422 218.15574296461233 526.9485956750102 A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it’s mou….. 3.469532651: -0.1476464213 369.3065332080396 524.0944194334627 A woman is sitting on a sidewalk with a cell phone at her ea….. 0.6783207137: -0.2537613024 173.43447288518968 527.6251111010333 A young boy plays in a red ball pit. 1.367036235: -0.2147267244 221.76477928787497 526.3263388832512 The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Two men in a running contest. 0.7853389478: -0.1221516818 180.9444300164673 523.2461494870555 Two kids are walking on a path in the woods. 0.1717894014: -0.1417270253 137.88886259575406 523.897467204208 Two dogs run side-by-side on the grass. 2.950643197: -0.05306749025 332.89369579856117 520.9475559522135 Two dogs are peeing at a red fire hydrant. 1.637570121: -0.09496118345 240.74937480531412 522.3414576562942 Two people are walking through some water. 0.3330063738: -0.1365833859 149.20219216239835 523.7263262245818 The dog is in the air above the grass. 1.802541699: 1.000279391 252.32618214591858 485.90022780864837 Girl stands in subway waiting on something. -0.1213643635: -0.1510801177 117.31692710169325 524.208666588308 A group of people in boats racing towards the shore. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face. 0.2298460462: -0.2510088611 141.96296190202102 527.5335309059808 A young girl running on the beach. 1.706816171: -0.2038860205 245.60868565802588 525.965643168496 A baseball player throws the ball. 0.4116714507: -0.2452077082 154.7224790582124 527.3405129042684 A young girl dressed in a Minnie mouse outfit and an older w….. 1.205136716: -0.236953199 210.4035523250114 527.0658659704166 Then the captain was gone.Then the captain came back.main-….. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 go figure You’re asking me to prove a negative? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The prices for everything you need have gone up due to infla….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Imagine a place that’s % white and % black. 0.8022313116: -0.1216127297 182.1298441586034 523.2282172827161 Nirvana is very different than oblivion. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 We in Britain think differently to Americans. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The whole earth combined produces enough food for billion p….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 BTW he had appropriate deferments for the time. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Hey, Blue-Eyes, How’s things in London? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 .Nazi is a slang term for the NSWP. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 They produce nothing I can eat, wear, live in. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 DICKSHOT Matt Holliday owns. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Funny, I thought the same thing about some math. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 Fairies don’t exist – fine. -0.4043025494: -0.1601072814 97.46186533232789 524.5090215546979 You wanna know what I find curious? -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 When did I compare homo sexuaity with a developmental disord….. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 If you asked , conservatives, the numbers will be skewed to ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ramblin’ Rose by Nat King Cole We are all vessels filled wit….. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 from the year prior. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Fundimental difference, please? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 How exactly is Germany being ‘punished’ for the stupidity of….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 We never got out of it in the first place! -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 It’s not imposing morals. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 It depends how you define extreme. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 At least Mexico had a presence in California. -0.4467321611: -0.1614610013 94.48438614131081 524.5540629991785 And that’s why you’re yelling at me and refusing to answer m….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Human Element You could sign Lance Berkman at the end of….. -0.5722986993: 0.9245099331 85.67280998788489 488.4212558756837 Why was the Book of Thomas left out of the canon? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 You mean, you believe the word of the Mainstream Media? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Israel doesn’t give a ****, accept it. -0.4329633356: -0.1610217059 95.45060736721668 524.5394466082953 We are all vessels filled with many wonders. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 Slutstamp! A dear friend from Ohio sent me this. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 And yet, the Titanic story is the one that holds up to scrut….. -0.3273413926: -0.15765183 102.86258039108407 524.427322912367 Can he really make mone from google ad sense. -0.3939158526: -0.04524205153 98.19074717759113 520.6871852009451 They know that the video doesn’t show a gas chamber. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Dr. Neander’s revised version. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 you have no remains of a missile at the pentagon. -0.4053965906: -0.1601421869 97.38509148076423 524.510182941546 pressing one does not «do» english. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What’s my opinion regarding the series? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 but okay, ultimate sovereignty? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 that is not an answer. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 But we can’t do it without help. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Got some Heine and coors light i started it last night xanis….. -0.4260987965: -0.1608026923 95.93232335774898 524.5321595098301 Gorgons don’t exist – fine. -0.4043025494: -0.1601072814 97.46186533232789 524.5090215546979 Best way to get money out is to get rid of lobby, all of it. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Dutchy Has anyone heard from Dutchy? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 You are a Christian. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 And the simple fact today? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED DURING THE NEXT HOURS. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 How long after the obliteration should the kid return to sch….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A man and a woman are different yes. 1.065879944: -0.2413961966 200.63127006258085 527.2136949494738 Facilitator : Show me the smart child. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 religious fiction Isn’t that redundant and repetetive? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Some people have complete confidence in the people running t….. 0.6148737453: -0.1275903866 168.98211000168706 523.4271079886063 -Not- talking about it ‘and’ -Not- doing anything. -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 My niece is married to a black man. 0.7210563603: -0.1242026225 176.43342793535896 523.3143891074703 So, you actually believe every word of what Terral wrote? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What isn’t how what was sold? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I know I’d hate to be him. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 there were no weapons. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I guess I pulled it out of the census’s rear end in a top ha….. -0.6738158142: -0.168706122 78.5488914545737 524.795125204204 How is this slanted against Bush?? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I’ve never accused him of over-milligraming, nothing. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The bailout was bigger than TARP Bloomberg news. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 His position is that it is the individual’s risk to assume. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Nixon, Ford and Carter shut down the oilfields? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 i don’t want a president who ‘cares’. -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 It doesn’t have to be braindead. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 My gosh, I’m the one with the pregnancy ticker. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Then he is not omnipotent. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 ALL of the electrical energy comes from the battery. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Imagine a place with % men and % women. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 to repeat: They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Out of touch and completely untrustworthy, however, wouldn’t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 It is mostly just the Dutch. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 We’re talking about angels and common pins again, right? -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 claims about trayvon’s character And when did I do that? -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 There is no more egg cell post-fertilization. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 If you haven’t made any claims, then just say so. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 No Thatcherite can ever call themselves a libertarian. -0.4276728569: -0.1608529128 95.82186436321201 524.5338304644702 this is NOT a war deployment. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Nutrax The plural of anecdote is not data Did gentlemen need….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 h and i both read the books and thought the movie moved so q….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 That’s not the Moloch scene, though. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 @Lustig Andrei, So Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy were comp….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 You need to make up your mind. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 – Admin DrPizza and i’d forgotten what a whiny little bed we….. -0.3357091991: -0.1579188055 102.27537328530171 524.436205814499 Bienging is unaccptable. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that ex….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What do we get in return for doing the fighting for them? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 She was a great lady. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Not as irritated as you. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I said she has not ever had to be a part of any workforce. -0.7480220555: -0.1710736776 73.34150136724648 524.8738993471821 I didn’t say we had gotten soft since / Rand. -0.6335455555: -0.1113231121 81.37483900315777 522.8858575032235 We all believe that we are getting what we expect. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Unless it’s different in different countries? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 He said at EVERY level. -0.6243116765: -0.1671266888 82.02282237414363 524.7425737482223 Let’s let this play out in court. 0.1715012375: -0.1417362192 137.86864082253427 523.8977731065561 Being in a gang isnt a crime. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I’d offer Iran a deal. -0.4741931756: -0.162337147 92.55732162037413 524.5832144269676 Has Annie ever used her sexuality like that? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 You should put scientists on a pedestal. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What are they trying to hide? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Or this one by Jim Croce We are all vessels filled with many….. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 The point is an unarmed child was murdered. -0.3534708529: 1.222424655 101.0289570982125 478.50893239890604 Irreligion that does that I have a problem. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 Sometimes I fantasize about having power. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 Regulation get the government into everything. -0.4830042635: -0.1626182654 91.93900743746624 524.5925678975225 I’m so sorry to hear this Kelly. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I don’t like flavored beers. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 I hope everything is ok! -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 And I’m your friend Mitt. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I think you need to reread what I wrote. -0.6722544417: -0.1686563063 78.65846007664007 524.7934677185624 Mom busted in and said, «What’s that noise?» -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Holder filed a three-page letter. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 @Lustig Andrei, Lustig, agreed. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I don’t know how legitimate this is, but I heard he’s kind o….. -0.6722544417: -0.1686563063 78.65846007664007 524.7934677185624 council tax Hasn’t council tax been frozen for most people? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Is that how it works? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 wait until they become more consistent and closer together. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 @Frank Apisa, What you want to call it is up to you. -0.4276728569: -0.1608529128 95.82186436321201 524.5338304644702 Jury nullification has NOTHING to do with the Constitutional….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 So I actually read the OP and guess what I found out. -0.674089701: -0.1687148603 78.52967156672283 524.7954159506564 The government does not determine if you are married or not. -0.4481930269: 0.9284695338 94.38187053356216 488.2895106503165 Hi Pro and Corn: How many threads do you plan on making? -0.4527184651: -0.1616519948 94.06429991292963 524.5604178011163 Oh, and again asserts that marriage is a fundamental human r….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Originally Posted by JonD Doubtful. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Classical Gas We are all vessels filled with many wonders. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 He had no intention of apprehending him. -0.4112037352: -0.1603274642 96.97757767908152 524.5163475556695 You’re «a bunch of cells.» -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What is a girl douche? -0.213781536: -0.1540286944 110.83159298737465 524.3067726698987 Jury nullification means a law isn’t Constitutional? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In it was a mental illness, now what are they teaching you? -0.4232186344: -0.1607108005 96.13443745146508 524.5291020541279 Bush gets zero credit for the budget under him. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Holly Holy We are all vessels filled with many wonders. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 What was the «answer» in Chicago? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Use of force in defense of person.-A -0.452725739: -0.1616522268 94.06378946805768 524.5604255228073 What conviction would that be? -0.5109126895: -0.1635086858 89.98054601322325 524.6221942780439 For the trillionth time, I’ve never said rehabilitation does….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Charlie Rangel Censured Did anyone see the footage of this? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Red October standing by. -0.1213643635: -0.1510801177 117.31692710169325 524.208666588308 That’s just not how legal briefs are written. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 No, none of those factors account for the recent warming. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Stone notified Captain Lord. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The primary focus of Systematic Dialectics is syn chronic, n….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 And that is happening in GOP controlled states. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 @Frank Apisa, Frank, I observe and perceive. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 Government deciding what pregnancies need to be carried to t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Put a Little Love in your Heart We are all vessels filled wi….. -0.4030469399: -0.1600672211 97.54997717715425 524.5076886537732 God definately does not exist. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I don’t understand how freedom of speech will be prohibited. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 You purport to value life very heavily. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 So answer the question. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Haiti is a shithole. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Face Of The Franchise: The worst part is that he’s not e….. -0.293140077: 3.113370798 105.26264255601649 415.5927068490783 Jake with the assist. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Is it possible his home was affected and the school was not? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The people had awakened. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 How do you know what’s right and wrong? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I missed the point where he said that black people were goin….. 0.3798997888: 0.1558457554 152.49291676926458 513.9965209193718 Proverbs John the Baptist was a Nazarite from birth. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 James : says faith without works is dead. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Originally Posted by Lone Fox You’ve said that multiple time….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 You might not like Obamas views, but he has them. -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 March is also the date for the uprising in CHINA. -0.408218979: -0.1602322354 97.18703162188618 524.5131790673172 I hope everything is OK! -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 Do you understand why it’s absurd to limit the question to U….. -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 I have seen UFO over Warsaw in the past. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 depending on which action furthers their loony-tunes agenda ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Sadly Ford did accept taxpayer money. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Muslims would say the same thing about the Qur’an. -0.5765245347: 0.9243751076 85.37626386422843 488.4257418401213 Your confusion doesn’t make me a liar. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Evolution is not an opinion, not a belief. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Where in the world is Ron Paul? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The point you quote should say «I never said rehabilitation ….. -0.67993075: 1.212008928 78.11977854216202 478.85548813543056 my hair is pretty thing tho :/ Quote: Ditto. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 lol Looking forward to seeing your built-in’s! -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Thanks Candy for starting the thread. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 If evidence is not provided to support a position; then it s….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Everyone else at the current prosperity level of Mexico. -0.3951135334: -0.08278093254 98.10670046094468 521.9361920612691 We both thought the movie was good and we didn’t find it con….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Edited by LashL: Edited to properly mask profanity. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 runs victim down Got any proof? 0.6148737453: -0.1275903866 168.98211000168706 523.4271079886063 you don’t use the search button much, do you? -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. -0.6493453607: -0.1679253903 80.26609468175769 524.7691484269179 The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the s….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return ….. -0.4143571692: -0.1604280748 96.7562868499111 524.5196951050416 Darren Dopp, a Spitzer spokesman, declined to comment late T….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Sens. John Kerry and Bob Graham declined invitations to spea….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Page said it’s also possible that genes on the Y chromosome ….. -0.6213269203: -0.1670314599 82.23227631694827 524.73940525987 Dunlap won both the swimsuit competition and the talent port….. -0.5349141142: -0.164274453 88.29625667218437 524.6476731546294 South Asia follows, with 1.1 millions youths infected — 62 p….. -0.4750703722: 0.009352610079 92.49576473923383 518.8706924061864 She countersued for $125 million, saying Gruner & Jahr broke….. -0.4532215275: 1.240295894 94.02899773380675 477.9143142331879 Microsoft acquired Virtual PC when it bought the assets of C….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tom Kraynak, manager of operations and resources for the Can….. -0.6161548811: -0.1668664456 82.59522187221636 524.733914846326 It can store more than a gigabyte of information equivalent ….. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 In 2001 and 2002, wire transfers from 4 of the company’s 40 ….. -0.4596866189: -0.1618743142 93.57531281164975 524.567814892401 Stony Brook University launched the study in 1996, after ear….. -0.3798046861: -0.1593256753 99.18099203150963 524.4830156803295 Metropolitan Ambulance spokesman James Howe said five people….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 About 22% of twentysomethings are obese, which is roughly 30….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 We need a certifiable pay as you go budget by mid-July or sc….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Shares of Hartford rose $2.88 to $46.50 in New York Stock Ex….. -0.3949187721: 0.7190897209 98.12036774421568 495.2560694734477 The DVD-CCA then appealed to the state Supreme Court. -0.5412318711: 0.9255011226 87.85291088235687 488.3882766717662 Sovereign’s shares lost 74 cents, or 4.5%, to $15.68. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Aspen Technology’s shares dropped 74 cents, or 23 percent, t….. -0.3412594649: 1.605165914 101.88588584215375 465.7742305247841 The new law requires libraries and schools to use filters or….. -0.4959554295: 0.9269456708 91.03016510129217 488.340213155509 Gilroy police and FBI agents described Gehring as cooperativ….. -0.7101925982: -0.1698667259 75.99616676328485 524.8337412280554 After protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the….. -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 A passer-by found Ben hiding along a dirt road in Spanish Fo….. 0.2661201437: -0.2498515333 144.50848061868876 527.4950238896103 Doctors say one or both boys may die, and that some brain da….. -0.3397532594: -0.1580478315 101.99158314680761 524.4404988143647 Also missing is Al Larsen, 31, of Fort Worth, Texas, who was….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 British-based GlaxoSmithKline Plc said earlier this year it ….. -0.7756984654: -0.1719566955 71.39932157491802 524.9032794293508 The festival kicked off yesterday one day after the Competit….. -0.3627182249: 0.9325844864 100.38002687241587 488.152596497065 She said he persisted and she eventually allowed him to fix ….. -0.5038766313: -0.1632841998 90.47429827916721 524.6147251023261 A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal….. 0.3399600151: -0.2474956668 149.69016085940962 527.4166386691247 Earlier on Monday, Grant Thornton SpA repeated previous stat….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Peter Lyman and Hal Varian of Berkeley’s School of Informati….. -0.5973662285: 0.005450751777 83.91370724203107 519.0005164088045 My judgment is 95 percent of that information should be decl….. -0.5586042148: 0.006687456678 86.63381436598368 518.9593683281145 Pines said he would convene the relevant party bodies within….. -1.128543431: -0.1818263673 46.63858254916919 525.2316666229669 The euro soared to US$1.1914 in Asian trading, before slippi….. -0.3607764779: 0.9934446185 100.51628810710554 486.12763676378336 But software license revenues, a measure financial analysts ….. -0.4452653121: 0.01030354272 94.58732162048915 518.839052640767 These are dark days for our industry, Giovanni Bisignani, di….. -0.6106374027: -0.1653025373 82.98240847138204 524.6818799368239 The seven other nations in the initiative are Britain, Germa….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The average American makes four trips a day, 45 percent for ….. -0.40026656: 1.420698411 97.74508910414855 471.9118982227154 In the weeks leading up to the execution, several Florida of….. -0.5048575332: -0.1633154956 90.40546392205104 524.6157663854639 BOSTON The Catholic archdiocese in Boston has offered $55 mi….. -0.293325486: 3.483694768 105.24963156345255 403.2711573939555 The 3{ hours of recordings include conversations between pol….. -0.3762214713: 0.9307657915 99.43244253775981 488.2131087532994 But he is the only candidate who has won national labor endo….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 They passed through the Lemelson Medical, Educational and Re….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The SIA says the DRAM market is expected to grow 2.9 percent….. -0.5585686826: 1.268383478 86.63630782425477 476.979774252915 Morrill’s wife, Ellie, sobbed and hugged Bondeson’s sister-i….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Nasdaq had a weekly gain of 17.27, or 1.2 percent, closi….. -0.2735873708: 3.726210825 106.63474504590253 395.20207778804985 No charges were announced, but the statement said legal proc….. -0.6360452152: -0.1675010482 81.19942649530361 524.7550295665112 The dead woman was also wearing a ring and a Cartier watch. 0.0478947666: 0.9272361928 129.19461151990592 488.33054680592153 The tech-heavy Nasdaq Stock Markets composite index added 14….. -0.2926899478: 3.127479188 105.29423017542396 415.1232875199782 It’s going to happen, said Jim Santangelo, president of the ….. -0.7011210935: -0.1695772989 76.63275558096754 524.824111310246 He was released on $3-million bail and immediately returned ….. -0.4265226963: -0.1608162168 95.90257637339373 524.5326095036196 As of Tuesday, almost 250 health-care workers were in quaran….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 He told the jury Stubbs is a «cold, calculating killer.» -0.4112037352: -0.1603274642 96.97757767908152 524.5163475556695 The men were immediately flown to nearby Botswana on a chart….. -0.6575093902: 0.9217912798 79.6931875294727 488.51171186737906 In exchange, North Korea would be required to end its nuclea….. -0.7382606452: -0.170762239 74.02650400992945 524.8635370552835 That exploit works on unpatched Windows 2000 machines with S….. -0.3890272821: 0.1079803036 98.53380044703907 515.5891170777201 Shares of Guidant plummeted in trading both on and off the N….. -0.4171770196: 0.02144997372 96.55840509188347 518.4681846657546 Three Weeks in October goes on sale Monday, nearly a year af….. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Based on a separate survey of households, the unemployment r….. -0.4366353206: 0.2807931697 95.19292744631159 509.8392265763391 The rate of skin cancer has tripled since the 1950s in Norwa….. -0.3609709097: 0.9873505462 100.50264393988877 486.3304008828011 Chief merchandising officers oversee the buying and developm….. -0.1213643635: -0.1510801177 117.31692710169325 524.208666588308 The euro <EUR=> was up 0.67 percent against the dollar at $1….. -0.427976394: 1.100832291 95.80056378597396 482.5545963305701 Previously, it had reported a profit of $12 million, or 0 ce….. -0.4742361833: 0.01651586972 92.55430357777257 518.6323539103458 And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit.I was in the wate….. -0.5166080727: -0.1636903974 89.58087502554164 524.6282402509785 Activists say they fear the gathering is an attempt by corpo….. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Their contract will expire at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday instead o….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Now, Blanca’s American husband, 63-year-old Roger Lawrence S….. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 The operating revenues were $1.45 billion, an increase over ….. -0.4429653945: 0.9286363218 94.74871732047757 488.2839612213782 But the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeat….. -0.4970846569: -0.1630675014 90.95092206822274 524.6075150355026 The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average eased 44 points, ….. -0.2070226578: 5.812547115 111.30589427179139 325.7847624957209 The center’s president, Joseph Torsella, was struck on the h….. -0.02466307597: 0.941982288 124.10289708372659 487.83990953427656 The report ranked 45 large companies based on employment, ma….. -0.1497868382: 0.9379902052 115.3223925366261 487.9727355198497 I don’t know if the person I’m talking to now may end up bei….. -0.6228841126: -0.1670811423 82.1230010328243 524.7410583080787 Ruffner, 45, doesn’t yet have an attorney in the murder char….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Passed in 1999 but never put into effect, the law would have….. -0.5109126895: -0.1635086858 89.98054601322325 524.6221942780439 French retirees will increase from one fifth to a third of t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iraqi police opened fire in downtown Baghdad today after dem….. -0.5965955271: -0.166242403 83.96779086871679 524.7131514803089 Microsoft fell 5 percent before the open to $27.45 from Thur….. -0.4517700826: 0.3132821336 94.13085223327272 508.7582423365653 Both rebels and government forces have been accused of pilla….. -0.5665025954: -0.1652822858 86.07954900863209 524.6812061228727 Microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant….. -0.3778891847: -0.1592645611 99.31541148972643 524.4809822667685 The arrests revealed new details about the four-month invest….. -0.5260173867: 0.9259865418 88.92058058079188 488.3721256317889 We intend to appeal vigorously and still expect to be vindic….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The transaction will expand Callebaut’s sales revenues from ….. -0.4104540755: 1.101391342 97.03018471658507 482.53599539356094 Dolores Mahoy, 68, of Colorado Springs, Colo., is someone wh….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A beauty contest to be held in Italy next week may be the fi….. 0.2163525896: -0.2514393708 141.01606456708558 527.5478549771175 Analysts’ consensus estimate from Thomson First Call was for….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gyorgy Heizler, head of the local disaster unit, said the co….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Security lights have also been installed and police have swe….. -0.5077298492: -0.163407137 90.20390042238019 524.6188155121234 But U.S. troops will not shrink from mounting raids and atta….. -0.7163631501: -0.1700635979 75.5631510211403 524.8402916195973 Moore had no immediate comment Tuesday. -0.3974614055: -0.1563702374 97.94193957081127 524.3846813098777 Standing with reporters and photographers about 150 yards fr….. -0.5665433085: -0.1652835848 86.07669198789043 524.6812493420971 They were brutally beaten, and it’s really a wonder that Por….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Staff writers Selwyn Crawford and Colleen McCain Nelson and ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Prosecutors filed a motion informing Lee they intend to seek….. -0.4051590589: -0.1601346084 97.40176015779495 524.5099307882166 That package included increases to both the city’s sales and….. -0.4110327079: -0.1603220076 96.9895794416639 524.5161660005055 The songs are on offer for 99 cents each, or $9.99 for an al….. -0.3601945247: 1.011684763 100.55712641100378 485.5207442667515 Certainly what we know suggests that we should take what the….. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 The Dow Jones industrials climbed more than 140 points to ab….. -0.3350884764: 2.43753568 102.31893222118724 438.07933073809573 The government has chosen three companies to develop plans t….. -0.6030491871: 0.9270476134 83.51490814181838 488.3368212845157 Tamil parties blame the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LT….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two of the Britons, Sandy Mitchell from Glasgow and Glasgow-….. -0.2346938564: -0.1546959036 109.3640801725752 524.3289722866657 However, commercial use of the 2.6.0 kernel is still months ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 This deal makes sense for both companies, Halla said in a pr….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Fifty-seven senators, including 24 Republicans, have signed ….. -0.4170604485: -0.1605143231 96.56658542272403 524.5225647896816 Under NASD regulations, Mr. Young can file a response and re….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I´m very proud of the citizens of this state, Gov. John Bald….. -0.6375022758: -0.1675475358 81.09717791599677 524.7565763191207 Among three major candidates, Schwarzenegger is wining the b….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Selenski had previously spent seven years in prison on a ban….. -0.4523692868: -0.1616408542 94.08880334565495 524.560047128499 Graham, a presidential candidate, was criticized by several ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In 2002, Linksys overtook Cisco Systems as the leading wirel….. -0.4709101598: 0.009485341964 92.78770580422551 518.8662761041985 Schools that fail to meet state goals for three years in a r….. -0.6502084596: -0.1679529276 80.20552709869547 524.7700646554639 Tampering with medicine has been so lucrative that many of t….. -0.4331088971: -0.16102635 95.44039265665396 524.5396011300533 Mr Howard said he also had faith in the system under which H….. -0.6342557943: -0.1674439566 81.32499831092642 524.7531299945583 Smugglers in a van chased down a pickup and SUV carrying oth….. -0.5197028409: -0.1637891362 89.36370103839843 524.6315255233371 The trial, featuring 125 witnesses, could continue until the….. -0.3756914242: 0.9307827027 99.4696383578028 488.21254607817866 The vulnerability affects Windows NT 4.0, NT 4.0 Terminal Se….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The additional contribution brings total U.S. food aid to No….. -0.5101472914: 0.9264928784 90.03425748474068 488.355278623558 The European Union banned the import of genetically modified….. -0.3643239227: 0.9311453837 100.2673477417583 488.20047882913207 He projected Vanderpool will be available within the next fi….. -0.384605987: -0.1594788611 98.8440628712763 524.4881125341077 Annika Sorenstam gets her first opportunity to test that obj….. -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 Cisco has signed similar deals with AT&T Corp. T.N , SBC Com….. -0.4036015273: -0.1600849152 97.51105924878884 524.5082773798725 In a statement distributed Friday, 28 Chechen non-government….. -0.7496654784: -0.1711261111 73.2261748920217 524.8756439340282 The state’s population was 6,080,485 in 2000, according to t….. -0.6313100055: 0.9226271731 81.53171773844565 488.4838997313335 Rosenthal declined comment on the Garrett situation Tuesday ….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 With the power back on, state workers headed back to their j….. -0.5760431077: -0.1655866766 85.41004778626093 524.6913339189723 The Nasdaq fell about 1.3% for the month, snapping a seven-m….. -0.3319377496: 1.897336224 102.54003307792863 456.0530371487047 The report was found Oct. 23, tucked inside an old three-rin….. -0.4469723831: 0.9285084785 94.46752867045448 488.2882148675521 She said Jane Doe’s lawyers asked Verizon to withhold her na….. -0.6603532533: -0.168276598 79.49362069856622 524.7808339305922 A lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to block the removal ….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Britz earned $3.77 million in salary, bonus and other compen….. -0.4095866376: -0.1602758706 97.0910567886269 524.514630914617 That truck was spotted in the Campbells Creek area, fitting ….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Chairman Michael Powell and FCC colleagues at the Wednesday ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.3 per cent at 9,88….. -0.2685144179: 3.885212272 106.99073726616204 389.9117256711855 Tehran has made clear it will only sign the Additional Proto….. -0.5331716247: -0.1642188587 88.41853510579683 524.6458234029013 Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthou….. -0.4799483604: -0.1625207666 92.1534540842758 524.5893238826641 Shelia Chaney Wilson seemed agitated when she came to help p….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Miodrag Zivkovic, of the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro, won….. -0.4452653121: 0.01030354272 94.58732162048915 518.839052640767 So far, Georgia has been returned all but $70,000 of the mon….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The island nation reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one day….. -0.7114785572: 0.9214572623 75.90592516389798 488.52282541307 When police removed the four from the home, they weighed 136….. -0.4970846569: -0.1630675014 90.95092206822274 524.6075150355026 In 2001, President Bush named Kathy Gregg to the Student Loa….. -0.4232186344: -0.1607108005 96.13443745146508 524.5291020541279 The department’s position threatens to alienate social conse….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 South Africa has the world’s highest caseload with 4.7 milli….. -0.4247422953: -0.0782061563 96.02751522410824 521.7839784964311 In that position, Elias will report to Joe Tucci, president ….. -0.5890704907: -0.1660023162 84.49585696033323 524.7051632264801 Mailblocks was founded five years after WebTV was acquired b….. -0.4510868807: -0.1615999389 94.17879562444415 524.5586857815446 The Metropolitan Transportation Authority was given two week….. -0.3625257111: 0.9386184405 100.39353643934847 487.95183265462015 The Fed’s Empire State survey far exceeded expectations by j….. -0.1247690698: 0.9387883989 117.07800334365926 487.9461777366977 General Jeffrey said he would donate his military pension to….. -0.7698943618: -0.1717715151 71.80662196811608 524.8971180435375 The venture owns five oil refineries and more than 2,100 fil….. -0.3636387562: 0.931167244 100.31542899588804 488.19975148596706 Other changes in the plan refine his original vision, Libesk….. -0.4837132964: -0.1626408871 91.8892513636888 524.5933205763125 Rep. Peter Deutsch, D-Fla., criticized the FDA’s efforts in ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 There are now 37 active probable cases in the GTA, compared ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 He was voluntarily castrated in 2001, an operation he conten….. -0.4112037352: -0.1603274642 96.97757767908152 524.5163475556695 The S&P/TSX composite rose 87.74 points on the week, while t….. -0.3100037511: 2.584813043 104.07924170240155 433.1790664792328 In turn SuSE will license Java 2 Standard Edition while also….. 0.6138664225: 1.526353099 168.91142157048984 468.3965182540859 Long lines formed outside gas stations and people rushed to ….. -0.5710617971: -0.1654277475 85.75960905357562 524.6860459745723 The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index fell 3.99, or 0.2 perc….. -0.2539368471: 4.342116743 108.01371183521233 374.7094393040045 The department also sent water and soil samples to the state….. -0.5117444998: 0.9264419193 89.92217409252817 488.35697415107086 But that does not clear them of the obligation to do everyth….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Previously he had seen the grinning mechanic from east Java ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 NASA satellite images show that Arctic ice has been shrinkin….. -0.4670918341: 0.009607165927 93.05565511783256 518.8622227344323 In Vienna, the IAEA said ElBaradei would accept the invitati….. -0.7496654784: -0.1711261111 73.2261748920217 524.8756439340282 The epidemic began in November in the mainland’s Guangdong p….. -0.5642962348: 0.9582901681 86.23437938871108 487.29730800995156 Druce will face murder charges, Conte said. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 We remain hopeful that the city will agree to work with us a….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A statement released by DEI said Green would begin driving t….. -0.1050066128: -0.2616923598 118.46482500708693 527.8889960361972 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> added 8…… -0.1332617494: 8.124433591 116.48203331513183 248.8628619970005 No Americans were reported among the casualties, according t….. -0.4799483604: -0.1625207666 92.1534540842758 524.5893238826641 This child was literally neglected to death, Armstrong Count….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Microsoft said Friday that it is halting development of futu….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Chapman was not immediately arrested and is expected to appe….. -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Luzerne County District Attorney David Lupas told a news con….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Its legal representatives began meeting with plaintiffs’ att….. -0.4485863137: -0.1615201582 94.35427180355086 524.5560312875676 Seniors would then have to pay 50 percent of their drug cost….. -0.5826745804: 0.00591948989 84.94468713027507 518.9849203893472 For Kathy Nicolo (Jennifer Connelly), the house means stabil….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The priest, the Rev. John F. Johnston, 64, of 35th Avenue in….. -0.3881260373: 0.9303859755 98.59704489633745 488.2257461267524 The settlement includes $4.1 million in attorneys’ fees and ….. -0.3882343221: 0.9303825207 98.589446058658 488.2258610772201 To reach John A. Dvorak, who covers Kansas, call (816) 234-7….. -0.4276728569: -0.1608529128 95.82186436321201 524.5338304644702 The national denomination of the Episcopal Church, with 2.3 ….. -0.4648535353: 0.927937979 93.21272674081162 488.30719672697825 British police arrested 21 people early Tuesday in connectio….. -0.3707382643: -0.1590364104 99.81722416197486 524.4733911582614 Janice Kelly said her husband had received assurances from s….. -0.8056595295: -0.1729126054 69.29681717887132 524.9350848019326 U.S. corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty tradin….. -0.4906676927: -0.1006767144 91.4012296876924 522.5316268121743 Evacuation went smoothly, although passengers weren’t told w….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 They were an inspirational couple, selfless and courageous, ….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 A second victim, Michael Walker, 23, was struck in the torso….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Franklin County Judge-Executive Teresa Barton said a firefig….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Satur….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 About 120 potential jurors were being asked to complete a le….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Five alternate jurors were also chosen, with a final one set….. -0.408218979: -0.1602322354 97.18703162188618 524.5131790673172 The California Farm Bureau did not immediately return calls ….. -0.3928616203: 0.9302348864 98.26472745930793 488.23077321726413 But the prime minister told the BBC he wasn’t bothered by po….. -0.5109126895: -0.1635086858 89.98054601322325 524.6221942780439 Gen. Sattler heads a Combined Joint Task Force based on ship….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Wall Street analysts had expected 22 cents a share, accordin….. -0.3950057613: -0.07940303645 98.11426331490786 521.8238015139575 Enron spokesman Eric Thode declined to comment on the mediat….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Earlier, he told France Inter-Radio, «I think we can now qua….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 They said the child was taken to Nassau County Medical Cente….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Tisha Kresler, a spokeswoman for Global Crossing, declined t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The unions also staged a five-day strike in March that force….. -0.5456089665: 0.925361471 87.54575015891292 488.39292320723604 In Kentucky, Democratic Attorney General Ben Chandler faces ….. -0.5132967688: -0.16358475 89.81324430755387 524.6247251136951 Enron’s 401(k) plan covered about 20,000 workers, retirees a….. -0.447245312: -0.1614773734 94.4483760035041 524.5546077380394 It would be difficult to overestimate the potential dangers ….. -0.5178747723: -0.1637308115 89.49198493907889 524.6295849246562 Although obesity can increase the risk of health problems, s….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Michelle Wie chips Sunday during her 1-up victory over Virad….. -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 But Senate criticism of the House plan Tuesday came on sever….. -0.447245312: -0.1614773734 94.4483760035041 524.5546077380394 As a result, Murphy sought to substitute Strier’s sister, Et….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Kansas City drafted outfielder Chris Lubanski, from Kennedy-….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI rose 41.61 points, or ….. -0.1867646878: 6.447492207 112.72748833154766 304.6586459253331 There were a number of bureaucratic and administrative misse….. -0.4143571692: -0.1604280748 96.7562868499111 524.5196951050416 At 5 p.m. EDT, Grace’s center was near latitude 25.6 north, ….. -0.4137615897: -0.1604090728 96.79808137666222 524.5190628635596 On Saturday, a 149mph serve against Agassi equalled Rusedski….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 October heating oil futures settled .85 cent lower at 69.89 ….. -0.3924377359: 0.001086526829 98.294473362087 519.1457244372187 Mr Levine confirmed that Ms Cohen Alon had tried to sell the….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Mr. Bankhead said the crime scenes indicated that the killer….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Egyptologists cast doubt Tuesday on an expedition’s claim th….. -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 He was listed last night in critical but stable condition at….. -0.5757075995: -0.1655759721 85.43359192978049 524.6909777578826 IAC’s stock closed yesterday down $2.81, or 7.6 percent, at ….. -0.3836449228: 1.594997838 98.91150512485592 466.11254634077875 The Ministry of Defence is facing a 20m compensation claim f….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The show’s closure affected third-quarter earnings per share….. -0.3559439511: 1.144910395 100.85540853078935 481.0880141282108 The woman was hospitalized June 15, Kansas health officials ….. -0.1473400028: 0.9210072131 115.49409812528359 488.53779961067056 Blue chips edged lower by midday on Wednesday as a wave of p….. -0.396503082: -0.1263335231 98.00918950327117 523.3852891819012 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> tacked o….. -0.1369076628: 8.010159811 116.22618295965542 252.6650194393975 Her birthday, 21 April, was declared a public holiday and sh….. -0.1960637802: -0.1534634081 112.07492864591778 524.2879642650561 Sorkin, who faces charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice ….. -0.3973246486: -0.159884651 97.95153643217091 524.5016141163105 Outside the court, Sriyanto, who faces up to 25 years’ jail,….. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Thomas was joined in full by Rehnquist, and in parts by O’Co….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Preliminary reports were that the men were not seen together….. -0.5164163448: -0.1636842803 89.59432944446046 524.6280367209372 Toronto yesterday had 64 probable cases of SARS and nine sus….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Nasdaq composite index rose 13.70, or 0.8 per cent, to 1….. -0.2972104712: 2.985792523 104.97700444324661 419.83753611373925 MessageLabs, which runs outsourced e-mail servers for 700,00….. 0.401765804: -0.1343896112 154.02735469674917 523.6533341811592 Carlson on Tuesday said he would not recuse himself from the….. -0.7240206308: -0.1703079103 75.02579070828533 524.8484204705967 Oracle shares were also higher, trading up 12 cents at $13.6….. -0.4036648813: -0.01749325301 97.5066134123462 519.7639174108714 In Hong Kong, 24 patients were quarantined Wednesday after s….. -0.4232186344: -0.1607108005 96.13443745146508 524.5291020541279 The unemployment rate rose a tenth of a percentage point to ….. -0.330613267: 1.938849452 102.63297805568952 454.6717944364599 But other sources close to the sale said Vivendi was keeping….. -0.6096286871: -0.1336863874 83.05319464081845 523.6299362706121 Micron has declared its first quarterly profit for three yea….. -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 The fines are part of failed Republican efforts to force or ….. -0.4179145024: 0.9294355723 96.5066525641536 488.2573682756013 Chavez said investigators feel confident they’ve got «at lea….. -0.6598401024: -0.1682602259 79.5296308363729 524.7802891917313 Jim Williams, director of the US-VISIT project, said that by….. -0.6161548811: -0.1668664456 82.59522187221636 524.733914846326 The Episcopal Church »is alienating itself from the Anglica….. -0.5758704914: 0.9243959749 85.42216105888674 488.4250475360431 Swartz, indicted in February, had argued that New Hampshire ….. -0.4483521256: -0.1615126864 94.37070585161834 524.5557826835586 If convicted of the spying charges, he could face the death ….. -0.418087933: -0.1605471051 96.49448215177308 524.523655522905 Entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The military said it had killed 12 rebels and captured nine ….. -1.138443923: 0.8608659929 45.943819908455914 490.5388394541952 Lawyers and others familiar with the federal investigation s….. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Peace Rules defeated Funny Cide in the Louisiana Derby. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Shares in EDS closed on Thursday at $18.51, a gain of 6 cent….. -0.3845047974: 0.2497284378 98.85116380337085 510.87282327006 Of 24 million phoned-in votes, 50.28 percent were for Studda….. -0.4840987106: 0.009064560277 91.86220509459328 518.880276500559 Consumers still would have to get a descrambling security ca….. -0.5267480031: -0.1640139126 88.86930989900007 524.6390043635332 However, we have decided to opt for the European consortium’….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Critics say the law violates civil liberties, something Hous….. -0.5984199503: -0.1663006114 83.83976277754726 524.7150882092633 The Dodgers won their sixth consecutive game their longest w….. -0.2802934209: 0.9899245674 106.16415095220314 486.2447571427739 Security experts are warning that a new mass-mailing worm is….. -0.3400043277: -0.1580558419 101.97396453436363 524.4407653377233 Mr Sahel said police had identified the bodies of seven of t….. -0.9068122199: -0.1761398895 62.19847197698487 525.042464132166 Only New Jersey now bans holders of learners permits or inte….. -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 The University of Michigan released today a new admissions p….. -0.601352525: 0.9235829687 83.63397065169315 488.45209816302633 Dean told reporters traveling on his 10-city «Sleepless Summ….. -0.4799483604: -0.1625207666 92.1534540842758 524.5893238826641 I felt that if I disagreed with Rosie too much I would lose ….. -0.9594016563: -0.1778177593 58.508031586774905 525.098290808116 The American decision provoked an angry reaction from the Eu….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Ms. Cripps-Prawak left last Friday, two days after the depar….. -0.4757259964: -0.1609981789 92.44975660211557 524.5386638107478 During 2001 and 2002, Morgenthau said, wire transfers from j….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 He was taken to a hospital for precautionary X-rays on his n….. -0.4112037352: -0.1603274642 96.97757767908152 524.5163475556695 The bill says that a woman who undergoes such an abortion co….. -0.1296562014: 0.9215714161 116.73505104942222 488.519027250345 There are 103 Democrats in the Assembly and 47 Republicans. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 I came basically to Washington to establish relationships an….. -0.7705095728: -0.1717911435 71.76344981304838 524.8977711249197 The latest snapshot of the labor markets was slightly better….. -0.3911600245: 0.9342824465 98.38413619501814 488.0961013725295 Chante Jawan Mallard, 27, went on trial Monday, charged with….. -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Linda Saunders pleaded guilty in federal court to six charge….. -0.4110327079: -0.1603220076 96.9895794416639 524.5161660005055 Another shooting linked to the spree occurred Nov. 11 at Ham….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Dusty had battled kidney cancer for more than a year. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Kadyrov was not injured, but four of his bodyguards were amo….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The officials did not say whether U.S. forces crossed into S….. -0.7823178428: 0.9178092569 70.93480969726728 488.6442031338369 VeriSign introduced its Site Finder service on Sept. 15. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 July 1st is the sixth anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to C….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Palm Wednesday announced plans to acquire Handspring, a comp….. -0.4527184651: -0.1616519948 94.06429991292963 524.5604178011163 The company posted a profit of $54.3 million, or 22 cents pe….. -0.3533759257: 1.225399959 101.03561857796846 478.40993705147196 Turkish authorities have said all the suicide bombers were T….. -0.6423274336: -0.1677014829 80.75857460561382 524.7616984983962 In April, it had forecast operating earnings in the range of….. -0.420650609: -0.08022123721 96.31464749864422 521.851024977389 From Florida to Alaska, thousands of revelers vowed to push ….. -0.4110327079: -0.1603220076 96.9895794416639 524.5161660005055 Others with such a status are Egypt, Israel, and Australia. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 One of the 14 Kurds pointed at the word «refugee» in an Engl….. -0.3882820895: 0.131336856 98.5860940021166 514.811989646112 Close co-operation between law-enforcement agencies and inte….. -0.4084291458: -0.1602389408 97.17228325984279 524.5134021713214 Captain Robert Ramsey of the US 1st Armoured Division said a….. -0.8126144806: -0.1731345036 68.80875656774163 524.9424678778532 This northern autumn US trainers will work with soldiers fro….. -0.6917974688: -0.169279828 77.28703681761678 524.814213752579 Yes, from today Flash memory purchased from AMD or Fujitsu w….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The world’s two largest automakers said their U.S. sales dec….. -0.6843466167: 1.238022851 77.80989705534003 477.9899437246953 A tropical storm rapidly developed in the Gulf of Mexico Sun….. 0.2679554031: -0.2497929793 144.637269128606 527.4930756575162 Dynes came to UC San Diego in 1991 after 22 years as a physi….. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 It exploded in his hands, but the former Italian prime minis….. -0.4045358696: -0.1601147255 97.44549219358439 524.5092692373088 Halabi’s military attorney, Air Force Maj. James Key, denied….. -0.463961664: -0.1620107098 93.27531341160382 524.5723530958458 But Forest, the Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 OPEC producers at a meeting on Wednesday are set to pressure….. -0.3934635558: -0.1597614625 98.22248690572539 524.4975153468721 People who have opposed these actions throughout are now try….. -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Sequent representatives could not immediately be reached for….. -0.4105026608: -0.1603050964 97.02677526170687 524.5156033253847 WORLD No. 2 Lleyton Hewitt has accused the Association of Te….. -0.5286587741: -0.0329312037 88.73522239170171 520.2775743393943 MSN Messenger 6 will be available for download starting at 6….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In connection with the incident, I have acknowledged that I ….. -0.6978992894: -0.169474507 76.85884426037642 524.8206911819939 A spokesman said: «Since November, we have co-operated fully….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX inched up 3 point….. 0.06451525857: 14.32335387 130.36094717594767 42.610204931008354 Amazon also reported that the New York Attorney General’s of….. -0.5411350524: -0.1570572478 87.85970509784664 524.407539763277 The leading actress nod went to energetic newcomer Marissa J….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 By state law, 911 calls are not public information and were ….. -0.6061421779: -0.1665469896 83.2978588817442 524.7232857927461 Bremer said one initiative is to launch a $70 million nation….. -0.5960968306: -0.1662264921 84.00278667588378 524.712622085608 The Nasdaq composite index added 30.46 points, or 2 percent,….. -0.2198184268: 5.960725538 110.40795685632533 320.85451784089406 This is America, my friends, and it should not happen here,»….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 On May 1, he crawled through a narrow, winding canyon, rappe….. -0.05947431257: -0.1491055111 121.66003398763068 524.1429667814826 Amnesty International has said that over the past 20 years i….. -0.7132034689: -0.169962788 75.7848802450825 524.8369374384631 She asked to be excused from last week’s Cabinet session to ….. -0.5320635964: -0.164183507 88.49629049587192 524.6446471679521 The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI edged up 13.33 points,….. -0.2027338283: 5.9469718 111.60686098098556 321.3121370379779 Monkeypox is usually found only in central and western Afric….. -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 The film is the second of a trilogy, which will wrap up in N….. -0.3279513136: 2.022282999 102.81977945992057 451.8957640962843 Apple Computer’s new online music service sold more than 1 m….. -0.776294061: -0.171975698 71.357525916024 524.9039116879592 Oracle Corp’s Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison didn’t rule out….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The Portuguese weather service said Europe’s heatwave was ca….. -0.5758704914: 0.9243959749 85.42216105888674 488.4250475360431 The monkeys could track their progress by watching a schemat….. -0.3756914242: 0.9307827027 99.4696383578028 488.21254607817866 The Standard & Poor’s 500 index advanced 6.48, or 0.7 per ce….. -0.1441216224: 7.784052839 115.71994654224935 260.1881301986881 Complicating the situation is the presence of battle-hardene….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Cisco executives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion i….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 In an E-mail statement to the Knoxville News Sentinel, Shuma….. -0.4486334861: -0.1615216632 94.35096150284188 524.556081363728 A poll showed that the FBI bugging of the mayor had given a ….. 0.2101614441: -0.2516368998 140.58160368002333 527.5544272299086 Doctors had planned to deliver him two weeks early, on or ar….. -0.447245312: -0.1614773734 94.4483760035041 524.5546077380394 Sobig.F spreads when unsuspecting computer users open file a….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Founders of the group are Matsushita Electric, Sony, Hitachi….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 During a screaming match in 1999, Carolyn told John she was ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 On the other hand, if this will help further establish Steve….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Seven 20- and 21-year-old cadets were ticketed by police for….. -0.3819876188: -0.1593953219 99.02780569577625 524.4853329874854 Such a step could put the issue before the UN Security Counc….. -0.4240740059: -0.1607380912 96.07441213621524 524.5300100795853 The camp hosts summer religious retreats for children and ot….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Gemstar’s shares gathered up 2.6 percent, adding 14 cents to….. -0.3363681004: 1.758475841 102.229135177014 460.673248700051 Along with chipmaker Intel, the companies include Sony Corp…… -0.4110327079: -0.1603220076 96.9895794416639 524.5161660005055 Kroger Co., which owns Ralphs, and Albertsons Inc. bargain j….. -0.3709760385: -0.1590439966 99.80053845992349 524.4736435691345 According to the Census Bureau, the Hispanic population incr….. -0.4452653121: 0.01030354272 94.58732162048915 518.839052640767 Its shares jumped to $54.50 in pre-open trading from $50.90 ….. -0.1575942341: -0.09004998113 114.77451199084426 522.1780504041967 It was the best advance since Oct. 1, when the index gained ….. -0.3719206102: 0.8621446093 99.73425356147405 490.49629687857043 The report by the independent expert committee aims to dissi….. -0.5305676005: 0.9258413669 88.60127135010923 488.3769559422842 Griffith, a Mount Airy native, now lives on the North Caroli….. -0.4025756307: -0.1600521839 97.58305108832272 524.5071883323141 The Conference Board reported its U.S. Consumer Confidence I….. -0.4813055638: 2.615383408 92.05821293441865 432.1619185254039 Vice President Dick Cheney and Mississippi Republican gubern….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 He also recruited others to participate in the scheme by con….. -0.4218489274: -0.1606670999 96.23055603323897 524.5276480322904 The New York Mets then selected outfielder Lastings Milledge….. -0.3879405628: 0.9378075778 98.61006049072526 487.9788119642203 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX rose 3.47 point….. 0.09541658499: 15.29189344 132.52943405893262 10.384615384615358 Albertsons and Kroger’s Ralphs chain locked out their worker….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The technology-packed Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> dropped….. -0.1508999829: 7.57159884 115.24427810171956 267.256974398283 The House voted 425 to 2 to clear the bill, the first of 13 ….. -0.4750203916: 1.058757277 92.49927210762421 483.9545310066549 The procedure is generally performed in the second or third ….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Besides Hampton and Newport News, the grant funds water test….. -0.3574412232: -0.1586121673 100.75033812374258 524.4592755933802 There is the real potential for a secondary collapse, Gov. J….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 No. 2 HP saw its Unix server sales dropped 3.6 percent to $1….. -0.4583366142: 0.1498459393 93.67004879373633 514.1961489114154 People are obviously inconvenienced, said Dr. Jim Young, Ont….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 The others were given copies of «Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolu….. -0.3881774018: 0.9303843367 98.59344041520144 488.2258006530905 The rapper’s lawyer, Mark Gann, didn’t return calls for comm….. -0.3928616203: 0.9302348864 98.26472745930793 488.23077321726413 Hispanics, the fastest growing ethnic group in the US, have ….. 0.6203069224: -0.1274170407 169.36338079940865 523.4213403622466 When fully operational, the facility is expected to employ u….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 For the full 12-month period ending June 30, 2003, advanced ….. -0.4380465718: 0.2854486017 95.0938935182201 509.6843294032027 State Education Commissioner Kent King said Wednesday that t….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 Agents found more than 1,000 credit cards and credit card du….. -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 Caldera acquired the Unix server software of the original SC….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him, and Rey….. -0.3972922325: -0.1510678515 97.9538112118824 524.2082584615765 This is an easy case in my view and wholly without merit, bo….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The WiFi potties were to be unveiled this summer, at music f….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Shiites make up 20 percent of the country’s population. -0.4452653121: 0.01030354272 94.58732162048915 518.839052640767 The CWA, which represents more than 2,300 Comcast employees,….. -0.3928616203: 0.9302348864 98.26472745930793 488.23077321726413 The consumer group generated $4.47 billion of profit and $20….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. Annika Sorenstam drew the crowds, Mi….. -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 The new version, W32/Sobig.C-mm, had already reached a «high….. -0.5117907432: 0.9264404439 89.918928987069 488.3570232409983 The only other person who had not been accounted for Sunday ….. 0.1791111212: 0.9484837188 138.40266103769147 487.62359164155646 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> gave up 11.91….. 0.0624922989: 14.25994829 130.21898687803022 44.71985767019123 On Sunday, a U.S. soldier was killed and another injured in ….. -1.056940463: -0.2265107773 51.66328903422478 526.7184220404489 I’m real excited to be a Cleveland Cavalier, James said. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Excluding litigation charges, RIM’s loss narrowed even furth….. -0.3950057613: -0.07940303645 98.11426331490786 521.8238015139575 Mr Alibek said: «Our outcomes are very encouraging. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 A jury convicted rapper C-Murder, also known as Corey Miller….. 0.1919309797: -0.2522185441 139.30228892424702 527.5737799040497 Thirty-three of the 42 men had been arrested by Wednesday ev….. -0.7308218196: -0.1705249028 74.54852029837933 524.8556403190963 Police using pepper spray arrested 12 people Monday night at….. -0.4768321422: -0.1624213434 92.37213331387139 524.5860158399383 Colgate shares closed Monday at $56.30 on the New York Stock….. -0.4191783969: -0.04127914717 96.41795933254066 520.5553300525337 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> was 0.46 poin….. 0.01357993353: 12.72688913 126.78658332139456 95.72834153128042 And when asked if he felt regret or guilt about the attack h….. -0.5941934084: -0.1661657632 84.13635848142873 524.710601494807 Russ Britt is the Los Angeles Bureau Chief for CBS.MarketWat….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Several states and the federal government later passed simil….. -0.6614735844: -0.1683123422 79.41500195599845 524.7820232257984 Still, he noted Miami must decide whether to seek ACC member….. -0.4226538731: -0.1606927817 96.17406932655614 524.5285025278887 Shares of Littleton, Colorado-based EchoStar rose $1.63, or ….. -0.3255565738: 2.097341274 102.98782926462412 449.39839873418714 The valid signatures of 897,158 registered California voters….. -0.4672713675: 0.9278608379 93.04305644090314 488.3097633932429 The benchmark 10-year note US10YT=RR lost 11/32 in price, ta….. -0.4581456008: 1.271587484 93.6834530693455 476.8731694436315 Argentine Guillermo Coria and Netherlander Martin Verkerk ar….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What can I say to you? he told a crowd at a cemetery with a ….. -0.6408103491: -0.1676530802 80.86503533651918 524.7600880269897 She had only a single condition, that the book not be publis….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The findings are published in the November 6 edition of the ….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 U.S. and European leaders pledged on Wednesday to work toget….. -0.6422438609: -0.1676988165 80.76443927918459 524.7616097812794 He left the army for Syria where he received religious train….. -0.6030001147: -0.1774451621 83.51835177090668 525.0858936227525 The meeting was scheduled to end Wednesday night, with atten….. -0.3868114399: 0.9304279178 98.68929618756019 488.22435060686956 This led to the recovery of the 270-kilogram Cancuen altar, ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In a not-too-subtle swipe at Dean, he predicted Americans wo….. -0.5594274557: -0.165056553 86.57604380345214 524.6736954598921 Her lawyer Donald Levine told The Telegraph she had been off….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 It’s very difficult to do large syndicated loans in Japan, w….. -0.2096086658: -0.1538955587 111.12442230474804 524.3023429309837 They later fell out and have backed a series of rival Congol….. -0.3889437953: 0.1105970273 98.53965909355115 515.5020525262685 Another said its members would continue to call the more tha….. -0.7661325517: -0.1716514943 72.07060532466683 524.8931246682911 Veteran entertainer Bob Hope celebrates his 100th birthday -….. -0.4681822997: -0.1621453695 92.97913217298522 524.5768335405305 A floating airfield with a flight deck covering 4.5 acres, t….. 0.1584836095: -0.2532856849 136.955134546656 527.6092861886627 Davey graduated Saturday from Northwest College, which is af….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 It was a final test before delivering the missile to the arm….. -0.6618144281: -0.1683232169 79.39108340473776 524.7823850506944 Also, businesses throughout Utah are volunteering to display….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Thanks to the euro’s rise against the Japanese currency, the….. -0.4150961052: -0.1604516506 96.70443233711761 524.5204795277056 Russian stocks fell after the arrest last Saturday of Mikhai….. -0.5184420031: 0.1064653774 89.45217977089241 515.639522234408 After Hughes refused to rehire Hernandez, he complained to t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Other countries and private creditors are owed at least $80 ….. -0.4467321611: -0.1614610013 94.48438614131081 524.5540629991785 He explained that he found Antetonitrus when he came to Wits….. -0.4130389945: -0.1603860183 96.84878916916429 524.5182957877636 Enron company executives engaged in widespread and pervasive….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The recent turnaround in the stock market and an easing in u….. -0.4024062004: 1.006963538 97.59494078389643 485.67783050093783 While the day’s trading was lackluster, the Standard & Poor’….. -0.1918941946: 6.286718193 112.36752747022483 310.00797547893796 ONA explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence m….. -0.625714633: -0.1671714502 81.92437052203633 524.7440630663153 Those reports were denied by the interior minister, Prince N….. -0.4799483604: -0.1625207666 92.1534540842758 524.5893238826641 After that, college President Paul Pribbenow told him to wra….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US military officials say rotor wash from the helicopter mig….. -0.827442251: -0.1736075847 67.76822435800548 524.9582083988606 The settlement taking effect this week was reached less than….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The U.S. Capitol was evacuated yesterday after authorities d….. -0.4893086689: 0.9271577362 91.49659858009811 488.33315724133064 The former president also gave numerous speeches in 2002 wit….. -0.6676035789: 0.9962835085 78.98483231371009 486.033180217512 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX was down 0.04 p….. 0.07751358765: 14.7307602 131.27309915734014 29.05483801275392 The mission of the CAPPS II system has been and always will ….. -0.5758704914: 0.9243959749 85.42216105888674 488.4250475360431 Hovan did not speak, but his lawyer, John Speranza, said his….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 We believe that it is not necessary to have a divisive confi….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Yahoo accounts for 159,354 of the BSD sites, with 152,054 fr….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In the latest top-level shuffle at CNN, Teya Ryan is leaving….. -0.5131692334: -0.1595874104 89.82219404872711 524.4917242236005 He is suspected of being a key figure in Jemaah Islamiyah, t….. -0.4112037352: -0.1603274642 96.97757767908152 524.5163475556695 The issue has been resolved, Marlins President David Samson ….. -0.5758704914: 0.9243959749 85.42216105888674 488.4250475360431 He said the FDA was hoping Congress and the courts would bri….. -0.7376505792: -0.1707427748 74.06931511963815 524.8628894355699 The witness, a 27-year-old Kosovan parking attendant with cr….. -0.3881774018: 0.9303843367 98.59344041520144 488.2258006530905 The differences between Grassley and Thomas on energy and Me….. -0.4342093327: 1.219848688 95.36317007511948 478.5946408842616 State police said as many as 30 workers were trapped immedia….. -0.7156657513: -0.1700413473 75.61209067271037 524.8395512911322 Texans saddled with skyrocketing homeowners premiums might f….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Six Democrats are vying to succeed Jacques and have qualifie….. -0.3890272821: 0.1079803036 98.53380044703907 515.5891170777201 Halliburton on Tuesday reiterated its contention that KBR ha….. -0.4484176931: -0.1615147783 94.36610468338773 524.5558522871562 Elecia Battle, of Cleveland, told police she dropped her pur….. -0.5253281124: -0.1551528457 88.96895010239668 524.3441758255165 Among the workers, the researchers found short workers had w….. -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 Until now, sales of the entertainment-oriented PCs have been….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Stanford (46-15) plays South Carolina (44-20) today in a fir….. 0.1537090282: -0.1423038809 136.6200804203808 523.9166605480549 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> advanced 11 poi….. 0.04253212927: 13.63433715 128.81829082312575 65.53541182400312 But they don’t realize that until it’s too late (of course) ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The euro has slipped nearly four percent since matching a re….. -0.4371874447: 1.156636596 95.15418238266946 480.69785585200543 Pennsylvania, which has the most aggressive treatment progra….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. -0.3024255867: 2.871223523 104.61103602643406 423.6495161842688 With the Expose feature, all open windows shrink to fit on t….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Instead, prosecutors dismissed charges and Rucker left the c….. -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 The deal, approved by both companies’ board of directors, is….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 If we could do that throughout the world, we could end terro….. -0.4614608918: -0.1619309225 93.45080399380335 524.5696983839878 If it’s a Bill Gates Comdex keynote, it must be time for new….. -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 According to reports, Knight allegedly punched a parking att….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 But the cancer society said its study had been misused. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 A few miles further east is Tehuacan, where corn may first h….. 0.1380770067: -0.2539367591 135.52311024152345 527.6309489574335 Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructurin….. -0.4340417712: -0.1610561135 95.3749286279134 524.5405914289695 Named in the complaint were former chief executive officers ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Chera Larkins, 32, of Manhattan, charged with three sham mar….. -0.4589459533: -0.1618506832 93.62728868691178 524.5670286338413 The third appointment was to a new job, executive vice presi….. -0.5794327122: 0.9242823219 85.17218379361323 488.42882903589344 Analysts had been expecting a net loss of 54 cents a share, ….. -0.3950057613: -0.07940303645 98.11426331490786 521.8238015139575 The district also sent letters yesterday informing parents o….. -0.3734077424: 0.9308555638 99.62989471798211 488.21012182011117 Richard Grasso quit as chairman last week after losing the s….. -0.4381116473: -0.1611859632 95.08932687864717 524.5449118337508 The new servers will run either Linux or the x86 version of ….. 0.4800241181: 0.9580843701 159.5190971954352 487.304155391692 Sliding down the ice, Moriarty and Carella hit the spongy, r….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 It seemed like an isolated incident,» said Ariel Dean of Was….. -0.6176438108: -0.1669139501 82.49073688864648 524.7354954298615 The jury awarded TVT about $23 million in compensatory damag….. -0.3867882518: 0.9304286576 98.69092340562099 488.2243259913316 TVT Records sought $360 million in punitive damages and $30 ….. -0.5397063716: -0.1644273503 87.95996214029573 524.6527604081467 Unit volumes also set a record as notebooks accounted for mo….. -0.4559105043: 0.009963907075 93.8402999746466 518.8503531173878 A 32-count indictment «strikes at one of the very top target….. 0.05954495976: -0.2564423298 130.0121586605882 527.7143151889816 A soldier was killed Monday and another wounded when their c….. -0.3026411877: -0.3135789407 104.59590632519574 529.6153846153846 A cost analysis is under way, said Michael Rebell, CFE’s exe….. -0.002946497149: -0.2584361243 125.62684837508544 527.7806534224613 The pill, which they call the «polypill,» would contain aspi….. -0.5302708887: 0.9258508335 88.62209296909386 488.37664096584433 They drive around in their cars, while people are being kill….. -0.989556596: 1.235946139 56.391922066253834 478.0590408168148 He’ll be swept over any minute or just die of the cold, Mori….. -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 KEDO Spokesman, Roland Tricot said: «The executive board dec….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Benchmark Treasury 10-year notes gained 17/32, yielding 4.01….. -0.3866261841: 0.1832378622 98.70229643125367 513.0851211024061 Volume was moderate at 827.68 million shares, up from 798.95….. -0.4121954099: 0.1340926766 96.90798734699551 514.7202970131347 Hotly contested legislation that would change the state’s ta….. -0.8678513314: -0.1748968394 64.93253505028767 525.0011049345957 However, other unions including the powerful CGT remained op….. -0.4964631846: -0.1630476733 90.99453361140142 524.6068553073317 The family owns Cheetahs strip clubs here and in Las Vegas. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 The new bill would have Medicare cover 95 percent of drug co….. -0.6810562232: 1.09275776 78.04079896383851 482.8232549541598 Several thousand 3rd Infantry troops, including the 3rd Brig….. -0.4395577176: -0.1612321001 94.98784953168416 524.5464469196393 Prairie dogs sold as exotic pets are believed to have been i….. 1.21947337: -0.1083005911 211.40962066070017 522.7852911216522 The defense cannot appeal Roush’s ruling until after the tri….. -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Former Indiana Rep. Frank McCloskey, 64, died Sunday in Bloo….. -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Hospitals and the Red Cross appealed to blood donors yesterd….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the treaty was first signed in 1990. -0.4240081301: -0.1607359894 96.07903494365631 524.5299401486433 gorgich and pashtoon were executed in prison. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 santos stated the radioactive material was the primary basis….. -0.6409859736: -0.1676586835 80.85271096609452 524.7602744623636 investigators claim the british company was a cia cover. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the united states government and other nato members have ref….. -0.8042840329: -0.1728687201 69.39334204360647 524.9336246341004 russia would not immediately increase military strength alon….. -0.5139625302: -0.1636059912 89.76652479246904 524.6254318573228 brazilian police surrounding slums north of rio de janeiro t….. -0.5211550225: -0.1638354682 89.26179483251414 524.6330670967353 regional and international non-proliferation issues should b….. -0.3976881869: -0.1598962497 97.92602529091457 524.5020000329126 georgian government websites are under intense cyber attack ….. -0.8710718977: -0.1749995918 64.70653324161911 525.0045237487216 religious extremism continues in pakistan despite the bannin….. -0.4267097436: -0.1608221846 95.88945041179633 524.5328080649638 myanmar was formerly known as burma. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 alto huallaga is located northeast of the capital lima. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 nato regrets russia’s decision to suspend participation in t….. -0.4125438554: -0.1603702209 96.88353533856117 524.5177701694269 the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascrib….. -0.6026601516: -0.1664358953 83.5422085328847 524.7195894239254 south korea launches new bullet train reaching 300 kph. -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east. -0.4125438554: -0.1603702209 96.88353533856117 524.5177701694269 the deal has been in process for several years. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 french energy and transport company alstom may sign a contra….. -0.4036015273: -0.1600849152 97.51105924878884 524.5082773798725 no other drug has become as integral in decades. -0.4216441524: -0.1606605665 96.24492603202012 524.5274306519291 russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united st….. -0.6956516738: -0.1694027967 77.01656968568906 524.8183052103274 helmand province is the world’s largest opium-producing regi….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 china is an important force for safeguarding world peace. -0.452725739: -0.1616522268 94.06378946805768 524.5604255228073 john duncan is great britain’s ambassador for multilateral a….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 kashmir is divided between india and pakistan. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 south korea and israel oppose proliferation of weapons of ma….. -0.4625166526: -0.1619646067 93.37671644756233 524.5708191340877 jamaat-i-islami’s youth wing staged a separate demonstration….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 a breakdown of order in china will lead to significant globa….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 abuja is the capital of -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 tirana is the capital of -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 china will resolutely oppose the proliferation of mass destr….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 china is north korea’s closest ally. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 libyan foreign minister abdel rahman shalgam visited london ….. -0.452283812: -0.1055399428 94.09480150154616 522.6934378596554 goff stated that this presents a major threat to global secu….. -0.5760431077: -0.1655866766 85.41004778626093 524.6913339189723 cambodia and vietnam finalized an agreement to stop asian an….. -0.4216441524: -0.1606605665 96.24492603202012 524.5274306519291 activists have stated that russia is imprisoning people with….. -0.5910131764: -0.1660642977 84.35952985709336 524.7072254977028 detainees to be accused of homicide, criminal collaboration,….. -0.456906439: -0.1617856124 93.77041070149464 524.5648635734462 existing rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months. -0.5160040292: -0.1301462096 89.62326350984033 523.512146229699 the international atomic energy agency may have been tricked….. -0.3976881869: -0.1598962497 97.92602529091457 524.5020000329126 france provides the rockets, guns and engines. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 lavrov has told us secretary of state condoleezza rice that ….. -0.5910131764: -0.1660642977 84.35952985709336 524.7072254977028 additional individuals and entities are subject to an assets….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 withdrawal from the treaty would allow russia to bolster for….. -0.5810347104: -0.165745934 85.05976428438463 524.6966327888854 fan stated the commission is primarily concerned with the te….. -0.5760431077: -0.1655866766 85.41004778626093 524.6913339189723 president dmitry medvedev’s statement was posted on the krem….. -0.6595203905: -0.1682500254 79.552066478582 524.7799497993567 amnesty international is a rights group based in london. -0.3976881869: -0.1598962497 97.92602529091457 524.5020000329126 the number 254 was tabulated with an afp count compiled from….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 shingarev said it is very difficult to make a nuclear weapon….. -0.8051946912: -0.1728977747 69.32943699963242 524.9345913496693 paris is the capital of france. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 an indian government official spoke on condition of anonymit….. -0.5646431622: -0.1652229605 86.2100339080522 524.6792322288585 arms smugglers and drug cartels must be eliminated from sout….. -0.4216441524: -0.1606605665 96.24492603202012 524.5274306519291 the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to buildi….. -0.5219865534: 0.1110527464 89.2034425249935 515.4868896795091 the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other no….. -0.4625166526: -0.1619646067 93.37671644756233 524.5708191340877 estonian officials stated that some of the cyber attacks tha….. -1.051638377: -0.1807605787 52.035360577373176 525.196205330169 wi sung-lac refused to give any details about the north kore….. -0.5271438841: -0.1640265432 88.84152912473671 524.6394246137252 the united states and the allies of the united states believ….. -0.9422424109: -0.1772702923 59.712174028599726 525.0800752937628 the cfe is very important for european security. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the u.s., other western nations and nato condemned the viole….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 myanmar’s military rulers burned approximately 250 million d….. -0.5036711746: -0.1618897719 90.48871610881747 524.5683292058142 iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as offic….. -0.5766868979: -0.1656072167 85.36487009467747 524.6920173388576 india accuses islamabad of funding and training guerrillas. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the panamanian foreign ministry communique stated that the t….. -0.6492425914: -0.1679221115 80.27330646803283 524.7690393315221 the indian government has prohibited direct or indirect expo….. -0.4959331375: -0.1630307621 91.0317294314444 524.6062926322109 the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public….. -0.9239201554: -0.1766857194 60.99793018625065 525.0606251781196 saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms r….. -0.2235708125: -0.154341022 110.14463485085692 524.317164543286 bulgaria is located on the southeastern part of the balkan p….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 elbaradei stated that this is the last chance to build secur….. -0.7499735284: -0.1711359394 73.20455761906601 524.8759709466242 the cfe treaty was established in 1990. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the conventional forces in europe treaty is considered a key….. -0.452725739: -0.1616522268 94.06378946805768 524.5604255228073 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinist….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the meetings lasted 2 days. -0.46193917: -0.03080250981 93.41724103264437 520.2067476873359 the villagers are inadvertently involving themselves in drug….. -0.4216441524: -0.1606605665 96.24492603202012 524.5274306519291 hong kong universities collaborate with universities, busine….. -0.4830042635: -0.1626182654 91.93900743746624 524.5925678975225 the chinese government gave active cooperation and assistanc….. -0.556668547: -0.09015424524 86.76964899934295 522.1815195165811 the mexican government has adopted a series of measures agai….. -0.5052829886: -0.1072308854 90.37560777782174 522.749699498066 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinist….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 dutch national research institute tno carried out chemical w….. -0.4736274578: -0.1623190977 92.59702062126061 524.5826138852914 a report issued by security software vendor mcafee inc., sai….. -0.7088916153: -0.169825218 76.08746266511471 524.8323601607062 the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other no….. -0.4889509959: -0.1628079963 91.5216981234899 524.5988806920345 many of the attacks originated abroad. -0.5996665615: -0.1663403846 83.75228239085425 524.7164115578838 police arrested 2 honduran drug trafficking suspects. -0.5645698361: -0.03407694877 86.21517954110737 520.3156959727835 if japan rises to the occasion japan will never be beaten ev….. -0.4609698363: -0.1619152554 93.48526359694834 524.5691771006464 myanmar is a military state. -0.4434475178: -0.1613562045 94.71488452755945 524.5505761636372 amnesty international’s report was compiled by european and ….. -0.4801771606: -0.1625280665 92.13739813064744 524.5895667670967 the iranian government denied the accusation and insists the….. -0.637023672: -0.167532266 81.13076372074514 524.7560682540552 the proliferation security initiative calls for stopping and….. -0.5084510364: -0.1634301465 90.15329142882241 524.6195810933508 amnesty international has published a report stating that an….. -0.8551517031: -0.1744916569 65.82372583969384 524.9876235572669 naeem m. smuggled 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of heroin. -0.4194003087: -0.1605889765 96.40238676507214 524.5250486843616 29 people were convicted by the quang ninh people’s court of….. -0.4216441524: -0.1606605665 96.24492603202012 524.5274306519291 france, belgium, germany, sweden, italy and britain provide ….. -0.388793674: 0.115302275 98.550193787526 515.3454978674904 international atomic energy association is the united nation….. -0.4267681293: -0.1608240474 95.88535322431383 524.5328700446556 wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to ….. -0.567262995: 0.1096081982 86.02618830605822 515.5349531957663 defense chiefs from estonia, latvia, lithuania, germany, ita….. -0.4036015273: -0.1600849152 97.51105924878884 524.5082773798725 the bill proposing the new law allowing the use of space pro….. -0.6447221525: -0.1677778865 80.59052626495402 524.7642406286749 van der merwe sentenced geiges to a total of 13 years impris….. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 zahedan is a city in southeastern -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 china has so far balked against united states pressure on ch….. -0.6051230501: -0.1665144743 83.36937571966024 524.7222039307152 brazil’s strategic affairs minister roberto mangabeira unger….. -0.8823784381: -0.1753603278 63.913101779588345 525.0165262840387 the accused will be charged with international drug traffick….. -0.4471220397: -0.1614734404 94.45702658771877 524.5544768774074 variants of the advanced light helicopter (alh) contain rock….. -0.388793674: 0.115302275 98.550193787526 515.3454978674904 blix stated that it is essential to increase efforts to elim….. -0.7705560709: -0.171792627 71.76018682310253 524.8978204853925 the afghanistan-iran border region has been the scene of fre….. -0.5211550225: -0.1638354682 89.26179483251414 524.6330670967353 physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified inform….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the abductee support group hopes parliament will change the ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 compu….. -0.694639162: -0.0382268202 77.08762225049722 520.4537719553762 do quy doan is a spokesman for the vietnamese ministry of cu….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 government initiatives to disarm have been ineffective. -0.4830042635: -0.1626182654 91.93900743746624 524.5925678975225 russia ratified the amended version of the treaty. -0.4125438554: -0.1603702209 96.88353533856117 524.5177701694269 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is 37 years old. -0.5788217187: -0.1656753284 85.21505999136936 524.6942835724793 chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman jiang yu stated that cy….. -0.5940906392: -0.1661624844 84.14357026770386 524.7104923994111 if india blames foreign militants it is part of its propagan….. -0.4448716752: -0.1614016423 94.61494491642509 524.552087987619 naeem m. was hanged in zabol, sistan-baluchestan province. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 a siemens spokesman in germany stated to the agence france-p….. -0.6456683513: -0.1678080751 80.52412718678484 524.7652450724346 the south african government imposed a ban that prohibits th….. -0.546925526: -0.164657678 87.45336117873988 524.6604239509021 ukraine almost has all of the necessary approvals to join th….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the north korean government has warned the south korean gove….. -0.5842700538: -0.1658491579 84.83272549298056 524.700067289838 china’s council of agriculture opens a special office in cha….. -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 tibet suspects chinese government of creating the virus to s….. -0.4830042635: -0.1626182654 91.93900743746624 524.5925678975225 chinese authorities were not immediately available for comme….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the european union and the united states have frozen al-qadi….. -0.6051230501: -0.1665144743 83.36937571966024 524.7222039307152 a group representing mainly white south africans called afri….. 0.4889215785: -0.1316088998 160.14347253333904 523.560813372683 putin announced that the cfe treaty does not duly protect ru….. -0.428379169: -0.1608754477 95.772299224338 524.5345802549162 ahmad is fighting extradition to the united states and lodge….. -0.7870084939: -0.1723175427 70.60564533670131 524.9152856674891 russia has ratified the amended version but the united state….. -0.7376152028: -0.1707416462 74.07179764385293 524.862851881495 tskhinvali is the capital of georgia. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi said the shift of ….. -0.610681728: -0.1666918243 82.97929796279082 524.7281047832491 the opposition japanese communist party was against the new ….. -0.6499999482: -0.167946275 80.22015929083928 524.7698433088053 iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop usin….. -0.5569994619: -0.1649790876 86.74642719004163 524.6711180064976 a key european arms control treaty must be maintained. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the golden triangle region was 1 of the world’s biggest prod….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 the united states dismissed the action as nuclear blackmail…… -0.7346931475: -0.1706484178 74.27685157666824 524.859749953744 north korean officials are suspected of building nuclear wea….. -0.6087827829: -0.1666312383 83.11255559532268 524.7260889450612 india and pakistan remain outside the treaty. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 russia may pull out of the treaty if the us and other nato a….. -0.4125438554: -0.1603702209 96.88353533856117 524.5177701694269 russia said the system is a clear threat to russian security….. -0.6256517967: -0.1671694454 81.92878003362327 524.7439963619797 at the state scientific center of applied microbiology there….. -0.6790453652: -0.1688729712 78.18191002997592 524.8006766698571 the book states that the drug conveys a completely positive ….. -0.6001134734: -0.1663546434 83.72092055055234 524.7168859802049 40 inmates are serving sentences for murder. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 russia is fulfilling obligations and decreasing forces. -0.4125438554: -0.1603702209 96.88353533856117 524.5177701694269 after the first meeting between leaders of the european unio….. -0.4629554241: -0.1619786057 93.34592585419995 524.5712849149421 iguaran stated that the detainees will be accused of homicid….. -0.5760431077: -0.1655866766 85.41004778626093 524.6913339189723 3 suspected extremists were released on bail. -0.4043462432: 0.107491551 97.45879914135126 515.6053790256701 6 czech hospital employees are charged with human organ traf….. -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 SC dismisses govt’s review plea in Vodafone tax case -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Explosion hits oil pipeline in Syria’s Homs -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 NATO Soldier Killed In Afghan Attack -0.4761326519: -0.1623990261 92.42121973631096 524.5852732912153 Israel ex-spy warns against ‘messianic’ Iran war -0.5095827245: -0.1634662531 90.07387571986209 524.6207824445665 NATO traces path out of Afghanistan -0.4937127089: -0.1629599191 91.18754702637558 524.60393552101 Australian PM Gillard set to win leadership challenge -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syrian rebels move command from Turkey to Syria -0.6393988476: -0.1786064663 80.96408682988466 525.1245329465391 Indian finance minister quits to run for president 0.5313964626: -0.1302537355 163.12412869400814 523.5157238689908 White House in damage control over Obama Supreme Court remar….. -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Quartet calls on Israelis, Palestinians to end irritants -0.490565341: -0.1628595021 91.40841217543742 524.6005944110607 Nigeria university mass attacked by gunmen -0.5941934084: -0.1661657632 84.13635848142873 524.710601494807 China’s Cabinet promises to boost economy -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Moscow protesters demand Vladimir Putin’s resignation -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 French election turnout higher than expected -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Australia to establish the world’s largest marine reserve -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt’s Coptic Church Names New Pope -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 Aussie surfers find stricken asylum seekers -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 UN Security Council unanimous vote on Syria -0.6297620591: -0.1782990039 81.6403441872682 525.1143029478513 Gunman kills 6 in shooting at Wisconsin Sikh temple -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Audi to buy motorcycle maker Ducati -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 China news agency: Still hope for Syria peace -0.7340492933: -0.1816262958 74.32203375862171 525.2250097745718 AOL says to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1.0 bn -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Thousands of troops to march for Jubilee -0.4296653941: -0.1609164848 95.68203895135149 524.5359456559195 Syria journalists rescue bid fails -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Rimsha Masih released on bail -0.4128927479: -0.1603813523 96.85905196204092 524.5181405386464 1 person killed in sectarian clashes in Lebanon -0.8034027311: -0.2184216373 69.45518701055553 526.4492773265836 Turkey Raises Alarm Over Syrian Refugees -0.4437053995: -0.1613644322 94.69678779349354 524.5508499197209 Suspected al-Qaeda financier arrested in France -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 No damage, tsunami after 6.6 quake hits off Indonesia’s Suma….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Israeli air strikes kill 16 in Gaza -0.9965753434: -0.2245848237 55.89938457440481 526.6543410343874 Palestinian prisoner ending hunger strike after deal -0.5806332081: -0.1657331241 85.0879395318496 524.6962065713493 Hezbollah confirms it sent drone downed over Israel -0.5015370237: -0.1632095545 90.63847920814489 524.6122414758345 6.6 quake rocks Indonesia’s Papua: USGS -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What time is Andy Murray v Roger Federer in the Wimbledon me….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 New Jersey School Bans Hugging -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran steps up relief efforts aft….. -0.9763261108: -0.2239387705 57.32036549384866 526.632845323054 Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Cash-rich Apple to pay dividend, buy back shares -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two reported dead in shooting at Empire State Building in NY -0.3475425495: -0.1582963494 101.44497316293742 524.4487675886068 Australian unemployment up to 5.1 percent -0.4452653121: 0.01030354272 94.58732162048915 518.839052640767 Shares Move Higher on Wall Street -0.396505441: -0.126407461 98.00902396181827 523.3877492709873 Halliburton 1Q income rises 23 pct -0.4150961052: -0.1604516506 96.70443233711761 524.5204795277056 China stocks close mixed Friday -0.5588544654: -0.1320664321 86.61625314540912 523.5760365482228 India bans bulk texts after riots -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 UN monitors yet to reach site of Syrian ‘massacre’ – video -0.4572767446: -0.161797427 93.74442466800193 524.5652566739215 2 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes -0.9542100395: -0.09208948335 58.872350997188114 522.2459094400906 Massive Hurricane Sandy bears down on U.S. East Coast -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 The Note’s Must Reads for Wednesday July 4, 2012 -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 Gusmao consolidates power in East Timor elections -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Explosion at Venezuela Refinery Kills at Least 39 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pakistani plane crashes with 127 on board -0.4390187618: -0.1612149047 95.02567051981904 524.5458747873662 UN security council orders global sanctions against Haqqani ….. -0.5231193676: -0.1638981407 89.12394778666078 524.6351523607 Erdogan and Putin talked in raised voice -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 Saudi Arabia arrests suspected militants with al-Qaeda links -0.4567717008: -0.1617813135 93.77986589129605 524.5647205412438 Panetta says Afghanistan role to shift from combat in 2013 -0.5941357907: -0.1661639249 84.14040178128484 524.7105403302935 Bodies Found at Russian Jet Crash in Indonesia -0.4010176368: -0.160002476 97.69238261618139 524.5055344332853 US soldier kills up to 16 civilians in Afghanistan -1.208448093: -0.2313446394 41.03130827649885 526.8792560010902 Barack Obama’s bodyguards sent back to US after prostitution….. -0.6598264202: -0.1682597893 79.53059097613891 524.7802746673369 China’s yuan rises to new high against USD Wednesday -0.6685188004: -0.1685371204 78.92060704738206 524.7895021230129 Tibetan monk dies after setting himself on fire in protest a….. -0.4545987123: -0.1617119842 93.93235440097811 524.5624137903642 Man, 19, quizzed over teen murder -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Israel kills Hamas commander, bombs Gaza targets -0.9650489551: -0.223578972 58.11173490063683 526.6208739812199 NATO Condemns Syria’s Downing of Turkish Military Jet -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Syria rebels attack Lebanese post near border: army -0.7898868565: -0.1834077973 70.40365751781987 525.2842845216253 Five killed in China building collapse -0.9433171489: -0.2228856171 59.63675476135478 526.5978044338002 Syrian forces launch new attacks -0.8286698528: -0.1736467515 67.68207794499004 524.959511567961 Boris Johnson re-elected London mayor -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Breivik drops far-right salute in court -0.3972922325: -0.1510678515 97.9538112118824 524.2082584615765 Second teenager charged with murder -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 French Fear New Serial Killer After Murders -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 US: Madoff brother to plead guilty in NY in fraud -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Hollande defeats Sarkozy in French presidency vote -0.5078716172: -0.1634116601 90.19395191325573 524.6189660069523 Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down execution law -0.5146230586: -0.1636270654 89.72017250833062 524.6261330457103 UN envoy in Turkey for talks on Syria -0.6725667549: -0.1796646909 78.63654363458616 525.1597425654421 Bangladesh Muslims torch Buddhist shrines, police say -0.5975077387: -0.1662715072 83.90377682313202 524.7141198447861 U.S. Drone Kills Five Militants in Pakistan -0.6203507388: -0.1670003148 82.30077941874647 524.7383689877557 Mali future interim president readies to take office -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 9 killed, 168 injured in latest Cairo clashes -0.4030882557: -0.1560752687 97.54707785847775 524.3748670088512 Romney wins Maine Republican caucuses -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Court in Bahrain rejects medics’ last rally appeal -0.4260987965: -0.1608026923 95.93232335774898 524.5321595098301 Hurricane Sandy powers toward Eastern Seaboard -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 JK Rowling launches her first adult novel -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 Security official killed in Yemen -0.9047262319: -0.221654371 62.34485525914383 526.5568379818474 NATO sticks to transition roadmap in Afghanistan: Rasmussen -0.2344385125: -0.1546877568 109.3819988240529 524.3287012245041 Blast kills 11 in northwestern Pakistan -0.9557861508: -0.2232834415 58.76174808348678 526.6110409880035 5 aid workers freed in operation in Afghanistan -0.5099005118: -0.1634763922 90.05157513530908 524.6211197938734 Nadal tumbles into French Open final -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Putin claims victory in Russia’s presidential election -0.4213199113: -0.1606502216 96.2676795062847 524.5270864515898 Remains of 167 bodies found in Mexican cave -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 orphaned alps massacre girl returns to uk -0.213781536: -0.1540286944 110.83159298737465 524.3067726698987 Thousands gather for new Russian anti-Putin rally -0.5342105162: -0.1642520047 88.34563135364891 524.646926245304 Another rocket hits Eshkol; no injuries -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Thousands more Syrian refugees flee to Turkey overnight -0.4437053995: -0.1613644322 94.69678779349354 524.5508499197209 Strong quake jolts most parts of Pakistan -0.5302726045: -0.1641263653 88.62197256265765 524.6427459281884 Mob kills man for burning Quran -0.3008982637: -0.2023891952 104.71821524042697 525.9158402725055 US drone strike kills four in North Waziristan -1.215644889: -0.2315742537 40.52627629563284 526.8868958092862 Salvador Dali painting snatched from New York gallery -0.4227517994: -0.1532802214 96.16719739462934 524.2818692114264 Sarkozy announces re-election bid -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US, UK in pact to release emergency oil stocks -0.4549966515: -0.1617246805 93.90442918889676 524.5628362255212 Romney wins Florida Republican primary -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Sony reports record annual loss -0.4799483604: -0.1625207666 92.1534540842758 524.5893238826641 Barclays hit by fresh U.S. investigations -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 US closes embassy in Syria (AP) -0.790249878: -0.15044754 70.37818264253232 524.1876192397464 EU heaps new sanctions on Syria -0.7225630457: -0.1812598262 75.1280760970214 525.212816469798 Russians rally against Putin’s rule -0.4010176368: -0.160002476 97.69238261618139 524.5055344332853 Bahrain Grand Prix Underway Amid Protests -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Sheryl Crow says has benign brain tumor -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Two German tourists, two pilots killed in Kenya air crash -0.6940671056: -0.2149332761 77.12776605542838 526.3332113456305 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators quietly meet -0.4813924156: -0.1625668393 92.05211814782237 524.5908568293827 US astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82 -0.637565931: -0.1675495668 81.09271093656093 524.7566438927939 Mitt Romney wins Republican primary in Indiana -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Santorum Romping To Minnesota Victory -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Man arrested over double murder -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Florida counties extend early voting -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 Newcastle 2-0 Liverpool: Match report, pictures & video high….. -0.3527984457: 1.2434999 101.07614297889747 477.80770942390444 Palestinian prisoners to end hunger strike -0.5806332081: -0.1657331241 85.0879395318496 524.6962065713493 Egypt lets Mubarak PM back in presidential race -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 GOP candidate Romney to call to arm Syrian rebels -0.4777015382: -0.1624490815 92.31112383354282 524.58693875323 U.N. observer patrol arrives at Syria massacre site -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Greek PM to announce new election -0.5536365846: -0.1648717948 86.9824156116888 524.6675481211316 Plane crash in Ghana kills at least 10 -0.9355172044: -0.2226367593 60.18411241157364 526.5895243493288 Syria forces launch Aleppo attack -0.8411417402: -0.1850430882 66.80686877358285 525.3386944940008 Romney, Obama fight for edge on Medicare -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 BBC director general resigns over ‘shoddy journalism’ -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 In Islamist-led Egypt, Coptic Church names new pope -0.5564115138: -0.1649603291 86.7876861889326 524.6704938661466 Chinese stocks close higher Thursday -0.4386246495: -0.128230491 95.05332717261219 523.4484057649341 Greece to vote on 2013 budget; protesters gather -0.4735907327: -0.162317926 92.59959778757762 524.5825748995298 U.S., EU Cautiously Welcome Iran’s Proposal To Restart Nucle….. -0.4741931756: -0.162337147 92.55732162037413 524.5832144269676 Journalists hail London Olympics opening -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Aust stocks open lower -0.4396776904: -0.1612359279 94.97943049458456 524.5465742775712 Palestinians: 2 Gaza militants killed in Israeli airstrike o….. -0.9220148848: -0.09106229457 61.13163170696397 522.2117324534092 FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, February 1 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 HRW: Jordan biased against Palestinians from Syria -0.6507012779: -0.1789670712 80.17094379384562 525.1365311187282 Federer Wins 7th Wimbledon Title -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 China trade returns to surplus in March -0.5158175303: -0.1014791218 89.63635098380655 522.5583247942781 Full Episode: Nightline 6/29: Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise to Di….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 South Sudan accuses Sudan of bombings ahead of talks -0.5915633128: -0.1660818498 84.32092427869014 524.707809498767 Nine killed in gun attack in Pakistan -1.152405772: -0.229556605 44.96405329718686 526.8197638921142 Syria demands guarantees, rebels say peace plan doomed -0.767811153: -0.1827034704 71.95281022107542 525.260849907645 Minn. terminal reopens after evacuation -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Golf: Westwood takes lead in Dubai Desert Classic -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Polls open in Russian presidential election -0.4238875554: -0.1607321425 96.08749622267393 524.529812151702 Chavez leaves again for Cuba for radiotherapy -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Romanian president declared victory -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 Mali interim leader takes office -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 AL renews condemnation on Syria’s violence -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Air Force Instructor Faces Sentencing for Rape -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iron Dome intercepts 17 rockets -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Romney, Paul vie for Maine caucus win -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Aung San Suu Kyi to address British MPs -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Google CEO says Android important, not critical -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Romney vows to restore ‘promise of America’ -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Jaya Prada all set to join BJP -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Hezbollah’s Nasrallah warns US over anti-Islam film -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Childcare costs rise by nearly 6% -0.4150961052: -0.1604516506 96.70443233711761 524.5204795277056 Obama urges decisive action on Europe debt crisis -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Beef burger mix recalled over salmonella concerns -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 First significant gas found offshore Kenya -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 Red Cross worker killed in Pakistan -0.9557861508: -0.2232834415 58.76174808348678 526.6110409880035 Polls close in Egyptian presidential election -0.4193906644: -0.1276168293 96.40306355224891 523.4279877964759 Police ‘did not link’ Savile claims -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 James Murdoch quits BSkyB -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Four French soldiers killed in Afghan suicide blast -0.9863573846: -0.224258819 56.61642530725501 526.6434940902823 AP Source: Redskins to trade for No. 2 pick -0.4089405708: 0.0330744677 97.13639424010313 518.0814104107577 Osama Bin Laden Wives to Be Jailed -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 JetBlue pilot who disrupted flight declared insane, not guil….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tsunami warning: No need for SA to panic -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama praises U.S.-Latin America trade ties -0.4559075953: -0.09956769089 93.84050411446904 522.4947269930259 Obama and Romney focus on swing-states -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 ‘Grenade attack’ kills one and injures at least 11 -1.074507333: -0.2270712496 50.430541725415786 526.7370702713537 Shooter charged with murder of US black teen 0.4937601205: -0.1314545258 160.48301507282252 523.5556769853365 Jonny Bairstow and Eoin Morgan shine for England in Mumbai -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US drone kills six militants in Pakistan: officials -1.204368629: -0.2312144838 41.31758284909051 526.874925418258 4 French Soldiers Reported Killed in Afghanistan -0.4937127089: -0.1629599191 91.18754702637558 524.60393552101 Spanish bailout dilemma gets more acute -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Russia jails Pussy Riot protest punks for two years -0.4993242256: -0.163138955 90.79376133306774 524.6098924648893 Israel bars German writer Grass from visiting over poem -0.4329633356: -0.1610217059 95.45060736721668 524.5394466082953 The Note’s Must-Reads for August 1, 2012 -0.3627625502: 0.9311951994 100.37691636382463 488.19882134349035 NATO US troop detained over shooting of Afghan civilians -0.6845121641: -0.1690473898 77.79827984114816 524.806479987611 Fitch upgrades Ford to investment grade -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syria peace plan conditions “unacceptable,” opposition says -0.7698084639: -0.1827671948 71.81264981665792 525.2629701666524 China activist Chen lands in US -0.7197363552: -0.1701712202 75.32643784547646 524.8438724685892 Mohamed Morsi sworn in as Eygptian president -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 Torres moving on after Olympic bid fails -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pakistan begins demolition of bin Laden compound -0.5302726045: -0.1641263653 88.62197256265765 524.6427459281884 Sudan blames Israel for Khartoum arms fire -0.4329633356: -0.1610217059 95.45060736721668 524.5394466082953 House-Senate deal reached on payroll tax measure -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tropical Storm Isaac drenches Haiti, swipes Cuba -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Foreign pro-Palestinian activists seek to enter West Bank -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gore Vidal dead at 86: Legendary author, playwright, and pol….. -0.4434617057: -0.1613566572 94.71388889821655 524.5505912248956 World stocks fall before Greek debt deal deadline -0.4396776904: -0.1612359279 94.97943049458456 524.5465742775712 Isaac drenches Haiti, heads toward Cuba, Florida -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama relaxes deportation rules for young immigrants -0.3427966295: -0.1581449305 101.77801599874162 524.4437295247156 ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s girlfriend gets 8 years -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Mauritanian president shot by army unit -0.5101310119: -0.1634837463 90.03539989344907 524.6213644828238 U.S. drone strike kills 10 in northwest Pakistan -1.253313767: -0.232776082 37.882879518449165 526.9268834637891 Iran expands nuclear enrichment activities: IAEA report -0.6861378466: -0.1690992573 77.68419829392917 524.8082057419642 Iraqi Attacks Kill General, Four Police -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Washington: More Than 100 Are Charged in Medicare Fraud Swee….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 European markets rise on Greek bailout hopes -0.4150961052: -0.1604516506 96.70443233711761 524.5204795277056 Edwards Acquitted on 1 Count, Mistrial on Others -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Suicide bomber attacks Algerian security base -0.631695569: -0.1673622724 81.50466098834188 524.7504121698513 Israeli military court rejects appeal of Palestinian hunger ….. -0.5612173679: -0.1651136602 86.4504375070962 524.6755955534479 UN Chief Finds His Voice, Remains Cautious on China -0.5313749477: -0.1641615356 88.54461611503402 524.6439161281857 Libyans begin handing in weapons -0.4625166526: -0.1619646067 93.37671644756233 524.5708191340877 British Archbishop of Canterbury changes career to Cambridge -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Punjab Mail derails near Rohtak, 19 injured -0.4032157911: -0.1600726083 97.5381281173045 524.5078678989458 Indian Maoist rebels offer talks to free Italian hostages -0.4710960988: -0.1622383345 92.7746576128186 524.5799267038941 Israel must release or try Palestinian on prolonged hunger s….. -0.6266626801: -0.1672016977 81.85784173642251 524.7450694722081 UN report says both sides in Syria abuse rights -0.7857391668: -0.183275465 70.69471980551859 525.279881513231 Girl accused of burning Koran goes into hiding -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Chicago teacher strike nears end with ‘framework’ agreement ….. -0.5161844311: -0.1636768811 89.61060388626426 524.6277905313519 Indonesian president to visit UK -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 Storm delays start of Republican convention -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 At least two Nato killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash: mi….. -1.014258361: -0.2251490017 54.65848668061754 526.6731125622482 Miami Heat wins NBA Finals -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ryanair in new bid for Aer Lingus -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 Russian Air Force celebrates 100th anniversary -0.4010176368: -0.160002476 97.69238261618139 524.5055344332853 Not so Super Tuesday for Mitt Romney -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Putin sworn in as Russian growth falters -0.4010176368: -0.160002476 97.69238261618139 524.5055344332853 ArQule, Daiichi stop lung cancer trial, shares tank -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 6.1-magnitude quake strikes Indonesia -0.5146230586: -0.1636270654 89.72017250833062 524.6261330457103 Syrian fighter pilot defects to Jordan -0.4437053995: -0.1613644322 94.69678779349354 524.5508499197209 Airlines cancel ‘flytilla’ activists’ tickets to TA -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Spain asks for bank rescue -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 SpaceX docks with International Space Station: Up next, publ….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 ‘Million Muppet March’ to defend Obama backing of PBS -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Syrian opposition in reconciliation talks -0.5192250224: -0.1637738914 89.39723173416594 524.6310182919259 Sensex down 193 points on budget blues -0.242400662: 0.1359912137 108.82325850690472 514.6571282190121 Facebook boosts size of IPO by 25pc to raise $15bn -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iran’s Parliament Questions A Dismissive Ahmadinejad 0.1335420552: -0.254081447 135.20487203266876 527.6357630661798 Presidential vote polarises Egyptians -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan -1.208448093: -0.2313446394 41.03130827649885 526.8792560010902 Police raise death toll in bus accident to 8 -0.4082470073: -0.1602331296 97.18506474682609 524.5132088209739 Secret Service sees its ‘biggest scandal’ over prostitutes -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Kuwait: Activists storm Syrian embassy; two injured -0.4493474038: -0.1615444408 94.30086264306934 524.5568392279703 Details of Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Ireland -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Key says marae visit a lost opportunity -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Norway marks anniversary of massacre -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama to meet families of shooting victims -0.4803811849: -0.1625345759 92.12308081699001 524.5897833504704 Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ips….. -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Two killed, 19 injured in Toronto shooting -0.2327505886: -0.1546339035 109.50044813208474 524.326909397395 What the Pope’s butler saw – aide arrested over Vatican leak….. -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Libya PM names new cabinet after protests over original -0.5799630643: -0.1657117431 85.13496657183921 524.695495175677 4 foreign soldiers killed in Afghan east -0.9813379674: -0.2240986741 56.968660679189924 526.6381656936986 Syrian forces storm central town -0.4988573518: -0.1631240593 90.82652399382252 524.6093968518319 One dead in new Israeli strike on Gaza -0.7423140681: -0.1708915638 73.74205685492451 524.8678399940844 Actor Gazzara dead at 81 -0.4356331784: -0.1611068874 95.26325233161012 524.5422807981898 Komen won’t cut Planned Parenthood funding -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 BP sells some Gulf of Mexico assets for $5.55 bil -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Armstrong steps down from Livestrong -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syrian govt wont stop attacks -0.6403250212: -0.1676375957 80.89909300719357 524.7595728238315 Chinese stocks close higher midday Friday -0.4386246495: -0.128230491 95.05332717261219 523.4484057649341 Obama’s poll rating drops in boost for Republican rivals -0.4576121134: -0.1529923617 93.7208903153418 524.2722914436131 New Syria opposition chief wants no-strings aid -0.6206793973: -0.1780092209 82.27771595107917 525.1046611861221 Norway memorial honours 77 massacre victims -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US Afghanistan general linked to Petraeus scandal -0.6956454615: -0.1694025985 77.01700563132637 524.8182986156143 Chinese stocks fall after RRR cut – May 14 -0.4464064531: -0.1614506095 94.50724255918374 524.5537172415727 NATO strike ‘kills civilians’ in Afghanistan -1.036275527: -0.225851461 53.113441787806636 526.6964850358391 IDF to deploy Iron Dome in Central Israel -0.4329633356: -0.1610217059 95.45060736721668 524.5394466082953 4 Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan -0.7322053571: -0.1705690446 74.45143116760846 524.8571090227925 US teen held in Chicago ‘jihad’ car bomb plot -0.7060786125: -0.1697354689 76.28486388527054 524.82937399841 PC David Rathband: twin brother’s fears for his ‘bestest mat….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syrian forces move to retake Aleppo -0.4988573518: -0.1631240593 90.82652399382252 524.6093968518319 Wall Street Opens Lower -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Europe shares bounce as more China stimulus seen -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Nokia apologises for ‘faked’ ad -0.3939158526: -0.04524205153 98.19074717759113 520.6871852009451 U.S. orders non-essential staff to leave Sudan, Tunisia -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 Assad says mercenaries are behind Syria unrest -0.6897932481: -0.1802143034 77.42768211446315 525.1780294670627 Japan PM dissolves lower house for election -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Two killed in new Israeli strike on Gaza: medics -0.9593030203: -0.2233956475 58.51495332665249 526.614774344855 One NATO soldier killed in S. Afghanistan -1.006515341: -0.2249019601 55.20184967154801 526.6648929064861 Spain jobless rate hits new high -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 Turkey scrambles jets near border -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Two die in Syria violence after UN monitors land -0.4403048362: -0.1722543572 94.93542081544894 524.9131833371347 Civilian, defector killed in Syria, says NGO -0.9235104149: -0.2222536818 61.02668354346712 526.5767784597949 German parliament overwhelmingly backs Greek rescue deal -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bombings, clashes continue in Syria -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Burma’s reforms bring easing of U.S. sanctions -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 Dozens dead in Taliban resort attack -0.6429429627: -0.1677211214 80.71538011906566 524.7623519175951 Indonesia anti-terror squad kills two suspected militants -0.85222329: -0.2199792608 66.02922593262545 526.501103124779 US Election: Mitt Romney concedes defeat as Barack Obama win….. -0.6598264202: -0.1682597893 79.53059097613891 524.7802746673369 Rangers voted into Division Three -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 F1 protests in Bahrain -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday -0.4202314378: -0.07428458408 96.34406265451302 521.6534985651707 Hundreds honor student killed in Ohio shooting -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Barack Obama admits US has ‘more nuclear weapons than we nee….. -0.8543393834: -0.1744657397 65.88073001298054 524.9867612337571 2 rockets hit in the Eshkol region; no injuries -0.4109266431: -0.02917495138 96.99702249682224 520.1525949904646 DR Congo rebels kill park rangers -0.8269844016: -0.2191740122 67.80035373312383 526.4743106102469 Nine Pakistani troops killed in militant ambush -0.8843148973: -0.2210031459 63.77721161624823 526.535170190002 Remarks With Prime Minister Elkeib After Their Meeting -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Barrick in talks with China firm over African assets -0.5874288462: -0.1659499394 84.61105864104955 524.7034205274474 6.8 quake strikes off Solomon Islands -0.5146230586: -0.1636270654 89.72017250833062 524.6261330457103 Liquid ammonia leak kills 15 in Shanghai -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire; stock takes a beating -0.330982494: -0.1577679996 102.60706771567368 524.4311881484426 Gunmen abduct seven foreign workers in Nigeria -0.4156213182: -0.1604684076 96.66757574917163 524.5210370711352 Swiss tourist ‘gang-raped’ in India -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Palestinians clash with Israeli forces in West Bank, Jerusal….. -0.5704955891: -0.1654096826 85.79934244759444 524.6854449126182 Iranians Vote in Presidential Election -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 100 killed in new Darfur tribal clashes -0.9562802125: -0.2232992046 58.72707752602539 526.6115654625302 Protest against US drone strikes in Pak postponed -0.7851294992: -0.1722575933 70.73750295420965 524.9132910078534 8 arrested after deadly Bangladesh building collapse -0.4656951356: -0.1620660164 93.15366781110983 524.5741932744698 Suicide bomber kills 3 at US base in Afghanistan -1.13427935: 0.03862194625 46.236066952602215 517.896832752008 Afghans flock to colleges, even as Taliban loom -0.4611779669: -0.1619218958 93.47065812633012 524.5693980430784 Apple revenue misses again, iPhone disappoints -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan -0.9956602042: -0.2245556261 55.96360406227311 526.6533695621076 David Beckham Announces Retirement From Soccer -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Matt Smith to leave Doctor Who after 4 years -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Generations divided over gay marriage -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 23 killed in Iraq car bombings -0.9805033125: -0.2240720444 57.027232216807896 526.6372796600808 Man Who Set Himself on Fire on National Mall Dies of Injurie….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt minister survives assassination attempt -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 Schumacher in a coma after ski accident -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bradley Cooper and JJ Abrams in talks about filming a Lance ….. -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 Boeing airliner crashes in Russia, 50 killed -0.8645323081: -0.2203719809 65.16544604064818 526.5141698471814 EU ministers ‘determined’ to resolve horsemeat scandal -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Jagan Reddy shifted to hospital, power crisis continues in S….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Brazil tied 2-2 by England as Maracana re-opens -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Russia condemns North Korean nuclear test -0.5330219341: -0.1642140828 88.42903957739411 524.6456644978196 Hundreds of Bangladesh clothes factory workers ill -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Yemen suicide bombing kills soldiers -1.027638646: -0.2255759007 53.71953107160092 526.6873164959183 Thai protesters break into army headquarters -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 Israel conducts airstrike on Syria -0.6247597151: -0.1781394037 81.99138145904183 525.1089926753782 Egypt’s main opposition rejects president’s call for dialogu….. -0.5859510459: -0.1659027901 84.71476262098513 524.7018517584469 Housing starts up 6.8% in May -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 6.9 magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 Dozens feared trapped in India building collapse -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Islamists attack north Mali city after suicide bombings -0.7114556361: -0.1699070233 75.90753364012845 524.8350820145529 French parliament backs reform of law on prostitution -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison -0.4523692868: -0.1616408542 94.08880334565495 524.560047128499 US Senate approves fiscal cliff deal -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Iran’s Rouhani warns of Talibanisation in Syria -0.6659895552: -0.1794548448 79.09809571219927 525.1527604940505 Syria denies reports of deadly Damascus nerve gas attack -0.9064237532: -0.1871259156 62.22573245368235 525.4079950613511 Police kill gunman, find 3 more dead in Colo. home -0.85260022: 0.04760893965 66.0027750317496 517.5978143450286 7.2-magnitude quake hits Pakistan: CENC -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Asteroid zips between Earth and satellites -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport -0.4437053995: -0.1613644322 94.69678779349354 524.5508499197209 Can the U.S. trust Syria to hand over chemical weapons? -0.6905591058: -0.1802387381 77.37393838934098 525.1788424685502 Mexican singer Jenni Rivera believed killed in plane crash -0.8645323081: -0.2203719809 65.16544604064818 526.5141698471814 Mugabe declared winner of disputed elections -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Death toll climbs to 15 in Indonesia boat sinking -0.3981436196: -0.08106588197 97.89406550010867 521.879128295152 Egyptian court bans Muslim Brotherhood -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Rouhani leads in Iran presidential vote – preliminary result….. -0.507742486: -0.1634075402 90.20301363817923 524.6188289268406 Police attacked in Belfast flag protests -0.6433898066: -0.167735378 80.68402304807168 524.762826267769 S.Korea proposes ‘final’ N.Korea talks over Kaesong -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 India gang-rape victim «struggling against the odds» -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Statement by the Spokesperson of High Representative Catheri….. -0.6449097793: -0.1637906022 80.57735963826099 524.6315743011722 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 362 -0.4082470073: -0.1602331296 97.18506474682609 524.5132088209739 2 dead, 2 injured in Nevada middle school shooting -0.4299215037: 0.1013626884 95.66406657549155 515.8093006984824 Hamas mixed sex schools ban takes effect -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ukrainian Prime Minister resigns amid protests -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 Iraq Backs Egypt Crackdown on Morsi Supporters -0.5173242199: -0.1637132461 89.53061970869126 524.6290004820056 Hrithik Roshan, wife Sussanne part ways -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gunman Among 7 Dead After Florida Apartment Shooting -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama lauds progress on gay rights in inaugural address -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Gunmen kill nine people in northwest Pakistan -0.9557861508: -0.2232834415 58.76174808348678 526.6110409880035 Narendra Modi pledges tough stand against Pakistan -0.2540631812: -0.1553138833 108.00484639662218 524.3495339258001 Van der Sloot to Marry in Prison -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 China stock index futures close higher — Dec. 4 -0.5477585619: 0.2157122193 87.39490325391242 512.00462286167 Pictures of the day: 7 August 2013 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Palestinians ‘hit’ by Israeli fire in Gaza -0.5153436369: -0.1636500555 89.66960624726548 524.6268979805072 Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife to plead guilty to fraud -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ryanair reports record profits but warns growth likely to sl….. -0.531626195: -0.1641695517 88.52698495090844 524.6441828414182 Israel frees Palestinian prisoners -0.4974121126: -0.1630779489 90.92794301280199 524.6078626482927 U.S. Senate sets off gun control debate -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 Egypt’s leader imposes state of emergency in 3 cities -0.6364031299: 0.1000877589 81.17430999087482 515.8517206008454 ABVP protesters clash with police at Jantar Mantar, throw st….. -0.5462810551: -0.1646371161 87.49858663486569 524.6597398084647 Turkish PM urges to end protests in Istanbul -0.4483315575: -0.1615120301 94.37214921230535 524.5557608493001 Start of San Fermin bull-running festival briefly delayed as….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Former LAPD officer sought in Irvine slayings -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Intel’s McAfee Buys Cloud-Based, Networked Firewall Speciali….. -0.4232186344: -0.1607108005 96.13443745146508 524.5291020541279 4.1 magnitude quake strikes U.S -0.5146230586: -0.1636270654 89.72017250833062 524.6261330457103 Alleged cop killer died from shot to head -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya’s Benghazi, no casual….. -0.5041458599: -0.1632927896 90.45540528031972 524.6150109038059 Musharraf arrested in Lal Masjid case -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 35 militants killed in Afghan raids: official -0.9867762062: -0.2242721815 56.58703468805731 526.6439386932024 North Korea reportedly test-fires short-range missiles -0.4933999364: -0.1629499401 91.2094956955059 524.6036034952599 Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez dies of cancer -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 North Korea’s third test brings it closer to nuclear power s….. -0.5327726565: -0.1642061296 88.44653252293129 524.6453998754714 Israelis, Palestinians resume talks in US -0.7304628945: -0.1705134512 74.57370770749519 524.8552592997116 Nelson Mandela memorial service -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Four U.S. Air Force helicopter crew members killed in UK cra….. -0.9546104424: -0.2232459305 58.84425289673696 526.6097929067486 South Korea Says North Fired Missiles -0.4209947684: -0.1606398479 96.29049626376981 524.5267412939414 Britain shuts down plants as horse meat scandal reaches Fran….. -0.3099599588: -0.1570972741 104.08231480702005 524.4088715323734 US warns Syria on chemical weapons -0.8673565899: -0.1858794749 64.96725331803655 525.3665230469784 37 killed in bus crash in Italy -0.8645323081: -0.2203719809 65.16544604064818 526.5141698471814 U.S. recognizes Syrian opposition -0.5396779132: -0.1644264424 87.96195918973085 524.6527301980309 Preston and England legend Tom Finney dies at 91 -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 French-led troops close in on Timbuktu -0.4286123532: -0.1279110479 95.75593562937912 523.4377771432825 Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan -0.5302726045: -0.1641263653 88.62197256265765 524.6427459281884 Egyptians vote on divisive constitution -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 6.2 magnitude quake jolts Sarangani -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Mother arrested on suspicion of manslaughter after dog kills….. 0.7638978667: -0.1684167963 179.43981166102898 524.7854986577472 Tunisian opposition politician shot dead -0.4415275578: -0.161294948 94.84961687175863 524.5485380169326 Stocks soar on Wall St lead -0.3950534252: -0.08089696242 98.11091852761241 521.8735079444407 George Zimmerman found not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 Royal sorrow over nurse’s death -0.4051590589: -0.1601346084 97.40176015779495 524.5099307882166 Critical Gates memoir rocks Obama administration -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Jeff Bezos Bets $250 Million on Reviving Washington Post -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Brooks pleads not guilty to hacking charges -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Heavy rain raises threat of Christmas Day flooding -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Amazon’s Bezos to buy the Washington Post for $250 million -0.4095866376: -0.1602758706 97.0910567886269 524.514630914617 Israel vows to deny Hezbollah after air strike -0.5500126074: -0.1647561715 87.23672660781858 524.6637010633092 France Welcomes US-Russia Deal on Syria -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Exclusive-UPDATE 2-Egypt pro-Mursi alliance signals flexibil….. -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 6.0-magnitude quake hits Greece — USGS -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 ‘Credibility on the line over Syria’ -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Taliban on agenda for US in Pakistan -0.7428955197: -0.1709101151 73.70125374136397 524.8684572380872 China’s yuan weakens to 6.2767 against USD Thursday -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Egypt ‘freezes Muslim Brotherhood assets’ -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 Zen Report: Ain’t easy being high maintenance -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt army cracks down on Brotherhood -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 Chicago man to be sentenced for terror convictions 0.1246152826: -0.143232119 134.57843971959787 523.9475452126904 US drone strike kills three in northwest Pakistan -1.343341863: -0.2356484351 31.565197769967774 527.0224534051607 Track fault disrupts train service between Raffles Place, Ma….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 UK police say no terrorism link to helicopter crash -0.6389527137: -0.1675938122 80.99539407522234 524.7581160414559 Suicide bomber kills 13 in Russia’s south -0.8456303861: -0.2197689137 66.49188004175755 526.4941043825432 41 killed, 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq -0.6450373147: -0.1677879418 80.56840989708775 524.7645751912668 Eurozone jobless hits fresh record high -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama signs up for Obamacare -0.4639214081: -0.1620094255 93.27813835224825 524.572310361909 Lance Armstrong confesses all to Oprah -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Andy Murray deserves knighthood, David Cameron says -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Hushen 300 Index closes higher — Oct. 14 -0.3426110516: 1.562803163 101.7910388437145 467.1837389084379 US State Department faulted over Benghazi -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Soccer-France to host Australia for first time in October -0.4179803896: -0.1605436739 96.50202896259619 524.5235413594671 Honduran ambassador to Colombia sacked after wild party -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Moderate tremor in the Central Mediterranean -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Suicide Bombs Hit Egypt Military in Sinai, Kill 6 -0.4671916095: -0.1621137615 93.04865341745428 524.5757818665902 Suicide bomber kills 9 at Pakistan political rally -0.9774529977: -0.2239747239 57.2412867046231 526.6340415775585 Students take a ride on airwaves -0.1921123796: -0.1533373384 112.35221643030603 524.2837696287398 Pistorius officer dropped from case -0.3972922325: -0.1510678515 97.9538112118824 524.2082584615765 Destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons begins -0.6654238373: -0.1794367956 79.13779471308577 525.1521599523743 Flooding in Canada forces evacuation of another city -0.452725739: -0.1616522268 94.06378946805768 524.5604255228073 Obama Praises Mandela ‘Inspiration’ -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Obama coming ‘to listen’ to Israel, Palestinians -0.5192247792: -0.1637738836 89.39724880547986 524.6310180336817 The e-mails – Oil firm asked trader about meeting with minis….. -0.3919788301: 0.9302630519 98.32667687422568 488.2298360852294 South Africa Admits Mistake Over ‘Schizophrenic’ Mandela Sig….. -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Crowds Gather in Bethlehem for Christmas -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Seven peacekeepers killed in Sudan’s Darfur -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855785 526.4701736505115 US stocks tumble on third day of shutdown -0.6415661177: -0.1662893202 80.81199960812657 524.7147125257499 Guinea votes in long-delayed legislative poll -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 NATO: 3 troops killed in Afghanistan attack -1.13939098: 0.03845885934 45.87736062383789 517.9022590371825 Israeli soldier hits Palestinian child in Hebron -0.6026327223: -0.1664350202 83.54413337160875 524.7195603061681 UN voices alarm over Israeli strikes on Syria -0.7764295217: -0.1829784401 71.34802001990914 525.2699987958557 Egypt Army Launches New Air Raids on Sinai Militants -0.4918951653: -0.1629019303 91.31509234440907 524.602006095146 French forces attack al-Qaeda’s Mali allies -0.6493453607: -0.1679253903 80.26609468175769 524.7691484269179 13 children die in fire Myanmar mosque fire -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Malaysia’s long-ruling coalition hangs on to power -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 U.S. bans carry-on liquids, gels on flights to Russia -0.4885281271: -0.1627945047 91.55137275588095 524.5984317927404 Nato troops kill two Afghan children -0.9080929578: -0.2217617867 62.1085967570265 526.560411952822 Iranian president calls for new nuclear talks -0.8435383599: -0.1741211323 66.63868705053251 524.9752953333644 4 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan -0.4937127089: -0.1629599191 91.18754702637558 524.60393552101 Typhoon Fitow makes landfall in east China -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Mandela to spend Christmas in hospital -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Exit polls suggest Putin ally wins Moscow vote -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 At least 45 killed in Spain train crash -0.9136906824: -0.2219403825 61.71577891423025 526.5663542556636 Apple app directs drivers to Alaska airport runway -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Suspected US drone kills 3 militants in Pakistan -1.246882044: 0.03502934902 38.334222852743814 518.0163669114379 Francis begins papacy with prayer -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iraq violence kills 11 -0.8739312394: -0.2206718545 64.50588020421685 526.5241473469713 Britons released after kidnapping in Egypt’s Sinai -sources -0.4817992748: -0.1625798201 92.02356698734447 524.591288733496 Syria welcomes Iran’s nuclear deal -0.7955596525: -0.1835887883 70.00557156920728 525.2903065170793 More than 1,000 inmates escape from Libya’s al-Kweifiya pris….. -0.4006914522: -0.1599920691 97.71527247902229 524.5051881697449 What is the nuclear option? -0.5271438841: -0.1640265432 88.84152912473671 524.6394246137252 Islamists kill 21 in suicide attacks in Niger -1.030397109: -0.2256639096 53.52595714836662 526.6902447612584 Snowden’s father arrives in Moscow -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pakistani Taliban names new leader after drone strike -0.7270797886: -0.170405513 74.81111566048189 524.8516679405626 Twin bombings in Pakistan kill at least 40 -1.111516598: -0.2282520329 47.8334329696599 526.7763577095952 Muslim Brotherhood supporter dies in Cairo clash -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Obama mourns death of icon Nelson Mandela -0.4654789397: -0.1620591186 93.16883926125435 524.5739637702532 New World Trade Center declared tallest building in U.S. -0.5130667728: -0.163577412 89.82938417519432 524.6244809598638 What the Papers Say, Mar. 12, 2013 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pakistani girls learn a hard lesson -0.213781536: -0.1540286944 110.83159298737465 524.3067726698987 Egypt’s interim president appoints 2 advisors -0.5633104526: -0.03403676805 86.30355621444686 520.3143590656986 Driver in Spanish train crash faces questions from judge -0.4390187618: -0.1612149047 95.02567051981904 524.5458747873662 US releases initial report on fracking impacts on water -0.6570675105: -0.1681717661 79.72419623955263 524.7773459279022 Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak hospitalized after col….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Syria -1.121455786: -0.2395675637 47.13595489297405 527.1528520307039 South Korean soldiers kill man trying to cross border into N….. -0.4109814024: -0.2059014059 96.99317978321075 526.0326997812829 French train derails south of Paris -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt votes on new constitution -0.6264937407: -0.1671963077 81.86969698370574 524.744890133436 Three feared dead after helicopter crashes into pub -0.4770781534: -0.1624291924 92.35486958370043 524.5862769948598 Nigeria lawmaker charged over alleged bribery -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Rupee down 8 paise vs dollar in early trade -0.3955877145: -0.09764318065 98.07342501100962 522.4306940109893 Israel’s Peres urges return to peace talks -0.5270378903: -0.1640231615 88.84896719401148 524.6393120952615 Obama set to speak on Syria from White House at 1:15 p.m. ED….. -0.6496900471: -0.1789348078 80.24190646301328 525.1354576398159 Indian stocks open lower -0.4396776904: -0.1612359279 94.97943049458456 524.5465742775712 Brief clashes with police in Belfast -0.4970846569: -0.1630675014 90.95092206822274 524.6075150355026 RI condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria -0.6654238373: -0.1794367956 79.13779471308577 525.1521599523743 Indian troops kill Pakistani soldier along Kashmir line of c….. -0.8846740669: -0.2210146052 63.752007045106545 526.535551469003 Brazilian leader holds crisis talks on street protests -0.4461630344: -0.1614428433 94.52432435825092 524.5534588387914 Tropical Storm Andrea zipping up the East Coast -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Four dead in Indonesia train accident -0.4356331784: -0.1611068874 95.26325233161012 524.5422807981898 Miss New York wins Miss America crown -0.4227517994: -0.1532802214 96.16719739462934 524.2818692114264 Austrian found hoarding 56 stolen skulls in home museum -0.3994090461: -0.1599511538 97.8052647578115 524.5038268227904 US set for Obama inauguration -0.6598264202: -0.1682597893 79.53059097613891 524.7802746673369 Suspected Saudi militant dies in Lebanese custody -0.4345382709: -0.1610719543 95.34008697840275 524.5411184916696 India Ink: Image of the Day: January 27 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US Capitol Hill on lockdown after shots fired -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 China’s 1st Pilot Free Trade Zone Opens -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Chinese court upholds death penalties for Mekong murderers -0.4051590589: -0.1601346084 97.40176015779495 524.5099307882166 Egypt protesters ‘to be dispersed’ -0.5156767118: -0.1636606823 89.64623285967522 524.6272515585079 North Korean cargo reveals missile repair trade with Cuba -0.4084123622: -0.09805235198 97.17346104463913 522.4443081034566 Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinians in West Bank -0.586683392: -0.1659261556 84.66337055652794 524.7026291854814 South Korean Workers Start Leaving Joint Factory Zone -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Senate to vote on moving ahead on Hagel nod -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 15 killed and scores injured in suicide bombing at Russian t….. -0.9494354151: -0.2230808208 59.207408145286 526.6042993210958 Obama travels to tornado-ravaged Oklahoma -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 359 -0.4082470073: -0.1602331296 97.18506474682609 524.5132088209739 Libya threatens army action against oil protesters -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 2 Turkish unions call for strike on Monday in protest over p….. -0.7067822534: -0.03861424642 76.2354862000444 520.4666625370206 [Ticker] Fitch upgrades Greek credit rating -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Russians leaving Syria cross into Lebanon -0.5928140164: -0.1771201739 84.23315670800652 525.0750805003682 South African icon Nelson Mandela hospitalized -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Top judge Mansour sworn in as Egypt interim president -0.5499575963: -0.1647544164 87.24058698535333 524.6636426659303 Obama to announce gun control plans Wednesday -0.5075651929: -0.1634018836 90.21545510696352 524.618640720076 President for early conclusion of Eco Partnership with Sri L….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bomb explodes at Greek shopping mall, two people injured -0.4032157911: -0.1600726083 97.5381281173045 524.5078678989458 UN confirms sarin used in Syria attack -0.7995611331: -0.1837164559 69.72476944776228 525.2945543160904 Merkel Vies 3rd Term in Office in Germany Elections -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 6.3-magnitude quake hits Honshu, Japan: CENC -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pakistan to release most senior Afghan Taliban prisoner -0.6123134111: -0.1667438833 82.86479532686481 524.7298369075692 Egypt court orders release of Mubarak -0.4817992748: -0.1625798201 92.02356698734447 524.591288733496 10 dead, five injured in SW China road accident -0.5452721289: -0.1646049262 87.56938758744482 524.6586687758997 Bollywood cuts costs by a third as rupee collapse bites -0.396962354: -0.1598730919 97.97696028977194 524.5012295200809 Tornadoes rip through Midwest, killing 6 and devastating nei….. -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Singapore stocks end up 0.26 percent -0.4889305882: 0.008910398866 91.52313022527865 518.8854058132835 Iran, atomic agency in first talks since Rowhani election -0.5086839112: -0.1073393921 90.13694954567676 522.7533097706568 China’s new PM rejects US hacking claims -0.8529292346: -0.1744207488 65.97968658294398 524.9852642806078 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads not guilty to Boston bombing charge….. -0.5295093471: -0.1641020135 88.67553381283253 524.641935687068 Chinese general’s son gets 10 years jail for rape -0.4710781433: -0.1622377616 92.77591763170477 524.5799076431158 P.G. police seeking driver in crash that killed child -0.9640431783: -0.2235468826 58.1823148411422 526.6198062919876 In Pakistan, army adamant on fighting the other Taliban -0.4339087971: -0.1610518709 95.38426002522061 524.5404502694224 South Africans Mourn as Mandela Buried -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Witnesses hear ‘loud booms’ at Boston Marathon -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Cryptic crossword – Saturday 27th April -0.4043025494: -0.1601072814 97.46186533232789 524.5090215546979 Costa Concordia captain to be tried for manslaughter -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Angelina Jolie’s aunt dies of breast cancer -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Myanmar’s Suu Kyi urges party unity amid squabbles -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 10 Things to Know for Wednesday -0.4194003087: -0.1605889765 96.40238676507214 524.5250486843616 White House, defense contractors discuss harm of automatic s….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Former Zambian president arrested -0.5111130267: -0.1635150775 89.96648743954951 524.6224069473608 Officer injured in India anti-rape protests dies -0.4602407166: -0.1618919927 93.5364292505539 524.5684030986137 US Cannot ‘Conclusively Determine’ Chemical Weapons Use in S….. -0.7913029189: -0.1834529769 70.30428596450469 525.2857877523834 Strong earthquake in western China kills 47 people -0.9433171489: -0.2228856171 59.63675476135478 526.5978044338002 Snowden thanks Russia for asylum -0.3984499928: -0.1599205552 97.87256589979214 524.5028087331731 French forces take key Mali town -0.452725739: -0.1616522268 94.06378946805768 524.5604255228073 Boston bombing suspect buried in Virginia -0.5041458599: -0.1632927896 90.45540528031972 524.6150109038059 Hostage drama drags on after Alabama school bus shooting -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Palestinian president assigns academic to form West Bank gov….. -0.5423821811: -0.1645127222 87.77218839434154 524.6556009320298 Pakistan condemns US drone strike in Shawal Area -0.9178283169: -0.1764913588 61.42542224913856 525.0541583453456 Iran’s Ahmadinejad may face charges over election appearance….. -0.5224265813: -0.1638760373 89.17256375937946 524.6344169286464 Miliband pledges to strengthen minimum wage -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Singapore stocks close 0.44 pct lower -0.4386246495: -0.128230491 95.05332717261219 523.4484057649341 Sniper waiting for result of appeal -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 EU renews sanctions against Zimbabwe -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 occupied Palestinian territory: Palestinians rebuff US peace….. -0.8162433172: -0.1732502819 68.55410456805785 524.9463200941643 Owners, others charged in Bangladesh factory fire -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Egypt set to lure Gulf investors -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 US-Russia reach agreement on Syria -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Palestinians, Jordan coordinate stances on peace talks -0.4916483415: -0.1628940553 91.33241309452355 524.6017440776626 Voting canceled in three provinces in tense Thai election -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Suspected U.S. drone strike kills 5 in Pakistan -1.247675048: -0.2325961783 38.27857413003926 526.920897642987 Hollande ‘threatens legal action’ after affair allegations -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 ‘Blade Runner’ Pistorius to dispute murder charge -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Israeli forces detain 2 in Hebron arrest raid -0.552579291: -0.03369438955 87.0566107218959 520.3029673277175 Egyptians vote on Islamist-backed constitution -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 Indonesian capital prays for metro to ease traffic chaos -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief -0.801439292: -0.1727779584 69.59297047763033 524.9306047799046 Khan Said named as new Pakistani Taliban leader after Hakimu….. -1.152593335: -0.2295625892 44.9508911813111 526.8199630003777 Iran earthquake death toll rises -0.5023887147: -0.1632367277 90.57871216886035 524.6131455942544 Suarez set for Cup comeback -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Maldives team in India to observe an election -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 TV weatherman Fred Talbot arrested over sex claims -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Somalia’s Shebab claims responsibility for Nairobi mall atta….. -0.5941934084: -0.1661657632 84.13635848142873 524.710601494807 Israel agrees to release Palestinian prisoners -0.5127310737: -0.1635667015 89.85294170711417 524.6241245962427 Dozens die as clashes erupt at Morsi rally in Cairo -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Thai opposition protesters begin Bangkok shutdown -0.4526645643: -0.161650275 94.06808237452019 524.5603605824011 Spanish train crash driver to be questioned -0.4390187618: -0.1612149047 95.02567051981904 524.5458747873662 Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 India Braces for Massive Cyclone -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Protest in Kyiv -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Thieves snatch English Channel swimmer’s custom-made wheelch….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pak missions in UAE gear up for elections -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 Bangladesh building disaster death toll passes 500 -0.3616083289: 1.30156191 100.45791332945988 475.87584979472445 South Africa’s Mandela taken to hospital -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Chicago Shooting Shows Gap in Stepped-up Policing -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 North Korea shuns offer of talks -0.4728278026: -0.1622935847 92.65313606644722 524.5817650059049 Israel PM accuses Iran president of hypocrisy -0.5930600072: -0.166129602 84.21589441218313 524.709398324951 Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo -0.5462810551: -0.1646371161 87.49858663486569 524.6597398084647 German envoy optimistic about Iran-G5+1 talks -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 Renowned Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco De Lucia dies -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 Chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Snowden Hits Hurdles in Search for Asylum -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Death toll in building collapse in south India mounts to 47 -0.4006617352: -0.159991121 97.71735785675985 524.5051566234537 Palestinian prisoners arrive at Muqata in Ramallah -0.4620225638: -0.1619488427 93.41138891331406 524.5702946306938 Aso refuses to resign over Nazi comments -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon’s Tripoli -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Pakistan fighter jets bomb ‘Taliban hideouts’ -0.6475348403: -0.1678676256 80.39314714900418 524.7672264565925 U.S. resumes search for missing British sailors after public -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 Iraqi Bomb Attacks Kill At Least 13 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94 -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 3 Suspects Taken Into Custody in Boston Bombing Case -0.3890272821: 0.1079803036 98.53380044703907 515.5891170777201 Ukraine’s opposition chief wants more protests -0.4526645643: -0.161650275 94.06808237452019 524.5603605824011 Declines in US stock market moderate -0.641610443: -0.1676786072 80.80888909953536 524.7609373721752 Latest Anti-Muslim Violence in Burma Kills 1, Injures 10 -0.4194003087: -0.1605889765 96.40238676507214 524.5250486843616 Iran predicts failure of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks -0.5682677304: -0.1653386026 85.95568144716894 524.6830799139339 Titanic Violin Nabs Record $1.4 Million -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 EU extends sanctions against Russia -0.3984499928: -0.1599205552 97.87256589979214 524.5028087331731 Cuba sees «major role» for foreign investment -0.4156213182: -0.1604684076 96.66757574917163 524.5210370711352 ‚ÄėGlee‚Äô star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room -0.4374684377: -0.1611654415 95.13446382169289 524.5442290302839 Iranian president makes debut on world stage -0.4810510695: -0.1625559486 92.0760719600498 524.5904944710809 GM slow on recalls, Congress record shows -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt courts hear cases against Mubarak, Islamists -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 Belgian King Albert II to step down in favor of son -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Coronation Street’s Bill Roache Arrested -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine -0.4257693258: -0.1607921805 95.95544381621495 524.5318097579832 EU, Myanmar work toward investment protection agreement -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher dies at 87 -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 U.N. condemns ethnic killings in South Sudan oil town -0.8408795424: -0.2196173377 66.82526838640436 526.4890610920103 Shooting, protests mar Thai voting -0.4735907327: -0.162317926 92.59959778757762 524.5825748995298 China stock index futures close lower — April 23 -0.5477585619: 0.2157122193 87.39490325391242 512.00462286167 China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 India and China troops retreat to de facto border in face-of….. -0.5498952099: -0.164752426 87.24496492414839 524.6635764392081 Relief in Boston as second suspect captured -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition -0.7897621822: -0.1834038196 70.41240648140645 525.2841521727717 Queen to name biggest ever carrier -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bangla militants escape from prison van in bomb ambush -0.5363994822: -0.1643218438 88.1920216356809 524.6492499571218 Influential Palestinians Seek One Democratic State -0.4589048984: -0.1618493734 93.63016970202048 524.5669850516452 Dozens killed in Russian plane crash -0.8679761582: -0.2204818572 64.92377538910081 526.5178256897703 All eyes on Khurshid‚Äôs trip … -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Australia cuts rates to record low -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Classic crossword – Saturday 1st June -0.4043025494: -0.1601072814 97.46186533232789 524.5090215546979 N Korea test-fires 30 short-range missiles -0.406023519: -0.1601621891 97.34109705836484 524.5108484616745 Palestinian diplomat dies in Prague blast -0.4791102197: -0.1624940256 92.21227023202623 524.5884341487371 Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59 -0.6148036753: -0.1668233353 82.69004213984874 524.7324804645735 China’s Peace Ark departs for the Philippines Thursday -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Iran dissidents ‘killed in Iraq’ -0.9505506283: -0.2231164018 59.12914855686228 526.6054831832425 The new Cold War -0.4959554295: 0.9269456708 91.03016510129217 488.340213155509 Two blasts near Iranian embassy in Beirut, 7 killed -0.6649989247: -0.2140058536 79.16761276673739 526.3023538193466 Singapore shares open 0.31% higher on Monday -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Deaf customers sue Starbucks, say they’re mocked -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 7 killed by Shiite al-Houthi fighters in northern Yemen -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Iran excluded from Syria peace talks: UN -0.7040102115: -0.1806678967 76.43001301297858 525.193121581755 Kerry call on Congress to end shutdown -0.4292342294: -0.1609027285 95.71229574114567 524.5354879501118 East Ukraine Separatists Ask to Join Russia -0.3984499928: -0.1599205552 97.87256589979214 524.5028087331731 Rudd sworn in as new Australian PM -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 Egypt’s opposition criticizes president’s speech -0.5558519757: -0.164942477 86.82695152550184 524.6698998846731 Russia says ballistic missiles fired in Mediterranean -0.5066958783: -0.1633741481 90.27645886773692 524.6177178933061 Volcano erupts in Indonesia -100,000 evacuated and airports ….. -0.3965207459: -0.1268871628 98.00794994575635 523.4037100780594 Flash floods kill 58 in eastern Afghanistan -0.9192262552: -0.2221169954 61.32732254720471 526.5722305808252 Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl ra….. -0.2961561096: -0.1566568613 105.05099380392168 524.3942179618664 World powers, Iran under Rouhani revive nuclear talks -0.6733885165: -0.168692489 78.57887687790603 524.7946716034587 Crowds, Dignitaries Gather for Mandela Memorial Service -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis, Palestinians -0.5192247792: -0.1637738836 89.39724880547986 524.6310180336817 17 killed in US drone attack on Yemen wedding party -1.290213395: -0.2339533674 35.293464448136945 526.9660545167653 France to ban child beauty pageants -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Today in History, Dec. 2 -0.4109266431: -0.02917495138 96.99702249682224 520.1525949904646 Death toll rises to 29 in India’s Mumbai building collapse -0.4181840537: -0.1605501718 96.48773692614873 524.5237575604629 No update on Nelson Mandela’s condition -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US Flying Surveillance Missions to Help Find Kidnapped Niger….. -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Prince George is christened at St James’s Palace -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now de….. -0.5975077387: -0.1662715072 83.90377682313202 524.7141198447861 Iran, six global powers sign landmark nuclear deal -0.5331716247: -0.1642188587 88.41853510579683 524.6458234029013 Dignitaries pay tribute to Paul Desmarais -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Southwest grounds flights due to computer glitch -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone -0.3930755404: 0.1573387324 98.24971571626754 513.9468460623938 Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally on handover anniversa….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Egypt’s presidential election begins -0.4893502321: -0.162820734 91.49368189952483 524.5993045039625 Son of US evangelist kills himself The son of popular US eva….. -1.617655148: 0.7999956883 12.315384615384609 492.5641376523287 Italian parliament backs new PM -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 China to investigate EU wine exports -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Boston bomb suspect charged; religious motive seen -0.5041458599: -0.1632927896 90.45540528031972 524.6150109038059 Foreign exchange rates in India -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Colorado wildfire destroys more than 90 homes as winds worse….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Janu….. -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 ‘It’s either too late or too early to intervene in Syria’ -0.5963322491: -0.1772324233 83.98626628540951 525.0788153043917 U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January -0.396693966: -0.132316397 97.99579430089055 523.5843534682458 Typhoon death toll rises to 3633 -0.4257693258: -0.1607921805 95.95544381621495 524.5318097579832 Uganda’s president signs anti-gay bill -0.48707881: -0.1627482641 91.65307794110991 524.596893260257 G7 ‘to intensify Russia sanctions’ -0.3984499928: -0.1599205552 97.87256589979214 524.5028087331731 Judge OKs force-feeding California inmates -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gang violence kills 16 in Venezuelan prison -0.8262049985: -0.2191491453 67.85504799985144 526.47348322956 Israel, Palestinians seek another meeting Monday: U.S. offic….. -0.6531094487: -0.1680454838 80.00195147449712 524.7731442202859 Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies at 74 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in Eastern Ukraine -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Anthony Weiner slips to fourth place in new poll -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 India accuses China of crossing de facto border -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Kerry pursuing ‘quiet strategy’ in Mideast peace process -0.422023098: -0.1606726568 96.21833369399964 524.5278329242002 North Korea says to restart nuclear reactor -0.6331957382: -0.1674101355 81.39938727784056 524.7520046847549 Egyptian court considers Mubarak‚Äôs release -0.4128927479: -0.1603813523 96.85905196204092 524.5181405386464 Kim Jong-un Executed His ‘Worse Than a Dog’ Uncle -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Colourful support at World Cup in Brazil -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials -1.424980762: -0.2382531301 25.836224240553747 527.1091177364966 Vietnam detects signals from missing plane -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Cricket-England v Australia fourth test scoreboard -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Birthday of DPRK to Be Celebrated in Peru -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 India Ink: Image of the Day: May 21 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Australia leader ousted in snap leadership vote -0.4243943345: -0.1607483113 96.05193322093466 524.5303501265678 Obama condemns Egypt violence, cancels military exercises -0.5726739255: -0.1654791826 85.6464786563224 524.6877573405231 Argentina declares mourning for flood victims -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Factories that ran on Korean cooperation go silent -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Islamists still holding some 30 hostages as Kenya mall stand….. -0.3273413926: -0.15765183 102.86258039108407 524.427322912367 Manchester City wins second Premier League title in three ye….. -0.4492516214: -0.1615413849 94.30758413436136 524.5567375494505 Bodies of MH17 crash victims flown to Netherlands -0.4390187618: -0.1612149047 95.02567051981904 524.5458747873662 Egypt policeman killed in Sinai attack -1.088613482: -0.2275213073 49.44064902756146 526.7520447494716 Extension likely for Iran nuclear talks -0.6733885165: -0.168692489 78.57887687790603 524.7946716034587 Fire kills 38 in Russian psychiatric institution -0.8265311832: -0.2191595523 67.83215813701051 526.4738294931004 North Korea: experts call for dialogue ‚Äď and say China mus….. -0.08425257414: -0.1498960634 119.92123046631777 524.1692703145196 China stocks open higher Monday -0.5599075063: -0.165071869 86.54235646738148 524.6742050608599 East Harlem explosion death toll rises -0.4257693258: -0.1607921805 95.95544381621495 524.5318097579832 Royal Hoax DJ Takes Action Against Station -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Business news and markets: as it happened, April 17, 2013 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iran, world powers begin new round of nuclear talks -0.729962007: -0.1704974704 74.60885726272816 524.8547275792062 Car Bomb Kills 37 in Northwest Pakistan -0.5302726045: -0.1641263653 88.62197256265765 524.6427459281884 Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to B….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Microsoft says to cut up to 18,000 jobs -0.4979968686: -0.1630966056 90.886908022638 524.6084833999798 Fire destroys ancient Tibetan town in China -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Yahoo agrees to buy Tumblr for $1.1 billion cash -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Ukrainian President orders 7-day ceasefire in the east -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Supreme Court takes on affirmative action in Michigan ban ca….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Thousands rally to support embattled Tunisia government -0.4830042635: -0.1626182654 91.93900743746624 524.5925678975225 At least two killed in southern Egypt clash -0.9411522343: -0.2228165453 59.788676687443505 526.5955062538432 Winter Storm Ion: State-By-State… -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bomb attacks kill 20 in Baghdad’s Christian areas -1.019706955: -0.2253228395 54.276134002257926 526.678896554622 China sets Bo Xilai trial date -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 General Electric posts 9% profit drop for third quarter -0.3972922325: -0.1510678515 97.9538112118824 524.2082584615765 ‘Trayvon could have been me’ -0.4105026608: -0.1603050964 97.02677526170687 524.5156033253847 US postpones missile test over N Korea tensions -0.6079562716: -0.1666048684 83.17055566331562 524.7252115562786 Israel downs drone from Lebanon -0.5015370237: -0.1632095545 90.63847920814489 524.6122414758345 NATO: 5 Americans killed in southern Afghanistan -0.9354140581: -0.2226334684 60.191350656138226 526.5894148536885 Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Found Hanged in Prison Cell -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Bangladesh garment factory fire ‘kills 8’ -0.8230873331: -0.219049676 68.07382878855786 526.4701736505115 Red panda‚Äôs short-lived zoo escape -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Israeli doctors could be tried abroad for force-feeding Pale….. -0.5313901763: -0.1641620215 88.5435474525372 524.643932294244 Washington Pot Shops Prepare for Historic Sales -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Rio airport workers strike on eve of FIFA World Cup -0.5146230586: -0.1636270654 89.72017250833062 524.6261330457103 Hot-Air Balloon Catches Fire in Virginia -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Quotes from leaders, family at Mandela memorial -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Mumbai Indians puts T&T in its place -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 KL shares remain higher mid-afternoon -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 What the Papers Say, Nov. 20, 2013 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Amazon launches new device for streaming video -0.5307666661: -0.1641421284 88.58730200519625 524.6432704027151 US, Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons -0.6663000433: -0.179464751 79.07630734514916 525.153090094851 S Korea MPs to visit Kaesong complex -0.3982007152: -0.1599126019 97.8900588453293 524.5025441108249 Algerian priest to lecture about Christian heritage in N. Af….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on April 5 -0.4137615897: -0.1604090728 96.79808137666222 524.5190628635596 Implications of Palestinian reconciliation -0.4589048984: -0.1618493734 93.63016970202048 524.5669850516452 PCB appoints Waqar Younis as head coach -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 US makes case for action against Syria -0.7913029189: -0.1834529769 70.30428596450469 525.2857877523834 Puerto Rican arrested for production of child pornography -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Indian stocks close lower -0.4386246495: -0.128230491 95.05332717261219 523.4484057649341 Egyptian military spokesman denounces incitement against arm….. -0.4434475178: -0.1613562045 94.71488452755945 524.5505761636372 Snowden sees ‘no chance’ for US fair trial -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Fallen US firefighters brought home -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Venezuelan president to visit China -0.6012808853: -0.1663918897 83.6389979328467 524.7181252543695 Official of Malaysia Airlines briefs relatives of missing fl….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Stars pay tribute to Cory Monteith -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 Britain’s Prince Philip set for ‘exploratory’ surgery -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Syrian opposition offers Assad truce in Homs for duration of….. -0.4495997789: -0.1615524928 94.28315233364205 524.5571071384636 Westgate mall attackers spent four months planning in Nairob….. -0.6438649337: -0.1677505369 80.65068121720412 524.76333064215 U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Ga….. -0.4276728569: -0.1608529128 95.82186436321201 524.5338304644702 Chinese shares close higher Tuesday -0.3965207459: -0.1268871628 98.00794994575635 523.4037100780594 Car Bombs Kill 58 in Iraqi Capital -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three, to rise -0.4381461199: -0.161187063 95.08690777961426 524.5449484283691 Nigel Farage calls on Government to let Syrian refugees into….. -0.4738044697: -0.1623247453 92.58459888897684 524.5828017934946 Morsi’s supporters reject plan -0.447245312: -0.1614773734 94.4483760035041 524.5546077380394 Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death – s….. -0.5026208704: -0.1632441347 90.56242074504105 524.613392040733 Obama condemns killing of 3 Israeli teens -0.9312994477: 0.04509803499 60.48009161657262 517.6813580484336 Men tried to behead soldier on London street, court hears -0.4848628722: -0.1626775644 91.808580392072 524.5945409163572 Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite -0.4356331784: -0.1611068874 95.26325233161012 524.5422807981898 Three dead, 63 hurt as New York buildings collapse -0.4227517994: -0.1532802214 96.16719739462934 524.2818692114264 Asian Muslims celebrate Eid as 14 killed in Afghanistan -0.9192262552: -0.2221169954 61.32732254720471 526.5722305808252 Ukraine‚Äôs pro-Russia protesters demand greater autonomy -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 Four civilians, three NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan -1.006515341: -0.2249019601 55.20184967154801 526.6648929064861 Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Tokyo stocks open down 0.24% -0.4396776904: -0.1612359279 94.97943049458456 524.5465742775712 Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfe….. -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Shankill blast victims to be remembered -0.4099505808: -0.1602874823 97.06551723112803 524.5150172610823 118 people killed in twin blasts in Nigeria -0.8354641272: -0.2194445585 67.20529275195717 526.4833123208975 Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada -0.4374684377: -0.1611654415 95.13446382169289 524.5442290302839 Yolanda death toll climbs to 3,621 -0.4057288918: -0.08130789063 97.36177239017488 521.8871804926723 Clashes continue between police and protesters in Turkey -0.5462810551: -0.1646371161 87.49858663486569 524.6597398084647 World‚Äôs largest building opened in west China -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Israeli lightly hurt by stones in West Bank -0.4540125253: -0.1616932818 93.97348981297374 524.5617915195584 Syrian opposition agree to landmark peace talks -0.5436743336: -0.1645539484 87.68151216043685 524.6569726254297 Poverty stats doubt Modi’s development claims -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine -0.3580590089: -0.1586318778 100.706985288856 524.4599314079738 MERS respiratory illness found in U.S., officials confirm -0.4810479449: -0.1625558489 92.07629122839745 524.5904911541263 Gunmen kill nine foreigners in Pakistan -0.9738336823: -0.2238592493 57.49527056492972 526.6301994684424 Peace talks with Palestinians would take months: Israel offi….. -0.7588974922: -0.1714206592 72.57832241811283 524.8854442413899 Two dead, more trapped in latest Mumbai building collapse -0.2269810489: -0.1504565553 109.9053230236822 524.187919199051 Chinese tourist abducted from Malaysia -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Gunmen kill 15 Libyan soldiers -0.9103764186: -0.2218346407 61.94835591290113 526.5628359761723 Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Third Day -0.4741931756: -0.162337147 92.55732162037413 524.5832144269676 Iran nuclear talks expected to resume this week -0.6733885165: -0.168692489 78.57887687790603 524.7946716034587 D.C. Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Many dead as asylum boat sinks off Australia -0.4356331784: -0.1611068874 95.26325233161012 524.5422807981898 Margaret Thatcher dies after stroke -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 FBI audio expert testifies in Zimmerman trial -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November -0.5967691277: -0.1662479418 83.95560852526062 524.7133357671875 Death toll in India building collapse hits 42 -0.4006617352: -0.159991121 97.71735785675985 524.5051566234537 Obama announces creation of twin manufacturing hubs -0.4578936676: -0.16181711 93.70113237118812 524.5659115727328 Five charged with terrorism offences -0.4229372739: -0.1607018237 96.15418180024152 524.5288033739585 President Obama reveals plans to withdraw troops from Afghan….. -0.6357957223: -0.1674930881 81.21693454923313 524.7547647156127 Quotations in the News -0.4229886384: -0.1607034624 96.15057731910552 524.5288579002965 Israel frees second group of Palestinian prisoners -0.4974121126: -0.1630779489 90.92794301280199 524.6078626482927 Two skydivers dead after colliding during US jump -0.2291072482: -0.1545176624 109.75611793117577 524.3230417844504 ‘Iron Man’ jetpacks spark concerns in Hawaii -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 France Says Won’t ‘Shirk Responsibilities’ in Syria -0.5893701663: -0.1770102976 84.47482735955387 525.0714246577793 Man held after teen shot in Belfast -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Police stop Maldives presidential election -0.4204437053: -0.1606222662 96.32916687422127 524.526156309113 North Korea test fires 30 missiles into the sea -0.4110253629: -0.1603217733 96.99009487895881 524.5161582032922 Man dies in Co Donegal house fire -0.4054023141: -0.1601423695 97.38468983433515 524.5101890174021 India Ink: Image of the Day: April 21 -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 China’s troubled Xinjiang hit by more violence -0.5178036026: -0.1637285409 89.49697924052563 524.6295093739851 Relatives scuffle with police after China fire kills 120 -1.042828019: -0.2260605187 52.653623561848846 526.7034408786064 Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs -0.5807652488: -0.1657373368 85.07867363296513 524.6963467400772 India Minister’s wife died ‘unnatural death’ after affair ru….. -0.4129875862: -0.1603843781 96.85239672440136 524.5182412149223 5 killed in S China road cave-in -0.9595049518: -0.2234020901 58.50078287028829 526.6149887066634 South Africa president: Mandela is improving -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Syrian civil war in photos -0.3138204351: -0.1572204429 103.81140759222573 524.4129696474203 Man Who Set Himself on Fire on National Mall Has Died -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Japan defends dolphin hunt after US criticism -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Bomb blast rocks shopping mall in Nigeria, 12 killed -0.8354641272: -0.2194445585 67.20529275195717 526.4833123208975 Top Chinese political advisor meets Greek PM -0.420061304: -0.1606100656 96.3560017135306 524.5257503684339 Palestinian diplomat injured in explosion in Prague -0.4645469026: -0.1620293819 93.23424455159626 524.5729743598947 Ukraine leader pledges crisis talks -0.4671990303: -0.1621139983 93.04813266825263 524.5757897441587 Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Refuses to Back Down -0.4664803136: -0.1620910675 93.09856829303226 524.5750267855459 At least 6 dead in Canada bus, train crash -0.5262365278: -0.163997594 88.90520245728251 524.6384614033419 Italian fugitive arrested in Dominican Republic -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 India, US to hold talks on China next week -0.6925314564: -0.1693032459 77.23552956155046 524.8149929221603 Israel Carrying Out Ground Offensive In Gaza -0.4586081833: -0.1618399066 93.65099155095304 524.5666700717268 Ehud Olmert, former Israeli prime minister, sentenced to six….. -0.5056903599: -0.163342067 90.34702067960637 524.6166504783125 Brahimi apologises to Syria over lack of peace progress -0.6138194775: -0.1777903547 82.75910778582478 525.0973789912831 Egyptian protesters issue Morsi resignation ultimatum -0.446770185: -0.1614622144 94.48171783437168 524.5541033636584 5 Things to Know About the Sochi Olympics -0.4137615897: -0.1604090728 96.79808137666222 524.5190628635596 China stocks open lower on Wednesday -0.5599075063: -0.165071869 86.54235646738148 524.6742050608599 Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats -0.4876519211: -0.1627665492 91.61286012381753 524.5975016502637 Russia claims to have foiled possible terror act -0.3984499928: -0.1599205552 97.87256589979214 524.5028087331731 3 Chinese tourists killed in Pakistan -0.9472396461: 0.04458946179 59.36149526279713 517.6982794750272 British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Israeli government authorises new settlements ahead of talks -0.7422611249: -0.1708898746 73.74577212070268 524.8677837918655 Pakistani Taliban chief killed in US drone strike -1.221333208: -0.2317557399 40.12710104879436 526.8929342829632 FAA continues ban on US flights to Tel Aviv -0.5995065394: -0.1663352791 83.76351187267953 524.7162416853005 Chinese envoy rebuts Vietnamese, Philippine accusations over….. -0.5355958119: -0.1642962026 88.24841883837213 524.6483968154839 Four more people arrested over Australia’s largest illegal t….. -0.427635744: -0.1608517287 95.82446874722844 524.5337910669763 Obama moves to fill Fed board, taps Fischer to be No. 2 -0.4712465239: -0.03109946163 92.76410160028165 520.2166279725012 UN Invites Iran to Syrian Peace Conference -0.5338961335: -0.1642419742 88.36769302064732 524.6465925101927 Italy bus crash death toll rises -0.4672143008: -0.1621144855 93.04706106830527 524.575805954653 Israel detains 37 Palestinians as arrest operation continues -0.5243564044: -0.1639376085 89.03713928100814 524.6364655455241 World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines -0.3975737868: -0.1598925997 97.93405326772871 524.5018785906964 Assad says Syria will comply with UN arms resolution -0.7033645932: -0.1806472982 76.47531898897152 525.1924362212633 South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response -0.4153659961: -0.1604602615 96.68549286557523 524.5207660321952 Food price hikes raise concerns in Iran -0.4741931756: -0.162337147 92.55732162037413 524.5832144269676 Obama made last-minute decision on Syria approval -0.6496900471: -0.1789348078 80.24190646301328 525.1354576398159 Sentences
Como podemos ver, tf-idf está limitado, aunque los textos se encuentran cerca de sus textos similares tal y como se aprecia en el eje Y, que representa principalmente textos sobre el mercado de acciones. Éstos se distribuyen de forma interesante, formando rectas. Y eso se produce porque no existe cercanía entre palabras, o una palabra es la misma o no lo es (tal que gato y perro son tan cercanos como avión y perro); pero, conceptualmente, nosotros no consideramos que ese es el caso.
Método Word Embedding
Debido a estas limitaciones con embeddings como los obtenidos con tf-idf, se desarrollaron embeddings más complejos para que pudieran representar esta similaridad semántica entre palabras, de forma que aquellos términos que pertenecieran a un mismo “tema” fueran similares entre ellos.
De éstos, uno de los más conocidos son los embeddings de GLoVe , que son embeddings generados solo sobre palabras. La matemática sobre la obtención de estos embeddings está fuera del alcance de este artículo, pero podemos aprovechar para ver primero cómo las palabras se pueden relacionar en este espacio.
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2.817120875 462.0409193910455 359.844972432875 No 4.34741914: 3.017518771 408.1511744910541 337.86994621539486 available 5.158470414: 2.141924782 569.6779880056209 433.8849303076329 never 5.209857034: 2.214460625 579.9120105665819 425.9308695752149 using 5.098416549: 1.960553951 557.7178199734537 453.773506189902 place 5.211921771: 1.976988054 580.3232179961508 451.9713922127063 under 5.04509797: 2.215274136 547.0990337502465 425.8416624176627 come 5.163962416: 1.809117272 570.771760498607 470.37959358437206 site 4.882488141: 2.117346784 514.7140928520911 436.5800791160846 12 3.744037349: 4.508139189 287.98326276792216 174.41302729054848 online 4.843703316: 2.409655084 506.9898103157732 404.5264365873247 another 5.162088313: 1.888531734 570.3985191752687 461.6712442266605 system 5.095196148: 1.757931346 557.076453559419 475.99248709207404 found 4.994892586: 2.090817649 537.1002629763598 439.4891836585941 How 4.564658282: 2.761671671 451.41594392956307 365.9253641042601 When 4.49165251: 2.656979571 436.8763087622809 377.40558258277963 days 4.860921995: 2.909071661 510.4190367335989 349.76192778530447 without 5.137761071: 1.833332362 565.5535703546193 467.72424014454026 always 5.054693432: 2.148208293 549.0100403447857 433.1958995059564 On 4.09959848: 3.589732716 358.79587128159875 275.1226987352418 different 5.157097623: 1.817623518 569.4045865885427 469.4468243670018 20 4.207160297: 4.093220733 380.21759653783954 219.9117281945454 next 5.133025692: 2.207937197 564.6104848738546 426.6462089088153 set 4.966286935: 2.156926404 531.4032376790117 432.23989791917717 must 5.08228125: 2.280902708 554.5043568912401 418.64503204817515 since 4.572840208: 2.868373318 453.04543451538444 354.22478479051085 high 5.164032762: 1.668895013 570.785770302688 485.7559416518046 video 4.843510585: 2.203293914 506.9514266528785 427.15537719858366 s 4.564623351: 2.707522821 451.4089871513055 371.86316291959156 sure 5.006714991: 2.364001378 539.4547817702876 409.53268358915903 lot 5.012457106: 2.182451202 540.598366109688 429.4409259176107 Your 4.563791468: 3.024860775 451.24331149932317 337.0648443296302 again 4.769011662: 2.48759947 492.11441933642993 395.97929133673983 More 4.044579613: 3.442088081 347.8384603095286 291.31296201278644 number 4.885162682: 2.20189645 515.2467473320095 427.30861887832225 service 4.834026581: 2.389826837 505.06261764996503 406.7007420201564 three 5.146548099: 1.980718652 567.303571395721 451.5623061090472 including 4.945812651: 1.598197225 527.32563387154 493.5084469000479 give 5.238786352: 1.874554653 585.6734963747488 463.2039286649848 She 4.424203414: 2.590287309 423.44332618392264 384.7188539869146 during 4.834400414: 1.884450554 505.1370691593352 462.1187741152912 show 5.126974348: 2.307385403 563.4053152487251 415.741019915766 end 5.077330258: 2.138691354 553.5183303728945 434.23949822236676 family 4.887678019: 2.000875706 515.7476952026004 449.35194463162475 looking 5.116395769: 2.284466492 561.2985136664381 418.25423821225553 2013 3.487242477: 4.996369308 236.84067939498433 120.8751916822643 thing 5.137159827: 2.11924721 565.433828200581 436.37168417188104 name 5.135708426: 1.85825794 565.1447710552968 464.99097683853 One 4.549965948: 2.747263447 448.4898578174509 367.5053263442069 post 4.766647258: 2.607078039 491.64353086157206 382.8776334675556 might 5.056045661: 2.159897179 549.2793467289691 431.9141317248525 today 4.662296933: 2.502642157 470.86139786701835 394.3297558110593 …. 4.152539684: 2.494793657 369.3395006066605 395.19039861960806 week 4.904030295: 2.934557865 519.004370952947 346.9671878455909 15 4.043796003: 4.220203576 347.68239856651127 205.9871743261266 old 4.999708119: 2.29309653 538.059311711882 417.30789441120237 why 4.833681002: 2.230596705 504.99379289074506 424.1614358589546 put 5.136824893: 1.984910044 565.3671235182682 451.10269076158005 Do 4.501211503: 2.734669129 438.7800523394603 368.88638102415837 reblogged 2.821347985: 1.308148337 104.22290430715805 525.3143291957864 read 4.952807174: 2.422442639 528.718644478451 403.1241920040053 11 3.802413049: 4.528278381 299.60921183697343 172.20462460841566 9 3.999241083: 4.183259125 338.80895926602517 210.03839083507455 company 5.054175703: 1.888834244 548.9069309342004 461.63807196929395 money 4.966923731: 2.299464326 531.530060373178 416.60962119576266 top 5.076579097: 2.287267337 553.3687312528346 417.94710612633 30 4.003806618: 3.972356842 339.7182190698507 233.16529629745236 big 5.126388382: 2.113978773 563.2886158166585 436.9494049911848 man 4.876915454: 2.21337935 513.6042514846864 426.04943885618286 book 5.22745718: 2.032172163 583.4172087544118 445.92007000128234 area 4.64852812: 2.058950887 468.11923761436236 442.98359626320195 full 5.14009097: 2.069215248 566.0175868742309 441.8580374949505 page 4.732006731: 2.69900971 484.74461576987756 372.79668491558004 keep 5.053239566: 2.132620166 548.7204922490422 434.905246321094 \ 3.694437955: 3.21161244 278.1051794722905 316.5862225763869 away 4.893716381: 2.190675314 516.9502793813057 428.539094641654 against 5.153700153: 1.702474948 568.7279555367643 482.0736676880985 2007 3.347336808: 4.772310529 208.9774386971344 145.4447985795196 • 3.524034314: 3.043002799 244.16804363797465 335.0754449641559 small 5.094941222: 1.88897281 557.0256831083319 461.62287723633204 feel 5.207389156: 2.093139988 579.4205143780913 439.2345229676914 support 4.898151102: 1.906933851 517.8334865498126 459.6533238862281 ca 4.803706549: 2.290344362 499.0241607658225 417.6096888133819 real 4.994646975: 1.736717887 537.0513478529595 478.31869076547173 Of 4.536525597: 2.868419689 445.813113241935 354.21969990989095 times 4.432251614: 2.979474029 425.0461843396303 342.0418174338194 ‘d 5.188901128: 2.410633017 575.738488064983 404.4191993407195 says 4.146302426: 2.822082459 368.09730492416594 359.3009001468497 school 4.749303912: 2.269769364 488.18947626462705 419.865880747738 play 4.891453221: 2.580435415 516.499554468856 385.79918287552306 left 4.934539594: 2.165824405 525.0805218435106 431.26417011715165 team 4.900462659: 2.121626688 518.293850093286 436.1107577904911 water 4.881944251: 1.872861179 514.6057732493125 463.38962986578156 point 4.960672222: 2.241170485 530.2850264233813 423.0019471614282 data 4.891882838: 2.186679276 516.5851158299544 428.977288110917 music 4.676279499: 2.375262168 473.646128583856 408.2978594620161 Our 4.412872125: 2.574230204 421.1866168434972 386.47962752794365 ever 5.042494522: 2.288111437 546.5805379525132 417.85454464980637 having 5.292183532: 1.770779676 596.3079367931826 474.58357816631366 News 3.850859218: 3.79357408 309.257621933666 252.77007233307512 second 5.212833236: 1.904930859 580.5047430005613 459.8729658911427 able 4.961122099: 2.000665548 530.3746226650426 449.374989943079 order 4.968492038: 2.121905389 531.8424001088043 436.08019627990916 children 5.039950113: 2.104634018 546.0738002214243 437.9741225651891 within 5.044287834: 1.881852237 546.9376891837142 462.40369761483834 City 4.265750603: 2.770036659 391.88628603582356 365.00808491989324 Now 4.417891016: 3.193099878 422.18616577655837 318.61625399593356 though 4.93581822: 2.078683549 525.3351695493272 440.81977230563496 start 5.019129921: 2.311583132 541.9273062744829 415.2807097042824 American 4.798154663: 2.69687773 497.918461779067 373.03047133328994 months 4.525265173: 3.271889279 443.5705171986227 309.9764469779066 services 4.763133215: 2.178090397 490.94368345252826 429.9191185507789 experience 5.138563929: 1.991444485 565.7134654560296 450.38614377746626 car 4.812577663: 2.002880242 500.79090808721344 449.13213331898584 until 4.700278787: 2.75432047 478.4257627875573 366.7314744999711 University 4.280563528: 2.7236857 394.8363887209993 370.09079058135467 case 5.035524709: 1.790084122 545.1924486082642 472.46671113553 making 5.039596401: 1.876388096 546.0033559604195 463.00287876843976 x 4.500568426: 2.887429357 438.65197872862024 352.1351572587041 getting 5.159158782: 2.204812863 569.8150815958954 426.98881386019195 March 3.922974038: 4.236977717 323.61981752552464 204.14777280355543 done 5.017512364: 2.240239781 541.6051577694044 423.10400535162364 God 4.798244149: 2.373142232 497.93628372750123 408.53032531674796 state 4.753062887: 2.071385802 488.93810380011263 441.6200211949894 provide 5.030092443: 1.734784325 544.1105729601976 478.5307193658383 course 4.732095055: 2.063044945 484.7622060362162 442.53465427357116 At 3.990286245: 3.530932418 337.0255376104986 281.5705611917566 list 4.865957402: 2.670594928 511.42187487217325 375.9125638011183 June 3.915628334: 4.308106735 322.1568666205013 196.347980157677 change 4.892380822: 2.039746034 516.6842929482754 445.08954228278856 local 4.671268325: 2.239928716 472.64811651082505 423.1381158827887 enough 5.026574633: 2.188322786 543.4099752917691 428.79706572173717 night 4.803459714: 2.51559512 498.9750016270834 392.9093731506365 100 4.420607207: 2.481170191 422.72711521353796 396.68430660357717 hard 5.140858079: 1.865195975 566.1703621184555 464.23017290742246 Free 4.362400904: 2.625175188 411.13490275510645 380.89315493334817 person 5.115293177: 2.062431147 561.0789244287406 442.6019614332288 April 3.868084833: 4.197366751 312.68822949089343 208.491391298365 18 3.915640432: 4.278680488 322.1592760291795 199.57477324882097 14 3.890261078: 4.308434201 317.10479147359973 196.31207127082723 let 4.973752281: 2.070021823 532.8900160911645 441.7695909585391 line 4.865464958: 1.82140508 511.3238011359985 469.0321497903526 From 3.869595479: 3.309971879 312.9890857637407 305.8004244768632 13 3.810806533: 4.47793446 301.28083561764885 177.72518645382598 website 4.749996002: 2.173209897 488.3273110610103 430.45429938960547 16 3.890210353: 4.296066794 317.0946891564286 197.66824362445385 least 4.913317297: 2.398742853 520.8539454855769 405.7230387764138 live 4.886709237: 2.44469232 515.5547551900607 400.6843593912555 power 5.068973597: 1.895333806 551.8540400047933 460.9253496921927 try 4.819019737: 2.186254997 502.0738944100681 429.02381321258974 25 3.901627538: 4.248046651 319.36850545123445 202.93398705307834 doing 5.062186219: 2.251539809 550.5022839809138 421.8648785448729 important 4.971241726: 1.765454967 532.3900206109346 475.16746966165863 working 5.077342809: 2.28041025 553.5208301276851 418.6990334971761 less 5.089337009: 2.171706457 555.9095629161973 430.61916204019445 quality 4.908091158: 1.739984353 519.8131217339007 477.9604999883689 group 4.855993824: 1.912105155 509.43755515413187 459.08625428791686 care 4.803413478: 1.949147457 498.96579348740215 455.02430773913807 makes 4.943998462: 1.77485876 526.964324810132 474.13627819795835 thought 4.931664646: 2.20939363 524.5079547730784 426.48650079877456 side 5.112555851: 1.599700183 560.5337657822328 493.34363702111943 call 4.947712407: 2.009522104 527.7039840645394 448.40380686180885 United 4.301334536: 2.901211155 398.9730874337189 350.62388709061236 per 4.656523382: 2.361780072 469.7115527689379 409.7762653104869 room 4.861566992: 2.236026817 510.54749248513036 423.5659862753522 actually 4.948761473: 2.110519721 527.9129134406429 437.32871412195533 These 4.200592606: 2.173600269 378.90959267851514 430.41149232202406 program 4.685869103: 2.187383225 475.55596848126834 428.9000952280435 public 4.875053254: 2.287263773 513.2333806866902 417.94749692553245 John 4.306778181: 2.996528473 400.0572292779576 340.17167874169206 products 4.64770194: 1.927090939 467.95469791819585 457.442958661949 January 3.810780477: 4.293467891 301.275646437469 197.95323146750104 following 4.925238729: 1.930547754 523.2281862685247 457.0638947936053 job 4.866651563: 2.500879627 511.5601221374258 394.5230294791427 yet 4.836821586: 2.140577555 505.61926326681294 434.0326631986601 called 5.111510406: 1.545248428 560.3255578393856 499.3146515549572 buy 4.729183392: 2.300531612 484.18232706956564 416.49258581950073 24 3.744052355: 4.241693879 287.9862512629475 203.63061281404538 hours 4.661696293: 3.101833799 470.74177592993067 328.6242156887539 !! 3.972703185: 2.970741973 333.52374211656905 342.9993481674635 already 4.976203987: 2.190301467 533.378291312605 428.58008965668205 Is 4.506148571: 2.570554606 439.7633055745072 386.88268240679156 price 4.767394671: 2.570859672 491.79238370957825 386.8492297798298 ~ 3.661263124: 3.244155877 271.4981683396496 313.0176078719311 July 3.84639081: 4.206457444 308.36770568588554 207.49453353035022 easy 4.936797808: 1.972785316 525.5302616036322 452.4322517030191 design 4.755506208: 1.869232454 489.4247089659673 463.7875448810588 far 4.866366285: 2.192856339 511.5033068786447 428.29993009189866 World 4.482774274: 2.858121547 435.10814273489984 355.3489628645787 please 4.667541823: 2.345458319 471.90595629381625 411.56605925252103 State 4.201886188: 3.084357565 379.1672190744299 330.54060664735596 THE 3.431589794: 2.926564491 225.75703912333654 347.8437170325774 @ 3.242327342: 4.678972392 188.0640329073587 155.67997591902179 include 4.840989438: 1.436365687 506.44932169654885 511.2544030219249 problem 4.808107572: 2.232571499 499.9006566192841 423.9448859198761 open 5.084075397: 2.054457846 554.8616743062807 443.4762895059014 health 4.517859429: 2.177859612 442.0956089876602 429.94442575058815 food 4.501773369: 2.249605455 438.89195202046 422.07699395081374 women 4.871737493: 1.909091281 512.5730225134831 459.4167465955697 US 3.923888125: 3.266647704 323.8018645586471 310.5512222047114 based 4.912427769: 1.897536371 520.6767895419697 460.6838230826165 went 4.890111102: 2.127604374 516.2322615616704 435.4552628894161 body 4.993834202: 1.485755467 536.8894780223734 505.83846945292066 County 3.815674612: 3.266063085 302.2503493225322 310.61532979770084 house 4.746042569: 2.078858923 487.53995578065843 440.80054136830574 process 4.993209349: 1.709036857 536.7650341127849 481.3541086486632 needs 4.650589992: 2.14717694 468.52987459996274 433.30899463164207 story 4.861686935: 2.37722599 510.57137998141917 408.0825127070049 York 4.629537833: 2.890121462 464.33718272558957 351.83994918168787 search 4.831558817: 2.331637765 504.57114424915846 413.0815793964564 large 5.043848869: 1.738613691 546.8502660872113 478.11080267468077 February 3.693792611: 4.377312637 277.9766543727482 188.75907068163752 Not 4.490486459: 2.781149053 436.64408114941216 363.78953336098675 together 4.999003275: 1.822668793 537.918936868233 468.8935747770055 came 5.008286893: 1.932906713 539.7678374995899 456.8052184787244 bit 5.007755955: 2.279591686 539.6620973935488 418.7887946601141 After 4.259739788: 2.696171544 390.6891881301504 373.1079095514247 someone 5.032029907: 2.180457227 544.4964331512793 429.65957910704236 run 4.995619804: 2.089962548 537.2450938761034 439.5829514275025 2006 3.393663232: 4.687095358 218.2036859643614 154.7892360063484 Here 4.426948292: 2.842275267 423.98998883341136 357.08661799271283 others 4.856257565: 1.877966033 509.49008112120407 462.82984705933757 October 3.802939785: 4.332378573 299.7141150370884 193.6864039751335 de 3.979218093: 2.167622656 334.82123384550755 431.0669793341967 anything 5.035688388: 2.065626283 545.2250465107703 442.25159250315215 often 5.023440994: 1.844320883 542.7858881023034 466.51927227708893 fact 4.890011196: 2.022785236 516.2123645718527 446.9494119896255 blog 4.911426383: 2.140369571 520.47735619741 434.05547002439283 17 3.823117527: 4.316703357 303.7326604197376 195.40530066946872 means 4.983082173: 1.653195905 534.7481325889735 487.47745829379306 offer 4.939549288: 1.997187555 526.0782389964473 449.7563760670017 country 4.817052656: 2.062165993 501.6821358931059 442.6310374988029 control 4.976030505: 1.548117914 533.3437411338655 498.99999243292524 once 4.825597399: 2.244752186 503.38388405379885 422.60918869580547 November 3.777698954: 4.256657825 294.68721842225636 201.989711797562 friends 4.897139618: 2.12309239 517.632042037515 435.9500333648396 view 4.80968386: 2.413173385 500.21458612883816 404.1406302719912 become 4.951105958: 2.005779558 528.3798347664325 448.8142030510345 September 3.782049341: 4.278024528 295.55362987735305 199.64670392413126 possible 4.847858863: 1.977326379 507.8174180471524 451.9342925071702 several 4.853408366: 1.926490642 508.92264230806114 457.5087853727048 Black 4.259730489: 2.630983327 390.6873361567752 380.2562519365963 along 4.759485216: 1.671414656 490.2171575827914 485.4796452016853 bad 4.886642681: 2.233105444 515.5414999345139 423.886335147704 market 4.757907034: 2.089211587 489.90285107243886 439.66529960265257 city 4.56466925: 2.158718756 451.4181283934459 432.0433540023481 fun 5.098815458: 2.204453164 557.7972657041951 427.0282574209388 believe 4.769908442: 2.327541589 492.2930195607702 413.53075364451774 December 3.815345366: 4.212464397 302.18477762867155 206.83582921594467 nice 4.874316205: 2.35465377 513.0865918859661 410.5577139832578 pretty 4.94323714: 2.282573461 526.8127018180778 418.4618222922535 Please 4.255261628: 2.819251031 389.7973296177227 359.6113859777049 product 4.47473811: 2.271939996 433.5076817545287 419.6278558323137 August 3.764120866: 4.250979363 291.98304257496767 202.61239470387358 seen 4.877487777: 2.381471659 513.7182337680426 407.6169455772672 Day 4.226411695: 3.051762764 384.05165383182526 334.11485376660335 web 4.711293097: 2.306758515 480.61934358777904 415.809762504616 form 4.949994649: 1.812136907 528.1585093141728 470.0484694950152 took 4.796406381: 2.107561835 497.5702786876197 437.6530670241775 £ 4.251671262: 2.869984791 389.0822820186332 354.0480754733687 results 4.657016457: 2.154720676 469.80975237930295 432.4817713036251 View 3.733199303: 3.455611871 285.8247862948541 289.8299842299899 Just 4.339979757: 2.952568742 406.6695668600662 344.99216961432455 points 4.604355452: 2.598771755 459.32192664690984 383.788475381412 students 4.670469577: 2.409889428 472.4890399403351 404.5007391041515 21 3.727120236: 4.409709403 284.61409557779166 185.20653949911303 games 4.936639295: 2.454694859 525.4986926402677 399.58751131725177 Center 4.015199055: 2.636594187 341.98710649889614 379.6409820190021 past 4.843778695: 2.356977849 507.00482257761354 410.3028624965581 started 4.659573722: 2.613633391 470.3190504870868 382.15879342060373 School 4.082825093: 2.839287141 355.45532828775896 357.4142868563085 19 3.667585392: 4.409149144 272.7572944467098 185.26797574401303 South 4.045334986: 2.897625648 347.9888983119108 351.0170628708511 tell 4.886381474: 2.192567129 515.4894787332555 428.3316439665766 level 4.755838775: 2.121891474 489.4909421998115 436.08172213105763 · 2.996395536: 4.04990699 139.08490881954705 224.6613819530736 Business 4.178475725: 3.011949127 374.5048536238464 338.4806965242857 news 4.611643024: 2.663014272 460.7733001246727 376.74383562363505 22 3.734184177: 4.360070644 286.02093120296496 190.64977534753757 Comments 3.617870887: 3.727687641 262.8562858903283 259.9949795123836 government 4.760091093: 2.311957047 490.33782256660965 415.23970729536853 kind 5.117815566: 1.840208002 561.5812765448159 466.9702783115038 members 4.721889556: 1.801884813 482.7297060299313 471.1726831180806 comes 5.02327404: 1.553116605 542.75263791286 498.4518511171089 head 5.017113065: 1.794490815 541.5256345278749 471.98348652602135 light 4.925354033: 1.805874797 523.2511498032796 470.7351535636906 Price 3.737774522: 3.366279749 286.7359747678967 299.62587404510543 check 4.735245835: 2.49565042 485.38970710825254 395.0964485135645 hand 4.954940304: 1.96441712 529.1434727851245 453.34988274983283 minutes 4.709156749: 2.92684649 480.19387415177306 347.8127939076934 North 4.112742509: 2.765954011 361.4136011719137 365.4557756744498 TV 4.484932041: 2.78963756 435.53787795177556 362.85870943948476 U.S. 4.362145959: 2.734115252 411.08412861900655 368.947117480156 hope 4.788836515: 2.321848057 496.0626842249388 414.1550890495257 National 4.256512652: 2.848103141 390.0464803197259 356.4475509654883 black 4.79653978: 1.897223922 497.59684595174616 460.7180852251378 type 4.611997819: 2.068088922 460.84396014216054 441.9815469741415 50 4.414370537: 2.748690792 421.4850365683676 367.3488079815074 above 5.090267457: 1.975338879 556.0948685043604 452.15223578331495 whole 5.030346593: 1.645162627 544.1611887486755 488.358363237365 probably 4.973727046: 2.075718246 532.8849904964014 441.144938457955 software 4.498647163: 2.190776992 438.2693450702222 428.52794501478616 season 4.838142506: 2.410053585 505.88233433163174 404.4827381588591 everything 4.985180647: 2.046775004 535.1660591467448 444.3187666782168 below 4.923237006: 2.211389869 522.8295283540701 426.2675993248895 Thanks 3.765289968: 3.105839871 292.2158776772755 328.18492203296717 either 4.993026704: 1.548669047 536.7286589913847 498.9395568003516 Read 3.948507636: 3.047407383 328.70502087759667 334.59245158406463 example 4.809334719: 1.905698663 500.1450520865419 459.7887708659184 four 4.923751626: 1.939240693 522.9320188159621 456.1106534241891 community 4.601074115: 2.145914554 458.66842426647827 433.4474239657294 trying 4.788752637: 2.271460751 496.0459793804918 419.6804084542907 Video 3.940816463: 2.942238094 327.17326732402813 346.1249972405319 special 5.055301654: 1.681410031 549.1311723216588 484.383582695498 review 4.671908046: 2.656757376 472.7755216274103 377.42994781478694 anyone 4.815934567: 2.246175276 501.4594601983364 422.4531370026776 million 4.486045387: 2.374113912 435.75960901604503 408.42377382551075 idea 4.845192436: 2.128811822 507.2863795999209 435.32285782777114 States 4.436375142: 2.629026399 425.8674151431038 380.4708427758501 access 4.881389565: 2.030794478 514.495303376544 446.0711427186095 posted 4.07671551: 3.408187219 354.2385600463765 295.0304278151159 added 4.11009384: 2.573193372 360.8860993128375 386.5933233722518 contact 4.706777824: 2.222224776 479.7200938050027 425.07947621827077 add 4.797664329: 2.268373648 497.8208083116059 420.01893075457156 !!! 3.842481795: 2.909729046 307.58919669186855 349.68984089831827 men 4.724425023: 2.004837507 483.23466301171703 448.91750554809903 An 4.526817746: 2.217754778 443.8797235541212 425.5696427357442 given 4.9111496: 1.97490502 520.4222328043751 452.1998113473853 However 3.920304204: 2.226841518 323.08810041179606 424.57321837019396 everyone 4.796803232: 2.46422753 497.6493144822726 398.5421874038756 Search 4.232261125: 2.820533445 385.21661077185627 359.4707603196673 value 4.906158996: 1.960578553 519.4283173001684 453.7708083940889 Last 3.482969439: 4.210017274 235.98967249903254 207.1041733049576 phone 4.511336417: 2.302507959 440.7965032657109 416.27586567930655 quite 4.929226002: 2.223127438 524.022281018523 424.98049306750613 email 4.753521385: 2.370606202 489.02941698843034 408.8084185813807 House 4.156404236: 3.042086025 370.10915446728126 335.1759756318742 nothing 4.889762079: 2.190561542 516.1627510479028 428.5515705926201 23 3.604350458: 4.453592039 260.1635931684138 180.39450250500096 known 4.997050739: 1.63162922 537.5300751077201 489.8423956352104 early 4.45869412: 2.694140638 430.31240348734104 373.3306125632341 near 4.546411168: 1.961232796 447.7818972144791 453.6990660809441 download 4.49339115: 2.362432188 437.22257152327956 409.7047562636808 current 4.878290661: 2.056432948 513.8781340360675 443.25970582363965 First 4.25327363: 3.11418687 389.40140525347607 327.26961537530565 pay 4.836896679: 2.235702107 505.6342187058727 423.60159293814536 Best 4.26030272: 3.274746186 390.8013001738903 309.6631672723137 later 4.769678728: 2.071085143 492.24727050400446 441.65299055267906 research 4.685165832: 2.167544788 475.41590686692496 431.07551811355836 mind 4.724522264: 2.172659852 483.2540292300631 430.5146156273183 question 4.629153339: 2.494563253 464.26060791425977 395.2156639764162 personal 4.816459767: 2.230483316 501.56405765025255 424.17386977218484 See 4.467351919: 2.629421453 432.036667696679 380.42752234773343 project 4.619545307: 1.901280251 462.34709789958123 460.27328049569604 2005 3.387390655: 4.572610365 216.9544561796116 167.34331352031023 >> 3.916736617: 3.436239258 322.37758942397363 291.9543262859585 young 4.780190547: 2.081582807 494.3407763638193 440.5018484703102 plan 4.765479373: 2.158873024 491.4109381351925 432.02643743862404 told 4.680489435: 2.317959621 474.48456822111604 414.5814831775853 offers 4.710890363: 1.640712817 480.5391360863955 488.8463158270332 almost 5.027648563: 2.138170014 543.623856278494 434.29666677783825 development 4.625722809: 1.801479828 463.5773926213729 471.21709249693595 movie 4.513394958: 2.427004713 441.20647686264107 402.6239287878738 Internet 4.652097624: 2.450556476 468.8301305399356 400.041313782418 Some 4.286224195: 2.334725501 395.963752055775 412.742987615492 true 4.747115118: 1.910173338 487.753561844937 459.29809150261053 link 4.629144088: 2.389258717 464.2587653977612 406.7630403243237 month 4.765337281: 2.714491875 491.3826394725569 371.0989576311823 Great 4.287944133: 2.968639113 396.30629047616236 343.2299414981194 About 4.278342395: 2.700008023 394.394033868009 372.68721295697685 version 4.751153339: 2.074972796 488.55780330083974 441.2266822798857 article 4.766867778: 2.552353079 491.68744911283187 388.8786067749928 event 4.688603418: 1.895835664 476.1005273743972 460.8703174214385 create 4.854229496: 1.931262992 509.0861763874939 456.98546393853974 mean 4.790846128: 1.912061753 496.4629134755713 459.0910136570061 future 4.786346891: 1.9266096 495.5668573859958 457.4957407993123 size 4.669705488: 2.425446968 472.33686589421364 402.79474638174577 West 4.283938056: 2.731466356 395.5084507856377 369.2375874737628 taking 4.878188531: 1.868319285 513.8577939997313 463.88768016165557 words 4.835982862: 2.313821299 505.45222528651635 415.0352790751653 face 4.815642429: 2.079048452 501.4012787623792 440.7797581153868 single 4.923104973: 1.849801153 522.8032329805382 465.91832247350493 features 5.059189578: 1.446497099 549.9054808357843 510.1434231065043 Time 3.706047573: 3.796381589 280.41732007766507 252.46220931717806 close 4.805924271: 2.234567756 499.4658363878617 423.72598243800553 white 4.765009866: 1.93304325 491.31743235401217 456.7902462882679 beautiful 4.564357701: 2.244952805 451.3560811403964 422.58718950906814 looks 4.682614356: 2.25468746 474.9077617657425 421.5197167033902 via 3.963046336: 2.273905782 331.6005098440285 419.41229371760477 history 4.703263782: 1.946033639 479.0202465103728 455.3657595127976 Tags 3.141057488: 3.102673101 167.89539819690836 328.532180448957 reading 4.850615072: 2.124927619 508.3663372903483 435.74878774841306 series 4.75969807: 1.892428608 490.25954921438034 461.24392483911544 America 4.571396654: 2.604976984 452.75794027229836 383.1080287038121 across 4.777805123: 1.933057917 493.8657016425351 456.78863796358905 file 4.688407438: 2.165331988 476.06149655618054 431.31816706974587 cost 4.788641434: 1.972031281 496.0238325166065 452.5149369311714 seems 4.814700122: 2.169303581 501.2136114304923 430.88265413170774 else 4.873418263: 2.082306942 512.907760086636 440.4224419725185 Why 4.219014229: 2.718754212 382.5783941781287 370.6315626374016 visit 4.651457048: 2.310038484 468.70255524286137 415.45009112511883 _ 4.048992511: 3.015985228 348.7173212515504 338.0381099749177 short 5.054489606: 1.939479853 548.9694469137472 456.08442784374665 song 4.435209718: 2.518327459 425.6353124603121 392.6097531326527 26 3.588791701: 4.414153555 257.0649524774529 184.7192072169019 front 5.012327616: 1.610575453 540.5725772262409 492.1510878622628 works 4.83529875: 1.855928142 505.31597930958065 465.2464553814524 28 3.533732126: 4.370728806 246.09943421462825 189.481033676783 White 4.193027262: 2.61298941 377.402898925187 382.2294104390324 Park 4.012246147: 2.642432763 341.3990132053286 379.0007415508547 High 4.148408779: 2.477694951 368.51680057185564 397.0653909067812 wanted 4.717085051: 2.221066294 481.7728535589705 425.20651188453223 class 4.642757718: 2.120173025 466.9700198500254 436.27016210208444 Services 4.071526295: 2.636592673 353.2050897522997 379.64114808511187 law 4.618805102: 2.291654354 462.19968054033524 417.46603909826615 coming 4.877004154: 2.179398122 513.6219167378656 429.7757173370185 whether 4.961602545: 1.608740254 530.4703070661902 492.35233027586423 sex 4.409691239: 1.949864359 420.5531200397265 454.94569442420607 share 4.804204581: 2.270610528 499.1233474919849 419.7736412932899 Online 4.20902267: 3.137894485 380.58850181616117 324.6699101406409 problems 4.697065347: 2.073483284 477.78578272580245 441.3900176657511 perfect 4.836013382: 1.975880126 505.45830352135744 452.09288419346194 🙂 3.973474819: 3.130191608 333.6774185843165 325.5145843496688 Get 4.375347022: 2.707181229 413.71321725128075 371.90062086895693 weeks 4.544911608: 3.171017864 447.4832489295128 321.0377007279237 His 4.69247192: 2.27293763 476.8709680712864 419.5184583422303 film 4.486860567: 2.22037973 435.9219580847075 425.28179836581205 Service 4.036831758: 2.937754232 346.2954180143651 346.61668397607343 low 4.787699655: 2.037587785 495.8362702280111 445.32620928854294 Windows 4.471530994: 2.453970643 432.8689611043294 399.6669266337336 taken 4.615754855: 2.223827358 461.59220150264287 424.9037419648746 Health 3.974624936: 3.008927299 333.9064729105791 338.81206100751785 Reply 2.865809573: 4.521026348 113.0777558959827 172.9998604810056 reason 4.828935043: 1.951963651 504.0486005056108 454.7154924508986 27 3.487992431: 4.479979001 236.99003827058934 177.50098823132726 details 4.698754824: 2.431683869 478.12225444532805 402.11082675382187 soon 4.717320368: 2.222962915 481.8197187854414 424.998534158168 party 4.77634292: 1.826694663 493.57449324025725 468.45211013319545 complete 4.875474756: 1.738264805 513.3173258679018 478.14906046132387 child 4.83713902: 2.139466556 505.68248270183346 434.15449197074736 International 4.376827032: 2.378613527 414.0079720576652 407.9303596651956 companies 4.630882234: 2.099925287 464.6049300601541 438.4904677273732 questions 4.606728933: 2.333597998 459.7946229237874 412.86662620879184 card 4.816273159: 2.018388497 501.5268933286061 447.43154506675245 range 4.673669783: 1.777957091 473.12638450270435 473.7965245612896 report 4.743351435: 2.433146795 487.00399669963997 401.9504066265965 sale 4.461571616: 2.351124708 430.8854777857058 410.9447002685789 rather 4.948189443: 1.844321639 527.798989362532 466.5191893565597 Re 3.17963239: 3.666447897 175.57787298024292 266.7103444028395 property 4.645180123: 1.915957 467.45245946736554 458.6638726605931 comments 4.299935023: 3.343382211 398.69436419783625 302.13674871013654 Post 3.293540076: 3.878107992 198.26342466289927 243.50033959554213 Love 4.278719914: 2.8884754 394.4692195461486 352.02045136007587 hot 4.704898174: 1.975031555 479.3457477438689 452.1859360037653 hotel 4.377529853: 2.191693902 414.1479440573229 428.4273994146942 Top 4.312180121: 3.214275073 401.1330652966579 316.2942463407445 friend 4.788167248: 2.309240407 495.92939492350234 415.5376057963477 issue 4.739925113: 2.361781452 486.32161969797033 409.77611401513144 Well 4.036102999: 3.019805353 346.1502803493518 337.61920664815216 understand 4.649926343: 2.208246054 468.3977040661388 426.6123405536563 due 4.542864223: 2.141705046 447.07549708646735 433.9090258714428 learn 4.681133786: 2.26215893 474.612895384341 420.70041786869297 heart 4.864114893: 1.630306187 511.0549256997523 489.9874754388799 computer 4.72021191: 2.089144545 482.39559061627034 439.67265119450326 office 4.57001155: 2.199533469 452.48208657835255 427.5677362278386 Music 3.983295127: 3.385880764 335.6332050949573 297.47648617298046 kids 4.782763274: 2.435273159 494.8531537981424 401.71723606289237 Web 4.331824424: 2.791318821 405.04537235728463 362.67434748103494 stop 4.66950278: 1.86142541 472.29649515584885 464.643641575562 especially 4.789194065: 1.636605835 496.13389294386394 489.2966750297608 English 4.489615446: 2.837277555 436.4706124065579 357.63465191343596 watch 4.605842329: 2.579589067 459.61804924927657 385.89199076480384 Friday 3.759211561: 4.121621539 291.0053183419021 216.79738183830176 provides 4.798692829: 1.442337628 498.02564156853776 510.5995380379197 simple 4.861796981: 1.696242195 510.59329646468626 482.75713252214234 art 4.468415438: 2.033831375 432.24847529786626 445.73812586568994 major 4.606081092: 1.850561008 459.665600486785 465.8349990157021 issues 4.698336178: 2.083570733 478.0388780663482 440.2838584854848 Also 4.212395496: 2.196071915 381.26022487154967 427.94731980838264 UK 4.225704405: 3.007951058 383.91079181442325 338.91911271615743 management 4.554511328: 1.907564782 449.3951036376673 459.5841378712649 move 4.838897018: 1.926272058 506.03260081094265 457.53275466788244 content 4.872599539: 1.89063098 512.7447051855654 461.44104732705506 training 4.312236274: 2.44460451 401.1442485500682 400.69398833148887 building 4.748648379: 1.827993501 488.0589221165613 468.3096835101829 etc. 4.372703469: 1.728406029 413.18673426047286 479.2301439779861 asked 4.516858505: 2.434848076 441.8962676727617 401.76384939440584 miles 4.011576155: 2.727628464 341.2655794086005 369.658439039061 credit 4.656699616: 2.385968384 469.7466511403866 407.12384825010963 OF 3.342574088: 3.082708473 208.0289078957195 330.7214409985184 couple 4.688068195: 2.321755609 475.99393381789616 414.16522664914373 industry 4.479254861: 2.298234971 434.407225998409 416.74442857010155 Date 2.861631836: 4.859534208 112.24572883909171 135.88011419165116 original 4.725102342: 1.857505594 483.36955602267415 465.0734768091004 Page 3.625159916: 3.648212186 264.30794957227386 268.71001715473784 age 4.649842149: 2.322419373 468.38093621340505 414.0924403125923 air 4.744817118: 2.075576149 487.2958983790266 441.1605203761949 AND 3.506878462: 2.655532206 240.75132981973684 377.5642962967329 five 4.820889177: 2.123459069 502.44620707299487 435.9098244752882 date 4.260202143: 3.127401353 390.7812694196887 325.82055518365394 Good 4.314548387: 2.870018684 401.6047228690677 354.0443589576464 includes 4.78261259: 1.56993205 494.8231439366087 496.6079203890827 Other 4.077784885: 2.59942756 354.45153383934365 383.7165618183544 C 3.844637266: 2.876038482 308.0184744417903 353.3842461070613 Street 3.999822103: 2.839848704 338.92467355130043 357.35270747425614 study 4.548964272: 1.920015891 448.29036668236836 458.2187869762131 half 4.901147955: 2.158983097 518.430331826773 432.01436716982926 social 4.724850229: 1.962803411 483.3193459004634 453.52683719511685 29 3.483889829: 4.447537979 236.1729749220023 181.05837245258346 shows 4.931088922: 2.044955546 524.3932951386325 444.5182829329732 space 4.578217079: 2.150735573 454.1162779185986 432.9187657170292 photos 4.361987263: 2.063914692 411.052523171504 442.43928045816074 present 4.800780911: 1.737748029 498.44149847640557 478.20572856247816 happy 4.755600569: 2.288571515 489.44350176612295 417.8040938858891 matter 4.707706226: 2.121030036 479.90499182199693 436.17618485021126 turn 4.727323492: 1.878455641 483.8119143890569 462.7761581036784 needed 4.476656196: 2.253937535 433.88968261512156 421.6019511410468 David 4.099321676: 2.989718805 358.7407438910357 340.91840630587046 gets 4.907520829: 2.022378524 519.6995364495511 446.9940107386352 3.398464358: 3.341287258 219.15986532670217 302.3664748946594 image 4.677064704: 2.308319085 473.80250785043955 415.6386351533705 performance 4.78549014: 1.88315743 495.3962292200394 462.26057413125477 media 4.550888459: 2.249671539 448.67358272504094 422.0697473784906 Then 4.169813163: 2.404686395 372.7796407636921 405.0712879659595 human 4.558464284: 1.700041466 450.1823638253566 482.34051593038987 simply 4.753243027: 1.894829544 488.97397987389945 460.9806454969122 stay 4.613492197: 2.466206754 461.14157645141586 398.32515174388254 running 4.767464655: 1.9996109 491.8063214533914 449.49063945482476 deal 4.806051352: 2.123564904 499.4911454046241 435.89821887174764 living 4.817755854: 1.982193901 501.8221829367976 451.400534740057 girl 4.61958859: 2.301071425 462.3557178999208 416.4333915847759 style 4.755447949: 1.579889607 489.41310640038535 495.51600483909147 London 4.395231794: 2.839668167 417.6734154680661 357.37250463090356 provided 4.607378037: 1.931632671 459.9238967654895 456.9449260672478 ask 4.717747299: 2.150785532 481.9047452971276 432.9132873683133 main 4.642042068: 1.758126072 466.82749282616743 475.97113406645155 enjoy 4.769748864: 2.115406278 492.2612385698053 436.79286912006376 member 4.51406788: 2.13834118 441.34049407193766 434.2778972855658 energy 4.662722331: 2.12885315 470.94611900524006 435.3183258689774 required 4.467243487: 2.295769261 432.01507269714926 417.01481086251687 bring 4.858084079: 1.766781911 509.8538448570345 475.0219610249315 further 4.783827428: 1.836691461 495.06508775318844 467.35589154093753 Most 4.319470432: 2.846281669 402.58498413513115 356.6472880881106 Download 3.665698303: 3.135427453 272.38146678114157 324.94043746763157 technology 4.759705025: 1.732018064 490.2609341663849 478.83405909188787 upon 4.762438818: 1.731326596 490.80538922201185 478.90988345241675 Are 4.280747009: 2.632341611 394.87293042464574 380.10730668922236 playing 4.726615417: 2.474794458 483.6708959560378 397.3834501540551 action 4.78053613: 1.709419521 494.4096016101636 481.31214686492194 Add 3.913288359: 3.509886048 321.69084350512423 283.8784424301532 rate 4.525619313: 2.499456854 443.64104674965705 394.67904646652516 San 4.068683426: 2.679314548 352.63891149385955 374.95639672068705 Google 4.587339792: 2.577074119 455.93313321697485 386.1677724178882 comment 4.41337688: 2.988634601 421.2871425274556 341.0372968733607 saw 4.594712735: 2.218476183 457.40150881933977 425.4905356001097 insurance 4.524939987: 1.998990397 443.5057540331309 449.5586819645821 2004 3.369127659: 4.444684589 213.31724650467606 181.37126652069497 sound 4.744507813: 1.927734318 487.2342978600573 457.37240767425476 code 4.481832861: 2.167171592 434.9206534439415 431.11644162301445 takes 4.855987118: 1.861070752 509.43621958914565 464.6825323945548 talk 4.741279256: 2.508304907 486.5913072188752 393.70879579081964 { 3.951698352: 2.95143535 329.3404753922787 345.11645401134234 Hotel 4.133482504: 2.630729012 365.54412338075565 380.2841393798195 test 4.647440038: 2.093203847 467.9025381386949 439.2275204467488 While 3.985568057: 2.491208484 336.0858758236351 395.5835377780491 Sunday 3.689728961: 4.168429527 277.16734872274526 211.6645596651427 key 4.57698415: 1.858930686 453.8707309520533 464.9172055216626 stuff 4.712757619: 2.070839216 480.91101386026315 441.67995806588954 cannot 4.750935854: 1.980872127 488.514489587281 451.5454765600023 woman 4.602183032: 2.186327535 458.8892732725618 429.01585893837705 however 4.607187685: 1.781603619 459.885986604443 473.3966573959132 related 4.591875753: 1.75284301 456.83650304036235 476.55045862885396 win 4.652748949: 2.465569455 468.95984673295305 398.3950359730135 Saturday 3.704659877: 4.08726473 280.1409502000889 220.56484535919333 Review 4.068361482: 2.895141795 352.5747940586535 351.28943469365413 Click 4.289606065: 2.911284586 396.63727640248095 349.5192650954561 Find 4.166398333: 2.621221274 372.0995523852009 381.3267291627179 California 4.098513491: 2.764460851 358.579787797184 365.6195110527216 various 4.600911068: 1.613690887 458.63595228499116 491.80945885110674 among 4.713455771: 1.598148962 481.05005586883783 493.5137392405221 usually 4.895127626: 1.762916536 517.2313390187379 475.44582625679624 meet 4.660244652: 2.055878882 470.4526709660814 443.32046306399644 parts 4.586302063: 2.257102937 455.72646169425303 421.2548427473885 guys 4.690936529: 2.411451894 476.5651836534939 404.32940379760805 behind 4.905936304: 1.668190837 519.3839665729257 485.83315946931424 word 4.921634924: 1.879102879 522.5104619903425 462.70518390195576 result 4.548614052: 2.103284306 448.220617721402 438.122127795712 amount 4.714391295: 2.080740137 481.2363724439378 440.59425313253905 store 4.55150725: 2.090616538 448.79681949498513 439.51123688210635 yourself 4.648875111: 2.071155256 468.18834350572064 441.6453021280982 wo 4.725935196: 1.944682238 483.5354249656394 455.51395006192973 areas 4.546975785: 1.878219381 447.89434481911167 462.80206568804215 position 4.719018735: 2.009486295 482.1579609396019 448.40773358477253 return 4.770158806: 2.09443865 492.34288149900283 439.09211571724103 field 4.691727134: 1.852344375 476.7226383762023 465.6394403997475 interest 4.910407274: 2.065216623 520.2743932142845 442.2965146822661 Red 4.078428292: 2.50405267 354.5796730130361 394.17508325244563 guy 4.721017061: 2.307185842 482.55594236308576 415.7629031175173 books 4.79073589: 2.136728417 496.4409587807256 434.4547479698642 events 4.573765422: 1.935995389 453.22969767566923 456.46652363549566 myself 4.734353114: 2.299534566 485.2119152003034 416.6019189043913 hit 4.741115773: 2.249139185 486.55874824245956 422.1281237160141 longer 4.832380159: 1.939830409 504.73472049254065 456.0459870084188 Yes 3.821256481: 3.10024739 303.36201951656875 328.79817653924465 leave 4.710215662: 2.037666368 480.40476438709925 445.31759207928474 Big 4.150415143: 2.751788013 368.91638269160865 367.0091761279633 items 4.535595056: 2.201232822 445.6277892277968 427.3813902800298 total 4.494486714: 2.174116681 437.44076122722396 430.3548641595874 remember 4.495154781: 2.442521479 437.57381161077853 400.92240728377783 Mr. 4.178681402: 2.853301327 374.5458157635302 355.8775336271995 percent 4.608784947: 2.436718535 460.20409308809053 401.5587405165478 prices 4.401495786: 2.566066474 418.9209354579548 387.3748373865161 wrong 4.641989057: 2.149955708 466.8169352692044 433.00428329520753 address 4.610465485: 2.264289692 460.53878461584515 420.46676499565126 lost 4.564825539: 2.138295592 451.4492544333425 434.2828962832704 message 4.319192887: 2.44473778 402.5297090229164 400.6793743860698 rest 4.784637434: 1.794172048 495.2264065852911 472.018441580062 natural 4.622574087: 1.593802028 462.9503016012262 493.99041089472837 picture 4.674602801: 2.063782311 473.3122018186506 442.45379695182015 cause 4.807849375: 1.28720921 499.8492349611127 527.6104503952414 general 4.83207341: 1.832805925 504.67362926809557 467.78196763510266 } 3.816621318: 3.007892173 302.43889277562886 338.925569820571 goes 4.72137129: 1.898478577 482.62648963911005 460.5805036185783 created 4.328203635: 2.503532538 404.32426570152097 394.23211936892113 favorite 4.741841672: 2.266682284 486.70331638425034 420.2044006175947 color 4.64315137: 2.068656913 467.04841854015274 441.9192628837996 drive 4.867779901: 1.75859377 511.78483903148094 475.9198477309724 clear 4.786528702: 1.835173739 495.6030663340101 467.52232027515976 outside 4.673527867: 1.813258181 473.0981208341273 469.92551400869314 click 4.581180317: 2.586919524 454.70642851071983 385.08815515103913 Part 3.805850778: 3.143506068 300.2938607964 324.05456093758414 paper 4.666803287: 2.127374394 471.758871255105 435.48048182542914 Information 4.06884512: 2.897376793 352.67111410889754 351.0443515794062 Life 4.193342933: 2.521985908 377.46576714186847 392.2085787282907 shall 5.022159702: 1.553827451 542.5307092971677 498.3739018523566 held 4.654633206: 2.106550298 469.3351102943969 437.7639890891101 inside 4.867016437: 1.512740651 511.63278944236527 502.87935586198137 located 4.266764326: 1.844238076 392.0881764005907 466.5283525492411 Buy 3.714372961: 3.610864887 282.0753821692774 272.80540880203756 private 4.533988124: 2.156961395 445.3077569351831 432.23606083447487 40 4.210641516: 2.911800455 380.91090687024325 349.462696464175 systems 4.491696198: 1.935393945 436.88500945869976 456.5324761796804 currently 4.567763095: 2.204761289 452.0342902929989 426.9944693308463 morning 4.384205365: 2.74814096 415.4774212726597 367.40910093251216 model 4.691575718: 1.640258999 476.6924828692623 488.89608017883484 similar 4.842419499: 1.650491487 506.73412870211274 487.77401652083375 user 4.55367677: 2.426060873 449.22889520581793 402.7274273884509 USA 3.779174516: 2.842403776 294.98108730933876 357.07252610169337 maybe 4.57497032: 2.297730556 453.46966209546304 416.79974121695784 designed 4.661118238: 1.574595057 470.62665208905076 496.0965890999611 professional 4.642384698: 1.919816557 466.8957302263511 458.2406453661779 heard 4.763632274: 2.360571279 491.0430746901993 409.9088178501781 Jan 3.069176863: 4.446926641 153.5798441219367 181.12540988028564 internet 4.5579867: 2.152269197 450.08724951377695 432.7505930915429 writing 4.888009962: 2.004127069 515.8138041668618 448.9954100672288 lead 4.72086681: 1.83420828 482.52601880787626 467.6281895970095 hear 4.779583388: 2.287008806 494.2198561338353 417.97545584448096 security 4.36384245: 2.230618941 411.4219973422003 424.1589976032823 application 4.453836936: 2.048710003 429.3450596341686 444.1065805919367 certain 4.852917367: 1.630291069 508.82485623989095 489.98913315530007 cover 4.693257207: 1.785286743 477.02736362604173 472.99277716895165 rights 4.356992071: 2.074489086 410.05769405411843 441.27972439251744 staff 4.48643555: 2.46063698 435.83731282805417 398.9359162916073 Group 4.0779205: 2.52744341 354.4785425288078 391.6101255650149 Full 3.754193425: 2.903041545 290.00591977205676 350.4231720314562 period 4.313044885: 2.311946036 401.3052894311496 415.2409146974362 account 4.694629177: 1.871790113 477.3006014443624 463.50707972920804 sales 4.447695456: 2.332813859 428.12193870892366 412.95261250978183 Can 4.252781539: 2.581226803 389.3034018169077 385.7124016469719 third 5.000042741: 1.767552804 538.1259541747535 474.9374271942602 College 4.001013126: 3.064794142 339.1618745538813 332.68587229346656 pictures 4.490645758: 2.351999272 436.6758065386029 410.8487982453769 common 4.901482123: 1.597732582 518.4968838759986 493.559398237838 addition 4.495209787: 1.705717967 437.5847665551231 481.71804808522734 Sale 3.774665177: 3.106015745 294.0830194864645 328.1656362433875 Washington 3.993854073: 2.93143967 337.7360966396267 347.3091197041666 subject 4.326945913: 2.724853463 404.0737811670998 369.962737292264 record 4.692633487: 2.143329206 476.9031451422805 433.730925425589 likely 4.723029974: 2.015702317 482.9568286452341 447.7261034133734 St. 3.942720001: 2.615446239 327.55237102269086 381.960001977319 saying 4.591926274: 2.398010422 456.8465647747342 405.80335484487 Monday 3.646971566: 4.169127007 268.6518996995595 211.58807613821665 sites 4.394779144: 2.068595504 417.58326680715146 441.925996816813 hair 4.454741993: 1.91776364 429.5253083016779 458.4657619709281 President 4.508691426: 2.323386937 440.2697339044108 413.9863401444903 written 4.608406434: 2.206881943 460.12870945027043 426.76192488825023 changes 4.608531511: 1.97661878 460.153619592902 452.0118857214077 31 3.517483245: 4.179569262 242.86335017125433 210.44301011196006 James 4.039749901: 3.028472256 346.87658755047494 336.6688202579887 Obama 4.488351835: 2.687421389 436.2189551337268 374.06742506945983 2003 3.390491415: 4.25450517 217.5719953521998 202.2257654599893 source 4.488447366: 2.284898947 436.2379806725326 418.20681655161934 received 4.477902604: 2.325267211 434.13791400257674 413.78015504030554 continue 4.441970756: 2.128589934 426.981822748311 435.3471893079471 ready 4.659936605: 2.199124916 470.39132125266934 427.6125369174471 photo 4.263045064: 2.693307142 391.3474581863509 373.42201120585287 customers 4.552919584: 2.107984441 449.0780961379497 437.60672533184044 sense 4.685041034: 2.009143506 475.3910524744813 448.44532275804426 interesting 4.773915299: 2.252279808 493.0910145675479 421.78373247684794 recent 4.635350817: 2.328474372 465.49488119887894 413.42846750172646 Art 4.047726196: 2.691822291 348.46512530958506 373.5848354712514 forward 4.760562408: 2.059383017 490.4316883344556 442.936210173302 weight 4.691789077: 1.847852265 476.7349748188412 466.132031600082 popular 4.823659318: 1.787473058 502.99790111337796 472.75303250746254 reviews 4.316246795: 2.8362375 401.94297333287534 357.7487011867182 wrote 3.656849988: 3.614378234 270.6192598961211 272.4201458310143 ways 4.663176676: 2.09631792 471.0366051738009 438.886040656894 latest 4.67914521: 2.086487736 474.21685592895227 439.96398886155424 Green 4.004972498: 2.422559928 339.95041266780055 403.1113304508101 oil 4.438062155: 1.981992619 426.2033962512866 451.42260681253214 instead 4.561747436: 1.806493067 450.83622755950455 470.6673559467922 players 4.632940128: 2.516579139 465.01477473848007 392.80146859895143 Inc. 4.065654326: 2.215566619 352.0356439523386 425.8095895387702 East 4.03323932: 2.78605037 345.5799576573086 363.25206983352325 Road 3.569834486: 2.989808521 253.2894839990592 340.9085683014508 cut 4.739423156: 1.941865818 486.22165116593254 455.82279016666416 strong 4.687030267: 1.750031818 475.7872229185643 476.8587254656794 users 4.517215255: 2.319457681 441.96731702234484 414.4172104874275 death 4.563226175: 1.80287498 451.13072942160085 471.06410442955496 General 4.066356623: 2.801846031 352.17551151548724 361.51996554500545 recently 4.649474078: 2.011062949 468.3076321544055 448.2348424408643 save 4.799293865: 2.102315896 498.1453423437238 438.2283207634834 thanks 4.043375393: 2.532526546 347.59863093038797 391.05272424308913 late 4.544924451: 2.035587413 447.48580679048365 445.5455640146244 Dr. 3.991933303: 2.393315689 337.3535611936734 406.3181650622956 network 4.49219341: 2.122851555 436.9840329604911 435.97644264456676 red 4.376018018: 1.93304448 413.8468509897822 456.7901113700687 education 4.325726115: 2.461805729 403.8308494761964 398.80775477089 financial 4.508460262: 2.237093682 440.223695851491 423.4489970542658 cool 4.674862644: 2.250999324 473.3639513442048 421.92414651746435 included 4.668079522: 1.544652513 472.01304294787735 499.37999778936523 treatment 4.527278598: 1.674347154 443.97150551458003 485.15807633801825 Thank 3.703345947: 3.049882591 279.87927143346747 334.32102779117224 unique 4.672077527: 1.431690595 472.8092748693849 511.7670595015261 Paul 4.015521065: 2.788295511 342.0512370712399 363.00587443565564 send 4.587719781: 1.885788803 456.00881082271223 461.9720257845112 write 4.909065587: 1.971908947 520.0071863221597 452.52835165238855 jobs 4.290153813: 2.381842592 396.74636449013116 407.5762701211629 baby 4.552301185: 2.151879626 448.9549374501312 432.79331232069296 seem 4.678645441: 2.078943034 474.11732330209577 440.79131798197636 Power 4.123370429: 2.499437368 363.53022952013936 394.6811833319538 player 4.645137224: 2.173019041 467.44391593834206 430.4752281093536 Show 4.066113056: 3.303136881 352.1270034840415 306.54992965745237 section 4.752403528: 1.790704842 488.8067876298056 472.3986448810504 Company 4.248654071: 2.318945624 388.4813862672575 414.4733610508439 Photo 3.530020225: 3.125625394 245.36018189683395 326.01530151368814 Like 4.145447056: 2.791446893 367.9269516577508 362.6603034372058 choose 4.604268533: 1.904569419 459.30461616259345 459.9126003183455 thinking 4.710642134: 2.082706515 480.48969940242586 440.37862608532095 amazing 4.599381878: 2.196292527 458.33140284465713 427.9231281579655 choice 4.725222029: 1.765037618 483.3933924994735 475.2132348727991 according 4.380382412: 2.061534746 414.716052045842 442.7002580611832 Feb 3.026027438: 4.705960904 144.98631948295042 152.7204974589173 Christmas 4.449829379: 2.709862027 428.5469251268289 371.60665271492866 travel 4.490651301: 2.186922827 436.67691051145243 428.9505810813633 Blue 4.039706466: 2.533108696 346.86793732180837 390.9888875230331 wish 4.474650651: 2.234253603 433.49026368295125 423.7604315782793 Let 4.134330973: 2.705804104 365.71310220955934 372.05163228535605 People 4.258260231: 2.515790797 390.39452341826967 392.8879158305196 Michael 4.020744597: 2.842539797 343.09154188874794 357.05761040126004 Today 3.735433585: 3.577440693 286.26975993557295 276.4706046957152 China 4.109953846: 2.516373685 360.8582184251778 392.82399806429066 fine 4.78824431: 1.795667299 495.9447423795039 471.8544768523607 center 4.448260359: 1.874224203 428.2344433956764 463.2401647601364 allow 4.735472709: 1.682544424 485.43489069055386 484.2591885704645 wait 4.474154169: 2.420793122 433.3913856537157 403.3050729921865 increase 4.569196163: 1.905756064 452.3196961778287 459.78247645022 chance 4.63668349: 2.191650885 465.760292723752 428.43211647519433 final 4.595395172: 2.062043818 457.53742118793997 442.64443482538206 Who 4.392696372: 2.665936126 417.16846755787185 376.42343392171193 answer 4.53696008: 2.47372522 445.8996438092874 397.5006995712229 Up 4.042725631: 2.951402355 347.46922613021496 345.12007217249624 played 4.53510833: 2.59103301 445.5308540974289 384.63708267521343 fast 4.681367421: 1.702913889 474.6594255554693 482.0255348227013 likes 3.896166244: 1.600298724 318.28084869105146 493.2780028596822 worth 4.622444392: 2.284162526 462.92447192189894 418.28757023813614 Department 3.971732581: 2.701348593 333.330439283438 372.5402100512371 programs 4.392406068: 2.195249998 417.1106514374818 428.0374487056502 Thursday 3.53148775: 4.298048823 245.6524501847539 197.45090040239597 release 4.621407042: 2.200760674 462.7178760533967 427.43316469043316 Office 4.067975169: 2.67880262 352.4978569072231 375.01253320550126 box 4.662396891: 2.027712171 470.88130519194027 446.40913922572844 material 4.585122635: 1.809461444 455.49157010956617 470.34185273961316 tax 4.546903332: 2.256523464 447.8799153772026 421.31838600840916 location 4.355599291: 2.24896661 409.780311555002 422.1470477080343 specific 4.605400192: 1.684983456 459.5299943542627 483.9917317043371 2000 3.528522706: 3.7543638 245.06193998541013 257.0697527746499 TO 3.177923754: 2.833726501 175.23758570771633 358.0240497220549 ones 4.712505219: 1.729120371 480.86074659498934 479.1518113124598 meeting 4.446818831: 2.367505503 427.94735256265915 409.14843189605614 town 4.45476334: 1.906411472 429.52955980980323 459.7106063034961 entire 4.845280657: 1.593817809 507.3039493481519 493.98868039149306 individual 4.638855066: 1.704668115 466.1927780196867 481.8331716669413 Tuesday 3.477795623: 4.31869808 234.95926909840924 195.18656536838034 eyes 4.592780507: 2.011116403 457.0166914709284 448.2289808533661 themselves 4.717184043: 1.714779272 481.79256856697026 480.7244128342222 Texas 4.100445972: 2.654486404 358.9646556997457 377.67897578499225 Real 4.021867012: 2.387730358 343.31507898088114 406.93063561655424 girls 4.502630268: 2.113003475 439.06260974114883 437.0563531745809 board 4.512869477: 1.941170586 441.101823444308 455.8990272275141 Wednesday 3.454552551: 4.416527146 230.33024061137252 184.45892641731518 u 4.320385808: 2.248868707 402.76728797875745 422.1577835497177 Be 4.218787846: 2.766002702 382.5333082462541 365.45043634585386 particular 4.725027258: 1.66398055 483.35460236846995 486.29484678803846 higher 4.69469337: 1.855568567 477.313386034196 465.2858852788704 Air 3.989899788: 2.87197694 336.9485718517502 353.82962250806463 © 3.469911518: 3.082256723 233.38909159586387 330.7709785289993 huge 4.687541451: 1.874899527 475.8890289083457 463.1661107993032 Women 4.135191256: 2.687942901 365.8844339333111 374.0102376995277 medical 4.369221819: 2.034700659 412.49333814850087 445.642802764014 term 4.823869296: 1.954349355 503.0397196740816 454.45388335308644 Club 3.936820614: 2.883548975 326.3774647915522 352.56066822651474 Two 4.14685764: 2.764901567 368.2078799277914 365.5711834667965 receive 4.698313504: 1.950644216 478.03436220917706 454.86017764010035 marketing 4.427666482: 2.12532591 424.13302161686426 435.70511230701015 hold 4.528298625: 2.037861348 444.17465143597457 445.2962112219598 text 4.522961376: 1.963699353 443.1116990262649 453.4285908583743 Book 4.387955773: 2.781684398 416.22434248242945 363.73082905176307 tried 4.554212356: 2.188497624 449.33556110140177 428.7778935394885 table 4.521288838: 2.039592867 442.77860090520926 445.10633813138884 Oh 3.930570886: 2.68474451 325.13278549665836 374.3609635177272 Me 4.018075493: 2.979821737 342.559970172329 342.0036887479712 itself 4.76658603: 1.698641615 491.6313369023087 482.49401939741495 B 3.828379174: 2.708221806 304.7805561906891 371.7865144147486 summer 4.564323698: 2.271911355 451.34930917519495 419.63099648464737 gave 4.664773257: 2.000135194 471.3545759334874 449.43314698108594 build 4.438399272: 2.235179935 426.27053543078245 423.6588527770655 follow 4.455162053: 1.980536132 429.60896643193047 451.5823207443013 easily 4.641246239: 1.882585299 466.66899762971 462.32331225843933 Canada 4.097498669: 2.649838675 358.3776785021334 378.1886316472841 loss 4.513110902: 1.910681349 441.14990501939894 459.2423846331412 Design 3.884294286: 2.686468231 315.9164611323238 374.17194551378185 Family 4.05390448: 2.776467589 349.6955758380625 364.3028885803618 worked 4.600997528: 2.243486219 458.6531714449558 422.74801088226025 Report 3.652777509: 3.631255529 269.8081958329113 270.56943280327346 Blog 3.837219148: 3.093643391 306.54110187740247 329.5223510788238 cheap 4.266753991: 2.100416609 392.0861180894803 438.4365908077532 agree 4.266627304: 2.506800063 392.06088744604057 393.8738124721657 files 4.54976857: 2.204925153 448.4505485292913 426.97650048534257 road 4.439062456: 2.061501371 426.40261345164487 442.70391794328134 options 4.593698898: 1.854529247 457.1995957362021 465.39985394441953 Reviews 3.759138931: 3.080858327 290.9908536037591 330.9243224427792 additional 4.623877898: 1.990314482 463.20996500306956 450.51005650061313 wide 4.676594858: 1.628800689 473.70893446940704 490.1525637794884 India 4.092246911: 2.543582656 357.3317524742925 389.8403447678458 standard 4.7401446: 1.813133019 486.36533216350534 469.9392389271867 Have 4.309714671: 2.76195416 400.64205287039573 365.8943872533748 Next 3.955846562: 2.933177926 330.1666219323091 347.1185078053293 opportunity 4.632424392: 2.003721393 464.9120621190493 449.0398952212884 decided 4.671455958: 1.903662685 472.685484831369 460.01202998460116 step 4.551325125: 1.785834726 448.76054788157717 472.93268697823225 role 4.601496405: 1.790360925 458.75252645808774 472.43635771605943 lives 4.455292855: 1.882783542 429.6350165075355 462.3015735869221 pages 4.608766973: 2.218068127 460.20051354138417 425.53528181357586 IN 3.342445639: 2.661806846 208.00332643929033 376.87623822909717 national 4.348518473: 2.260804262 408.3701148645103 420.8489666765547 ideas 4.458894008: 2.219873966 430.3522126418162 425.3372589838855 parents 4.481416796: 2.2073799 434.8377911309921 426.7073204003402 terms 4.731464129: 1.976073905 484.6365525652003 452.0716350375274 collection 4.491870537: 2.096182067 436.919730308633 438.9009378231091 Management 3.964529843: 2.464732136 331.8959610730333 398.48685384471764 international 4.550003155: 1.833489051 448.4972679060412 467.70705815665417 method 4.531802312: 1.758727843 444.87243641196795 475.9051456446667 piece 4.620506502: 1.935586898 462.53852686216595 456.51131751790643 S 3.659706862: 2.682741802 271.1882273425819 374.5805744471203 Many 3.833440288: 2.507875733 305.78851406412053 393.7558577924077 practice 4.373735126: 2.258940794 413.39219630834117 421.05330896912693 title 4.667692374: 2.222541751 471.93593959468495 425.0447177384191 skin 4.514157509: 1.642776775 441.3583443649418 488.61998845417287 Use 4.187808739: 2.537561929 376.36359188298866 390.50055941521146 six 4.652194399: 2.043605671 468.84940412745226 444.6663061536973 Research 4.062183074: 2.500605316 351.34431870114946 394.5531096947768 ^ 3.680772859: 3.157477241 275.38367522233256 322.52252445538954 policy 4.55321285: 2.119316461 449.1365021697449 436.36409034251557 door 4.467396778: 1.677210885 432.0456015989617 484.84404836995816 Mar 3.12032957: 4.460603149 163.7672811119942 179.62568548786993 purchase 4.562505431: 2.045931885 450.9871879071691 444.4112205961126 green 4.525456506: 1.717214016 443.6086224887172 480.4574261885614 wife 4.503665111: 2.248330937 439.26870628866345 422.2167537362908 links 4.485527765: 2.20839891 435.6565207169827 426.59557881470124 DVD 4.235895717: 3.007263559 385.94046632694466 338.99450169039164 gives 4.786454056: 1.635989098 495.588200023728 489.3643046059757 excellent 4.624976299: 1.981263159 463.42871974011985 451.5025971562576 Contact 3.664093189: 3.065140637 272.061796601219 332.64787670064084 knowledge 4.537796105: 1.945643376 446.0661442784766 455.40855458409635 stock 4.622770935: 2.10428782 462.9895053089446 438.0120854958321 production 4.456124141: 1.719442352 429.8005733294261 480.2130735846199 interested 4.618678246: 2.080028088 462.1744163122991 440.6723342898832 war 4.525662865: 1.84075335 443.6497204821654 466.91047706967396 quickly 4.565764252: 1.880858819 451.63620606129354 462.5126328700007 Phone 3.746340479: 2.608391894 288.4419478627612 382.73356006701357 risk 4.564820215: 1.732767692 451.4481941802743 478.75185713057544 Beach 3.76303003: 2.769163011 291.7657944887669 365.10388647337436 son 4.339963269: 2.119522026 406.666283078849 436.34154861369495 sometimes 4.730860835: 1.67683587 484.51640213665615 484.8851712803298 images 4.48323867: 2.067344659 435.2006307846195 442.0631606295777 Or 4.171762405: 2.305597709 373.16784659424195 415.9370529968183 Even 3.927514094: 2.413725957 324.52400304457666 404.0800368834096 System 4.007466163: 2.401305408 340.4470442827707 405.44203668198634 ® 4.354544208: 1.810729485 409.5701840309328 470.2028032084459 throughout 4.33240983: 1.783610595 405.1619603391263 473.1765785083531 track 4.572337105: 1.9997472 452.9452378470371 449.47569316978127 videos 4.504590698: 2.124197053 439.45304370886544 435.82889935748074 starting 4.419831958: 2.407590385 422.57271862606586 404.7528451383032 giving 4.829973589: 1.665611433 504.2554344241991 486.1160090419046 lower 4.713594964: 1.708404192 481.0777772994701 481.42348478442057 groups 4.388856576: 2.132637416 416.4037439536332 434.90335475522954 looked 4.631364537: 2.004983885 464.7009842792413 448.9014541883037 average 4.709827906: 2.161683102 480.3275400166812 431.7182927754931 talking 4.594031793: 2.221593258 457.2658941983022 425.14872662922176 shot 4.534115808: 2.033568393 445.3331861855918 445.76696368304755 effect 4.768683489: 1.680894035 492.0490611726951 484.44016522981116 wonderful 4.604748747: 2.225215547 459.4002543469995 424.75151736172904 completely 4.63830572: 1.821901438 466.08337172412735 468.97772068863935 political 4.522668067: 2.033997904 443.05328443904295 445.7198648163813 hands 4.693944789: 1.877692837 477.16430056580117 462.85980481626365 dog 4.306364399: 2.07540961 399.97482154272006 441.1787825142186 moment 4.48101351: 2.191111186 434.757473786229 428.49129823217345 activities 4.389758747: 1.781804198 416.5834180063507 473.37466246022535 sent 4.534764534: 2.002398683 445.4623847305787 449.18493963768486 t 4.222900093: 2.398139597 383.3522924047029 405.78918995177247 knew 4.509589609: 2.187671121 440.44861366071854 428.8685253576958 Apr 2.929095459: 4.778851695 125.68160448549385 144.72751409631587 land 4.508371342: 1.650763383 440.20598678300104 487.7442012757479 Game 4.131398352: 3.012366633 365.12904916328904 338.43491404912027 Jun 3.012936115: 4.548550773 142.37908656070465 169.98161545181927 Back 3.984265115: 2.954018635 335.82638521527315 344.8331788385883 involved 4.607693115: 1.617468568 459.9866468596563 491.39520983631576 Comment 3.166848055: 4.118774278 173.03177878017155 217.10960379547436 band 4.485206506: 1.932493572 435.5925397798081 456.85052225667437 Church 3.996246542: 2.411962857 338.21257451371974 404.273373151266 difficult 4.480050224: 1.999072269 434.5656282484647 449.5497041429945 finally 4.519803913: 2.137997428 442.48286725900505 434.3155920060081 info 4.297802151: 2.552920164 398.2695869544862 388.8164219405568 60 4.156026845: 2.641067646 370.03399442783683 379.1504361417795 success 4.375234672: 2.099223169 413.69084184611154 438.5674598565155 Check 4.027527606: 2.89358334 344.4424279441331 351.4603301376894 built 4.584436385: 1.661679058 455.35489839301613 486.5472214167183 felt 4.652241662: 2.019605244 468.85881695208604 447.29812031415025 screen 4.545282401: 1.966648926 447.55709496452954 453.10514965940297 Lake 3.944926704: 2.486083824 327.9918520548155 396.1454924810795 himself 4.70273451: 2.02834236 478.91483816983106 446.3400345525108 student 4.398758735: 2.411514387 418.37583169363626 404.3225510260787 fit 4.713591681: 1.983450841 481.07712342634693 451.26270251712106 II 4.046047362: 2.164337376 348.13077328746476 431.4272331831969 clean 4.595655067: 1.974605123 457.5891811098562 452.2326971463922 CA 3.610319167: 2.676887809 261.3523053538823 375.22250559637604 wants 4.510897604: 2.114322013 440.7091103730724 436.9117663419788 born 4.118161347: 2.495517267 362.4928025718171 395.1110496987438 Oct 2.968509946: 4.652274014 133.53128878469013 158.60763913280636 album 4.485725657: 2.48413367 435.6959324840801 396.3593403987909 fire 4.397699808: 1.927779296 418.1649386192923 457.36747556316635 hour 4.570275575: 2.620857106 452.534669089538 381.36666269736406 2002 3.404128315: 4.186526073 220.28788395361417 209.68014727841256 language 4.502620528: 2.228632613 439.06066991372546 424.37681230403393 Dec 2.984142464: 4.595460374 136.64461962463687 164.83765076539714 potential 4.516635327: 1.698445563 441.85181996058384 482.51551790569937 device 4.651154068: 1.964777422 468.6422145937042 453.3103730673727 Board 4.044633469: 2.682046551 347.84918595949813 374.65681353930603 Facebook 4.317549211: 2.516437065 402.2023589408593 392.817047984695 attention 4.347911595: 2.10599646 408.249250641148 437.824721291988 customer 4.552406762: 2.076037665 448.9759638779745 441.10991195007284 Product 3.55424469: 2.870545722 250.18466181505138 353.9865655116729 equipment 4.32481423: 2.011377844 403.64924080064026 448.20031204271544 feet 4.546661394: 1.993699764 447.8317317171353 450.1388366820651 Florida 4.010611563: 2.679451841 341.07347370516396 374.94134155871114 Live 4.102019764: 3.144440509 359.2780879436782 323.95209295452906 King 4.01645569: 2.559448345 342.23737466053126 388.1005614158813 posts 4.259651736: 2.500936914 390.6716518413801 394.51674763556264 mother 4.387759048: 1.973766147 416.18516329959766 452.32469673139013 ability 4.565747437: 1.635914836 451.6328571665634 489.3724479891602 Car 4.082114532: 2.514628589 355.3138147805107 393.0153600457516 fall 4.612829433: 1.924825571 461.0095821865926 457.6913720360184 extra 4.663740813: 1.886948903 471.1489571164884 461.84481267695884 former 4.437016792: 1.988372124 425.9952045203393 450.7230495214924 Year 4.107585618: 3.061372317 360.38656860343133 333.06109928802175 Media 4.246389606: 2.714766496 388.0304014117292 371.06884349278846 variety 4.484743448: 1.639002725 435.5003181990866 489.033839431745 bed 4.473648663: 1.994225399 433.29071042546354 450.08119715699615 cases 4.516480259: 1.756336774 441.82093712993486 476.1673430473059 Since 3.756630602: 2.955737367 290.4913014377552 344.64470779969787 necessary 4.418151003: 1.828957235 422.2379442213014 468.20400331984814 Will 4.326491094: 2.385026381 403.98320050355204 407.2271455023605 guess 4.479709728: 2.451537432 434.4978159407064 399.93374514756346 allows 4.598827135: 1.471246661 458.22092176509676 507.4294611592911 turned 4.693012098: 1.933351886 476.97854846359536 456.7564021427495 Go 4.134497172: 2.580482772 365.7462019467427 385.79398982259465 Nov 3.032637642: 4.602934114 146.30279022273731 164.01810303207708 plans 4.445943326: 2.087775304 427.77298929975336 439.8227980555215 published 4.375833287: 2.896679253 413.8100604101517 351.1208417350963 blood 4.497379029: 1.472849712 438.0167870128271 507.25367543209944 leading 4.578969981: 1.66351689 454.2662238539406 486.34569032740995 effects 4.397184027: 1.769456258 418.0622170251923 474.7287002150937 types 4.557002113: 1.657052194 449.89116168602413 487.0545893544045 response 4.24044437: 2.37184218 386.84636403720623 408.6728850232396 costs 4.485018158: 1.936198618 435.55502885529467 456.44423814055716 began 4.375029308: 2.309233635 413.6499421906809 415.5383483642801 focus 4.495704932: 1.82647092 437.6833783426969 468.4766451259729 became 4.467066513: 1.930112086 431.9798269567099 457.1116688190948 ` 4.312039255: 2.398695769 401.1050108579209 405.72820176609787 consider 4.461716915: 2.087531023 430.9144152336927 439.84958511588223 levels 4.307353808: 2.010489419 400.17186966906445 448.29773401248247 learning 4.356496704: 2.263861297 409.9590381016992 420.51374149705 daily 4.208773885: 2.624681685 380.5389544673405 380.94727094813027 happen 4.496359938: 2.003881768 437.81382758071004 449.02230903961504 resources 4.177098428: 2.18945356 374.2305547968393 428.67306846361413 Apple 4.436952663: 2.398249896 425.9824327719837 405.7770949092476 No. 3.712463188: 2.95742214 281.6950368090452 344.4599607433089 Make 4.186666016: 2.461029436 376.1360101310023 398.89288070412925 weekend 4.382191728: 2.592931331 415.0763905962268 384.42891852851375 exactly 4.495009288: 2.262804921 437.54483557145056 420.6295804779976 wedding 4.195862978: 2.114207787 377.96765259071594 436.9242920615811 Only 4.221695936: 2.662868324 383.11247580174097 376.7598397463282 growth 4.262790865: 2.09188025 391.2968324270418 439.37266211013457 note 4.396145161: 2.405741018 417.8553192737919 404.9556411360247 Where 4.050167412: 2.585005264 348.95131145454053 385.2980670596018 feature 4.845454715: 1.577596283 507.33861439990045 495.7674837315912 sell 4.591130256: 1.953252097 456.68803194489993 454.5742053000786 brought 4.563083106: 1.800960791 451.10223612724576 471.274008567201 ground 4.527825184: 1.727142316 444.0803622422048 479.3687188340204 speed 4.480074906: 1.958144367 434.57054383322054 454.0377337870095 base 4.655160181: 1.60629343 469.4400613130168 492.6206415591913 trip 4.394470139: 2.125273732 417.52172627688935 435.71083405969773 decision 4.567727371: 1.669740687 452.02717547766355 485.6632075461912 Software 3.938982093: 2.732569702 326.80793919296633 369.1165978738152 Sun 3.088856358: 4.305870426 157.49915994991528 196.59320704189923 pain 4.402523949: 1.813369203 419.125701620411 469.91333969271466 plus 4.470444498: 1.868165061 432.65257751952936 463.90459188595537 Set 3.73008023: 2.868541258 285.2035999368878 354.20636900566757 notes 3.843876454: 2.564956862 307.8669532223209 387.4965140554234 environment 4.316545511: 1.975237466 402.0024646673227 452.1633563595391 Public 4.036945354: 2.790357733 346.3180415784652 362.7797374057312 Posts 3.296842841: 3.475312309 198.92119445044733 287.6696938096427 X 4.148291752: 2.876069985 368.4934938373792 353.38079158018456 D 3.696121551: 2.796117089 278.44047996243864 362.148183952767 Man 4.028949243: 2.812033038 344.7255573588415 360.4028892154573 released 4.534672867: 2.378051744 445.4441285210838 407.9919630943198 Party 4.103439506: 2.504404333 359.56083982680826 394.13652096171654 skills 4.331576329: 2.238728708 404.9959624165804 423.2697050641962 rates 4.485471124: 2.305175003 435.6452402443027 415.98340566143185 Series 3.986692528: 2.584233902 336.30982247890665 385.38265224796356 Community 3.757599488: 2.912307758 290.68426215897824 349.40706718687227 effective 4.4134078: 2.108151957 421.29330041890984 437.5883559283008 court 4.465226901: 2.016033234 431.6134546899266 447.68981601685385 conditions 4.329326128: 1.959384799 404.5478183523739 453.9017118344357 career 4.519080892: 2.086175289 442.33887232826214 439.9982508433822 college 4.361430543: 2.411204909 410.9416483604051 404.3564874320931 countries 4.410700125: 2.13213826 420.7540471922565 434.95809067373784 character 4.646666591: 1.775432032 467.74850062499866 474.0734149374168 voice 4.592233799: 2.012615564 456.9078105604092 448.0645873661773 War 4.174094258: 2.605113483 373.6322522972379 383.09306069751983 St 3.625647748: 2.754506373 264.40510481127467 366.7110890133939 CD 4.163084636: 2.688675217 371.43960531053875 373.9299340569447 solution 4.477935429: 1.722903742 434.1444513410469 479.8335080581383 safe 4.454219976: 1.834986779 429.4213448257414 467.5428217457244 although 4.481237873: 1.811617119 434.80215726658713 470.10546794523293 Mark 3.930762259: 2.633461246 325.1708988498667 379.98453091247666 Aug 2.919246907: 4.655854466 123.72019322083366 158.21501756720755 Association 3.919478188: 2.486534195 322.92359326008 396.0961060970561 digital 4.541437113: 2.046657492 446.79127773114624 444.3316527460128 police 4.180180132: 2.351479722 374.8442987649952 410.90577047900035 Education 3.844286181: 2.940439336 307.94855326014357 346.3222436268952 walk 4.576573546: 2.142763163 453.788956156131 433.79299603011395 break 4.537934001: 1.953721022 446.0936071973395 454.52278448844936 directly 4.521062514: 1.657794423 442.73352683327175 486.9731987505225 round 4.632443073: 1.826626742 464.91578252002523 468.4595581515599 IT 3.515118761: 2.457977872 242.39244587561407 399.2275059573871 item 4.475579602: 2.340994883 433.67527110773653 412.0555061850178 difference 4.432191093: 1.97998332 425.0341310888129 451.6429404544661 patients 4.410939928: 1.617361851 420.8018056245269 491.4069120449108 p.m. 3.273767384: 3.537279005 194.32554795928266 280.8746136675499 shown 4.604109074: 1.870530669 459.2728586858301 463.6451865578685 Press 3.812427353: 3.413649536 301.60363398502477 294.43144672803885 < 3.738987927: 2.95390075 286.97763334386684 344.8461056522482 sign 4.544589601: 1.912473847 447.4191187789992 459.0458247126775 M 3.519710045: 2.825407387 243.3068338314755 358.93629862936336 option 4.673719402: 1.642206867 473.13626644511214 488.68248283848857 tools 4.407692552: 1.970424151 420.1550667939621 452.691169911482 projects 4.317401027: 2.078300379 402.17284695888446 440.86178958458436 moving 4.574612417: 1.810967278 453.39838293380836 470.17672751957156 2001 3.373198366: 4.082728805 214.12795763885137 221.0622411403657 mobile 4.174043161: 2.126428779 373.6220759631389 435.58417501592805 places 4.482823593: 2.025656705 435.11796497829437 446.6345354300137 function 4.461559544: 1.700702434 430.8830735632832 482.26803619943655 situation 4.412373488: 1.745003057 421.08730966354307 477.41016408240677 Sep 2.935010912: 4.642342886 126.85971034258633 159.6966564864939 numbers 4.559829095: 2.227836525 450.45417589933294 424.46410881402664 definitely 4.52320187: 2.138800902 443.1595953590544 434.227485528855 providing 4.55472896: 1.707443964 449.43844662982013 481.52878051556246 Digital 4.070209183: 2.75194525 352.9427772729534 366.9919339531649 stories 4.457168003: 2.283686782 430.00846613213076 418.3397389250048 won 4.252250804: 2.526551157 389.1977020347748 391.7079673182525 stand 4.484038346: 1.66598559 435.35989207062033 486.0749801329799 Europe 4.31394778: 2.535974019 401.48510760682143 390.674684878663 paid 4.577254667: 2.147219258 453.924606523811 433.30435406298443 George 4.099962928: 2.79113307 358.86845384880934 362.694716345217 previous 4.476297317: 2.116515834 433.8182092103615 436.6711985741629 display 4.539147727: 1.909296358 446.3353297677977 459.39425855074137 feeling 4.70917393: 1.9667503 480.1972959336604 453.09403323613395 French 4.268133831: 2.397332941 392.36092339387216 405.87764539790965 floor 4.511564048: 1.775287655 440.8418376986207 474.08924681679025 gift 4.509557981: 1.900664448 440.4423145785294 460.3408075636928 race 4.326316533: 2.297460644 403.948435465157 416.8293389609645 Law 3.930626892: 2.70676969 325.1439395173308 371.9457490623826 Size 3.342785142: 3.515017164 208.0709409923703 283.31577977761543 Security 3.975219844: 2.618663082 334.0249531862779 381.6072527411652 legal 4.499070251: 2.03329675 438.35360617550293 445.7967512181572 modern 4.607770119: 1.473384925 460.00198270867907 507.1949855389145 Star 3.975341525: 2.940741617 334.0491869181912 346.28909635489737 pick 4.469234037: 2.252003397 432.41150531102323 421.8140428932338 camera 4.458354697: 1.789137006 430.24480493847176 472.57056896050074 Watch 3.96309357: 2.809277488 331.6099166796406 360.70505440474375 guide 4.457897504: 2.064821786 430.1537514412628 442.33981125800346 yes 3.877545213: 2.608687635 314.5723336656246 382.7011299732909 eat 4.418367545: 2.11781317 422.28107009683106 436.5289365936213 lyrics 3.935580697: 2.269275302 326.1305261247181 419.92005808473914 Jesus 4.317829413: 2.195680919 402.2581633116473 427.99019522842036 Microsoft 4.383161423: 2.654468763 415.2695124809712 377.6809102194688 safety 4.174784863: 1.817136381 373.7697913111982 469.5002423153642 Jul 2.886013801: 4.592495257 117.10157608843225 165.16279645547377 pass 4.476585349: 1.794391335 433.87557299129674 471.9943951678928 engine 4.484220481: 1.915920349 435.3961656440754 458.6678917263725 estate 4.176299243: 2.03564231 374.07139124108255 445.5395441376462 goal 4.391169886: 2.142252173 416.864456745065 433.84902961422387 gone 4.612559729: 2.017166621 460.95586864065166 447.5655322597227 1st 4.062409683: 2.894311151 351.3894494315565 351.38052056991046 Source 3.275923057: 3.391131867 194.7548660232212 296.90066608966276 Sports 3.937101776: 2.9815205 326.4334601743918 341.81740753946707 E 3.633901162: 2.633403604 266.04883277022253 379.9908517492177 lots 4.450903892: 2.015554158 428.7609223384379 447.7423500425866 limited 4.491090704: 1.956013072 436.76442083188226 454.27144516246267 British 4.37336449: 2.442626558 413.3183813778649 400.91088457341243 England 4.116974538: 2.798157617 362.2564409115696 361.924425851841 nature 4.342482403: 1.676770063 407.16798716454616 484.8923875140782 cards 4.523892529: 2.187690146 443.297145052609 428.86643912112004 fans 4.430562354: 2.133026714 424.7097558570102 434.8606654458301 expected 4.409022998: 2.19074675 420.420034978858 428.53126116522253 awesome 4.473813432: 2.23653439 433.3235254376074 423.5103273669665 List 3.843735847: 3.278299218 307.83895029127757 309.27355257579546 spent 4.37726385: 2.479697605 414.09496760331166 396.845785895437 Christian 4.013149831: 2.474279639 341.57898850291645 397.43990360082284 certainly 4.54087803: 2.038612467 446.6799321824993 445.2138457875595 Name 3.800386125: 2.900242367 299.20553496328415 350.73012140089827 entry 4.379002527: 2.170882136 414.44123784503853 430.7095546119822 History 4.109961416: 2.676104349 360.8597262209503 375.30841743513423 Court 4.048210671: 2.605195849 348.56161203318226 383.0840286325736 considered 4.554084166: 1.850099385 449.31003121904683 465.8856192116086 planning 4.395379206: 1.984256421 417.7027736851828 451.1743650578705 spend 4.409446518: 2.321174984 420.50438208951863 414.2288962506906 claim 4.528453368: 2.001183226 444.20546953541066 449.3182229769101 relationship 4.521813076: 1.836310786 442.8830066826251 467.3976352498328 benefits 4.494545847: 1.766922291 437.45253788434815 475.00656731282226 Games 4.05409525: 3.050763241 349.73356917005776 334.22445836346986 blue 4.375543394: 1.869735245 413.752326034585 463.7324102438507 alone 4.488868814: 1.739116301 436.321915162153 478.0556879384257 J. 3.596085579: 2.550881559 258.51758191645956 389.03996918047415 charge 4.583666864: 2.036279334 455.20164252169633 445.4696900607049 machine 4.30010134: 2.065574368 398.7274874196222 442.2572854439961 approach 4.559535347: 1.641861364 450.3956739334456 488.7203696551342 Science 3.988803161: 2.602776838 336.7301703901379 383.3492900740698 Robert 3.791481173: 2.971415593 297.4320483844975 342.9254810668641 lines 4.339611151: 2.184242015 406.5961561918785 429.2445507651153 lol 3.843482726: 2.873340995 307.78853942505657 353.6800444086135 Once 3.844470636: 2.441343754 307.98528896192056 401.0515529816409 quick 4.563993426: 1.989806868 451.2835330522076 450.56571991765844 Location 3.297240332: 3.137136606 199.00035772782698 324.7530169180682 brand 4.56321519: 1.811793591 451.12854161840323 470.0861165459052 highly 4.54213616: 1.781999934 446.93049802908183 473.35319870538785 ID 3.573793098: 3.009194229 254.077870650044 338.7827902770499 applications 4.297206084: 2.040785267 398.15087585235824 444.97558305976696 schools 4.172321577: 2.597099566 373.2792097697255 383.9718425298698 church 4.274027673: 1.794838424 393.534725339672 471.94536879974896 beginning 4.358984286: 2.381635951 410.45445826509155 407.5989298229629 Food 3.772805396: 2.754890075 293.7126302955408 366.6690133418132 Brown 3.96499277: 2.594213233 331.9881564375361 384.288349081624 match 4.490516319: 2.187729777 436.6500279112919 428.8620933665217 W 3.684508603: 2.920733042 276.1276759718762 348.48317612143376 changed 4.134328133: 2.516320913 365.71253667795355 392.8297849413002 Men 3.827046044: 2.998975245 304.51505348030696 339.90337312557097 homes 4.249107918: 2.204712598 388.57177312590164 426.99980859684194 uses 4.692422406: 1.411331411 476.8611069828747 513.9995858843909 unit 4.49055254: 1.677992699 436.65724167828506 484.7583169787789 economic 4.287227154: 2.124579121 396.1634987644598 435.7870029545466 ensure 4.426009845: 1.742558477 423.8030901971165 477.6782293986919 Take 4.110748132: 2.464667949 361.01640631913386 398.4938924137995 Number 3.557598492: 3.323723631 250.85259615840937 304.292449070414 happened 4.372850708: 2.376312659 413.2160579521254 408.1826658177687 FOR 3.143228671: 2.94722805 168.32780513158426 345.57781373956027 Her 4.174934967: 2.296744927 373.79968569087356 416.90782228749276 Site 3.826430143: 2.861804538 304.39239239849013 354.94509725517054 Act 4.249691685: 2.59050325 388.6880346288022 384.6951745447735 shop 4.31194614: 2.195261285 401.0864662456381 428.0362110328291 PC 4.264027867: 2.412639361 391.5431905486153 404.199189747996 fully 4.626366471: 1.676023902 463.70558269162876 484.97420928387777 movies 4.304650914: 2.430884831 399.6335684099612 402.1984468048704 Program 3.842312051: 2.513682185 307.5553909289922 393.1191398410697 bar 4.432385358: 2.016770097 425.07282038536755 447.6090138601753 Old 3.921558208: 2.678124429 323.3378445727939 375.08690153298255 songs 4.338497744: 2.359397589 406.3744131005048 410.0375211913791 father 4.339579036: 2.20664247 406.58976024744675 426.78818471971834 Forum 3.795142793: 3.020413713 298.1612869630085 337.5524956369279 regular 4.53959488: 1.947172903 446.4243834547259 455.24083134127943 Technology 4.024348806: 2.456224908 343.80934657418413 399.4197307633548 Development 3.953760581: 2.36930764 329.7511834534516 408.9508150497488 dont 4.366650913: 2.15139325 411.98132334249635 432.84664678960905 Call 3.968556216: 2.698026462 332.6978427985585 372.9045048650374 Another 3.912917891: 2.426467839 321.61706210662066 402.68280079042813 Products 3.682664811: 2.427511695 275.7604712960293 402.56833465393225 Central 3.779832259: 2.982556282 295.1120816993362 341.7038268237582 Guide 4.03765981: 2.761355355 346.4603307462962 365.9600503656244 sort 4.58716469: 2.071684263 455.89826029995373 441.58729285637753 improve 4.407015876: 2.043884838 420.02030187422747 444.63569351636914 Its 4.089304956: 2.003023147 356.7458404808668 449.1164628272324 Team 3.935879027: 2.656704002 326.18994069991675 377.43580063503987 clients 4.301666845: 2.006676412 399.0392691610391 448.7158567659458 expect 4.5098047: 2.102218491 440.49145054964924 438.23900183681275 Australia 4.026580573: 3.00829143 344.2538193079173 338.881788536013 sounds 4.331423409: 2.260020476 404.96550727524817 420.9349143183674 normal 4.529233865: 1.792856838 444.36091136847455 472.16266353118965 fan 4.423786582: 2.12225031 423.36031103135264 436.0423732653426 Each 3.932725628: 2.286068349 325.56191817020914 418.0785834158421 reports 4.309208283: 2.260816914 400.5412019403294 420.84757930382705 Chicago 4.097910029: 2.637604143 358.459603970516 379.5302333261799 memory 4.417758561: 1.746597415 422.1597865232502 477.2353317124317 Bill 4.108768963: 2.830657921 360.6222403346269 358.36054088886374 Hot 4.009292542: 2.659647063 340.81078097382584 377.11307350667596 advice 4.338942963: 2.281487898 406.4630816114544 418.58086188240054 deep 4.556609074: 1.562253349 449.81288503410315 497.4499434412022 Medical 3.80166526: 2.659401843 299.4602840967749 377.1399635653389 loved 4.46875843: 2.166547433 432.31678469156435 431.18488499859103 Social 4.309333813: 2.352306418 400.5662021652752 410.8151175500974 serious 4.512511213: 1.875719102 441.0304723829586 463.0762386659308 Estate 3.762566466: 2.536500461 291.6734722740677 390.6169568052728 Project 3.997245171: 2.473966056 338.411458683614 397.47429021540125 bought 4.387330594: 2.263974489 416.09983350708086 420.50132922665125 A. 3.461456168: 2.523490812 231.70514660934634 392.0435554940779 Because 3.886568643: 2.147834503 316.36941601576683 433.23688818628494 trade 4.514373883: 2.044547202 441.4014369620739 444.5630607571734 n 4.13921039: 1.981613041 366.68487387095615 451.4642301886611 multiple 4.369178338: 1.957290821 412.4846784741934 454.1313311186483 Out 3.984753311: 2.965631166 335.9236132117034 343.5597837852717 → 3.179350174: 3.044849677 175.52166758396234 334.8729219428491 River 3.818686016: 2.524801354 302.85009256929146 391.89984538339104 died 4.034625974: 2.323786149 345.856119873153 413.94256376762644 begin 4.323364812: 2.254444168 403.3605785286479 421.5463953481083 2nd 4.003240214: 2.763053568 339.60541547281116 365.7738294234425 global 4.366462372: 1.861949133 411.94377399995705 464.5862117359842 pressure 4.284732286: 2.012246591 395.6666275697195 448.1050478468296 towards 4.51625451: 1.597023179 441.77597753012463 493.63718923430116 states 4.14007852: 2.226722949 366.8577683762547 424.58622023679897 fight 4.360444633: 1.863096804 410.7452970766554 464.4603615870801 knows 4.346933297: 1.988465608 408.0544154243973 450.71279835220827 William 3.800238024: 2.897423202 299.17603966075023 351.0392624999015 rooms 4.288823528: 2.181452959 396.481428445861 429.5503901705102 Open 4.148068732: 2.736273245 368.4490777128787 368.71047857673705 materials 4.227581437: 1.890819308 384.28461657107425 461.420395853884 analysis 4.362533351: 1.780789943 411.1612806781856 473.4858826532793 gas 4.301130992: 2.045992377 398.93255025114155 444.40458717830387 ° 2.999329092: 3.390763344 139.66914807247585 296.9410772517109 helps 4.379556751: 1.63251325 414.5516156942843 489.74545560160374 Island 3.699854832: 2.888065243 279.18399015689636 352.065427896061 successful 4.528974855: 1.864690413 444.30932759627746 464.28561129080515 organization 4.387240446: 1.547911859 416.0818799013408 499.0225877928156 b 3.928299781: 2.477269842 324.6804783035609 397.11200702005124 Council 3.937912368: 2.671474451 326.5948955310803 375.81611802973487 Jobs 3.860998479: 2.663588613 311.2769300257482 376.6808551163027 European 4.253816712: 2.317231526 389.50956414431295 414.66132389160873 cars 4.422975702: 2.056657113 423.19881839612225 443.2351246107118 articles 4.516381268: 2.21119686 441.8012224059704 426.28876408753086 Network 4.034431181: 2.426235754 345.8173255905029 402.7082505003351 nearly 4.627638587: 2.029110011 463.958933808461 446.25585632366653 map 4.132978725: 2.299792325 365.44379211264544 416.57365379703225 tool 4.406658753: 1.902930364 419.94917830860174 460.0923341513409 Gold 3.836081714: 2.696800919 306.31457351611334 373.03889425844375 direct 4.504372459: 1.900054836 439.40957992949296 460.4076558065657 Description 3.622482882: 2.82391397 263.77479857406314 359.10006215456644 Although 3.653914282: 2.21264339 270.0345925980667 426.1301420452078 stage 4.379244391: 2.012248966 414.48940680968275 448.1047874308519 Care 3.827947742: 2.780572734 304.6946332043349 363.85273076274177 author 4.282841206: 2.388786398 395.29000513639016 406.81483342854744 com 3.882768653: 2.456030139 315.61262007821944 399.441088519922 Chris 3.924187634: 3.094915368 323.8615141439054 329.3828699744204 developed 4.502332811: 1.620784247 439.0033689735878 491.03162250537713 channel 4.077903941: 2.157289941 354.4752446849493 432.20003350408274 Category 3.157311734: 3.376286421 171.1325505758696 298.52857272987524 Twitter 4.24210707: 2.670088982 387.17750288424634 375.9680443277726 eye 4.386149979: 1.913176713 415.86470537660153 458.9687505512586 Valley 3.696940841: 2.841524312 278.60364744780884 357.1689654216692 request 4.30125038: 2.163778333 398.95632715603716 431.48853610888193 Related 3.440989591: 2.695228763 227.62907772446613 373.21129211789616 Travel 3.839976163: 2.830921566 307.0901816800209 358.3316303877816 join 4.454428119: 2.000625659 429.4627980800629 449.3793640985475 200 4.013791061: 2.325945411 341.7066941458338 413.7057857077671 thank 4.038420079: 2.551267143 346.61174391607545 388.99768716896506 fresh 4.281006529: 1.872031809 394.92461562597344 463.48057604786766 Any 4.098341342: 2.347399312 358.5455030401772 411.3532158379353 ball 4.455723921: 1.669973927 429.7208666030686 485.6376311552566 m 3.950758417: 2.465016147 329.1532805732738 398.45571009579646 watching 4.419725304: 2.2892632 422.55147768914304 417.7282458074977 gold 4.287599985: 2.069574235 396.23775084307084 441.81867212076105 official 4.53787175: 2.118171077 446.0812095364603 436.4896896711331 basic 4.452115599: 1.805732497 429.00224274183864 470.7507577514425 Bay 3.748647115: 2.78307289 288.90133144455314 363.5785712941155 bottom 4.591555499: 1.81861424 456.77272219297953 469.33818486098806 server 4.26797047: 2.246452414 392.328388743104 422.4227468538745 copy 4.655761685: 1.958567028 469.5598553160088 453.99138605659823 rules 4.39034948: 2.172848316 416.7010667934426 430.4939493083366 perhaps 4.36363156: 1.979273736 411.3799969961546 451.72075123064275 Code 3.965690916: 2.455051585 332.1271972345264 399.5483937215954 whose 4.687911368: 1.509156775 475.96270062507557 503.2723528165965 Times 3.987107074: 3.24234876 336.39238237190216 313.21577086738586 Smith 3.863946081: 2.536695582 311.86396669850984 390.59556038484106 update 4.149679132: 2.715713369 368.76980075206933 370.9650122488947 listed 4.423554121: 1.969902554 423.3140146756421 452.7483667009286 double 4.527345858: 2.050941904 443.9849009382845 443.86183704295667 force 4.377981252: 1.952543313 414.23784347147495 454.6519284859735 moved 4.305460131: 2.12324946 399.79472993135107 435.9328095100209 funny 4.372675858: 2.222436422 413.1812353216105 425.0562677521645 Very 3.853389631: 2.850763265 309.76157216200306 356.15584983531755 Shop 3.842620776: 2.908441379 307.61687563755436 349.8310425823935 drug 4.327163207: 1.644169229 404.1170567908416 488.46729625649596 military 4.288158597: 2.088376745 396.3490024527505 439.7568458267632 80 4.071001513: 2.378764419 353.1005755876464 407.91381332059996 traditional 4.427094731: 1.67617714 424.0191532983714 484.9574056667545 touch 4.637437594: 1.612865764 465.91047814889055 491.8999393235872 gay 4.082412995: 2.078911484 355.37325582861104 440.7947776081852 Data 3.950357655: 2.57066537 329.07346587359837 386.8705363922838 sold 4.519001883: 1.979791154 442.32313707209426 451.66401273606476 commercial 4.18558995: 1.9341699 375.9217036560266 456.6667012703652 cell 4.287595114: 1.852222948 396.2367807830839 465.65275573225034 Mike 3.778687745: 2.995031168 294.88414346104315 340.3358686994469 Light 3.869733035: 2.502563523 313.0164810918664 394.33837863304376 significant 4.472654165: 1.730139636 433.0926488257119 479.0400418638815 allowed 4.388724688: 1.792193093 416.377477506393 472.2354478016163 physical 4.254624274: 1.962683216 389.6703960070763 453.5400173980628 ass 4.367634405: 1.853216412 412.17719289193815 465.54381547517977 apply 4.369604107: 2.20346856 412.56947350788835 427.13622602782584 region 4.252382439: 1.933034954 389.22391809134473 456.79115594730104 L 3.69269198: 2.439007679 277.75745556324944 401.3077199147152 truly 4.483280996: 1.851279726 435.209060203844 465.7561865431675 window 4.479589576: 1.904906711 434.4738868087998 459.8756138972115 activity 4.217528901: 2.058675275 382.2825800898788 443.0138189862925 offered 4.36575185: 1.786857917 411.80226825518423 472.82048702623433 growing 4.543184989: 1.924911152 447.13937997076556 457.68198749723524 act 4.527543736: 1.927011449 444.02430972045494 457.4516752830277 club 4.331536847: 2.056112372 404.98809928066817 443.2948591663258 wall 4.310678575: 1.724644309 400.8340213123481 479.6426427461169 iPhone 4.401703993: 2.236716027 418.9624013699465 423.4904095585614 require 4.383181764: 1.954734574 415.273563528693 454.41164135165 poor 4.447864752: 1.75855131 428.1556553450866 475.9245037251527 cash 4.340560671: 2.136078122 406.78526003920695 434.5260572867282 names 4.598477439: 1.884146872 458.1512772246475 462.15207493135586 middle 4.500784607: 1.704487226 438.6950327552242 481.85300742133234 reported 4.221389253: 2.286707638 383.05139769160843 418.00848101474816 Special 4.154764893: 2.423584578 369.78266745096164 402.9989703788582 Mobile 3.723603816: 2.626732801 283.913774648338 380.72235172808564 positive 4.536792019: 1.915024447 445.8661732290887 458.7661335608482 met 4.27841303: 1.920400704 394.4081013937811 458.17658953596606 press 4.278031322: 2.591728055 394.33208142114876 384.5608661878782 Lord 4.402538267: 2.237563391 419.1285531693383 423.39749020984755 NEW 3.474219043: 3.099301864 234.24696687409275 328.9018600622899 evidence 4.45932026: 1.847582313 430.43710381645326 466.1616337239799 surface 4.386450329: 1.584868844 415.9245222667904 494.96999672095563 reach 4.290232901: 2.108433498 396.7621153303025 437.557483026645 star 4.174796559: 2.457664289 373.7721206439502 399.26189256818725 90 3.953872583: 2.592122118 329.7734895198988 384.5176544121547 Long 3.860407888: 2.424040496 311.159309574121 402.9489757998083 vehicle 4.272349874: 1.946962416 393.20057924703303 455.2639126752165 effort 4.41016173: 1.976598263 420.64682169687956 452.0141354568905 led 4.260081383: 1.719067605 390.75721917908265 480.25416716566883 heat 4.506198115: 1.775069749 439.7731726835208 474.1131417588793 Water 3.959505627: 2.423918472 330.89535160484036 402.9623566226787 Views 2.363303582: 3.841665489 13.000000000000036 247.49651410929567 whatever 4.464864935: 1.953339834 431.5413664901084 454.5645843127454 weather 4.17848331: 2.087842505 374.5063641077588 439.81542894623317 Collection 3.62369167: 3.114335125 264.01553760586575 327.25335818970166 seeing 4.551940829: 2.051874009 448.8831699628237 443.75962527472427 impact 4.51650368: 1.689479587 441.8256015267217 483.4986996589647 Does 3.980996182: 2.403632102 335.17535325212447 405.18689852633713 recommend 4.254147906: 2.209475303 389.57552368210855 426.4775447883731 Over 4.055995527: 2.677507038 350.1120232969962 375.15460280724625 construction 4.330445568: 1.935309993 404.77076316354794 456.5416821317155 Email 3.813252906: 2.836077874 301.7680489041484 357.76620527142614 shopping 4.247836667: 2.25344882 388.3185943117922 421.6555421804569 Mary 3.719558118: 2.704355 283.1080442771747 372.2105366224001 hotels 3.877748771: 2.099829735 314.61287365320584 438.5009455933025 Maybe 3.753041141: 2.521283331 289.7764339505335 392.2856211957926 sports 4.424275647: 1.933819443 423.45771203352734 456.7051313058953 finish 4.451287976: 1.711285681 428.83741549614086 481.10750941315666 N 3.46024684: 2.659188219 231.4643000655178 377.16338896515185 selection 4.330475497: 1.983354809 404.77672373313436 451.2732331652143 dead 4.31847317: 2.104514502 402.3863720865354 437.9872282595598 daughter 4.353447609: 2.135444945 409.3517884586547 434.59548964299006 waiting 4.371317217: 2.142330993 412.91065186826484 433.84038644047604 Rock 3.829218826: 2.757549213 304.94777906803256 366.37742038229965 Thomas 3.911861959: 2.602106871 321.40676535385575 383.4227566046204 useful 4.476734284: 2.116167322 433.9052344179079 436.7094153006475 active 4.446851455: 1.819524117 427.95384986318874 469.23841048339966 figure 4.607675313: 1.809562799 459.98310130761837 470.33073840777723 dark 4.418617095: 1.832167985 422.330769714944 467.8519222582866 husband 4.325468742: 2.177765209 403.7795916730424 429.9547776512304 degree 4.265832053: 2.279233759 391.90250741137686 418.82804385539214 boy 4.268383581: 2.438266643 392.410662877811 401.3889796351369 cancer 3.937339577: 1.920905712 326.4808199391485 458.1212119371958 announced 4.284001496: 2.267142362 395.52108534708015 420.15394984772564 Little 4.09175151: 2.599403535 357.23308972372035 383.7191963157218 Photos 3.414566856: 3.14038338 222.36679603656128 324.3969854515997 science 4.227081216: 2.080363901 384.18499377433443 440.63551005115585 Los 3.862733299: 2.79778726 311.6224323040669 361.9650380844877 named 4.378281018: 1.947226779 414.2975441035509 455.2349234042913 benefit 4.463740084: 1.614953542 431.3173442174895 491.6709998853003 showing 4.591170778: 2.033887116 456.6961021312958 445.7320134739778 purpose 4.440679885: 1.683504931 426.7247362558207 484.15386229541684 rock 4.236094459: 2.014821106 385.9800473402442 447.82273435256434 Quote 3.072211224: 3.652148881 154.1841595419011 268.2783311296871 condition 4.47416246: 1.86999445 433.3930368087174 463.7039866347328 Save 4.102407099: 2.651120155 359.35522849964605 378.04810837221464 earlier 4.40058062: 2.075802026 418.73867340523583 441.13575145975574 requirements 4.028949164: 2.245262063 344.7255415638848 422.55327716446607 Copyright 3.397884407: 2.827094613 219.0443639436786 358.75128250618064 Peter 3.971536401: 2.646068827 333.2913684344403 378.6020217584919 vote 4.530774517: 2.127461969 444.6677435362129 435.4708785652501 president 4.478198177: 1.801290264 434.1967795094409 471.23787954214725 loan 4.355195618: 2.376822197 409.6999171584181 408.12679148288635 cold 4.430351946: 2.017666592 424.6678514810817 447.51070699108766 beyond 4.286384639: 2.035698886 395.99570564466154 445.5333402488583 updated 3.840394847: 3.401742683 307.1735655858596 295.73711617133165 seconds 4.048806: 2.661666398 348.68017614071977 376.89163938696146 onto 4.23183017: 1.57046723 385.1307828731656 496.5492341580187 Chinese 4.108607622: 2.297992199 360.590108077482 416.77105020002773 businesses 4.145700402: 2.268405716 367.97740756102985 420.01541425034895 Item 3.26906996: 3.063498012 193.39002140343456 332.8280019856261 disease 4.187536043: 1.701360129 376.3092824754647 482.19591541923535 d 3.93975902: 2.454238221 326.9626698147504 399.63758482993796 reasons 4.333015797: 1.981661134 405.28264314812793 451.45895641227884 tips 4.305253823: 2.195412031 399.7536421172424 428.0196806741486 associated 4.496339986: 1.268925519 437.8098540097979 529.6153846153846 glass 4.325408335: 1.706827027 403.7675612426981 481.5964319039502 healthy 4.255244688: 1.844617437 389.7939558948136 466.48675298763766 supply 4.236566118: 1.938925707 386.0739817363189 456.145193837869 straight 4.500897507: 1.989575119 438.71751764236734 450.59113282721813 develop 4.471517536: 1.672130407 432.8662809336964 485.40115817114497 Us 3.778040811: 2.961727317 294.7553017106793 343.98786806360624 Super 3.951730607: 2.501894145 329.3468992372317 394.4117805184427 basis 4.231346137: 1.82143843 385.03438420218896 469.02849268837156 Indian 3.999287728: 2.557294594 338.81824895953923 388.3367352082716 YOU 3.449384751: 2.541956734 229.30103533611418 390.01863840440217 easier 4.424222155: 1.925451148 423.44705857946155 457.6227731618986 NOT 3.951136394: 2.057019726 329.22855734141575 443.19536150211434 User 3.677528115: 3.010312746 274.7374606910046 338.6601371127798 S. 3.563745644: 2.430372972 252.07684651817485 402.2545756809119 setting 4.435171211: 1.742513611 425.62764351213303 477.6831492023598 finished 4.51698585: 1.894423324 441.9216291897547 461.02519036431295 lose 4.385869366: 2.125985395 415.8088192545187 435.63279524278437 wear 4.451009967: 1.824298123 428.7820480331023 468.7149074838013 teams 4.362896062: 2.312882262 411.23351709780155 415.13825098547704 Hill 3.614494584: 2.691900609 262.1838704437372 373.5762473855044 sweet 4.402608686: 1.870398983 419.14257771406164 463.65962673858746 Welcome 3.580364818: 2.805822155 255.38667688848952 361.08395581177354 connection 4.325306435: 1.814634689 403.7472670810425 469.7745703075746 35 3.933330677: 3.047373965 325.68241827655777 334.5961160931657 particularly 4.524793496: 1.626673636 443.476579365335 490.38580990704315 Help 3.917589955: 2.69559001 322.54753782417697 373.1716788978626 helpful 4.159134048: 2.267124467 370.6528165681476 420.1559122273883 profile 4.389779989: 1.674944762 416.5876485122195 485.0925445519737 Local 3.558863497: 2.854076606 251.10453111451557 355.7925189058003 offering 4.489743247: 1.779526441 436.49606488545487 473.62443446062287 actual 4.356275638: 1.890453143 409.915011012845 461.46054832679937 budget 4.160250371: 2.41336732 370.8751405604391 404.1193639983752 except 4.400600066: 1.719101481 418.74254626634166 480.25045252893426 models 4.416989751: 1.769228166 422.0066722549819 474.7537120379223 campaign 4.263932046: 2.160084644 391.52410713847655 431.8935748699713 characters 4.53100333: 1.959000576 444.71331335038764 453.9438445573356 Marketing 3.940226758: 2.419905381 327.0558233054155 403.4024200539874 District 3.708228595: 2.756911873 280.8516864803125 366.4473091564528 street 4.477008732: 1.85935807 433.9598928682326 464.8703398476655 largest 4.399447695: 1.745209821 418.5130430399124 477.3874909626613 kept 4.284771309: 2.009934262 395.67439919103407 448.35861088386997 culture 4.234025196: 1.823628391 385.5679384451812 468.788348159073 Institute 3.889507473: 2.459888251 316.9547054895422 399.01801967341316 families 4.264988758: 1.969737594 391.7345590014321 452.76645564233354 opinion 4.483997091: 2.011570592 435.3516758537152 448.1791759009086 calls 4.385404712: 1.945697423 415.71627992421 455.4026279702902 Director 3.66348506: 2.636131529 271.9406832260045 379.69171576989874 traffic 4.199235799: 2.08970335 378.63937469231 439.61137437576457 500 4.020061371: 2.355946935 342.955472339754 410.41590939782225 Under 3.970112902: 2.753476974 333.0078682297146 366.8239698073688 pool 4.255418373: 1.811688684 389.8285465150097 470.09762029906886 opening 4.439651091: 1.894459294 426.51984453900894 461.02124593149233 print 4.514145685: 2.034452037 441.35598965557745 445.6700659633949 owner 4.356024606: 1.935001835 409.86501630852337 456.5754737545484 statement 4.339164901: 2.175338414 406.50728229289757 430.22089262476834 driving 4.507025195: 1.729456657 439.93789178713604 479.1149352733179 speak 4.322830052: 2.173240879 403.25407723910246 430.450901972348 vs 3.80867232: 2.571394685 300.85579158052116 386.79056189659366 Government 4.190723265: 2.546734895 376.94404106534864 389.4946798140925 delivery 4.28332401: 2.024060159 395.3861590366965 446.8096077639827 Hall 3.696079897: 2.812483794 278.43218416852415 360.35346064232283 La 3.740847014: 2.475898311 287.34788402737365 397.2624049722475 powerful 4.466920794: 1.579897295 431.95080585481816 495.5151617442422 tour 4.224416414: 2.318307018 383.65427894385925 414.543388746112 button 4.493533883: 1.908218 437.2509979427163 459.5125079238609 overall 4.557933756: 1.791209646 450.0767052400534 472.3432895220566 income 4.199948773: 2.256519121 378.7813686081407 421.31886225881055 Lyrics 3.242720912: 2.948210563 188.1424152481287 345.47007441288406 bank 4.242570063: 2.01951881 387.26971128697534 447.3075983889342 radio 4.117461051: 2.471136086 362.353333427797 397.7846161549121 truth 4.25746407: 2.016749239 390.23596217414234 447.61130107076417 unless 4.463540081: 1.784745521 431.2775121274929 473.0521258917402 NY 4.009721005: 2.826163154 340.8961126694178 358.85342350434235 immediately 4.423089431: 1.740475455 423.22146833436614 477.90664729437685 kitchen 4.048902942: 2.323456387 348.6994830238758 413.9787245440474 Bank 3.920027743: 2.571623772 323.03304117429866 386.76544087954807 individuals 4.259760724: 1.817155923 390.693357584173 469.49809946030257 Children 4.034340706: 2.740381103 345.7993067341773 368.26002332648534 increased 4.327068717: 1.690082588 404.09823835827183 483.43257639995244 buying 4.437129405: 2.048945023 426.0176321999239 444.0808090067678 economy 4.24366574: 2.1575756 387.4879234282007 432.1687090714333 mp3 3.471074519: 2.863245058 233.6207119501776 354.7871342620459 Conference 3.831708115: 2.612869888 305.4435391885731 382.2425168589611 regarding 4.273287848: 1.918191055 393.38738375753263 458.41889300448867 fish 3.988697805: 1.928241664 336.7091879909757 457.31677362609355 older 4.51020594: 1.869717966 440.5713604011101 463.73430509129787 storage 4.253007275: 1.801627594 389.34835877485307 471.20088899460865 respect 4.385847166: 1.890436922 415.80439796151086 461.4623271312363 holiday 4.243995697: 2.268121163 387.5536367651196 420.0466175456461 generally 4.623797001: 1.665198661 463.1938539568313 486.16127245074756 understanding 4.359207372: 1.870507997 410.4988875136858 463.64767266203125 File 3.620930748: 2.987656603 263.46567958577594 341.14454114786474 32 3.808584381: 3.082538765 300.8382777419169 330.7400507473325 Box 3.674986618: 2.641088269 274.23130279357974 379.1481746268124 responsible 4.547517996: 1.34721445 448.00233029945355 521.0304576298357 client 4.279723965: 2.12799923 394.66918359019144 435.4119641145993 Did 3.913129996: 2.725101904 321.6593042810757 369.9354939393055 damage 4.257905448: 1.846318929 390.3238658894948 466.3001725461248 enter 4.396472125: 1.858881834 417.9204364608504 464.92256240662914 T 3.536203327: 2.665858997 246.59159197185625 376.4318916570749 served 4.179650722: 1.942885012 374.73886280963006 455.7110284089056 Share 3.3935982: 3.159623544 218.1907344277533 322.28716737023126 beach 4.029221487: 2.232813087 344.77977666463795 423.9183941352687 correct 4.305131022: 2.049797898 399.72918555419625 443.9872852561922 Night 3.888139771: 2.754298882 316.68231750658504 366.73384183963947 finding 4.435168903: 1.811831109 425.6271838011299 470.08200245691575 appear 4.499602598: 1.859864768 438.45962696423976 464.8147769367303 Pro 3.885097734: 2.573401003 316.07647368850843 386.5705551843068 employees 4.357799566: 2.034349822 410.2185125946255 445.68127447344193 notice 4.355424113: 2.221955182 409.74542356920705 425.1090390951715 Joe 3.882751238: 2.633096001 315.60915179931527 380.0245825637831 extremely 4.411405362: 1.790365728 420.8945002304157 472.43583101359377 France 3.895842807: 2.548380818 318.21643367676967 389.3141928230593 creating 4.474314082: 1.816760507 433.423233548473 469.5414595655476 letter 4.448212719: 2.193330516 428.2249554759839 428.2479332569186 Baby 3.915594987: 2.721652648 322.15022530958 370.31372891128143 avoid 4.320559581: 1.842140194 402.80189615808257 466.75839992691874 contains 4.386730715: 1.571019816 415.9803632607337 496.4886391699389 70 3.901434577: 2.465612393 319.3300757265021 398.39032758357655 Tom 3.888039731: 2.721932113 316.66239399101397 370.28308359774735 solutions 4.145294389: 1.827697929 367.8965469830349 468.34209496822433 passed 4.291649283: 1.942645262 397.0441981999707 455.7373187332835 R 3.744918553: 2.567241353 288.1587609321884 387.2460037506965 stars 4.019896615: 2.759063504 342.9226599528913 366.2113678023919 Parts 3.754394851: 3.01509928 290.04603520757485 338.1352602960411 appropriate 4.401197085: 1.709252656 418.8614468641166 481.3304447872436 serve 4.280254882: 1.738461476 394.7749196300149 478.127494085752 comfortable 4.55570459: 1.622000972 449.6327504750576 490.8982001354155 Room 3.712023158: 2.971889573 281.60740156117663 342.8735058714613 discussion 4.427691878: 2.064375122 424.13807936128933 442.38879109225746 background 4.312467755: 1.710950214 401.1903497394493 481.14429566911406 totally 4.3400315: 1.979732009 406.6798718156549 451.6704983860467 greater 4.535154406: 1.65103166 445.54003054381656 487.7147827923318 Wedding 3.791032483: 2.662496996 297.3426885336779 376.800558448518 scene 4.171127937: 2.056695573 373.04148767739 443.23090718379643 Every 3.916167985: 2.554115384 322.26434215509425 388.6853576784989 topic 4.094800576: 2.437146759 357.8403336460968 401.51178275321547 Journal 3.938416637: 2.591064523 326.69532453303225 384.6336270399262 forum 4.124558064: 2.368387288 363.7667556154834 409.0517380192563 wonder 4.297473336: 2.157513837 398.2041012167602 432.1754817856807 director 4.050533248: 2.206423725 349.0241703967691 426.81217166930617 mine 4.404774955: 2.015742783 419.5740059817824 447.72166602555217 sleep 4.327997867: 1.869905519 404.28328547915385 463.713738552029 produce 4.417561572: 1.684554692 422.1205546967411 484.03874865788214 Silver 3.757596868: 2.506304866 290.6837404881357 393.92811430228204 1999 3.445758157: 3.746550237 228.57877266226907 257.92656440581294 Hi 3.483507359: 3.114509163 236.09680324332942 327.2342737027526 c 3.728746949: 2.625404318 284.9380672330721 380.86802915398164 records 4.280096093: 1.808850816 394.7432956411271 470.4088122971588 federal 4.06517319: 2.477461512 351.93982224335497 397.09098909937177 and/or 4.40911416: 1.371841268 420.43819055639085 518.3299553250771 package 4.405813842: 1.60984946 419.78090798273485 492.2306980522372 married 4.234334666: 2.038278871 385.62957164820585 445.25042685203186 Library 3.979231418: 2.616038809 334.82388752355655 381.89502255956364 investment 4.220598626: 2.095744458 382.8939384451289 438.94892468244075 Virginia 3.700709409: 2.732633454 279.35418551076697 369.1096070591017 ahead 4.247225869: 2.308744986 388.1969492788744 415.59193216030934 grow 4.316451314: 2.055172466 401.98370476012286 443.39792650690583 Results 3.495298536: 2.909937294 238.44510267373866 349.6670050735761 € 3.764764324: 2.536845377 292.11119192103286 390.57913437782645 annual 4.445331963: 1.951826185 427.6512318452092 454.730566510834 Manager 3.754326876: 2.485106417 290.0324974817555 396.25267197495407 debt 4.257155894: 2.31344912 390.1745866899847 415.0760911026162 M. 3.466769963: 2.406177807 232.76342791998195 404.90774414969553 Published 2.891157269: 3.78346418 118.125935573745 253.87869328857482 status 4.012672117: 2.321598375 341.4838481741566 414.1824684968867 attack 4.304008923: 1.887560881 399.50571117864285 461.7777050406953 Sales 3.78253611: 2.654769407 295.65057343258155 377.6479424769976 protection 4.283012446: 1.695783033 395.32410878602786 482.8074827831672 bag 4.202136211: 2.255053639 379.2170129987685 421.4795625462942 reference 4.411268682: 2.054947169 420.86727943092825 443.42263179478607 FREE 4.105218255: 2.510523791 359.91509078751693 393.4654796755319 select 4.163853854: 2.382115923 371.5928006274419 407.5462975283784 battery 4.380851732: 2.175567451 414.8095205536443 430.19577710913 Support 3.910861897: 2.343672392 321.20759570331614 411.76189863829376 Systems 3.963970689: 2.394383854 331.7846013532988 406.20103334469127 Plus 4.066011871: 2.427118582 352.10685177638777 402.61144228204796 runs 4.46126986: 1.78921325 430.8253810588734 472.5622083506104 conference 4.278577139: 2.146902505 394.44078475898084 433.3390882670589 im 4.223780204: 1.922595188 383.5275729732364 457.9359491075671 Movie 3.556604286: 2.951875849 250.6545926681372 345.06815016967425 miss 4.201234329: 2.116866434 379.03739660783145 436.63275282183326 Christ 4.159031181: 1.995261938 370.63233001280724 449.967533474162 ON 3.210822663: 2.83281935 181.78964472512658 358.12352522885567 lack 4.394511973: 1.817935566 417.53005774137796 469.41260611700676 Japan 3.98897625: 2.426453611 336.7646424953675 402.6843610024298 happens 4.317556973: 1.915210532 402.2039048561414 458.74572811494886 J 3.632822932: 2.685108669 265.8340953735241 374.32103091009606 structure 4.3547909: 1.466336978 409.61931459076794 507.9678420836953 IS 3.41953803: 2.244353671 223.35684183618602 422.652888652671 beat 4.35269495: 2.091083818 409.20189086509043 439.4599963672329 la 3.68378623: 2.028137627 275.983810271388 446.362485024138 ?? 3.718197078: 2.469627211 282.8369830739175 397.95007474231227 Books 3.911653271: 3.170480668 321.3652037613966 321.0966080527388 population 4.12500667: 1.967146367 363.8560989184251 453.0506017848423 Johnson 3.738993137: 2.554783369 286.97867092508073 388.6121085380093 minute 4.401821394: 2.156642402 418.9857826505207 432.27104068652375 bill 4.218588954: 2.277094089 382.4936974519029 419.0626735821837 Africa 4.054230492: 2.548876049 349.76050368359853 389.25988726725035 3rd 3.950396024: 2.719460812 329.0811072169769 370.5540790328795 Richard 3.76356324: 2.801770675 291.87198719912305 361.5282287907509 prior 4.162356677: 2.109850747 371.29462692010344 437.402071828928 mentioned 4.340951976: 1.927054067 406.8631913636559 457.4470018971773 followed 4.40339432: 1.713788281 419.29904251823706 480.8330818817412 helped 4.316538824: 1.83221706 402.0011330014314 467.846540771286 drop 4.56372959: 1.695631099 451.2309881404125 482.8241434954581 metal 4.098086072: 1.750918796 358.4946641949114 476.761462085011 F 3.783272012: 2.616428398 295.79713374305715 381.8523013458615 society 4.404837464: 1.773322882 419.5864551280453 474.3046979323347 larger 4.504763621: 1.890445926 439.4874826119951 461.4613397595069 fat 4.408352988: 1.749864938 420.2865975650236 476.8770250252503 compared 4.36247358: 1.734568894 411.1493766609535 478.55434283283535 pieces 4.307085699: 1.965343269 400.118473732135 453.24832402916627 Society 4.122428287: 2.239084502 363.34259502076037 423.23068979608917 evening 4.187605949: 2.432876743 376.32320466962994 401.9800197953424 shoes 4.156113829: 2.352877431 370.0513178921805 410.752501974158 challenge 4.274781673: 1.946009332 393.68488998164185 455.3684250399931 contract 4.443652249: 2.013580534 427.316704489201 447.9587717424861 carry 4.491846574: 1.703056133 436.91495804094836 482.0099367501558 hate 4.348023813: 2.099904631 408.2715997014 438.4927327986703 Insurance 3.85313997: 2.45602896 309.7118502947697 399.44121778370425 Their 4.111270919: 2.063119468 361.12052319668095 442.52648224325316 Model 3.830807702: 2.346938238 305.2642152030051 411.4037758366479 welcome 4.174556637: 2.238010525 373.72433844200424 423.3484589009797 Western 3.87087397: 2.637566956 313.24370652207784 379.53431110137296 Committee 3.748512699: 2.523227662 288.87456146847575 392.0724117564536 football 4.158686902: 2.446935098 370.56376425996814 400.43842315396444 dating 4.101403882: 1.961232133 359.1554303502651 453.6991387611355 Angeles 3.792140617: 2.94891662 297.5633815803609 345.392650272404 learned 4.203220761: 2.220372915 379.4330091904166 425.2825456961292 fashion 4.079940346: 2.003014782 354.88080968263137 449.1173800815134 Right 3.961361073: 2.618032866 331.26487733096235 381.67636030345216 length 4.297342491: 2.284612366 398.1780423071985 418.2382421039785 Control 4.042461505: 2.092486706 347.41662340081365 439.3061599704715 host 4.374943742: 1.81955734 413.6329010260319 469.23476733360883 Grand 3.753812583: 2.655312113 289.93007226901705 377.58843097048003 Type 3.780861214: 2.89746456 295.31700560089314 351.03472726104883 vs. 4.009277168: 2.349704415 340.8077192377675 411.10044525381187 century 4.013701887: 1.968711001 341.6889344824755 452.87902870443384 firm 4.525266756: 1.924652114 443.5708324931633 457.7103928230956 During 3.662244372: 2.335352717 271.69359109410135 412.6742090097058 Market 3.776168674: 2.761571199 294.38245186626585 365.9363815208638 spot 4.271833715: 1.982776716 393.0977824042217 451.33662500780565 self 4.205474495: 1.921286878 379.88185681382004 458.07941442781555 movement 4.306121013: 1.537398256 399.92634942654854 500.1754775996996 thread 4.301031312: 2.414126248 398.91269820583653 404.03614223864497 Author 3.196004608: 3.218311381 178.83852043889772 315.8516369753189 protect 4.323703439: 1.544329468 403.4280186053811 499.4154218954784 45 3.830818419: 2.891515681 305.2663496718921 351.6870633899182 Young 4.015729192: 2.43587491 342.09268706393766 401.6512498784638 Co. 3.578473301: 2.040353577 255.0099674323853 445.02292093424046 selling 4.524950162: 1.891176219 443.5077803897627 461.38125805443207 C. 3.623993643: 2.486317684 264.0756776098163 396.11984804765495 studies 4.137042472: 1.855400337 366.2531171348437 465.30433288437155 wine 4.065783389: 2.180870368 352.06134790014596 429.6142753524314 park 4.136815235: 1.834459462 366.20786123015404 467.60064577092874 database 4.246991972: 2.107331639 388.15036701165343 437.6783095568195 Policy 3.844043819: 2.599931328 307.90028516875503 383.6613200456785 Join 3.349664915: 3.244679403 209.44109823141946 312.9601996032151 error 4.138129755: 2.123257882 366.4696575238223 435.93188599978805 reduce 4.218956223: 1.864971143 382.5668417993748 464.25482730724065 e 3.841857136: 2.237497024 307.46479118081686 423.4047677597272 methods 4.211164241: 1.802180089 381.0150115036963 471.1403040245408 reply 3.608861448: 3.187176604 261.06198996747344 319.26578225915557 Israel 4.028597893: 2.328545526 344.65558347179143 413.42066492064896 tickets 4.110632248: 2.354998707 360.99332718453616 410.5198892707258 billion 4.020415815: 2.687267316 343.02606251940057 374.08432022024886 described 4.445609458: 1.745963671 427.706496947318 477.30482608300764 absolutely 4.202650147: 2.263654249 379.31936719076594 420.53644581118044 cute 4.273665145: 2.31656866 393.46252524969344 414.73401173503294 custom 4.411139066: 1.691124177 420.84146533399047 483.31835885197063 ride 4.218570271: 1.903099866 382.489976738078 460.0737470065343 sorry 4.105269812: 2.35954958 359.9253587502258 410.0208543435722 sources 4.147802954: 2.205840327 368.3961461830411 426.8761453063757 Training 3.685187248: 2.922273012 276.26283323155496 348.3143075998923 Stock 3.864434265: 2.641538651 311.9611921772549 379.0987871582023 produced 4.313925113: 1.782476358 401.48059326143004 473.3009554597385 block 4.251042728: 1.731550809 388.9571047121449 478.8852969083911 remove 4.258205316: 2.131467813 390.38358682592934 435.03160985395607 Member 3.349913148: 2.997041712 209.490535655418 340.1153984739512 dress 4.257683004: 2.194809379 390.27956441632944 428.0857655829821 patient 4.200371177: 1.8296416 378.8654935899067 468.12895791092524 facilities 4.100917389: 2.03689077 359.0585417453245 445.40264188443336 values 4.312865337: 1.835530207 401.269531065429 467.48323114586515 opportunities 4.170241063: 1.966163428 372.8648602523805 453.158387935464 windows 4.136264772: 2.053730079 366.0982324139573 443.55609419061113 Steve 3.762468425: 3.033077416 291.6539467292535 336.1638323743042 friendly 4.222091968: 2.02089689 383.1913484495209 447.1564822236366 distance 4.184545205: 1.96279302 375.7136350361506 453.52797660422647 station 3.872762156: 2.501020003 313.61975279281864 394.5076363803472 coffee 4.040185025: 2.059598723 346.9632457348854 442.9125565042189 Hotels 3.812115775: 2.495320321 301.5415809582102 395.1326461324681 Version 3.519957439: 2.850626489 243.3561041930348 356.1708483180255 audio 4.15268251: 2.224106451 369.3679454446924 424.8731374581839 Note 3.845089141: 2.621295577 308.1084687296644 381.31858130661436 restaurant 4.204693528: 2.049620786 379.7263215231613 444.00670683089743 tree 4.203400705: 1.795290118 379.46884625625313 471.8958373773438 existing 4.405773449: 1.614105345 419.7728633665041 491.7640106586467 established 4.123664797: 1.948807081 363.5888550981832 455.0616322846012 colors 4.203311374: 2.012887549 379.45105539307707 448.03476231574894 direction 4.191056653: 1.915571946 377.0104377169988 458.706096550715 1/2 4.013614971: 2.827084187 341.67162459098876 358.7524257760264 seven 4.384187457: 1.961909097 415.4738547303429 453.6249049358912 forget 4.14931849: 2.109151109 368.69797617109907 437.47879199403377 Tagged 2.754669652: 2.664403315 90.94342502950548 376.59151732028795 reality 4.211056717: 2.006638618 380.9935971973365 448.7200012131058 covered 4.590300647: 1.403352146 456.5228091344346 514.8745679188132 famous 4.383822381: 1.690259143 415.4011471510064 483.4132159113361 female 4.134804098: 2.09883452 365.80732850369367 438.61007786456025 complex 4.257403076: 1.466755875 390.2238148309639 507.92190709170967 Arts 3.757009554: 2.899849143 290.5667725109383 350.77324118782724 otherwise 4.289665494: 1.746275194 396.6491120283506 477.27066548817004 nation 4.141655942: 2.126432194 367.17192361739905 435.58380058305676 Golf 3.63378755: 2.633545139 266.026206173567 379.9753314170504 ™ 4.130681396: 1.830846037 364.9862622370304 467.99688297106223 yesterday 4.095588376: 2.550731916 357.9972296571535 389.0563785072833 listen 4.086462178: 2.451805735 356.17968045606324 399.904323892241 shipping 4.361438315: 2.086978508 410.94319618388556 439.910172286087 According 3.434697157: 2.669555644 226.3758933290545 376.02652850059144 interview 4.203997783: 2.548092178 379.5877586756874 389.34584420147445 driver 4.262810739: 1.817955706 391.30079054533775 469.4103976983655 German 4.063770907: 2.209216547 351.6605472297224 426.5059192156622 Words
Como se puede observar, palabras similares están cerca entre sí, como el hecho de que los números están cerca de números. Teniendo esto en cuenta, podríamos probar a crear un embedding “semántico” de las frases anteriores haciendo uso de estos embeddings de palabra, por ejemplo, utilizando el embedding medio entre los embeddings de palabras.
Pygal -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 A man is playing a large flute. -1.401676007: -1.189735549 104.85613768639209 493.80120184180026 A man is smoking. -1.502094285: 0.4864514215 93.82295552796494 352.0159305865085 The man is playing the piano. -0.7818826291: 0.2276938483 172.95423069377608 373.90371121141095 A person is throwing a cat on to the ceiling. -1.4248906: -0.9771166556 102.30549809245198 475.81619896026746 The man hit the other man with a stick. -1.017559446: -0.2238930252 147.05988850931215 412.1025329906851 A man is playing a flute. -1.587434978: -1.079931677 84.44638151184965 484.5131139822449 A person is folding a piece of paper. -1.441180635: 0.1736174605 100.51567529147896 378.4779236608994 A dog is trying to get bacon off his back. -1.449651442: -0.2210735585 99.58496867426778 411.8640399926396 A woman is writing. -1.710197629: 0.3445264635 70.9581728922674 364.02107620256 A cat is rubbing against baby’s face. -2.192620495: 0.3843775738 17.953287109417875 360.65015125019033 A man pours oil into a pot. -0.9624557938: 0.1387873301 153.11425078049984 381.424134063642 A man is playing a guitar. -1.559401236: 0.1405034595 87.52651181531783 381.2789701447077 A panda is sliding down a slide. -1.662989412: 1.1007075 76.14504587018375 300.05724921842943 A woman peels a potato. -1.747403277: -0.7625972079 66.87030453494002 457.67043204575657 The boy fell off his bike. -0.9891155363: 0.3526852248 150.18508488490488 363.3309430567963 The woman is playing the flute. -1.035080891: -1.089579476 145.13476792326003 485.32920181098524 A rabbit is running from an eagle. -1.694157914: -0.4702231495 72.72049244586415 432.9391008094649 The woman is frying a breaded pork chop. -1.189623844: -0.2754752992 128.15478593558703 416.4657733866457 A girl is flying a kite. -1.709103436: -1.076091626 71.07839426964567 484.18829185984396 A man is riding a mechanical bull. -1.565824482: -0.9679263525 86.82077531604449 475.0388097816729 A woman is dancing and singing with other women. -1.792962545: -0.2722111925 61.864605321516876 416.18966919943836 A man is slicing a bun. -1.632393553: -0.7826052034 79.50668171780987 459.36286797862516 A dog rides a skateboard. -1.953330433: -0.6276281722 44.24462460066329 446.2536738407261 A woman is playing an electric guitar. -1.497465114: -0.1144896627 94.33157291331877 402.848323464567 A person is slicing a tomato. -1.342693872: -0.5330058202 111.33663758349799 438.2497601498276 A kid is playing guitar. -1.693259632: 0.4073983288 72.81918865836896 358.70287207052627 A little boy is playing a keyboard. -1.691830536: -0.01717237025 72.9762067371824 394.6164502007198 A dog licks a baby. -2.063700063: 0.4942867964 32.118064969799676 351.35315204107326 A man is playing the guitar. -1.559401236: 0.1405034595 87.52651181531783 381.2789701447077 A man chops down a tree with an axe. -1.643347613: -0.809517008 78.30313455184542 461.6392831904226 A man is riding a motorcycle. -1.826511071: -1.135565608 58.17855322715847 489.219075901933 A squirrel is spinning around in circles. -1.517238428: -0.452064575 92.15903441001772 431.40310365387336 A person is cutting mushrooms. -1.020102711: -0.8471624649 146.7804542313197 464.8236363747478 A woman is peeling a potato. -1.878503877: -0.9351374387 52.46598669185933 472.2652617701966 A person is peeling an onion. -1.510930137: -0.5487571679 92.85214058980968 439.5821348448777 A monkey pushes another monkey. -1.02109192: -0.5901494967 146.67176766573266 443.0834283606881 A man is tying his shoe. -1.388149585: 0.2285549065 106.34231611310595 373.8308760375339 A boy is singing and playing the piano. -1.4325714: 0.1141345082 101.46159135260822 383.5094664898716 A woman is chopping broccoli. -1.67659598: -0.968086508 74.6500616590716 475.05235701279025 A woman is playing a guitar. -1.61780678: 0.03791779375 81.10936329112103 389.9564844670987 A woman is slicing tomato. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 A small dog is chasing a yoga ball. -1.587011005: -0.07179293811 84.49296436460483 399.23669374561166 A man rides off on a motorcycle. -1.716950745: -0.9078729984 70.21619280246487 469.959017814878 The man talked on the telephone. -0.5290012494: -0.8194734178 200.73887689177405 462.481475794697 A man is fishing. -1.505589319: 0.6053701704 93.43894822149869 341.95683373622296 A man is riding on a horse. -1.798772398: 0.05859737046 61.2262636311848 388.207240829826 A man is riding a bicycle. -1.826511071: -1.135565608 58.17855322715847 489.219075901933 A man is slicing potatoes. -1.632393553: -0.7826052034 79.50668171780987 459.36286797862516 A woman is slicing a leek. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 The man cut a paper plate. -0.8500884364: 0.04816953651 165.4603051775384 389.089310247779 A woman is slicing up some meat. -1.606274026: 0.2189976707 82.37649298500578 374.63930331293466 A man is playing on his keyboard. -1.54973532: 0.2253862934 88.58852781124685 374.0989026199702 The lady chopped up the green onions. -1.326835787: -0.5496819533 113.0790010625332 439.6603605801065 Lionel Richie is dancing on the ceiling. -0.7578367689: 0.7100642413 175.59620345794985 333.1009736762227 A woman is playing flute. -1.665309037: -1.216712564 75.89018347958744 496.08313307876625 A woman is cutting an onion. -1.387676451: -1.233542736 106.39430033336932 497.5067633000667 A woman is using a sewing machine. -1.453769979: -0.0947222986 99.13245575102071 401.1762420495297 A woman is flipping pancakes. -1.80345668: -0.8609472592 60.711591068027474 465.9896642943856 A man is riding a bike. -1.826557646: 0.0115669808 58.17343599926727 392.1854465268186 A woman is dancing. -1.841378189: 0.4180466763 56.54506954027048 357.80214985718027 A dog is jumping on a trampoline. -1.922840347: -0.7213029258 47.5946389552513 454.1774321013015 A woman is picking a can. -1.543493858: 0.05979859009 89.27429126070342 388.105632087008 A man is climbing a rope. -1.583991432: -0.9477410787 84.8247316542175 473.3313782231987 A man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep. -1.352820261: -1.495930941 110.22402838716863 519.7016517966796 Two women are wrestling. -0.3272045226: -0.821137106 222.9107373308803 462.62220381931644 The puppy played with a blue tennis ball. -1.297867507: 0.2795151981 116.26181118188045 369.52024786803804 A kangroo is eating something. -1.585816356: 1.193340837 84.62422321519291 292.22158233318305 The man cut some carpet with a knife. -0.855378048: 0.001341272508 164.87912364820548 393.0504185432192 A dog licks up a baby’s drool. -2.140000876: -0.4638475865 23.734722977566367 432.399804812407 A woman is chopping up garlic. -1.67659598: -0.968086508 74.6500616590716 475.05235701279025 A man is walking slowly across a rope bridge. -1.421923944: -0.412530742 102.63145123990132 428.059016549593 A man plays the flute. -1.4184488: -0.9429824757 103.01327317208613 472.92885760431966 Two men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car. -1.040466313: 0.2248042518 144.5430594999539 374.14813634255404 A man is slicing something. -1.645163361: 0.08606569534 78.103634184068 385.883750692804 Fish are swimming. -0.4112272864: 1.756826814 213.678967211607 244.5574413239463 A person is surfing a large wave. -1.167786152: -0.7509475684 130.55414227949194 456.68501256157793 A person is boiling noodles. -1.268602184: -0.7390872139 119.47725804463842 455.6817691168923 A group of people dance on a hill. -0.791783788: 0.01405015406 171.866368092789 391.9753999148222 A woman is sitting at a desk. -1.674883367: -0.01601702895 74.83823028574064 394.51872221371343 Two baby pandas are playing. -1.145614162: 0.9192954143 132.99022868898672 315.4025312380636 A man is folding paper. -1.731101953: 0.2361031753 68.66136777015423 373.1923832250773 Three women are dancing. -0.6939730857: 0.8793613534 182.61305003115876 318.7804728190606 The cats are playing with each other. -1.084390638: 0.4344512874 139.7169950919707 356.4145169251328 The woman is rolling dough. -0.9855475038: -0.9455694255 150.57711264513517 473.1476824715234 A woman is adding spices on a meat. -1.184931091: 0.075560316 128.67038926393653 386.7723795190209 A woman is adding oil on fishes. -0.7730392825: -1.119693916 173.92586908999687 487.87652152612384 A young boy is holding a guitar. -1.449463638: -0.2361856025 99.60560311952443 413.14233728076147 A cheetah is running. -1.740403596: 1.374657327 67.63937530645853 276.8843865498361 The man is eating pizza. -1.133239583: 0.1263192163 134.34985157042843 382.4787866372088 An orangutan is riding a bus. -1.181127801: 1.048086107 129.0882653141169 304.508386631045 A girl is singing and playing a guitar. -1.734556482: 0.06092436025 68.28181086731729 388.01040546209606 A man is getting inside a car. -1.432794507: -0.3524480163 101.4370780347776 422.9767401056006 The man used a chopper to chop the onion. -0.8584648823: -0.6705540313 164.53996622075377 449.88468558471277 A woman slices tofu. -1.854319671: -0.8617805359 55.12315977321166 466.0601494864653 The person is riding the horse. -1.108826528: 0.3411467244 137.03216886320536 364.3069615073921 Someone is feeding a animal. -1.146904315: 1.376513897 132.84847671217142 276.7273430447022 Someone is slicing tortila’s. -1.241124513: 0.3405408973 122.496291602584 364.35820719930587 A rooster pecks at a dead mouse. -1.429609066: 0.7388864668 101.78706967046081 330.6629598220068 Two men are talking. -0.8240934116: 0.7733227541 168.3164370436418 327.7500638176351 A man spreads butter on a big piece of bread. -1.344169773: -0.2543043689 111.17447694878074 414.67496714358896 A man is running across a high wire. -0.9368298066: -1.059105088 155.9298356622028 482.7514348810291 A man is opening a door. -1.2729797: 0.1848356968 118.99629047928367 377.52899571077523 The woman is cutting cooked octopus. -0.9101981523: -0.9205531347 158.8559154362197 471.03160494575945 Someone is playing a piano. -0.8677611063: 1.186091177 163.518569165275 292.83481637057434 A man is shooting a gun. -1.375870963: -0.1443655084 107.69139594786472 405.37546092831417 Someone is slicing an onion. -1.241124513: 0.3405408973 122.496291602584 364.35820719930587 A woman is slicing a pumpkin. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 A woman is drinking vodka. -1.675281004: -1.326065244 74.79454095964037 505.33305548485845 A woman is cutting meat into pieces. -1.307057643: -0.2035298149 115.25207024450444 410.38005014959117 A man is rinsing a steak. -1.768415183: -0.5700605005 64.561679145958 441.3841407405361 A man is kicking a soccer ball. -1.331974833: -0.00681103069 112.51436253719423 393.7400054095057 A cat is licking a sucker. -2.243933747: -0.5443838893 12.315384615384612 439.21220803800634 A man drove his car. -1.370496325: 0.03005504265 108.28191949586629 390.62157870620723 A man puts some cheese on a pizza. -1.291949766: 0.07844207644 116.91200662220828 386.5286172217875 The boy is playing the piano. -0.9161185044: 0.3716647876 158.20543302844163 361.7255001643902 A girl is playing a flute. -1.863261285: -0.9875332411 54.140724543523994 476.69731689664326 People step off a train. -0.3794255504: 1.143926042 217.1730955020421 296.40148001092035 A man is buttering a piece of bread. -1.466000269: 0.4087307699 97.78868629650215 358.5901635655673 A man is cutting tomatoes into pieces. -1.275570681: 0.06310170343 118.71161353549927 387.82622839913387 A lion is walking. -1.713250034: 1.069393325 70.62279820584891 302.7060520772083 A man shooting a car. -1.38543401: -0.21292271 106.64068237316019 411.17457617821356 A dog is barking at a ball. -1.879505626: 0.4519902588 52.355922271135874 354.9309307517033 A kid runs away from a fish swinging around on a fishing pol….. -1.210112246: -0.8259027365 125.90367912748853 463.02531887598127 A man is walking along a path through wilderness. -1.22890324: -1.110190461 123.83907031451189 487.0726434786059 An elderly man is speaking at a podium. -0.535162621: -1.103241654 200.06191313240794 486.48485793704054 The man is shooting an automatic rifle. -0.5441439126: -0.9980986604 199.07511841467368 477.59102437932324 A man is riding a skateboard. -1.826511071: -1.135565608 58.17855322715847 489.219075901933 A man is dancing. -1.763504131: 0.5548275639 65.10126757253273 346.232130760659 A woman is riding a horse on a beach. -1.841373252: -0.3032541651 56.545612034113425 418.81553156195275 A man holds a small animal in one hand. -1.176183153: -0.5429088477 129.63154495883012 439.0874372510891 A person is folding a square paper piece. -1.284368407: 0.1501707105 117.74498768023766 380.4612369050777 A woman is slicing butter. -1.520007372: 0.3032946262 91.85480429371383 367.5087940633231 Some men are playing guitars. -0.6722927656: -0.9373521794 184.99511558271683 472.45260221251476 A dog sat at the counter of a store. -1.310828987: 0.1425307855 114.83770421091747 381.10748272789283 Someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill. -0.8920416375: -0.6749551884 160.8508125767333 450.2569705800849 A woman is slicing some vegetables. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 A badger is burrowing a hole. -1.358899654: 1.116150948 109.55607183188408 298.750919126814 A woman is water skiing on a lake. -1.509954041: -0.1380254538 92.95938648458501 404.8391685137594 A girl is playing a violin. -1.863261285: -0.9875332411 54.140724543523994 476.69731689664326 A woman is cutting a cucumber. -1.387676451: -1.233542736 106.39430033336932 497.5067633000667 A woman rides an elephant in front of an adoring crowd. -1.488056972: -0.1420652221 95.36526672013267 405.1808843521875 A woman splits garlic cloves. -1.372341699: -0.7062085676 108.0791640909741 452.9006308181598 A woman mixes a beauty treatment in a glass. -1.146470218: -0.07494519282 132.89617188858273 399.5033366059306 A woman is picking tomatoes. -1.569482306: -1.120706676 86.41888201835636 487.96218885674244 Two men compete in a tire rolling race. -0.6613711596: 0.1611159959 186.1950970114066 379.5353973111213 A man is playing keyboard. -1.54973532: 0.2253862934 88.58852781124685 374.0989026199702 A man is smelling two pizzas. -1.4945053: -0.9877563886 94.6567743599393 476.7161924934796 A monkey pulls the tail of a dog. -1.759250289: 0.314520404 65.5686467522959 366.55922819170416 A dog lies on his back on a wooden floor. -1.381063472: -0.1596782928 107.12088329775302 406.6707384411875 A man puts seasoning in a bowl of water. -1.491108146: 0.04540428255 95.03002731219428 389.3232174968137 An elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan. -0.7792578895: -0.2254185298 173.24261674593473 412.2315723408539 A man is mowing grass. -1.611776897: 0.4700010167 81.77188010015117 353.4074371057791 A cat is watching a TV. -1.719042786: 0.3501389508 69.98633552505105 363.5463272362185 A woman swims underwater. -1.736364322: -0.6573619839 68.08317945793691 448.7687969375689 A girl is eating a cupcake. -2.08005526: -1.149388299 30.321082689337185 490.38830942285966 The little girl played on the grass with a dog and a ball. -1.509108698: -0.3468518346 93.05226620975226 422.50337039620786 People ride and paddle a raft. -1.105734231: 0.01282427186 137.37192651756322 392.0790948144695 The lady cut up a potatoe. -0.850703476: -0.7524235562 165.3927293925377 456.8098633903321 The missile exploded. 0.8903642831: -0.4677573022 356.687761673899 432.73051976376496 A dog is playing in the snow. -1.8393145: 0.3203120838 56.771811692604004 366.0693216866694 A woman is opening a soda and drinking it. -1.397890835: -0.5047482083 105.27202307786527 435.8595058171868 Butter is being put into a bowl. -0.7959761415: 1.777197432 171.40574478184632 242.83433187568443 Raccoons are eating. -1.240200196: 3.332849858 122.59784839145222 111.24483437874562 A woman peels an apple. -1.747403277: -0.7625972079 66.87030453494002 457.67043204575657 A man is taking some math classes. -0.985152196: 0.008894443516 150.6205460077242 392.4115110592021 Animals are playing in water. -1.186650208: 1.33162006 128.4815059789761 280.5248220472064 A man is riding a horse and jumping over obstacles. -1.794453474: -1.05594943 61.700793610571814 482.48450414650966 The person lit the cameras on fire. -0.7280245042: 0.2406326719 178.871744063928 372.8092422468085 The man is slicing the tape from the box. -1.234192529: 0.2109333675 123.25792427102051 375.3214464392454 A man is fishing in the river. -1.457809317: 0.1571593904 98.6886446139522 379.87007857798994 The little boy is singing and playing the guitar. -1.369138408: -0.09643021065 108.43111683558428 401.3207108812767 A woman is firing a rifle. -1.029664418: -1.327755916 145.7298880030123 505.47606599490996 A woman puts a garland over a man’s shoulders. -1.349713129: 0.2424818685 110.56541602638154 372.6528224474479 The woman is waterskiing. -0.9401969345: -1.184965394 155.55988173711768 493.39770404381073 Trees are bending in storm. -1.112822804: 1.887938914 136.59308907899918 233.4669335394031 A man and woman is riding in a car. -1.813754628: -0.619627589 59.580132321099086 445.5769206636113 A man plays a piano. -1.127814105: 0.2350559325 134.94596110619892 373.28096737880276 The animal is eating. -0.9813208905: 0.9935340604 151.04150015612706 309.12283406939804 A group of people sing. -0.4843910043: 0.1950402413 205.64030490344308 376.6658138948754 The cat is drinking milk. -1.210639286: 0.4891347154 125.84577205157122 351.788956173212 A girl is making eyelid. -1.588401682: -1.077144166 84.34016761217833 484.2773240898755 The military officer barked at the recruits. 0.4497406164: -0.6861725581 308.27544795609407 451.20582523438725 The man is putting chicken into the container. -0.9940830617: -1.017789547 149.63929169765376 479.25663675206073 A woman is adding pasta to a pot of water. -1.478973303: -0.18489938 96.36330984673523 408.80413927547977 Two puppies are playing with each other. -1.20068835: 0.5857415468 126.93910374305592 343.6171793748493 A couple are walking. -1.578076089: 0.9293370487 85.47466374900455 314.5531296602776 A person is playing a guitar. -1.342126475: 0.3277029969 111.39897871458392 365.4441392731094 A person is adding food in a pan. -0.7745296923: 0.138609542 173.7621144025619 381.4391728006708 A group of penguins is walking. -1.119340028: 0.7878861926 135.87702695230678 326.5181719563998 A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. -1.578769853: -0.8948970899 85.39843829875416 468.8614119169737 A man is walking with a horse. -1.7922337: -0.005033938729 61.94468518022413 393.5896847888414 A man making a bed in a hotel. -1.360760379: -0.1783521072 109.3516297714822 408.25031868897383 A man is jumping rope outside. -1.708741381: -0.0685907288 71.11817413682788 398.9658253262552 A person is slicing some onions. -1.342693872: -0.5330058202 111.33663758349799 438.2497601498276 The woman is putting paste into a dish. -0.9715592493: 0.08784378879 152.11403364765414 385.73334535876023 Someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges. -1.002666801: -0.3068223244 148.696176936158 419.11735495826474 Someone is boiling okra in a pot. -1.141224143: 1.257712884 133.4725700159308 286.77648085779185 A cat is jumping into a box. -1.941316104: 0.4805879884 45.56466595615293 352.51190655197513 The woman is seasoning the oil. -1.035599801: 0.4416720025 145.07775411613466 355.8037312153477 A chef is cleaning up a bowl of soup. -1.516663197: 0.6272117876 92.22223632952762 340.109295442254 A woman slices a lemon. -1.854319671: -0.8617805359 55.12315977321166 466.0601494864653 A man sharpens a pencil using a knife. -1.22520894: 0.2650981782 124.24497136530452 370.7397544735733 Plastic toys are floating in water. -1.302233921: 1.022607564 115.78206345488566 306.6635651333438 A woman is walking on an open ground with a pet dog as some ….. -1.29882469: -0.8674920185 116.15664328190431 466.54327226676116 A woman is mincing some garlic. -1.755079263: -0.5976257189 66.0269267531174 443.71582690132686 A rat like creature is smelling around. -1.696850331: 0.02157601724 72.42467046917088 391.33880234497633 Two robots share a kiss. -0.4154255877: 1.098523717 213.21769040020396 300.24197098458626 The rhino grazed on the grass. -0.8435849597: 1.29163771 166.17485680124338 283.9068483184856 The man drove his little red car around the traffic. -0.9626765944: -0.520691691 153.08999091844487 437.2081328287028 A man is cutting bread. -1.335013099: 0.06066045722 112.18054141038547 388.0327284872877 A cat is playing in a box. -1.867046844: 0.4218000449 53.72479672225077 357.4846599820685 The couple danced in the church. -0.9065823216: 0.7191830524 159.25319489332924 332.32963186080246 A person checks some rice pudding. -0.7862950958: -0.6511389861 172.46942305157486 448.2424061170799 The man is playing the drums. -0.9572068326: -0.9527985879 153.69096595552236 473.7591827144638 A man is slicing a pepper. -1.632393553: -0.7826052034 79.50668171780987 459.36286797862516 A woman is speaking in sign language. -0.8957379973: -0.1474522919 160.44468520616556 405.63656571206155 A boy is crawling into a dog house. -1.920667057: -0.1587320082 47.833423164816985 406.5906941321613 The girl flew her kite while she ran up a hill. -0.909597779: 0.1735670518 158.9218798032767 378.48218763357653 A woman is placing food in a pot of hot water. -1.382600635: -0.51254934 106.951991685306 436.5193877940735 A small monkey walks through water. -1.716956632: -0.03431760311 70.21554596415135 396.06673082874124 A young man is singing and playing the piano. -1.312342699: -0.3686520099 114.67138922967729 424.3474032063102 A girl is playing a piano. -1.461423468: 0.2016428584 98.2915496347773 376.1073118480456 A person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork. -1.193605775: -0.8224991266 127.71728228314161 462.7374143863519 The man sat in his chair and stared. -0.9971950121: -0.7812210602 149.29737470451238 459.24578610419957 A woman is dicing a potato. -1.616084878: -0.5599542181 81.29855255565447 440.52927071702607 A person is frying a meat in the pan. -1.295605635: 0.2526032383 116.51032811792649 371.7966762064305 A man is looking out of a window. -1.584449907: 0.08258488406 84.77435805069304 386.17818549031847 A woman is slicing an onion with a knife. -1.59739823: 0.1306726922 83.35169665017128 382.110534897667 A rider is running and jumping her horse. -1.432258128: 0.3638060317 101.49601120065527 362.3902564562253 A person is petting a monkey. -1.63848816: -0.4539290455 78.83705359491478 431.5608154502085 A cat is licking himself. -2.080953568: 0.4379268332 30.222383597123336 356.1205275275087 Three children are eating their food. -0.9137565189: 0.1927353912 158.46494969382383 376.860776506011 A man is running on a street. -1.312554104: 0.09084648366 114.64816170545245 385.4793534627314 A woman is slicing big pepper. -1.626474447: -1.032239811 80.15702726912237 480.478955356005 A man and a woman are kissing each other. -1.767156483: -0.6751391972 64.69997535344848 450.2725355119767 The man is drawing. -0.9526672931: 0.8121935217 154.18973538281097 324.4620640695475 A woman is frying a food. -1.778829267: 0.1101407912 63.41746031885284 383.84728694747855 A man is dicing an onion. -1.53821082: -0.4231733305 89.85475058791683 428.9592516205047 A woman is brushing some shrimp. -1.921950155: -0.9680315777 47.69244634424203 475.04771056639606 A woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife. -1.42837403: -0.08892843209 101.92276581937662 400.686150580928 A man plays the guitar. -1.432661603: 0.2432153602 101.45168056049502 372.59077786126375 Someone is slicing a cucumber. -1.241124513: 0.3405408973 122.496291602584 364.35820719930587 A kitten is playing with a blue rope toy. -1.932878262: 0.1725628278 46.49175063938566 378.56713291150174 The dog is barking at the toy. -1.450782033: 0.6294032428 99.46074805723106 339.92392467172897 A person folds a tortilla. -1.433057051: -0.503170903 101.40823172323267 435.7260847522979 A turtle is walking. -1.796584279: 1.204460311 61.46667725289212 291.2810083981828 A cow is eating grass. -1.79707639: 0.5360516227 61.41260792228019 347.8203497149949 A woman is tapping her fingers on a table. -1.508687246: -0.0502580558 93.09857205196077 397.4151015341134 A man dives into a pool. -1.460380241: 0.3851699184 98.40617140806874 360.5831284233036 A little boy is playing a guitar. -1.699563269: -0.08507863739 72.12659394043914 400.3605042205097 Women are talking. -0.6639203729: 2.467240729 185.91500920875723 184.46496267455177 A group of people are marching in place. -0.5761051877: -0.1347931881 195.56346120598383 404.56575768493957 A man played the piano. -1.017304211: 0.2481665966 147.08793180961516 372.17196277502444 A man is slicing a cucumber. -1.632393553: -0.7826052034 79.50668171780987 459.36286797862516 The man is playing a guitar. -1.086730127: 0.2358532761 139.45995014807218 373.21352169387194 A man is chopping a log with an axe. -1.364841272: -0.6237668864 108.90325288996836 445.9270554743955 The man is walking. -1.112877853: 0.6729866325 136.58704065774126 336.237293742799 A man is playing two pianos. -1.236945155: -1.137558301 122.95548706716309 489.3876337533028 A man is exercising. -1.768728065: -1.170493696 64.52730212000232 492.1735723007 A person is slicing a scallop. -1.342693872: -0.5330058202 111.33663758349799 438.2497601498276 A woman is adding oil to a pan. -0.7774260875: -0.1047668642 173.44388094557965 402.02589157068314 The cat played with a watermelon. -0.866528421: -0.3451561223 163.65400707926847 422.35993351271935 A girl jumps on a car. -1.768333803: 0.2268442076 64.57062063773769 373.9755806029438 A man is praying. -1.768728065: -1.170493696 64.52730212000232 492.1735723007 A car is parking. -1.503017298: -0.6389059303 93.7215420057135 447.207636627463 A man is singing. -1.782341396: 0.5477878543 63.03157486811611 346.8276055849941 A man is carrying another man over his shoulder. -1.246696089: -0.5931990219 121.8841299775929 443.34138154159723 A woman is cutting a tomato. -1.387676451: -1.233542736 106.39430033336932 497.5067633000667 Someone is peeling a potato. -1.49347891: 0.3169138758 94.76954611205153 366.356769241881 A girl is styling her hair. -1.983959363: 0.3736123822 40.879355099406084 361.5607570724462 Two people are riding a motorcycle. -0.6840347514: -0.7872541725 183.70499718531835 459.75611488678385 A man is walking in the rain. -1.736321054: 0.02484177129 68.08793340610686 391.06255880430103 A woman is swimming. -1.885539153: -1.375665027 51.693005071608894 509.52860094548214 A Woman is eating. -1.534885615: 1.536729629 90.2200982647058 263.1750177697864 A man is driving a car. -1.497443436: -0.08153899817 94.33395470263201 400.06109328614093 A baby elephant is eating. -1.771273574: 0.4557840418 64.24762134764936 354.61002230616805 A man sliced through a bunch of water bottles with a knife. -1.375882253: -0.213093673 107.69015550001545 411.189037594486 A person is making a bed. -1.255018559: 0.1348355854 120.96972142804485 381.75840417322047 The woman is smoking. -0.9497401977: 0.4768036226 154.51134193937514 352.8320184152489 The man erased what the other man had on the board. -0.8324174199: -0.06658839823 167.40185952187989 398.79645222616494 A cat stares into the camera. -1.888386819: 0.517443336 51.380125611384734 349.39438711189473 The baby is laughing and crawling. -1.327360327: -0.549411407 113.02136860350045 439.63747560934513 A woman is shooting a gun. -1.434276507: -0.2469511742 101.27424742366794 414.0529752507051 A kid is playing an instrument. -1.76591284: -0.7240718509 64.83661730258464 454.41164988333634 A woman is cutting an apple. -1.387676451: -1.233542736 106.39430033336932 497.5067633000667 A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage. -1.54202927: -0.1857864635 89.4352088027577 408.8791758780412 A cat swings on a ceiling fan. -1.546171394: 0.4453924625 88.98010431234188 355.4890250150131 A monkey is brushing a bull dog. -1.83046433: 0.4238830418 57.74419979348385 357.30846347948614 A woman is bathing into bath-tub. -1.94236297: -1.088189802 45.44964440061884 485.21165210159626 A motorcyclist crashes on his motorcycle. -0.8063361718: -0.02972832788 170.26746494177604 395.6785333040792 A man is dangling a mouse near a snake. -1.454196335: -0.7681853439 99.08561100077607 458.1431211783201 A person pours some rice pudding into a bowl. -1.273459235: 0.4028774137 118.9436028899669 359.0852871482161 A man is rapidly chopping some mushrooms using a knife. -0.9986412342: -0.090320723 149.13847502299834 400.8039216579062 A woman is adding ingredients to a bowl. -1.13190531: 0.1557360262 134.49645119881316 379.9904780861881 A man is speaking on a stage. -1.073911861: 0.149714045 140.86832189605292 380.4998653125811 A person is cutting a potato. -1.020102711: -0.8471624649 146.7804542313197 464.8236363747478 A man is dancing on the ceiling of a room. -1.644599656: -0.139522569 78.16556973177939 404.96580646090115 Someone is seasoning eggs. -1.261616123: 1.738164108 120.24483225520608 246.13608188483767 A man is cutting tomatoes. -1.309802393: -1.096761848 114.95049836563172 485.93674420354535 A woman is boiling shrimp. -1.636175924: -1.125467485 79.09110414668795 488.3648960422113 A man cuts a potato. -0.919426562: -1.055858955 157.84196929604354 482.4768510559787 A man is dancing on the road. -1.741904049: 0.02026076064 67.47451718033919 391.45005724447594 The deer jumped over the fence. -0.7917379056: 0.8174848328 171.87140928660673 324.0144827468885 A woman is writing a letter. -1.255746697: 0.2045604841 120.88971932983148 375.8605157771953 The boy cut the grass by the curb with scissors. -0.8793283572: -0.793113471 162.24764928772606 460.25174111462513 A man with glasses is talking. -1.806215805: 0.261733023 60.40843984588956 371.0244061601809 A man plays the keyboard with his nose. -1.402690677: 0.151522446 104.74465355234783 380.3468963267998 A man is running with a bus. -1.363882907: 0.1961928259 109.00855055731655 376.5683190919979 Men are running a race. -0.7750448501: 1.278648476 173.70551285648705 285.0055813344886 A chicken is pecking at a dead mouse. -1.351560314: 0.3288763255 110.36246156952784 365.34488977198316 The woman is thinly slicing a cucumber. -0.9937975469: -0.5765727478 149.67066184985717 441.9349985864558 A person is slicing a bread pieces. -1.33324432: 0.2846501513 112.37488105453691 369.08589254581506 A woman is grating carrots. -1.723194796: -0.7584283909 69.53014481554614 457.31780023181136 A man is talking on the phone. -1.382849508: 0.05980414354 106.92464745853901 388.1051623316982 A woman is smoking. -1.579968343: 0.3496705338 85.26675749570268 363.58594968302987 An airplane moves along a runway. -0.3554986426: -0.4928491184 219.80199869746474 434.8529858271511 A woman is slipping in the water-tub. -1.552428928: -0.981811979 88.29257504955507 476.2133668841204 A man is playing piano. -1.254553738: 0.1323440318 121.02079236102163 381.9691596622466 The woman is slicing fish cake. -1.326022099: 0.002007676673 113.16840279246891 392.99404876053507 A man is eating bread. -1.705833019: -0.0481082076 71.43772237940897 397.23325021597464 A woman is cooking shrimp. -1.713112285: -1.159246159 70.63793306924572 491.22216589359033 A woman tosses a cat in the air, and the cat hangs off a rod….. -1.64093545: -0.7302230521 78.5681643054039 454.9319675691776 A big turtle is walking. -1.691211947: 0.5606449911 73.04417244463068 345.74004634828225 A man is burning a flag. -1.262197458: 0.02178044979 120.18095963608326 391.3215098079038 The man is pushing the van. -0.4855078535: -0.9688880831 205.51759416161332 475.1201606249699 A man is eating wood. -1.68313661: 0.1011886846 73.93142790008609 384.6045275702021 A dog is speaking to the camera. -1.414878969: 0.2143465911 103.40549847972957 375.0327287479963 A man is cutting a paper. -1.356141477: 0.04355441818 109.85911897013645 389.4796937888334 A woman is cutting flowers. -1.439644489: 0.02650103906 100.68445507317263 390.92220469382937 The man danced in the diner. -1.033601639: -0.662895906 145.29729672593132 449.23690023040564 American flag is waving. 0.5524519302: -0.5191937274 319.5605711183066 437.081423107134 A woman is adding an egg and stirring. -1.385480858: -0.952299419 106.63553513431782 473.71695902506553 A man plays a trumpet. -1.4184488: -0.9429824757 103.01327317208613 472.92885760431966 A tiger trys to climb the wall. -1.324078722: 0.6426340183 113.38192598384714 338.8047600882319 A man is preparing a hanging rope. -1.213471338: -1.032361703 125.53460816522932 480.48926593394356 A man is shooting a pistol. -1.241531319: -1.32720437 122.45159491541517 505.4294117988879 A woman is swinging her arms. -1.725715238: 0.06847726324 69.25321825503406 387.3715206497071 A soccer player is kicking the soccer ball into the goal fro….. -0.8045627553: -0.3562081572 170.46231419511898 423.2948028355206 A woman with a knife is slicing a pepper. -1.699392999: -1.044063268 72.14530187524869 481.4790777493972 A man is adding oil to car. -0.935135408: -0.1877021464 156.11600304063393 409.04121962622435 A boy played a keyboard. -1.446721667: 0.4851797976 99.90686959450603 352.1234946857273 A cat is playing with an antenna. -1.81308927: -0.6267192974 59.65323670413786 446.17679396346324 A woman is slicing pumpkin. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 A woman cuts a pineapple. -0.9973006205: -1.192639843 149.28577126378124 494.0468701525001 A person is adding oil in the pan. -0.5568818435: 0.1270612983 197.67557328434984 382.41601541549187 A cook seasons some dough. -1.304858187: -0.1997474606 115.49372940810599 410.0601084331857 A boy is running on a beach. -1.560308398: 0.2141008966 87.4268399339173 375.0535115483341 A baby monkey scratches itself. -1.748032678: 0.2912491038 66.8011509197165 368.5277004851563 A boy is riding a bike on a gate. -1.953143661: -0.9161985832 44.26514566267113 470.66326222223137 A person is mixing water and flour. -1.229866193: -0.8503851001 123.73326856563918 465.09623257772904 The two dogs were in the pen. -0.790396771: 0.4719485803 172.01876276737735 353.2426966393729 A man is riding on one wheel on a motorcycle. -1.535604158: -1.069583764 90.14115041776651 483.63780498634105 A man is kicking oots of water. -1.451485429: 0.5899885763 99.38346435694964 343.2579317248293 A puppy is repeatedly rolling from side to side while on its….. -1.183959523: -0.2906098799 128.77713759856996 417.7459770085686 A young boy sings and plays a guitar. -1.482031159: -0.06731405507 96.02733626226845 398.85783407269105 A dog is looking around -1.503995172: -0.8994917615 93.614100755485 469.25006590905997 A man is playing flute. -1.587434978: -1.079931677 84.44638151184965 484.5131139822449 A man is placing meat in a bag. -1.324675507: -0.1075470895 113.3163558819848 402.2610652149595 A woman is squeezing some cucumber slices. -1.758699886: -0.7821068386 65.62912074559658 459.3207123068792 The man ran and jumped against the wall. -0.8113041957: 0.1822895799 169.7216169733259 377.7443665928254 A clown is singing and people are dancing. -1.355535385: 0.2315483428 109.92571159895964 373.5776673026953 A man is throwing knives at a tree. -1.360737315: -0.1557292359 109.35416383666848 406.3366956863806 Girls are walking on the stage. -1.251192257: 1.234656522 121.39012591875392 288.72677189371854 A large bird standing on a table picks up a plastic glass co….. -1.20518802: -0.4136330584 126.4447148735712 428.1522592694579 A woman is in the rain. -1.754328034: 0.3364196973 66.10946596333757 364.7068111887691 A person is riding a jetski in the waves. -1.432668124: -0.2804255251 101.45096402085008 416.88450300713066 A woman is reading a lifestyle magazine. -1.224196816: 0.06985044369 124.35617575509487 387.2553660877319 A group of girls are exiting a taxi. -0.7912429099: -0.6017918954 171.92579558612914 444.06823535465475 A woman is seasoning a piece of meat. -1.516947028: 0.126444089 92.19105121381381 382.4682239043501 A man is chopping coriander leaf. -1.479191503: -0.4057972447 96.33933570836147 427.4894436138972 A man rides a horse. -1.716602154: 0.2293668277 70.25449331266466 373.76219726453473 A man is driving a car. -1.497443436: -0.08153899817 94.33395470263201 400.06109328614093 A dog is barking. -2.123297597: -0.7501264562 25.569949817299953 456.6155563394723 A woman is cooking broccoli. -1.713112285: -1.159246159 70.63793306924572 491.22216589359033 A man is frying a tortilla. -1.776236915: -0.728841178 63.702287870630215 454.8150776318455 A woman serving volleyballs over a net. -1.001713219: 0.5391320847 148.80094919479265 347.559779661273 A man is slicing cucumber with a knife. -1.58445604: 0.2337227578 84.77368411238182 373.39373793536987 The person is removing the scales from the fish. -0.6294876376: 0.3161892653 189.6982113207777 366.41806258393194 People are walking in the garden. -0.9313137138: 0.9976449286 156.535901181962 308.77510402663313 A person is cutting garlic into pieces with a knife. -1.104381845: -0.001775774322 137.52051616915338 393.3140832406078 The man was pushed into the water. -0.827478206: 0.0665449741 167.9445420641069 387.5349690857393 A boy is upset playing video games. -1.238252194: -0.1529493099 122.811879702512 406.10154735976994 A man is speaking on a phone. -1.116343228: 0.1347471457 136.20629212889412 381.7658851019123 The man lifted barbells. -0.5617818275: -0.8237050211 197.13720101259045 462.83941856829523 Several ferrets climb out of their cage. -0.4915849065: 0.2981425139 204.84989467895554 367.94460084144 A young woman is playing the flute. -1.561017452: -1.464209634 87.34893459811175 517.0184104591797 A woman shoots a shotgun. -1.518921369: -1.167008022 91.97412595905999 491.878726221415 A dog is opening a fridge. -1.327093802: 0.5680342214 113.05065235295277 345.11500627012697 A woman is doing a joker make up on a man. -1.527535016: -0.2247571738 91.02772515285031 412.1756295747348 The cat shimmied under the bed. -1.435803248: 1.21811865 101.10650092743137 290.1256771014316 A woman is chopping garlic. -1.67659598: -0.968086508 74.6500616590716 475.05235701279025 A man is cutting grass. -1.342729897: 0.2348634633 111.33267939549862 373.29724795741726 The man played haki sak in the office. -0.6607243107: 0.9319129867 186.26616775942446 314.33523626890866 A woman is cutting scallions. -1.387676451: -1.233542736 106.39430033336932 497.5067633000667 A woman is brushing her feet. -1.880188586: 0.1605723099 52.28088389762311 379.58138661486686 A person is stirring rice. -1.043034043: 0.516996482 144.2609372087827 349.4321855907402 A man puts a knife in a vice. -1.328472371: -1.076739553 112.89918589933868 484.24309867698065 A woman cuts a pink loaf with a knife. -1.434733002: -0.1134564246 101.22409120530392 402.76092394262844 A man is catching a ball. -1.649974368: 0.2505107817 77.57503807390498 371.9736728914944 A girl is reading a newspaper. -1.614798543: -0.6886075427 81.4398850827976 451.4117956654146 A slow loris bites a persons fingers. -0.9325011698: 0.6114880788 156.40543272317905 341.4393322189359 A man pours liquid into a pan. -1.301092959: 0.2739164102 115.90742352132517 369.9938380336033 A boy is playing piano and singing. -1.772864992: 0.2799781804 64.0727686164404 369.481085137419 A cat and a ferret are playing. -1.77071614: 0.7537272806 64.30886784842853 329.4076053499534 A woman is putting on makeup. -1.353699942: 0.0510621921 110.12737586607011 388.8446263526813 The man sang on stage into the microphone. -0.7848413525: -0.610886921 172.6291490945124 444.83756520893934 A man is traveling in a boat. -1.377205817: 0.1191098602 107.54473246481976 383.08861151139115 The man rode his motorcycle down the highway. -0.9548261015: -0.7520546501 153.95254224149852 456.77865836614035 A man performs on a stage. -1.316020352: 0.4807333122 114.2673171873763 352.499613900177 The women are sitiing down. -0.7957538732: 1.077124106 171.43016589754228 302.0521208626191 A man removes a couple of toaster scrambles from a plastic p….. -1.17634191: -0.4507570185 129.6141019388777 431.29250009272573 A man is meditating. -1.768728065: -1.170493696 64.52730212000232 492.1735723007 A boy is cutting paper. -1.490377352: 0.1875253575 95.11032130480196 377.30148274181283 the soccer player kicked the ball side to side between his l….. -0.9726297469: -0.2773587774 151.99641566427314 416.62509300568547 A man is lifting heavy weights. -1.222992495: -1.113965435 124.48849721039342 487.39196086500095 A man dives off of a cliff. -1.393224223: -0.5674193641 105.7847541610043 441.1607323437531 A man and woman dance. -1.746160158: -0.3412431063 67.00688890153418 422.02893939552723 A man is scaling a fish. -1.273031806: 0.3903288332 118.99056545594124 360.1467462330638 Someone is holding and petting a baby tiger. -1.447639563: -0.3615552669 99.8060183762238 423.7471040432306 A person breaks an egg into a small bowl. -1.174296642: -0.003398858664 129.83882007430486 393.45137666768574 A man is playing keyboards. -1.587434978: -1.079931677 84.44638151184965 484.5131139822449 A child is walking down the street as a jeep pulls up. -1.338607273: -0.4377882099 111.78564140756761 430.1954947641386 The girl danced in front of the bonfire. -1.279561596: -0.7218099698 118.27312271889099 454.2203219312691 A man is chopping butter into a container. -1.630098471: -0.7340636495 79.75884761668763 455.2568359547225 The two men did a funny skit with a boxer in front of a crow….. -0.8686960112: -0.3390055464 163.4158490682235 421.8396687166434 Someoen is cooking onions. -1.368258548: -0.7264084229 108.52778906451947 454.60929578980665 The man is using a sledghammer to break the concrete block t….. -0.7081479163: -0.395442741 181.05562950496312 426.6135770523874 The lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook. -1.281837087: -0.204213814 118.02310946430445 410.4379082479689 Two kids are playing in a swimming pool with a green colored….. -1.423184447: -0.6383658576 102.49295697492903 447.1619529739987 A couple of policewomen are singing karaoke. -1.169364814: -0.1758682362 130.38069111893356 408.040213056315 A man is putting broccoli into water. -1.533215976: -0.05122498827 90.40354529081611 397.49689239999407 The doctor was helping the patient. -0.3764003866: 0.4603176143 217.5054770575594 354.22653656187833 A woman puts ingredients in a whisked egg. -1.043245836: 0.08482221107 144.23766700540352 385.9889345165202 A woman is slicing mango. -1.710267612: -0.919386091 70.95048368554757 470.9328870751466 A monkey is karate kicking at someone’s gloved hand. -1.568708358: 0.3972138315 86.50391744327973 359.56435813134107 A female applies something to he hair with her hands. -1.262695185: -0.1797735586 120.12627332514126 408.37055639968037 The man is playing the wooden flute. -1.281937942: -0.9664743437 118.01202829934286 474.9159872839898 The men are playing soccer. -0.6211778461: -0.8798293652 190.61122680813304 467.5868635127259 A man is straining pasta. -1.477243293: -0.8517247272 96.55338990702607 465.20954892924226 Panda’s play on a swing. -0.8219366446: -0.8479539396 168.55340588470838 464.89058561978493 Two green and white trains sitting on the tracks. -1.057728634: -0.007133697692 142.64640940954493 393.7672991596706 a woman at a dinner table writing on her notebook. -1.100526303: -1.153920591 137.94413327860585 490.77168686665556 An Apple computer sitting on the floor. -0.6997688749: 0.6020697581 181.9762536352684 342.2360089528721 A close-up of a brown horse’s head. -2.15495409: 0.5801912171 22.09177970787643 344.08667055201136 A group of people eat at a table outside. -0.9472554528: -0.226381265 154.78434645101433 412.31300816979325 A jockey riding a horse. -1.659523368: 0.77289307 76.52586792691663 327.78640992824717 A woman riding a brown horse. -1.991176788: -0.244950491 40.08636041764473 413.883741498896 A close up of a brown faced cat. -0.9840831632: 0.1158261513 150.73800304220526 383.3663738153206 A longed-haired cat with it’s eyes closed. -1.639072318: 0.3813982917 78.7728708529999 360.9021627067916 A woman in a gray shirt smiles for the camera while the woma….. -1.608454286: -0.7127633895 82.13694293225092 453.45508997267973 A dark brown horse standing in a field. -1.745329311: -0.255268039 67.0981759258167 414.7564820569457 A pitched tent with a horse in the background. -1.352078944: 0.3872986471 110.30547854638313 360.4030635569227 A group of people sitting around a table with food on it. -0.8671646642: -0.7348514825 163.5841016103573 455.32347715776126 A brown horse stands in a lush green field. -1.565697692: -0.04737367721 86.83470609642978 397.1711177738026 An elderly woman stands in a kitchen with two cats at her fe….. -1.100432102: -0.4948712309 137.95448337529504 435.02403224466013 Camouflage airplane sitting on grassy field. -1.113125371: 0.8290307677 136.55984535853796 323.03783543036536 Three young women standing in a room together. -0.973294142: -0.5139157645 151.92341707953238 436.63497088589753 A group of sheep in a field. -1.027925339: 0.3624781769 145.9209645324809 362.50257701438215 Black cow walking under trees in pasture. -1.403688241: -0.6152053285 104.63504897364062 445.202850577525 Two people sitting at a table at a restaurant. -0.8410784488: 0.07639652596 166.450252789779 386.7016462070456 A smiling woman with a beer sitting outside with another smi….. -1.563257442: -0.5980497833 87.10282182934075 443.7516976516051 A women laying across two men sitting on a sofa. -0.7715719746: -1.248844623 174.08708550660563 498.8011190826742 Black and white cat lying under bush. -1.443489187: -0.8986846214 100.26202945818632 469.18179156058613 Brown and white cow standing in grass at side of road. -1.365205955: -0.2443782234 108.86318428618779 413.8353345385608 A small dog looking up at the camera while standing on grass….. -1.518786871: -0.284358993 91.9889034928242 417.21722710717114 Black and white photo of couch with purse at one end. -1.43501018: -0.1485046646 101.19363708629737 405.72558379169243 Two men on boat floating on the water. -1.079567205: -0.03205441386 140.24695653327393 395.87529221980384 This is a rear view of a Chevrolet sports car. -0.7973000988: 0.581561605 171.26027860508307 343.9707522111247 A person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structur….. -1.419501548: -0.3888698716 102.8976053664781 426.05759130222896 An orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa. -1.759279927: -0.3584825851 65.56539030503546 423.4871920958216 Two Eagles perched on a branch. -0.6182596445: 0.629204994 190.931856184631 339.9406941342522 A home office with three computer monitors and other equipme….. -0.3982348171: -0.06054818944 215.1064790447013 398.28552316076906 Five birds stand on the snow. -0.881943902: 0.7316118643 161.96027349673153 331.2783037638008 A black vehicle parked with a vies of low-lying mountains. -0.7627429724: 0.4732166021 175.05714783976472 353.1354372293996 The black bird is sitting on the ground. -1.359519716: -0.04926102135 109.48794422026752 397.33076440323185 The black and white bull is looking at the camera. -1.447997999: -0.2420594124 99.766636178262 413.63919100063424 A young girl riding a white and grey horse. -1.939043179: -0.5973970802 45.81439733243615 443.6964868180631 A black and white sheep is walking next to a white sheep. -1.619109793: -0.534893637 80.96619835034319 438.40944676047076 A living room with a dining table in the background. -1.364185437: -0.008608027238 108.9753109321591 393.8920097189342 A woman posing in front of an apartment building in the snow….. -1.232409961: -0.4724572698 123.45377898036111 433.12808053102435 A black, flat screen television placed on the floor. -0.9702816095: 0.1969271812 152.25441080021892 376.5062014607947 A couple posing for a picture on a couch. -1.497784725: 0.1114937311 94.29645660900037 383.7328444908699 The men are playing a guitar and having a drink. -0.980737936: 0.1464436491 151.10555067917082 380.7765015044061 Red double decker bus. -1.024224081: 1.249827768 146.32763005998805 287.44346686068826 A close-up of an animal with a long face standing on grass n….. -1.263700339: -0.3858560161 120.0158347927237 425.8026553464317 A group of people sitting at a restaurant table. -0.8289350829: -0.2097405904 167.78447172779696 410.90540710476137 A black and white photo of an empty train station. -1.391170995: -0.4163254923 106.0103469876952 428.38000681948324 A row of locomotives on a siding in a field. -0.753551486: 0.8266394182 176.06703714139644 323.2401148582321 A white Apple computer sits on the beige carpeting of a bedr….. -1.228788711: 0.3532429201 123.85165386288858 363.2837687393678 a dog napping under a small table. -1.625785897: 0.2284622764 80.2326797813602 373.8387114330024 A boat with four sails is sailing on water. -1.070348145: 0.1934009275 141.25987539165996 376.8044801397234 A Victory Liner bus is white with red and gold stripes. -0.9748676353: -0.03734303188 151.75053382389308 396.32264573970826 a black and white photo of a cow under a tree. -1.754744791: -0.2850840629 66.06367589501392 417.27855931262667 Four people are rowing a boat near the shore. -0.4375185862: -0.5019138697 210.79028293935772 435.6197548426354 A girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse. -2.103675197: -0.3573533528 27.725907058064003 423.3916726163694 A large jet on the ground at the airport. -0.8768962889: 0.04257987433 162.51486609855078 389.5621284851061 Two horses standing in a pen. -1.035718254: 0.5998621513 145.06473941257005 342.4227459502871 Tan cow with ear tags on a grassy field. -1.252145494: 0.6605186695 121.28539155259205 337.291933558763 Sail boat sailing on the water. -0.9897684723: 1.06458141 150.1133453434327 303.1130822308546 Two birds are perched on a metal band. -1.340917803: 0.4474411321 111.53177822492212 355.3157321902538 Table with blue table cloth in kitchen. -1.340267963: 0.6348781541 111.60317767460111 339.4608129756052 A brown horse grazing in a field of green grass. -1.470619569: 0.02565697774 97.2811533753906 390.9936021361534 A pot of liquid is at the center of a tinfoil covered plate. -1.213513694: 0.3205301338 125.52995442019939 366.0508772814944 A man rides a large black motorbike. -1.602954207: -1.239095239 82.74124889300681 497.97643831514796 Two red buses parked up with gardens in front of them. -0.918095034: -0.1692085992 157.98826728003417 407.4768878169866 A yellow parrot clings to the side of its cage. -1.54202976: -0.3876470952 89.4351550358555 425.9541591166386 Couple sailing in a small sailboat. -0.93258417: -0.1063657516 156.39631330330448 402.16113822521595 A silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car. -1.443164399: -0.162535875 100.29771473747101 406.9124555438515 Feet standing on a pretty day with large building in backgro….. -0.8473202829: 0.003787716518 165.76444843477358 392.84347878437256 A close-up of a sheep with its tongue hanging out. -1.855531903: -0.06620210808 54.98996916857428 398.76377672221105 A black and white horned cow standing in a field. -1.694585647: -0.2794643078 72.67349647182262 416.80319557078997 A women and small child sitting at a dinner table smiling at….. -1.369410084: -0.6329497502 108.40126726585947 446.70381538027834 Two red buses driving in front of a garden. -0.8496431652: 0.04493075377 165.5092281277536 389.3632723402316 A girl in riding gear sits atop a brown horse. -1.691816093: -0.2125826938 72.97779360892247 411.1458148977191 A sheep stands on a hillside. -1.267291711: -0.4560560863 119.62124269233833 431.7407375414349 A girl riding a brown horse. -2.109948137: -0.1074428971 27.036685056006753 402.25225178962205 A white cat standing on a carpet. -1.813448953: -1.02282067 59.613717604087356 479.68220923842756 Two brown horses standing in grassy field. -1.379687622: 0.1271806641 107.27205100481665 382.4059185023699 Two sheep stand in a doorway. -0.7683327168: -0.501833413 174.4429900534653 435.61294917441364 Room with several computer monitors. -0.1351804493: 0.02818215776 244.0088543335842 390.78000225731626 A passenger jet sits on a runway. -0.8901518543: -0.4189581856 161.05844730414807 428.6027010287454 Two white horses staring over a fence. -1.367150445: 0.2103656054 108.64953884787047 375.36947228921963 The black and white cows pause in front of the gate. -1.201872125: -0.8613108216 126.80903971247758 466.0204172959947 a black and white photo of a cat lying down. -1.718005102: -0.6683601157 70.10034821820317 449.69910669693604 A orange and white cat asleep on a leather chair. -1.969136351: -0.1168416562 42.50799280509288 403.0472738423165 Grey and white domestic kitten lying down on a desk. -1.018202513: 0.1482852308 146.98923327683767 380.62072582479095 The headlights on a blue car. -1.390845892: 0.7073835754 106.04606672040217 333.3277257998902 An airplane facing the camera. -0.6531413262: 0.4261360623 187.09932733065057 357.1178850265163 a jockey riding a horse. -1.546371003: 1.007179648 88.95817291402457 307.96858137269703 A train is running on the tracks. -1.000759878: 0.5309694796 148.90569485347848 348.25023793719606 Someone standing on a snowy mountain, watching a plane. -1.249480994: 0.4946581871 121.57814621516738 351.32173685401995 A cruise liner docked at a port. -0.8056066583: 0.8644080489 170.3476182215838 320.0453426476993 A red double decker bus on a crowded street. -1.26514271: 0.1110736597 119.85735821233138 383.76837748160074 A woman pets a dog in a fenced area. -1.61291177: -0.2798159484 81.64718905039199 416.83294014079166 A man on a mountain bike going down an incline. -1.364874249: -1.124499028 108.89962966935364 488.2829762477624 A group of horses grazing in a field. -0.9984214298: 0.2916243499 149.1626254332951 368.4959591709461 Two dogs in a fenced kennel look ahead. -1.113559334: 0.4293451924 136.51216484979886 356.8464311934143 Three sheep on a dirt road viewed from a passenger vehicle. -0.4915686899: 0.1737027027 204.85167643512716 378.47071320128975 The train sits at the train station. -0.6254978394: 0.2154692827 190.13657942771286 374.937762530127 Red double decker bus taking on passengers. -0.6926365608: -0.2695427055 182.7598970318654 415.96394727098277 Two guys sit on a couch holding beers with a girl lying on t….. -1.22446007: -0.8160013689 124.32725143020406 462.1877821873953 Two women in the kitchen looking at a object. -0.9614735082: 0.09418053896 153.22217671160573 385.19733245694346 A race horse galloping without a rider. -1.135314956: -0.5407695868 134.12182567332184 438.9064814892114 Boy with glasses typing on a computer. -1.476351524: 1.026395006 96.65137061875951 306.34319305208703 A living room with table, chair and sofa alongside a large p….. -1.164716843: -0.756529321 130.89137417660174 457.15716174048015 Four blue and yellow planes flying over four boats. -0.6849648727: -0.7126673195 183.60280266877777 453.44696359922244 A horse standing near a gate with another horse in the backg….. -1.238068486: -0.3517971206 122.83206408751981 422.9216821540283 Three bottles are on a table. -0.8785634958: 1.368909015 162.33168633375104 277.3706246551133 A steam engine comes down a train track near trees. -0.7396434991: 0.0328732491 177.5951389570434 390.3831923133111 a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby. -1.589248868: -0.4167439999 84.24708534335097 428.41540753216816 Two cows standing in a large field. -0.9403125966: 0.1395118223 155.54717368266702 381.3628507349558 A women holds a small baby while sitting on a sofa. -1.151315413: -1.124876552 132.36381948832195 488.31491024176864 Group of people sitting at table of restaurant. -0.5067014689: 0.3088516932 203.1890039492823 367.0387329838816 A black and white cow stands on grass against a partly cloud….. -1.47849747: -0.2971204745 96.41559065894971 418.2966950604723 There are several sheared sheep in a pen. -0.7860082777: 0.5480478262 172.50093640463498 346.8056150901839 A black table with white fuzzy chair. -1.770820729: -0.09365306025 64.29737641778806 401.0857973364764 A mostly black train on a track. -1.254941881: -0.08167077976 120.97814629025854 400.0722404247571 A group of people in a living room. -0.6997797077: -0.2785064116 181.97506341505857 416.7221690713675 A girl with a red bag standing on the street. -1.7280812: -0.3217563801 68.99326461498879 420.3805965713056 A black and white photo of a cow walking under a tree in a f….. -1.757539106: -0.4920634444 65.75665828218246 434.7865272515379 Two people sailing a small white sail boat. -0.8849517806: -0.1833110013 161.62979110841627 408.6697815288179 Two people paddling a red canoe are reflected in the still w….. -0.8772079425: -0.08941320586 162.48062401575322 400.72715661518794 A buddha statue holding a candle is sitting on a table. -1.349705815: 0.1417498855 110.56621957175422 381.1735374885558 A multi-colored train on a track. -1.55291879: 0.8642834218 88.23875283454556 320.0558846039801 Two goats standing in a field by a tree. -0.8863563299: 0.3319933691 161.47547010779792 365.08122535174004 A black and white photo of a living room with a large window….. -1.434736014: -0.5476795264 101.22376028829073 439.4909793279031 Close up of a brown horse with a blue halter. -1.705482689: -0.3921865741 71.47621392298778 426.3381444727562 A pug dog wits on a yellow chair next to a green dumpster. -1.486146552: -0.5213548551 95.5751687679857 437.2642285371682 The woman is sitting on the red motorcycle. -1.344915156: -1.241679018 111.09258004987758 498.19499497371174 A close-up of a black train engine. -1.518922294: 0.1664637116 91.97402434843802 379.08304484119554 a train rides on his tracks. -0.9911745844: 0.8532896266 149.95885263478584 320.9858275432381 A man riding a small bicycle. -1.677521821: -1.243739444 74.54833744013516 498.3692822410857 A woman wearing a navy dress is cutting a cake on a white ta….. -1.546612405: -0.7000298846 88.9316494641232 452.3779885034089 A young girl riding a brown horse. -1.966313897: -0.4573192215 42.81810220561951 431.84758359142194 A group of people sitting around a table containing food. -0.780957163: -0.4151452806 173.05591373669017 428.28017509299013 A blue motorcycle is parked on the sidewalk. -1.528666805: -0.5478410354 90.90337295496592 439.5046410511684 A red double decker bus on a city street. -1.114402367: -0.005008811125 136.41953893233085 393.5875592955875 Two trains inside a train station. -0.5654157526: 0.1872634983 196.73793348590826 377.32363287937153 Red double decker bus driving down street. -0.8401090965: 0.4012334775 166.55675770272197 359.22434438956907 Two women shopping at a clothing store. -0.777847363: 0.09962383481 173.397594457276 384.7368950519435 A person in a red cap standing next to a brick support beam. -0.8329344255: -0.7921276587 167.3450549495641 460.16835324393134 A women standing next to a brown cow. -1.165696038: -1.023804273 130.78378785881102 479.7654102532448 A dog peaks out the back of a truck. -1.403460842: 0.2588381127 104.66003384770639 371.26928077466334 Two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with ….. -1.502914858: -0.4285188223 93.73279726759179 429.4114159814089 A small white cat standing in a sink. -1.696869976: -1.131908726 72.4225120990829 488.90974764245084 A man on the back seat of a red tandem bicycle. -1.181340467: -0.8408048953 129.06489922182328 464.2858623968632 A little bird floating in the water. -1.710393878: -0.009371589959 70.93661053943264 393.95659794770006 A white bus with the word Julia is near water and a big ship….. -1.014340846: -0.278151364 147.41352334487524 416.6921363115937 Old blue and white train on tracks. -1.230751759: 0.2142341915 123.63596934178291 375.0422364059551 Yellow boat on a beach. -1.139506383: 1.325594947 133.66130413036447 281.0344741443735 Red double decker bus driving down a street. -0.8401090965: 0.4012334775 166.55675770272197 359.22434438956907 The brown train is sitting on the railroad tracks. -0.9426707047: 0.1086310212 155.28808303707737 383.9749953449898 A tiny blonde child in a blue dress sits on a table near her….. -1.56060656: -0.4975921763 87.39408016189948 435.25419151915537 A black and white cow in a pen with hay. -1.92103737: -0.9850876763 47.79273609004323 476.4904515064717 A red, double-decker bus. -1.40754251: 1.777014285 104.2115717617343 242.84982389560224 A sheep standing in a mountainous area. -1.113002017: 0.06329882512 136.57339848450593 387.8095542736092 A white plane on the runway. -1.443012538: -1.063309902 100.31439995963244 483.10711165557416 Elegant dining room with wood furniture. -1.343446753: 0.6499054092 111.25391683768711 338.1896878147478 A gray cat with green eyes looks at the camera. -1.763846042: -0.2492648708 65.06370101380404 414.2486861768701 Two lambs stand on a grassy hill. -1.070930388: 0.7467166567 141.1959029903145 330.00061986684824 A lone cow sits in the cold of the yard. -1.391553857: 0.07473825662 105.96828103679118 386.84191586147074 Large black and white cat resting on a windowsill. -1.754214911: -0.7612138527 66.12189502756225 457.5534168211326 A girl in a black desktop holds up an open box of Corn Flake….. -1.12981943: 0.3880419657 134.72563151034524 360.3401877397164 a close up of a small cactus in a pot. -0.9757999238: 0.4458653441 151.64810119160413 355.4490249181791 The white sheep is standing on the green hill. -1.223812299: -0.1354174774 124.39842347907562 404.6185650539183 A black and white bird on a body of water with grass in the ….. -1.712712155: -0.6617154209 70.68189625305173 449.13704538441885 A black and white photo of a dilapidated wooden fence. -1.589988642: -0.1755432591 84.16580476080898 408.0127239070071 Two brown horses standing in a green meadow. -1.347076982: -0.7629138327 110.85505534424253 457.6972146924368 A man playing a video game in a store. -1.233537894: -0.1626834085 123.32985047419334 406.9249351076011 A young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the bac….. -1.777058884: -0.5082809097 63.611976357605606 436.158329899747 the back of a stop sign with many stickers on it. -0.5782180977: -0.3993577065 195.33131103184516 426.9447360750157 a brown double decker tour bus on a street with a ferris whe….. -1.200198028: -0.2398661093 126.99297657946606 413.45366391704374 A black and white chair sitting in front of a brick wall and….. -1.464577638: -0.9319536457 97.9449939134702 471.99595114444395 A blue and orange airplane flying with its landing gear down….. -1.308754026: -0.2039907702 115.0656847839579 410.41904142465535 A building with a temporary sign over the entrance to its pa….. -0.6760845505: 0.001238540433 184.57850364410484 393.0591084420402 A man and women sitting on a sofa holding a small baby. -1.395835082: -0.6757384476 105.49789324604563 450.3232248980304 A red and gray train is going through a tunnel. -1.350171876: -0.8431683064 110.51501237711605 464.4857785715549 Red double decker bus with hood open. -1.110796244: 0.5326697256 136.81575170635745 348.10641756187306 View of a living room with a dining room in the background. -1.063998048: 0.2361704256 141.95757480327111 373.18669465478024 A subway train pulling into the station. -1.011137616: 0.1658979224 147.7654694620358 379.1309038052985 A bicycle is parked by a shop. -1.456258536: 0.6309985826 98.85903243720405 339.78897809819125 Two men standing on beach. -0.8542977552: 0.1516276404 164.99781784551473 380.33799814258884 A small desk with chair near a laundry closet. -1.264913227: 0.02823087934 119.88257200958607 390.7758809972745 White cat sitting inside of a sink. -1.161141847: -0.7745243092 131.28416703761462 458.6793214612728 Young woman in riding gear on top of horse. -1.222617008: -0.09392624396 124.52975281333885 401.1089053949438 Two animals sitting on a rock. -1.126563687: 0.3793763637 135.08334732107332 361.07319351253057 A white leather couch with a purse and throw blanket on it. -1.825289392: -0.4923937595 58.31278182887386 434.81446794360716 A kitchen with wooden cabinets and furniture. -1.638230311: 0.3955030367 78.86538406706207 359.7090708114055 A couple holds a baby. -1.203929495: 0.4486740641 126.58299188201556 355.2114409645345 Close up of a white sheep with a black head. -1.576689073: -0.002014409569 85.62705825606109 393.33426891425484 A young boy laying on a sofa with a dog. -1.756811921: -0.2638461466 65.83655566022294 415.4820868514904 A red bird is perched in a tree. -1.79432473: 0.2509645431 61.71493897733165 371.935290132002 A train is on the railroad tracks. -0.8689267431: 0.6497144016 163.39049802968617 338.20584476144825 Large silver locomotive engine in a shed. -0.8581196127: 0.3592470239 164.57790176507362 362.7758937220433 A women sitting at a table drinking with a basketball pictur….. -1.304643961: -0.418187769 115.51726692843494 428.5375330459883 A green steam engine traveling on the railroad tracks. -0.8690723452: 0.1498549425 163.3745004076328 380.4879470791317 The man poses for a photo in front of the train. -0.9287375088: -0.08963986053 156.81895462201987 400.7463288764725 A television in a messy room with several bookcases. -0.8267445687: -0.7181595863 168.02514845182685 453.91154336332784 A bald man touches the nose of a black horse on the other si….. -1.599248405: -0.5491130736 83.14841375143233 439.61224019126047 a black and white photo of cows in their stalls. -1.658081055: -1.202271338 76.68433814959455 494.8615789236158 Double decker bus with the London Eye ferris wheel in backgr….. -0.8715372931: 1.027497817 163.10367103453777 306.24990850065797 A yellow and black bird eats from a bird feeder. -1.850035691: -0.8960867674 55.59385031825196 468.9620443326653 A small plane parked at an airfield with a cloudy sky overhe….. -0.9063689144: -0.4912746659 159.276642420496 434.719806074517 A black and white cat is sitting on a brown chair looking up….. -1.882386581: -0.6816304604 52.03938520250726 450.821618356473 A black and white cow looking through the fence. -1.716320279: -0.2392464928 70.28546347431038 413.40125180981335 Domestic cat laying on back of cat litter. -0.9312866469: -0.3695014446 156.53887509064165 424.41925516973174 Two green birds fly towards a wooden telephone pole. -0.8289317378: -0.6847202916 167.78483925963724 451.08298094130333 A person sitting on a motorcycle while a man stands by. -1.202898233: -0.3958530668 126.69629894660078 426.6482856842278 A baby holds a ketchup packet. -1.368789089: -0.2820639594 108.4694973018514 417.0230948547801 A small brown birds is eating from a bird feeder hanging fro….. -1.700700805: -0.3246717598 72.00161025885248 420.62720265571886 A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball. -1.700422838: 0.03591698128 72.03215111029374 390.1257291545579 Three children stand on or near a fence. -0.3653251004: 0.2305622145 218.72234366828073 373.6610819109852 A girl in a purple shirt and pink headband posing -2.104418386: -0.642342103 27.644251211066457 447.49829554215114 A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant -1.503106696: -0.9197655713 93.71171959878964 470.96498654099855 A young girl holds up a peace sign. -0.9021693848: -0.4481415836 159.73805418808016 431.0712657386777 A man is hanging by a line off a cliff above water. -1.345592667: -0.2873377148 111.01814045526355 417.4691911699356 A dog is jumping up in the air to catch a toy. -1.453104208: -0.01538789695 99.20560547369413 394.4655052076672 boy doing tricks on a skateboard -1.635172547: -0.6107458874 79.20134745477179 444.8256354590529 A little girl with a ribbon in her hair is picking her nose. -1.829357184: -0.268236347 57.86584442973598 415.85344503854657 A young girl going down a tube slide. -1.519938206: -0.2797788794 91.86240370696926 416.82980454716534 A group of people are wearing bunny ears. -1.24559965: -0.1645684106 122.00459816862818 407.0843836303884 A brown dog is resting its paws on a laptop keyboard. -1.879419889: 0.09217962206 52.36534241229583 385.3665859771285 A young girl with glasses sits and holds two American flags. -0.988359473: -0.8871532386 150.26815526349074 468.20637516942935 A man is swinging on a rope above the water. -1.87930919: -0.1695495453 52.37750511433738 407.5057277548326 five people standing on a sidewalk -0.4511215837: -1.180875659 209.29569100014922 493.05176161055266 The white dog runs across the snow. -1.103903159: -0.102705477 137.57311045830014 401.85152298737745 A young boy in a brown jacket playing with snow. -1.866701326: -0.3760254111 53.76275949160855 424.9711043262132 A white and brown dog is running over grass. -1.827428885: -0.1690555329 58.077710923038886 407.46394024705063 Man is carrying a tool box down the sidewalk. -0.7109689065: -0.4794845705 180.74568096602655 433.72250570700515 A man wearing a t-shirt that says «Gigolo» stands at the cou….. -1.007538839: -0.3624158121 148.16087519818112 423.8198958231377 The man is jumping into the water. -1.313395526: 0.09507422103 114.55571270944945 385.1217376948005 A woman in a black shirt stands in front of bananas at a fru….. -1.470660803: -0.4527574484 97.27662288770924 431.4617124209932 A little boy jumping from one chair to another. -1.492658575: -0.3637466285 94.85967818337811 423.9324668982656 A girl swings her long, wet hair in a lake. -1.904683285: -0.1236039303 49.58959618620304 403.6192809552184 Two dogs playing by the shore. -1.060738769: -0.5469358089 142.31567911387015 439.42806977056097 A guy and two girls are smiling at the camera. -1.613564829: -0.3898384806 81.57543597023 426.139523977416 Three boys are running on the beach playing a game. -1.186339704: -0.08527293014 128.51562178159347 400.3769390521966 A girl is wearing a purple sash and matching skirt. -1.893517582: 0.05990332275 50.816397096988915 388.0967729630745 A black and white dog is carrying a stick in its mouth. -1.745001752: -0.6023003687 67.13416549768348 444.11124608520333 A deer jumps a fence. -1.398701553: 0.7182029188 105.18294757783326 332.4125393843437 A black dog jumps through the water. -1.848451509: -0.1216350849 55.76790799747426 403.4527402993491 A blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow. -2.028358777: -0.2531917405 36.001091581009156 414.5808521561978 A man in a blue shirt is running in a stadium field. -1.381612528: -0.2423439 107.06055725341567 413.6632552300531 A black dog running through water. -1.798986174: -0.2676155943 61.20277564583927 415.8009368226327 A dog runs through the grass. -1.488052632: 0.591931553 95.36574347080264 343.0935792468626 Two people are playing golf on a golf course. -0.8647726672: -0.07741928419 163.8469156966469 399.71261499932905 Two dogs play in the grass. -1.055204139: 0.6599464174 142.92378135396842 337.3403392012916 A softball player swinging at a pitch. -1.279216495: -0.3281295969 118.31103979801493 420.9196941117418 A man is kite surfing away from the camera. -1.407720951: -0.04289034068 104.19196612019067 396.79188138947427 A little boy and a little girl playing together outside. -1.621320233: -0.6834706474 80.72333235506797 450.9772760605631 Two people sit on the end of a dock. -0.2824111243: -0.8131041299 227.83228879067946 461.9427105870261 Two dogs in a yard. -1.106568856: 1.00550246 137.28022438201864 308.11045133639493 The large brown and white dog is running through the snow. -1.480369937: -0.3859302299 96.2098584906346 425.8089329432578 A yellow dog is playing in a grassy area near flowers. -1.39541705: -0.160637693 105.5438233905302 406.75189216711465 A young boy jumps into a pool with outstretched arms. -1.507790542: -0.1192707678 93.19709491667469 403.2527474905879 Two dogs share a toy in a field of vegetation. -0.7376694618: -0.4877774447 177.81203086796796 434.42398319541314 A dog runs through a field chasing a ball. -1.231891655: 0.07743749517 123.51072643610753 386.613592723587 Two girls are sitting in front of a statue. -1.162248987: -0.8998407475 131.16252304277577 469.2795859351168 A girl in orange lights a candle. -1.961344619: -0.8744840348 43.364087904916836 467.13471280391155 An infant sitting on a cot reaching over to touch the face o….. -0.9527701662: -0.2404401221 154.17843248357977 413.502218501371 a black and white dog running through some red and white pol….. -1.741857899: -1.350226065 67.47958771127347 507.3767705337915 Three individuals are posing on skis behind a «no skiing» si….. -0.5752444132: 0.2873580125 195.65803642953244 368.85684003693 A black dog with a blue collar is running in the snow. -1.839435004: -0.3037961528 56.75857166643171 418.861377211771 A dog is running toward the camera. -1.307802303: -0.08149944818 115.17025277584077 400.0577478324789 a boy swinging on a swing. -1.941260963: -1.283900344 45.570724425147034 501.76641166499684 A group of youngsters swim in lake water -1.026132667: -0.7609264287 146.11792948197873 457.5291042047105 A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake. -1.734601777: -0.6140745975 68.27683422280205 445.1072043238727 The brown and black dog sprints across the snow. -1.360130812: -0.07401511321 109.4208016837248 399.4246630499534 An elderly man in a blue shirt is holding up a piece of canv….. -1.164957936: -0.5104513763 130.86488476202274 436.34192528509914 Two skinny young boys playing with sand in the water. -1.523599647: -0.3684005585 91.46011304807816 424.32613343974117 A small dog runs through an obstacle course. -1.228295663: -0.1562251287 123.90582619981299 406.3786422593961 A brown dog running through the woods. -1.79707711: 0.1255942045 61.412528770702444 382.54011391724293 A dog is jumping over a barrier at a agility competition. -1.334167308: 0.2153695453 112.27347027455379 374.94619911423297 Two women contestants are walking their dogs in a dog show. -1.175226407: -0.3265800078 129.73666480100528 420.78861749787893 A person is riding their bike on a trail next to the woods. -1.284591672: -0.09974055816 117.72045702257282 401.60072649318295 A woman in a black dress smiles in front of a silver truck. -1.699216351: -0.5239013644 72.16471059455203 437.4796326183419 A dog is on the beach near a ball. -1.597389502: 0.05898302956 83.35265555900341 388.17461870545225 A dog bounds across the brown grass. -1.374383375: 0.1205344772 107.8548405141531 382.96810603489826 a woman playing with two young boys at a park -1.132932284: -1.568073044 134.38361524598972 525.8040065779704 A dog emerges form the water with a stick in its mouth. -1.260151671: -0.2238140365 120.40573495375976 412.0958514970624 A dog carries a leash in its mouth. -1.679661886: 0.3230419095 74.31320364764899 365.83841124333895 A skier is falling into the snow. -1.37211206: 0.817718401 108.10439502140379 323.99472569228396 Two hockey players fighting on the ice. -0.2314403644: 0.2639413906 233.4325608737239 370.8376047995394 A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle -1.385035001: -0.7612693034 106.6845224766017 457.55810728300537 A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car. -1.78212009: -0.4916302543 63.05589022273696 434.7498845762333 A dog leaping over a hurdle. -1.944651174: -0.5110384812 45.19823433065995 436.39158730131015 Two men are setting up some electronic equpitment -0.2391094461: -0.611019641 232.5899416124068 444.84879172924 A black dog is walking on the grass with a stick in it’s mou….. -1.966187529: -0.4442373374 42.83198658170231 430.74101343857217 A girl runs with dogs in a dry field. -1.506127444: -0.1834220764 93.37982323823186 408.67917714544944 Two dogs playing in the snow. -1.267007577: 0.5098753649 119.65246104547053 350.0345465085204 A dog leaps off a dock and into the water. -1.561088838: 0.3099151783 87.34109128037265 366.94877493295917 a group of old men walking down the street -0.8252305255: -1.405753941 168.1914997760121 512.0737614144437 Three dogs standing in snow next to a blue fence. -1.090988446: -0.0548180137 138.99207903315968 397.80081916541445 A boy in black waves his arms while other people are behind ….. -1.026641004: -0.7331597233 146.06207733898134 455.18037466304895 An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street. -0.8671739862: -0.4705319812 163.5830773726336 432.965224262358 A group of young ballerinas are in a dance studio. -1.129164914: 0.1754487368 134.79754463050077 378.3230197031786 A young boy in a white dress shirt is playing on a grassy pl….. -1.831540164: -1.050568526 57.62599550590954 482.02934432238806 A man holds on to a handle in the water. -1.278318226: -0.08213580124 118.40973468424087 400.1115756532281 Two dogs playing with a ball in a puddle. -1.219831603: -0.6605448197 124.83579155076153 449.0380265934905 Three dogs are playing in the water. -1.235388706: 0.4094054091 123.12649758283857 358.53309720145967 A girl does a back bend on the beach. -1.527742619: -0.01144289248 91.00491531321833 394.13180524513234 Two surfers on riding a small wave. -1.084220503: -0.4791066067 139.73568815263147 433.6905345191434 Two people walking on the beach at sunset. -0.9811696242: -0.9382220211 151.0581201225788 472.526180367132 two puppies playing around in the grass -1.149044309: -0.9228523271 132.61335075701098 471.2260889812279 A young girl is sitting on Santa’s lap. -1.641861741: -0.2553074769 78.46639058910539 414.75981802680343 A young boy jumping in the air at the beach. -1.403404287: -0.4270343896 104.66624760379354 429.28585081749765 A man and dog on a rocky seashore. -1.746554868: -1.087945421 66.96352120739212 485.19098040533953 Brown dog splashing into the water. -1.585043817: 0.6402628232 84.7091037359855 339.00533469092807 The smiling woman at the beach is buried in seaweed. -1.22753287: -1.004938463 123.98963594516935 478.16958943029937 The large brown dog is jumping through the tall grass. -1.589149773: -0.1337527734 84.25797317273033 404.4777511016321 Two people are racing a sidecar motorcycle in the mud. -0.6229808389: -0.1994039831 190.41312793572226 410.0310543643485 The man is sitting at the top of a rocky mountain. -0.9583437971: -0.1037497379 153.5660451101302 401.93985491180365 A man standing on a boat is pulling another boat close by wi….. -1.221246387: -0.5048021597 124.68034600498218 435.8640694622125 A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains. -1.305717301: 0.6399685283 115.3993365929113 339.0302285065176 Close-up of a hummingbird. -1.561727967: 2.012230985 87.27086868847654 222.95331815166873 Woman in a black dress walking on the street. -1.610068089: -0.04979518399 81.95963066154279 397.37594814228004 A man and a woman looking at the camera. -1.696815842: -0.5708377191 72.42845990402952 441.4498840845698 a brown dog running through the dirty muddy grass -1.833701082: -1.029138717 57.388570608095854 480.216640068124 Three dogs pulling a man on a bicycle through the snow. -1.251578638: -0.1398101554 121.34767333718241 404.99013281014396 Three children playing with hay outdoors, throwing some at c….. -0.9818086827: -0.03015686793 150.98790533776685 395.7147826413593 A climber is standing on the rock face next to the pink rope….. -1.286342514: -0.7522467602 117.52808810761309 456.79490857138813 A black dog wearing an orange collar is entangled with fishi….. -1.704914907: -0.8793263545 71.53859739854656 467.5443148530091 Two dogs are playing around in the dirt. -0.952304004: 0.24576377 154.22965076907275 372.3752130252029 a man in red shorts is walking along rocks by a river carryi….. -1.367223416: -0.5828449649 108.64152134340229 442.46555276647103 Man rowing a boat. -1.216386758: 1.542273254 125.21428438331994 262.7060937431728 Three dogs running on a racetrack. -0.7585842845: -0.4519225 175.51407223718044 431.3910858239092 A black and brown dog walks through the snow near a building….. -1.662250026: -0.4864339977 76.2262839328697 434.310343724934 A dog is jumping into a swimming pool after a duck. -1.834353091: -0.7324224656 57.31693292302852 455.11801151752184 A dog running through a forest in the winter time -1.143893037: -0.8472763219 133.17933261127592 464.8332673067027 Many people run in a race on a street. -0.1595777916: 0.0711887155 241.32826344318522 387.14216437778975 A man in swimming trunks is standing against some rocks. -1.617262046: -0.01821059451 81.16921450881486 394.70427149470703 Two white dogs walking in the snow. -1.572893186: -0.03765801579 86.04412091417505 396.3492895921029 A woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with her arms ….. -1.392055279: -0.6665328652 105.91318873013098 449.54454327049893 A dog running across the sand -1.31432878: -0.8780799244 114.45317399699636 467.438881848302 A woman is attempting to ride a small wave. -1.196600734: -1.261368665 127.38821930376587 499.86050250680955 Man standing on top of jagged rocks near the ocean. -0.9167415729: 0.2106186284 158.13697508949343 375.3480695849551 A girl in a black and blue wet suit is surfing. -1.963770244: -1.107591057 43.09757909751414 486.8527651547982 Two dogs on the beach. -1.160090021: 0.9227211112 131.39973349723817 315.11275845965326 A young boy is standing on a gray tiled area. -1.603634295: -0.3444864435 82.66652615507718 422.30328673850346 Two dogs running down a beach. -1.031050366: 0.4698768581 145.577610800767 353.4179394365917 A yellow shirted man wearing a golden sun mask. -1.666840482: -0.07555966638 75.72192019468068 399.5553136841256 A man climbing a cliff face. -1.474629132: -0.04882992889 96.84061363011229 397.29429916287506 Two girls are in pajama pants and appear to be dancing. -1.255841212: 0.3848071307 120.87933472378255 360.61381590088877 A white and brown dog playing with a black toy. -2.004602439: -0.4501677372 38.61125389772554 431.2426539828037 A boy plays baseball. -1.597429967: -0.7510212233 83.34820961830688 456.6912428749588 A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry….. -1.692411456: -0.437335816 72.91237967420639 430.1572276749381 A dog jumping for a Frisbee in the snow. -1.803401571: 0.6949484672 60.7176460407408 334.37958649334473 Two brown dogs are biting each other. -1.463975008: 0.1194683945 98.0112061975566 383.05828381978847 A small boy in a bathrobe is sitting in a metal chair. -1.720985081: -0.07145204508 69.77293120735455 399.20785829231215 A black dog running in the snow. -1.759172061: -0.1322619918 65.57724180676928 404.35164889587554 Three dogs in the snow by a fence. -1.099951785: 0.6316068714 138.0072568644041 339.73752418114987 A girl runs along a river bank with two black dogs. -1.018775406: -0.5516609516 146.92628831663208 439.82776004446407 A brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboa….. -1.78247377: -1.241293853 63.01703060846813 498.1624146559526 Man riding a surfboard on a wave. -1.615438428: 0.1720083127 81.36957943234745 378.6140382282695 The man in the red shirt is climbing the side of a mountain. -1.275627443: -0.295202336 118.70537703311348 418.1344436024128 A man and a woman are smiling. -1.741994039: -0.2511739063 67.46462973458306 414.41016763241663 A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the ….. -1.3445791: -0.522719156 111.1295032779825 437.3796319983606 Two little girls are playing on a trampoline. -1.215830145: -0.9015106178 125.2754407134329 469.42083689126514 Two girls are jumping high in the air. -1.06545334: 0.1372746969 141.79767866266124 381.5520846520011 Two people wearing hats sit and look at the camera. -1.110992451: -0.2603177747 136.79419401494144 415.1836290031662 Two girls playing with people and flowers behind them. -0.9339439095: -0.5415094778 156.2469156642446 438.96906737990906 A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair. -1.745808585: -0.708580266 67.04551700022789 453.1012480008533 A little girl in a red shirt pulls a kite. -1.871015307: -1.014698698 53.28877273507225 478.9951880481089 A white dog running on sand. -1.658960641: -0.04016223007 76.58769600204906 396.5611160214185 A little girl with her hands in the air is sitting on a man’….. -1.235025809: -1.187647238 123.16636985302802 493.624555852452 a red and white race car racing on a dirt racetrack. -1.275597279: -1.086916033 118.70869117882592 485.1039065758156 A black and white dog is running through a cow field. -1.721609329: -0.4948578013 69.70434370685402 435.0228962594512 A man in a straw hat shades his phone while others walk on a….. -1.173370032: -0.7980305608 129.94062884927627 460.66766781902913 A woman in an red tracksuit squeezing lemons in a press. -1.478496243: 0.08174441601 96.41572544505549 386.24927898588555 a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street -1.178390271: -1.010907112 129.38904389497006 478.6744654461927 A small boy playing in the snow. -1.683123301: -0.1103726674 73.93289015870981 402.5000751479188 A woman in a blue shirt and tan shorts sits at a table. -1.879285753: -0.2307180357 52.380080183938254 412.67984684906475 A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing….. -1.234325252: -0.3708482199 123.2433416679957 424.5331761696481 The black and white dog has a stick in his paws. -1.592657239: -1.171789025 83.87259992388546 492.2831415668541 A white dog running through the snow -1.74472966: -1.026175605 67.16406092793669 479.9659964678318 Two dogs are running on the grass. -1.010702828: 0.649770927 147.81324056062968 338.2010633881972 A person in a red vest is touching the blue ice skates on an….. -1.533573788: -0.3421417561 90.36423163563806 422.1049543634664 A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline. -1.474457964: -0.595700161 96.85942025267828 443.5529478426841 A woman standing in front of trees and smiling. -1.480842101: -0.3599212991 96.15798083691843 423.6088900080491 A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool. -1.618061219: -0.04829398141 81.08140751996267 397.2489644473487 three little boys cover themselves with bubbles. -0.8928874828: -1.100741799 160.7578776463199 486.2734001882545 The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores th….. -1.15629985: -0.7620157199 131.81616815509196 457.62124514949545 A bird sits in a tree. -1.579940455: 0.5469058273 85.26982167033741 346.9022144649127 A child is walking from one picnic table to another. -1.365842194: -0.2871867851 108.7932793312601 417.45642433870705 A dog in the snow. -2.044136399: 0.7266853247 34.267568824957124 331.69502980044774 A man in red and black is hitting a soccer ball with his hea….. -1.542739706: -0.6403694557 89.3571516790827 447.33143328510823 A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach. -1.515143237: -0.1528213427 92.38923781995177 406.09072287928484 The beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline. -1.467853028: -0.3528193371 97.5851194359166 423.00814938438083 The black and white dog runs through the grass. -1.364401323: -0.1683248435 108.95159101812649 407.4021327043403 Two dogs run through the snow, one with a tennis ball. -0.9501224786: 0.08793903213 154.4693398732994 385.7252889164206 A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a ….. -0.8351596891: -0.4902042099 167.10056022948126 434.6292583645908 A black dog and a white dog playing in the street. -1.844681352: -0.5907703017 56.18214362344778 443.1359410046255 Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break. -0.3669134473: 0.07434995532 218.54782842707542 386.8747614844267 Two kids splashing in the water. -1.463768159: 0.5874467907 98.03393316873745 343.47293623679417 The brown and white dog is walking in shallow waters. -1.713502081: -0.9910720655 70.59510530244843 476.9966589035109 A woman reads while on public transportation. -0.708354139: -0.8620719608 181.03297135168344 466.0848005281108 A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stan….. -1.13693321: -0.08571466992 133.9440244978678 400.4143049279824 A young boy riding a bike on a brick road -1.569506381: -1.069702612 86.4162368159976 483.6478580704289 A girl wearing green twists something in her hands. -1.625193707: -0.3930057885 80.29774505731655 426.4074401632452 Four kids holding hands jump into a swimming pool. -0.9889961996: -0.1279881504 150.19819667734302 403.99013328459046 A girl with a black purse sitting on a wooden bench. -1.979473548: -1.13309858 41.372221688281535 489.010395004759 Three children in a ball pit. -0.6413071001: -0.6278289455 188.3995803811464 446.27065685250875 A small white dog and large brown dog play on the grass. -1.718349605: -0.6257028447 70.06249685218658 446.09081427752784 A brown dog wades in the water. -1.831250614: 0.3504238146 57.65780897407579 363.52223118135646 A person on a snowmobile. -1.334178543: -0.7960946208 112.27223591853455 460.5039105575038 A black dog is chasing after a red Frisbee. -1.857013732: -1.082871482 54.82715722789863 484.76178615187604 Two girls with ponytails ride an amusement park ride. -1.290117236: 0.2774282203 117.11335086161006 369.6967811059396 A dog digging in the sand. -1.639840852: 0.4699628692 78.68843022590545 353.4106639324016 Two men sit on the sidewalk in front of stores. -0.9632107698: -0.0291838523 153.0312998674375 395.632477213579 A person on a bmx bike. -1.443730301: 0.6975964204 100.23553775349009 334.1556014764397 A group of people standing outside of a building. -0.596099187: -0.3917499178 193.36667551623626 426.3012085913807 a group of teenagers are jumping in the air on the beach. -0.6224812831: -0.1849656353 190.4680152518683 408.8097436812726 A boy waves around a sparkler. -1.336500167: -0.9409006454 112.01715383808634 472.7527597827517 Several people are sitting around a fire at night. -0.5031418011: -0.4811153042 203.5801126592814 433.8604461852535 Two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the bea….. -1.23116226: -0.2780866344 123.59086670169334 416.6866609655399 One man and two women dressed in vampire costumes -0.9913403428: -1.128867504 149.94064038966732 488.65249680810405 Two boys, one wearing a hat, in a playground. -0.9899257477: -0.7348338535 150.09606513905027 455.32198595231426 Two dogs playing in snow. -1.267007577: 0.5098753649 119.65246104547053 350.0345465085204 A white fluffy dog is running in pure white snow. -1.840045737: -0.4068206792 56.69146907773655 427.576013873818 A group of men playing brass instruments. -0.8549598151: -0.9106235825 164.92507583855664 470.19168417216565 a snowboarder jumps into the air. -1.183058539: 1.458891301 128.87613078815448 269.75920477850883 A white dog with red ears is running in the snow. -1.770633249: -0.3957232241 64.31797525799568 426.63730255375594 A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another. -1.174549627: -0.1534994825 129.81102412763633 406.14808535282896 An owl has its wings up and widespread during the day. -0.8402278912: 0.2542892264 166.54370546111682 371.65406187707396 A man in a blue cap is sitting on a stool under a tree. -1.66837018: -0.1964549966 75.55384875890441 409.7816055536317 A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in th….. -1.744201745: -0.5068393625 67.22206406328701 436.0363923268233 A child in a red shirt is using a black wake board to splash….. -1.235648034: -0.8823864652 123.09800460635996 467.80316343951887 Two birds interacting in the grass -1.073615192: -0.3329420822 140.90091758095122 421.3267725251354 Two hikers stand at the top of a snowy mountain. -0.6838850183: 0.3673428509 183.72144869485578 362.091084068536 A small black dog is in the grass. -1.787636276: -0.1582968996 62.4498144092771 406.55388917342987 A lady dressed in a kimono is looking at the camera. -1.849777101: -0.005173951241 55.622262172934526 393.60152816454104 A group of people are firing up a hot air balloon. -0.4184095276: -1.139156331 212.88983820633493 489.52280792568047 A man is wind sailing in the ocean. -1.196440947: 0.1716113728 127.40577552090552 378.64761457447344 A brown dog chases a Frisbee -1.788168371: -0.09084715129 62.39135200718376 400.8484511638468 Woman in red overalls standing on the sidewalk. -1.486721755: -0.3906056176 95.5119699949806 426.20441454791336 Two black and white dogs are playing together outside. -1.309417314: -0.4204755554 114.9928078040735 428.7310522723102 A young woman leans over her plate at a meal. -1.483619148: -0.2497487085 95.85286035631708 414.28961303275423 A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows. -1.404167324: -0.6501691762 104.5824110988088 448.1603718559066 A brown dog sits on the beach. -1.879883001: 0.1017985378 52.31445919605945 384.5529413192053 The man is riding a bike down a dirt hill. -1.389374702: -0.1301083765 106.20770971990817 404.16947892792996 A large gray dog is playing in the deep snow. -1.609727199: -0.3270147808 81.99708502962221 420.8253940720029 A brown dog is splashing water everywhere by shaking the wat….. -1.539788732: -0.3691175608 89.68138183149284 424.3867832121848 Person with two ski poles skiing down a snowy hill. -0.989467363: 0.5180849615 150.1464288929192 349.3401133091594 A woman is eating fish at a restaurant. -1.703639446: -0.3137058959 71.67873515074878 419.69962237215765 A child and two dogs play in the water. -1.227287515: -0.3819838089 124.01659364301211 425.4751131656699 A lady is running her dog through an agility course. -1.595518611: -0.09585734284 83.55821465279813 401.27225314993376 Some children are raising their hands and clapping. -0.2291836503: -0.9601344176 233.68051112325702 474.3797057423796 A man blowing a large bubble. -1.362228697: -1.213272991 109.19030233737031 495.7921865234461 The brown dog is running along a grassy pathway. -1.284471311: -0.6527084897 117.73368138244662 448.3751672585933 The girl is wearing a blue striped shirt and Rollerblades. -1.882080513: -0.8135950722 52.07301367516926 461.9842384059498 A tattooed man in black playing a white guitar and singing. -1.812734551: -0.4673334278 59.69221050796256 432.69466508705665 A dog running along the beach. -1.361620819: 0.04464432289 109.25709133748278 389.3875009496062 Three dogs play in a grassy field. -1.08043432: 0.4356394424 140.15168462971428 356.3140132927567 A young boy plays in a red ball pit. -1.615496656: -1.129708363 81.36318188048075 488.7236233588207 The skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp. -0.6901537696: -0.1043344534 183.03268688973512 401.9893148174246 Two men in a running contest. -0.7630896311: 0.3374879594 175.0190596694353 364.61644905152514 Two kids are walking on a path in the woods. -1.111409239: 0.1785676388 136.74840061232106 378.05919807946236 Two dogs are peeing at a red fire hydrant. -1.223268519: -0.8455137094 124.45816978069223 464.68417147575053 A dog splashing in the water. -2.081173389: 0.4276107361 30.198231382993885 356.99314534640513 The dog is in the air above the grass. -0.9626195391: 0.4184941585 153.09625971608122 357.7642982370777 A black dog is running through some water. -1.798986174: -0.2676155943 61.20277564583927 415.8009368226327 The man is sitting with a little girl in the park. -1.439343163: -0.5716320941 100.7175624886273 441.51707866195716 A large tan dog is running with a green item in its mouth -1.487094541: -0.7859797388 95.47101109217071 459.64831311311207 A group of people in boats racing towards the shore. -0.3792086959: -0.8552781923 217.19692179821624 465.5101293665191 A boy skateboards down the metal handrail at night. -1.712210558: 0.3537753129 70.73700779649616 363.2387347057513 A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face. -1.265693416: 0.002023918004 119.79685089860295 392.9926749391866 Dog running towards camera with a ball in its mouth. -1.125265011: 0.1770006563 135.22603577184034 378.1917459594255 A baseball player throws the ball. -1.143164496: 0.3928770198 133.2593790572793 359.9312002766784 A young girl dressed in a Minnie mouse outfit and an older w….. -1.650314526: -0.9821608665 77.53766415448105 476.24287857227694 How about some testimonies from real health experts? 0.2195163081: -0.3447070348 282.98018517864244 422.32194611265925 go figure You’re asking me to prove a negative? 0.0114649872: -0.9818537224 260.1211184144505 476.2168978797022 The prices for everything you need have gone up due to infla….. 0.0709991902: -0.4985821119 266.6622752557688 435.33792817392566 Nirvana is very different than oblivion. -0.3148824209: 0.3826160801 224.26459436732435 360.7991524493862 We in Britain think differently to Americans. 0.160432421: 0.4811364548 276.48850556090713 352.4655128871397 If you answer yes to and no to you are probably straight. -0.6017387716: 0.3438256857 192.7470416610832 364.08035358601495 but in the news broadcasts i have seen they did call him whi….. 0.2051091988: 0.4806068849 281.39724365697253 352.51030812998494 My parents have told me it is bad for you. -0.5780039619: -0.3178825283 195.35483860430264 420.05291526721095 .Nazi is a slang term for the NSWP. -0.2261054216: -0.2373357375 234.0187230456031 413.23962487907625 I oppose the death penalty. 0.6664404673: -1.054652181 332.08474817849725 482.3747725157303 They produce nothing I can eat, wear, live in. -0.5066597873: -0.2396976278 203.19358360981224 413.4394124065617 DICKSHOT Matt Holliday owns. -0.1269786424: 1.436283013 244.91000532141925 271.67159419612216 People exploited the laws. 0.1186553819: 1.259899974 271.8983682701163 286.59147926356405 I wood have asked her if she is up for a treesome. -0.8745265259: -0.7888595542 162.77523729948143 459.8919108881692 Martin said, «Why are you following me?» 0.5942326978: 0.3168032606 324.1511180612671 366.36612595723926 You wanna know what I find curious? -0.9236664842: -0.507475153 157.37611950830438 436.0901725686608 When did I compare homo sexuaity with a developmental disord….. -0.4835903362: -0.06003856408 205.72827610777873 398.2424149812764 If you asked , conservatives, the numbers will be skewed to ….. -0.203406814: 0.3543717448 236.51267012820745 363.1882837376884 You didn’t mention PFA before that one post. -0.5171237999: 0.844101281 202.04387899044494 321.7630511424445 Ramblin’ Rose by Nat King Cole We are all vessels filled wit….. 0.006131525709: 0.2511388268 259.5351189991944 371.92054781927567 Still love this show. -1.194350045: 1.190746019 127.63550756731394 292.44107271196236 Fundimental difference, please? -0.04292764516: 1.761098187 254.14487750775692 244.19613452216765 Freedom of speech has consequences! 1.369691241: 0.04263561507 409.3524930308974 389.55741348838944 if you could kill one person to save four, would you? -0.1099442778: -1.39516004 246.7816092823772 511.17764471161513 At least Mexico had a presence in California. 0.566688821: 0.5691613472 321.12481034606174 345.01966498088416 You have too much regulation, not too little. -1.055234622: 1.009190488 142.92043215274617 307.7984884813941 The Human Element You could sign Lance Berkman at the end of….. -0.02740439019: 0.3262564194 255.850452459638 365.56650233928565 You mean, you believe the word of the Mainstream Media? 0.002452730405: 0.1989180422 259.1309214814183 376.33779854535453 We are meant to explore. -0.07609756381: -0.3943439737 250.5004239100018 426.5206345470985 We are all vessels filled with many wonders. -0.01804565353: -0.6752446046 256.8787179150575 450.2814517103841 Slutstamp! A dear friend from Ohio sent me this. -0.657917737: 0.2086394987 186.5745323274454 375.51548016669153 And yet, the Titanic story is the one that holds up to scrut….. -0.1090638746: 0.4922408899 246.87834116100913 351.5262111395044 They know that the video doesn’t show a gas chamber. -0.258661279: -0.7924735907 230.44173773320617 460.1976149353667 Warm , maybe record. -0.6677107941: 1.30191464 185.49854710722283 283.03754354530685 What is your definition of «life»? -0.4528809696: -0.03409719797 209.10238330871894 396.04808720296546 No extortion, no bribery, no money involved He’s asking for ….. 0.07054441911: 0.08322108133 266.6123085333681 386.1243708484625 any woman that wants birth control can get it. -0.598501004: -0.9913000172 193.10278247387214 477.0159408828313 pressing one does not «do» english. -0.5096490004: 0.7727019639 202.8651520370137 327.80257520362517 What’s my opinion regarding the series? 0.9402059652: -0.4132570271 362.1639794290335 428.1204515430072 that is not an answer. -1.13282363: 3.566222915 134.39555324859697 91.50427871988069 But we can’t do it without help. -0.6846072059: 1.208819917 183.64210032307227 290.91223820480616 Do you see Obama calling for regulation reform? 0.5859733752: -0.394102717 323.24364771076483 426.50022713024896 Gorgons don’t exist – fine. -0.358561353: 1.583069207 219.46549181881915 259.25524640945906 Best way to get money out is to get rid of lobby, all of it. -0.5891744565: -0.2923879985 194.1275112316893 417.89638447284716 Dutchy Has anyone heard from Dutchy? -0.3237676395: 0.6586694409 223.2883554092438 337.4483560721069 You are a Christian. -0.9952936602: 2.299906823 149.5062805110466 198.61939990183328 Morals have absolutely nothing to do with it ! -0.4584832308: 0.1830547425 208.48685027070093 377.6796430360455 Oh, you’re such a good person!You’re such a bad person! -0.8350790732: -1.195471925 167.10941768323454 494.2864302939015 CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED DURING THE NEXT HOURS. -0.5176547016: 1.581007081 201.98554762580187 259.4296774977133 Originally Posted by SolInvictus The messahe of all the scri….. -0.03803898115: 0.8475463445 254.68200602182822 321.4716401783338 How long after the obliteration should the kid return to sch….. -0.3481537686: -0.2220061084 220.6089965296094 411.9429225107775 A man and a woman are different yes. -1.369017989: -0.5481873688 108.44434754355439 439.5339366945869 Facilitator : Show me the smart child. -0.3912247837: 1.790999388 215.87668719346368 241.6668522655254 religious fiction Isn’t that redundant and repetetive? 0.4026159853: -0.7151189867 303.0977587060023 453.654345177015 Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond We are all vessels filled wi….. -0.153566306: 0.2079598323 241.98875889485168 375.5729717791212 loose change started out as a work of fiction. -0.4719613842: 0.1341341416 207.0059752299429 381.81773788560395 GL, Terral That is absolutely amazing. -0.7643950898: 1.502210246 174.87562598448775 266.0949426561817 lets assume we have % white and % black. -0.469282897: 0.3258458179 207.30026663944057 365.6012342934639 Being against nukes does not mean «not wanting to use nukes»….. 0.01032521212: -0.5524285548 259.9958887615619 439.8926900515984 My niece is married to a black man. -1.326570623: 0.07457640701 113.10813521674447 386.85560639349865 The UK population is just over million. 0.5061442085: 0.9063176247 314.4726375346244 316.50029626071233 I hope this is nothing. -0.7421456981: 0.6334702036 177.32021671567273 339.57990866945346 there were no weapons. -0.4565798114: 3.859456403 208.69598324648135 66.70025007222432 Personal responsibility much? 0.8786125034: 0.4618817454 355.3965671962169 354.09422987035697 I guess I pulled it out of the census’s rear end in a top ha….. -0.9558691724: -0.1152848068 153.8379376967309 402.91558309611275 How is this slanted against Bush?? -0.7781789653: 0.5738457378 173.36116057200468 344.6234218336259 If it wasn’t bollocks it wouldn’t be homeopathy. -0.5992936578: 0.4314694986 193.01569181836518 356.66674042243625 His position is that it is the individual’s risk to assume. 0.3171556238: -0.8308629743 293.70803649080915 463.4448953758666 Read More: You have never met anyone that is Pro-Abortion? -0.05494419815: -0.2485097147 252.8245917920482 414.18480905046044 Nixon, Ford and Carter shut down the oilfields? 0.5697620696: 0.3395997593 321.46247508711264 364.4378161664771 i don’t want a president who ‘cares’. 0.9443494663: -0.9609333349 362.6192352257194 474.44728454272183 It doesn’t have to be braindead. -0.527617159: -0.0717237437 200.89095001487928 399.23084073039166 My teachers have told me it is bad for you. -0.4162669982: -0.219912432 213.12524273560143 411.765822651337 My gosh, I’m the one with the pregnancy ticker. -0.9055266614: 0.4791338395 159.36918265430276 352.6349100686733 Then he is not omnipotent. -0.7939327693: -0.07892481614 171.63025467836007 399.83996490705954 Like this year old who was shot dead in a marijuana-related….. -0.3983152654: 0.2741450919 215.09764001281445 369.97449431549865 If you leap up to make a hit, you’re getting a penalty. -0.5694972199: -0.6792150951 196.28949349045263 450.617307485708 ALL of the electrical energy comes from the battery. -0.2674717161: 0.3151986878 229.4737151861714 366.50185352890026 Do you know how many passengers testified or what they said? 0.201227841: -0.49245941 280.9707901450048 434.820021183501 They have actually showed a cooling trend since due to the ….. 0.3079981828: -0.5767251997 292.70188784670313 441.94789418162674 to repeat: They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. -0.1704407321: 0.4179907395 240.1347277320268 357.8068814399806 Out of touch and completely untrustworthy, however, wouldn’t….. -0.4508208851: 0.04219392662 209.32872943664293 389.59477502204504 There is no more egg cell post-fertilization. -0.8813439895: -0.6212346385 162.02618723294253 445.71285774141256 Lacey – welcome back! -0.08645739659: 0.932295832 249.36216577155088 314.3028521556439 the problem isn’t who has money. -0.8336563858: 1.037684137 167.2657315474718 305.3882682817472 But do you actually believe there was an iceberg in those wa….. -0.2262007888: -0.5948777823 234.00824483470612 443.4833844960624 If so, alot of cops should take presciption drugs. -0.4967092481: 0.299557321 204.2868717366728 367.8249251681042 Tell us what the charges were. 0.07581776274: 0.8027358863 267.19170266281066 325.2620663573297 those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. -0.06698690043: -0.1556588724 251.50143299486413 406.3307437859823 this is NOT a war deployment. 0.6235530651: -1.309564498 327.3726128001801 503.93729070568224 Nutrax The plural of anecdote is not data Did gentlemen need….. -0.2480288695: 0.07061858431 231.60994448726908 387.19039062388913 Alright just got in. -1.002809106: 1.182970166 148.68054161295382 293.09881637458346 @Lustig Andrei, So Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy were comp….. 0.4236571175: 0.8178896006 305.4095952458422 323.9802442612187 You need to make up your mind. -0.822694081: 0.2704855537 168.47018464585807 370.28404725766745 The one that has walks home afterwards and goes to sleep. -0.6510770881: -0.1146194211 187.3261298076488 402.859299464582 The argument was «Albert Einstein didn’t go to college». -0.02255867405: -0.0216775647 256.3828621960264 394.997535502995 Bienging is unaccptable. -0.04292764516: 1.761098187 254.14487750775692 244.19613452216765 He hasn’t been funny in years. -1.11317948: 0.3473215741 136.5539001974288 363.7846434436427 If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that ex….. -0.1908347268: 0.4124528389 237.89399363590366 358.27532126588994 It wouldn’t stop joke marriages. -0.4846883251: -0.725445477 205.60763759364949 454.527842143181 If they were Jews, I would call them Jews. -0.2532150621: -0.7160164544 231.0401258369839 453.7302601636033 She was a great lady. -1.37949652: 0.6310238744 107.2930478472811 339.78683871682307 He’s not wealthy because he’s successful. -0.2630036343: 1.371165211 229.96463339084607 277.17977755008263 I said she has not ever had to be a part of any workforce. -0.1528016293: -0.8518854816 242.07277564123495 465.22314682542276 DreamTech never been ejaculated on as far as I know. -0.8096760725: 0.2376226355 169.90050253351816 373.06385515340907 I didn’t say we had gotten soft since / Rand. -0.4386768039: -0.4100829396 210.66302696143995 427.85196189107455 We all believe that we are getting what we expect. -0.3855300231: 0.5008539933 216.5023833554893 350.7976461197884 Despicable Ben, Stop trying to find excuses for the man. -0.4903864134: 0.6628831863 204.9815758075497 337.0919238506992 The new study does not support your claim. 0.2213928264: 0.5059052798 283.1863624628881 350.3703679928634 morals do not exist, so technically nothing can be morally w….. -0.2357722539: -0.006738440742 232.95660642844456 393.73386517239487 I thought that was mostly just the Dutch. -0.5736095831: -0.957930343 195.8376589005704 474.1932675208155 Toyland by Johnny Mathis We are all vessels filled with many….. -0.1737442381: 0.4854673685 239.7717640950671 352.0991696403693 Let’s let this play out in court. -0.7423263964: 0.5105682245 177.3003629880755 349.9759389124805 Being in a gang isnt a crime. -0.7307361311: 0.5883184462 178.57381152143785 343.3992046581494 Has Annie ever used her sexuality like that? -0.408980849: -0.172424713 213.92578834524488 407.74893238503927 PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. -0.593445322: 0.4046549099 193.65826163231708 358.93493233157557 That would make you partially responsible for their death. -0.1982044382: -0.06898465794 237.0842668653433 398.99914699606677 I don’t see Obama as the lesser of two evils. 0.1568785387: -0.786342634 276.098032508601 459.6790096894623 Or this one by Jim Croce We are all vessels filled with many….. -0.2036757444: 0.05505884599 236.4831221432179 388.5065574701465 Zimmerman replied, «What are you doing here?» 0.39573008: 0.8667425207 302.3411887944583 319.84787439298475 Irreligion that does that I have a problem. -0.8705964958: 1.996055354 163.20703854462664 224.32158216446857 If you want to buy $ billion in XYZ Inc. common stock, who c….. 0.305857113: 0.3624283285 292.46664369300225 362.5067935913299 Sometimes I fantasize about having power. -1.103736666: 0.8588130181 137.5914034208103 320.5186150073346 Atlas Shrugged It’s also a stellar performer in terms of bli….. -0.08545175613: 1.126171202 249.47265775158 297.9033261017313 How would Martin not know that that was not the case? -0.07478248536: -0.1298972309 250.64491453819656 404.15161855110034 Yes, I’ve assumed that all packaging would be recyclable in ….. -0.4082281261: 1.156806264 214.0084917026151 295.31196804226397 I don’t like flavored beers. -1.055674758: -0.394818841 142.87207338224832 426.56080261413587 I hope everything is ok! -0.4913472969: -0.8590060427 204.87600137953382 465.82546070865226 S As you wish: Do you see Hitler killing Jews? 0.06892012792: -0.08177625824 266.43384400469824 400.0811626365942 I think you need to reread what I wrote. -0.6324633993: 0.4121348149 189.3712576846164 358.3022222786052 My best, Kutte My ex-fiance wouldn’t use the VA or Navy doct….. -0.09632655655: 1.145289212 248.27781896017768 296.286172199259 @Lustig Andrei, Lustig, agreed. -0.3943620212: 4.525220429 215.5319918455551 10.384615384615358 This eclipses the old record of set in . -0.1361109955: -0.01676542332 243.90661313538834 394.5820273822878 council tax Hasn’t council tax been frozen for most people? 1.140415874: -0.7735894978 384.161492606494 458.60024764516436 Obama is extreme and leftwing. 1.013817418: -1.145405858 370.25183543028476 490.05144276349154 The government does not determine if you are married or not. 0.2877108712: -0.02963168499 290.47287526839784 395.67035847708394 Democracy is a threat to liberty. 2.112748032: -0.2433105178 490.9938146878349 413.7450194817054 Hi Pro and Corn: How many threads do you plan on making? -0.08022635654: 0.4048814732 250.0467841619126 358.91576780126286 Oh, and again asserts that marriage is a fundamental human r….. 0.2213470276: -0.1668043339 283.18133045173556 407.27351586913835 Why are Russians in Damascus? 0.729593143: 0.02115490169 339.02347475700344 391.3744236584379 Yeah, I don’t think this is that controversial either. -0.388703647: 0.1253458994 216.15369015385858 382.56111755029076 Operation Chaos is merely people voting. 0.6421203778: -0.1179127968 329.4126452151677 403.1378794649528 Classical Gas We are all vessels filled with many wonders. 0.194645175: 0.1990554914 280.24753782477836 376.3261719944826 There is no war in the Middle east. 1.082408527: -0.7250048371 377.78809486490724 454.4905693000063 What is a girl douche? -1.448171371: -0.8430413515 99.74758736022622 464.4750397120681 The onus is on the manufacturer of a product to convince con….. 0.08358032282: 0.5536060697 268.0445926057754 346.33545449469375 I think you are missing the point with entrepreneurs. -0.4334113809: -0.8852815267 211.24155082882965 468.04805084345156 In it was a mental illness, now what are they teaching you? 0.1060051758: -0.3983594972 270.50846166549155 426.8602995702222 The entire thing just makes no sense. -0.634701473: 0.138403985 189.1253554854381 381.45656045662963 Who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers? 0.1880464884: -0.2964633208 279.5225252806883 418.241107754511 Therefore, the explanation of the existence of the universe ….. 0.01176929113: 0.391557703 260.1545529712515 360.0427986243656 Joy to the World We are all vessels filled with many wonders….. 0.1259598144: -0.01610243956 272.70092270635587 394.52594692453175 David @OmSigDAVID, I think Santorum’s more likely than Gingr….. -0.04008135017: -0.5392558861 254.45760634252264 438.7784406014327 Are you driving one? -0.4867661857: 0.046805496 205.37933837288557 389.2046916804394 Religion that does that I have a problem with. -0.5060688733: 0.5928208649 203.2585086542664 343.018354148088 I think he’d be better for American business interests overa….. -0.03322718843: 0.04060577287 255.21068851592983 389.7291137415225 not a constitutional issue. 0.7024647248: 1.336523555 336.04281440944584 280.1100452629087 YOU FOOLS..bought the cover-up..hook.. -1.201193099: 0.3548886241 126.88364591817653 363.1445619590519 What does pressing the number one do? -0.1399651842: -0.5372483309 243.48314474858628 438.6086255688096 What conviction would that be? 0.3157265447: -0.546805955 293.5510203620254 439.4170856856507 Originally Posted by spikdboy Not wishful thinking, rather r….. -0.3628278467: 1.219559416 218.99672255859406 290.00380565975803 Charlie Rangel Censured Did anyone see the footage of this? 0.01455988155: 0.6853733772 260.4611614201668 335.18952401755394 No, none of those factors account for the recent warming. 0.7353393251: -0.4168400018 339.65482071561223 428.4235281383376 in Foxe basin was frozen. -0.1485284133: 1.489559491 242.54228349451785 267.1650444723938 @Frank Apisa, Frank, I observe and perceive. -0.4974018775: 0.8556357587 204.21077098510972 320.78737296333924 Government deciding what pregnancies need to be carried to t….. 0.1241347281: 0.6398301012 272.50039636018306 339.0419377743886 Put a Little Love in your Heart We are all vessels filled wi….. -0.4543477339: 0.3328829024 208.9412266192299 365.00598152850944 Higher than per cent but not very high. 0.3612776252: 1.454359009 298.55582006262955 270.1425822058044 God definately does not exist. -0.6439643959: 1.044604548 188.107617310119 304.8028846158069 The great thing about living here is there’s space. -0.7950157125: -0.02909313756 171.51126927525772 395.6248038371415 I don’t understand how freedom of speech will be prohibited. 0.3045643007: -1.028315048 292.3245994947715 480.14696755750714 You purport to value life very heavily. -0.1438202391: -0.02312359647 243.05958118979436 395.1198524101196 The Infestation posts. -0.4096835052: 2.346066403 213.84858592192933 194.71485424432365 Haiti is a shithole. 2.339817892: 0.2929555508 515.9424911409485 368.38335557386216 I absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters….. -0.505141595: -0.5686747488 203.36039080372643 441.26692280173603 Is it possible his home was affected and the school was not? 0.0531106439: -0.6185586171 264.69682042275457 445.48649849249966 The people had awakened. 0.1057809451: -0.7183244498 270.48382492974946 453.9254888342 Umm the California was a cargo ship I dont care what the art….. -0.2004128668: 0.1702980865 236.84162185067152 378.7587028117432 Florida The ignorance is yours! 0.3069565538: 0.1778422801 292.5874417202076 378.12055470539855 I’m going to shout for justice for Trayvon. -0.3270751172: 0.02578015397 222.92495539312526 390.9831829076202 And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. -0.4316102221: 0.5752508105 211.4394482060629 344.5045695772569 I missed the point where he said that black people were goin….. -0.3590948612: -1.119345484 219.40687407460473 487.8470483359408 James : says faith without works is dead. 0.001711419038: 0.3491512769 259.0494719335556 363.62987257930916 You might not like Obamas views, but he has them. -0.5341525921: 0.2513645291 200.17288727475537 371.90145611626906 I hope everything is OK! -0.4913472969: -0.8590060427 204.87600137953382 465.82546070865226 Do you understand why it’s absurd to limit the question to U….. 0.5018358406: -0.3988380094 313.99926746272484 426.90077595325613 I have seen UFO over Warsaw in the past. -0.05666078647: 0.779493191 252.6359863708693 327.22811902129314 There is no «WAR» in the middle east. -0.6206907307: -0.729391469 190.66474726783403 454.8616256401175 The Muslims would say the same thing about the Qur’an. 0.3284164496: -0.9685712095 294.9452887663783 475.09335693206856 Where in the world is Ron Paul? 0.1600523754: 0.1384019579 276.4467490924536 381.4567319202538 The point you quote should say «I never said rehabilitation ….. 0.03920238471: -0.8034410437 263.16868869059203 461.12532963561904 You seem to think that poor people are not responsible for t….. -0.1458869452: -0.3305171955 242.83250753974738 421.12165625459284 It’s about the baggage attached. -0.546273961: 2.389243051 198.84108520284474 191.06262880404495 lol Looking forward to seeing your built-in’s! -0.8893231793: -0.1793754562 161.14949568877236 408.33688171769506 Originally Posted by jacko! -0.05128408156: 1.52478017 253.2267370378235 264.18579832603604 Thanks Candy for starting the thread. -0.7870045308: 1.56497536 172.3914758286501 260.7857684015935 Except that it wasn’t. -0.1747818051: 1.380088771 239.65776427181393 276.4249516513689 If evidence is not provided to support a position; then it s….. 0.6450551091: -0.5751928759 329.7350907541492 441.8182780059557 Everyone else at the current prosperity level of Mexico. 0.1171690708: 0.3151237459 271.7350639267303 366.5081927167622 LOL Don’t you have to take a test to drive a vehicle in the ….. -0.502524325: 0.06411973632 203.6479561519879 387.740115052472 If God does not exist can anything be morally wrong? 0.1009456495: -0.8234719819 269.95256011906906 462.8197062571006 A law is constitutional if it does not conflict with the Con….. 0.9571466076: -1.012805841 364.0252859304171 478.8350751022472 Originally Posted by muslim girl ooops sorry! -0.5312718863: 0.2448523138 200.4893969114812 372.45231126222575 This is not your country. -0.7218291977: 1.545451722 179.5524363343689 262.4372335375127 Originally Posted by zaf I suppose the water in the middle m….. -0.5969308933: 0.5740068423 193.2752940688365 344.60979433606104 Cone threw an game. -0.8701061194: 1.397460234 163.26091729996543 274.955534621466 Edited by LashL: Edited to properly mask profanity. -0.4300785041: 0.8071471919 211.60774150295077 324.8889229245117 runs victim down Got any proof? -0.3569163248: -0.2075258408 219.64623477287537 410.71806590531503 you don’t use the search button much, do you? -0.4539158971: -0.3969340959 208.98867349948193 426.73972774955826 I don’t think Paul has a shot. -0.7161028712: 0.5650532677 180.18160070634775 345.36715912557173 What if they messed up a study? -0.6887328446: 0.2196954218 183.18880711084637 374.5802819628918 Specifically a Baptist. 0.3937532328: 1.33326183 302.1239881512367 280.38594800326297 Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. 0.8478199977: -0.4315356759 352.0133253081478 429.666605537635 That is not direct responsibilty to the constituents. 0.1478791053: 0.32412952 275.10924451177453 365.74641246538494 The ideology was built around violent expansion, so yes – VI….. 0.05126563484: -0.2128158988 264.49410512575025 411.16554123294077 Could this have been an enema? -0.008000475692: 1.424439805 257.9824042067449 272.6733872033043 The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the s….. -0.07296855924: -0.2462379972 250.84421468270347 413.99264905521125 Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return ….. 0.9547227693: -0.01188763321 363.758973367229 394.1694249655287 In afternoon trading in Europe, France’s CAC-40 advanced and….. 0.2978609372: 1.402206768 291.58808585634984 274.55403496567806 Dunlap won both the swimsuit competition and the talent port….. -0.650701036: 0.01585411565 187.36744750500083 391.82280644656294 South Asia follows, with 1.1 millions youths infected — 62 p….. 0.6877827477: 0.5841544407 334.42967254252034 343.75142947305517 AAA spokesman Jerry Cheske said prices may have affected som….. 0.3769826354: 0.2588577158 300.28136487140273 371.26762258384315 She countersued for $125 million, saying Gruner & Jahr broke….. 0.1357039141: 0.7983821767 273.77152886516603 325.6303378585376 Microsoft acquired Virtual PC when it bought the assets of C….. 0.2959037029: 1.252889352 291.3730401227204 287.18449368353845 General Myers told reporters that «at first blush, it doesn’….. 0.3582792575: -0.3839107843 298.2263826575073 425.6381121214082 Proving that the Millville son’s sacrifice would not go unsu….. 0.2034692578: 0.3730349184 281.21705965436405 361.60960357067984 They found molecules that can only be produced when ozone br….. -0.1015351952: -0.2498027716 247.70553411544756 414.2941861195273 It can store more than a gigabyte of information equivalent ….. -0.2594449376: -0.1100480367 230.35563540513502 402.47261529087984 Earlier this month, RIM had said it expected to report secon….. 0.6383613139: 1.019102982 328.9996284141157 306.96001063839105 For me, the Lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vici….. 0.3041794363: 0.06552295492 292.2823135787463 387.6214196249704 Stony Brook University launched the study in 1996, after ear….. 0.4988799962: 0.330215602 313.6745021822985 365.2316030833709 Earlier, they had defied a police order and cried «Allahu Ak….. 0.1341433271: -0.654562403 273.600063659552 448.5319860394581 But it is clear that the Joint Intelligence Committee was no….. 0.9430970248: 0.9945300961 362.4816266522997 309.03858141756757 Coupling, an American version of a hit British comedy, will ….. 0.350786632: -0.06755534791 297.403151033541 398.8782445470374 Her body was found several weeks later in the Green River. -0.1447503996: 0.1112875355 242.95738236614133 383.75028615893495 Fighting continued until midnight, western rebel commander O….. 0.7523778921: 0.2606772029 341.5268864046465 371.1137158499793 The reading for both August and July is the best seen since ….. 0.4662332817: 0.4254043092 310.0875342085087 357.17978254872946 We need a certifiable pay as you go budget by mid-July or sc….. 0.1276350011: 0.2816813819 272.8849792331312 369.33701475644705 The DVD-CCA then appealed to the state Supreme Court. 0.9488435036: 0.8024853354 363.1130052128575 325.2832599453125 Aspen Technology’s shares dropped 74 cents, or 23 percent, t….. 0.3678734887: 0.6594777688 299.28052243074404 337.37998124278727 The new law requires libraries and schools to use filters or….. 0.5400259187: -0.5090118649 318.1952972762135 436.22015992293905 Gilroy police and FBI agents described Gehring as cooperativ….. 0.4352844561: 0.02379047178 306.6871171000554 391.1514861069579 Scribner’s body was found floating in the city’s Portage Bay….. -0.5368152006: -0.6142215192 199.88034049613384 445.1196321396158 A passer-by found Ben hiding along a dirt road in Spanish Fo….. -0.6017108854: 0.03211485313 192.7501055832001 390.4473434970487 Doctors say one or both boys may die, and that some brain da….. -0.1806440197: -0.3038313672 239.01366955791715 418.8643559246405 Also missing is Al Larsen, 31, of Fort Worth, Texas, who was….. 0.1621200036: -0.3238872655 276.67392405034616 420.5608438673536 The festival kicked off yesterday one day after the Competit….. 0.9063235037: 0.08314506674 358.44123714903105 386.13080076894323 Daniels said he doesn’t know what Bush will have to say abou….. 0.7940836497: -0.5628984821 346.1091918354089 440.7783200656384 A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal….. 0.57473175: -0.002687921935 322.0085050549112 393.39123996538507 Only 29 families of frogs are known and most were identified….. 0.2873338238: 0.01279858385 290.4314482207192 392.08126771123284 Earlier on Monday, Grant Thornton SpA repeated previous stat….. 0.8441413168: 0.4290212526 351.6091403516533 356.8738326104369 The researchers found only empty cavities and scar tissue wh….. -0.5256079269: 0.1873812949 201.11170886995055 377.31366870514796 Pines said he would convene the relevant party bodies within….. 0.7214256416: -0.6348132741 338.126092994942 446.8614471087893 The euro soared to US$1.1914 in Asian trading, before slippi….. 0.04855912262: 0.3401583935 264.1967345379246 364.3905624255831 Cmdr. Rod Gibbons, an academy spokesman, said, «The academy ….. 0.4631214466: 0.4045769645 309.7456298840453 358.9415255831044 Shares of LendingTree rose $6.21, or 42 percent, to $20.90 a….. 0.03915510035: 1.757903894 263.1634934511034 244.46633329005095 Last week, his lawyers asked Warner to grant clemency under ….. 0.809088809: -0.08039285459 347.75784245057145 399.9641433154545 But software license revenues, a measure financial analysts ….. 0.6180907247: 0.2470141498 326.77245316611504 372.2694459167551 Dotson, 21, was arrested and charged on July 21 after report….. 0.3790094737: -0.09210808625 300.50405815883204 400.95511110591764 Prosecutors contended that Mr. Durst had plotted the murder ….. 0.7647104979: 0.2815975402 342.88189755042623 369.3441067550513 These are dark days for our industry, Giovanni Bisignani, di….. 0.09620938228: 0.3935834843 269.4321757847426 359.8714418676403 The seven other nations in the initiative are Britain, Germa….. 0.9892156977: 0.4934154344 367.5487890165446 351.4268587902935 The average American makes four trips a day, 45 percent for ….. 0.1494218617: -0.279046146 275.27875063169984 416.76782410817884 In the weeks leading up to the execution, several Florida of….. 0.731075806: -0.008788373384 339.18637827218356 393.9072648352879 The 3{ hours of recordings include conversations between pol….. 0.3765625221: -0.3993229479 300.2352060807785 426.9417959204624 But he is the only candidate who has won national labor endo….. 0.9811189538: 0.2764844465 366.65918154469705 369.77661302797753 Oracle shares fell 27 cents, or 2 percent, to $13.09. 0.5325272348: 0.7363466765 317.3714000019406 330.87779555674047 The market’s broader gauges also posted big gains, having cl….. 0.009310718842: 0.2222800048 259.8844241022717 374.3616573041568 Morrill’s wife, Ellie, sobbed and hugged Bondeson’s sister-i….. -1.055738646: 1.168403939 142.86505388712945 294.3309441277783 The Nasdaq had a weekly gain of 17.27, or 1.2 percent, closi….. 0.2544866705: 1.224270543 286.8224575844939 289.605300887612 No charges were announced, but the statement said legal proc….. 0.8340020658: 0.07778734386 350.4951180303417 386.5839997291675 The dead woman was also wearing a ring and a Cartier watch. -0.9259555322: -0.2631765286 157.12461665180507 415.425445222636 The tech-heavy Nasdaq Stock Markets composite index added 14….. 0.3373056713: 1.458405808 295.9219675499908 269.8002716022025 He was released on $3-million bail and immediately returned ….. 0.1275013851: 0.1986923385 272.8702985413783 376.3568903642216 As of Tuesday, almost 250 health-care workers were in quaran….. 0.5062960497: 0.4083690552 314.48932067050987 358.620760280101 Brian Brabazon said his son would get upset but then turn ar….. -0.1241835651: -0.3756571525 245.21710675477112 424.9399540699403 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index dipped 0.08 of a….. 0.1436863065: 1.512685636 274.64857227979786 265.20885053715165 He told the jury Stubbs is a «cold, calculating killer.» 0.1059288845: -0.1066284521 270.5000793694711 402.1833595354496 Likewise, the 30-year bond <US30YT=RR> slid 1-11/32 for a yi….. -0.01205738508: 1.683113788 257.53666244419634 250.79267735574444 A seventh victim, a woman, died Tuesday night in the burn un….. 0.1147995517: 0.08503834854 271.4747195248878 385.9706518845504 Sendmail said the system can even be set up to permit busine….. 0.202832163: 0.595702736 281.14706061101134 342.7745824901017 Further out the curve, the benchmark 10-year note US10YT=RR ….. 0.3747141644: 1.197510999 300.03212286459154 291.86883673325923 Ernst & Young has denied any wrongdoing and plans to fight t….. 0.8337685569: 0.1738083224 350.4694618854219 378.46177904284974 Shares of Guidant plummeted in trading both on and off the N….. 1.064072876: 1.050871379 375.77351566457503 304.2727860497274 The rate of skin cancer has tripled since the 1950s in Norwa….. 0.2826776075: 0.2256251883 289.9198592583656 374.07869498796674 Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack were i….. 0.6151990944: -0.1309276162 326.45474323438776 404.2387767564112 On July 10, a team of 32 Singaporean police officers was sen….. 0.7871150337: -0.1197755913 345.3435343199765 403.2954494913645 The euro <EUR=> was up 0.67 percent against the dollar at $1….. 0.6048000174: 0.126668218 325.31217325210844 382.4492652864013 Since being drafted into service in 1971, it has racked up a….. 0.524773846: 0.5917936683 316.51951773128286 343.10524263598853 Ryan Harvey, an outfielder from Dunedin High School in Flori….. 0.1456881834: 0.8226113937 274.86852300195983 323.5808373181899 Some 50 million phone numbers are registered on the list, wh….. 0.3584071379: 0.2760989756 298.2404331719638 369.8092192354801 And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit.I was in the wate….. -0.429617673: 0.2178521377 211.65837405259754 374.7362016406554 Their contract will expire at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday instead o….. 0.7858048163: 0.7855495727 345.1995777839509 326.7158219160939 Now, Blanca’s American husband, 63-year-old Roger Lawrence S….. 0.9479742977: 0.06462527674 363.01750360468975 387.6973524098278 But the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeat….. 0.9728808009: 0.07891268385 365.75403715135946 386.4888094918663 The report ranked 45 large companies based on employment, ma….. 0.6595265044: 0.04259656625 331.32509551188093 389.560716549478 I don’t know if the person I’m talking to now may end up bei….. -0.4423640761: -0.2953077934 210.25789806396696 418.1433640308471 Ruffner, 45, doesn’t yet have an attorney in the murder char….. 0.6714918002: -0.3984581377 332.63974948535173 426.8686433740588 French retirees will increase from one fifth to a third of t….. 0.6349836724: -0.5607484838 328.62851933906825 440.596456046714 Iraqi police opened fire in downtown Baghdad today after dem….. 0.9818073045: -0.7207054188 366.7348121892895 454.1268901883404 The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> added 28 points, or ….. 0.2777426207: 0.692888815 289.37764116207114 334.5538083094557 During the same quarter last year, EDS declared a profit of ….. 0.5159471215: 0.9014153373 315.54970565190695 316.91497085204117 Both rebels and government forces have been accused of pilla….. 1.18236597: -0.6976902221 388.77064403401306 452.18008117228834 Microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant….. 0.1363032246: 0.5275719044 273.83737645582755 348.537631963834 The arrests revealed new details about the four-month invest….. 0.5395159163: 0.5731328468 318.1392621639864 344.6837238472173 Under Kansas law, it is illegal for children under the age o….. 0.2530005939: 0.2182089735 286.65917900720626 374.70601762021204 The transaction will expand Callebaut’s sales revenues from ….. 0.7552854997: 0.5704444715 341.8463517946903 344.91112808857406 Indonesia’s army has often been accused of human rights abus….. 1.33834979: -1.159591445 405.9089373055336 491.2513729385774 Advancing issues outnumbered decliners about 8 to 5 on the N….. 0.376511307: 1.501974169 300.22957895840983 266.11491189445866 A beauty contest to be held in Italy next week may be the fi….. -0.1234506718: -0.1311236288 245.2976313859614 404.255357069986 Boeing’s board is also expected to decide at its December me….. 0.4312854848: -0.4101280786 306.24774112165767 427.85578010821587 Bush said resistance forces hostile to the U.S. presence «fe….. 0.7879650259: -0.8039588082 345.43692487528534 461.16912629602297 Founded in 1996, the LendingTree exchange consists of more t….. 0.4140496371: 1.212157001 304.3539997545659 290.6299609413972 Gyorgy Heizler, head of the local disaster unit, said the co….. 0.2099861503: -0.3400678798 281.933085302377 421.92952935592905 Tuition at four-year private colleges averaged $19,710 this ….. 0.7672228705: 1.053243959 343.1579375860295 304.0720943246605 The statewide unemployment rate fell to 6.4 percent, down fr….. 0.7420709612: 0.9078814224 340.3944407226069 316.3680177704649 Moore had no immediate comment Tuesday. 0.2186260448: 1.099800863 282.88236994308033 300.133939824255 Standing with reporters and photographers about 150 yards fr….. 0.4439161277: 0.7252950264 307.6354982816689 331.81263231978716 They were brutally beaten, and it’s really a wonder that Por….. -0.5292289215: 0.2853330143 200.71386204462823 369.02813054723595 Prosecutors filed a motion informing Lee they intend to seek….. 0.840914285: -0.1144466666 351.25457911531794 402.8446865109705 American Masters: Arthur Miller, Elia Kazan and the Blacklis….. 0.2911341647: 1.266694556 290.84900022721547 286.01673931864775 Certainly what we know suggests that we should take what the….. -0.05354836673: 0.1742100778 252.97795493118736 378.42779536561045 Gillette shares rose $1.45, or 4.5 percent, to $33.95 in aft….. 0.26857984: 1.052116321 288.370905829162 304.167478942515 The Dow Jones industrials climbed more than 140 points to ab….. 0.3188119864: 0.8290208158 293.89002478278303 323.03867724387624 The government has chosen three companies to develop plans t….. 1.137392436: -0.4291502613 383.829300714326 429.464828134964 Two of the Britons, Sandy Mitchell from Glasgow and Glasgow-….. 0.1518775388: 0.5203924047 275.54856140524583 349.14493135200644 Jordan Green, the prelate’s private lawyer, said he had no c….. 0.24550794: 0.4722440298 285.8359442607988 353.217705162123 Mr Hadley, who has a new partner and child, said: «I am abso….. 0.0462288275: 0.5190537556 263.9406997697538 349.2581649777787 We do not want to stand by and let a credit card lynching ta….. 0.346685621: -0.1339818602 296.95256373439156 404.4971290894292 However, commercial use of the 2.6.0 kernel is still months ….. -0.08121239542: 0.727511637 249.93844585228305 331.6251337105796 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX advanced 2 poin….. 0.3364923158: 1.119395767 295.8326023562398 298.47644641789304 This deal makes sense for both companies, Halla said in a pr….. -0.02715014972: 0.1982386613 255.87838643298127 376.3952660072084 Mr. Manuel and his group entered the United States by walkin….. 0.551411559: -0.04941484869 319.4462631938726 397.34377634754975 I´m very proud of the citizens of this state, Gov. John Bald….. 1.204052891: 0.1151259232 391.15343483216884 383.4256046978634 Among three major candidates, Schwarzenegger is wining the b….. 0.5094435215: 0.1317266424 314.8351404853507 382.0213833824321 He will replace Ron Dittemore, who announced his resignation….. 0.7925039459: 0.7276550789 345.9356262247356 331.6130002507161 Maddox, 87, cracked two ribs when he fell about 10 days ago ….. -0.2168275237: 0.1214188678 235.03810656246168 382.89329722281184 Graham, a presidential candidate, was criticized by several ….. 1.259518658: 0.1150280432 397.2475835048802 383.4338841721403 Tampering with medicine has been so lucrative that many of t….. 0.1780035267: 0.4480815274 278.4190824726179 355.261562446228 Smugglers in a van chased down a pickup and SUV carrying oth….. 0.1792865578: 0.1760800137 278.5600519932667 378.2696212641447 The trial, featuring 125 witnesses, could continue until the….. -0.05115899196: 0.4751307603 253.24048091369878 352.97352245569226 He projected Vanderpool will be available within the next fi….. 0.08312604745: 0.4007307804 267.9946803484063 359.2668665250844 Annika Sorenstam gets her first opportunity to test that obj….. 0.1288248171: 0.3724547269 273.0157069919131 361.65868079244035 Harris and Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher before t….. 0.2826795149: 0.1152486278 289.92006882848364 383.41522536153275 We condemn the Governing Council headed by the United States….. 1.299956077: 0.1591416944 401.6905336567971 379.70239949317875 St. Paul Chairman and Chief Executive Jay S. Fishman, 51, wi….. 0.8243597004: 1.290127238 349.4356896518178 284.03461607936015 Instead, Weida decided that Meester’s case on charges of rap….. 0.5187843741: -0.3040635378 315.86144097930026 418.8839947655151 Rosenthal declined comment on the Garrett situation Tuesday ….. 0.6733452255: 0.03486671128 332.8433894988993 390.21456937237286 On Saturday, the International Committee of the Red Cross sa….. 1.191019988: 0.3879563147 389.7214804451221 360.3474327852923 The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, of which Mr O Mui….. 0.8235797199: 0.9555812507 349.3499914358416 312.3331856108523 In September, a 27-year-old Singapore researcher contracted ….. 0.6328351913: 0.4242694285 328.39246088767374 357.2757798145724 That truck was spotted in the Campbells Creek area, fitting ….. -0.5857712959: 0.7970692119 194.5014241460554 325.74139889749546 The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.3 per cent at 9,88….. 0.6143339401: 1.246208816 326.3596867847265 287.7495866643504 Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthou….. 0.5363459746: -0.3474563346 317.7909735344061 422.55450382621325 AMD’s chip sales jumped 7 percent year-on-year to $402 milli….. 0.3888325588: 0.9430158311 301.58334261954076 313.39606907718917 So far, Georgia has been returned all but $70,000 of the mon….. 0.4007962391: -0.1445666715 302.8978190981003 405.39247690429113 The island nation reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one day….. 0.4052845695: -0.08026477274 303.39096205184813 399.9533091301258 When police removed the four from the home, they weighed 136….. 0.1367030988: -0.3689373947 273.88131153665523 424.37154333173555 While the Ibrahims had one separation operation, Goodrich an….. 0.193338021: 0.1977863384 280.10391786859554 376.43352708140867 The blasts killed two people and injured more than 150 other….. 0.2473208065: -0.4261011581 286.03512797772004 429.20691065051165 The Boston Archdiocese has faced waves of scandal that have ….. 0.8108535336: 0.0003810031853 347.9517367158488 393.13164578626294 South Africa has the world’s highest caseload with 4.7 milli….. 0.8579302755: 0.114183884 353.1241642731728 383.50528989508945 In that position, Elias will report to Joe Tucci, president ….. 1.051845013: 0.5096381961 374.43001275858825 350.05460814255383 The Metropolitan Transportation Authority was given two week….. 0.4644161991: 0.06963297525 309.8878872578311 387.27376130383897 The state wants to kill the wolves in approximately a 1,700-….. 0.1971322823: -0.9353942975 280.5208019027249 472.28698893772855 Peterson told police he fished alone in San Francisco Bay on….. -0.06620179191: 0.1852355025 251.58769463457696 377.4951769505748 The Fed’s Empire State survey far exceeded expectations by j….. 0.4771488424: 0.9032679414 311.2868514181928 316.7582628134869 Board Chancellor Robert Bennett declined to comment on perso….. 1.052069487: 0.904589489 374.45467626299177 316.6464757687296 General Jeffrey said he would donate his military pension to….. 0.8930168629: -0.4050843643 356.9792065838409 427.42914250162875 Tampa Bay manager Lou Piniella, bench coach John McLaren and….. 0.0370400376: 0.3995597397 262.9311067474868 359.36592248970857 The venture owns five oil refineries and more than 2,100 fil….. 0.7175470111: 0.02340930923 337.69993913553753 391.18372787743704 Other changes in the plan refine his original vision, Libesk….. 0.1438295628: 0.9572136158 274.66431216781126 312.195107139554 SARS has killed 296 people on China’s mainland and infected ….. 0.6586539817: -0.3025791842 331.22922948356387 418.75843629172556 The redesigned Finder also features search, coloured labels ….. 0.04128150836: 0.5294228963 263.3971266846581 348.3810602987089 The lawyer representing Torch Concepts, Rich Marsden did not….. 0.2235099007: 0.6477985557 283.41897018647313 338.36790229839085 He was voluntarily castrated in 2001, an operation he conten….. 0.3330584721: -0.5695301041 295.45531822440756 441.3392755764076 We haven’t decided whether to use an unbroken or dotted whit….. -0.2761567559: -0.1819981818 228.51947032384123 408.5587327825841 Two years later, the insurance coverage would begin. 0.1674757531: 0.2719052008 277.26237230588464 370.1639621783685 NASA satellite images show that Arctic ice has been shrinkin….. 0.2436982374: 0.2548200781 285.6371081574019 371.6091582071809 Druce will face murder charges, Conte said. -0.2081594161: 0.8728988365 235.9904910497335 319.32712407178815 That compared with $35.18 million, or 24 cents per share, in….. 0.0862792036: 1.278613963 268.3411247097336 285.008500708749 Nick Markakis, a left-hander from Young Harris Junior Colleg….. -0.06421380127: 1.277937673 251.806119639388 285.06570674847103 The notification was first reported Friday by MSNBC. 0.7438592434: 0.03286081119 340.5909233014605 390.3842444109408 Costa’s semifinal opponent is Spaniard Juan Carlos Ferrero, ….. 0.07951556154: 0.8414621702 267.59798813759045 321.9862881940285 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -0.03930977621: 0.1421390476 254.5423809096593 381.14061905332426 We think they have the right to choose. -0.5769220212: 0.5525132055 195.47371386887033 346.42789767243664 We have found the smoking gun, investigating board member Sc….. 0.03497439483: 0.2832011621 262.70414992869206 369.2084596153925 This child was literally neglected to death, Armstrong Count….. 0.1298982234: 0.807249206 273.1336445586927 324.8802937582017 Authorities in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan have searched for ….. 0.4075047411: 1.308493413 303.63489730982775 282.4810583757008 One question was whether France, which infuriated Washington….. 1.070625539: -0.4051177905 376.4934715115147 427.43196995538256 Seniors would then have to pay 50 percent of their drug cost….. 0.6995875646: -0.2238900393 335.7266943407051 412.10228041663765 Government bonds sold off sharply after Greenspan told Congr….. 1.218522276: -0.1239937913 392.7432187404147 403.65225850833815 WHO spokeswoman Maria Cheng agreed, saying: «It looks very m….. -0.04647847861: -0.001788226454 253.75473944674647 393.3151365412798 The settlement includes $4.1 million in attorneys’ fees and ….. 0.9371256755: 0.08368810147 361.82554107352433 386.08486655782747 Some 660 prisoners from 42 countries, including Canada, are ….. 1.029531233: -0.1821821603 371.9783476060036 408.5742951508223 To reach John A. Dvorak, who covers Kansas, call (816) 234-7….. 0.287608286: 0.6393933151 290.4616040088204 339.0788846303245 If convicted, they face up to five years in prison and a $25….. -0.1343461491: -0.1444788575 244.10052078193738 405.38504890131173 U.S. corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty tradin….. 0.3774298223: 0.06385821094 300.33049830564624 387.7622369570419 Smith said simply «Oh, my God,» in the seconds afterward, ac….. 0.2881399489: -0.3390269271 290.5200189994926 421.84147726807686 Cooley said he expects Muhammad will similarly be called as ….. 0.7288570901: -0.063127644 338.94260296903633 398.5037140133832 He also could be barred permanently from the securities indu….. 0.2429103786: 0.1095080697 285.55054434479223 383.900807582806 They were an inspirational couple, selfless and courageous, ….. -0.1436404059: -0.151468308 243.07933986608313 405.9762724009404 In an interview, Healey, who is a criminologist, acknowledge….. 0.8621307556: -0.5051683008 353.58568047972193 435.895040591783 About 120 potential jurors were being asked to complete a le….. 0.2568288847: 0.04019616025 287.07980192961907 389.7637620460331 Labor Department analysts think the payroll statistics from ….. 0.7335390297: 0.06592163219 339.4570182016702 387.5876963200015 Earlier, he told France Inter-Radio, «I think we can now qua….. 0.5344289213: -0.5625688903 317.5803425725059 440.75044055436246 Terri Schiavo, 39, is expected to die sometime in the next t….. 0.07275060015: 0.03149607425 266.8547066079689 390.49968475338255 Officials with North Carolina Speedway at Rockingham could n….. 0.8495417997: 0.936794921 352.202503564736 313.92228330148635 In Kentucky, Democratic Attorney General Ben Chandler faces ….. 1.072956809: 0.5829218736 376.74961337759515 343.85568983857655 Enron’s 401(k) plan covered about 20,000 workers, retirees a….. 0.5023566588: -0.2284218091 314.05649092618717 412.48561367240876 It would be difficult to overestimate the potential dangers ….. 0.344035373: 0.2754653086 296.6613750154866 369.86281984511004 Sony said the PSP would also feature a 4.5-inch LCD screen, ….. 0.0177195865: 0.8036636051 260.80832531244096 325.18359249152877 At one of the three sampling sites at Huntington Beach, the ….. 0.1150758035: 0.4172209007 271.50507194055496 357.87200054268317 Where long-lines used to catch 10 fish per 100 hooks in past….. -0.4722757913: 0.2964882597 206.9714306077552 368.08453086705697 The rule bars groups from airing ads that promote, support, ….. 0.5539371881: -0.3074019342 319.72375974801304 419.166382974753 Sterling was down 0.8 percent against the dollar at $1.5875 ….. 0.4439121173: 0.7205249278 307.63505764534153 332.21612533477173 Right from the beginning, we didn’t want to see anyone take ….. -0.0760620071: -0.07715071202 250.50433060590407 399.6898970218253 October heating oil futures settled .85 cent lower at 69.89 ….. 0.4424200449: 0.6975351166 307.4711202929991 334.160787037058 Mr Levine confirmed that Ms Cohen Alon had tried to sell the….. 0.5716509035: 0.5297905285 321.67000551583004 348.3499630353896 Egyptologists cast doubt Tuesday on an expedition’s claim th….. 0.137387644: -0.2257721715 273.95652405205414 412.2614861821209 IAC’s stock closed yesterday down $2.81, or 7.6 percent, at ….. 0.3947840057: 0.4740886654 302.2372414798366 353.0616711597964 The Ministry of Defence is facing a 20m compensation claim f….. 0.9295901825: -0.4285801858 360.99759949559126 429.4166065959831 The woman was hospitalized June 15, Kansas health officials ….. 0.4264377214: -0.01559275546 305.7151064509752 394.48283377565895 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> tacked o….. 0.2755904706: 2.256687494 289.1411795841115 202.2752357169863 Two Kuwaitis and six Palestinians with Jordanian passports w….. 1.121521173: 0.09598898499 382.0854893008472 385.04435965909965 Her birthday, 21 April, was declared a public holiday and sh….. 0.2230157289: 0.3941271478 283.36467441448747 359.8254544705752 Sorkin, who faces charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice ….. 0.272032823: -0.390613149 288.7502928375944 426.2050516127491 Fewer than 10 FBI offices have conducted investigations invo….. 1.133561701: 0.4998863793 383.40840924865205 350.8794946292867 University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman said in a ….. 0.6869341145: 0.663883575 334.3364313036742 337.00730299121517 Thomas was joined in full by Rehnquist, and in parts by O’Co….. 0.1601170909: 0.3094331573 276.45385953143926 366.989548116076 Toll, Australia’s second-largest transport company, last wee….. 0.5370433456: 0.4103427258 317.8675952625944 358.4538114726009 With all precincts reporting, Fletcher — a three-term congre….. 0.4960065181: 1.022987698 313.35878668823295 306.63141035728637 On the upside, Coca-Cola Co. (nyse: KO – news – people) repo….. 0.5803395867: 0.893738426 322.62465069114813 317.56434527581723 As part of his deal, Mr. Delainey has agreed to cooperate in….. 0.8582849104: 0.3839270212 353.1631288093653 360.6882625899275 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. 0.1354633791: 0.8852367239 273.74510074668484 318.28348708666886 Chavez said investigators feel confident they’ve got «at lea….. 0.3531083246: -0.7642280789 297.6582406260128 457.80838412673694 The man accused of using fake grenades to commandeer a Cuban….. 0.4311371231: -0.2494245794 306.2314402922172 414.26219560892514 The hearing occurred a day after the Pentagon for the first ….. 0.6216286676: -0.3539346508 327.161174913861 423.1024915137531 The Episcopal Church »is alienating itself from the Anglica….. 0.5815648028: 0.8043272981 322.7592679402875 325.1274520471396 Swartz, indicted in February, had argued that New Hampshire ….. 0.4083473342: 0.1141812074 303.7274749031233 383.505516301926 They were at Raffles Hospital over the weekend for further e….. 0.1449900657: 0.7208342629 274.79181923305043 332.1899592990852 Plofsky said the commission won’t investigate because the th….. 1.151640731: -0.3525844818 385.39479289771543 422.988283443985 Entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control t….. 0.6813216938: 0.7045769551 333.719782012981 333.5651321373633 The military said it had killed 12 rebels and captured nine ….. 1.039720244: -1.136024197 373.09783711614176 489.2578669785152 Lawyers and others familiar with the federal investigation s….. 0.9933186313: -0.4958642091 367.999587566334 435.10802626693516 Shares in EDS closed on Thursday at $18.51, a gain of 6 cent….. 0.4438326314: 1.486573017 307.6263243547342 267.41766427787576 The weakness exists in the way that VBA looks at the propert….. 0.2293336459: 0.1516325876 284.05883816867646 380.3375796741833 Of 24 million phoned-in votes, 50.28 percent were for Studda….. 0.7143351366: 0.8778095566 337.3470432565785 318.9117361761778 Consumers still would have to get a descrambling security ca….. -0.05655798462: 0.1865413705 252.64728144093087 377.3847162121398 The Food and Drug Administration rejected ImClone’s 2001 app….. 0.8907553139: 0.8567383489 356.7307251055613 320.6941070840967 The Dodgers won their sixth consecutive game their longest w….. 0.1174529877: 0.3983748447 271.7662585129652 359.46615036762375 Lay had argued that handing over the documents would be a vi….. 1.112823804: 0.02055450752 381.12988973423325 391.42520978958004 Excluding the charges, analysts, on average, expected a loss….. 0.2352554175: 1.333885257 284.70947653757787 280.3332135577203 Security experts are warning that a new mass-mailing worm is….. 0.3561933417: -0.2261212456 297.997198394605 412.29101365323226 Only New Jersey now bans holders of learners permits or inte….. 0.2205071959: 0.4920556917 283.089056251211 351.5418766880591 During 2001 and 2002, Morgenthau said, wire transfers from j….. 0.6147028975: 0.6601333013 326.4002249674333 337.3245310766898 Last year, he made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic no….. 1.148791135: 0.08582769872 385.08170138198324 385.9038823464371 He was taken to a hospital for precautionary X-rays on his n….. -0.1369351438: 0.3247694301 243.8160621008036 365.69228376816494 There are 103 Democrats in the Assembly and 47 Republicans. 0.9410781493: 0.6559422995 362.25980826473324 337.6790394513776 The latest snapshot of the labor markets was slightly better….. 0.4211613747: 0.209053149 305.13538237208184 375.48049032646827 Linda Saunders pleaded guilty in federal court to six charge….. 0.7604364725: -0.3333281258 342.41230076479206 421.3594271761526 Vivendi shares closed 3.8 percent up in Paris at 15.78 euros….. 0.7759255956: 1.30893228 344.11412557266385 282.4439355050366 Microsoft has identified the freely distributed Linux softwa….. 0.4808704201: 0.153434327 311.69574953975007 380.1851741750195 Spin and manipulative public relations and propaganda are no….. 0.549345539: 0.3749430125 319.2192649324264 361.44820173722786 Another shooting linked to the spree occurred Nov. 11 at Ham….. 0.4728157194: 0.2620605717 310.81076144601064 370.9966994702671 The commission estimates California lost $1.34 billion — th….. 0.8292125734: 0.1265890967 349.9688857226441 382.4559580007919 The officials did not say whether U.S. forces crossed into S….. 1.190739378: -0.736349798 389.6906492547702 455.45021663895113 VeriSign introduced its Site Finder service on Sept. 15. 0.5540811371: 1.72250064 319.7395757504458 247.46102305614426 Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, turned himself in in June; h….. 1.139802011: -0.3625298861 384.0940460936442 423.8295451180347 After Freitas’ opening statement, King County Superior Court….. 0.18599253: 1.066446639 279.2968522416808 302.9553063089397 Google’s investors include prominent VC firms Kleiner Perkin….. 0.3973257662: 1.169081581 302.5165104319277 294.27362376313374 July 1st is the sixth anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to C….. 0.6077937515: 0.7787882531 325.6411015468772 327.28774829190024 ISRAELI soldiers knocked down empty mobile homes and water t….. 0.582408775: -0.1300862005 322.8519970581003 404.16760310648976 Get it all out,» says Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidow….. 0.583633534: 0.8748152852 322.98656408863263 319.16501554415686 In April, it had forecast operating earnings in the range of….. 0.3322973641: 0.8342038906 295.3716935685243 322.6002514133976 From Florida to Alaska, thousands of revelers vowed to push ….. 0.8228671447: -0.161960241 349.2716992013404 406.8637638324848 Others with such a status are Egypt, Israel, and Australia. 0.3887726698: 1.51443301 301.576762477649 265.0610436922413 The findings appear in Wednesday’s Journal of the American M….. 0.7111551096: 0.5765388769 336.9976465378627 344.3956146350321 In 2006, the group says the market will rebound 29.6 percent….. 0.6798883699: 0.6531130535 333.56229949486146 337.91835965778034 The figures are becoming catastrophic, said Dr. Patrick Pell….. 0.5186968348: -0.3827116207 315.85182283117524 425.5366772947099 Whatever has happened to you by way of punishment is certain….. 0.0519667225: -0.5875811544 264.57113520411343 442.86617747326056 The mother also alleged in the lawsuit that she was sexually….. 0.2242128267: -0.8676157204 283.49620224663977 466.5537359610571 Yes, from today Flash memory purchased from AMD or Fujitsu w….. 0.2173677069: 0.8315478603 282.74411353557275 322.8249196541936 A tropical storm rapidly developed in the Gulf of Mexico Sun….. 0.2782251314: 0.06635015747 289.43065569708335 387.55144823192484 The pressure may well rise on Thursday, with national covera….. 0.2839431557: 0.05019179723 290.05890789387496 388.91825129665654 Meningitis is an infection of the spinal cord fluid and the ….. -0.803608388: 0.3126444071 170.5671726836727 366.7179149812081 London-based NCRI official Ali Safavi told Reuters: «We cond….. 1.182656941: 0.0263479731 388.8026136970118 390.93515223415494 Halabi’s military attorney, Air Force Maj. James Key, denied….. 1.078475861: -0.4576009105 377.35600405856127 431.8714110982515 Waksal, in a letter to the court, said: «I tore my family ap….. -0.3380709427: 1.119804329 221.71681929876704 298.4418870020112 But Forest, the Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy ….. -0.04359750203: 0.6530941784 254.0712788255832 337.9199562660694 Once converted, BayStar will own an aggregate of approximate….. 0.5804646735: 0.8395548537 322.6383942561679 322.1476242445096 OPEC producers at a meeting on Wednesday are set to pressure….. 0.8314528279: -0.2967702825 350.2150275325614 418.2670730257395 A federal grand jury indicted them on Tuesday; the document ….. 0.6095602569: -0.5844345468 325.83519146914097 442.60001229043297 People who have opposed these actions throughout are now try….. 0.1068853475: -0.924880448 270.60516810314283 471.3976436341308 The proportion of people covered by employers dropped from 6….. 0.534889088: 0.4595433542 317.63090213018006 354.2920296626549 WORLD No. 2 Lleyton Hewitt has accused the Association of Te….. 0.5735110051: 0.5951381865 321.87437905922934 342.82233659192667 MSN Messenger 6 will be available for download starting at 6….. 0.3116403464: 0.8415250402 293.1020605591008 321.98097014533835 In connection with the incident, I have acknowledged that I ….. -0.04133295107: -0.2328664049 254.32009013583496 412.8615730597753 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX inched up 3 point….. 0.1546831663: 1.240218451 275.85682201135126 288.2562995686667 People who once thought their blood pressure was fine actual….. 0.1421242987: -0.2971699848 274.4769509646066 418.30088303950765 The leading actress nod went to energetic newcomer Marissa J….. -0.2625307013: 0.5568875412 230.0165955995361 346.05788144422905 It appears from our initial report that this was a textbook ….. 0.1601657608: 0.2514919893 276.45920700561817 371.89067451633264 Allegiant shares rose $4, or $17.2 percent, to $27.43 in Thu….. 0.3770234038: 1.350684867 300.28584418685017 278.9121684643677 By state law, 911 calls are not public information and were ….. 0.5567516753: 0.3180815483 320.03299378686694 366.2579981819565 Bremer said one initiative is to launch a $70 million nation….. 0.5619517256: -0.1943178993 320.60433501376644 409.6008328037042 The Nasdaq composite index added 30.46 points, or 2 percent,….. 0.1013878481: 1.264763486 270.00114547208454 286.1800846584458 The British Foreign Office said Monday that coalition author….. 1.492572634: -0.3839631459 422.85374819949203 425.6425412802158 Wal-Mart estimates more than 100 million Americans visit the….. 0.475599659: 0.2272839413 311.11663915083386 373.9383844219908 Spokesmen for the FBI, CIA, Canadian Security Intelligence S….. 1.036044665: 1.037246567 372.6939930343338 305.42528140847185 There is no doubt about the chemical programme, biological p….. 0.428723122: -0.4700956655 305.9662085607615 432.92831719763205 This is America, my friends, and it should not happen here,»….. -0.249814086: -0.739555069 231.41379873151845 455.72134403907245 On May 1, he crawled through a narrow, winding canyon, rappe….. -0.2726836829: 0.4511199723 228.90106466937522 355.0045465286432 Amnesty International has said that over the past 20 years i….. 0.8114955282: 0.000737582594 348.0222741053752 393.1014834540921 Texas Instruments climbed $1.37 to $19.25 yesterday and Nove….. 0.5995878472: 1.472169564 324.7395003785268 268.6360232883456 She asked to be excused from last week’s Cabinet session to ….. 0.7590330575: -0.1084855697 342.25810440535446 402.3404493591486 The film is the second of a trilogy, which will wrap up in N….. -0.09804291525: 0.3330771909 248.08923876731131 364.9895470574998 In addition, the Justice Department said that the FBI has co….. 1.329504901: -0.08905593846 404.93712951047377 400.69693608705836 The launch coincides with the JavaOne developers’ conference….. 0.4490795592: 1.145189871 308.2028161231253 296.2945752491405 He had been arrested twice before for trespassing and barred….. -0.1084308846: -0.3810908567 246.9478891965573 425.3995801422161 That triggered a 47-hour police standoff that inconvenienced….. 0.7936204764: -0.02981012157 346.05830194297926 395.6854520664872 The Standard & Poor’s 500 index advanced 6.48, or 0.7 per ce….. 0.222971766: 0.9401689736 283.3598441119186 313.63687900521785 Agriculture ministers from more than one hundred nations are….. 1.455962415: 0.6411296783 418.83130111937805 338.93200917351254 Complicating the situation is the presence of battle-hardene….. 0.4560001822: 0.7155859296 308.9632005383695 332.63390522007353 Cisco executives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion i….. 0.9392999844: -0.1210711791 362.0644372837022 403.4050406510063 The injured passenger at John Peter Smith Hospital died late….. 0.3256553233: 0.3750431056 294.6419176040468 361.4397350714631 Doctors had planned to deliver him two weeks early, on or ar….. 0.4113552749: 0.3331689378 304.05796411703506 364.9817863666992 Sobig.F spreads when unsuspecting computer users open file a….. -0.08639680637: 0.1518802699 249.3688229550439 380.31662872488494 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose 17.26….. 0.3322122252: 1.862654937 295.36233916292605 235.60565410307117 Founders of the group are Matsushita Electric, Sony, Hitachi….. 0.5467669213: 1.499678562 318.93594640268395 266.30909270182576 During a screaming match in 1999, Carolyn told John she was ….. -0.2389463269: -0.2654463471 232.6078638794434 415.617444583056 On the other hand, if this will help further establish Steve….. 0.4846077875: -0.01885395587 312.1063825086596 394.7586921328033 Seven 20- and 21-year-old cadets were ticketed by police for….. -0.1306645565: -0.206123663 244.50502563676645 410.5994585226915 Kroger Co., which owns Ralphs, and Albertsons Inc. bargain j….. 0.3498107213: 0.7298475008 297.29592553376085 331.4275477056914 The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> was off 58.69 points….. 0.3946521136: 1.280911133 302.2227502010994 284.81418775437476 Mr. Mask said Mr. Cullen would be taken from the Somerset Co….. 0.3867365677: 0.6801432861 301.3530513639487 335.631926861211 Scientists believed Stardust trapped thousands of particles ….. 0.009285029561: 0.5632669394 259.8816015631387 345.5182610303987 Both devices implement the v1.2 standard’s eSCO facility to ….. 0.2647484378: 0.6636328117 287.94994104449904 337.0285145535204 The Conference Board reported its U.S. Consumer Confidence I….. 0.9596962689: 1.698999717 364.3054229568455 249.44891869138445 I notice a mood change in their priorities, one politician s….. -0.3275306308: -0.2695732318 222.87490708564545 415.9665294284497 Heather, 35, who lost a leg in a road accident, is thought t….. -0.6680476552: -0.435011984 185.46153541718786 429.96065941804574 Mr. Turner transferred about 10 million shares to a charitab….. 0.5227592323: 0.7501734274 316.2981675885874 329.70821861348816 Florida Sen. Bob Graham was not identifiable by 61 percent o….. 0.7575592354: 0.6701191377 342.0961722496172 336.47984933922385 As a result, 24 players broke par in the first round. -0.09068421445: 0.46913624 248.89775578231047 353.480586823438 The technology-packed Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> dropped….. 0.3833932895: 2.169379792 300.98571786549445 209.6604178870786 Against the Japanese currency, the euro was at 135.92/6.04 y….. 0.7316409228: 0.3688144587 339.2484689346744 361.96660373202917 Besides Hampton and Newport News, the grant funds water test….. 0.3633459303: 0.7446696845 298.7830694019124 330.1737691175348 With diplomacy heating up in the nearly 10-month-old nuclear….. 1.089237424: 0.5735501715 378.5384011796018 344.6484231914526 Bond bulls would like the Fed to recognize that risks are bi….. 0.5600406999: -0.3935118124 320.3943663210431 426.4502437042414 There is the real potential for a secondary collapse, Gov. J….. 0.2324465345: 0.5213814292 284.4008582471321 349.0612717607027 No. 2 HP saw its Unix server sales dropped 3.6 percent to $1….. 0.3267665153: 0.6550009344 294.76400676925164 337.75866762570945 People are obviously inconvenienced, said Dr. Jim Young, Ont….. 0.4447175702: 0.3423676936 307.72355457074354 364.2036821892888 The others were given copies of «Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolu….. 0.06919587492: 0.1909789182 266.46414094816697 377.0093530151239 The rapper’s lawyer, Mark Gann, didn’t return calls for comm….. 0.203451817: 0.7304013313 281.21514339344 331.3807003035107 Russin did not comment; his lawyer did not attend the hearin….. 0.2301662014: 0.6276760136 284.1503129182754 340.0700274985327 Licensing revenue slid 21 percent, however, to $107.6 millio….. 0.3185184039: 1.671985726 293.85776820463633 251.733977637178 Hispanics, the fastest growing ethnic group in the US, have ….. 0.7173501991: -0.3738175992 337.67831496162336 424.78434997078034 When fully operational, the facility is expected to employ u….. 0.2148290271: 0.1358396834 282.4651830715584 381.6734695498659 For the full 12-month period ending June 30, 2003, advanced ….. 0.5210269239: 0.388004477 316.10783496450665 360.3433588359785 Agents found more than 1,000 credit cards and credit card du….. 0.1192539284: 0.4079479928 271.96413191801753 358.6563771049672 Caldera acquired the Unix server software of the original SC….. 0.3905690751: 1.050858566 301.7741375800295 304.27386987697946 Officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him, and Rey….. 0.008842328406: -0.08953456284 259.83296099104007 400.7374219574685 The weather service reported maximum sustained winds of near….. 0.272447887: -0.2721850101 288.79589685738745 416.1874544804503 The WiFi potties were to be unveiled this summer, at music f….. -0.0394601016: 1.186391953 254.52586432103504 292.8093743731241 Forecasters said warnings might go up for Cuba later Thursda….. 0.5965104812: 0.310765052 324.4013832494451 366.87688582636883 The CWA, which represents more than 2,300 Comcast employees,….. 0.120021149: 0.1387333483 272.04842817147954 381.42870027484827 The consumer group generated $4.47 billion of profit and $20….. 1.259299252: 0.1347033942 397.2234768714065 381.76958595907394 British Airways’ New York-to-London runs will end in October….. 0.2212792438: 0.7213953363 283.17388289482835 332.1424992372604 The new policy gives greatest weight to grades, test scores ….. 0.1069173196: -0.6248731646 270.6086809562194 446.02063331594513 The new version, W32/Sobig.C-mm, had already reached a «high….. 0.878190171: -0.5475223997 355.3501645770331 439.4776882980811 AFTRA members approved the merger by a vote of 75.88% to 24…… 1.554563676: 0.5711423201 429.6648435114254 344.8520984807123 The currency briefly weakened slightly on Monday to trade at….. 0.550559903: -0.3304806436 319.3526898333492 421.1185644079636 According to law enforcement officials, the person arrested ….. 0.7395668631: -0.9261927281 340.1193098198291 471.5086467578358 Excluding litigation charges, RIM’s loss narrowed even furth….. 0.2883158589: 0.8956939023 290.5393466288683 317.3989354820749 Mr Alibek said: «Our outcomes are very encouraging. 0.4432208929: 1.896880348 307.5591112674369 232.71059567823391 A jury convicted rapper C-Murder, also known as Corey Miller….. 0.2103597221: -0.3246889255 281.9741304727775 420.6286546655898 Thirty-three of the 42 men had been arrested by Wednesday ev….. 0.8668889841: -0.1449004714 354.1084777486484 405.42071236364126 She survives him as do their four children — sons Anthony a….. -0.1331922966: 0.05067358885 244.22729715094752 388.87749751672624 Police using pepper spray arrested 12 people Monday night at….. 0.7568224109: -0.2078032356 342.01521568388205 410.74153017258413 Colgate shares closed Monday at $56.30 on the New York Stock….. 0.4567292342: 1.393068863 309.0433031231845 275.326991887968 Several shots rang out in the darkness, but only one gator h….. -0.1242327687: -0.1621019074 245.2117006338917 406.8757471009444 Republicans had pledged to complete a Medicare drug package ….. 0.6514424033: -0.04403105792 330.4368771417619 396.8883723576463 The index, which measures activity in the service sector, cl….. 0.4267165204: 0.8143170993 305.74573872105873 324.28243492961144 Bush plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ….. 1.485317485: -0.02375859762 422.0566086357444 395.17356587526433 Another big gainer was Rambus Inc. (nasdaq: RMBS – news – pe….. 0.1376304809: 1.131420956 273.9832050886357 297.45926000467466 Russ Britt is the Los Angeles Bureau Chief for CBS.MarketWat….. 0.8871217105: 1.175796419 356.33149292304773 293.7056291640955 If you pass this bill, Big Brother will be watching you, sai….. 0.01568620119: 0.5019348713 260.58491269306523 350.70621682696935 Douglas Robinson, a senior vice president of finance, will t….. 1.10821158: -0.01743933475 380.6231343076241 394.6390321888936 Several states and the federal government later passed simil….. 1.148399277: -0.7582171785 385.0386470324979 457.29993419998266 Still, he noted Miami must decide whether to seek ACC member….. 0.6245978436: -0.06876002862 327.4874049647616 398.9801460557434 Revenues for «The Hulk» came in well below those of last mon….. 0.2740248681: 1.008126839 288.96916331271234 307.88846043032754 The valid signatures of 897,158 registered California voters….. 0.8450007459: 0.01903044455 351.70356776672634 391.55412719820646 In January 2000, notebooks represented less than 25 percent ….. 0.4925066817: 0.6897795607 312.9742517791226 334.8168138529069 She had only a single condition, that the book not be publis….. -0.5045546632: 0.4189007435 203.4248783298077 357.72990603341896 Median household income declined 1.1 percent between 2001 an….. 1.054215405: 0.7543550895 374.69045312188365 329.35450026176727 U.S. and European leaders pledged on Wednesday to work toget….. 1.059134963: -0.3938559044 375.23097603681555 426.4793497489298 The meeting was scheduled to end Wednesday night, with atten….. 0.7288853364: 0.2784014752 338.9457064489493 369.6144554432137 But the inadequate performance of students in various subgro….. 0.3357427082: 0.3734726828 295.7502412765064 361.5725739601363 In a not-too-subtle swipe at Dean, he predicted Americans wo….. 0.3899130743: -0.09533551144 301.7020612920455 401.22811248561607 A new study, conducted in Europe, found the medicine worked ….. 0.3384899554: 0.1516863524 296.0520875054562 380.3330318165323 The lawsuit names Shelley, a Democrat, and registrars in Los….. 0.5519447835: 0.7005052988 319.5048497677361 333.90954532730166 It’s very difficult to do large syndicated loans in Japan, w….. 0.05871945942: -0.1003868631 265.31307360407567 401.65539612682926 The case comes out of Illinois and involves a for-profit com….. 0.4833570724: 0.5585296685 311.9689636219256 345.9189772119074 Mr. Pingeon is director of litigation for Massachusetts Corr….. 0.9710885647: 1.039842594 365.5571201310946 305.2056887395301 Declining issues outnumbered advancers nearly 2 to 1 on the ….. 0.3486411845: 1.331823651 297.16742589316095 280.50760065974583 A floating airfield with a flight deck covering 4.5 acres, t….. -0.2958261091: 0.05548475807 226.35835422806946 388.47053042718295 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC fell 23.54….. 0.3308024084: 2.096456036 295.2074394237879 215.82889123733622 It was a final test before delivering the missile to the arm….. 0.6775268447: -0.8688679384 333.30283340998125 466.6596585485952 According to a news release sent by the Terry Schindler-Schi….. 0.3885238112: 0.9472014119 301.5494198265878 313.04201925455743 Also, businesses throughout Utah are volunteering to display….. 0.2145384554: 0.7876406319 282.4332573011076 326.53894344663547 Telemarketers who call numbers on the list after Oct. 1 coul….. 0.2142974836: 0.5155493208 282.40678118920863 349.554598041067 He explained that he found Antetonitrus when he came to Wits….. 0.4265289965: 0.3360023484 305.72513504950626 364.74211388544035 The jury also found Gonzales guilty of using excessive force….. 0.09267398355: -0.3852500696 269.0437335722055 425.75139955558103 The bodies of some of the dead, pulled out from under the tr….. -0.2884116546: -0.6906134982 227.17299703032117 451.5814753885554 Customers that pay the $1,219 entrance fee get SMS 2003 with….. 0.300457138: 0.2090938826 291.87333628656086 375.4770447571821 Results of the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey released yeste….. 0.7550741113: 0.5172237102 341.82312607222286 349.4129648160741 The recent turnaround in the stock market and an easing in u….. 0.7040379909: -0.1245302167 336.2156726957414 403.6976336545017 ONA explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence m….. 1.020677759: -0.213731631 371.0055965056772 411.2430011739614 US military officials say rotor wash from the helicopter mig….. 0.3553794862: -0.4474811736 297.9077782604428 431.01540298579096 The U.S. Capitol was evacuated yesterday after authorities d….. 0.8566729731: 0.03338304618 352.9860216263159 390.3400696074335 The mission of the CAPPS II system has been and always will ….. 0.7055417583: 0.479203237 336.3808950038705 352.62903987768465 Yahoo accounts for 159,354 of the BSD sites, with 152,054 fr….. 0.5074863757: 1.451544452 314.62010447265124 270.3806598937391 He is suspected of being a key figure in Jemaah Islamiyah, t….. 0.8780132128: -0.8884053011 355.3307217796837 468.3122846118583 About 100 firefighters are in the bosque today, Albuquerque ….. 0.290206951: 1.297563657 290.74712517513643 283.405584357291 China’s Health Ministry said five more people had died of Sa….. 0.8677095472: 0.1732195199 354.19863485683766 378.5115846588511 Shares of McDonald’s rose $1.83, or 8.3 percent, to close at….. 0.2436839126: 0.6718495833 285.6355342628784 336.33347443320264 He and his colleagues attributed some of the communication g….. 0.003035879335: -0.3889256018 259.19499336658816 426.062305403269 OS ANGELES – »The Hulk» was a monster at the box office in….. -0.05168236957: 0.509864284 253.18297623795334 350.03548381856456 Congratulations on being named Time magazine’s Person of the….. -0.2910116168: 2.000963354 226.8873333275492 223.90642435353664 It will also give Microsoft an opportunity to comment on rem….. 0.3736645546: 0.3359483014 299.9167998704751 364.74668561652663 Halliburton on Tuesday reiterated its contention that KBR ha….. 1.031415876: 0.01123231141 372.1854175467387 392.2137555348762 Elecia Battle, of Cleveland, told police she dropped her pur….. -0.002661348765: 0.5927575127 258.5690260958133 343.02371298264075 Customers include Mitsubishi, Siemens, DBTel, Dell, HP, Palm….. 0.4360377703: 1.19367502 306.76988542497946 292.1933144179667 The Cleveland Cavaliers won the right to draft James by winn….. 0.1780799071: 0.6164037102 278.427474560379 341.0235288881913 Among the workers, the researchers found short workers had w….. 0.2823271777: -0.08400646698 289.8813567473599 400.2698114911109 Mr Colpin did not specify whether it was this system that wa….. 0.4075646224: -0.4314471743 303.64147659652065 429.6591193621858 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index was up 4.83 poin….. 0.2947163116: 1.190750502 291.2425787701255 292.44069353692385 Talabani told him the Governing Council would «need UN assis….. 1.348095821: -0.168038975 406.9797556545116 407.3779516611005 Stanford (46-15) plays South Carolina (44-20) today in a fir….. 0.4377815742: 0.8768190185 306.9614810824519 318.9955237879493 The same survey a month ago had Street leading Katz 42 perce….. 0.6954978671: 0.3905542075 335.2773500724841 360.12768227577135 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> advanced 11 poi….. 0.2262578737: 1.000921359 283.72089616446374 308.49795741133255 Arthur Benson, attorney for the case’s plaintiff schoolchild….. 0.2390043818: 0.5069389102 285.12138369001406 350.28293528615495 The euro has slipped nearly four percent since matching a re….. 0.1891003645: 0.1643645814 279.6383170130067 379.2606060264179 Pennsylvania, which has the most aggressive treatment progra….. 0.2411779796: 0.5604774046 285.36020177227647 345.7542221482646 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. 0.103363762: 0.8381157335 270.2182435817194 322.2693565164192 The deal, approved by both companies’ board of directors, is….. 0.6226449908: 0.3876874457 327.2728406278499 360.37017586937816 Stripping out the extraordinary items, fourth-quarter earnin….. 0.3147865126: 0.8593435192 293.4477369140991 320.4737409910164 But at age 15, she had reached 260 pounds and a difficult de….. -0.2539836616: 0.01897763664 230.95567808080892 391.55859411322604 If we could do that throughout the world, we could end terro….. -0.1395447277: -0.2638162661 243.52934124602803 415.4795593192558 If it’s a Bill Gates Comdex keynote, it must be time for new….. 0.2918901453: 0.5385170966 290.93206151700736 347.6118002575344 According to reports, Knight allegedly punched a parking att….. 0.1803619442: -0.02514804352 278.678207113519 395.2910962987197 Among those waiting a turn was Jodie Singer, a sixth-grader ….. 0.05410427561: 0.5842361906 264.80599297473515 343.7445144129754 Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructurin….. 0.6440010165: 0.4181061575 329.6192752281482 357.7971184582023 It estimated on Thursday it has a 51 percent market share in….. 0.743742416: 0.5396513438 340.57808721589646 347.5158565827735 The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing ….. 1.163443033: 0.3670369801 386.69153835472025 362.1169570571012 Analysts had been expecting a net loss of 54 cents a share, ….. 0.622115825: 0.7561146918 327.21469999062293 329.205659060238 The district also sent letters yesterday informing parents o….. 0.3361518176: -0.03978332988 295.7951910460697 396.52906561928273 It seemed like an isolated incident,» said Ariel Dean of Was….. 0.2678373045: -0.03077488225 288.2893217794851 395.7670592247856 The jury awarded TVT about $23 million in compensatory damag….. 0.9385354591: 0.4411883141 361.98043716384353 355.84464544171396 TVT Records sought $360 million in punitive damages and $30 ….. 1.15357002: 0.7125295313 385.6067681996943 332.89243977530157 The two Democrats on the five-member FCC panel held a news c….. 0.7739740702: -0.02704497292 343.89970709001386 395.4515537258337 Besides battling its sales slump, Siebel also has been sparr….. 0.293241309: 0.1304755097 291.0805169200776 382.12721416628676 A cost analysis is under way, said Michael Rebell, CFE’s exe….. 0.2907998713: -0.1718341829 290.8122706661632 407.6989806380017 The pill, which they call the «polypill,» would contain aspi….. -0.1042007492: -0.2819271164 247.4126636932953 417.01151957863885 They drive around in their cars, while people are being kill….. -0.057537216: -0.3439111616 252.53969108633888 422.25462480127624 LURD’s Ja’neh also called for an interim government and the ….. 1.536934078: 0.001501032206 427.72783984602484 393.0369047930032 Benchmark Treasury 10-year notes gained 17/32, yielding 4.01….. 0.57795118: 1.656609934 322.3622310736622 253.03458480148976 Prosecutors did an about-face in May and asked that the auto….. 0.7051472066: 0.4982187854 336.3375447158011 351.02055303557586 Penn Traffic’s stock closed at 36 cents per share on Wednesd….. 0.2254112516: 0.625011454 283.62787588662155 340.29541721579017 Hotly contested legislation that would change the state’s ta….. 0.9725870559: 0.1864343172 365.721762727343 377.393771632773 The new bill would have Medicare cover 95 percent of drug co….. 0.6130169596: -0.2891033249 326.21498717458735 417.61854056491086 Prairie dogs sold as exotic pets are believed to have been i….. -0.4185021712: 0.01011392117 212.8796592530661 392.3083579070769 The defense cannot appeal Roush’s ruling until after the tri….. 0.7007612125: 0.04973275798 335.85564568033743 388.9570805002611 Former Indiana Rep. Frank McCloskey, 64, died Sunday in Bloo….. 0.4577473389: 0.6690923792 309.15516457237214 336.5667007662097 Hospitals and the Red Cross appealed to blood donors yesterd….. 0.425322779: 0.8198431218 305.59260522124356 323.8149998468134 spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the osce. 0.4465451528: -0.1738825013 307.92435518465544 407.8722437509515 santos stated the radioactive material was the primary basis….. 0.7181923112: -0.6175004235 337.77083971426777 445.3969880288252 ingo kober stated there is larger interest in intellectual p….. 0.3328635363: 0.5033119992 295.43390018719884 350.5897283617344 investigators claim the british company was a cia cover. 0.3344678186: 0.2309021174 295.6101662865127 373.6323302117244 the center will be operational in august 2008. 0.4436075459: 0.9414284788 307.60159370611206 313.5303400021044 georgian government websites are under intense cyber attack ….. 0.5173907383: -0.6903553338 315.70831907749414 451.55963778231285 the african union has proposed a peacekeeping mission to hel….. 1.136204267: -0.8120870127 383.69875381391995 461.8566747005754 reports state that the syrian government was concealing a nu….. 1.151008681: -0.5610514152 385.32534809908856 440.62208039847883 national, regional and international efforts to end the illi….. 0.5839764329: -0.498517551 323.02423916336886 435.3324670978212 russian officials have called for a conference on the conven….. 1.345855492: -0.4655541594 406.7336056404216 432.5441603623716 myanmar was formerly known as burma. 0.4686278967: 0.3772636183 310.3506359497796 361.2519063794076 nato regrets russia’s decision to suspend participation in t….. 1.330461045: 0.01708991409 405.04218313096123 391.71827275142516 human rights violations in myanmar include summary execution….. 0.8284203588: -0.6555122811 349.88184332197835 448.6123343090036 general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that the state….. 0.3020577103: -0.2568816473 292.04919476400096 414.8929739248838 alstom is in competition with japanese and german countries ….. -0.08513477225: 0.7097521274 249.50748548414086 333.127374761875 the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascrib….. 0.7712476254: -0.6205986597 343.6001464662612 445.65906157767773 russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east. 0.02439397694: -0.3796258818 261.5416556079562 425.2756608723576 the international atomic energy agency reached an agreement ….. 1.24463371: -0.3750476705 395.61214076169443 424.8883992245262 beijing police apprehend more than 20 people including 8 for….. 0.3496927235: -0.2440661214 297.28296085088397 413.8089344599031 russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united st….. 1.270121178: -0.3541508458 398.41250624979244 423.12077901673564 police stated tsai wen-huang would be extradited to taiwan. 0.9103357369: -0.2062022124 358.8820702370289 410.606102853169 2 of the individuals arrested were released. 0.2420543534: 0.5651017169 285.4564909289865 345.3630609045393 the cfe treaty was signed in 1990. 0.9625734312: 1.795782316 364.621543253748 241.26227400786547 iran insists that the program is aimed solely at peaceful pu….. 0.7656473806: -0.6665363764 342.984834963704 449.5448402749928 china is an important force for safeguarding world peace. 0.2987052049: -0.04529018367 291.6808474529164 396.9948792621173 a spokesman for stockwell day was not immediately available ….. 0.5566294945: 0.1219535 320.01956950469634 382.8480737614859 kim myong-chol warned that if there was an interdiction of n….. 0.8212681288: -0.866667778 349.0960117279409 466.4735514228813 kashmir is divided between india and pakistan. 0.4516594082: -0.1658845666 308.4862699281413 407.19571460778735 south korea and israel oppose proliferation of weapons of ma….. 0.8113268211: -0.6404610092 348.00373787730945 447.3391776172737 kadhafi warns that us and britain’s failure to compensate li….. 1.264513036: -0.6259629056 397.7963269793515 446.11281230755253 russia ratified the amended treaty. 1.683986169: 0.6341253662 443.88478399771054 339.52448978461643 jamaat-i-islami’s youth wing staged a separate demonstration….. 0.4859279545: -0.8401205884 312.2514322215464 464.22797826195773 china will resolutely oppose the means of the delivery of ma….. 0.3794609061: -0.03566345186 300.5536580540662 396.18057345648856 north korea has claimed nuclear ambitions and currently nort….. 1.184213481: -0.7630982341 388.9736342540018 457.71281283542487 the united states government has accused the iranian governm….. 1.42469542: -1.122680384 415.39592601171535 488.1291408300807 tirana is the capital of 0.8890634589: 0.9822506492 356.5448371909297 310.07727503848827 in an armed clash iranian police kill 4 alleged drug traffic….. 0.8288385639: -0.8275753111 349.9277924610464 463.16679858229264 iran’s nuclear projects are for peaceful purposes. 0.922295379: -0.03136092629 360.1961030250476 395.81663150627224 china will resolutely oppose the proliferation of mass destr….. 0.6241955203: 0.07059190077 327.4432007927539 387.19264773080397 china is north korea’s closest ally. -0.03181854151: -0.5598275191 255.36545972204826 440.5185535030599 cambodia and vietnam finalized an agreement to stop asian an….. 0.3019348578: -0.316167114 292.0356966838724 419.9078118394964 existing rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months. 0.02780464128: 0.1391107775 261.9163929734452 381.39677430396756 the international atomic energy agency may have been tricked….. 0.3281088277: -0.2408405066 294.911489655437 413.5360862198367 myanmar government has stated myanmar will become opium-free….. 1.117568253: -0.3523745427 381.65117309836694 422.9705251218673 jewish-american group the anti-defamation league (adl) publi….. 0.6709565138: 0.3556650146 332.58093636264056 363.0788886545432 capital offenses in saudi arabia include rape, murder, apost….. 0.9561262333: -0.6827672727 363.91317510725617 450.91777901327487 lavrov has told us secretary of state condoleezza rice that ….. 0.3521799555: -0.5889030363 297.55623862465615 442.97799278866694 additional individuals and entities are subject to an assets….. 1.144721889: -0.3532255165 384.63460416346874 423.0425072746132 withdrawal from the treaty would allow russia to bolster for….. 0.9617019658: -0.8741966738 364.5257933820749 467.11040551731014 turkmenistan borders afghanistan. 0.6581332872: 0.6779010921 331.1720196017698 335.82158952999447 amnesty international is a rights group based in london. 1.445344889: -0.7080580217 417.66472963914885 453.0570724055478 paris is the capital of france. 0.4219214116: -0.4604833475 305.2188893349847 432.1152306284717 an indian government official spoke on condition of anonymit….. 0.7505664438: -1.0248584 341.3278585075875 479.85457676027625 russia had threatened several times to withdraw from the cfe….. 0.8836464366: -0.5071391667 355.9496567584105 436.06175215827915 the plan for tunisia is the creation of electronic databases….. 0.521941318: 0.3473007308 316.2083015037495 363.78640653834947 china has been praised by the international community for ef….. 0.8985787818: -0.3187635191 357.5903071244692 420.12743650370237 the russian foreign ministry stated that russia has not susp….. 0.9017129201: -0.7878951817 357.93466194729365 459.81033656383624 arms smugglers and drug cartels must be eliminated from sout….. 0.7702723434: -0.7690596441 343.4929900332009 458.217076467342 the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to buildi….. 0.4201274181: -0.3969905016 305.0217792331711 426.74449899276635 zhang stated– china opposes restricting the peaceful use of….. 0.9679743559: -0.536921484 365.21495499472826 438.58097824604727 estonian officials stated that some of the cyber attacks tha….. 0.9687063433: -0.4347504187 365.2953801039674 429.9385341347117 britain has struck an agreement to supply saudi arabia with ….. 0.7210417851: 0.01997329693 338.0839178161629 391.47437321959296 opium is the raw ingredient for heroin. -0.05862033967: -0.342165379 252.42068585170472 422.10695257671034 many of those executed in iran are hanged in public. 0.3706223264: 0.09114756137 299.5825434102587 385.4538859070278 the cfe is very important for european security. -0.1657010686: 1.306489324 240.6554852226035 282.6505802770917 last week russia announced that it will suspend participatio….. 1.13494614: -0.08906750183 383.5605206444524 400.69791420940237 the u.s., other western nations and nato condemned the viole….. 1.642800078: -0.7826295128 439.35957550731007 459.3649242628378 indian nationals constitute the largest number of foreign in….. 0.8883392178: -0.5268327121 356.46526318633875 437.72758940238236 iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as offic….. 1.39086892: -0.2824213335 411.67933230718387 417.0533244035515 the panamanian foreign ministry communique stated that the t….. 0.9647566679: 0.1277033732 364.8614203769387 382.3617035997601 vietnam has among the world’s harshest drug laws. 0.3844735278: 0.386293266 301.1044060765674 360.48810671890385 the indian government has prohibited direct or indirect expo….. 0.6756201856: -0.09813777038 333.0933444792604 401.46514991100116 the united states and other nato members have refused to rat….. 1.685201058: -0.1014198708 444.0182665929425 401.7427761582154 the cfe limits the use of armed forces and heavy weaponry an….. 0.90072553: -0.2245450116 357.8261751854777 412.15768319918556 bulgaria is located on the southeastern part of the balkan p….. 0.1430470731: 0.4137591853 274.57833826001496 358.16482006518714 the iranian government has dismissed the allegations in the ….. 1.230289629: -0.489782613 394.0361242911671 434.5935963293487 the cfe treaty was established in 1990. 1.032378975: 1.66014217 372.2912353824161 252.73580009982015 the meetings lasted 2 days. 0.06900992017: 0.8379649781 266.44370968102857 322.28210861620727 the statement did not specify the quantity of warheads the m….. 0.8341660729: -0.5337532472 350.51313786319366 438.3129834929872 it is a serious threat to international security. 0.8266951463: -0.1815458491 349.6922903520676 408.52047087205096 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinist….. 0.6479388693: 1.372987692 330.0519359692027 277.0256175648744 russian president vladimir putin states that the decision to….. 1.162462993: -0.3719523857 386.5838591736382 424.6265753286336 dutch national research institute tno carried out chemical w….. 0.5491566787: -0.5144954184 319.19851442412477 436.6840026404983 russia already participates in the european space agency’s 0.1517626459: -0.3623238146 275.5359378625632 423.8121139407154 myanmar is a military state. 0.6540487364: 0.5739286549 330.72324082246956 344.6164080504702 it did not say if the men had been hanged in prison. -0.117699463: -1.291378039 245.9295296347501 502.398934828164 amnesty international’s report was compiled by european and ….. 1.606602244: -0.4294661526 435.3824380222042 429.49154873440443 an institute for public policy research report said there ar….. 1.092464536: -0.8413255627 378.89297117843205 464.3299046037497 the international community should modernize and seek a fair….. 1.207704514: -0.7405133332 391.5546468346174 455.8024016758132 naeem m. smuggled 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of heroin. 0.2312244614: 0.9220459723 284.2665863229103 315.1698670901824 29 people were convicted by the quang ninh people’s court of….. 0.4439120989: 0.03111425502 307.635055624025 390.5319820705752 elbaradei states that a middle east peace deal can only be r….. 0.8765530289: -0.7016540918 355.17028809873136 452.51537690816133 drug traffickers face the death penalty under tajik law. 0.4390924478: -0.07103233188 307.1055097119679 399.17235560002996 international atomic energy association is the united nation….. 1.2221669: -0.8934837328 393.143661821192 468.7418588969534 president putin stated that russia would take countermeasure….. 0.7396822218: -0.470391257 340.1319845455436 432.9533206857046 brazil’s strategic affairs minister roberto mangabeira unger….. 0.9222397271: -0.2108470844 360.1899884198874 410.9990032020865 the accused will be charged with international drug traffick….. 1.331178121: -1.325648265 405.12096989676604 505.29778402524585 variants of the advanced light helicopter (alh) contain rock….. 0.1189192738: -0.2256191707 271.9273626661052 412.2485441539943 indian defense ministry has increased spending on defense pu….. 0.9542911576: -0.9797703728 363.71155121830014 476.0406715360841 the conventional forces in europe treaty was signed by russi….. 0.9133584682: -0.05066082281 359.2141845292491 397.4491707825563 sheik doon salad ilmi said civilian casualties resulting fro….. 0.2430125038: -0.2793232847 285.5617650661497 416.79126671175317 the south african government maintains very good relations w….. 0.6868995113: -0.4739855318 334.3326293730069 433.2573531283107 blix stated that it is essential to increase efforts to elim….. 1.094945089: -0.8125470716 379.1655151688988 461.8955901503569 physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified inform….. 0.4251768257: -0.3505588739 305.5765690036315 422.81694136258614 myanmar is the world’s largest producer of illegal opium but….. 0.6821152302: -0.03468911161 333.80696964346913 396.0981559828914 santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 compu….. 0.3986971263: -0.3555616228 302.6671848548657 423.24011379442766 a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pier….. 0.4108898917: 0.2074268246 304.0068314167633 375.61805782377235 the osce discussed the possible extension of the osce’s miss….. 0.8702784429: 0.1818970304 354.48088521333926 377.77757156565747 elbaradei is the international atomic energy agency chief. 1.187281374: -0.8893478662 389.3107105721268 468.3920142938274 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is 37 years old. 1.211465469: 0.3278791506 391.9678714465845 365.42923879031855 the riyadh-based naif arab academy for security sciences sai….. 0.6488356237: -0.1843870935 330.15046439302904 408.76080599879197 sharia is islamic law. 0.7179625952: 0.9749987567 337.7456002942762 310.69069798247006 according to the statement the rs-24 reinforces the military….. 1.282015363: -0.4150248125 399.7193470243965 428.26998493668475 iran lies on a major drug route between afghanistan and euro….. 0.5000228825: -0.2796455128 313.8000736741967 416.8185233355639 it will be hosted by the australian government. -0.1222501551: 1.460012574 245.42953485710586 269.6643585167774 the 5 permanent united nations security council members are ….. 1.053534744: -0.37217036 374.6156673851933 424.64501333125673 in july 2006 jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit stated t….. 0.4880586793: 0.1272943192 312.485539753247 382.3963046483892 the south african government imposed a ban that prohibits th….. 0.8030793222: -0.7740698506 347.09756661907795 458.64087971833 china’s council of agriculture opens a special office in cha….. 0.8074584096: -0.0802181477 347.5787068050572 399.94936521215266 iranian parliamentary speaker gholam-ali haddad-adel visited….. 1.184121861: -0.3128455537 388.9635676866562 419.62684776188865 the european union and the united states have frozen al-qadi….. 0.5699067145: -0.7870511888 321.4783675492608 459.7389449069268 the chinese government has strengthened china’s anti-prolife….. 0.7810820824: 0.2875418562 344.68068037926713 368.8412890716181 russia has ratified the amended version but the united state….. 1.305098055: -0.2705223691 402.2554943773532 416.04681503810474 the part of the purpose of the united states plan is to incr….. 0.761485058: -0.9256887575 342.52751121690136 471.46601690066007 an indian government official stated that india does not att….. 0.8989214244: -0.5596261728 357.62795404214086 440.50152202406906 china’s cabinet the state council announced that it will ame….. 1.536090118: -0.7883662119 427.6351120812499 459.8501800538105 some asean officials stated such standardization would be di….. 0.7883766833: -0.1932077752 345.48215459766965 409.5069296557866 iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop usin….. 1.203422152: -0.5442952546 391.0841341527862 439.2047106112133 the united states dismissed the action as nuclear blackmail…… 1.551725463: -1.052944209 429.3530026115711 482.23029857698145 north korean officials are suspected of building nuclear wea….. 0.8707170324: -0.5667340171 354.529074026529 441.102760226658 president vladimir putin signed a decree suspending russia’s….. 1.122678554: -0.03394462269 382.2126533232182 396.03518116800933 the extradition conditions stipulate that the tunisian can o….. 0.7763928649: -0.3205513239 344.1654655093476 420.2786633035205 the attacks are believed to have come from russian administr….. 0.6614179296: -0.6410307435 331.532910655968 447.38737028657687 india and pakistan remain outside the treaty. 0.5494878434: -0.8304893466 319.2349002368534 463.41329096364973 russia may pull out of the treaty if the us and other nato a….. 0.9644017797: 0.05461384198 364.8224280096072 388.5441994609189 at the state scientific center of applied microbiology there….. 0.3519192311: -0.8283261622 297.52759225056724 463.2303115678988 the book states that the drug conveys a completely positive ….. -0.008005697167: -0.09624609466 257.98183051160714 401.30513688197084 40 inmates are serving sentences for murder. 0.5067632207: -0.4004623638 314.54064980372965 427.03817681080477 executive director of the arms control association in washin….. 0.2552060119: 0.3509226362 286.9014932387973 363.48003686837853 korobeynichev’s laboratory worked with the u.s. lawrence liv….. 0.4120999842: 0.1599369981 304.1397870079511 379.63512635181075 officials state that decision about the treaty will depend o….. 1.206634333: -0.6469721242 391.4370637185664 447.88993968794705 there is much concern over the drug. 0.4398157718: -1.063971267 307.18498295111806 483.1630551208598 capital offenses in iran include murder, rape, armed robbery….. 1.051305777: -0.9806829118 374.37076569191555 476.11786137081367 saudi arabia is an absolute monarchy that has taken steps to….. 0.504420874: -0.5067984326 314.2832909021333 436.03293015661524 indian and pakistani governments nearly engaged in a fourth ….. 0.629045065: -0.3025925468 327.9760311774928 418.75956661274734 iguaran stated that the detainees will be accused of homicid….. 1.964952482: -0.8601957054 474.75518499523486 465.92609187475307 this further aggravated the situation. -0.3815770171: 1.589164627 216.936709018889 258.739647154013 SC dismisses govt’s review plea in Vodafone tax case 0.93319508: 0.3654341857 361.3936777016984 362.2525342007241 Explosion hits oil pipeline in Syria’s Homs 1.134487458: 0.1954012262 383.51012423942586 376.6352789106266 Eye Opener: Supreme Court rules on Arizona immigration law 1.277593884: 0.1402239757 399.2335492480425 381.302611113389 NATO traces path out of Afghanistan 1.659724646: -0.7475977807 441.2191158761564 456.4016607835319 Sachin Tendulkar says I’m not God, I’m Sachin -0.267631989: 1.728031244 229.4561056466951 246.99320040642317 Teenager in China kills 8, wounds 5 in knife attack 0.2680295153: -0.4602968611 288.3104404178437 432.0994561200868 Syrian rebels move command from Turkey to Syria 2.287966192: -1.110210691 510.2454281608459 487.07435464234834 Knesset speaker: Obama reelection bad for Israel 1.825843564: -0.4753331185 459.4709751778465 433.37134276522346 Indian finance minister quits to run for president 1.309309167: -0.4677402116 402.7181787610705 432.72907410451023 Jerry Sandusky found guilty in child sex abuse trial 0.0837788243: -0.6849639713 268.0664024098802 451.1035933154354 White House in damage control over Obama Supreme Court remar….. 1.1834788: -0.113329396 388.8929131626153 402.75017884956344 Quartet calls on Israelis, Palestinians to end irritants 1.097601413: -0.05938916624 379.4573714467377 398.18748372901337 Nigeria university mass attacked by gunmen 1.433974536: -1.072920788 416.41544336716146 483.92007706918656 Romney announces Paul Ryan as running mate 0.2941904904: 0.2349618162 291.1848056110923 373.28892848067755 Stocks rise early after Greek deal, then flatten 0.5080275057: 0.4237718761 314.6795596410087 357.3178667624643 NATO: 2 International Troops Killed in Afghanistan 1.64232485: 0.7155157223 439.3073611294619 332.6398439079686 Moscow protesters demand Vladimir Putin’s resignation 1.936454785: -0.3142952617 471.62407896064474 419.74947563460097 French election turnout higher than expected 1.128879351: -0.4072385752 382.89394887506563 427.6113628524352 Australia to establish the world’s largest marine reserve 0.885114375: -0.1585391651 356.110942457768 406.57438192710134 Abbas to lead Palestinian unity government 2.172097851: -1.229964321 497.5147128244003 497.20407244990747 Lance Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles 0.445497263: 0.8025961657 307.80922117109617 325.2738850353214 Egypt votes on final day of presidential election 1.558167135: -0.5712989482 430.06076362219056 441.48889852563445 ISAF: 4 coalition troops killed in attack involving Afghan p….. 1.575683474: -1.496207736 431.9853232169264 519.7250653159165 China news agency: Still hope for Syria peace 1.412905668: -0.4859543601 414.10055939494146 434.2697721519007 22 dead in suicide attack on Yemen police academy 1.158531553: -1.240298657 386.1519030407396 498.0782330791536 US, allies to set demands for Iran nuclear talks 2.098547346: -1.146771912 489.4335532833729 490.1669945097263 Middle East: Israel: Hamas Leader Convicted 2.021963618: 0.5218584744 481.01912684863464 349.02091947644465 Navy Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building 0.3460168253: 1.883197871 296.8790816452691 233.86796875082854 Woman dies after abortion refusal 0.5915213007: -0.5259552399 323.8532107626912 437.65336580311197 U.S. and Turkey weigh no-fly zones for Syria 2.076389003: -0.3028468078 486.9989662996909 418.781074032277 Death toll rises to 236 after Brazzaville blasts 0.9688121835: 0.6523384923 365.3070090068285 337.9838782309376 Syria journalists rescue bid fails 1.832138344: -0.8600863563 460.1625968050284 465.91684225258325 New sex claim hits Secret Service 0.4428318705: 0.1367156747 307.51636850272587 381.59937121332575 Israeli air strikes kill 16 in Gaza 1.37933017: -1.134891395 410.4115439174327 489.1620456179073 18 killed, 108 wounded in wave of bombings in Iraq 1.333605349: -0.558746845 405.3876549211065 440.4271414611578 What time is Andy Murray v Roger Federer in the Wimbledon me….. -0.214660557: 0.346297201 235.27619606747288 363.87129309389934 New Jersey School Bans Hugging 0.4015452099: 1.797394342 302.9801102041462 241.12591602343855 Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran steps up relief efforts aft….. 1.662453294: -0.4394961531 441.5189185295739 430.339966231775 Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska 1.134630585: 0.09571622754 383.5258499126498 385.0674316607972 ‘No Evidence’ In Afghanistan Massacre Case 1.275784713: 0.7780525585 399.0347715598947 327.34997921117167 Cash-rich Apple to pay dividend, buy back shares 0.2574284395: 0.5593973742 287.1456763616975 345.84557973476774 Two reported dead in shooting at Empire State Building in NY 0.618445083: 0.1508796744 326.8113873093105 380.40126708042635 Australian unemployment up to 5.1 percent 1.219050651: 0.4640462644 392.80127248415164 353.91113757867026 4 killed in shrine bombing in northwest Pakistan 1.238965763: -0.8315269371 394.9893906626555 463.5010586466523 China stocks close mixed Friday 0.6497720043: -0.08990753614 330.2533466400938 400.76897101528004 India bans bulk texts after riots 1.333387499: -0.2162213157 405.3637192721342 411.45359857352844 Radical Islamists in Mali enlist new militia 1.590502232: -0.1377221643 433.613493534826 404.8135138662359 2 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes 2.050921639: -1.088279102 484.20080974535585 485.21920584816945 The Note’s Must Reads for Wednesday July 4, 2012 0.6262637877: 1.234693876 327.67044598450957 288.723612206564 ‘Iran will attack Tel Aviv if Israel strikes’ 1.983215346: -0.4672482723 476.7617669284599 432.6874619542864 Gusmao consolidates power in East Timor elections 1.754170394: 0.349055079 451.5960827186687 363.6380097616113 Nigeria plane crash: No survivors 0.91006972: -0.3696871583 358.8528423607201 424.43496431382687 Strong earthquake hits Mexico 0.8457455228: 0.3251715683 351.7853980830694 365.65826770953333 Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria killings 2.565961051: -0.624983493 540.7893488136439 446.0299657693352 Pakistani plane crashes with 127 on board 0.5860306219: -0.3315345246 323.2499375288844 421.2077100729068 UN security council orders global sanctions against Haqqani ….. 2.30532674: -0.7547367932 512.1528705760621 457.0055354357048 Erdogan and Putin talked in raised voice 0.958057813: -0.3713583258 364.1254021177669 424.57632500307454 Four men admit London Stock Exchange bomb plot 0.2929852453: -0.07236352587 291.0523826180621 399.2849586122111 Israel threatens action against Gaza aid ship 1.799630304: -1.141399543 456.5908653213176 489.7125566894275 US soldier kills up to 16 civilians in Afghanistan 1.555741077: -1.017535889 429.7942072263439 479.2351802722574 Rupert Murdoch: I was the victim of a cover up -0.256760543: -0.4138080324 230.6505758721007 428.16705996576115 Barack Obama’s bodyguards sent back to US after prostitution….. 1.083669346: -0.4904979842 377.92662388296367 434.6541081380452 Tibetan monk dies after setting himself on fire in protest a….. 0.4932790325: -0.8688641866 313.0591116990777 466.65934119733225 Mumbai is 2nd costliest Indian city to live in 0.5980394501: 0.06215008071 324.5693745042704 387.9067242441375 Man, 19, quizzed over teen murder -0.03645867968: -0.9253988231 254.85563730087475 471.4414919429809 Israel kills Hamas commander, bombs Gaza targets 2.321167447: -1.297467601 513.89332476123 502.914038532915 NATO Condemns Syria’s Downing of Turkish Military Jet 1.80036419: 0.9555172896 456.67149903083737 312.3385959446608 Five killed in China building collapse 0.9759675008: -0.5801530751 366.0931798162479 442.2378512444467 Syrian forces launch new attacks 1.954714584: -1.220420129 473.6303241203995 496.3967485221652 Gazans fire 2 rockets into Israel; no injuries 0.672034563: -0.5529126275 332.6993840630752 439.9336367807757 Second teenager charged with murder 0.3590438763: -0.8301855864 298.310393047976 463.3875964993447 French Fear New Serial Killer After Murders 0.3419430919: 1.287009092 296.43149138543805 284.29837375401263 Hollande defeats Sarkozy in French presidency vote 1.634868782: -0.001769195689 438.4881461726898 393.3135267672974 Libyan government retakes Tripoli airport 2.104302973: -0.3530624348 490.0659370633072 423.02871252549835 Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down execution law 1.361836854: -0.1053593806 408.489513872163 402.07601133973446 S. Africa’s former president Mandela discharged from hospita….. 1.088017445: -0.1496134916 378.40435928181097 405.81937722425187 UN envoy in Turkey for talks on Syria 2.85016793: -0.620623131 572.0157981102271 445.66113155530047 Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt’s Presidential Election 2.276281227: 1.036716478 508.96157479971555 305.47012055284114 Bangladesh Muslims torch Buddhist shrines, police say 1.048872056: -0.9026787292 374.1033673015561 469.5196450751553 U.S. Drone Kills Five Militants in Pakistan 1.872798778: 0.7850394524 464.6300501714203 326.75897196826577 Court in Bahrain rejects medics’ last rally appeal 1.546389112: -0.08868085129 428.7666857263565 400.6652082206866 Clinton calls for friends of Syria to unite 1.559708327: -0.7233766574 430.23009786651005 454.3528448703562 US stocks fall as Greek talks lumber; Apple falls 0.8543205889: -0.1143966289 352.7275598867448 402.84045392022045 NATO sticks to transition roadmap in Afghanistan: Rasmussen 0.9606193141: 0.1421386343 364.4068400110491 381.14065400598594 No blocks to investment 0.3164866922: 0.08346456067 293.63453947317794 386.1037754224185 Blast kills 11 in northwestern Pakistan 1.288869604: 0.1418720678 400.4724379208115 381.163202335283 Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan 1.802686742: -1.271486549 456.92668304155444 500.71635384433824 Remains of 167 bodies found in Mexican cave 0.09981250578: 0.2103968293 269.82805907185474 375.3668311195951 Two Kenyan ministers among 6 killed in plane crash 0.6970488301: -0.6403935628 335.4477578660519 447.3334724563261 Google names new Motorola Mobility CEO 0.7332313101: 0.9671974591 339.4232083607266 311.3505939990062 Another rocket hits Eshkol; no injuries 0.05717298711: -0.4472763379 265.14315921243127 430.99807634749925 Assange appeals extradition to UK’s top court 1.313763442: -0.2807013834 403.2075800026151 416.9078373008316 Strong quake jolts most parts of Pakistan 0.9742073772: 0.1647111978 365.89979107680716 379.2312864407998 Lebanese Gunmen Clash Over Syria Crisis 1.992815191: 0.6198062311 477.8165235585392 340.73571651605295 Mob kills man for burning Quran 0.02211786104: -0.5573447888 261.2915736333761 440.3085443637022 US, UK in pact to release emergency oil stocks 1.145283556: -0.294125625 384.6963158018037 418.0433667905177 Strauss-Kahn investigated in French prostitution ring 0.4814365287: -0.2367137878 311.7579491680695 413.18701540816653 Romney wins Florida Republican primary 0.9927307501: 0.006236858331 367.93499573246083 392.6363108237282 2 Traffic Accidents Leave 47 Dead in China 0.5223070018: 1.303981237 316.2484800051764 282.86273423517287 12 killed in Gaza in Israeli airstrikes 2.180043812: -1.038964205 498.3877534368551 481.04775823964997 Barclays hit by fresh U.S. investigations 1.116974908: -0.07584940848 381.58598090459924 399.5798223827003 US closes embassy in Syria (AP) 2.349924862: -0.5544302232 517.0529666832722 440.0620071372417 EU heaps new sanctions on Syria 1.950977366: -0.5044454975 473.2197076068904 435.83390012307734 China stocks open flat Monday 0.4871095321: -0.1496191557 312.38125481421986 405.8198563400638 Sheryl Crow says has benign brain tumor -0.08945841617: 0.2172439921 249.03243699729506 374.7876434468992 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators quietly meet 1.51672486: -0.8275717995 425.5074076628801 463.16650154306745 US astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82 0.4215162179: 0.3254891492 305.17436979179786 365.6314041785547 East German rights activist Gauck elected president 1.623420843: -0.1034808286 437.230335345843 401.91710841670726 Man arrested over double murder 0.05475169249: -0.9482180473 264.87712612337674 473.3717240370814 Warship sets sail for Falklands 0.4876177057: 0.9168540889 312.43708898363144 315.60903802179087 Egypt lets Mubarak PM back in presidential race 1.053705698: -0.4025820138 374.63445047661963 427.21747372338905 GOP candidate Romney to call to arm Syrian rebels 1.412485477: -0.8599172214 414.05439202421746 465.902535476659 U.N. observer patrol arrives at Syria massacre site 1.530647224: -0.7312852162 427.03708911473376 455.0218138871829 Government of Canada Supports Montréal Women Leading Change 1.157026781: 1.542777826 385.9865703594122 262.6634130112987 No problem if Mulayam forms Third Front: Congress 0.8319507871: 0.2681052429 350.2697394328756 370.4853929388365 Bradley triumphs at Firestone as Furyk fades 0.1783350249: 1.393757733 278.45550492717814 275.2687217738542 Romney, Obama fight for edge on Medicare 0.8693358805: -0.6574632398 354.37732376443523 448.77736196486046 BBC director general resigns over ‘shoddy journalism’ 1.287267514: 0.0641913547 400.29641268763106 387.73405699879856 In Islamist-led Egypt, Coptic Church names new pope 0.7298729138: 0.3090782354 339.05421380311816 367.0195702445359 US pledge to rebuild Haiti not being met 1.558151775: -0.1899781192 430.0590760336553 409.23373956925633 Chinese stocks close higher Thursday 0.7903182581: -0.252295099 345.6954797918511 414.50500706351454 Greece to vote on 2013 budget; protesters gather 1.474492831: -0.1659315951 420.86727958327486 407.19969265409264 Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to Nearly 20 Countri….. 1.12990666: 1.782037151 383.0068216642948 242.4249497999233 WikiLeaks begins publishing two million Syria emails 1.416709927: -0.3236298479 414.5185418617846 420.53906943100685 Palestinians: 2 Gaza militants killed in Israeli airstrike o….. 1.580151805: -1.083618972 432.4762688118017 484.82501489150104 Three killed in Nigeria suicide bombers attack 1.321791741: -1.138228978 404.0896671835722 489.4443650207873 HRW: Jordan biased against Palestinians from Syria 2.191280363: -0.7107438518 499.6223385940858 453.2842613518424 Qaida leader calls for kidnap of Westerners in Egypt 1.712391881: -0.517443168 447.0057834557895 436.93334682223053 43 killed in bus crash 0.3557085317: -0.807857004 297.94393122831826 461.4988668028993 Syrian regime denies role in Houla massacre 2.10759246: -0.7904522591 490.42736032760666 460.0266345730433 Syria demands guarantees, rebels say peace plan doomed 1.598453368: -1.294546287 434.4871027124081 502.6669305340109 Russians rally support for Orthodox church over Pussy Riot c….. 0.9469238157: -0.09968721889 362.90208478498596 401.59621463165115 Mali interim leader takes office 1.269068667: -0.4884732807 398.2968644741718 434.48284255596457 Air Force Instructor Faces Sentencing for Rape 0.9545817709: 1.706880659 363.7434815498252 248.7822856574653 China stocks end higher on PMI at midday 0.5915331968: 0.1589038949 323.85451781259223 379.72251446575723 Scientists Resurrect Flowers from Prehistoric Seeds 0.1529687675: 2.347927831 275.6684571504133 194.55739981298996 Sectarian clashes rock Lebanese city of Tripoli 1.379807678: -0.3739073141 410.4640087664254 424.79193877509687 Sheriff: Man recovers stolen car 42 years later 0.0239387777: -0.2017944525 261.4916418437466 410.23325934254757 Iran may cut oil exports to more EU states 1.630612824: -0.7535029219 438.0205344889097 456.9011647514627 Australian among four on plane missing in Indonesia 0.6207770789: -0.5328682176 327.0676089456079 438.2381206289911 Jaya Prada all set to join BJP 0.474139567: 0.5369030015 310.95621556448447 347.7483333005302 Hezbollah’s Nasrallah warns US over anti-Islam film 1.59874934: -0.01537331074 434.51962179616345 394.464271389392 Nadal tops Djokovic for 7th French Open title 0.1092940077: 0.9315959071 270.8698130207248 314.36205739262243 Beef burger mix recalled over salmonella concerns -0.02140692478: 0.3125487701 256.509407479177 366.7260047175008 First significant gas found offshore Kenya 0.8884117239: -0.2281319232 356.47322959566935 412.46109280813863 U.S. soldier killed in shooting incident in S. Afghanistan 1.254587611: -1.090239918 396.7057982695159 485.3850672808835 Polls close in Egyptian presidential election 1.628043252: -0.223059819 437.7382098698958 412.03205376242124 China says defense budget to rise 11.2% in 2012 1.20999337: -0.1706165252 391.8061286015782 407.59598143408607 Ecuador President Correa says no decision made on Assange as….. 1.516629687: -0.02156000842 425.49695078856865 394.98759165459717 US offers US$10 mil. for Pakistan militant 1.5907801: 0.2500905267 433.64402351966106 372.00922141203785 6 NATO troops killed in Afghanistan IED attack 1.875173973: -1.082104741 464.89101820563724 484.69692912580297 Osama Bin Laden Wives to Be Jailed 1.004083275: 0.829450237 369.1823231421556 323.00235336982723 Tsunami warning: No need for SA to panic 0.3931435445: 0.3817186126 302.05700031937056 360.8750674141713 Jeremy Hunt distances himself from adviser who ‘overstepped ….. 0.5800814209: 0.6108312879 322.5962854286091 341.4948888335322 Obama praises U.S.-Latin America trade ties 1.260062578: 0.2886639414 397.30734516079895 368.7463741513584 Blitzbokke ousted by Fiji 1.289128524: 1.64232191 400.5008860590799 254.24317988637574 Shooter charged with murder of US black teen 0.04941257909: -0.8138218873 264.2905057205769 462.00342423559914 How wind farm developers ‘use camera tricks to make turbines….. -0.5392182023: -0.5206317342 199.61631728850358 437.2030612037475 US drone kills six militants in Pakistan: officials 1.88283804: -1.162551355 465.733086529835 491.5017457464586 Nigeria: Nigerian troops swarm after 40 killed in student ma….. 1.060049366: -0.9656848181 375.33144356702127 474.84920290818246 Nerves Calmed — For Now : Markets Jump on Relief over Spani….. 0.4787853228: 1.820769723 311.46665521043366 239.14863973359974 Heavy Fighting Reported in Syria’s Aleppo 1.082733084: 1.460548318 377.82375471574005 269.61904103119514 4 French Soldiers Reported Killed in Afghanistan 1.211949567: 0.6301268628 392.0210603789129 339.8627151155995 Spanish bailout dilemma gets more acute 0.4282673197: -0.317112921 305.9161285387036 419.9878157469223 NATO soldier dies in Afghanistan 1.740548827: -1.195902394 450.09945055597086 494.32284279450624 Chinese stocks open lower Wednesday 0.5711469005: -0.2850324938 321.61462957425954 417.2741971832836 Mitt Romney wins Maryland GOP primary 1.025442472: 0.2135972168 371.52910624440847 375.0961168104551 Man finds car on eBay 42 years after it was stolen -0.1278897541: -0.1249679065 244.80989942052585 403.7346569515416 Sylvester Stallone’s son found dead in Hollywood -0.2423325715: -0.3137407685 232.23580957239665 419.7025721691864 Russia jails Pussy Riot protest punks for two years 0.786151904: -0.1650631627 345.2377130936964 407.12623370623277 The Note’s Must-Reads for August 1, 2012 0.642129827: 1.76026152 329.41368342231124 244.26690642023146 NATO US troop detained over shooting of Afghan civilians 2.127250219: -1.133449855 492.58720255448134 489.04010860137123 Military: Syria chemical stocks threaten Israel 2.176740683: -0.8942361675 498.0248312392392 468.8055058239439 Fitch upgrades Ford to investment grade 0.5344447889: 0.6980530371 317.5820859862801 334.1169771895842 Clashes as Greeks protest against more cutbacks 1.838480072: 0.3188582491 460.8593768104559 366.1922986306266 9 dead, 11 hurt, 4 missing in Mont Blanc avalanche -0.05628356113: 0.7196752859 252.67743296765724 332.28799482305385 China activist Chen lands in US 1.504355567: -0.0665807693 424.14836562894266 398.79580691016247 Mohamed Morsi sworn in as Eygptian president 1.686559719: 0.4726488658 444.16754576605763 353.183460896566 Pakistan begins demolition of bin Laden compound 1.263125794: -0.7314126898 397.64390757832564 455.03259662317816 House-Senate deal reached on payroll tax measure 1.009039726: 0.0185439767 369.7268995723761 391.59527653184745 Foreign pro-Palestinian activists seek to enter West Bank 1.771031325: 0.02078447561 453.44863116735183 391.40575725336447 World stocks rise on hopes for EU, US stimulus 1.303429108: -0.0109258789 402.07212341642116 394.08807211118346 Gore Vidal dead at 86: Legendary author, playwright, and pol….. 0.263673995: 0.1268823206 287.8318895934382 382.431154782686 Britain reaches out to Syria opposition 2.349824653: -0.8584627162 517.0419564770032 465.7795018163049 ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s girlfriend gets 8 years -0.4503623641: -0.5230704851 209.3791081642998 437.409350217539 Toys R Us waives fee for layaway program 0.2508056765: 1.220593224 286.41801848766124 289.9163578824262 Iraqi Attacks Kill General, Four Police 1.405983256: 0.4083902816 413.3399784299357 358.61896478436074 At least 80 dead in northwest Iran quakes 0.811190357: -0.3675166643 347.98874425830167 424.2513666155015 Brazil’s ‘pop-star priest’ gets mammoth new stage -0.4173347037: -0.5737678582 213.00793152648023 441.69773863450484 Edwards Acquitted on 1 Count, Mistrial on Others 0.3687820232: 2.009757817 299.3803451555107 223.16251850272374 Ukrainian weightlifter gets four-year doping ban 0.5273971031: 0.05766338586 316.80774088863035 388.2862447012766 Gunman may have filmed school massacre 0.3501983118: -0.2739445565 297.3385109746873 416.33629095378313 Hong Kong stocks close down 0.28% 0.8096363974: 0.4316656155 347.81800722088417 356.6501512915455 UN Chief Finds His Voice, Remains Cautious on China 1.210045828: 1.202672978 391.8118922798929 291.432195361513 Five dead in Pakistan suicide blast 0.9316085398: -0.9304868763 361.21936096071886 471.87188008375176 Penn State football players react to sanctions 1.057586153: -0.2699993452 375.0608047820035 416.0025734967326 UN report says both sides in Syria abuse rights 1.809451641: -0.9201307048 457.6699576886044 470.9958724466226 Girl accused of burning Koran goes into hiding 0.03646966481: -0.7142329902 262.8684386066531 453.57940052672586 France warns Syria over chemical weapons use 1.759649528: -0.9705429363 452.19808755120874 475.2601413201052 At least two Nato killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash: mi….. 1.215939928: -1.047574766 392.45949030970905 481.7761082661874 Miami Heat wins NBA Finals 0.406895902: 1.336432449 303.5680027854589 280.1177517891702 Japan closes last nuclear reactor 1.29938679: -0.3607667718 401.62798489718705 423.6804068346654 Not so Super Tuesday for Mitt Romney 0.6279203969: 0.6664044473 327.8524613670993 336.7940675000014 Putin sworn in as Russian growth falters 1.344424694: 0.005905695278 406.5764007231902 392.6643232376896 Teenager and father killed in crash 0.0688609355: -0.8345419829 266.42734040060833 463.75609528359337 6.1-magnitude quake strikes Indonesia 1.585341807: -0.1996076847 433.04650603186775 410.0482850752503 Officials: Romney to get Secret Service protection 0.6193822961: 0.1712946047 326.91436102301986 378.6744093473744 Japan PM calls for quicker tsunami waste processing 0.6997400236: -0.05940151465 335.7434453533523 398.1885282562654 Suicide bomber kills 16 in Afghanistan 1.05534983: -0.2789466613 374.81509493752526 416.7594088993082 Airlines cancel ‘flytilla’ activists’ tickets to TA 0.8422907356: 0.972016874 351.40581283219683 310.94292942305805 Sri Lanka seek one-day revival against Pakistan 1.856911827: -0.1372845427 462.8845151391768 404.776496335767 ‘Million Muppet March’ to defend Obama backing of PBS 0.8394108487: 0.2504941176 351.0893931799048 371.97508247139194 Facebook boosts size of IPO by 25pc to raise $15bn 0.410796211: 0.9874860794 303.996538510693 309.6344205741076 Iran’s Parliament Questions A Dismissive Ahmadinejad 0.9139482875: 1.182023192 359.2789893012771 293.17891900814595 Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan 1.634798909: -1.114281498 438.48046909076055 487.4186959821164 Police raise death toll in bus accident to 8 0.4671870567: -0.6635467184 310.1923276138973 449.291951143361 Australia can eclipse England in Windies 0.6836653832: 1.030287719 333.9772884438141 306.01391627758755 Protests at Pussy Riot verdict 1.034736243: 1.194855657 372.55023377839274 292.09344674465433 Secret Service sees its ‘biggest scandal’ over prostitutes 0.5540298313: 0.342611827 319.73393866591005 364.1830314410867 Kuwait: Activists storm Syrian embassy; two injured 1.23168445: -0.7349544192 394.1893763901641 455.33218436481684 Details of Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Ireland 1.07264113: 0.8722147093 376.7149289578261 319.38499300842705 Key says marae visit a lost opportunity 0.4205332898: 0.3000097447 305.0663732693943 367.7866555572748 Norway marks anniversary of massacre 1.149252171: -0.1253015374 385.1323564507304 403.76287811079305 Germany warns Greece: No more money without reforms 1.110458323: -0.3192186403 380.86998911007845 420.16593428539227 Obama to meet families of shooting victims 1.015927468: -1.24053893 370.4836713271722 498.0985572686275 Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ips….. 1.129566203: -0.02233556854 382.96941489117296 395.0531947190976 Canadian Muslims issue fatwa against ‘honor killing’ 1.564916624: -0.3531244915 430.8023451483023 423.0339617794306 U.N. to take up Syria resolution 2.164085134: -0.8439791259 496.6343375878254 464.55436415541374 4 foreign soldiers killed in Afghan east 1.344011635: -1.306437803 406.5310169493027 503.67280980853485 Syrian forces storm central town 1.352185563: -1.387865857 407.42910489027093 510.56064452937403 Pak: 20 dead in anti-Islam film protests 0.9219212106: -0.5676349839 360.15499230094196 441.17897118802944 Cause of Whitney Houston’s death could take weeks 0.1153618851: -0.3528610833 271.5365043646258 423.01168060878683 N Korea warns of retaliation for South Korea drill 1.459063065: 0.00625737122 419.171976465554 392.63457567987797 Germany Likely to Press Russia on Syrian Crisis 2.159162789: 0.6914593464 496.0935084418378 334.6747241732725 UN aid chief Amos enters Baba Amr with Red Crescent 1.03477176: 0.2779384427 372.5541360371182 369.65362242917223 Actor Gazzara dead at 81 0.09120440057: 0.9778355138 268.88226718311404 310.450742424541 British gold rush silences gripes over cost 0.2735554013: 0.02255594956 288.9175819424341 391.25591184855716 Avalanche buries at least 100 Pakistani soldiers 0.658400617: -0.3390007747 331.20139173151864 421.83926509271345 Komen won’t cut Planned Parenthood funding 1.206918: 0.6926598323 391.46823086190733 334.57317749337545 Iran says UN nuclear talks will continue 2.273730013: -0.9766172476 508.68126711456756 475.7739550458946 Agribusiness: Mad cow disease found in California -0.4050891732: -0.05892790572 214.35337551836707 398.1484666327585 BP sells some Gulf of Mexico assets for $5.55 bil 1.154714953: 0.6344560112 385.7325646025716 339.4965211924302 300 potential Jimmy Savile victims: police 0.4667962084: -0.1238495681 310.14938423139984 403.6400589584848 Armstrong steps down from Livestrong 0.1354558389: 1.023802417 273.7442722828487 306.5624948954786 Chinese stocks close higher midday Friday 0.6348823813: -0.07803344435 328.617390262932 399.76456556702817 Obama’s poll rating drops in boost for Republican rivals 0.9244695485: -0.02912535631 360.4349839194822 395.62752915579006 New Syria opposition chief wants no-strings aid 1.505830029: -0.4794658789 424.31036801080637 433.72092462968476 Egypt presidential election results delayed 1.905297753: -0.5030991599 468.20078570621024 435.7200161422043 Arrested Russian killer denies ties to Pussy Riot 0.6470058539: 0.2253786282 329.94942347138516 374.09955100711136 Chinese stocks fall after RRR cut – May 14 0.3892080636: 0.4977542619 301.62460017998507 351.059846136446 NKorea makes «significant» nuclear reactor progress – IAEA 1.275524248: -0.08184373365 399.0061537122919 400.0868702453921 Maldives president quits after police mutiny, protests 1.850996796: -0.5637091394 462.23461737133766 440.8468919293391 NATO strike ‘kills civilians’ in Afghanistan 2.754807815: -1.038316343 561.5383677664474 480.992956943088 Navy jet crashes into US apartments, pilots eject 0.6883867087: -0.1351378567 334.49603109801774 404.59491249780666 4 Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan 1.544325658: 0.7815133633 428.539969445525 327.0572367207585 US teen held in Chicago ‘jihad’ car bomb plot 0.3467339187: -0.8603963453 296.95787030261096 465.94306359786356 20-member parliamentary, trade team leaves for India 0.6887487415: 0.04665351774 334.5358084600436 389.2175472147867 Europe shares bounce as more China stimulus seen 0.84522058: 0.05301594249 351.7277214295814 388.6793625523755 Stock index futures point to lower start -0.001575978509: 0.1349071996 258.688278168064 381.7523464678609 Syria rebels leave besieged Homs 2.227062153: -0.9007233858 503.5537643390792 469.35424652085993 Egypt’s Mubarak critical 1.88727077: -0.5827637666 466.2201205665876 442.4586843685205 Assad says mercenaries are behind Syria unrest 2.009683047: -0.8789443458 479.6698328625171 467.5120015052474 Japan PM dissolves lower house for election 0.6546670871: -0.1557251612 330.79118039930904 406.33635101565335 Two killed in new Israeli strike on Gaza: medics 1.077817069: -0.9813201561 377.2836210876892 476.1717645793121 Turkey scrambles jets near border 0.8070421759: -0.3745834992 347.53297427241483 424.84913590787664 Red Cross says negotiating halt to fighting in Syria to take….. 1.163498813: -0.6039618029 386.6976670570194 444.2517834521897 Syrian forces shoot civilians on bus 1.496312334: -1.613131195 423.2646374451204 529.6153846153846 German parliament overwhelmingly backs Greek rescue deal 1.025721885: -0.5935114031 371.55980594787195 443.367805237723 Usain Bolt wins 200m – Steven Howard reaction 0.2340752929: 1.037174867 284.5798135999254 305.43134636655685 Dozens dead in Taliban resort attack 1.11640807: -1.181554161 381.523701188574 493.10915477290354 Heavy fighting rocks eastern Syria ahead of poll 0.9476549971: -0.558096615 362.98242132708947 440.37213981808185 China yuan weakens to 6.3282 against USD Monday 1.269966171: 0.772558032 398.3954752190628 327.8147501130197 Indonesia anti-terror squad kills two suspected militants 1.495652562: -0.9072256762 423.1921468038581 469.9042621367876 US Election: Mitt Romney concedes defeat as Barack Obama win….. 1.268021719: -0.1439774951 398.18183387187776 405.34263966149547 Armenians vote in parliamentary elections 2.424978274: -0.3920373515 525.2992538989531 426.32552202969316 Romney wins big in Puerto Rico primary 0.5052388445: 0.1037521819 314.3731631540878 384.3876865113406 US soldier accused of Afghan massacre hires prominent crimin….. 1.322741919: -1.002376293 404.1940653999237 477.95286067401275 6.0-magnitude quake hits northern Italy: USGS 0.8199510419: 0.5822894131 348.9513004266034 343.90918839310865 Motor Racing: Button fastest in year’s first F1 practice -0.02159970475: 0.7310619184 256.4882263109357 331.3248225746945 Rangers voted into Division Three 0.727196742: 0.8550827265 338.7601767901788 320.83415284323485 Newark mayor saves neighbor from fire 0.1530622812: -0.556618553 275.67873171622193 440.2471135372946 New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday 0.9484114174: 1.079384759 363.06553093142224 301.8608968253818 Bombs in southern Thailand kill 5, wound 50 0.5885240777: -0.299317778 323.5238991357703 418.48256052686656 US lawmakers take next step on new Iran sanctions 1.561940151: -0.8175588079 430.4753134235075 462.3195228072585 Barack Obama admits US has ‘more nuclear weapons than we nee….. 1.974697107: -0.9865279297 475.8258489038877 476.61227963030115 ‘Betrayed’ disabled workers protest against Remploy closures 1.158089963: -0.01963767437 386.1033845111871 394.8249852981437 DR Congo rebels kill park rangers 0.69996818: -0.5489045887 335.76851340888595 439.59460487553986 74 dead in Egypt soccer violence 0.9337777869: -0.8645279447 361.4577010225631 466.29254724781254 Unrest in tense Nigeria leaves at least 95 dead 0.66635047: -0.2154273596 332.074859964926 411.386439426057 Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in southeastern Jamaica: NHC 0.5562217181: 0.8547339546 319.97476619386606 320.86365474923457 Mall attackers used ‘less is more’ strategy 0.6555670949: -0.2992848554 330.8900662853581 418.47977567118033 Syria military police chief defects to opposition 2.166788243: -1.497829045 496.9313342861303 519.8622085054743 Yvette Cooper backs gay marriage bill 0.1662964845: -0.2522132662 277.1328034114559 414.4980849892077 Swiss tourist ‘gang-raped’ in India 1.03753937: -0.02311977195 372.8582196416009 395.1195289015655 Israel planes strike inside Syria 1.755222994: -1.258530903 451.71173426840636 499.6204619302251 Iranians Vote in Presidential Election 2.124708539: 1.063603684 492.307942523299 303.19578610789733 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan 0.7952731928: -0.9532970132 346.23988961218623 473.80134350836545 Carney sets high bar to change at BoE 0.1359837765: 0.1381420741 273.8022779726671 381.47871496583724 Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan 1.342743675: -0.7472630049 406.3917033531964 456.373342772753 David Beckham Announces Retirement From Soccer 0.5891436082: 1.990930573 323.5919683422098 224.75507702622934 Generations divided over gay marriage 0.2328297432: -0.3131443398 284.44296225127545 419.6521214704196 Taliban attacks kill 17 civilians in Afghanistan 2.074506248: -1.406332753 486.7921037449944 512.122721947043 11 killed in Chinese police station attack 0.9205450396: -1.271556265 360.00378929151884 500.7222509937565 EU ministers ‘determined’ to resolve horsemeat scandal 1.812979492: -0.1237352281 458.0575706979613 403.6303871731917 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 540: army 1.074399786: -0.9304104748 376.9081564790897 471.8654174403422 Brazil tied 2-2 by England as Maracana re-opens 0.5292046404: 1.234327744 317.0063390824757 288.75458258719834 Hundreds of Bangladesh clothes factory workers ill 0.4317393938: -0.5376963976 306.2976131265045 438.64652662484883 Thai protesters break into army headquarters 1.210741165: -0.9922625436 391.88829061809355 477.0973590428782 Israel conducts airstrike on Syria 2.669449195: -0.6180547678 552.1598240753535 445.44387890024825 Egypt’s main opposition rejects president’s call for dialogu….. 1.220236021: -0.8483031931 392.93151174602264 464.9201282700823 Housing starts up 6.8% in May 0.6905226124: 0.9862527252 334.7307076422481 309.73874750840974 Dozens feared trapped in India building collapse 0.9158260209: -0.5004171702 359.4853000890211 435.4931520493204 Daily Press Briefing: South Sudan 1.837040098: 0.5800052749 460.7011635861042 344.10239902984074 Zimmerman stopped for speeding in Texas, released with warni….. 0.3821927342: -0.2610587542 300.85381015411303 415.246306962361 Iran’s Rouhani warns of Talibanisation in Syria 1.989048759: 0.7835337411 477.4026972032859 326.8863370406347 Syria denies reports of deadly Damascus nerve gas attack 1.616275134: -1.058933279 436.4452202168336 482.7369019575602 China stocks close higher after economic meeting 1.182821269: -0.4545336366 388.8206687229217 431.6119565935906 Russia unveils $30 billion oil link to Pacific 1.329625591: 0.2245963739 404.9503899678063 374.16572031655596 Dolce and Gabbana convicted of tax evasion 0.5726105259: 0.4003622145 321.7754413868648 359.29804277349285 7.2-magnitude quake hits Pakistan: CENC 0.6642799664: 0.6483685498 331.84736908063417 338.3196876499029 Asteroid zips between Earth and satellites 0.1795578885: 1.162290246 278.58986370716394 294.8480890527295 Fight for Mali Town Reflects Islamist Tactics 1.32818406: 1.249865716 404.79200566488197 287.44025695309637 Two Santa trackers competing this Christmas -0.1883786099: 0.644760159 238.1638527321952 338.62491413663304 Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport 1.298169734: 1.411555442 401.49426418030004 273.76324944811535 Can the U.S. trust Syria to hand over chemical weapons? 1.098524625: -0.6315443711 379.55880681212057 446.5849371972254 Mexican singer Jenni Rivera believed killed in plane crash 0.2118993637: -0.4487934333 282.14329435439487 431.1264043871645 Bangladesh court sentences first lawmaker to death for war c….. 1.341164954: -1.06494743 406.2182456812997 483.24562680018096 Egyptian court bans Muslim Brotherhood 1.730659269: -0.6157047735 449.01286254846644 445.2450976256374 Police attacked in Belfast flag protests 1.303907679: -0.6274268782 402.12470507557305 446.2366467884026 Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists, 1 Pakistani 1.119181366: -0.3268174547 381.828409411055 420.8087026500545 Statement by the Spokesperson of High Representative Catheri….. 1.47495591: 0.666144685 420.91815914966213 336.8160402670319 Yacimovich urges cabinet to approve Palestinian prisoners re….. 1.487756898: -0.2314571089 422.3246324834077 412.7423635515423 Man arrested after police officer shot in Leeds 0.3912357742: -0.8552472395 301.8473893089439 465.5075111352314 Ukrainian Prime Minister resigns amid protests 2.141896366: -0.1379443718 494.1964077452982 404.8323099453696 Obama to refocus on economy in State of the Union 1.783297293: 0.04235165203 454.7963206677728 389.58143334865764 Iraq Backs Egypt Crackdown on Morsi Supporters 2.248294547: 0.8652477099 505.8866152084366 319.9743174211446 Obama lauds progress on gay rights in inaugural address 1.101583702: -0.2687173993 379.89491454446124 415.894136283295 Wave of bombings kills 15 in Iraq 1.545694154: -0.2335992449 428.69032916807765 412.92356251839567 In shock move, Obama puts Syria strike on hold 1.109035197: -0.720858131 380.71362696363786 454.13980780953557 Gunmen kill nine people in northwest Pakistan 1.145820669: -0.8402964707 384.75532964597255 464.2428557875895 The San Francisco plane crash at a glance 0.005094214939: 0.01775418686 259.42114733080183 391.66208325922383 Murder claim over Diana’s death New information which has be….. 0.6375509044: -0.1315014467 328.91058689501665 404.2873159203299 Snowden asks to stay in Russia 1.013118464: -0.02398773338 370.17503976789874 395.19294800671196 Egyptian court considers Mubarak’s release 1.244631915: -0.5632448508 395.61194357967383 440.80761869024263 2 car bombs kill 8 in southern Iraq 0.6605128592: -0.8852717989 331.4334685358921 468.0472279907449 Van der Sloot to Marry in Prison 0.2252769302: 1.500285801 283.61311768526133 266.25772758950166 China stock index futures close higher — Dec. 4 0.5412567443: 0.3061130217 318.33053085610203 367.270391676431 Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife to plead guilty to fraud 0.4133424484: -0.08330858429 304.2762993435578 400.2107790035217 USA expels Venezuela diplomats in row 1.520831747: 0.18803831 425.9586405060668 377.2580931227617 BBC veteran Hall admits child sex abuse 0.2778761098: -0.6316512367 289.3923079048577 446.59397674594845 7 killed, 3 injured in south China road accident 0.2547661801: -0.399029153 286.8531679301833 426.91694439757464 6.3-magnitude earthquake hits Taiwan 1.018636039: 0.5625634124 370.781268134496 345.577770960711 Books To Help Kids Talk About Boston Marathon News 0.3640727856: 1.589914265 298.86293062336273 258.67623679588894 Tech Sector Heats Up: Google and IBM Post Strong Earnings 0.8419702792: 2.174909843 351.37060357525587 209.19264209258375 Profiles of Kenya’s presidential candidates 1.585977641: 0.4220094907 433.11636652791253 357.4669433914435 Syria condemns Israeli air strikes. 2.497571259: -1.24342676 533.2752084411242 498.3428329332508 Egypt’s leader imposes state of emergency in 3 cities 1.185588392: -0.6460304666 389.12469876162135 447.8102867662841 ABVP protesters clash with police at Jantar Mantar, throw st….. 0.6499688974: -0.2662624379 330.2749797229327 415.6864760519209 Turkish PM urges to end protests in Istanbul 1.517896625: -0.1698786465 425.6361521031061 407.5335657646802 Start of San Fermin bull-running festival briefly delayed as….. 0.2221982275: 0.5046056917 283.2748537021384 350.4802975214182 Up to 21, mostly foreigners, killed in Kabul suicide attack 1.034420871: -0.978192993 372.5155830798936 475.90724417186516 Former LAPD officer sought in Irvine slayings 1.065793566: 0.3677378506 375.96257174908555 362.05767183620617 Intel’s McAfee Buys Cloud-Based, Networked Firewall Speciali….. 0.5502199211: 2.261856763 319.315335256796 201.8379776548769 4.1 magnitude quake strikes U.S 1.194596605: 0.306297389 390.1144514328161 367.2547964209067 Bangladesh Opposition Leader Sentenced to Death for War Crim….. 1.728262553: 1.14187531 448.74952990824227 296.5749472687355 Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya’s Benghazi, no casual….. 1.130189908: -0.2647493777 383.0379426754047 415.558489349478 Iran hopes nuclear talks will yield ‘roadmap’ 1.9756085: -0.8935658208 475.9259856982045 468.7488025489157 North Korea reportedly test-fires short-range missiles 1.79264403: 0.09787274389 455.823267715884 384.8850162968714 Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez dies of cancer 0.6707663455: -0.168318401 332.5600421472193 407.4015877466891 North Korea’s third test brings it closer to nuclear power s….. 0.758105313: -0.6833713206 342.15617102418094 450.9688742116597 Macau Gambling Revenue Hits Record $38 bn in 2012 1.104006264: 2.12251185 380.16108680547694 213.6248825213516 Israelis, Palestinians resume talks in US 1.960807398: -0.5937037747 474.29975526526846 443.3840775606831 Malaysia detains Australian senator at airport 1.289000142: 0.1309513962 400.48678044360497 382.086959891526 China yuan strengthens to 6.2689 against USD 1.244095783: 0.9379556835 395.55303749646976 313.82409674591923 Preston and England legend Tom Finney dies at 91 0.1199541802: 0.7644124379 272.04107015716465 328.50376946735366 Nato airstrike kills two Afghan kids 1.077679431: -0.8247215263 377.2684984854045 462.92540269238657 Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan 1.566357819: 0.828823702 430.9606925065512 323.055350697084 N Korea to halt work at joint industrial zone 0.8693746507: -0.2318510681 354.3815835248914 412.77568776621877 France pledges military aid in Mali 2.002241827: -0.6391700965 478.8522492363287 447.2299819127305 Egyptians vote on divisive constitution 1.644971797: -0.450135719 439.59818720907964 431.2399456199386 Chairman of easyJet to step down 1.052140457: 0.9146205552 374.4624739211767 315.7979681280068 Obama renews offer to cut social safety net in big budget de….. 0.5787020704: -0.5521387255 322.4447330828953 439.8681739785783 Suicide Bomber Kills 14 at Afghan Province Council 1.337435119: 0.80292736 405.8084403726199 325.245869977319 Committee nears final big immigration decisions 1.155443403: -0.2278922692 385.81260097503514 412.44082096406186 Five dead, 40 missing in Canada train disaster 0.412648761: -0.09635556584 304.20008234196865 401.31439682752136 Stocks soar on Wall St lead 0.5892703819: 1.114145463 323.60589725096855 298.92055904711924 17 killed, 133 wounded in bomb attacks in northern Iraq 1.399886532: -0.8778788178 412.6701176168498 467.4218706450294 Insiders Reveal 2012 Election Secrets 0.9050688814: 2.33158557 358.3033889665657 195.93975867041314 Brooks pleads not guilty to hacking charges 0.6699810315: -0.2546251825 332.4737579304041 414.7021041213698 South Africans mark ailing Mandela’s 95th birthday 0.4744535328: 0.3148697702 310.9907116971717 366.5296760040444 Obama declares health care law is working 0.964752063: -0.9142930043 364.86091442718305 470.50207314871477 Iran nuke talks begin amid hopes of progress 1.569342381: -0.729553456 431.288613003515 454.8753277872997 Amazon’s Bezos to buy the Washington Post for $250 million 0.7486552166: 0.8297740181 341.11786766904834 322.9749653821673 Obama economic tour buffeted by low expectations 0.8750782619: -0.3064475754 355.00825212370154 419.0856556969516 More French soldiers to Central African Republic 1.172165904: -0.1427056531 387.64993986863277 405.2350571206912 UN resolution orders Syria chemical arms destroyed 1.683180214: -1.006867649 443.7962319108918 478.3327754374966 Exclusive-UPDATE 2-Egypt pro-Mursi alliance signals flexibil….. 1.023823768: -0.4057309062 371.3512555807508 427.483832175221 David Beckham to retire at end of season 0.1362722343: 0.1748319755 273.83397148100994 378.37519029191384 Libya abruptly closes its borders with four countries 1.478734446: -0.6424815544 421.3333153284525 447.51009144952343 6.0-magnitude quake hits Greece — USGS 0.8591652104: 0.7770017363 353.2598493540206 327.4388661360838 Search after man swept into sea -0.4934104818: -0.6221582475 204.6493146159577 445.79098396186896 Militants stage Pakistan jailbreak 1.529814252: 0.0717870641 426.94556853570833 387.09155127824715 NATO protesters acquitted of terrorism charges 2.379098784: -0.9620844091 520.258371040362 474.54465158074794 Egypt ‘freezes Muslim Brotherhood assets’ 2.424371892: -0.5140149491 525.2326293017251 436.64336071091304 Zen Report: Ain’t easy being high maintenance -0.5067126172: -0.2021249947 203.18777906664883 410.2612192429488 Track fault disrupts train service between Raffles Place, Ma….. 0.1429642778: 0.6688753845 274.5692413539296 336.58505590924597 Manning Sentenced to 35 Years for Leaking Government Secrets 0.7527711497: 1.719167728 341.57009450385317 247.74294733136497 UK police say no terrorism link to helicopter crash 0.912684371: -0.952026328 359.14011995251906 473.69385881569804 Suicide bomber kills 13 in Russia’s south 0.4773902788: -0.2165149358 311.3133785795394 411.47843530760997 41 killed, 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 1.467623166: -0.9480345269 420.1124940654322 473.3562004141285 Eurozone jobless hits fresh record high 0.454076692: -0.03250552053 308.7518623454747 395.9134504218605 US State Department faulted over Benghazi 1.855773976: 0.4901755519 462.7594969313265 351.70091390965456 Moderate tremor in the Central Mediterranean 0.5223219989: 0.9606364682 316.25012776785695 311.9055749643666 Suicide Bombs Hit Egypt Military in Sinai, Kill 6 1.049605472: 1.05657217 374.1839493806992 303.79056766431347 Asian markets gain on upbeat US economic data 1.131924828: -0.1848539776 383.2285622651137 408.8002987822582 Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes 1.868272778: -0.6483645103 464.1327684060708 448.0077188107075 Students take a ride on airwaves 0.1035537425: 0.01425532444 270.23911717226986 391.95804496656757 Vinnie Jones reveals cancer battle new 0.2475350818: -0.1070225873 286.05867089075497 402.21669863240163 Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone st….. 1.881964897: -0.8106388017 465.6371522763237 461.73417345386514 Dozens killed in air strike on bakery in central Syria 1.093157706: -0.947138857 378.9691313839168 473.28043750927566 Gunmen kill one soldier, injure two others in Pakistan 0.7355095911: -0.8716222941 339.6735282169161 466.8926439389945 Destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons begins 0.9504305656: -0.5415207827 363.2873792857742 438.97002363777244 Obama Praises Mandela ‘Inspiration’ 1.54837384: 1.065426374 428.98475224314404 303.0416084674774 The e-mails – Oil firm asked trader about meeting with minis….. 0.7307994603: 0.02510224409 339.1560155470476 391.04052593589853 Syria ‘to declare chemical weapons and sign convention’ 1.620843899: -1.134126663 436.94720072679456 489.09735846692365 Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti Resigns 1.318523516: 1.069882434 403.7305800079611 302.664679340397 Crowds Gather in Bethlehem for Christmas 0.06709240202: 1.434576052 266.2330276478394 271.8159826033875 Seven peacekeepers killed in Sudan’s Darfur 1.741871401: -0.6060976774 450.2447646503597 444.4324527650522 NATO: Patriot missile battery operational on Syrian border 1.481701888: -0.6347261987 421.6593549438841 446.8540815696865 Guinea votes in long-delayed legislative poll 1.565292723: 0.4839936688 430.8436680250677 352.22382692019295 Israeli soldier hits Palestinian child in Hebron 1.262107821: -1.19384618 397.5320605874843 494.1489118166311 UN voices alarm over Israeli strikes on Syria 2.016263922: -1.077194917 480.39288833982425 484.281616982638 Egypt Army Launches New Air Raids on Sinai Militants 1.815125079: 1.123945799 458.2933111675196 298.09156842861694 13 children die in fire Myanmar mosque fire 0.5972238856: -0.9871338826 324.47976660042707 476.6635359640068 US Senate to vote on fiscal cliff deal as deadline nears 1.551622502: 0.0001808304922 429.3416900270046 393.14857799017983 Man with knife arrested at entrance to Buckingham Palace -0.1500947642: -0.003277269806 242.37018499686081 393.44109171172306 5 people buried in Colorado avalanche 0.08014935034: -0.1531990876 267.6676239391964 406.1226755559727 Iraqi president in hospital due to health problem 1.220971534: -1.158121872 393.0123242453402 491.1270647363327 Explosions Near the Iranian Embassy in Beirut 1.900941223: 0.755689303 467.7221239784601 329.2416418389183 Egypt’s Brotherhood stands ground after killings 0.9723377303: -0.6525472461 365.6943687678743 448.36152799156696 Floods kill two, forces 75,000 from Calgary homes 0.9154736438: 0.04414690152 359.4465836290353 389.42957681919177 At least 45 killed in Spain train crash 0.4323704893: -0.4715783882 306.3669530128446 433.0537377138899 Chris Froome rides to Tour de France endgame 0.2894207816: 0.9360576941 290.6607469735976 313.98464383444866 Apple app directs drivers to Alaska airport runway 0.3402806283: 0.2275054929 296.24883277467666 373.9196438119834 Iraq violence kills 11 1.704997256: -1.03294145 446.1933194429218 480.5383055812147 Britons released after kidnapping in Egypt’s Sinai -sources 1.481141101: -0.0759465623 421.59773994159906 399.58804042852097 Allen responds to Farrow’s abuse claims in letter 0.8760695725: -0.2584931589 355.11716964890394 415.02928843528815 More than 1,000 inmates escape from Libya’s al-Kweifiya pris….. 0.5835061406: -0.5000625374 322.972567091783 435.46315438068893 Forex & Gold 6 March 2013 0.4318223289: 1.616706314 306.30672539049925 256.4099514652765 Islamists kill 21 in suicide attacks in Niger 1.622514702: -0.916597944 437.13077561902935 470.69704334501085 U.S. has determined Syria used chemical weapons 1.673907122: -1.118923573 442.7773763812766 487.81135977378153 Snowden’s father arrives in Moscow 0.6762787263: -0.5678999448 333.16569982431963 441.20138369263213 Twin bombings in Pakistan kill at least 40 1.12813665: -0.5331625726 382.8123466295238 438.2630195235144 Muslim Brotherhood supporter dies in Cairo clash 1.42608638: -0.4222373958 415.5487538856121 428.8800827972452 China stocks end lower Thursday 0.8928946509: -0.1752614006 356.96577887244547 407.98888206300603 Topless Women Protest Against Berlusconi As He Votes In Elec….. 0.7719007718: 1.178544144 343.67190912433324 293.4732047076822 Indonesia: Schoolchildren among 14 killed by Indonesia volca….. 0.7184387533: 0.06663221443 337.79791685908333 387.5275896028769 Deal reached on new Italian government 1.039408157: -0.1749648299 373.0635474877115 407.96379574343473 Goa first step in Modis march to Delhi 0.6662771809: 0.33331435 332.0668075319867 364.9694862414944 Egypt announces arrest of 1,004 Muslim Brotherhood supporter….. 1.823534478: -0.01479895924 459.21727075924633 394.41568815582207 What the Papers Say, Mar. 12, 2013 0.5681007477: 2.143102304 321.2799419139467 211.88317753568373 Israel green-lights 1500 settler homes 1.114239277: 0.3504237281 381.2854109799762 363.52223850190916 Piers Morgan questioned by police 0.8838102714: 0.03097354925 355.96765766115954 390.54388408797365 Mumbai photojournalist gangrape case cracked, five accused a….. 0.9061549546: -0.4205392542 358.42271828219424 428.7364404277034 China launches first air-to-air missile from chopper 0.8296136757: -0.04921274685 350.0129557440133 397.3266809609381 Egypt Crackdown Draws Condemnation 1.481708334: 1.825980053 421.6600631792716 238.70790846718376 Egypt swears in new interim leader 1.354402285: -0.3915227301 407.672661036386 426.2819912437932 Car bombing kills 17 in Pakistan 1.372352448: -0.1784194846 409.6448858360325 408.2560180117875 Senior Pakistani Taliban commander captured in Afghanistan 2.021828961: -0.7649394767 481.00433174246234 457.8685598325964 Driver in Spanish train crash faces questions from judge 0.2152499583: -0.3695480748 282.5114317273074 424.4231995243736 Stocks close 0.39% higher 0.5754416123: 0.5362039353 322.0864992253647 347.8074659015223 US releases initial report on fracking impacts on water 0.9813584219: -0.2214985357 366.6854924476529 411.89998795859105 Imran to contest from four NA seats 0.2812729886: -0.08266307733 289.7655306280371 400.1561768731294 Trailblazing Israeli electric car company Better Place to fo….. 0.00595558347: 0.2731155804 259.5157878294841 370.06157860746714 Pro-Pak Taliban warlord killed in US drone strike 1.498923718: -0.4046953308 423.551556141165 427.39623494292573 Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Syria 1.063709207: -0.4115047338 375.73355850547443 427.9722285938679 Up to 50 dead in Spanish train crash -0.00640386768: -0.1909692197 258.15782712158114 409.3175747578905 Five foreigners sentenced to death for drug smuggling in Egy….. 1.337146814: -0.788713458 405.77676362776384 459.87955290136273 Obama meets Mandela family as icon remains in hospital 0.4537964594: -0.5645821008 308.72107256216265 440.92073397192536 Weak earnings drag US stocks lower in early trade 0.7313438107: 0.1278763224 339.2158245560793 382.34707417666823 Indian troops kill Pakistani soldier along Kashmir line of c….. 0.926891447: -1.23461282 360.7010833520245 497.5972795929525 Pope Benedict XVI Says Goodbye to Cardinals 0.7129363205: 1.340924738 337.19335218782925 279.73775813789644 China’s new carrier extends military modernization drive 0.793851852: -0.6689381968 346.08372369985204 449.7480054123569 Miss New York wins Miss America crown 0.3536737658: 0.603869133 297.72036692528513 342.08380345933983 Suspected Saudi militant dies in Lebanese custody 1.76527088: -0.6066178182 452.8157181182294 444.4764504213068 India Ink: Image of the Day: January 27 0.9915581567: 1.040344639 367.80616026317915 305.1632217138774 US Capitol Hill on lockdown after shots fired 0.7391795349: 0.03883084627 340.0767532017206 389.8792511986701 China’s 1st Pilot Free Trade Zone Opens 0.627549092: 1.711162806 327.8116652658022 248.42006756302283 12 killed, 25 injured in bomb blast in NW Pakistan 0.7829821024: -0.2907908491 344.889439855025 417.7612848333514 North Korean cargo reveals missile repair trade with Cuba 1.045483369: -0.3748971647 373.7310447149377 424.87566823903103 Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinians in West Bank 1.941559883: -0.4812376598 472.18498757873544 433.8707959979439 Protests sweep Brazil despite concession 1.257507339: 0.2733631583 397.0265953001209 370.04063649572686 South Korean Workers Start Leaving Joint Factory Zone 0.923755492: 1.335366941 360.3565289264741 280.20788092107676 Senate to vote on moving ahead on Hagel nod 1.028528708: 0.0147108783 371.86819795836277 391.9195105855613 Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy returns to stir up el….. 1.23757304: -0.1355996482 394.83636899325876 404.63397451417285 No deal on fiscal cliff as Obama goes on holiday 0.5946695461: -0.3844769768 324.1991155744293 425.68600520131747 Kerry: $4b Palestinian Economic Plan Could Work 1.433472798: 0.9791293449 416.360316219921 310.3412998677758 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 359 0.9336838717: -0.2444972216 361.4473823454142 413.8454003587494 Dozens dead in Central African Republic fighting 1.065520571: -0.3777466887 375.9325771209609 425.1167037219299 Libya threatens army action against oil protesters 1.790013205: -1.379893152 455.53421299235856 509.8862495128701 2 Turkish unions call for strike on Monday in protest over p….. 1.387638045: -0.8975986372 411.3243487676522 469.08993035139855 Russians leaving Syria cross into Lebanon 1.59403117: -0.9317277539 434.00122581891276 471.9768434159836 Pope Francis condemns global indifference to suffering 1.288959454: -0.1920374187 400.48231001137214 409.4079315577967 President for early conclusion of Eco Partnership with Sri L….. 1.542083386: 0.5355717935 428.2936059054652 347.86093750377574 Three freed in centre abuse probe 0.6761631011: -0.5415836987 333.15299582922887 438.975345575507 Bomb explodes at Greek shopping mall, two people injured 0.1374023261: -0.590358785 273.9581372153182 443.1011316393801 Three dead, including gunman, in Maryland mall shooting 0.1093966457: -0.1455398717 270.88109009067267 405.4747979473757 UN confirms sarin used in Syria attack 1.975113315: -0.6745563656 475.8715785751963 450.2232349642188 7 killed in monster truck crash -0.1761552442: -0.9310209094 239.50686142930036 471.9170528636604 Merkel Vies 3rd Term in Office in Germany Elections 1.376440735: 1.746416836 410.09407519771986 245.43800030462842 Ex-Virginia governor Bob McDonnell charged with corruption 1.220982585: -0.07311079392 393.0135384487356 399.3481685069924 Egypt court orders release of Mubarak 1.842268235: -0.4535448712 461.2755907554352 431.5283189214903 Bollywood cuts costs by a third as rupee collapse bites 0.5138289025: -0.1043861004 315.31697215538816 401.99368353309876 China gives US regulators access to audit records 1.244012811: -0.1040548937 395.5439211548409 401.9656674285181 Iran, atomic agency in first talks since Rowhani election 1.205929342: -0.3327973387 391.3596047076569 421.31452896915016 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads not guilty to Boston bombing charge….. 0.9892104989: 0.05348336915 367.54821781724985 388.6398238747896 P.G. police seeking driver in crash that killed child 0.3030832143: -0.9954193786 292.1618691941822 477.36438934461546 Pentagon adjusts plans for more intense attacks on Syria 1.573929935: -0.7878232656 431.79265794811676 459.80425332202367 Afghan legislators approve new election law 1.721556865: -0.7346792298 448.0127608732212 455.3089066458068 In Pakistan, army adamant on fighting the other Taliban 1.200015109: -1.071284518 390.70979468287084 483.78166829626787 Egyptian army pushes to attack kidnappers 1.228282581: -1.267761181 393.8156054208968 500.40123249755044 South Africans Mourn as Mandela Buried 0.9135556505: 1.193827569 359.2358493890753 292.180410612416 Cryptic crossword – Saturday 27th April 0.3601531626: 1.278311148 298.43227282895197 285.03411527705236 Israeli Minister Slams Kerry’s Boycott Warning 2.006451839: 0.9184903475 479.3148127673477 315.47063021506824 Myanmar’s Suu Kyi urges party unity amid squabbles 1.461428376: -0.2184611174 419.43185852786445 411.6430588793663 10 Things to Know for Wednesday 0.2493011603: 1.105954842 286.25271390472244 299.6133871566698 White House, defense contractors discuss harm of automatic s….. 0.7589808936: -0.5891127096 342.2523730364601 442.9957286346839 US Senate confirms Yellen as Fed’s next chair 0.9715604359: 0.4353533342 365.608965678099 356.3382146093479 Asian shares rally after string of upbeat data 0.4279151917: 0.04113082908 305.87743943863944 389.68470029641776 Faction Names Bianca Ojukwu APGA National Leader 0.8804121057: 1.974453964 355.59429354559353 226.14880012845265 US Cannot ‘Conclusively Determine’ Chemical Weapons Use in S….. 1.549779109: 0.9031136319 429.1391523978028 316.77131554010737 Strong earthquake in western China kills 47 people 0.7816611203: -0.2796295171 344.74430058352743 416.8171702918651 Snowden thanks Russia for asylum 1.330708083: 0.2101711483 405.0693257919595 375.385921021341 French forces take key Mali town 0.926550049: -0.903683919 360.66357318910815 469.6046720461295 Hostage drama drags on after Alabama school bus shooting 0.0942994862: -0.2059730697 269.22233120513584 410.5867201363731 two found dead in swimming pool at essex hotel -0.7711044996: -0.7708453687 174.13844804070212 458.3681273112501 Pakistan condemns US drone strike in Shawal Area 1.812234081: 0.07426973879 457.9756706758385 386.8815468387784 Residents return to Texas blast site 0.5429123265: 0.1020865539 318.5124333896905 384.5285786149291 South Africa prays for Nelson Mandela 0.9726383856: 0.4969719106 365.72740243443775 351.12602365078 Apple shares hit hard on iPhone disappointment 0.175490171: 0.1431889247 278.1429344302532 381.0518120652292 occupied Palestinian territory: Palestinians rebuff US peace….. 1.7561829: -0.7390971874 451.81720134490615 455.68261275656516 Owners, others charged in Bangladesh factory fire 0.727884442: -0.8199250415 338.83573592617586 462.5196777293699 US-Russia reach agreement on Syria 1.982473851: -0.0365492166 476.6802972838677 396.25549850761945 Suspected U.S. drone strike kills 5 in Pakistan 1.575446484: -0.3223638628 431.95928458093425 420.43198230886696 Hollande ‘threatens legal action’ after affair allegations 1.480956609: -0.5039417205 421.5774694287326 435.7912866439102 ‘Blade Runner’ Pistorius to dispute murder charge 0.9025215718: -0.5770156879 358.0235103347641 441.9724659970358 Helicopter crashes near rail station in London 0.2824033129: 0.02679098644 289.88972189291104 390.8976786302075 Indonesian capital prays for metro to ease traffic chaos 0.6664994107: -0.4281621438 332.09122442391 429.3812452647503 Typhoon survivors raid Philippine stores 1.040399636: 0.07687321661 373.1724834899344 386.66132390732287 Car Bomb Wounds 15 in Hezbollah Stronghold in Lebanon 1.26021648: 0.9520981668 397.32425473780125 312.6278126434643 US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief 1.672807129: 0.6788130252 442.65651770789157 335.7444509447073 Khan Said named as new Pakistani Taliban leader after Hakimu….. 1.365311805: -0.5383149879 408.87131463581807 438.6988519287743 Iran earthquake death toll rises 1.653735572: -0.8797854356 440.56108289976873 467.58314759243706 Maldives team in India to observe an election 1.34944516: -0.1880720263 407.12801054142744 409.07250701913574 Pakistan releases top Afghan Taliban prisoner 1.743180483: -0.8350081493 450.3885964452102 463.7955273605865 TV weatherman Fred Talbot arrested over sex claims 0.2158438726: -0.004574391829 282.5766864308712 393.5508126445287 Syrian troops push into strategic rebelheld town 1.701684934: -1.339509449 445.829387167657 506.47027360393565 Spanish train crash driver to be questioned 0.2377335017: -0.6940198221 284.98174922565573 451.8696094488129 India Braces for Massive Cyclone 0.7693766815: 1.699878588 343.39458165010205 249.37457670302985 Discipline against student gunman thought to have sparked Co….. 0.2854875682: -0.2553242206 290.2285959646061 414.7612343424541 Many killed in Japan road tunnel collapse 0.5673699238: -0.6465821177 321.1996446467751 447.8569498217124 Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Protest in Kyiv 1.40218269: 1.45173218 412.9224016417006 270.36478032077025 Karzai to visit Pakistan for Taliban peace talks 2.222854049: -0.849409694 503.09141049318663 465.01372494670403 Thieves snatch English Channel swimmer’s custom-made wheelch….. -0.3852686398: 0.6452126444 216.5311021194638 338.58663931540025 Singapore shares open lower on Friday 0.6393460101: 0.1557692513 329.10781919956486 379.9876676410638 Kenyan forces caused mall collapse 1.001143811: -0.9377459883 368.85935762032375 472.48591371292156 Egypt ministry again urges end to pro-Morsi protests 1.980972116: -0.8271578358 476.5152982397607 463.131485194213 Police question man in deadly LA boardwalk crash -0.08665832461: -0.6147519018 249.3400893581142 445.164496127442 Turkish riot police tear gas Taksim Square protest 0.8847508232: -0.5235406083 356.0709981995697 437.4491169902841 Chicago Shooting Shows Gap in Stepped-up Policing 0.5346387509: 2.038479039 317.6033970316206 220.73304831077348 Feds move to require car-to-car safety communication 0.4491709517: -0.03817223472 308.21285761585995 396.3927863334094 North Korea shuns offer of talks 1.276820197: 0.2396952641 399.1485425335325 372.8885356865763 Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq 2.783136836: -1.359301778 564.6509410393119 508.144466753772 Israel PM accuses Iran president of hypocrisy 2.24771411: -0.4233076388 505.8228412934062 428.97061249563285 Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time 0.7055828944: 1.840310851 336.38541471339454 237.49569519120877 NA President‚Äôs message on the World Press Freedom Day 1.028940298: 0.8615441224 371.9134202315812 320.28759640797114 Death toll from Philippine earthquake rises to 185 0.9927360434: 0.3963635405 367.93557731723314 359.6362825315721 Army jets kill 38 militants in NW Pakistan air raids 1.359159501: -0.584072546 408.1953470663035 442.56939137356426 Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo 1.048515636: -1.246397748 374.0642066421897 498.59414284187926 Philippines holds second senator over corruption 1.032543037: -0.396703397 372.30926126186347 426.72021340051504 German envoy optimistic about Iran-G5+1 talks 1.479387114: -0.3198173265 421.40502542818524 420.21657594056177 Renowned Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco De Lucia dies -0.187822239: 0.9085163737 238.2249824519909 316.3143085216266 Chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects 0.1874743553: -0.4765922202 279.45966372240224 433.47784764172206 Snowden Hits Hurdles in Search for Asylum 0.5918166824: 2.351811083 323.8856650208958 194.22892340684479 Death toll in building collapse in south India mounts to 47 0.7435683719: -0.1341611161 340.55896460056067 404.5122919838765 Palestinian prisoners arrive at Muqata in Ramallah 1.69651015: -0.1835732357 445.26082198310627 408.6919634093141 Thai junta amasses security force to smother Bangkok protest….. 1.238069862: -0.2340831828 394.8909559614539 412.96449784792304 Gunmen Kill Eight In Second Kenya Attack 0.9832052879: 1.017257486 366.88841176651675 307.116117372228 U.S. resumes search for missing British sailors after public 0.9144981178: -0.4992422113 359.33940038868735 435.3937646529639 Egypt forces set to block access to Morsi protest camps 1.534404259: -0.8464408266 427.44988294220377 464.76259444764753 Japan’s opposition party chief criticizes Abe’s economic pol….. 2.005116116: -0.9084444613 479.1680538111641 470.0073567097296 Latest Anti-Muslim Violence in Burma Kills 1, Injures 10 1.115190985: 1.67497372 381.3899772749761 251.4812292329127 The Note’s Must-Reads for Friday May 24, 2013 0.6880444003: 1.481132612 334.4584209074034 267.87785718139486 22 killed in mine accident in southwestern China 0.5552303733: -0.5614515491 319.8658449118609 440.65592691830363 Turkish search ends as last missing miners found 0.3949946756: -0.5514823874 302.26038826121146 439.81265566285714 Olivia Colman wins second BAFTA Award 0.06492883458: 1.350443116 265.9953116246252 278.93261772255545 JAL’s first order from Airbus is blow to Boeing 0.6339989381: -0.02694947131 328.5203243618995 395.44347543754515 Israelis attack 2 Palestinians in Jerusalem area 1.514533692: -0.9911192778 425.26665910157135 477.0006524981899 EU extends sanctions against Russia 2.4659014: -0.2671685209 529.7955698089563 415.7631197847542 ‚ÄėGlee‚Äô star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room -0.4723567247: -0.118552273 206.9625382785211 403.1919714678266 Lebanon’s PM forms ‘unity cabinet’ Lebanon’s prime minister ….. 0.5726323421: -0.6361501528 321.77783837912557 446.97453097601453 Iranian president makes debut on world stage 0.8422363846: -0.6747688026 351.399841172978 450.2412045856714 World’s oldest man dies at 116 -0.2867014971: -0.4787851307 227.36089587946415 433.663341514055 GM slow on recalls, Congress record shows 0.6709923609: -0.1300613869 332.5848749661017 404.16550416834536 Greek far-right leader imprisoned pending trial 1.35369157: -0.3670902726 407.5945731657072 424.2152990025227 Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350 0.9161078371: -0.3055333456 359.51626387640493 419.0083228453717 4 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai ambush 1.114229241: -0.8610094016 381.2843082922028 465.9949207912689 Egypt courts hear cases against Mubarak, Islamists 1.535870607: -0.7373678045 427.6109939384931 455.5363277500045 Nazi Gestapo chief ‘buried in Jewish cemetery’ 1.435367642: -0.2982998029 416.56850703967774 418.3964520679781 Swiss vote on highest minimum wage 1.005622448: -0.1915714787 369.3514355514038 409.368518634511 Donetsk Region Protesters Detain Trucks Carrying Government ….. 1.052571138: 1.861010729 374.5097938413447 235.74473427085826 Easy Rider star Karen Black dies aged 74 -0.3554396618: 0.5510740166 219.80847905103153 346.54963575477916 Coronation Street’s Bill Roache Arrested 0.5223390135: 1.875678994 316.251997206656 234.50397540146167 Red Sox beat Tigers to reach World Series 0.3015767547: 0.7455510581 291.99635108631446 330.09921550140393 At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake 0.6810598712: 1.135067356 333.69101498121915 297.15081837893433 EU, Myanmar work toward investment protection agreement 1.187628217: -0.5800654778 389.3488189481562 442.23044156005915 U.N. condemns ethnic killings in South Sudan oil town 1.879958886: -0.865271791 465.4167473673666 466.3554677007183 Feds drop ‘morning-after pill’ appeal 0.6394861529: 0.01604342118 329.12321700607214 391.80679347372643 Shooting, protests mar Thai voting 1.196243992: -0.1674855871 390.2954535939471 407.33114170045553 Protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev 0.895200224: 0.5707771991 357.21909737360204 344.88298332584804 Iran ‘thwarts nuclear sabotage attempts’ 2.750913768: -1.243120526 561.1105200501565 498.31692922625405 China yuan strengthens to 6.1184 against USD Tuesday 1.310517014: 0.7930898921 402.8508876534496 326.0780015276652 India and China troops retreat to de facto border in face-of….. 1.309723649: -0.3346558019 402.76371884458575 421.4717326140752 Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels 1.376989728: -0.5258522527 410.1543942091739 437.64465431802364 Saudi to give Lebanese army $3 billion 1.785689853: -0.9576875352 455.0591965640931 474.1727288946861 Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition 1.941605794: -1.106614891 472.19003186835533 486.7701932289817 Bangla militants escape from prison van in bomb ambush 0.8768639088: -0.8563271614 355.204445167032 465.59885954619875 Influential Palestinians Seek One Democratic State 1.359622868: 0.6674708725 408.24625822534455 336.70386074107364 Dozens killed in Russian plane crash 0.7335531666: -0.8896109025 339.45857146296225 468.41426400302066 US government shutdown begins – live updates 1.027783076: -0.1846821737 371.78627362348305 408.78576623354854 China launches probe and rover to moon 0.5789038857: -0.03642869542 322.46690698881247 396.24530386433014 All eyes on Khurshid‚Äôs trip … -0.4939915405: -0.2147019419 204.58547238720647 411.3250778084675 Australia cuts rates to record low 0.7147801798: -0.2079549167 337.3959411598198 410.7543605725753 Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet 1.130303962: 1.635468798 383.05047409621994 254.82287082963916 Palestinian diplomat dies in Prague blast 1.188248326: -0.6754638273 389.4169517372001 450.2999953206804 Novice ‘steered South Korea ferry’ 1.145512305: 0.9791235101 384.7214489317363 310.3417934195928 Iran dissidents ‘killed in Iraq’ 3.360477105: -0.8285309469 628.0846153846154 463.24763389012867 Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train 0.6931320194: -1.049448166 335.0174090669567 481.9345753814932 Death Toll in Bangladesh Collapse at 194 1.093769623: 1.643091099 379.03636410025246 254.17811574089012 President mourns death of Mandela 1.368130486: -0.1298668439 409.1810094415351 404.14904816943687 Singapore shares open 0.31% higher on Monday 0.8353927916: 0.1485176456 350.6479202055227 380.6010663260934 Deaf customers sue Starbucks, say they’re mocked 0.4013114234: 0.1510622392 302.95442355564484 380.38582428788294 Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire 0.9896360939: -0.1587188402 367.59497889866793 406.58958028238965 38 killed in rains, flash floods in Pakistan 1.010362186: -0.6437088455 369.8722012327775 447.6139055310881 Canada train plot suspects reject charges 1.024250809: -0.6933104478 371.3981755074886 451.8096049062238 East Ukraine Separatists Ask to Join Russia 1.421411937: 0.9461853581 415.0351623241195 313.1279651886738 Moon rocks indicate earth’s orb born of collision -0.262377638: -0.03613993313 230.03341300613852 396.22087804536966 Egypt strongly opposes military action against Syria 2.19594487: -1.041769846 500.1348384809445 481.2850817691216 US believes Syria has probably used chemical weapons 1.380719139: -1.057430853 410.56415308451346 482.60981474860887 Egypt’s opposition criticizes president’s speech 2.021926858: -0.735280112 481.0150879611938 455.35973406119786 Syrian war seen dragging on for years 0.9801731402: -1.198863091 366.5552628841721 494.5732821507157 Flash floods kill 58 in eastern Afghanistan 1.033751289: -0.3380691588 372.4420146792848 421.76046157935036 Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl ra….. 0.113531254: -0.4287736087 271.3353688044035 429.43296784795325 Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reser….. 0.3662497134: 0.07435198864 299.10211458101503 386.87458948987535 Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack 0.9279096672: 0.2443687101 360.8129574979264 372.4932183226249 Crowds, Dignitaries Gather for Mandela Memorial Service 0.808885084: 1.747328974 347.7354587258041 245.3608444393592 Russian aircraft wreckage found after a year 0.5980175405: -0.5265878525 324.5669672445666 437.70687721915044 France to ban child beauty pageants 0.2220252101: -0.5640621615 283.2558438899946 440.87675335501655 Today in History, Dec. 2 0.6415379569: 1.22651546 329.34865331963556 289.4154078805467 No update on Nelson Mandela’s condition 0.06743494568: 0.4032725317 266.2706636900386 359.0518649120669 Ukraine: Nine people die in Kyiv clashes 0.8401231946: -0.2039505103 351.16766022536103 410.41563592314526 Prince George is christened at St James’s Palace 0.3692619398: 1.025810322 299.4330746732679 306.3926502894029 Egypt poll: 98 per cent vote ‘yes’ for new constitution 1.229091873: -0.142842438 393.90452414715935 405.24662748034245 Iran, six global powers sign landmark nuclear deal 1.140991317: -0.8041899548 384.2247177973107 461.18867851729203 Israeli forces arrest 6 Palestinians in overnight West Bank ….. 1.763385849: -0.6684226088 452.6086054817376 449.70439286558326 Hague ‘concerns over conduct’ of Zimbabwe election 2.396801274: 0.04416921686 522.2033835267525 389.4276892091226 ‘Western’ forces attack Islamic militant base in Somalia 2.108970082: -1.43902453 490.57872283350474 514.8880533635777 6 Killed by Hot Lava as Indonesia Volcano Erupts 0.4655969132: 1.743787726 310.0176149705493 245.6603914184965 Egypt’s presidential election begins 1.663410379: -0.9518933791 441.6240756785192 473.6826129305633 Russian lawmakers pass new bill restricting Internet 1.033099013: -0.4137716418 372.370347620745 428.1639817635177 Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown 2.612860904: -0.07240752873 545.9423411800824 399.28868072454895 China to investigate EU wine exports 1.38162395: -0.2266299665 410.6635666029697 412.3340453247397 Conan O’Brien at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner 0.2572640987: 1.280695407 287.12761986446156 284.8324356202286 Colorado wildfire destroys more than 90 homes as winds worse….. 0.4205155892: 0.00941583111 305.0644284654895 392.36740793545084 Iran’s nuclear negotiating team leaves for Kazakhstan 1.248947408: -0.6353980361 396.0860964134997 446.9109109413735 U.S factory orders down 0.7 pct in January 1.104587538: 0.8581874109 380.2249526935122 320.57153385690077 Gunmen Surround Libya’s Foreign Ministry To Push Demands 1.281167663: 1.558445286 399.6262083822472 261.3381341365315 Typhoon death toll rises to 3633 0.7266640106: 0.5632188749 338.70164438764243 345.52232671367346 Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy 0.9640536052: -0.01090647629 364.7841732986919 394.0864308828906 G7 ‘to intensify Russia sanctions’ 1.647412559: 0.5268983752 439.8663591905374 348.5946044454457 Rock bands’ plane makes emergency landing in Ill. 0.1316356104: -0.20003317 273.32453517723224 410.08427601388405 Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit 1.089683173: 1.002541154 378.5873766313316 308.3609421679258 Gang violence kills 16 in Venezuelan prison 0.9998601198: -0.488963206 368.7183156295382 434.5242843473342 Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies at 74 0.2464874845: 1.68158744 285.9435690159326 250.92178804850778 Bangladesh Islamists rally against atheist bloggers 1.567662201: -0.3246194624 431.10400794021086 420.62277891949793 Anthony Weiner slips to fourth place in new poll 0.2816887911: 0.1626512963 289.8112157805107 379.4055293535296 India accuses China of crossing de facto border 1.266493093: -0.2557645995 398.0138803722238 414.7984851022882 Kerry pursuing ‘quiet strategy’ in Mideast peace process 1.436938143: -0.4593365285 416.7410614969276 432.01822352479104 North Korea says to restart nuclear reactor 1.541653999: -0.3028737824 428.24642825112505 418.7833557607393 Suicide bomber kills eight, wounds 13 in Afghan capital – po….. 0.9055390247: -0.5277292433 358.35504467078266 437.803425169311 Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed 0.4115573877: -0.9554228349 304.0801707063084 473.98116247224414 A look at major terror attacks in East Africa 0.854350471: -0.8120104614 352.73084310357495 461.8501993747326 Mandela remains in hospital 0.7426391832: -0.5098445846 340.4568725447729 436.290597999436 Cricket-England v Australia fourth test scoreboard 0.3094533894: 0.5215230438 292.8617746717807 349.04929287462477 Birthday of DPRK to Be Celebrated in Peru 0.651805465: 1.651388751 330.47676753931535 253.47623417983152 Obama condemns Egypt violence, cancels military exercises 1.899880075: -0.7057189488 467.6055331975272 452.8592149528711 What the Papers Say, May 20, 2013 0.6176403302: 1.435631868 326.72296730442014 271.72667317746254 Factories that ran on Korean cooperation go silent 0.619323171: -0.01487833392 326.9078648128345 394.42240229988533 Algerian president in France for medical tests 1.522012523: -0.481612881 426.0883750124954 433.90253519761444 Bodies of MH17 crash victims flown to Netherlands 0.9611960493: 0.07722504913 364.4702071984696 386.63156310440183 Egypt policeman killed in Sinai attack 1.436645464: -1.251018961 416.70890419353645 498.985041919129 Didier Reynders on Syria 1.72495414: 1.297604694 448.38602715865767 283.40211316944067 Sony Xperia Z2 and Nokia‚Äôs X series unveiled 0.1906316102: 1.386391151 279.80655842418395 275.89184600122155 Mandela back in hospital in ‚Äėserious but stable‚Äô conditi….. 0.1445782614: -0.6315209356 274.74657337363794 446.5829548376064 East Harlem explosion death toll rises 0.8708001339: -0.3629939511 354.53820457259985 423.8687994358388 Royal Hoax DJ Takes Action Against Station 0.5564871078: 1.785505981 320.0039251570596 242.13152843561477 Workers killed in India building collapse 1.351994537: -0.5388218321 407.4081163504372 438.7417248563471 North Korea fires three short-range missiles 1.456235718: -0.3934303869 418.861329451265 426.443356079868 Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to B….. 0.754146457: 0.1905762341 341.72120261117567 377.04341525303386 Fire destroys ancient Tibetan town in China 0.5395231077: -0.3163576828 318.1400522973281 419.9239316649498 Ukrainian President orders 7-day ceasefire in the east 1.578341924: 0.05972945116 432.2774131479799 388.1114804092184 ICC Champions Trophy: India vs South Africa 1.375089171: 0.7345808185 409.94557583743426 331.0271659152602 Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India 0.5354092894: -0.208659661 317.68805782500965 410.8139734720619 Thousands rally to support embattled Tunisia government 1.873673735: -0.3026133061 464.7261837175666 418.76132259260567 Winter Storm Ion: State-By-State… 0.178520588: 1.548065419 278.4758931676311 262.2161461529741 China sets Bo Xilai trial date 0.7021292478: 0.3677077874 336.00595478747204 362.06021482676965 Muslims prepare for start of Ramadan 1.021950538: -0.5100338889 371.14543959488566 436.3066108702432 Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany 1.162491239: 0.199603384 386.5869626767628 376.27982686626467 Obama to sign up for Obamacare 1.124703729: -0.08645775584 382.4351638832104 400.47716106544306 General Electric posts 9% profit drop for third quarter 0.582520147: 0.431504885 322.8642337538889 356.6637471553995 ‘Trayvon could have been me’ -0.0785714937: -1.463461551 250.2286076657591 516.9551315885199 Police: Explosion in Belfast Cathedral Quarter 0.5757222869: 1.809224743 322.1173375684166 240.12520632968148 Syrians Protest against Erdogan in Paris, Venezuelans Stress….. 2.086575533: 0.8951613239 488.1181832710381 317.4439852122858 US postpones missile test over N Korea tensions 1.487425001: 0.0232845681 422.2881661875137 391.1942794770493 Obama to meet privately with family of Nelson Mandela 0.8294866644: -0.129570499 349.99900071987025 404.1239809568616 Israel downs drone from Lebanon 1.909112913: -0.6894344765 468.6199659010445 451.48174432218786 Israel approves release of first group of Palestinian prison….. 1.500597186: -0.9142282412 423.73542378636165 470.49659497221677 Deadly clashes as Egypt marks anniversary 1.417250268: -0.0151151891 414.57791042438646 394.4424374016462 NATO: 5 Americans killed in southern Afghanistan 1.34218455: -1.038171737 406.3302710879728 480.98072502991204 Conmen dressed as women steal cash -0.4120805244: -0.2411634627 213.58522003499638 413.56340442498947 Bangladesh garment factory fire ‘kills 8’ 0.3829965435: -0.6223087873 300.94212649321 445.8037178169198 Red panda‚Äôs short-lived zoo escape -0.1037964964: -0.1191784373 247.45707986426612 403.24493743901826 Israeli doctors could be tried abroad for force-feeding Pale….. 1.408145226: -1.080237341 413.57751889986974 484.5389695156423 Washington Pot Shops Prepare for Historic Sales 0.6394090888: 1.874938729 329.1147498018071 234.56659289958372 Rio airport workers strike on eve of FIFA World Cup 0.9439621913: 0.1395336284 362.5766844486676 381.3610061977579 Hot-Air Balloon Catches Fire in Virginia 0.06123774288: 2.300329935 265.58976307444954 198.58360978462338 Quotes from leaders, family at Mandela memorial 0.2810076754: 0.4059466539 289.73638006136343 358.82566631677685 Mumbai Indians puts T&T in its place 0.534986866: 0.2269437162 317.64164521553806 373.9671633739247 KL shares remain higher mid-afternoon 0.5205583744: 0.4723976863 316.056354373633 353.2047076654577 What the Papers Say, Nov. 20, 2013 0.7575427275: 1.510621489 342.0943584976071 265.3834525626368 China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD 1.236115938: 0.9023711651 394.6762739777356 316.83411930663436 US, Russia agree on seizure of Syria chemical weapons 1.868413632: -1.005442804 464.14824432893823 478.2122506942492 Algerian priest to lecture about Christian heritage in N. Af….. 0.838830998: -0.05017813918 351.0256836788246 397.40834154874716 Ankara protesters clash with police 1.85019717: -0.9977292948 462.1467607192045 477.5597804915598 Indian stocks close lower 0.4118459481: -0.3708019999 304.11187549084354 424.5292665170451 19 killed, 42 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 1.451228985: -0.9527000236 418.31122841786333 473.7508453613233 Iran nuclear deal agreed at talks 2.16040761: -0.9941782657 496.2302797377408 477.2594061096545 Egyptian military spokesman denounces incitement against arm….. 2.01597614: -0.8721630387 480.3612691216653 466.9383844351198 Snowden sees ‘no chance’ for US fair trial 0.9022882882: -0.09053953481 357.99787894138177 400.8224305064616 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on Dec 30 1.34867539: 0.2546116756 407.04343427381934 371.62678655345564 Fallen US firefighters brought home 0.5346157301: -0.1995648684 317.6008676842982 410.04466333054825 UK vote rejects military action 1.508377619: -0.7439288919 424.5902774777229 456.09131688671863 New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage 0.5151535744: -0.09964626031 315.46251683803524 401.5927500280221 Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat 2.069497277: -0.7967153229 486.2417569253694 460.55641449416 Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats 0.9024110866: -0.5391004864 358.01137107468674 438.7652956630202 Cristiano Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to 2014 World Cup….. 0.6242150791: 1.057164335 327.44534976417526 303.7404775969097 Britain’s Prince Philip set for ‘exploratory’ surgery 0.1810429551: 0.1102894933 278.7530313109634 383.8347085340871 Japan starts hearing on sales tax, ex-bank deputy urges grad….. 1.002917139: -0.3203868457 369.0541971677165 420.26475042035565 Syrian opposition offers Assad truce in Homs for duration of….. 2.001616797: -0.3954236268 478.7835757518958 426.6119602238256 At least 20 dead in Somalia attacks 0.9946039731: -0.7028762832 368.1408109581246 452.6187596107759 Westgate mall attackers spent four months planning in Nairob….. 0.4092946559: -0.1467331917 303.8315592680642 405.5757384741743 U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Ga….. 2.764670339: -0.4648992243 562.6219853831991 432.4887607234408 Chinese shares close higher Tuesday 0.8373394506: -0.1732737104 350.8618040160095 407.82074735762535 Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government ral….. 1.188386992: -0.7942231877 389.43218723064876 460.3456098132229 Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three, to rise 0.5282490841: -0.5756788961 316.9013499631542 441.8593894764742 Nigel Farage calls on Government to let Syrian refugees into….. 1.548210326: -0.02021151782 428.96678666602287 394.8735255576839 Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death – s….. 1.197459866: -0.3758504755 390.4290443708749 424.9563068767659 Men tried to behead soldier on London street, court hears 0.3078858181: -0.4142657471 292.6895420870325 428.2057771306419 Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite 0.02866674595: 0.2005637332 262.01111435393204 376.19859286328517 India Ink: Image of the Day: July 2 0.734805689: 0.9793019674 339.59618891055993 310.3266980773153 Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China 1.085661032: -0.4510257699 378.1454549016316 431.3152332314072 Iraq army fights to retake Tikrit 1.577741518: -0.7536698431 432.21144509802696 456.91528428026106 Iran condemns alleged Israeli airstrike on Syria 3.074895612: -1.084271895 596.7071341679995 484.88024430603457 Israel agrees to extend Gaza truce by four hours 1.596610145: -0.6594730269 434.28458360610534 448.9473658005539 Four civilians, three NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan 1.607559268: -1.186775658 435.48758847032474 493.55083065099717 Protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution 0.6383226637: -0.2508215477 328.9953818272976 414.3803623320712 Tokyo stocks open down 0.24% 0.4932638176: 0.1643619047 313.0574400088726 379.26083243771745 Shankill blast victims to be remembered 0.313150015: -0.1813112719 293.2679312462002 408.5006284577438 118 people killed in twin blasts in Nigeria 0.8524889938: -0.6189235273 352.5263184093252 445.5173655095952 Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada -0.25164067: 0.214691342 231.2131078476043 375.0035669656125 World‚Äôs largest building opened in west China 0.7048374914: -0.4758281692 336.3035156143134 433.4132181040233 Israeli lightly hurt by stones in West Bank 0.6260295618: -0.5369631324 327.6447110618842 438.58450120067465 Death toll from Egypt protests rises to 49 1.500016192: -0.02869793029 423.6715887357149 395.5913740522259 Poverty stats doubt Modi’s development claims 0.9730674171: 0.04167379008 365.7745410966226 389.6387723224112 Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine 1.70045008: -0.7313646818 445.69371093958665 455.02853572242674 Georgians vote for new president 1.433059265: -0.1782402997 416.31488044154116 408.2408611211624 EU declares Hezbollah’s military wing terror group 1.498948845: -1.08587312 423.5543169095047 485.0156886853387 Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement 2.370349641: -0.4962076409 519.2970831179389 435.1370764641814 What the Papers Say, June 25, 2013 0.7479344367: 1.408280616 341.0386739621814 274.0402603831723 Gunmen kill nine foreigners in Pakistan 1.555560479: -0.7503613622 429.77436450596275 456.6354265611156 2 Indian traders stranded in China sent back home 0.4861006494: -0.2913378974 312.2704065972475 417.8075585461096 Peace talks with Palestinians would take months: Israel offi….. 1.621819163: -0.7970330342 437.0543551281537 460.5832890545639 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings 1.252986119: -0.4402678286 396.52983868456045 430.40524069940375 Two dead, more trapped in latest Mumbai building collapse 0.510399687: -0.3128128371 314.9401965390493 419.6240803307263 Air strikes kills dozens in northern Syria 1.512407299: -0.7995211418 425.0330274796772 460.7937530495795 UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons 1.866567804: -0.9032798745 463.9454391173057 469.5704947401193 Pictures show completed Costa Concordia operation 0.3683177685: 0.531696266 299.3293364528364 348.188760543744 Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Third Day 1.589644742: 1.203440668 433.519279108606 291.3672579885674 China ‚Äėwill protect interests‚Äô of foreign business 1.387520889: -0.8639279236 411.3114765684662 466.24179267459033 D.C. Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana 0.8928478712: 2.253831793 356.96063908702456 202.51679371046686 Margaret Thatcher dies after stroke 0.1510256671: 0.1854540134 275.4549643405986 377.4766935513803 Stocks rise in early trading 0.867196475: 0.4919813452 354.1422624646591 351.54816550823205 Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November 1.876668426: -0.6252342117 465.0552171066026 446.05117356090443 Death toll in India building collapse hits 42 0.8502977407: -0.02647802632 352.28556050186023 395.40359685753094 Five charged with terrorism offences 1.44607611: -0.4955869332 417.7450705188088 435.08457205997667 President Obama reveals plans to withdraw troops from Afghan….. 2.037377693: -0.50552241 482.7127058979989 435.9249939758589 US, NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border 1.31705953: 1.207817649 403.56972850212287 290.9970180204307 Boston bombing suspect identified on surveillance video, no ….. 1.229398222: -0.8838938787 393.93818337275417 467.9306725029718 Man held after teen shot in Belfast -0.2976658564: -0.4492707587 226.15621704873823 431.1667803759399 Police stop Maldives presidential election 1.568243184: -0.4984659866 431.16784179704143 435.32810537376326 Turkey president appeals for calm 1.338627023: -0.5473839701 405.9393975875739 439.46597882116623 Man dies in Co Donegal house fire -0.123816473: 0.08930028372 245.25743998509387 385.61014339295764 India Ink: Image of the Day: April 21 0.938227198: 1.020805825 361.9465678227736 306.8159705406605 Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan 1.309018292: -0.7467215384 402.6862196448288 456.32754121436665 Israel and Hamas to observe brief Gaza truce 2.164453478: -0.9368399036 496.67480838694513 472.40926983480614 China’s troubled Xinjiang hit by more violence 1.135677748: -0.7807777452 383.640904075154 459.2082869852499 Relatives scuffle with police after China fire kills 120 0.6403837772: -0.3136504279 329.22184100216225 419.694930440971 Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs 1.601427788: -0.789913289 434.81390888600095 459.98104418399896 Burial of Boston bombing suspect appears legal 0.9010570454: -0.2819726049 357.86259952686083 417.01536736058154 South Africa president: Mandela is improving 1.247354918: 0.1686113564 395.9111259930536 378.9013799038489 Syrian civil war in photos 1.709783483: -1.390315297 446.7191929778992 510.7678376664059 Bangladesh Honors Factory Victims 1.380876599: 1.71638655 410.5814535125632 247.9782015318766 Man Who Set Himself on Fire on National Mall Has Died 0.2262433223: 1.287210071 283.7192973633975 284.2813733452797 Japan defends dolphin hunt after US criticism 0.8880201851: -0.2413717235 356.43021035306737 413.58102078848077 Wave of attacks kills at least 95 in Iraq 1.196622639: -0.5061751616 390.33705632713946 435.9802089177423 Top Chinese political advisor meets Greek PM 0.8786417288: 0.08200757433 355.3997782506025 386.22701895468276 Palestinian diplomat injured in explosion in Prague 1.354111454: -0.8044688246 407.64070685843853 461.21226755362034 Ukraine leader pledges crisis talks 2.017918853: -0.4361371501 480.57471939066915 430.0558349458863 US military presence in East Asia 1.827386097: -0.6121767181 459.64045671241104 444.94666653885776 US believes Syrian government used chemical weapons 1.757015638: -1.215856153 451.9086960726017 496.0106909890943 World powers and Iran to resume expert nuclear talks on Dec…… 1.548929895: -0.2464231096 429.0458473190997 414.0083073340786 Chinese president meets Greek PM, calling for stronger partn….. 1.00060903: -0.3747217469 368.80060006376755 424.86082999741205 Italian fugitive arrested in Dominican Republic 1.079223075: -0.2163663403 377.43810203757477 411.4658659099067 India, US to hold talks on China next week 1.074901046: -0.3886834591 376.9632310011349 426.041823046898 Israel Carrying Out Ground Offensive In Gaza 1.210668102: 0.8366565822 391.8802629547259 322.3927831817482 Ehud Olmert, former Israeli prime minister, sentenced to six….. 1.403482452: -0.8555207531 413.06520948190615 465.5306470933384 Brahimi apologises to Syria over lack of peace progress 1.705899466: -0.3951734303 446.292447204566 426.59079660486884 US delays missile test as tensions rise 1.527407175: -0.5897693117 426.68109765107386 443.05126927700377 India, China ink border pact; 8 other agreements 0.9755698845: -0.1041508216 366.04949281771655 401.9737817684103 3 Chinese tourists killed in Pakistan 1.173132356: -0.7676385505 387.7561261407949 458.09686903287195 Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants 1.9488794: 1.392360306 472.98919936821426 275.3869272868117 Detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection: U.S. judge 1.346727624: 0.03064251594 406.82942880578054 390.57188552727564 British Nobel-Winning Author Doris Lessing Dies 0.3195560968: 1.649733986 293.9717818666445 253.61620740908404 Israeli government authorises new settlements ahead of talks 1.73081923: -0.5698319696 449.03043784392804 441.36480976889493 FAA continues ban on US flights to Tel Aviv 1.587965461: 0.1768910587 433.3347727615606 378.20101660019753 Chinese envoy rebuts Vietnamese, Philippine accusations over….. 1.595347404: 0.3373356136 434.1458434110804 364.62933567415564 Four more people arrested over Australia’s largest illegal t….. 0.8197166153: -0.4921769976 348.925543441219 434.7961324913224 Italy bus crash death toll rises 0.6367270734: -0.6758251266 328.8200707274157 450.3305568948387 Angela Merkel headed for narrow win in German elections 0.7883297155: -0.1277739657 345.4769941399382 403.9720158281756 Rebels kill 21 civilians in Syria Alawite village 1.571507453: -0.6267775058 431.52649443969966 446.1817176912399 World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines 0.8811396076: -0.240098314 355.6742258202414 413.47330564899124 Sentences
Los resultados ya no tienen la forma anterior de dos claras rectas y parecen ser más pobres. La razón es que hemos obviado otra parte importante de la relación entre palabras: el orden. Por ejemplo, la frase “Hombres verdes observan perros” generaría el mismo embedding que “Perros verdes observan hombres”, pero claramente no son lo mismo.
Método Sentence Embedding
Estas limitaciones sobre embeddings solo al nivel de palabra llevó a que se desarrollaran nuevos tipos de embeddings de texto que usan los embeddings de palabra como base, pero generan un nuevo embedding textual teniendo en cuenta el orden, entre otros posibles factores.
Para mostrar un ejemplo haremos uso de DistilRoBerTa, un transformer bastante pequeño. La matemática que hay detrás está fuera del alcance de este artículo, pero lo importante es que genera un embedding bidireccional, es decir, la información obtenida tiene en cuenta la posición de cada palabra, incluyendo aquellas que le preceden o suceden.
Pygal -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 A plane is taking off. -0.0859155: -0.07450815 254.50545447948474 300.3019249113645 A man is spreading shreded cheese on a pizza. -0.16061698: -0.3157578 206.7348011474808 419.64484064729805 Three men are playing chess. 0.001904667: 0.012262158 310.66534109740405 257.3778354329589 A man is smoking. -0.13015822: -0.22044227 226.2127955418514 372.4935400534291 The man is playing the piano. -0.18400599: -0.19776805 191.7778236222659 361.27691372845743 A man is playing on a guitar and singing. -0.30248314: -0.20767161 116.01318207119743 366.17607229360107 A man is playing a flute. -0.22034068: -0.20839563 168.54224608521312 366.5342339361158 A dog is trying to get bacon off his back. -0.32082817: 0.14773127 104.28176826204904 190.36311113983277 A woman is writing. -0.15373698: -0.21639244 211.1344744014671 370.4901480010499 A cat is rubbing against baby’s face. -0.13714762: 0.013654337 221.74315960351032 256.6891433846929 The man is riding a horse. -0.38047767: 0.052397344 66.13666813959162 237.5235061999578 A man pours oil into a pot. -0.14010163: -0.33567205 219.8541099513046 429.4961434095602 A panda is sliding down a slide. -0.29007095: 0.16542728 123.95062108803803 181.60913727749795 The boy fell off his bike. -0.05756762: -0.12015136 272.63356547655 322.8809986202572 A girl is flying a kite. -0.10077707: -0.10908497 245.00166893025252 317.4066053894496 A man is riding a mechanical bull. -0.27154437: -0.028267367 135.79813750494708 277.42723866359086 The man is playing the guitar. -0.23010695: -0.29508224 162.29684248753065 409.4169182538644 A woman is dancing and singing with other women. -0.070609294: -0.07279154 264.2935789742989 299.452739490732 A man is slicing a bun. -0.20191146: -0.4603431 180.32749933410605 491.1692076079605 A man is pouring oil into a pan. -0.18651126: -0.3570012 190.17573341934656 440.0473754605367 A lion is playing with people. -0.16389352: 0.10492161 204.6394940309793 211.54046867818892 A dog rides a skateboard. -0.34465685: 0.26189297 89.04362498301062 133.88887508040398 Someone is carving a statue. -0.21481952: -0.22581956 172.07296031082655 375.1536133835606 A woman peels shrimp. -0.099661805: -0.34525308 245.71486521843696 434.23574799528024 A woman is playing an electric guitar. -0.19212067: -0.20308223 186.58858783759732 363.905769174419 A baby tiger is playing with a ball. -0.25495517: 0.09369122 146.4067178868421 217.09598786513163 A woman is playing the flute. -0.17247365: -0.16841038 199.15260714191052 346.7540738993478 A man is cutting up a potato. -0.13562676: -0.40590745 222.71572858380222 464.24063860875333 A kid is playing guitar. -0.18028416: -0.17249174 194.15788896494203 348.77307120811145 A man is playing guitar. -0.23537837: -0.30052298 158.92583605131878 412.1083790103939 A man is playing the guitar. -0.2419945: -0.29240513 154.69490417768588 408.09258705334355 A man is eating a banana by a tree. -0.2013218: -0.19036934 180.70458505261433 357.61687296572256 A kid plays with a toy phone. -0.17836678: -0.07628446 195.3840274127743 301.1806401652875 A tiger cub is making a sound. -0.2873668: 0.15276472 125.67988671800713 187.87313289287056 A boy is singing and playing the piano. -0.19336861: -0.1295375 185.79054440401717 327.52418896371023 A dog is eating water melon. -0.23252451: 0.13196906 160.75084059298942 198.16046140874238 A woman is chopping broccoli. -0.029562248: -0.30082515 290.54264643603676 412.25785628434863 A man is peeling a potato. -0.20590408: -0.34957558 177.77427110664442 436.3740293185984 A woman is playing a guitar. -0.1892755: -0.22623129 188.40803691141465 375.3572925706917 A woman is slicing tomato. -0.118868604: -0.41872635 233.4323594802572 470.5819749657342 A man swims underwater. -0.13182549: -0.15633552 225.14659358192583 340.78080634812227 The men are playing cricket. -0.0944029: 0.015302559 249.07786720696998 255.87379039210083 A man rides off on a motorcycle. -0.22647947: -0.14977373 164.61656954127534 337.53478033495196 A man is fishing. -0.26638535: -0.18665098 139.09726590682382 355.7774503620981 A man is levitating. -0.24107717: -0.22626904 155.28152537239652 375.37596432998384 A man is riding a bicycle. -0.26307362: -0.18012986 141.21507123876546 352.5515409028592 A man is slicing potatoes. -0.117120855: -0.45430452 234.55002336838461 488.18200623445375 The man cut a paper plate. -0.17580645: -0.37271926 197.02132765637617 447.82289163903044 A woman is slicing up some meat. -0.18762453: -0.4104337 189.46381403114896 466.4797164723642 A man is playing on his keyboard. -0.20280933: -0.24859041 179.75332314971513 386.418043245449 Lionel Richie is dancing on the ceiling. -0.16158867: -0.114564925 206.11341777999348 320.1174639882916 A woman is playing flute. -0.1766201: -0.1671034 196.50100996993856 346.1075282982742 A man is spinning. -0.28285483: -0.21288697 128.56524234951425 368.7560406066665 A monkey is swinging from limb to limb. -0.3122849: 0.05136115 109.74508967598719 238.03609685519734 The people got off the train. -0.062410574: 0.009871116 269.5365565253922 258.5606513942686 A dog is jumping on a trampoline. -0.304214: 0.17882654 114.90631942288424 174.98070695717172 A woman plays the guitar. -0.18468335: -0.2296707 191.34465912448385 377.05872254346343 A woman is picking a can. -0.19976076: -0.27588123 181.7028444983136 399.9184402396331 A man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep. -0.0723372: -0.071601816 263.1886030886529 298.8641994458646 The puppy played with a blue tennis ball. -0.2653554: 0.17668012 139.7558985433309 176.04251307461612 A kangroo is eating something. -0.31169948: 0.048191458 110.11945007064293 239.60410078017253 The man cut some carpet with a knife. -0.16641591: -0.27945986 203.0264548871278 401.6887412140105 someone is slicing a vegetable. -0.17426307: -0.47318602 198.0082951133856 497.5224266637093 A dog licks up a baby’s drool. -0.17568028: 0.1707066 197.10201058315798 178.99753091039298 A man is rowing a boat. -0.2852634: -0.09902713 127.02499603401829 312.43112702176677 A man cuts up potatos. -0.10195273: -0.3890719 244.2498464174655 455.91232630991175 A man is walking slowly across a rope bridge. -0.1562307: -0.08527934 209.5397692544419 305.6302833125874 A man is slicing something. -0.21947852: -0.52167994 169.09359053551057 521.5117083973447 The woman picked up the kangaroo. -0.25563133: 0.01763713 145.97432524651478 254.71891019856753 Fish are swimming. -0.16129138: 0.14602996 206.30353294147028 191.20472613141158 Two women mix something in a food processor. -0.07698685: -0.24971046 260.2152128263351 386.9721146182081 A person is surfing a large wave. -0.19972377: -0.18514097 181.72650526448805 355.03046941939147 A man is playing a flute in a band. -0.1630194: -0.22170193 205.19848082298918 373.1166814556268 A person is boiling noodles. -0.16354966: -0.28943244 204.85938764364224 406.6220367382075 A man is dancing outside. -0.24044797: -0.089632824 155.68389180482382 307.78389346474415 A woman is feeding a man. -0.13795483: -0.3053864 221.22695849016466 414.51424219802595 A man is putting a pan into an oven. -0.2114327: -0.3388465 174.23879232884119 431.06650249722543 A woman is sitting at a desk. -0.18023516: -0.16349068 194.18922066014204 344.3203689293049 Medics transport a patient on a stretcher. -0.07337593: -0.0776219 262.5243482805619 301.84225291045635 A woman is playing a flute on stage. -0.2166029: -0.14125897 170.9325075695754 333.32264373498515 A baby is laughing. -0.20629321: -0.05258673 177.52542807487634 289.4576962475152 A person is writing. -0.21530806: -0.24543372 171.76054862374238 384.8564708680389 The woman is rolling dough. -0.1765998: -0.26559967 196.51398861010352 394.83229133972225 A young boy is holding a guitar. -0.16493173: -0.12099929 203.97557274154164 323.3004571496232 The man is eating pizza. -0.0952021: -0.18709725 248.5667879872284 355.9982164572589 A man and a woman talk in a diner. -0.10734262: -0.15939151 240.80307883688388 342.2925627960824 A man is getting inside a car. -0.23655948: -0.20073242 158.170530650881 362.74335080171227 A big green ball knocks a potato over. -0.16591951: -0.11354763 203.3438979413244 319.6142221126503 A woman slices tofu. -0.07098141: -0.37388316 264.0556134151801 448.39865704558224 Someone is mixing ingrediants. -0.17951345: -0.3559699 194.65074377255772 439.5372155248498 A woman holds a kangaroo. -0.2403378: 0.11211919 155.75434047350194 207.97992340343137 A man is playing with frogs -0.1372126: -0.07111779 221.70160317931098 298.62475790571096 A man is running across a high wire. -0.19312118: -0.061031062 185.94877518223993 293.63499191961193 A man is mowing a lawn. -0.1941709: -0.13087244 185.27748789511682 328.1845706848752 A man is opening a door. -0.18045378: -0.18499923 194.0494191697894 354.96035265097953 The woman is cutting cooked octopus. -0.10694906: -0.36675024 241.0547567772049 444.87009996642223 Someone is playing a piano. -0.24684739: -0.22883658 151.59154169618296 376.64609361732846 A man is swimming. -0.20024742: -0.15641853 181.39163347838124 340.8218724243232 A woman is slicing a pumpkin. -0.094700344: -0.37226534 248.88765675444944 447.5983440150434 A woman is cracking eggs into a bowl. -0.116661265: -0.3362676 234.84392477021146 429.7907488307494 A car is moving through a road. -0.214434: 0.09136915 172.31949729933473 218.2446843744658 A woman is cutting meat into pieces. -0.16752142: -0.38538733 202.31950016231198 454.08961467285474 A man is rinsing a steak. -0.19783464: -0.23030677 182.93457653041665 377.37337817597313 A man is selling items. -0.20499752: -0.19262086 178.3540027588886 358.7306695759771 A woman is dancing by a fire. -0.15704237: -0.09177759 209.02071893888677 308.84488135665305 Three boys are dancing. 0.045924947: 0.10144063 338.81575395718073 213.262461174666 A woman is playing a game with a man. -0.120523386: -0.2007025 232.3741476743539 362.728549028061 A car backs out of a space. -0.17079075: 0.10636744 200.22880513233022 210.82523636054015 A man puts some cheese on a pizza. -0.17001738: -0.24681985 200.72336564962984 385.54217335239724 The boy is playing the piano. -0.12738608: -0.10992638 227.98554247510447 317.8228389307816 A man is riding a horse. -0.4014337: 0.056750353 52.73554560284646 235.37013193264016 People step off a train. -0.014261744: 0.022779176 300.32712545285676 252.1752101009335 A man is buttering a piece of bread. -0.21118076: -0.33828247 174.3999008965866 430.78748021821684 A woman is deveining shrimp. -0.09780382: -0.31065616 246.90302065621228 417.12112349694837 A man walks down a path. -0.19163264: -0.103253484 186.90067553513256 314.5218480644085 A kid runs away from a fish swinging around on a fishing pol….. -0.19049942: -0.003402388 187.6253543940944 265.1268727320205 An elderly man is speaking at a podium. -0.06681702: -0.11766781 266.71868839337725 321.6524182358935 A person is cutting some burrata cheese. -0.2096739: -0.39735368 175.36352204786607 460.00920368039056 A man is crushing garlic with the back of a knife. -0.14685357: -0.45897636 215.53632982035631 490.4931026879916 A woman is filing her fingernails with an emery board. -0.16836223: -0.20691365 201.78181091859045 365.80111859910545 A man is riding a skateboard. -0.24016243: -0.18551025 155.8664885029451 355.21314748444456 A person is folding a square paper piece. -0.23381323: -0.20620595 159.9267255298268 365.45102864092746 The woman is peeling shrimp. -0.047930364: -0.2947544 278.79646847079033 409.254732684205 A woman is slicing butter. -0.14466779: -0.45597205 216.93410649627336 489.0069102594651 Some men are playing guitars. 0.00032064246: -0.059532803 309.6523774061282 292.8938233267679 The elephants sprayed water on themselves. -0.06659466: 0.13787319 266.8608864534814 195.23977218845062 A dog sat at the counter of a store. -0.31382042: 0.16490424 108.76313452788139 181.86788083174815 Someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill. -0.17939077: -0.23256792 194.72919688891471 378.4919367114162 A woman is slicing some vegetables. -0.11154529: -0.48045078 238.11552835408784 501.1162059008707 A woman is water skiing on a lake. -0.15748024: -0.112459466 208.74070620669315 319.07592185280305 A girl is playing a violin. -0.18603233: -0.11020336 190.48200836321027 317.9598585366732 A helicopter is landing on a helipad. 0.022905353: 0.015469426 324.09501484091584 255.79124359838033 A woman is cutting up a chicken. -0.16006772: -0.2703348 207.0860439349117 397.17470150564594 A woman rides an elephant in front of an adoring crowd. -0.22863945: 0.08452987 163.23528774503933 221.62798430686996 A puppy is sliding backwards along the floor. -0.3341662: 0.2070582 95.75226693189707 161.01488706130948 A woman splits garlic cloves. -0.11600699: -0.40382043 235.26232392075738 463.2082148965749 A woman mixes a beauty treatment in a glass. -0.21236452: -0.25552842 173.64289931556922 389.85018239664134 A man is drawing a picture. -0.20361531: -0.18342416 179.237912952033 354.18118817054307 Two men compete in a tire rolling race. -0.114818215: 0.007541427 236.02253204539844 259.7131167628332 A person is cutting a meat. -0.28966498: -0.3854633 124.21023200775501 454.1271940762782 A man is playing a violin. -0.23623893: -0.2004502 158.3755207442943 362.6037364625909 A man is playing keyboard. -0.16490944: -0.2754383 203.98982828169346 399.699332709747 A man is smelling two pizzas. -0.11167409: -0.18420681 238.03315877583086 354.5683562768615 A woman is frying something in the pan. -0.1372019: -0.37151748 221.70844507625554 447.2283881305754 An elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan. -0.14148569: -0.32609814 218.9690181492171 424.7600623536236 A dog biting on a can. -0.29027617: 0.075782254 123.81938626252261 225.95531010801307 A man is mowing grass. -0.22478145: -0.12934412 165.70243004353594 327.4285302900683 The boy is stuck in the door of the doghouse. -0.16117255: -0.02949534 206.37951801979293 278.0347001739668 A woman swims underwater. -0.064102724: -0.14743827 268.454448107981 336.37946062162086 An airplane is flying in the air. -0.18305446: 0.0031706057 192.38631411152764 261.87530238852884 A bear is running from two dogs. -0.12260176: 0.2880537 231.0450520182526 120.94752515480292 A woman is resting in a floating raft. -0.15090582: -0.11778064 212.9449661171676 321.70823448593717 A man is dieing in an operating room. -0.11362176: -0.26811677 236.7876524233471 396.07746843393454 A person is riding a horse. -0.4650017: 0.07880418 12.084615018111366 224.4604046832436 A woman is slicing octopus. -0.13114148: -0.43100077 225.58400806026117 476.6539603221082 A man is breaking water jugs. -0.07651984: -0.28315163 260.51385972214297 403.5150058664559 A girl is eating a cupcake. -0.12470869: -0.061903004 229.69769859816006 294.06632946204525 People ride and paddle a raft. -0.058134496: -0.017938446 272.27105452319023 272.31766252917527 The missile exploded. 0.1522774: -0.042925946 406.8268015022036 284.67863807961123 A woman peels an apple. -0.16468136: -0.28594553 204.13568075332714 404.8971141097452 A person is doing pencil tricks with his hand. -0.25267008: -0.28439027 147.86800604344896 404.1277462215311 The man is slicing the tape from the box. -0.22118571: -0.3261376 168.00186010495213 424.7795818240562 A man is fishing in the river. -0.18364461: -0.13142039 192.00892346167922 328.4556318505653 A man is doing push-ups. -0.14531527: -0.16529016 216.52004785277234 345.2105467121262 The little boy is singing and playing the guitar. -0.17716287: -0.12439528 196.15391234291278 324.9804068592376 A woman is powdering her face. -0.08180314: -0.23074605 257.13525382518844 377.59067971256013 The woman is waterskiing. -0.09825391: -0.11439263 246.6151940584274 320.03223216167646 A man and woman is riding in a car. -0.14502636: -0.09427302 216.7048076575878 310.0793367477897 A man is moving a tree limb. -0.30659175: -0.1229164 113.38577929524521 324.2488247736812 A group of people sing. -0.021172313: -0.038266145 295.9079038368048 282.3734977182597 A girl is making eyelid. -0.16642186: -0.18847123 203.02265277448038 356.67790387822106 Two men are fighting. 0.06332178: -0.04292662 349.9408070318962 284.67897163551646 The military officer barked at the recruits. 0.04402944: 0.031048883 337.6036018523016 248.08429895831773 A man is tying on a stenographers machine. -0.21053942: -0.27054048 174.81003354908322 397.27644158529495 Two puppies are playing with each other. -0.17266609: 0.34719172 199.02954828795276 91.69274832955534 A man is running on a field. -0.20106807: -0.019771572 180.86683711288526 273.224484935953 A person is playing a guitar. -0.30024922: -0.30065095 117.44174728336485 412.1716846040779 A person is adding food in a pan. -0.25973064: -0.44695795 143.35286863169543 484.5477580045904 A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. -0.150908: -0.26348582 212.94357486792822 393.78659910534645 A man is walking with a horse. -0.34621358: 0.18602064 88.04811944847708 171.42188290459927 The dog pulled the dogs tail and then his leg. -0.31280217: 0.26365063 109.41429634655485 133.0193888208094 A woman beats two eggs in a bowl. -0.13406782: -0.25696167 223.7126539548883 390.55919325165974 The woman is putting paste into a dish. -0.17269121: -0.40062752 199.01348221796883 461.6287300141983 A man is holding up and talking about a gray You Tube T-shir….. -0.13305473: -0.13590391 224.36050917434204 330.67356853547506 Someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges. -0.14143845: -0.42034325 218.99922541010034 471.38183096939736 Someone is boiling okra in a pot. -0.16951889: -0.2690047 201.04214277843957 396.5167154898777 A person is peeling a potato. -0.2387166: -0.3829836 156.7910784426859 452.9005191991301 A cat is sliding upside down under a couch. -0.2343385: 0.00043883373 159.5908150713426 263.22667275256356 A chef is cleaning up a bowl of soup. -0.13707192: -0.2626763 221.79156745375852 393.386140362627 An explosion is booming in the desert. 0.07583021: -0.019018292 357.9397897693722 272.851847704291 A woman slices a lemon. -0.12675358: -0.44124165 228.39001483959964 481.71998529668645 The lady cracked two raw eggs. -0.085966036: -0.23013492 254.47313652198144 377.288363805694 Plastic toys are floating in water. -0.08281912: 0.058106873 256.485549959485 234.69908010820808 The woman is pencilling on eye shadow. -0.15073459: -0.210175 213.05446505559325 367.414460327289 A woman is slicing meat with a knife. -0.17683497: -0.40781367 196.36360028478518 465.18361773851893 A man is petting a tied up dog. -0.28666586: 0.0040928856 126.12813578802205 261.41906310099034 A woman is mincing some garlic. -0.1796661: -0.45560908 194.5531276272934 488.8273576685296 A rat like creature is smelling around. -0.3110465: 0.16457753 110.53701542455563 182.0294988035135 Two Sumo ringers are fighting each other. 0.020438911: -0.029323695 322.5177562928716 277.94978992472994 A couple are running towards the ocean. -0.022174496: 0.047221523 295.2670203483427 240.08391449988386 Two robots share a kiss. -0.13846685: 0.17281955 220.8995289345783 177.95228096009043 The man drove his little red car around the traffic. -0.20183884: -0.041202612 180.37394418885208 283.8261281570281 A man is cutting bread. -0.18838514: -0.42302316 188.97741042719827 472.70754799334776 A cat is playing in a box. -0.3209192: 0.07825938 104.22356449249864 224.72991048327617 The couple danced in the church. -0.12731177: -0.05077161 228.03306411864537 288.5597803362624 A man is patting an alligator on the mouth. -0.2351892: -0.059311688 159.0468080314174 292.78444094690326 A woman is stirring two eggs in a glass bowl. -0.16041283: -0.23962387 206.86534987748087 381.982420503271 A boy is crawling into a dog house. -0.19720447: 0.074430004 183.3375623546286 226.62425002599542 The girl flew her kite while she ran up a hill. -0.1237557: 0.008852291 230.30712293965098 259.06465022067266 The lady sliced a tomatoe. -0.1151763: -0.3802856 235.7935429026052 451.5658532940977 A cat is drinking some water. -0.20789868: 0.025713334 176.49875283991724 250.72372222935434 A person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork. -0.1959766: -0.31810552 184.12277008460944 420.8062196524326 A woman is dicing a potato. -0.13586958: -0.37597105 222.56045182793716 449.4315082990314 A baby is crawling happily. -0.2493414: 0.057033982 149.99665549617455 235.22982468180402 A man is looking out of a window. -0.18175974: -0.120109856 193.21426940375525 322.86046558215673 A person is petting a monkey. -0.23955655: 0.008802378 156.25394188701836 259.0893416504868 Two cartoon rabbits are kissing. -0.079843014: 0.27808094 258.38873127348563 125.88090913581459 Four boys are standing in front of the burning car. 0.14457557: -0.017106015 401.9015790834754 271.90587025707885 A woman is adding sauce to some food. -0.16720659: -0.3664259 202.52083107964353 444.70965404745095 A boy is playing a guitar. -0.1750123: -0.17636323 197.5291717451809 350.6882423306806 A toy train is striking a toy car. -0.13426588: 0.1273604 223.5859930994751 200.44030312110414 A man is dicing an onion. -0.18286607: -0.43109852 192.50679057819855 476.7023167141165 A girl is singing on stage. -0.21362935: -0.05049889 172.83405940672708 288.4248707939702 A man is dancing on the ceiling. -0.21503177: -0.17249912 171.93722774804397 348.77672005171576 A woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife. -0.11166358: -0.4804614 238.03988155897065 501.1214543385398 A woman is handling a frog. -0.21190669: -0.0025198206 173.93568104763148 264.69027868944795 Two women are on a couch. -0.0561846: -0.025792696 273.51798785905487 276.2030525557799 Someone is slicing a cucumber. -0.15981854: -0.41526073 207.24538961834685 468.86757869821514 A kitten is playing with a blue rope toy. -0.25208384: 0.08509422 148.24290006794996 221.34880722843582 The dog is barking at the toy. -0.22023386: 0.2977552 168.61056023451025 116.1483154188117 A person folds a tortilla. -0.23892559: -0.25688505 156.65743275376244 390.52128950658255 A cat is drinking milk. -0.14826371: 0.04952403 214.63456208560459 238.94489479750223 A person is driving a car. -0.28459352: -0.21909595 127.45336739229744 371.82753395313273 A turtle is walking. -0.26513577: 0.17810446 139.89635754188572 175.33791031752776 A woman is tapping her fingers on a table. -0.13271074: -0.23546328 224.5804885489444 379.9242294542165 A man dives into a pool. -0.14630471: -0.18443494 215.88731532196897 354.6812050581502 A woman is cutting a leak. -0.078833126: -0.31093538 259.03454250004995 417.25924881302313 A little boy is playing a guitar. -0.16698317: -0.14465772 202.6637009416064 335.0039571538254 Women are talking. 0.09025917: 0.005163227 367.16693112480897 260.889579728072 A girl is putting gel in her hair. -0.1308226: -0.1258147 225.78793089398394 325.6825770539231 A group of people are marching in place. 0.14220056: 0.032864556 400.3827923110421 247.1861103052198 The woman is shooting a machine gun. -0.05521713: -0.20879965 274.1366744900027 366.73409473741447 A man played the piano. -0.21339455: -0.22198802 172.98420950443594 373.2582049876644 The man is playing a guitar. -0.22900456: -0.2885989 163.00180562953113 406.20969529672016 Two little girls talk on the telephone. -0.04533371: 0.026647015 280.45699590631733 250.2618431288131 The man is walking. -0.21620154: -0.057317372 171.18917399603907 291.79788025027017 A small kitten is playing a ball. -0.24379948: 0.079490215 153.54064376418873 224.12103274244066 A man is playing two pianos. -0.17037821: -0.13519514 200.4926183870786 330.3229478364092 A man is exercising. -0.28432995: -0.20157585 127.62191819056324 363.160579482209 A person is slicing a scallop. -0.21513171: -0.43046835 171.8733160449702 476.39058015649016 Two men are fighting in a cow pasture. -0.027331086: 0.16368698 291.96944638161784 182.47004322607148 A woman is adding oil to a pan. -0.16704547: -0.3551786 202.6238597561954 439.1457646344221 A girl jumps on a car. -0.17055607: -0.10694864 200.37887899720405 316.3497897106317 A man is praying. -0.19758151: -0.19497773 183.09644742651238 359.89658199286237 A car is parking. -0.17935936: 0.04384902 194.74928424094682 241.75224503832402 Someone is peeling a potato. -0.21584857: -0.36066687 171.41489942058226 441.8607401608458 Two robots kiss. -0.108639665: 0.13978021 239.97363700437307 194.2963950030191 Two boys on a couch are playing video games. 0.037271827: -0.009604565 333.2821935148608 268.1950050650645 A woman is squeezing a lemon. -0.15927525: -0.3602278 207.59282076402593 441.6435344524747 A man is walking in the rain. -0.17539963: -0.013812171 197.28148173504277 270.27645058140763 A kangaroo is eating. -0.24979468: 0.08841321 149.70678967005244 219.7069492346297 A Woman is eating. -0.16518287: -0.30179277 203.8149692163284 412.73652559402046 A man is driving a car. -0.21081616: -0.1975082 174.63305902254584 361.14837123396967 A woman is grating onion. -0.16869304: -0.37616846 201.57026480136403 449.5291646224042 The woman is slicing herbs. -0.10747604: -0.44011337 240.71776000082144 481.16183753905227 A person is playing the keyboard. -0.22772768: -0.27822798 163.8183545838164 401.07934747508955 A woman is slicing a garlic. -0.15299034: -0.4831412 211.61193970550974 502.4471271340829 A person is making a bed. -0.2007302: -0.27638662 181.0829000255876 400.16844868343674 A man is riding a motorcycle on the highway. -0.13928144: -0.15471624 220.3786109145648 339.97977092026383 Someone is slicing a tomato. -0.18393607: -0.46544823 191.82253418001486 493.69464966619586 A cat stares into the camera. -0.21226327: 0.077705316 173.7076495798284 225.0039976091674 The baby is laughing and crawling. -0.20373541: 0.0029438927 179.1611083707337 261.9874542268678 A woman is shooting a gun. -0.06845096: -0.16324757 265.673807804501 344.2001045183881 Someone slices a bottle with a sword. -0.087358214: -0.40737227 253.58285612255926 464.9652620915573 A woman is cutting an apple. -0.15063706: -0.34538522 213.1168330437575 434.301117581306 A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage. -0.20825796: -0.079638764 176.26899660422146 302.8399683799868 A man plays a guitar. -0.24251302: -0.28384632 154.36331993259003 403.8586605913682 A cat swings on a ceiling fan. -0.26506475: -0.032340888 139.94177325335875 279.44235400818667 The woman is dicing onions. -0.09384169: -0.39163384 249.4367571006655 457.17967657899607 A woman is slicing a onion. -0.13460895: -0.47488827 223.36660452934427 498.36450605356504 A woman is washing her hands. -0.0820367: -0.16165541 256.98589940769523 343.4124850407514 A motorcyclist crashes on his motorcycle. -0.19465494: -0.18211542 184.9679539975553 353.5337727441254 A man stares out a window. -0.18541212: -0.081774466 190.87861921659228 303.89647077425286 A man is eating a banana. -0.16403192: -0.24134666 204.5509877095019 382.8346576840089 The men are performing on stage. -0.04930553: -0.0016995049 277.91706792629356 264.28447971207845 The lady put the baby int a trashcan. -0.075596675: -0.13354948 261.1042115612182 329.50886502839 Someone is frying meat. -0.19165847: -0.35638446 186.88416159724275 439.74228790681155 A man is rapidly chopping some mushrooms using a knife. -0.114700146: -0.37076947 236.09803590394992 446.8583585320953 A skateboarder does tricks on a half-pipe. -0.2738646: -0.17954518 134.31437972021317 352.2623092331599 A man is speaking on a stage. -0.09989052: -0.10598419 245.56860299531496 315.87269050941984 A person is cutting a potato. -0.1988863: -0.42405245 182.2620504597242 473.21672016127116 A man is dancing on the ceiling of a room. -0.2099669: -0.20764016 175.1761512684506 366.160511265624 Two men are dancing. -0.07489666: 0.06367604 261.5518602976572 231.9440907731077 Someone is seasoning eggs. -0.1786037: -0.31756854 195.23252418224354 420.54058383804096 A man is cutting tomatoes. -0.10170813: -0.3781958 244.40626666585612 450.5320585012922 A man is dancing on the road. -0.16319485: -0.09705461 205.08628514802416 311.45534884226936 The deer jumped over the fence. -0.23753494: 0.1684768 157.5467364199857 180.1005800176676 A girl dances in the rain. -0.15429395: -0.0027173245 210.77829553796755 264.7879811992565 A gorilla is playing the drums. -0.17919908: 0.020431591 194.85177928765347 253.33652829200793 A woman is riding on a horse. -0.3489413: 0.09855123 86.3037787753795 214.69180904267853 A man with glasses is talking. -0.0905954: -0.14227135 251.51271537072424 333.8234567339242 A woman is cutting some flowers. -0.11199934: -0.27802405 237.825167014538 400.97846247798213 A man plays the keyboard with his nose. -0.17764072: -0.198341 195.84833302366877 361.560344105396 A animal is eating. -0.37930244: 0.25344628 66.88820954379946 138.0673391195943 A man is lifting weights. -0.13337862: -0.18144247 224.15338456154774 353.20087289359424 A woman is cutting potatoes. -0.06909957: -0.3487951 265.2590297136193 435.98793006545696 A woman is cutting a squash. -0.08013343: -0.35038826 258.20301379368004 436.7760507983767 A woman is grating carrots. -0.12335658: -0.28842342 230.56235523590556 406.1228896759444 A woman is smoking. -0.09694217: -0.1942597 247.45403635240862 359.54138365363843 A man is being put into an abulance. -0.13394883: -0.24240725 223.7887438533592 383.3593171658971 A man is peeling potato. -0.2016803: -0.35389456 180.47532433034633 438.5105709912284 An airplane moves along a runway. -0.1544037: 0.039844606 210.70811368421204 243.73317458833333 A woman is slipping in the water-tub. -0.09936712: -0.22561508 245.90331278664732 375.05246301600926 A man is playing piano. -0.20252748: -0.2267873 179.9335661590547 375.6323416644422 A woman is doing ballet. -0.10151825: -0.13767584 244.52769127841276 331.5501165974391 A man is slicing vegetables. -0.1340018: -0.47074172 223.7548678872898 496.3132662358617 A cat is playing. -0.26729497: 0.07282134 138.51557125907743 227.4200333304841 A band is performing on a stage. -0.114784434: -0.0063301385 236.0441345250269 266.57519101625286 A man is eating bread. -0.1681429: -0.23552299 201.92206980595333 379.9537666589081 A woman is cooking shrimp. -0.044736642: -0.27076113 280.8388128251501 397.3855972945721 A woman tosses a cat in the air, and the cat hangs off a rod….. -0.25215366: -0.09098446 148.19824668482732 308.4525311552764 The man is singing and playing the guitar. -0.2362836: -0.21913542 158.34695248936436 371.8470607949665 A man is cutting a paper. -0.19446401: -0.34690058 185.0900504119707 435.05074485705086 Two boys are talking on the phone. 0.016459128: 0.06408352 319.97273500655683 231.74251612102518 A woman is peeling an orange. -0.15827964: -0.32689366 208.2294983440424 425.15359197919554 A woman is scraping a carrot. -0.19775996: -0.22101842 182.98233640156707 372.77855528163013 A woman is cutting flowers. -0.11246681: -0.280369 237.52622471649437 402.13848514529207 The man danced in the diner. -0.17096038: -0.11496237 200.1203258080732 320.31407400165193 A lion is walking in an enclosed area. -0.29371786: 0.24460182 121.61846808218237 142.4425753429718 A woman is slicing a lemon. -0.14633846: -0.47165415 215.86573190054924 496.76463187541185 A man is slicing a potatoe. -0.20505244: -0.47830343 178.31888800924992 500.05394275655055 Someone is playing piano. -0.22873038: -0.2223673 163.1771411501152 373.4458292629366 The woman droppped eggplant into the pan. -0.17687702: -0.26541525 196.33670915222606 394.74106287821405 A man plays a trumpet. -0.18770258: -0.12969583 189.41390058240876 327.6025174730821 The girl is riding the horse. -0.33265075: 0.14341323 96.72137684729921 192.49918841418588 A person is frying. -0.17911847: -0.43197197 194.90333174234692 477.1343987680731 A man is shooting a pistol. -0.11258403: -0.15902202 237.45126401689248 342.1097815314123 A woman is swinging her arms. -0.14322719: -0.14750296 217.85535172037692 336.4114598743202 A man is walking outside. -0.23743571: -0.01943373 157.61019072604924 273.0573586846254 A man dries his hands. -0.1649917: -0.24818972 203.9372180964139 386.21982626662253 A soccer player is kicking the soccer ball into the goal fro….. -0.2370385: -0.0873812 157.8642080614954 306.6700452546811 A woman with a knife is slicing a pepper. -0.11427889: -0.45725256 236.36742368476035 489.64036425197065 A man is adding oil to car. -0.14342982: -0.25342607 217.72577495902354 388.810180884008 A boy played a keyboard. -0.1249924: -0.18035775 229.51626921532522 352.6642791131296 The people threw the dummy over the cliff edge. 0.006730115: -0.08020802 313.75115416982334 303.1215706494226 A gun is being fired. 0.020835504: -0.12190336 322.77137221479575 323.74768743308846 A woman is cutting a plastic sheet. -0.15461399: -0.3787928 210.57363896320757 450.82738631980106 A woman cuts a pineapple. -0.09493235: -0.3795232 248.73929336381173 451.18870292203826 A cook seasons some dough. -0.19080299: -0.321282 187.4312274796738 422.37758125066387 A boy is running on a beach. -0.10235292: -0.0025675595 243.9939327902478 264.7138944705746 A baby monkey scratches itself. -0.2457516: 0.06340919 152.29228344494334 232.0760978261692 A man is riding on one wheel on a motorcycle. -0.27358955: -0.16282661 134.49026792885127 343.99186243390136 A man is kicking oots of water. -0.2248562: -0.2449907 165.65463205596802 384.6373191097455 A man is eating. -0.20263512: -0.30411336 179.86472790901666 413.88448864893326 A young boy sings and plays a guitar. -0.20971145: -0.10677107 175.33950870482954 316.2619484079844 A man is playing the trumpet. -0.16461791: -0.108134076 204.17625567977535 316.9362104776481 Someone is cutting a circle out of a pink sheet of paper. -0.19173743: -0.31614438 186.83366687313546 419.83606953776723 A man is playing flute. -0.2216741: -0.20999351 167.68954370891177 367.3246840318212 A man is placing meat in a bag. -0.24573034: -0.23635848 152.30588147689295 380.36707375395537 A rabbit is sniffing and pawing a stuffed rabbit. -0.19193174: 0.30446497 186.70940735202586 112.82909139151911 A man is buttering bread. -0.19137262: -0.31652337 187.06695840655604 420.0235537564163 A woman is squeezing some cucumber slices. -0.098324604: -0.35700735 246.56998798725073 440.0504272206421 A man is taking out the insides of a green pepper. -0.18497959: -0.32491112 191.15522052941805 424.1728565323772 A man takes a piece of pepperoni pizza out of a pizza box an….. -0.25436342: -0.33167717 146.78513767996355 427.5199297134819 The man ran and jumped against the wall. -0.099605285: -0.11633742 245.75100911134868 320.994292163502 The man is seasoning the sausages. -0.1465486: -0.25523552 215.73135247058858 389.7052901342459 A woman is feeding an aardvark. -0.3081097: -0.041863274 112.4150684903073 284.1529484444024 Girls are walking on the stage. -0.03653247: 0.1207511 286.0852780284463 203.70983653276755 A woman is in the rain. -0.15129462: -0.049114276 212.69633272569592 287.7399201925364 A person is riding a jetski in the waves. -0.20679611: -0.14707139 177.20383033117028 336.1979693521643 A man takes a slice of pizza. -0.11996431: -0.29975605 232.73167014157093 411.7289877323634 A man is placing meat inside a plastic bag. -0.24445719: -0.24848025 153.1200481550833 386.36354647622386 A rabbi is talking. -0.08045902: -0.14050047 257.9948028629865 332.9474246700456 A man rides a horse. -0.41448665: 0.07331968 44.3883550976844 227.17351155945795 A man is driving a car. -0.21384259: -0.18678817 172.69769792305544 355.8453188531377 A man is frying a tortilla. -0.13078597: -0.31154263 225.8113534325489 417.5596481555719 A woman serving volleyballs over a net. -0.099972665: -0.13750859 245.5160738074226 331.46737999013726 A man is slicing cucumber with a knife. -0.1526246: -0.39830974 211.84582204340188 460.48215278271505 A man severs the toe of an empty leather boot using a sword. -0.17746788: -0.20404115 195.9588611053674 364.3801335857779 People are walking in the garden. -0.06556655: 0.025821319 267.5183517747019 250.67030352755773 A person is cutting garlic into pieces with a knife. -0.17011969: -0.5380614 200.65793881895974 529.6153846153846 A man is folding a piece of paper. -0.18378697: -0.17896858 191.91788239843683 351.9770728629222 A boy is upset playing video games. -0.024849376: -0.18034902 293.55646868823703 352.65995947201424 A man makes a call on a cell phone. -0.16889112: -0.20003062 201.44359441684642 362.3961799184177 A woman is applying cosmetics to her face. -0.14987531: -0.17073071 213.60396085964106 347.90191164043983 The man lifted barbells. -0.12127607: -0.11852378 231.8928135539331 322.0758536362181 A person is adding chili powder to chili with beans. -0.20526835: -0.2597866 178.18081128678998 391.9566487522907 A woman is holding a dancing baby up. -0.107748695: -0.09642809 240.54340121343628 311.1454182779421 A woman is doing a joker make up on a man. -0.20813148: -0.2980896 176.34987964219522 410.90461444823995 A boy runs away from his fishing line. -0.15657057: -0.03369238 209.32242944175266 280.1109179847067 The man played haki sak in the office. -0.13949168: -0.13320155 220.24416478087346 329.3367501812862 A man is carrying another man on his back. -0.1228441: -0.001602713 230.89008019372767 264.2365980843801 A woman is cutting scallions. -0.11733458: -0.37248918 234.41334742426847 447.70907720418177 A man is cleaning the windows. -0.14817755: -0.15401053 214.68965936712723 339.63066872984945 A boy plays violin on stage. -0.2039967: -0.10477359 178.99401552543796 315.2738231314422 A woman cuts a pink loaf with a knife. -0.13921438: -0.36347297 220.42149188427288 443.24887821033366 A man pours liquid into a pan. -0.23406565: -0.40764457 159.76530250163688 465.09996707746564 A boy is playing piano and singing. -0.20481499: -0.13505825 178.47073428753833 330.2552341447953 A woman is putting on makeup. -0.137064: -0.16704462 221.79663693728844 346.0784554918595 A dog is driving a car. -0.31610227: 0.15931827 107.30392371602927 184.63118326457527 A man is holding a frog. -0.23901474: 0.03491911 156.60042012225946 246.16975071915175 The man rode his motorcycle down the highway. -0.15615839: -0.14943233 209.5860139979959 337.3658941615829 A man performs on a stage. -0.2925512: -0.24791399 122.36453978047633 386.08342585843343 A man is meditating. -0.2218035: -0.21675242 167.60679296647962 370.66822631174114 A boy is cutting paper. -0.1589994: -0.2458513 207.7692235443005 385.0630396444485 the soccer player kicked the ball side to side between his l….. -0.19438699: -0.12122403 185.1393063525087 323.4116326228348 Someone is scratching an animals belly. -0.37863517: 0.06913135 67.31492283791655 229.24542078618424 A man is lifting heavy weights. -0.13238515: -0.18239373 224.78869947963798 353.67144840472565 A boy is playing with a toy. -0.19402143: -0.027031207 185.37307434114828 276.81572748966926 A man dives off of a cliff. -0.124657124: -0.18068165 229.73067406386554 352.82450389006425 A man is sweeping the floor of a house using a long broom. -0.16316658: -0.16733092 205.1043618590322 346.2200822235141 A group of couples are dancing. 0.023308333: 0.007412231 324.3527151752047 259.777028193555 The man did pushups on a wall. -0.1364225: -0.13363561 222.20686488082887 329.551471727446 A man is playing keyboards. -0.116436: -0.2538757 234.9879810056696 389.0326055444434 The girl danced in front of the bonfire. -0.13908485: -0.020205164 220.50432838864447 273.43897704724975 A man is chopping butter into a container. -0.18289836: -0.43469793 192.48614100900804 478.4828934217956 The man took off his sunglasses while talking. -0.030530775: -0.16436559 289.923285620954 344.75317338058113 Someoen is cooking onions. -0.15864457: -0.35278425 207.99613057778677 437.96131314346655 The man is using a sledghammer to break the concrete block t….. -0.09797319: -0.104095355 246.79471285583406 314.93831011917825 The lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook. -0.14222714: -0.24615121 218.4948689734985 385.21140383681893 Two kids are playing in a swimming pool with a green colored….. -0.094061: 0.062956 249.296507742407 232.30028425149646 A couple of policewomen are singing karaoke. -0.0035181646: 0.0337693 307.1975087615763 246.7385464658493 A man is putting broccoli into water. -0.15487827: -0.28040397 210.40463076793154 402.155778452556 The doctor was helping the patient. -0.15390047: -0.18925886 211.02992106821446 357.06753403254726 A baby is talking. -0.12892999: -0.084372215 226.99823197033734 305.1815418918719 A woman boils eggs. -0.15471573: -0.29816592 210.50857423850385 410.9423707652927 A girl is slicing a butter into two pieces. -0.1628924: -0.38880607 205.27969737961627 455.78082051213323 A man is opening a package containing headphones. -0.13716651: -0.15722595 221.731076699157 341.2212917994706 A little girl plays the violin on a beach. -0.18388171: -0.09209039 191.8572963527915 308.9996181253788 A female applies something to he hair with her hands. -0.218486: -0.240776 169.7282955909205 382.5523625028584 A man is karate kicking at another man wearing protective bo….. -0.04773927: -0.12955534 278.91866970535386 327.5330199023727 The man is playing the wooden flute. -0.21974093: -0.20516185 168.92578300738637 364.93452930019066 A young woman is playing a guitar. -0.17685151: -0.19380043 196.35302297892386 359.31418969661314 The men are playing soccer. -0.052556563: -0.05089037 275.8380722542137 288.61853040399194 A man is straining pasta. -0.18914928: -0.31280202 188.48875795461396 418.1826495011464 Panda’s play on a swing. -0.30582696: 0.14152119 113.8748510484222 193.43515734139055 A small white cat with glowing eyes standing underneath a ch….. -0.26544562: 0.08850837 139.69820934541696 219.6598754664339 A passenger train waiting in a station. -0.20366548: 0.050235353 179.20582845758702 238.5930135888276 a woman at a dinner table writing on her notebook. -0.13357407: -0.2235417 224.02840082850534 374.026791507349 An Apple computer sitting on the floor. -0.15882494: -0.031244203 207.8807902983765 278.89983914969145 A close-up of a brown horse’s head. -0.33847943: 0.228359 92.99401049460464 150.47767541545483 A group of people eat at a table outside. 0.022656921: -0.09796061 323.93614561269965 311.9035374078933 A black dog standing in front of yellow flowers. -0.32327288: 0.30690542 102.71840433932823 111.62183278518648 Close up of a bottle of water. -0.15311824: -0.07834859 211.53015140261994 302.2017377194902 A close up of a brown faced cat. -0.28926566: 0.1342483 124.46559294691869 197.03295399221724 sheep standing in afield. -0.23556696: 0.42278618 158.80523570629097 54.297202395324916 A longed-haired cat with it’s eyes closed. -0.23239112: 0.110751 160.8361451353953 208.6567470350193 A person in a blue shirt reclines near a coffee table and te….. -0.20464201: -0.16913155 178.58134813117636 347.11082760422937 A pitched tent with a horse in the background. -0.2404458: 0.22548908 155.6852830540632 151.8973851763712 A group of people sitting around a table with food on it. -0.0153308: -0.15885188 299.6434777262153 342.02561487227354 A brown horse stands in a lush green field. -0.33157864: 0.27317306 97.40697684920042 128.3087685846894 An elderly woman stands in a kitchen with two cats at her fe….. -0.14422454: -0.12846372 217.217559235148 326.9930057917416 A school bus is driving uphill on a rural road. -0.13912818: 0.11624852 220.47661775310868 205.93720123983866 Camouflage airplane sitting on grassy field. -0.1643803: 0.21691917 204.32820677821195 156.13680333225602 A group of sheep in a field. -0.07369746: 0.26830167 262.3187340308118 130.71858284337577 A close-up, distorted photo of an empty glass Coke bottle. -0.14219731: -0.055094916 218.51394624046642 290.69846155809677 Very crowded office desk with computer monitor on. -0.093303114: -0.06509944 249.78116752025628 295.6475632093614 Two white cows in a green pasture. -0.15233484: 0.31394488 212.031125007167 108.13950913448315 A smiling woman with a beer sitting outside with another smi….. -0.10735411: 0.004418273 240.79573189740725 261.2580984196582 A women laying across two men sitting on a sofa. -0.029206242: -0.087257445 290.7703074599071 306.6088257675426 a woman with a big necklace. -0.1574298: -0.13739793 208.772962225018 331.4126399646718 A cruise liner docked at the shoreline. -0.11201562: 0.01703419 237.81475646800334 255.017176441888 Black and white photo of couch with purse at one end. -0.22911322: 0.0052435054 162.9323194003953 260.84986722542027 Two men on boat floating on the water. -0.1439473: -0.005972935 217.3948482221299 266.3984872415329 This is a rear view of a Chevrolet sports car. -0.21285954: 0.118620425 173.32634246807996 204.7638510791216 A person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structur….. -0.21211691: -0.14781615 173.80124444304454 336.56639198517837 A black and white photo of an old train station. -0.17773786: 0.15287216 195.78621279221838 187.81998509006877 A grey and white tabby cat is sleeping on purple fabric. -0.1566376: 0.046726365 209.2795675302534 240.3288624767494 A woman holding a small baby. -0.083212286: -0.106937826 256.2341245404301 316.34444175904605 Group of horses grazing in grassy field. -0.107903674: 0.26446363 240.44429376333656 132.61720517020427 Two people dressed in white standing on a grass field. -0.05549527: 0.109299205 273.95880660992975 209.37493159885696 An orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa. -0.14821605: 0.016597893 214.66503616141046 255.23300646250635 A striped cat laying down on a bag of cat litter. -0.2057268: 0.08908589 177.88763886144812 219.37418206932057 Five birds stand on the snow. -0.09078272: 0.30603004 251.39292976412088 112.0548731213018 A passenger train in the snow. -0.23241305: 0.17509067 160.8221182937486 176.82879095723064 The black bird is sitting on the ground. -0.2552114: 0.098345414 146.24285540793105 214.79362283633975 The black and white bull is looking at the camera. -0.30842963: 0.34438652 112.21047861927796 93.08044409496989 A black and white sheep is walking next to a white sheep. -0.20989408: 0.38228592 175.22272000155357 74.33212542968391 A living room with a dining table in the background. -0.17066796: -0.06686096 200.30732495241787 296.51896234757277 The seagull is floating on the water. -0.34951943: 0.10418518 85.93406858366099 211.90477069792053 A black dog stands next to materials at a construction site. -0.1758126: 0.2871063 197.0173921362674 121.41618410161698 Five cows are grazing beside the road. -0.061237574: 0.20904897 270.28667571077136 160.03008260101723 Two mountain goats grazing in front of an alpine lake. -0.1657171: 0.24509019 203.47334129521647 142.2009850393623 Black and white cows behind a fence. -0.1476379: 0.37736785 215.03475588223333 76.76502691699375 A silver bicycle is parked in a living room. -0.20761868: -0.017007358 176.67780471120935 271.85706605244644 Black train on train tracks. -0.15650128: 0.17515683 209.36673977711766 176.79606193581043 The bald eagle is perched on a rope. -0.20373997: 0.12995735 179.15819246479356 199.155630059151 Two cats sitting together on the sofa looking out the window….. -0.07640307: 0.13111842 260.5885345486135 198.58126521883116 A brown and white dog sits on a floral-patterned chair. -0.2798632: 0.24345207 130.47834346117398 143.01133791836384 A black and white photo of an empty train station. -0.13346392: 0.12251218 224.0988399680791 202.83865485089223 A white Apple computer sits on the beige carpeting of a bedr….. -0.20391132: -0.006497414 179.04861729353289 266.65793983243805 a dog napping under a small table. -0.2171985: 0.15735583 170.55162926752402 185.60197469114684 Red sports car racing down track. -0.199385: 0.08084708 181.94313992345317 223.44981137578054 Black bird sitting on a concrete slab. -0.25813377: 0.14568809 144.37404557342754 191.3738481896197 A Victory Liner bus is white with red and gold stripes. -0.15046737: 0.0933819 213.22535048443206 217.24900709737295 A group of river barges with trees in the background. -0.047785133: 0.15497403 278.88934150434966 186.7802194622745 A motorcycle parked next to a car. -0.110622615: 0.034311686 238.70556573271855 246.47023483281453 Gray cat looking out the window. -0.26893875: 0.090418234 137.46439669675846 218.71509034336918 A girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse. -0.35041404: 0.14562683 85.36197927312921 191.40415202003828 An Amtrak passenger train waiting at a station. -0.20438339: 0.09704978 178.74673526678814 215.43455511538377 People sitting on the porch. -0.029705692: -0.04820244 290.4509157038649 287.2888475661848 Sail boat sailing on the water. -0.22813725: 0.10541594 163.55643762083955 211.29592981409115 a woman with a viking hat on. -0.16178004: -0.11729095 205.99103549244668 321.46599181331965 Table with blue table cloth in kitchen. -0.14427175: -0.15077391 217.18737103247352 338.02955615629116 A young woman with a bracelet is wearing a bikini top and je….. -0.12656474: -0.19865581 228.5107771794019 361.7160796989872 A black and white cow standing in a grassy field. -0.30292344: 0.36161348 115.73161609498993 84.55849982886122 A yellow and blue airplane is flying in the sky. -0.1792432: 0.090226 194.82356360958556 218.81018510481772 A women sitting in a chair at Christmas holding make up. -0.14602128: -0.087199695 216.06856841637273 306.5802579021115 Four Asian young people sitting in a den or living room. 0.06897688: -0.05325375 353.55717361222537 289.78766228036045 Train going down the tracks. -0.2186009: 0.13985197 169.65481666704966 194.26089433473987 Group of people sitting at table with drinks. 0.013706102: -0.0865915 318.2122097452396 306.2793904755853 A plane flying at a distance. -0.20555949: 0.054810014 177.99463164542195 236.32999157120133 A passenger train coming into a station. -0.21803308: 0.063784994 170.0179327185375 231.89019108738142 A white jeep parked in front of a store. -0.17900518: 0.119717695 194.9757815229448 204.22104689312846 A man rides a large black motorbike. -0.24009533: -0.09412664 155.9093980599663 310.00692378789745 A bicycle is parked outside a bookstore. -0.15779977: 0.120957926 208.53637362148206 203.6075214838233 Plane in mid-flight at sunset. -0.15143962: -0.050149836 212.60360501097836 288.252197563224 Two red buses parked up with gardens in front of them. -0.048323095: 0.17042705 278.5453217780385 179.13581839729466 A yellow parrot clings to the side of its cage. -0.3262617: 0.21448804 100.80709469929187 157.33944744142445 A silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car. -0.14918217: 0.032229085 214.04721667896112 247.50046923883036 Feet standing on a pretty day with large building in backgro….. -0.09831205: 0.04427021 246.5780162576905 241.5438886971184 A small white dog chews on a twig while lying on a wooden de….. -0.36081976: 0.12546328 78.70765321920628 201.37878569612508 A close-up of a sheep with its tongue hanging out. -0.3185173: 0.233388 105.75954176923257 147.98989384605636 A black and white horned cow standing in a field. -0.29500267: 0.33908167 120.7968496443672 95.70467767236602 A women and small child sitting at a dinner table smiling at….. -0.05006502: -0.11304221 277.4313837697235 319.3641989260443 A buddha statue sits on a table with a wooden table runner. -0.26066205: 0.05475687 142.7572424333461 236.3562816736552 Two red buses driving in front of a garden. -0.067993574: 0.16541652 265.96629889887964 181.6144594291793 Cows grazing in a snow covered field. -0.106451675: 0.3593946 241.3728287522905 85.65614569904096 Man with blue shirt standing in front of a fountain. -0.17891845: -0.062399123 195.0312409104339 294.3117528942895 A girl in riding gear sits atop a brown horse. -0.36366275: 0.111563385 76.88959539462836 208.25487298326544 A dog is wearing a gray jacket. -0.38927242: 0.30690074 60.512533560143886 111.62414740516982 A sheep stands on a hillside. -0.24002746: 0.29771066 155.95280313041525 116.17035590846183 A girl riding a brown horse. -0.36582997: 0.14604871 75.50368245366388 191.19545290867586 Man standing in front of yellow corvette. -0.21550839: -0.059271567 171.63243934446345 292.7645934491163 A man poses in front of a large fountain with a statue on to….. -0.21433413: 0.006030234 172.3833613568866 260.46068327122424 A passenger jet sits on a runway. -0.11415518: -0.03651902 236.4465343093195 281.50921935362766 Old green bottle sitting on a table. -0.18489288: -0.045934513 191.21067038780276 286.16693504318624 Two white horses staring over a fence. -0.16256465: 0.39672804 205.4892900304449 67.18780759492216 The black and white cows pause in front of the gate. -0.16607602: 0.33344868 203.24381375802577 98.49124424744588 a black and white photo of a cat lying down. -0.25102216: 0.11718974 148.92182969678547 205.47159036742943 A table and chairs are in a room with a picture on the wall ….. -0.17107458: -0.064045265 200.04729475210823 295.12607711569876 The headlights on a blue car. -0.11469131: 0.05680099 236.10368666284702 235.34508206844168 An airplane facing the camera. -0.11667475: 0.019926066 234.83530093074796 253.58660492127285 A bird is flapping its wings in the water. -0.34958965: 0.08181683 85.88916744382446 222.97008795573413 A red double decker bus on a crowded street. -0.14507733: 0.07048148 216.6722085915053 228.5775312928759 A man on a mountain bike going down an incline. -0.22384919: -0.14950392 166.29859940083492 337.4013063730475 A cat reclines on an office chair. -0.21415704: 0.025966002 172.4966052333334 250.59873090740467 A group of people having a drink. 0.019720273: -0.07592274 322.05819617595813 301.0017030863539 The train sits at the train station. -0.17734165: 0.05231478 196.0395821485667 237.56434929127175 Two women in the kitchen looking at a object. -0.07031243: -0.12421532 264.48341779174865 324.89138244669437 A race horse galloping without a rider. -0.35842887: 0.16869652 80.23659801690809 179.9918887066674 A small bird perched on an icy branch. -0.3269211: 0.14288478 100.38541277228718 192.76060778707927 A red truck spins their tires while a black one leaves the f….. -0.17234175: 0.07862466 199.23695877387846 224.54921163945085 A smiling woman holding a small baby. -0.11486434: -0.08803805 235.99303470279145 306.9949803061932 An Esso gas station with trees in the background. -0.12888145: 0.040238563 227.0292682633016 243.53828948285866 a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby. -0.1012636: -0.124843374 244.69053890770743 325.2020722653473 Two women sitting on brown couch. -0.03336098: 0.0018477099 288.11340495907183 262.52972093405157 Group of people sitting at table of restaurant. 0.003758978: -0.19162928 311.8511496209953 358.24014705314227 A black and white cow stands on grass against a partly cloud….. -0.2991533: 0.32927305 118.14257479406461 100.5568730403321 A guy on a white horse. -0.35874972: 0.02956594 80.0314173414072 248.8178906721319 Two dairy cows drinking from a pond. -0.14842074: 0.28048 214.5341443836527 124.69412828207328 The black dog is lying in the grass. -0.25800434: 0.22559331 144.45681537406847 151.84582222483192 Ten sheep looking at the camera. -0.10762178: 0.24548073 240.62456059543706 142.00778798476716 A black table with white fuzzy chair. -0.17137979: 0.0068783774 199.85211963620588 260.0411183172531 A blue bird perches on the gloved hand of a person. -0.3761499: 0.024923978 68.90422498275854 251.11420562337184 A girl riding on a brown and white horse. -0.37333587: 0.17356552 70.70375822842256 177.58326124357757 A mostly black train on a track. -0.22099255: 0.17308195 168.1253858850245 177.82247795599392 A young boy coloring with a red and blue crayon. -0.15947825: -0.08491921 207.46300577506307 305.45213128788384 A group of people in a living room. -0.0036853051: -0.17113823 307.090624520057 348.1035047210254 A mallard and a tame white duck on the grass near water. -0.25149295: 0.34815532 148.62076717301738 91.21606929821309 A horse rider is riding a white horse. -0.38581857: 0.10504315 62.72122748965784 211.4803438441317 A black and white photo of a cow walking under a tree in a f….. -0.31795973: 0.3235351 106.11610179690726 103.39534902280866 A silver AreoMexico Jet Liner sitting on the tarmac. -0.124735564: -0.003487789 229.68051285841148 265.16911949937634 Three cows grazing in a field. -0.08217217: 0.24540904 256.8992655552284 142.0432517960403 The man is sitting at a messy table and using a laptop. -0.16757827: -0.24789439 202.28314662910392 386.07373246582813 A dining table with candles, wine, and a teapot. -0.1004252: -0.09451686 245.2266844365195 310.19995867166574 A scantily clad woman is standing next to a car. -0.14187497: -0.08145181 218.72007982640525 303.7368578236195 A buddha statue holding a candle is sitting on a table. -0.19053209: -0.0107440585 187.60446659729436 268.75869703784184 A white and red bus traveling on the street. -0.11082502: 0.13255146 238.5761319079309 197.87235756342983 Small boat going down a creek. -0.24795839: 0.081374325 150.8810707318511 223.18898908638607 Four women and two men sit at a long table in a restaurant. 0.0054847086: -0.18006225 312.9547324706948 352.5180968555205 Two goats standing in a field by a tree. -0.1587901: 0.34057745 207.9030693444159 94.96473641782524 Close up of a brown horse with a blue halter. -0.33226618: 0.23188826 96.96730397312712 148.73179589332187 A close-up of a cat on a cream sofa. -0.22361024: 0.033162717 166.45140811866565 247.03861409534312 The woman is sitting on the red motorcycle. -0.14734447: -0.11531879 215.2224030056758 320.4903905474515 A close-up of a black train engine. -0.2509712: 0.10062188 148.9544192337636 213.66748650044173 a train rides on his tracks. -0.335884: 0.12556632 94.6537517790204 201.3278124566835 The television and desk of hotel room with lamp lighting. -0.08381001: -0.019888492 255.85188834100467 273.2823237142066 A man riding a small bicycle. -0.2982047: -0.11036489 118.74919757886796 318.0397645259063 A blue motorcycle is parked on the sidewalk. -0.14681494: 0.04341965 215.56102925890815 241.96464827879987 A large cruise ship in harbor with trees behind. -0.15223186: 0.090580985 212.09698064753417 218.63457989923597 A black cow and a brown cow stands in a plain in front of an….. -0.14280273: 0.29747006 218.12678825862892 116.28937455257233 A close up of the front end of a purple and white motor cycl….. -0.25366458: 0.021747893 147.23203361715653 252.68537187947072 A women standing next to a brown cow. -0.2418177: 0.13569643 154.80796700114948 196.3165864787805 Woman in blue shift dress cutting into food. -0.1306861: -0.37682524 225.8752174901008 449.85406650261075 Two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with ….. -0.08492627: 0.04219194 255.1380536028268 242.57197986822933 A computer on a desk. -0.22497149: -0.012076483 165.5809053753833 269.4178293064999 Yellow boat on a beach. -0.19634031: 0.04646064 183.89018370491294 240.46031298901875 Train in a station. -0.14709206: 0.07200205 215.3838165047613 227.8253240267038 A gray cat is sitting on the window ledge looking at the cam….. -0.26390302: 0.07497251 140.68468128899866 226.35587942175084 Man playing guitar while sitting down. -0.27037773: -0.2756037 136.54419014503225 399.78115526329753 Red double decker bus driving down a street. -0.20577323: 0.06298806 177.8579461722014 232.28442468176996 A tiny blonde child in a blue dress sits on a table near her….. -0.06879231: -0.09864323 265.45551508137385 312.2412176121161 A close-up view of a horse’s head. -0.3454089: 0.26639852 88.56271014318256 131.66004346448995 An old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean. -0.24851866: 0.09355685 150.5227859362837 217.16245947563988 A sheep standing in a mountainous area. -0.25461754: 0.30859515 146.6226283338744 110.7859453723562 A white plane on the runway. -0.07280112: 0.008755353 262.8919334820038 259.11260394988926 A tan puppy being petted. -0.3179762: 0.19264075 106.10556260746347 168.14700522705078 two motorbikes on a dirt track. -0.10185334: 0.17569275 244.31340554367722 176.53094949090547 A gray cat with green eyes looks at the camera. -0.24957038: 0.1277502 149.85022174917373 200.24747463657008 A man in white with a wine bottle and a woman in a red turtl….. -0.0743195: -0.12642299 261.92095109759106 325.98348502315616 A double decker bus drives on a city street. -0.21693599: 0.034279957 170.71950349937887 246.48593038886384 Large black and white cat resting on a windowsill. -0.22947142: 0.12728941 162.70325878931925 200.4754204765199 Boy feeding a sheep. -0.19167086: 0.056079485 186.87623338239896 235.70200162985066 A girl in a black desktop holds up an open box of Corn Flake….. -0.18635112: -0.09291892 190.27814270411375 309.4094790903554 The white sheep is standing on the green hill. -0.20326553: 0.23608874 179.46158961913466 146.65387897460056 A black and white bird on a body of water with grass in the ….. -0.34663346: 0.20765945 87.7796083452696 160.71745839345266 Two brown horses standing in a green meadow. -0.14469: 0.36144224 216.9198986016434 84.64321197169028 A young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the bac….. -0.14619474: -0.038147636 215.95764011229016 282.31487296435097 A black and white chair sitting in front of a brick wall and….. -0.22125247: 0.018418437 167.95916971733166 254.3324082826344 Cars driving near a model building. -0.048485212: 0.16511892 278.4416498869409 181.7616810543605 A blue and orange airplane flying with its landing gear down….. -0.18583861: -0.0128588 190.60588672014464 269.80483063486577 A building with a temporary sign over the entrance to its pa….. -0.081738345: 0.11695987 257.176691135583 205.5853052883616 A man and women sitting on a sofa holding a small baby. -0.04062274: -0.10808018 283.4696008154332 316.9095481194326 Red double decker bus with hood open. -0.20219818: 0.07087107 180.1441498367388 228.3848060079589 View of a living room with a dining room in the background. -0.18138896: -0.07317449 193.45138210803205 299.64218081640513 A subway train pulling into the station. -0.18653232: 0.030987589 190.1622687948582 248.11462029581418 Long-haired black dog standing in grassy field. -0.33024713: 0.39135212 98.25845950014117 69.84720275614131 A black and white image of a cat laying on a rug. -0.24704692: 0.11178767 151.46394698854053 208.14392233779103 Eight bottles of Harp lager lined up on the floor. -0.08172505: 0.023417039 257.18519109668955 251.85966805742692 A bird perched on a flowerpot. -0.28110456: 0.061268993 129.68451189172964 233.1348226979033 Young woman in riding gear on top of horse. -0.32416007: 0.08810007 102.15106052277748 219.86185554558358 A small bird on a tiny branch. -0.33349678: 0.14295962 96.18035241704483 192.72358123874733 Two young women shear a sheep. -0.11503563: 0.20512144 235.88349764794833 161.97297756357767 A white leather couch with a purse and throw blanket on it. -0.17469521: 0.005139869 197.7319510863781 260.90113462984186 A couple holds a baby. -0.020049438: -0.07192336 296.6259683061891 299.02326322710695 A green steam engine traveling on the railroad tracks. -0.2760689: 0.14554138 132.90475836755235 191.44641963463818 A small red car on top of a semi truck. -0.1707983: 0.10286446 200.22397387640981 212.55811273091967 A kitchen sink and countertop with bowls on shelves. -0.08762359: -0.013320409 253.41315230266352 270.0331823625953 A television in a messy room with several bookcases. -0.10021008: -0.047972456 245.36425135189512 287.17507735974345 A bald man touches the nose of a black horse on the other si….. -0.30238038: 0.13567196 116.07889477499893 196.328690319585 a black and white photo of cows in their stalls. -0.14396751: 0.304258 217.38192675659118 112.9314801544756 A small plane parked at an airfield with a cloudy sky overhe….. -0.12596816: 0.09030593 228.89228440234234 218.7706449086695 A Macintosh computer sitting on the floor. -0.17469661: -0.0010957515 197.73105535056646 263.98581115150074 A black and white cat is sitting on a brown chair looking up….. -0.2774123: 0.14471719 132.0456714913167 191.85413920756008 Group of elderly people sitting around a table. 0.017015569: -0.11278112 320.32857201343677 319.2350409195546 Three women with brown hair are smiling. -0.0051527694: 0.04759486 306.1521996607874 239.89922957084843 A black and white cow looking through the fence. -0.28867817: 0.3597893 124.84128741618755 85.46089202350527 Several people on motorcycles in a market square. -0.016469683: 0.046912156 298.9151760208822 240.23695400347856 Two green birds fly towards a wooden telephone pole. -0.1538382: 0.22880304 211.06974319541666 150.2580150304771 A baby holds a ketchup packet. -0.12155928: -0.11529582 231.71170816064722 320.4790275324697 A pair of dogs playing with a purple ball. -0.19741581: 0.29095492 183.2024110672132 119.5123280799217 Three children stand on or near a fence. 0.032875743: 0.2005428 330.4709528749419 164.2379732738808 A black dog emerges from the water with a white ball in its ….. -0.330793: 0.21260549 97.90938934850881 158.27072078605147 A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant -0.290817: 0.15362774 123.47353694817055 187.4462108197685 The brown and white dog swims in a swimming pool. -0.270969: 0.2755129 136.16607528325096 127.1512816793994 The two dogs are running on the grass. -0.19635344: 0.45325637 183.88178856395456 39.22401375107279 A man crouching and holding a camera. -0.1978779: -0.12482799 182.90691354040277 325.19446129358687 A man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk ….. -0.021965701: 0.107841164 295.4005421589092 210.09620477980616 A dog is jumping up in the air to catch a toy. -0.33667254: 0.28861335 94.14949063346238 120.67067006775329 A boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed. -0.0444687: -0.16352917 281.0101580332752 344.3394092586582 Three dogs playing in the snow. -0.16815129: 0.4169433 201.9167049201876 57.18758778519805 A little girl with a ribbon in her hair is picking her nose. -0.16761765: -0.06249969 202.25796120622874 294.36150248112847 A young girl going down a tube slide. -0.16481751: -0.13425949 204.04861332661105 329.86009755375716 Many people are in the bicycle racing, including one man in ….. -0.14259402: -0.09164695 218.26025289456916 308.78025259644994 A group of people are wearing bunny ears. 0.038870923: 0.06365375 334.3047950576976 231.95511470363334 A dog in a «superman» shirt sleeps on a blanket. -0.2670102: 0.18000452 138.69767244377098 174.3979755764663 The white and brown dog runs across the grass. -0.30279222: 0.45141327 115.8155293881564 40.13576762526719 A brown dog is resting its paws on a laptop keyboard. -0.25327206: 0.13372917 147.48304928472317 197.28975886794638 A young girl with glasses sits and holds two American flags. -8.652505e-05: 0.02235322 309.3919989282204 252.3859243691046 Two dogs are running through a grassy area. -0.20223045: 0.46389267 180.12350979665263 33.96238127370026 A girl playing is a pile of colorful balls. -0.12593131: -0.08005929 228.915849877473 303.0479966938381 Smiling man with reflective classes. -0.21316417: -0.09882926 173.13153898724846 312.3332458706568 five people standing on a sidewalk 0.05512095: 0.020125562 344.6964811125332 253.48791660172918 The white dog runs across the snow. -0.29683208: 0.36840215 119.62696149968755 81.2002368607034 A man picking up a big rock. -0.18438151: -0.11430806 191.5376806627964 319.990395774048 A white and brown dog is running over grass. -0.28043875: 0.4463315 130.11029133361754 42.64965132638838 Man is carrying a tool box down the sidewalk. -0.1635729: -0.110069126 204.8445222408101 317.89345326877594 A man wearing a t-shirt that says «Gigolo» stands at the cou….. -0.10316942: -0.21795408 243.47179028032153 371.26267084898643 A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest. -0.1186982: 0.08950523 233.54132955338974 219.16673978186628 A dog swimming with a stick in it’s mouth. -0.34070215: 0.16836101 91.57261116893064 180.1578631765542 A man playing fetch with two brown dogs. -0.19811194: 0.102258354 182.75724942701723 212.85794447557447 a dog is running across the sand with a stick in it’s mouth. -0.3028565: 0.274001 115.77442083186294 127.89919879006106 A man is standing in water near a waterfall. -0.17798087: -0.091601044 195.63081215799636 308.7575449949894 A girl swings her long, wet hair in a lake. -0.21345343: -0.05024598 172.94656001303224 288.2997596867507 A black poodle plays in the snow. -0.35508382: 0.31740618 82.37571042624243 106.42725057331813 two girls holding up a scary movie flyer -0.037031267: 0.04731402 285.76630317072073 240.03815652680595 a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street….. -0.13686915: -0.03998844 221.92123950615567 283.2254934856077 The tan dog runs through the leaves. -0.3505809: 0.26902634 85.25527236228679 130.36009685920737 A white and black dog is jumping into a pool. -0.29443732: 0.2389972 121.15838386452805 145.21509939872607 A deer jumps a fence. -0.26085812: 0.20720914 142.63185847791974 160.94022213834432 A little girl holds a wooden stick. -0.18967238: -0.06881539 188.1542387453692 297.4857916459882 a boy jumps into the blue pool water. -0.15871455: -0.060111802 207.95138190362033 293.1802464926021 A man sits with fishing poles near a body of water. -0.16856906: -0.14570878 201.64954694980204 335.5239063103336 A black dog running through water. -0.3825118: 0.30150023 64.83586915894546 114.29570537840323 A large brown dog is crouching in a grassy field. -0.2856772: 0.27133745 126.76037280539767 129.21682201547105 A boy and a girl playing on the beach. -0.013147747: -0.022319378 301.0395123627379 274.4848498809555 The child in the red coat laid in the red mat. -0.11441646: -0.0784482 236.27945099312817 302.2510118509504 Two dogs play in the grass. -0.23658893: 0.4177153 158.15170114062698 56.805690230752475 A child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ba….. -0.11147785: 0.029747775 238.15865231595757 248.72793930588517 A softball player swinging at a pitch. -0.21591237: -0.08225048 171.37409579562896 304.1319501862503 Two dogs in a yard. -0.21904382: 0.46871802 169.37157356847135 31.57534464478607 A man chases a dog trying to pass the barrier to enter a pla….. -0.29676396: 0.19149564 119.67052856491094 168.7134752966632 The large brown and white dog is running through the snow. -0.29977363: 0.4400458 117.74587817874317 45.75910001774025 A yellow dog is playing in a grassy area near flowers. -0.34854725: 0.26626363 86.55576641159281 131.7267693883403 a boy plays with a noodle by the pool. -0.16960403: -0.091438815 200.98769347601473 308.6772925498989 A young boy jumps into a pool with outstretched arms. -0.13987988: -0.043825798 219.99591255357697 285.123782256531 Two dogs share a toy in a field of vegetation. -0.19612841: 0.44598284 184.0256875691904 42.822127372151954 A blond haired lady in white poses for the camera. -0.13564748: -0.07055838 222.70248312871462 298.34802444678144 A girl in orange lights a candle. -0.1346479: -0.20303886 223.34169545049608 363.8843110254653 A white dog runs through a field of yellow flowers. -0.30271137: 0.28825626 115.86723430851994 120.84731832660782 An infant sitting on a cot reaching over to touch the face o….. -0.11958326: -0.050404638 232.97534839876525 288.37824483839853 a black and white dog running through some red and white pol….. -0.3132426: 0.41741377 109.13263507930354 56.95485790585593 Three individuals are posing on skis behind a «no skiing» si….. 0.0895074: 0.11894728 366.6861830443076 204.60215939334404 A man in a white suit walks down the street holding a newspa….. -0.09008332: -0.014709647 251.8401830427281 270.7204194805453 A black dog with a blue collar is running in the snow. -0.3702558: 0.4010597 72.67342410367942 65.0450002312545 a boy swinging on a swing. -0.22854276: -0.07335284 163.29712210335833 299.73040911761655 Two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field. -0.22110167: 0.39697155 168.05560425365292 67.0673441561724 a woman playing with two young boys at a park 0.02649608: -0.027680056 326.3912395498464 277.1367040987258 A dog emerges form the water with a stick in its mouth. -0.36294237: 0.22139834 77.35027041675424 153.92101909650273 A dog with a red toy in it’s mouth. -0.29431415: 0.27407503 121.23715144132956 127.86257766879629 Two hockey players fighting on the ice. -0.011206538: 0.010151325 302.2808908263182 258.42203588001263 A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle -0.1406143: -0.1336203 219.52626111512555 329.54390129839226 A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car. -0.14034131: -0.17225496 219.70083430735923 348.65593964271346 Two men are setting up some electronic equpitment -0.03736212: -0.106819436 285.55472608390505 316.28587597634703 A girl runs with dogs in a dry field. -0.17023805: 0.25822166 200.58224914287283 135.70502617037454 A dog leaps off a dock and into the water. -0.37131506: 0.23932436 71.9960381897534 145.05326028492408 a group of old men walking down the street 0.057103507: 0.06626297 345.96430224519776 230.6643712927749 Three dogs standing in snow next to a blue fence. -0.12164326: 0.47671857 231.658002128364 27.617580358145574 A black and white dog is running through the field. -0.33406514: 0.454128 95.81689331779931 38.79283100806509 An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street. -0.12920314: -0.07576417 226.82355395795548 300.9232603202631 A group of young ballerinas are in a dance studio. 0.031199709: -0.050033223 329.3991501839172 288.19451082012057 A young boy in a white dress shirt is playing on a grassy pl….. -0.15872583: 0.031862482 207.944168371605 247.68182229451406 A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool. -0.105537: -0.066386476 241.95775376642155 296.2842421899011 A white dog runs on a beach. -0.29653528: 0.28439718 119.8167622007198 122.75634907196002 A white dog walking in the snow. -0.30512387: 0.36085162 114.32447230946777 84.93538483047666 A boy goes down an inflatable slide. -0.15056679: -0.10107094 213.1617723000116 313.44217367040494 Two dogs playing with a ball in a puddle. -0.20778605: 0.340149 176.57077381081803 95.17669368852722 Three dogs are playing in the water. -0.19343771: 0.3207803 185.74635794700913 104.7581147092946 The two dogs are playing fetch in the snow. -0.17677158: 0.38614225 196.4041370948159 72.42445102215629 Two surfers on riding a small wave. -0.10855579: 0.05285927 240.02727633292568 237.29499829066492 two puppies playing around in the grass -0.18791401: 0.4112775 189.27869212036708 59.990386185766056 A young girl is sitting on Santa’s lap. -0.1518345: 0.022541773 212.35108374491978 252.2926503437576 A black and white dog runs with its mouth open. -0.36269373: 0.39321253 77.50927305243172 68.92688331372835 Five men in tuxedos are walking down steps. 0.08963615: 0.044279967 366.7685145061471 241.53906227216913 The smiling woman at the beach is buried in seaweed. -0.112715416: -0.12709038 237.36724590357784 326.3136353410319 A dog with big ears is holding a small stick in it’s mouth. -0.32441124: 0.18414286 101.99043793935547 172.35079740083563 The large brown dog is jumping through the tall grass. -0.31292412: 0.28109837 109.33631015631245 124.38822987421383 A brown dog is in the middle of a line of dogs chasing a dir….. -0.15110612: 0.34284604 212.81687589609749 93.84249955317296 A grey hound is active in a grassy field. -0.39413732: 0.3372024 57.40149062051104 96.63432930872449 The man is sitting at the top of a rocky mountain. -0.1690222: -0.09581932 201.35976688561934 310.8442670524688 Two shirtless young people playing in the water. -0.011496556: -0.016296264 302.0954282500548 271.50529725764045 Close-up of a hummingbird. -0.2981816: 0.14391221 118.7639676906563 192.25234967290726 A man and a woman looking at the camera. -0.07224591: -0.07639048 263.2469831466343 301.23308768497327 A black dog wearing an orange collar is entangled with fishi….. -0.35287485: 0.20356637 83.78832391767847 162.74224962357584 A golden dog is running on the grass. -0.35281068: 0.3693189 83.82935624113688 80.74673351479925 a man in red shorts is walking along rocks by a river carryi….. -0.1717801: 0.008465332 199.59612977615313 259.25607353184904 Man rowing a boat. -0.31644318: -0.099487245 107.0859168660335 312.65874114866165 Three dogs running on a racetrack. -0.16140659: 0.44134578 206.22985390640744 45.11601897524048 A black and brown dog walks through the snow near a building….. -0.28697383: 0.4373372 125.93118825870512 47.0990143604418 A dog running through a forest in the winter time -0.3541667: 0.39233324 82.96220774259614 69.3618549569635 Many people run in a race on a street. 0.0054196585: 0.06910864 312.9131337610948 229.2566548016447 Two white dogs walking in the snow. -0.15686713: 0.4160599 209.13278120639052 57.62459393517014 A woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with her arms ….. -0.16427332: -0.12978025 204.39661621855288 327.64427646099773 A dog running across the sand -0.31348893: 0.37562895 108.97511898390927 77.62523995385254 A woman is attempting to ride a small wave. -0.21820913: -0.09670749 169.9053463502929 311.2836357365321 The black and white dog is swimming in the river. -0.2827998: 0.25688207 128.60042380288363 136.3677003973192 Man standing on top of jagged rocks near the ocean. -0.16985717: -0.05118394 200.8258130508146 288.7637543794423 A girl in a black and blue wet suit is surfing. -0.17506632: -0.073973216 197.49462874180495 300.03729897894016 A young boy is standing on a gray tiled area. -0.16630381: -0.02078915 203.09814233937533 273.72786686821746 Two dogs running down a beach. -0.16970947: 0.35371155 200.9202655334249 88.46748018222263 A black and white dog swimming in the pool -0.3020075: 0.31334868 116.31735108299327 108.43443889732612 A dog has it’s head inside a red and green gift bag. -0.3381178: 0.24031788 93.22526279968801 144.56177947993058 A yellow shirted man wearing a golden sun mask. -0.19803248: -0.12831374 182.80805861156912 326.9188126384546 A man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water. -0.25643596: -0.1089911 145.45977266822686 317.3601692474594 An old man in a black trench coat standing in a marketplace. -0.15664308: -0.10504244 209.2760608198417 315.40682163796794 A man climbing a cliff face. -0.18258713: -0.11014103 192.6851658830797 317.9290239653667 Two girls are in pajama pants and appear to be dancing. -0.09874886: 0.05383953 246.2986800919078 236.81007618990753 A white and brown dog playing with a black toy. -0.3058187: 0.3416493 113.88013017224849 94.43451152801538 A boy plays baseball. -0.15463738: -0.058990594 210.55867826933164 292.6256001505478 A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry….. -0.2698986: 0.26644123 136.85058896725292 131.6389170285912 A brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a bro….. -0.15887344: 0.42593417 207.849773063621 52.73993491622775 A woman with two men in hats socializing outside. 0.02826265: -0.024955401 327.5209386968052 275.7888544426101 A small boy in a bathrobe is sitting in a metal chair. -0.13431081: -0.12281357 223.5572628497707 324.19795473385665 A black dog is running through the snow. -0.32686234: 0.3742691 100.42299555996021 78.29793928645745 a group of teenagers are dancing on a wooden floor. 0.0046377657: -0.01171099 312.4131231916591 269.23702495949465 A black dog running in the snow. -0.3295687: 0.39995807 98.69230056433418 65.58995318070345 Three dogs in the snow by a fence. -0.13183405: 0.46298593 225.14112387601196 34.41093103798403 Man riding a surfboard on a wave. -0.220552: -0.08495369 168.40711385600645 305.46918871030874 The man in the red shirt is climbing the side of a mountain. -0.1822146: -0.06482017 192.92339349256892 295.50941209338237 A man and a woman are smiling. -0.09347535: -0.07104297 249.67102536728498 298.58774610018145 A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the ….. -0.16132793: -0.0767198 206.28015804842718 301.39599565195226 Two little girls are playing on a trampoline. -0.038716722: 0.009464375 284.68847570345207 258.76186070127807 Two girls are jumping high in the air. -0.02027282: 0.031110698 296.48311869357303 248.0537196217785 The woman holding a black purse is smoking a cigarette. -0.12945662: -0.11335388 226.6614543633546 319.51837546827727 A dog is running along the grass. -0.36172464: 0.40688124 78.1289888266526 62.165155945127026 A man with long hair is looking through a camera. -0.19994189: -0.09070908 181.58701823457992 308.316303975016 Two people wearing hats sit and look at the camera. 0.007822726: -0.033698782 314.44986502821274 280.11408584438135 Two girls playing with people and flowers behind them. -0.00961006: 0.0017650804 303.30181882019843 262.57059662078035 A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair. -0.15130948: -0.15634152 212.68683220862948 340.7837770228143 A little girl in a red shirt pulls a kite. -0.111439146: -0.06712042 238.1834041645835 296.6473131856288 Child sliding in the snow. -0.18700641: 0.03669588 189.85909080991786 245.29080695179096 A white dog running on sand. -0.25230756: 0.3351583 148.09983009479512 97.6455233853871 A black and white dog is running through a cow field. -0.3316391: 0.4485957 97.36830774362814 41.529581653695004 A man in a straw hat shades his phone while others walk on a….. -0.028013088: -0.07455934 291.53331475895965 300.32724567455784 A dog swims in the water. -0.33786348: 0.25407714 93.38790555323848 137.7552634775118 A little white curly haired dog runs across the pavement wit….. -0.29997635: 0.27055898 117.61624424276351 129.6019187580464 The blonde woman is wearing a black, american flag, tartan c….. -0.07801315: -0.08829287 259.5589052912967 307.1210349527689 A woman in an red tracksuit squeezing lemons in a press. -0.18702823: -0.2994741 189.84514020110615 411.58950607846396 A dog wearing a green sweater and a backpack walking on snow….. -0.36370838: 0.3703729 76.86041727701813 80.22533956365186 The black and white dog has a stick in his paws. -0.36819333: 0.33270046 73.99234744085553 98.86137704554312 A white dog running through the snow -0.3124878: 0.3716901 109.61532233254623 79.57373718134079 A man on skis on a snow-covered hill with mountains in the b….. -0.20536534: 0.010093369 178.11878634638333 258.45070602363563 A man is spraying a fluid from a long hose at the beach. -0.15049717: -0.15836611 213.20629227567292 341.7853145638777 A person in a red vest is touching the blue ice skates on an….. -0.14241362: -0.07195962 218.37562176129262 299.04120153197766 A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline. -0.15304051: -0.13197155 211.57985521106374 328.7282852389191 A woman standing in front of trees and smiling. -0.19387797: 0.022965193 185.46482055811478 252.08319013521918 A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool. -0.18638492: -0.10553399 190.25653069538092 315.6499820500374 three little boys cover themselves with bubbles. 0.08726661: 0.010204861 365.2532249150211 258.3955522782767 A bird sits in a tree. -0.33378077: 0.102037825 95.998746745779 212.96703752794122 A brown dog jumping into the air to catch a ball. -0.32460847: 0.22655186 101.86431071378749 151.37164209850351 A child is walking from one picnic table to another. -0.19310355: -0.017920796 185.96004811272095 272.30893110442923 A dog in the snow. -0.36474207: 0.4164863 76.19938330620744 57.41366866063902 Dalmation running along the beach. -0.23798257: 0.21615313 157.26048212442345 156.51575232621332 A dog running through snow. -0.35021013: 0.42182738 85.49237553745922 54.77150783547404 A woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach. -0.12417837: -0.14177354 230.0368298939245 333.5771929619408 The black and white dog runs through the grass. -0.34875548: 0.448044 86.42260670699272 41.80250041249275 Two dogs run through the snow, one with a tennis ball. -0.21042804: 0.42571622 174.8812540752161 52.8477490304827 A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a ….. -0.055610754: -0.003748566 273.88495605098814 265.2981222457278 A little boy clowns with a colander on his head. -0.18121827: -0.09126542 193.5605379987 308.5915152395934 Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break. 0.02900737: -0.05168489 327.99717712865896 289.0115679885324 Children are playing in a swimming pool while two adult men ….. -0.009461134: -0.072078496 303.3970550716439 299.1000068852164 Two kids splashing in the water. 0.024004478: -0.0039946837 324.7978911090572 265.41987337612835 A young boy riding a bike on a brick road -0.11671745: 0.0034649596 234.80799528214828 261.7296895716641 The young man is skateboarding at a skate park. -0.18896556: -0.104935884 188.60624228250967 315.35410874783815 The dog returns the play toy to its master. -0.32684383: 0.2764569 100.43483070759964 126.68430341206374 Two females jump off of swings. -0.013935676: 0.001976793 300.5356419104595 262.4658653071406 A man in a red jacket holds his bike for the picture. -0.16566537: -0.053474497 203.50641681651794 289.89686221804493 A boy pushes a wagon with two pumpkins. -0.19255927: 0.03065958 186.3081081792891 248.27688142233603 Two soccer players battle for the ball during an intense mat….. -0.03318837: -0.028605344 288.22378772192866 277.59443125752944 Two black dogs playing in the snow. -0.22713956: 0.41105282 164.1944492754692 60.10153217337279 A girl with a black purse sitting on a wooden bench. -0.18722802: -0.067126095 189.7173739695849 296.65012168949386 Three children in a ball pit. 0.028872665: 0.062095333 327.91103521620573 232.72604348605591 A large white and grey dog runs through a yellow tunnel in a….. -0.2862004: 0.34671846 126.42578689242225 91.92686403232693 A swimmer is doing the backstroke in the swimming pool. -0.23786804: -0.11434165 157.3337228206848 320.00701091239955 A man stands astride a bike on a rocky trail by a lake. -0.19311458: -0.083402336 185.95299657548009 304.70175581491515 A small white dog and large brown dog play on the grass. -0.22863273: 0.39796734 163.2395853711145 66.57474289819328 A black dog walking through water. -0.4038265: 0.31121203 51.20538107978407 109.49140937556967 A black dog is running in snow. -0.30578232: 0.37743032 113.90340024514339 76.73412600307626 A woman dressed in green is playing with her tan dog. -0.33887187: 0.065222405 92.74305200166431 231.17912361142243 A brown dog wades in the water. -0.3924909: 0.24993876 58.45436136340959 139.80246376734613 A little boy is standing in front of a wedding party laughin….. -0.090582915: -0.10520951 251.52070076019433 315.4894661027546 A person on a snowmobile. -0.28280255: -0.03496436 128.5986704476778 280.74015000716304 The man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddl….. -0.174599: -0.13300766 197.79347098425262 329.2408335086016 Two brown dogs running together on sand -0.13087969: 0.4080545 225.7514248951058 61.584761298608555 A black dog is chasing after a red Frisbee. -0.28526542: 0.24677873 127.02370007582267 141.3656873386297 A dog digging in the sand. -0.24590006: 0.20835094 152.19734497800968 160.37538851980293 Two men sit on the sidewalk in front of stores. -0.020248989: 0.058672465 296.4983581137521 234.41928936062226 Two dogs running through tall grass. -0.2106505: 0.5115547 174.73899407593353 10.384615384615472 Little white dog wearing a leash jumping after a red ball. -0.26920733: 0.2686792 137.2926441194211 130.53182102204642 A group of people standing outside of a building. 0.1269097: 0.009004427 390.60448279373895 258.98939051777154 A group of four children dancing in a backyard. 0.026645334: 0.10165017 326.48668544158824 213.1588045306995 One man and two women dressed in vampire costumes -0.0020529265: -0.1445093 308.13451006198693 334.93053799766653 Two boys, one wearing a hat, in a playground. 0.003516446: 0.07787366 311.69605347143664 224.92071920387576 A group of men playing brass instruments. 0.0023463704: -0.015263488 310.9478048194687 270.9943969568434 Kids play soccer on a field. -0.026804293: 0.09873141 292.3063240441966 214.60267405911696 A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another. -0.10020668: -0.11880575 245.36642398769365 322.21534266151866 An owl has its wings up and widespread during the day. -0.31656554: 0.20007174 107.00766386086848 164.47099800927174 A woman sings into a microphone by a guy playing a guitar. -0.18278514: -0.2228662 192.55854314408398 373.6926311472091 A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in th….. -0.08606746: 0.0092177605 254.4082766730219 258.8838573914818 The tan and white dog is running in the field. -0.3382677: 0.3515668 93.12940000962955 89.52846070273029 Two birds interacting in the grass -0.22330686: 0.34506798 166.64541115472932 92.74333517434172 Two hikers stand at the top of a snowy mountain. -0.06350323: 0.14532408 268.83781827082765 191.55391677864066 Two children in a field of red flowers. -0.030186562: 0.14134601 290.14340554984597 193.52181553414192 A lady dressed in a kimono is looking at the camera. -0.11130405: -0.110698074 238.2697950248887 318.2045853715021 A group of people are firing up a hot air balloon. 0.09836224: -0.15845293 372.3487389726137 341.8282603473899 Children play fight with swords. 0.08459198: 0.014871267 363.5428316762758 256.0871450040467 Two people holding hands and walking in a field. -0.05185186: 0.1002174 276.28872027625624 213.86757581517827 A brown dog chases a Frisbee -0.32485908: 0.28472373 101.70405023633191 122.59481218560813 Woman in red overalls standing on the sidewalk. -0.038442858: 0.0021106321 284.8636087305681 262.39965687869153 Three dogs running through water. -0.1815822: 0.38379577 193.32780868243782 73.58522557239075 A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows. -0.33467498: 0.21777584 95.42690519196108 155.71302147607406 A brown dog sits on the beach. -0.2772957: 0.17694281 132.12022720398247 175.91256264249523 Scuba diver submerged in water. -0.163251: -0.212099 205.05037948272195 368.3662409101122 The man is riding a bike down a dirt hill. -0.17198947: -0.10978975 199.46223633051582 317.7552505529883 A large gray dog is playing in the deep snow. -0.35334495: 0.28510204 83.48769973271183 122.40766705141522 A man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean. -0.20151338: -0.09109636 180.58206935760623 308.5078830070431 A black and white dog is running on the beach. -0.30295715: 0.3850868 115.71006126088335 72.94656737062337 Many middle eastern people are sitting in the back of a blue….. 0.07028993: -0.0043838206 354.396854467392 265.61237406366445 A skateboarder doing a trick on a stone wall. -0.21703297: -0.12080332 170.65748808807666 323.2035121664683 A lady is running her dog through an agility course. -0.27836308: 0.13750973 131.43765745727396 195.41956803562636 The white and brown dog is shaking its ears. -0.25207427: 0.30657765 148.24901775296163 111.78397412643852 A skier wearing blue snow pants is flying through the air ne….. -0.22707611: -0.07582234 164.23502420191738 300.95203458492836 The brown dog is running along a grassy pathway. -0.33064798: 0.3281682 98.00212659233078 101.10341821244481 A tattooed man in black playing a white guitar and singing. -0.2728154: -0.23781322 134.9853239595786 381.08671416953416 A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it’s mou….. -0.38223934: 0.21701147 65.01009930342148 156.0911448730946 Two men in a running contest. -0.087272756: 0.09132177 253.6375055361761 218.26812543034788 Two kids are walking on a path in the woods. -0.066939734: 0.14440845 266.6402162188115 192.0068672694532 a brown and white dog is running on the grass. -0.32341012: 0.4821972 102.6306412879924 24.90738149971287 Two dogs run side-by-side on the grass. -0.21497227: 0.47475806 171.97527746183158 28.587420873959672 Two dogs are peeing at a red fire hydrant. -0.111587234: 0.32432646 238.08870392525935 103.0038833895785 A dog splashing in the water. -0.31826895: 0.18703677 105.91835382282247 170.91921968395383 A large tan dog is running with a green item in its mouth -0.3827374: 0.24501105 64.69159851863878 142.24013455124577 A group of people in boats racing towards the shore. -0.014899604: 0.07569184 299.9192220152159 226.0000360849201 A baseball player throws the ball. -0.24536435: -0.070414506 152.53992580955955 298.276853567995 A man is swinging on a rope over water. -0.22148663: -0.17260286 167.80942937111115 348.8280397470147 A young girl dressed in a Minnie mouse outfit and an older w….. -0.10251427: 0.13153183 243.89075164802586 198.37675306336217 I am OK with MEDICAL use! 0.04493197: -0.0644902 338.1807582640872 295.34617978474967 The prices for everything you need have gone up due to infla….. -0.0072520813: 0.0041810134 304.80971620860186 261.3754674823893 War in the middle east. 0.34364015: 0.07929655 529.2008654319253 224.21683515840635 Originally Posted by Vienna How was it authoritarian? 0.12081451: 0.067633115 386.7066836446636 229.98657832192646 Imagine a place that’s % white and % black. -0.043443806: 0.062117357 281.6655650679498 232.7151485550516 Nirvana is very different than oblivion. -0.06700986: 0.028850246 266.5953722536013 249.1719344656397 The whole earth combined produces enough food for billion p….. -0.061503336: -0.09017995 270.11672413416176 308.0545492033671 Hey, Blue-Eyes, How’s things in London? 0.021902796: 0.049935754 323.4538919337063 238.74122113892207 but in the news broadcasts i have seen they did call him whi….. 0.013758866: -0.0025968354 318.24595170827865 264.72837685523234 According to the girlfriend and Zimmerman, he did. 0.024010157: -0.10601151 324.80152288896386 315.88620597355816 My parents have told me it is bad for you. -0.05436693: -0.09879622 274.6803646872073 312.31689978844975 .Nazi is a slang term for the NSWP. 0.0489788: 0.013260282 340.7686557555578 256.8840773257007 I oppose the death penalty. 0.16147347: -0.12515537 412.7075739208019 325.3564146641078 People exploited the laws. 0.17357442: -0.0395795 420.44597853446646 283.0231964362056 Funny, I thought the same thing about some math. -0.024421709: -0.026442755 293.8299563662068 276.52462809118566 I have years of «Neener Neener» rights I use lettuce too. -0.1017152: -0.08743116 244.401745105828 306.69476156297435 I don’t prefix or suffix everything with «you hate Jews.» 0.060787424: -0.027328067 348.32012078178013 276.96257962336426 I wood have asked her if she is up for a treesome. -0.097462095: 0.013820366 247.1215516069489 256.6070112322911 More expensive homes. 0.097602606: 0.07750489 371.8629642895521 225.1031466412873 ALTHOUGH SATELLITE INTENSITY ESTIMATES FROM TAFB AND SAB ARE….. 0.09543222: 0.050458994 370.4750311784591 238.482381756456 You wanna know what I find curious? -0.08739092: 0.014788561 253.5619397384461 256.12805858438486 When did I compare homo sexuaity with a developmental disord….. 0.0081964545: -0.015940588 314.6888597306045 271.3293492819019 If you asked , conservatives, the numbers will be skewed to ….. 0.11810724: 0.023249706 384.97541690277484 251.94244520743558 You didn’t mention PFA before that one post. 0.03956242: 0.048712444 334.7469979109837 239.3463763221411 Still love this show. -0.11791672: -0.019345462 234.04107866802403 273.0136941894942 their vast properties are protected by the govt. 0.24172963: 0.2125392 464.0303771987211 158.30351615008266 It’s not imposing morals. 0.033492345: -0.04261004 330.86526244961624 284.5223643737309 At least Mexico had a presence in California. 0.097478375: 0.13274194 371.7835201463396 197.77812894162474 So YES, we DO read the bible to learn about Christianity. -0.068758965: 0.0025757959 265.4768412169753 262.1695467262364 Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! -0.010669355: 0.0010757849 302.6244126569256 262.91158168908015 And that’s why you’re yelling at me and refusing to answer m….. 0.051615596: 0.0055508534 342.45485221600734 260.6978263163347 The Human Element You could sign Lance Berkman at the end of….. -0.041540958: -0.010701786 282.88241263901193 268.7377852940037 Why was the Book of Thomas left out of the canon? -0.063003734: -0.007968977 269.157238614183 267.3859020992825 You mean, you believe the word of the Mainstream Media? 0.1698752: 0.07458491 418.08037837223856 226.54762062460492 We are meant to explore. -0.023754178: 0.1553395 294.2568340373744 186.5994284759339 Can he really make mone from google ad sense. -0.09937697: -0.04824281 245.89701404865244 287.30881853494213 They know that the video doesn’t show a gas chamber. 0.24242176: -0.02527066 464.47298503894336 275.94480841396245 Warm , maybe record. -0.19218019: -0.0023276894 186.55052859470533 264.5952340304921 What is your definition of «life»? -0.13266121: -0.025740087 224.61216329190208 276.17702782377 Could be a lot of things. 0.027817095: 0.0181786 327.23601132902786 254.45105190670785 No extortion, no bribery, no money involved He’s asking for ….. 0.06303948: 0.015027712 349.76028291397745 256.009753584055 Should I just tell her how I feel? -0.11866955: -0.010970517 233.55965402111167 268.87072298646933 you have no remains of a missile at the pentagon. 0.25897008: 0.07221726 475.05542708752523 227.71886256457282 Is it legal to grow? -0.06367432: -0.0026708914 268.72840509434144 264.76501133716187 pressing one does not «do» english. 0.0141685475: -0.038647324 318.50793775726225 282.56206184718764 but okay, ultimate sovereignty? 0.14164259: 0.11928608 400.0259749975492 204.434559529488 that is not an answer. 0.060636953: 0.03702681 348.2238958857552 245.1270991877795 But we can’t do it without help. 0.1585032: -0.028636653 410.8081280157181 277.6099194929194 I said it wasn’t a person, in the legal sense. -0.005757468: -0.14908619 305.7655026493743 337.19466388262566 Do you see Obama calling for regulation reform? 0.0765321: 0.07538896 358.38864393751527 226.14986718613346 Leprechauns don’t exist – fine. -0.01880472: 0.13723905 297.4219498798091 195.55346953880166 Got some Heine and coors light i started it last night xanis….. -0.12126145: 0.017807633 231.90216636988166 254.63456478294916 Iran is also a signed of the NPT and the IAEA. 0.34801382: 0.1730333 531.9977719165812 177.84654558097975 I have years of «Neener Neener» rights Usually I get pretty….. 0.02894175: 0.0026914927 327.9552145263855 262.11231309395174 Dutchy Has anyone heard from Dutchy? -0.040365256: 0.01624287 283.63425897455994 255.40863193944148 Commodity Expanded Value-Form, . -0.10904846: 0.06390658 239.712215554824 231.83004413912056 CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED DURING THE NEXT HOURS. 0.0018787083: -0.04577965 310.6487408020059 286.09032591314906 There is no freedom of religion. 0.04346638: -0.007367957 337.2435327319391 267.088585614938 How long after the obliteration should the kid return to sch….. 0.120933555: -0.062059842 386.78281165955195 294.1439153027441 A man and a woman are different yes. -0.040740114: -0.1364733 283.3945424425114 330.95523714752187 religious fiction Isn’t that redundant and repetetive? -0.010586663: 0.039722268 302.677293230542 243.79369379235584 Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond We are all vessels filled wi….. -0.17782316: 0.028735166 195.73166819874973 249.22886287584254 Some people have complete confidence in the people running t….. 0.15826613: 0.079510204 410.6565199650392 224.111144007703 loose change started out as a work of fiction. 0.044190265: 0.014886082 337.7064470935942 256.07981598838296 GL, Terral That is absolutely amazing. -0.13093773: -0.014618316 225.71430903354738 270.67523924103807 lets assume we have % white and % black. 0.0005866492: 0.067513905 309.82248537544115 230.0455495316926 -Not- talking about it ‘and’ -Not- doing anything. -0.0024158915: 0.049495753 307.9023984996946 238.95888387416892 Being against nukes does not mean «not wanting to use nukes»….. 0.27155393: 0.050409354 483.10264138681845 238.50693773677267 I Shot the Sheriff We are all vessels filled with many wonde….. -0.04253412: -0.01243016 282.2472978321137 269.5927885930497 So, you actually believe every word of what Terral wrote? 0.055890813: 0.024696305 345.18879990802753 251.22683234119881 I know I’d hate to be him. -0.086330816: -0.16466278 254.23986404676958 344.9001886065281 there were no weapons. 0.13111506: 0.0006938966 393.2937580444277 263.1004966218403 It’s so stupid that it just has to be true. 0.026008798: 0.028104872 326.0796283075301 249.54066116895405 Do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying? 0.08127291: -0.0049474034 361.4203284958751 265.89117082386684 I guess I pulled it out of the census’s rear end in a top ha….. -0.04604221: 0.019482274 280.00391796265814 253.80614275670524 How is this slanted against Bush?? 0.11884665: 0.031229185 385.44826059119333 247.99510592497154 If it wasn’t bollocks it wouldn’t be homeopathy. -0.0037400948: -0.04171843 307.05558719439136 284.0812965816862 I’ve never accused him of over-milligraming, nothing. -0.025836475: -0.10075632 292.9252310356832 313.28653390502967 His position is that it is the individual’s risk to assume. 0.09424374: -0.046490923 369.7150136359057 286.44218316476974 I have no problem with those that have money! 0.02395024: 0.045123998 324.7632063602536 241.12153136422234 no missile evidence. 0.29248357: 0.10484602 496.48687835060304 211.57786011088126 My gosh, I’m the one with the pregnancy ticker. -0.097326756: -0.06405048 247.20809969747634 295.128657106126 If you leap up to make a hit, you’re getting a penalty. -0.071161844: -0.07260483 263.94023025480016 299.36037583343574 Imagine a place with % men and % women. 0.05477189: -0.018983908 344.4732618424418 272.8348381959741 They have actually showed a cooling trend since due to the ….. 0.04747413: 0.15481724 339.80643776489825 186.85778134591942 to repeat: They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. 0.3131029: 0.2177111 509.6726812447875 155.74504284297706 Out of touch and completely untrustworthy, however, wouldn’t….. 0.1374631: 0.005074417 397.3532422720634 260.9335128186352 It is mostly just the Dutch. 0.030456467: 0.015692411 328.923856324535 255.68093610766243 claims about trayvon’s character And when did I do that? -0.004877659: -0.032816473 306.32812926147267 279.6776196495487 If you haven’t made any claims, then just say so. 0.118761815: 0.035692744 385.39401139996045 245.7870441534222 No Thatcherite can ever call themselves a libertarian. -0.012855166: -0.056072067 301.2266145405237 291.1818448788493 But do you actually believe there was an iceberg in those wa….. 0.12607716: 0.072930925 390.0720822029481 227.36582404590655 If so, alot of cops should take presciption drugs. 0.094162904: -0.034818463 369.6633182446465 280.6679766178105 Tell us what the charges were. 0.1877995: -0.022222051 429.54273791922975 274.436703573882 this is NOT a war deployment. 0.30419293: 0.117449366 503.9748676302769 205.34315844395996 Alright just got in. -0.121320575: 0.02712138 231.86435488370356 250.02718102092604 That’s not the Moloch scene, though. -0.024963541: -0.041650955 293.483461455033 284.0479170341083 @Lustig Andrei, So Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy were comp….. 0.08057988: 0.05792236 360.9771441448379 234.79035648382427 You need to make up your mind. 0.04146849: -0.005091553 335.96590615086797 265.96247968606997 The one that has walks home afterwards and goes to sleep. -0.10747592: -0.039174993 240.71783623365644 282.82309237866656 – Admin DrPizza and i’d forgotten what a whiny little bed we….. 0.06685394: -0.038781192 352.19958116947697 282.6282846729047 The argument was «Albert Einstein didn’t go to college». -0.020504527: -0.03488678 296.33494469388495 280.7017726495574 Capital gains, top rate: percent. -0.12055814: 0.06462678 232.35192103838855 231.47376957531839 If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that ex….. -0.08482861: 0.00910996 255.2005073529305 258.9371848721883 What do we get in return for doing the fighting for them? 0.3123691: 0.112816185 509.20343002872 207.63512979703057 It’s a common sense/deductive reasoning thing. -0.015806735: 0.039833803 299.33912349245304 243.7385188542184 We all believe that we are getting what we expect. 0.052256424: 0.06050019 342.8646537321268 233.5151390867871 Despicable Ben, Stop trying to find excuses for the man. 0.057187684: -0.10098969 346.0181321558379 313.40198110524875 Unless it’s different in different countries? 0.055752024: -0.052450176 345.10004582983623 289.39014472672807 The new study does not support your claim. 0.08218252: -0.0067677754 362.00201361451707 266.7916840022685 I thought that was mostly just the Dutch. -0.0062854188: -0.0062219943 305.4278846944991 266.5216935326057 I’d offer Iran a deal. 0.2105948: 0.08793113 444.1200473386495 219.94542880692404 Yes, they are both different. -0.04253661: 0.036268957 282.24570647168235 245.50199943961627 Has Annie ever used her sexuality like that? -0.14658816: -0.08187937 215.7060526984608 303.9483654388471 PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. 0.03314448: 0.20269914 330.64280789015123 163.1712578032234 You should put scientists on a pedestal. 0.03676179: 0.0006451656 332.9560313301569 263.12460317703886 What are they trying to hide? 0.12575592: 0.15358253 389.86665377073336 187.46857565107229 I don’t see Obama as the lesser of two evils. 0.054475088: -0.014694899 344.2834611414096 270.7131240968996 The point is an unarmed child was murdered. 0.15729022: -0.050917935 410.03243986101245 288.6321656534001 Zimmerman replied, «What are you doing here?» -0.070779726: -0.014969565 264.18458984295756 270.84899744990145 If I’m angry, it will show up in one of those scans.. 0.024845019: -0.010026991 325.33540644662384 268.40397369328406 If you want to buy $ billion in XYZ Inc. common stock, who c….. 0.037457477: 0.06270884 333.4009142440498 232.42254999784473 Sometimes I fantasize about having power. -0.048931893: -0.025286576 278.1560030717829 275.9526819918914 Regulation get the government into everything. 0.11352123: 0.0749072 382.04272544526214 226.38818827330152 It’s just a bunch of cells. -0.048631605: 0.017227778 278.34803358324 254.9214108829284 Mann’s work was all about math. -0.12381907: -0.04815343 230.26660042327686 287.2646030275697 I’m so sorry to hear this Kelly. -0.017468339: -0.019702623 298.276548547882 273.19037654107933 S As you wish: Do you see Hitler killing Jews? 0.084582254: -0.0047748275 363.53661393566813 265.8057998620537 It means its AN option. -0.058922164: 0.059007477 271.76735083023846 234.25356367552666 Mom busted in and said, «What’s that noise?» -0.12853938: -0.047746293 227.24801838343896 287.06319791771523 Holder filed a three-page letter. 0.005394264: 0.029141208 312.89689438052494 249.0279995639778 @Lustig Andrei, Lustig, agreed. 0.05447249: 0.015074299 344.2818006949714 255.98670781956343 This eclipses the old record of set in . -0.08839291: 0.11284095 252.92117893720297 207.62287852820162 I don’t know how legitimate this is, but I heard he’s kind o….. 0.10116664: -0.11862831 374.14212118140074 322.1275640157818 council tax Hasn’t council tax been frozen for most people? 0.061898466: 0.06479499 349.03061795114905 231.39056119833833 Your schtick is getting stale. 0.058384422: 0.010389945 346.7834312044938 258.3039939465638 Is that how it works? 0.05579916: -0.0084034875 345.1301887692649 267.6008484731795 Obama is extreme and leftwing. 0.087933265: 0.013772659 365.6795427513065 256.63061123401195 So I actually read the OP and guess what I found out. -0.0088057155: 0.030109815 303.816186772089 248.54884282040024 Democracy is a threat to liberty. 0.15113412: 0.022885064 406.0956904977856 252.12282892385872 Tell me exactly which system isn’t working right now? -0.03891371: 0.024670307 284.5625057081064 251.23969359347876 Oh, and again asserts that marriage is a fundamental human r….. 0.025486425: -0.003634262 325.745577215538 265.241577609101 Yes, it’s about dilution. 0.004925417: -0.08183562 312.59707242703325 303.9267230048629 Yeah, I don’t think this is that controversial either. 0.06826234: -0.04310081 353.10023399901627 284.76514147293693 Operation Chaos is merely people voting. 0.24693815: 0.024920003 467.36116128534684 251.11617194464748 i be having conversations will cornell west My dear brother. -0.013229416: 0.034334864 300.98728631947864 246.45876861821563 There is no war in the Middle east. 0.269832: 0.101154946 482.0014771429242 213.40378567887058 He had no intention of apprehending him. -0.030371187: -0.08690475 290.02533994658313 306.4343520720482 You’re «a bunch of cells.» -0.014900472: -0.047293458 299.91866694488573 286.839186563167 What is a girl douche? -0.05533252: -0.112655655 274.0628834879634 319.17297372127575 Jury nullification means a law isn’t Constitutional? 0.008846349: -0.010271933 315.1044591111699 268.52514294370076 I think you are missing the point with entrepreneurs. 0.0018150787: -0.105453596 310.6080504840593 315.61021334045137 Cyclopes don’t exist – fine. -0.0105727855: 0.055493597 302.68616780456443 235.99183222589915 In it was a mental illness, now what are they teaching you? 0.059294175: -0.046325788 347.3652068496274 286.3604932964412 Bush gets zero credit for the budget under him. 0.16137414: 0.0119170025 412.64405291100775 257.5485791994355 What was the «answer» in Chicago? 0.06967105: 0.090327814 354.0010869397476 218.7598200059768 The entire thing just makes no sense. 0.040318206: -0.022339165 335.2303140851154 274.4946381803515 Genetic predisposition to cancer resistance is superior gene….. -0.009604752: -0.00064603466 303.3052129680646 263.7633423490415 Use of force in defense of person.-A 0.01630812: -0.14379221 319.8761670627743 334.5758040567195 That’s what the data available shows. 0.11851852: 0.07868498 385.23842494820303 224.51937220730917 David @OmSigDAVID, I think Santorum’s more likely than Gingr….. 0.00018518913: -0.007381604 309.56575671201443 267.09533666667477 They’re looking at each other! -0.062096283: 0.12815721 269.73754201268997 200.04613218362596 Are you driving one? -0.17013931: 0.057995006 200.64538898849185 234.7544190600227 I think he’d be better for American business interests overa….. 0.040845495: -0.011774587 335.5675085904147 269.2684856391923 What does pressing the number one do? -0.119056396: -0.070042856 233.31226894231366 298.09300345014776 For the trillionth time, I’ve never said rehabilitation does….. 0.056424066: -0.009172421 345.5298084373548 267.98122936182386 Charlie Rangel Censured Did anyone see the footage of this? 0.19623372: -0.02940581 434.93631581821387 277.9904109525821 Stone notified Captain Lord. 0.027967859: 0.037319764 327.33242323372616 244.9821792826295 And that is happening in GOP controlled states. 0.15665114: 0.063290946 409.6237556323815 232.134589894856 in Foxe basin was frozen. -0.034098115: 0.21363017 287.64201684134724 157.76382638110533 Government deciding what pregnancies need to be carried to t….. 0.16059884: -0.003428881 412.1482631392431 265.1399785075003 God definately does not exist. -0.043267123: 0.013636345 281.7785516585783 256.6980438909544 It is an excellent indicator of climate change. 0.023498747: 0.100161746 324.47448283551904 213.89510799873784 The question needs to be asked. 0.013834777: 0.02779464 318.2944959438333 249.69412821381957 You purport to value life very heavily. 0.00083320425: -0.06574009 309.9801541970669 295.96448554774656 The Infestation posts. 0.06318104: 0.07270793 349.85080940558333 227.47613706517535 do you have anything to make it less compelling or not? 0.0039241877: -0.039356764 311.95679909903606 282.9130124164581 peeve So we agree that it came down essentially in freefall? 0.017408444: 0.12914324 320.5798104238182 199.5583591934465 Pro-life people do not want a woman to be able to choose abo….. 0.09380137: -0.063205756 369.43212311418944 294.71078342802247 So answer the question. 0.062132705: 0.050305612 349.1804107074436 238.55825743207168 I absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters….. 0.12728246: 0.07368191 390.84285333979386 226.99432016718225 The Face Of The Franchise: The worst part is that he’s not e….. -0.139989: -0.08140842 219.92613092220537 303.7153923032647 I agree completely I am hoping he is into a second term of o….. 0.02101506: -0.0024385229 322.8861955402935 264.65006182170333 The people had awakened. 0.076361775: 0.06876011 358.2797215099046 229.4290681904979 Umm the California was a cargo ship I dont care what the art….. 0.08619138: 0.112415485 364.56562856575243 207.83335046155764 Florida The ignorance is yours! 0.067067675: 0.024444103 352.3362618781453 251.3515933068603 I’m going to shout for justice for Trayvon. 0.08706467: -0.13239811 365.12408649246925 328.9392989702649 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! 0.0034188512: 0.018382082 311.6336427511949 254.35039265876276 And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. 0.033522304: 0.07934745 330.88442071397134 224.19165813753682 It is all Bush’s fault. 0.21495377: 0.034520127 446.9075485972828 246.36712182968813 Proverbs John the Baptist was a Nazarite from birth. 0.00302244: -0.02007479 311.3801428163381 273.37448281511894 James : says faith without works is dead. -0.0067676264: -0.019287502 305.1195190055776 272.9850222030209 and videos Seismic data does not equal duration of collapse. 0.11826092: 0.0022718415 385.0736953207935 262.3199087986939 You might not like Obamas views, but he has them. 0.10190523: 0.07787871 374.6144360045263 224.9182202988619 There is simply no winning for Obama among conservatives. 0.09646767: 0.02315536 371.1371848190344 251.98911723426488 fix?: Islam itself is not political. 0.2300915: 0.023636274 456.5879370379816 251.75121539554124 March is also the date for the uprising in CHINA. 0.19873388: 0.080755755 436.53513753833107 223.494987008162 I hope everything is OK! -0.052146573: -0.05242109 276.10025603211324 289.37575575154506 depending on which action furthers their loony-tunes agenda ….. 0.25916743: 0.09363941 475.1816305459283 217.1216182271762 There is no «WAR» in the middle east. 0.31629068: 0.076048166 511.7112234864998 225.82376745322847 Part of pro-life is the opposition to legalized abortion. 0.09814373: -0.015665065 372.2090041859918 271.1930520733299 Time of the Season by the Zombies We are all vessels filled ….. -0.10811739: -0.011253043 240.3076273483248 269.0104847536151 The Muslims would say the same thing about the Qur’an. 0.1611899: 0.07840322 412.5262350644587 224.65875434729207 Your confusion doesn’t make me a liar. 0.00071917643: -0.031747676 309.907234847517 279.14890036843815 Evolution is not an opinion, not a belief. -0.065779746: 0.0599179 267.38201411379123 233.80318948944074 my hair is pretty thing tho :/ Quote: Ditto. -0.14502202: 0.006974334 216.70758062696223 259.9936499487357 It’s about the baggage attached. 0.02109549: 0.07772949 322.93763007232025 224.9920375106867 What makes you think the owl didn’t participate? -0.11218909: 0.13162749 237.7038233993686 198.32943603892602 Thanks Candy for starting the thread. -0.046899743: -0.00026326484 279.4555370638227 263.5739913374306 Except that it wasn’t. 0.047521774: 0.038635377 339.8369046938758 244.33136379739875 If I owe you , dollars, I have a problem. 0.014490236: 0.03584311 318.71365325374643 245.71265934370336 Everyone else at the current prosperity level of Mexico. 0.0700719: -0.00680839 354.2574246121101 266.81177544736454 LOL Don’t you have to take a test to drive a vehicle in the ….. -0.016639179: 0.04223837 298.8067860319787 242.54901242487574 We both thought the movie was good and we didn’t find it con….. -0.06343012: 0.033010602 268.88456805691385 247.11386320185505 If God does not exist can anything be morally wrong? -0.108541355: -0.029934334 240.0365052705173 278.25186441820614 A law is constitutional if it does not conflict with the Con….. -0.01374309: 0.050009686 300.6587978421681 238.70464793176524 Originally Posted by muslim girl ooops sorry! 0.106595: -0.06330384 377.61348814493823 294.75930567655814 Originally Posted by zaf I suppose the water in the middle m….. -0.10864743: -0.011763049 239.96867234099133 269.26277787108455 Edited by LashL: Edited to properly mask profanity. 0.011809153: -0.0971484 316.99913450837374 311.50174812725345 The jury is not told about juror nullification. 0.047234505: -0.053067036 339.65320023737036 289.6952967802139 you don’t use the search button much, do you? -0.04953327: -0.043423034 277.7714298595084 284.92454065293487 I don’t think Paul has a shot. -0.002496481: -0.046933793 307.85086257204154 286.66126489475164 What if they messed up a study? 0.07777816: -0.008149856 359.18548193939137 267.47538031371334 Specifically a Baptist. -0.026838552: -0.10893689 292.28441544208994 317.3333520898183 And a large part of the east coast. 0.0095634665: 0.074834116 315.5630466638677 226.42434131058877 The ideology was built around violent expansion, so yes – VI….. 0.1739094: 0.020878531 420.66019280091916 253.1154332480677 Could this have been an enema? -0.15907738: -0.04171612 207.7193577410822 284.080154014497 The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the s….. 0.138062: 0.13040116 397.73623603528705 198.93608024519165 Sens. John Kerry and Bob Graham declined invitations to spea….. 0.22821547: 0.10006731 455.38824185480263 213.94182425397446 Page said it’s also possible that genes on the Y chromosome ….. 0.0030936897: -0.010034045 311.4257060800367 268.40746313033696 One of the most well studied facets of temperament is how pe….. -0.082894094: -0.029575054 256.4376042707992 278.0741334847973 But butterflies exposed to an earlier light cycle, from 1am ….. -0.077956714: 0.07095921 259.5949967741343 228.34120416973803 South Asia follows, with 1.1 millions youths infected — 62 p….. 0.18241769: -0.014387562 426.1011398777741 270.56108848600866 The Standard Edition is $15,000 per processor or $300 per na….. -0.1235868: -0.058928512 230.4151305732412 292.5948890502118 Microsoft acquired Virtual PC when it bought the assets of C….. -0.16852951: 0.041783925 201.6748371928254 242.77381989075582 Leon Williams’ body was found inside his third-floor apartme….. -0.102493174: -0.07633106 243.90424009527513 301.2036905369048 A total of 17 cases have been confirmed in the southern city….. 0.14398932: 0.02080329 401.5266850589744 253.15265421710677 He was also expected to visit Yemen and Bahrain during his t….. 0.27992928: 0.10023062 488.45856979439884 213.86103738229542 General Myers told reporters that «at first blush, it doesn’….. 0.16595708: 0.040351517 415.57478613757036 243.48241241875496 It can store more than a gigabyte of information equivalent ….. -0.14015952: -0.025852079 219.81708938078998 276.2324285110698 For me, the Lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vici….. 0.12028886: 0.015487557 386.3705349585699 255.78227444594495 Earlier, they had defied a police order and cried «Allahu Ak….. 0.19939558: 0.05806495 436.95828694741016 234.7198195455427 Coupling, an American version of a hit British comedy, will ….. -0.13866591: 0.057513937 220.77222962917165 234.99239737703397 Fighting continued until midnight, western rebel commander O….. 0.17149147: 0.04387631 419.1139622078728 241.7387461598385 The reading for both August and July is the best seen since ….. -0.031324033: 0.08276784 289.41600732272184 222.49963775842343 US Special Forces troops are training Colombian soldiers at ….. 0.16770436: 0.052292947 416.69214985890983 237.57515023691053 The DVD-CCA then appealed to the state Supreme Court. 0.00055839267: 0.024290085 309.80441566236914 251.4277841098782 Aspen Technology’s shares dropped 74 cents, or 23 percent, t….. -0.11986942: -0.017728167 232.79235147826003 272.2136400794232 In addition, it offered the United States and Israel a way t….. 0.2989345: 0.13566203 500.61216104397965 196.33359967279802 After protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the….. 0.07478565: 0.01037436 357.27180908146886 258.3117035108156 A passer-by found Ben hiding along a dirt road in Spanish Fo….. -0.13093138: 0.02273602 225.7183684320131 252.196558600294 Doctors say one or both boys may die, and that some brain da….. 0.13358521: -0.027211001 394.87338814832447 276.90466897394873 Also missing is Al Larsen, 31, of Fort Worth, Texas, who was….. 0.060464434: -0.033096634 348.11357267980077 279.81621120675067 The festival kicked off yesterday one day after the Competit….. -0.06914832: 0.045966074 265.2278552486415 240.70496795268576 She said he persisted and she eventually allowed him to fix ….. -0.1281839: -0.062326558 227.47534469751798 294.2758560131947 A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal….. -0.02462311: 0.06253041 293.70116218255055 232.51081515606222 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX fell 3 points, ….. -0.1094991: -0.02203163 239.42404114472927 274.34250443768184 Instead, tickets for the Jersey jam went on sale last night ….. -0.07709064: 0.021842146 260.1488378497792 252.63874592389908 Earlier on Monday, Grant Thornton SpA repeated previous stat….. 0.07272586: 0.04370552 355.9546009830811 241.82323347493036 My judgment is 95 percent of that information should be decl….. 0.2401344: 0.0007599277 463.0102484584708 263.0678319562081 Washington, however, said more was needed to prevent complai….. 0.111315705: 0.07412638 380.63231794149 226.7744496972698 After 26 hours of surgery and a year of anticipation, the bo….. 0.024551155: 0.0033446928 325.1474841702924 261.7891839205606 The euro soared to US$1.1914 in Asian trading, before slippi….. -0.1414879: 0.046341226 218.96760784176894 240.5193855555517 Abbas told the summit he would end the «armed intefadeh,» re….. 0.37419808: 0.09099753 548.7422760159419 218.4285197495106 I think it should have been released years ago, said Brian R….. 0.1419084: -0.07614831 400.1959646905764 301.1132876723333 Dotson, 21, was arrested and charged on July 21 after report….. -0.023950564: -0.105719864 294.13124758848 315.74193290886524 That objection was cited by PeopleSoft’s board in rejecting ….. 0.09174826: -0.019731391 368.1191840545637 273.2046079525612 These are dark days for our industry, Giovanni Bisignani, di….. 0.1501665: 0.0060212 405.4769085757939 260.46515218321434 The seven other nations in the initiative are Britain, Germa….. 0.20809114: 0.09455103 442.5189862790032 216.67065432899267 In the weeks leading up to the execution, several Florida of….. 0.22523837: -0.087107934 453.4844220908086 306.53486481339405 Hoy confirmed the woman’s age Tuesday and said she has left ….. -0.026533755: 0.014675156 292.47932969875984 256.18415817266293 The 3{ hours of recordings include conversations between pol….. 0.1579116: 0.045430172 410.4298035136404 240.9700711833392 Oracle shares fell 27 cents, or 2 percent, to $13.09. -0.108367: -0.09235338 240.14800055631045 309.1297159855242 North American futures pointed to a sub-par start to trading….. -0.047085084: 0.08330487 279.33701406354965 222.23397614412755 The market’s broader gauges also posted big gains, having cl….. -0.101876505: 0.13556364 244.29859255091918 196.3822730350588 Jim Furyk celebrated his first Father’s Day as a father by w….. -0.15821669: -0.019036444 208.26975881004608 272.8608269924031 Morrill’s wife, Ellie, sobbed and hugged Bondeson’s sister-i….. -0.032300618: -0.045703188 288.79149364444584 286.05250141063505 In the year-ago quarter, the steelmaker recorded a profit of….. -0.18084191: -0.05521766 193.80121458801477 290.75918163280255 The Nasdaq had a weekly gain of 17.27, or 1.2 percent, closi….. -0.13336241: 0.047349174 224.16375222711272 240.02076739132616 It was brazen intimidation to keep people on the reservation….. 0.15996176: 0.05556063 411.74085581059904 235.95867197750755 It’s going to happen, said Jim Santangelo, president of the ….. 0.04347737: 0.061658517 337.25056044641906 232.94213058429182 He was released on $3-million bail and immediately returned ….. -0.036678176: -0.06940489 285.9921000635468 297.777411649683 Gartner analysts said that businesses are not yet feeling co….. 0.0008505421: 0.045800675 309.99124153335094 240.786788663386 As of Tuesday, almost 250 health-care workers were in quaran….. 0.14385094: 0.03099119 401.4381882666013 248.11283918099423 Brian Brabazon said his son would get upset but then turn ar….. -0.017422663: -0.011141783 298.3057576350814 268.95544572568764 The tech-heavy Nasdaq Stock Markets composite index added 1…… -0.14688678: 0.000429263 215.51508944669425 263.2314072653539 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index dipped 0.08 of a….. -0.118526444: -0.058945466 233.65116677502084 292.6032758619507 He told the jury Stubbs is a «cold, calculating killer.» 0.048015304: -0.07802546 340.1525110132032 302.0418888840178 Likewise, the 30-year bond <US30YT=RR> slid 1-11/32 for a yi….. -0.16744775: 0.059859976 202.3666120543646 233.83184396883615 A seventh victim, a woman, died Tuesday night in the burn un….. -0.01703367: -0.28903735 298.55451371377205 406.42659140624005 The men were immediately flown to nearby Botswana on a chart….. 0.20107007: 0.052907664 438.0291009938554 237.27105782235014 In exchange, North Korea would be required to end its nuclea….. 0.26466963: 0.07080918 478.70021422166644 228.41542312292938 We condemn and denounce the Governing Council, which is head….. 0.32874316: 0.06321883 519.6744292015828 232.17026379106392 Sendmail said the system can even be set up to permit busine….. -0.052903444: 0.040157493 275.61624661563786 243.57839359120027 Tech stocks were hurt by a sour forecast from Sun Microsyste….. -0.05056527: -0.06666931 277.11147982432084 296.4241550707718 Shares of Coke were up 6 cents at $44.42 in afternoon tradin….. -0.18110897: 0.020660851 193.63043397932412 253.22311651995096 Ernst & Young has denied any wrongdoing and plans to fight t….. 0.15009734: 0.15346178 405.4326840023684 187.52830611516418 Shares of Guidant plummeted in trading both on and off the N….. 0.035478283: 0.06478373 332.13524430669884 231.39613029196062 Three Weeks in October goes on sale Monday, nearly a year af….. 0.052163634: 0.041114256 342.80531599915525 243.10509619016807 Based on a separate survey of households, the unemployment r….. -0.0024201851: 0.0069546322 307.89965277760297 260.003396092931 The judge also refused to postpone the trial date of Sept. 2….. 0.09065414: 0.0017743858 367.41950956549385 262.56599335348517 While opposition parties have welcomed the cabinet’s decisio….. 0.11141137: 0.0006387844 380.6934947916068 263.127759893228 The Rev. Christopher J. Coyne, spokesman for the archdiocese….. 0.04624177: 0.026656805 339.01835939222303 250.25700011821107 Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack were i….. 0.2200068: 0.004162668 450.13889647970774 261.3845428290735 The euro <EUR=> was up 0.67 percent against the dollar at $1….. -0.12866633: 0.03728339 227.16683994322943 245.00017287300938 A coalition of campaign groups, including the militant natio….. 0.31916934: 0.122344576 513.5520939869625 202.92156468612285 Glover spoke at a news conference that included about 20 rel….. 0.27964762: -0.052835185 488.27845066341627 289.5806033057696 Four other men who were also charged in June have already pl….. 0.188959: 0.005882508 430.2842261183172 260.53376126972034 And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit.I was in the wate….. -0.11416245: -0.09054832 236.4418841063823 308.23677761294573 Some 14,000 customers were without power in the area, Oklaho….. 0.0881388: -0.033691358 365.8109776880139 280.1104130437231 The operating revenues were $1.45 billion, an increase over ….. -0.12228444: 0.06019975 231.2479742960155 233.66376312105052 In Canada, the booming dollar will be in focus again as it t….. -0.036123034: 0.14389786 286.3471068472076 192.25944833228283 But the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeat….. 0.01755268: -0.046296798 320.67204738966024 286.34615223536616 The center’s president, Joseph Torsella, was struck on the h….. 0.15632302: -0.10247824 409.41392475394343 314.1383472301974 I don’t know if the person I’m talking to now may end up bei….. -0.003094264: -0.022872934 307.46858780952175 274.7586863792052 Ruffner, 45, doesn’t yet have an attorney in the murder char….. 0.011155131: -0.052801322 316.5808961614642 289.56385179649544 French retirees will increase from one fifth to a third of t….. -0.05044108: 0.032244403 277.1908977624963 247.49289143837547 During the same quarter last year, EDS declared a profit of ….. -0.1036203: -0.012016068 243.18345864000455 269.3879428816755 Microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant….. -0.11024356: -0.022842634 238.94796708992604 274.7436975562479 Under Kansas law, it is illegal for children under the age o….. 0.033731196: 0.014685883 331.0180044637163 256.1788516852091 The transaction will expand Callebaut’s sales revenues from ….. -0.14501132: 0.054514598 216.7144225239068 236.47612960040306 Advancing issues outnumbered decliners about 8 to 5 on the N….. 0.00370102: 0.1272576 311.8140861695109 200.49115841812625 A beauty contest to be held in Italy next week may be the fi….. -0.11161289: -0.009503607 238.07229480751772 268.1450624396561 Boeing’s board is also expected to decide at its December me….. -0.0006411102: 0.092503235 309.0373487415125 217.6836691417568 Bush said resistance forces hostile to the U.S. presence «fe….. 0.34370115: 0.16733013 529.2398775852553 180.6678240844082 Defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed becaus….. 0.05466154: 0.0146858245 344.40269405995895 256.17888071010145 Founded in 1996, the LendingTree exchange consists of more t….. -0.06464748: 0.047788147 268.10608311007275 239.80361328276354 Tuition at four-year private colleges averaged $19,710 this ….. -0.10722752: -0.021100443 240.87668640366385 273.8818591254199 But U.S. troops will not shrink from mounting raids and atta….. 0.25527322: 0.14192241 472.69133252378924 193.23667499212013 Moore had no immediate comment Tuesday. 0.007989642: 0.015863163 314.55660588648954 255.59646722107368 The gloves are off, said UNIFI official Rob O’Neill. 0.08474031: -0.044426303 363.6376891458222 285.4208441971771 Staff writers Selwyn Crawford and Colleen McCain Nelson and ….. 0.10942311: 0.05201879 379.42202639424096 237.71077111942054 The Commerce Commission would have been a significant hurdle….. 0.09202663: 0.15044162 368.29719725347843 189.02234171458957 Prosecutors filed a motion informing Lee they intend to seek….. 0.09849591: -0.025031276 372.4342198034507 275.8263886962011 Certainly what we know suggests that we should take what the….. 0.19211571: 0.0039336006 432.30290017739816 261.4978592336272 Shares of San Diego-based Jack In The Box closed at $21.49, ….. -0.18274271: 0.075975806 192.5856725042526 225.8595629775565 The government has chosen three companies to develop plans t….. 0.2453638: 0.0857581 466.35438282033226 221.0203965612481 Mr Hadley, who has a new partner and child, said: «I am abso….. -0.05839932: 0.043463886 272.1017032801566 241.94276627427604 Two officials initially said about 300 workers had been arre….. 0.18044548: -0.017065806 424.839934325825 271.88597945230975 Fifty-seven senators, including 24 Republicans, have signed ….. 0.13295475: 0.100278184 394.4702117420249 213.83750786959877 Five more human cases of West Nile virus, were reported by t….. 0.052284703: -0.009443227 342.88273758996314 268.11519352190953 Mr. Manuel and his group entered the United States by walkin….. -0.025907759: 0.042797737 292.8796461826075 242.27230108014987 The president began his speech by acknowledging the terroris….. 0.33177596: -0.07054392 521.6138687577477 298.34087418759736 I´m very proud of the citizens of this state, Gov. John Bald….. 0.015758429: 0.014195118 319.52464674017835 256.4216264808523 Among three major candidates, Schwarzenegger is wining the b….. -0.05501536: 0.06406097 274.2657033278543 231.75366905107217 He will replace Ron Dittemore, who announced his resignation….. -0.0012408725: -0.022645267 308.6538082831482 274.64606242565367 Maddox, 87, cracked two ribs when he fell about 10 days ago ….. -0.113348834: -0.08719459 236.96218273461113 306.5777331971934 Graham, a presidential candidate, was criticized by several ….. 0.07393804: -0.019178135 356.7297745661502 272.930919803761 In 2002, Linksys overtook Cisco Systems as the leading wirel….. -0.1303351: 0.029708587 226.09967554376155 248.74732516967066 Mr Howard said he also had faith in the system under which H….. 0.014154664: 0.041068647 318.49905960982557 243.12765820645456 The trial, featuring 125 witnesses, could continue until the….. 0.09733803: 0.035518635 371.6937702767407 245.87317344813596 The additional contribution brings total U.S. food aid to No….. 0.06667669: 0.05540565 352.08623247288205 236.03533823590413 The European Union banned the import of genetically modified….. 0.07551365: -0.011192693 357.73735824048487 268.98063057867097 Annika Sorenstam gets her first opportunity to test that obj….. -0.10680958: -0.0136115365 241.14395395874982 270.1771992710958 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX gained 3 points….. -0.14514835: 0.029315433 216.62679288003227 248.94181314090457 Harris and Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher before t….. 0.28700408: -0.114985295 492.98281702993927 320.3254149024301 We condemn the Governing Council headed by the United States….. 0.27155152: 0.021969343 483.101097671909 252.5758236430786 July 18: Hurlbert files a single count of felony sexual assa….. 0.005596821: -0.058586806 313.0264270697706 292.42585176311775 St. Paul Chairman and Chief Executive Jay S. Fishman, 51, wi….. -0.11980449: -0.043366797 232.83387455059398 284.89672098472766 With the power back on, state workers headed back to their j….. -0.031221384: 0.083433144 289.48164974937856 222.17051943671856 The report was found Oct. 23, tucked inside an old three-rin….. 0.014474425: 0.027000425 318.7035428739997 250.08701560606016 On Saturday, the International Committee of the Red Cross sa….. 0.1726289: 0.050149668 419.8413282742697 238.6354009886973 The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, of which Mr O Mui….. 0.14095908: 0.04398345 399.58888450876276 241.68574578506121 In September, a 27-year-old Singapore researcher contracted ….. 0.0533332: -0.10421215 343.5532387259749 314.99608716194666 A lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to block the removal ….. 0.010521061: 0.0046554967 316.1754160941809 261.1407470943613 Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthou….. 0.0912256: 0.08811251 367.7849507184503 219.85570042556424 AMD’s chip sales jumped 7 percent year-on-year to $402 milli….. -0.13144222: 0.0052261106 225.39169167567272 260.8584721845641 The island nation reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one day….. 0.106699154: -0.055426933 377.68009181999923 290.86270559154707 Cubs outfielder Sammy Sosa was suspended for eight games by ….. -0.081495196: -0.06422768 257.3321822962966 295.2163141237428 Half of the women were given a daily dose of the drug and ha….. 0.03500395: -0.027193539 331.8319138560884 276.8960306131432 The company has expanded into providing other services for b….. -0.035769273: 0.096342005 286.57333254973076 215.78468193056784 A federal magistrate in Fort Lauderdale ordered him held wit….. -0.029211178: -0.042981375 290.7671509440814 284.70605784930217 South Africa has the world’s highest caseload with 4.7 milli….. 0.14764605: -0.046758693 403.86511774461616 286.5746454018566 In that position, Elias will report to Joe Tucci, president ….. 0.041262865: 0.027716119 335.8344116572582 249.73297181255242 Mailblocks was founded five years after WebTV was acquired b….. -0.061583996: 0.048736714 270.06514309215515 239.33437015240276 The state wants to kill the wolves in approximately a 1,700-….. 0.08241116: 0.16484451 362.1482281921172 181.89742540784096 Peterson told police he fished alone in San Francisco Bay on….. -0.16367306: 0.016374724 204.78047713027505 255.34340517431434 The Fed’s Empire State survey far exceeded expectations by j….. -0.023408564: 0.08997672 294.47784970207806 218.93350127583994 Det Chief Insp Norman McKinlay said there was «evidence a bo….. 0.18035501: 0.078068174 424.78208313313667 224.82449661804043 Board Chancellor Robert Bennett declined to comment on perso….. 0.056949954: 0.023301829 345.8661072068424 251.91666096739044 The venture owns five oil refineries and more than 2,100 fil….. 0.13440594: 0.1067263 395.39823215934234 210.64771090494042 Other changes in the plan refine his original vision, Libesk….. 0.073471956: 0.057614785 356.4317184748139 234.94250957642214 There are now 37 active probable cases in the GTA, compared ….. 0.13229209: -0.041004755 394.0464524702655 283.7282506916187 The S&P/TSX composite rose 87.74 points on the week, while t….. -0.15902156: 0.08088031 207.75505376608808 223.43337315105822 In turn SuSE will license Java 2 Standard Edition while also….. -0.096831515: 0.05119204 247.52479948153132 238.11975304480154 The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index fell 3.99, or 0.2 perc….. -0.14467454: 0.011399346 216.9297898119894 257.8046566100067 Sales for the quarter beat expectations, rising 37 percent y….. -0.09493933: 0.081242494 248.7348289784099 223.25420387298618 The company said it would issue revised guidance for the ful….. -0.0039488673: 0.059968572 306.9220798263737 233.7781230395895 We haven’t decided whether to use an unbroken or dotted whit….. -0.11752366: 0.061189383 234.2924326187961 233.17420440892528 Shinseki retires Wednesday after a 38-year career that inclu….. -0.04512363: -0.02888051 280.59133960213666 277.7305524738973 Ross Garber, Rowland’s lawyer, said Tuesday he would attend ….. 0.08329742: 0.043232977 362.7149764396442 242.05699350759306 NASA satellite images show that Arctic ice has been shrinkin….. 0.010005845: 0.07642779 315.8459419501361 225.63597363572813 Biotech products, if anything, may be safer than conventiona….. 0.047071386: -0.01061595 339.5488875140033 268.6953237194092 In Vienna, the IAEA said ElBaradei would accept the invitati….. 0.21938537: 0.09975213 449.7415042397666 214.09774044689556 Druce will face murder charges, Conte said. 0.07866878: -0.0743733 359.75502221450165 300.23521373031656 That compared with $35.18 million, or 24 cents per share, in….. -0.04152117: 0.03860275 282.89506728962806 244.34750348037159 Nick Markakis, a left-hander from Young Harris Junior Colleg….. -0.09750652: -0.09288105 247.0931405822412 309.39074835985343 Some women are also concerned that so many women are turning….. 0.043105613: -0.09946482 337.0128259680815 312.6476471898244 The notification was first reported Friday by MSNBC. 0.16045623: 0.08246851 412.0570600812263 222.6477107804456 There is, however, no photo of Peter Hollingworth in the Jun….. -0.07075335: 0.039381444 264.20145635770945 243.9622943239276 A statement released by DEI said Green would begin driving t….. -0.17978019: 0.046140138 194.48017280416343 240.61886077217565 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -0.0560729: -0.052934114 273.5894204077602 289.62954203847437 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> added 8…… -0.14745437: -0.0046912855 215.15212586087648 265.7644727921783 No Americans were reported among the casualties, according t….. 0.14473033: -0.011343818 402.0005483615615 269.0553899477143 We think they have the right to choose. 0.2127658: 0.064059585 445.508371143022 231.75435459138572 This child was literally neglected to death, Armstrong Count….. 0.052134346: -0.059712328 342.7865865444972 292.9826321258255 Chapman was not immediately arrested and is expected to appe….. -0.050293636: -0.07610724 277.285185868056 301.0929720905689 President Bush raised a record-breaking $49.5 million for hi….. -0.07050832: 0.025307044 264.35814818557486 250.9247080907644 He said European governments «have blocked all new bio-crops….. 0.18486936: 0.05982935 427.66895389224015 233.84699404119516 One question was whether France, which infuriated Washington….. 0.18375568: 0.12356122 426.95676768911994 202.31970820495013 Its legal representatives began meeting with plaintiffs’ att….. 0.10185439: 0.122506775 374.5819274649354 202.84132698383473 Seniors would then have to pay 50 percent of their drug cost….. 0.076224566: -0.047040645 358.1919775167775 286.7141233700554 Government bonds sold off sharply after Greenspan told Congr….. 0.010740608: 0.037488267 316.3158137491263 244.89882347762506 WHO spokeswoman Maria Cheng agreed, saying: «It looks very m….. 0.29527503: 0.02794103 498.27198453223644 249.62171156822671 The priest, the Rev. John F. Johnston, 64, of 35th Avenue in….. -0.034989763: -0.13841394 287.0718190580348 331.9152442141075 The settlement includes $4.1 million in attorneys’ fees and ….. -0.0011098747: 0.010173237 308.7375797564409 258.4111962345175 Some 660 prisoners from 42 countries, including Canada, are ….. 0.30173174: 0.009548012 502.4009645181123 258.7204864083636 I feel confident saying that HP is no longer an integration ….. 0.041408017: 0.06428346 335.9272346630196 231.64360665944486 British police arrested 21 people early Tuesday in connectio….. 0.059122205: -0.17487888 347.2552338382589 349.9539549408762 Eric Gagne pitched a perfect ninth for his 23rd save in as m….. -0.15461087: -0.056750197 210.5756305460229 291.51730629130464 Shares closed on NASDAQ just below their 52-week high, at $3….. -0.06017215: 0.045152236 270.96799952708227 241.10756255890897 Janice Kelly said her husband had received assurances from s….. 0.034744054: -0.00945099 331.66571436432827 268.119033561233 If convicted, they face up to five years in prison and a $25….. 0.14920814: -0.100584365 404.8640537567263 313.20147162064256 U.S. corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty tradin….. -0.038756773: 0.017375518 284.66286385315595 254.84832620409992 Between 1993 and 2002, 142 allegations of sexual assault wer….. 0.14178912: -0.014192622 400.1196842100179 270.46465443310086 Smith said simply «Oh, my God,» in the seconds afterward, ac….. -0.04055826: 0.023397168 283.51083563235966 251.86949782095485 A second victim, Michael Walker, 23, was struck in the torso….. 0.080728285: -0.2167378 361.0720492599062 370.6609949671436 Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Satur….. 0.08251944: -0.06388622 362.2174714290913 295.0473984647689 Five alternate jurors were also chosen, with a final one set….. 0.02507968: -0.019773142 325.48546959125525 273.22526169735664 The California Farm Bureau did not immediately return calls ….. 0.00094333116: 0.0985803 310.050578968538 214.6774274388968 Wall Street analysts had expected 22 cents a share, accordin….. -0.03606804: 0.037645154 286.38227400692045 244.8212136798722 The legal ruling follows three days of intense speculation H….. 0.01301799: 0.11301197 317.77217059421673 207.53827695639086 Enron spokesman Eric Thode declined to comment on the mediat….. 0.12784888: 0.04467222 391.20507365547 241.34501934928392 Labor Department analysts think the payroll statistics from ….. -0.002213831: -0.019251535 308.03161360175835 272.9672294833242 The parents want her kept alive; her husband says she never ….. 0.024532938: -0.091748975 325.13583484018835 308.83072458060855 Earlier, he told France Inter-Radio, «I think we can now qua….. 0.19357437: -0.006679523 433.23569467600976 266.7480266481822 Mr McDevitt has been granted control of three crucial aspect….. 0.031457454: 0.05108754 329.5639751023706 238.17144868156277 Officials with North Carolina Speedway at Rockingham could n….. 0.02410219: 0.07704099 324.8603770198882 225.33262941839172 They said the child was taken to Nassau County Medical Cente….. -0.015459271: -0.030061334 299.5613219572378 278.3146899493856 Tisha Kresler, a spokeswoman for Global Crossing, declined t….. 0.08294971: 0.047734708 362.49262431805136 239.83004897039154 Gov. Rick Perry has said that while he opposes gambling expa….. 0.029483633: 0.035133746 328.3017415982866 246.06357305596777 But she didn’t say whether she’ll certify the two-year $117…… 0.059041888: 0.045863625 347.20387196565304 240.75564817892888 Although obesity can increase the risk of health problems, s….. -0.026484625: -0.049119867 292.51074715589925 287.7426863108445 Michelle Wie chips Sunday during her 1-up victory over Virad….. -0.13002951: -0.098832816 226.29509841637773 312.335003949848 Sony said the PSP would also feature a 4.5-inch LCD screen, ….. -0.03486865: -0.004362448 287.1492692361559 265.60180140110725 At one of the three sampling sites at Huntington Beach, the ….. -0.068794556: 0.084117316 265.45408095116466 221.83206892106818 Carnival Corp. stock was trading at $31.29 during midday tra….. -0.175931: 0.03010148 196.94167387286734 248.55296619795814 Cisco pared spending to compensate for sluggish sales. -0.0047762305: 0.063982055 306.3929914927083 231.7927079919374 Sterling was down 0.8 percent against the dollar at $1.5875 ….. -0.16506505: -0.02260656 203.8903158446576 274.6269142895576 The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI rose 41.61 points, or ….. -0.12790602: 0.030078081 227.65304343598817 248.56454114072505 Right from the beginning, we didn’t want to see anyone take ….. 0.054033153: 0.024550471 344.0008493459964 251.29897440209618 There were a number of bureaucratic and administrative misse….. 0.14714156: 0.028750367 403.54250038674144 249.2213431251722 DeVries did make one stop in town Wednesday – registering as….. -0.052851114: 0.009346111 275.6497104479428 258.8203642877793 At 5 p.m. EDT, Grace’s center was near latitude 25.6 north, ….. -0.082816504: 0.024537208 256.48722231730363 251.3055358706078 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX climbed 10 poin….. -0.14579742: 0.023694176 216.211724151467 251.72257197324763 October heating oil futures settled .85 cent lower at 69.89 ….. -0.068824: -0.012698611 265.4352514409107 269.72558761102994 Mr. Bankhead said the crime scenes indicated that the killer….. 0.0265081: -0.18707311 326.3989259636665 355.9862747872812 The Ministry of Defence is facing a 20m compensation claim f….. 0.20731482: -0.02531708 442.0225389990364 275.9677721716154 Shares of USA Interactive rose $2.28, or 7 percent, to $34.9….. -0.03311305: 0.095142245 288.27195258001524 216.3781866141574 The woman was hospitalized June 15, Kansas health officials ….. 0.018352032: -0.18098126 321.18322309158367 352.97272065441024 Blue chips edged lower by midday on Wednesday as a wave of p….. -0.10211626: -0.020889608 244.14527402600413 273.7775620909724 Two Kuwaitis and six Palestinians with Jordanian passports w….. 0.40594667: -0.05361269 569.0451001563036 289.9652245929663 Fewer than 10 FBI offices have conducted investigations invo….. 0.25232026: 0.033253085 470.8029499088901 246.9939102326398 Toronto yesterday had 64 probable cases of SARS and nine sus….. 0.12442057: 0.021799488 389.01271261086265 252.65984840274382 The Nasdaq composite index rose 13.70, or 0.8 per cent, to 1….. -0.14019158: 0.05245177 219.79658274816512 237.49658215699895 Toll, Australia’s second-largest transport company, last wee….. -0.10052299: 0.06729866 245.16414968902856 230.15202942232662 With all precincts reporting, Fletcher — a three-term congre….. -0.062166143: 0.046823785 269.69286718908245 240.28067009841834 On the upside, Coca-Cola Co. (nyse: KO – news – people) repo….. -0.115009844: 0.019681094 235.89998776307718 253.70778891449197 But other sources close to the sale said Vivendi was keeping….. 0.03972527: 0.14456393 334.85113911047193 191.9299540691157 The fines are part of failed Republican efforts to force or ….. 0.19552553: 0.10944397 434.48343560347047 209.3033184359972 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. -0.13709864: 0.041017037 221.77448176960596 243.15318905458264 The Episcopal Church »is alienating itself from the Anglica….. -0.019922582: -0.032744233 296.7070907629104 279.64188309643043 Counties with population declines will be Vermillion, Posey ….. 0.069245495: 0.09268323 353.72895001232365 217.5946263007105 Swartz, indicted in February, had argued that New Hampshire ….. 0.060282815: -0.013933308 347.9974295733465 270.33637546620673 Plofsky said the commission won’t investigate because the th….. 0.09124157: 0.063231796 367.795161153793 232.16385067200184 If convicted of the spying charges, he could face the death ….. 0.15771371: -0.066227905 410.3032570074798 296.2057994238102 But church members and observers say they expect that the de….. 0.1459635: 0.012986055 402.78914845270157 257.01973368307904 Squyres is principal investigator for the Athena payload – a….. 0.01719852: 0.056953263 320.4455667835949 235.26975556221691 Police launched an international hunt for Shevaun Pennington….. -0.110319056: 0.08015163 238.89968788258693 223.7938383564544 Lawyers and others familiar with the federal investigation s….. 0.069851324: 0.1060356 354.1163700445316 210.9893937800261 Shares in EDS closed on Thursday at $18.51, a gain of 6 cent….. -0.0715862: 0.009498103 263.6688604202788 258.74517599532743 A divided Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress can force….. 0.018337246: -0.0013253057 321.1737678377631 264.0993684511427 The weakness exists in the way that VBA looks at the propert….. -0.067905545: -0.0034225618 266.02259208300194 265.136852457492 However, we have decided to opt for the European consortium’….. -0.026428819: 0.10668627 292.5464348429388 210.66751417432 The Dodgers won their sixth consecutive game their longest w….. -0.11757459: 0.03984976 234.25986690457893 243.73062592636126 The 30-year bond US30YT=RR firmed 31/32, taking its yield to….. -0.051610693: 0.06536365 276.44294406608736 231.10925009925074 Excluding the charges, analysts, on average, expected a loss….. -0.016161053: -0.0057044374 299.1125416396537 266.2656651879239 Security experts are warning that a new mass-mailing worm is….. -0.0054670875: 0.07511475 305.9511971997725 226.28551571139803 Only New Jersey now bans holders of learners permits or inte….. -0.019321138: -0.051643662 297.0917068561547 288.99117316420484 The American decision provoked an angry reaction from the Eu….. 0.20264976: 0.04891805 439.0392908782379 239.24466572809695 Ms. Cripps-Prawak left last Friday, two days after the depar….. 0.0023658618: -0.017666005 310.96026933467397 272.1828893578056 During 2001 and 2002, Morgenthau said, wire transfers from j….. -0.036258057: 0.06775884 286.2607612501483 229.92438212412623 The bill says that a woman who undergoes such an abortion co….. 0.08572102: -0.08356637 364.2648423860113 304.7829001995533 I came basically to Washington to establish relationships an….. 0.043772478: 0.10813626 337.43927721182814 209.95022523573067 Linda Saunders pleaded guilty in federal court to six charge….. 0.016705737: -0.06547693 320.1304381106246 295.83430291648716 Microsoft has identified the freely distributed Linux softwa….. 0.005473991: 0.018298522 312.94787866236976 254.3917287125334 Spin and manipulative public relations and propaganda are no….. 0.25511858: 0.10770537 472.5924394785381 210.163380359131 Another shooting linked to the spree occurred Nov. 11 at Ham….. 0.16304967: -0.048121545 413.71553399475954 287.24883007180756 Dusty had battled kidney cancer for more than a year. -0.063180044: 0.028732039 269.04449025116395 249.23040994867375 Kadyrov was not injured, but four of his bodyguards were amo….. 0.34106693: -0.04817105 527.5553225130351 287.27331970951326 The officials did not say whether U.S. forces crossed into S….. 0.25393882: 0.2317964 471.83800122659886 148.77724058184788 Druce is still being held at the prison and is now in isolat….. 0.05866845: 0.014705576 346.96506308079665 256.1691099177833 Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, turned himself in in June; h….. 0.2885559: -0.063021936 493.9751779600275 294.6198498225631 Google’s investors include prominent VC firms Kleiner Perkin….. -0.053025216: 0.0661263 275.53837477464805 230.73197809907117 The government recently shelved peace talks with the MILF, b….. 0.4003692: 0.025543284 565.4783754452397 250.8078437386606 The company posted a profit of $54.3 million, or 22 cents pe….. -0.17320669: 0.0067792167 198.6838419101664 260.0901717673893 The union had not yet revealed which chain would be targeted….. 0.1229284: 0.133041 388.0584919210536 197.63019229052514 The updated products include Pylon Pro, Pylon Conduit, Pylon….. -0.07122941: 0.0048232186 263.89702053099097 261.05777736649577 Turkish authorities have said all the suicide bombers were T….. 0.14655602: -0.06199012 403.1680542301463 294.1094245164321 In April, it had forecast operating earnings in the range of….. -0.13015738: 0.08972921 226.21332917169664 219.05594025011692 Additionally, the h2210’s cradle has room to charge a second….. -0.0963113: 0.06511981 247.85747004452642 231.22987570882742 Close co-operation between law-enforcement agencies and inte….. 0.25709876: 0.12467523 473.8587431013302 201.76862224968545 In 2006, the group says the market will rebound 29.6 percent….. -0.0010213484: 0.121114746 308.7941911977602 203.52994485737594 Captain Robert Ramsey of the US 1st Armoured Division said a….. 0.19913708: 0.05325089 436.7929760446334 237.10126865233156 The figures are becoming catastrophic, said Dr. Patrick Pell….. 0.1322413: -0.052010413 394.0139677534355 289.1725999339007 Whatever has happened to you by way of punishment is certain….. -0.014339746: -0.11397032 300.2772441648438 319.8233192796787 Yes, from today Flash memory purchased from AMD or Fujitsu w….. -0.013960967: 0.041271348 300.51946863805125 243.02738503564842 A tropical storm rapidly developed in the Gulf of Mexico Sun….. -0.06876492: -0.03647909 265.47303433977567 281.4894658412063 The pressure may well rise on Thursday, with national covera….. 0.005380904: 0.023375815 312.88835064509516 251.88006103890422 Pataki praised Abraham’s decision, and LIPA Chairman Richard….. 0.020394923: 0.028120808 322.4896263767431 249.53277745534848 London-based NCRI official Ali Safavi told Reuters: «We cond….. 0.38806173: 0.030689243 557.6079069739787 248.26220772678096 It exploded in his hands, but the former Italian prime minis….. 0.08789849: -0.114653006 365.65730658623676 320.1610363409076 But Forest, the Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy ….. 0.06764298: 0.08550016 352.7041615400317 221.14799551637964 OPEC producers at a meeting on Wednesday are set to pressure….. 0.08369378: -0.06583113 362.96844585158857 296.0095211235048 Richard Miller remained hospitalized after undergoing a live….. -0.09694273: -0.13358897 247.4536790109944 329.52839924162504 The proportion of people covered by employers dropped from 6….. 0.012797522: -0.053535156 317.6311845170759 289.9268693495643 A spokesman said: «Since November, we have co-operated fully….. 0.25115305: 0.22205968 470.0565351628385 153.5938615675226 Women who eat potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during ….. 0.04229365: -0.104967386 336.49358507043877 315.3696918900189 The leading actress nod went to energetic newcomer Marissa J….. -0.06582643: 0.0001134013 267.35215942977004 263.38765973526387 Allegiant shares rose $4, or $17.2 percent, to $27.43 in Thu….. -0.0973145: 0.10198981 247.21593738582854 212.99078818267452 The ADRs fell 10 cents to $28.95 at 10:06 a.m. in New York S….. -0.08082432: 0.021638552 257.76119686912136 252.73946137877846 Bremer said one initiative is to launch a $70 million nation….. 0.037935626: 0.01945936 333.7066841453813 253.81747812893246 The Nasdaq composite index added 30.46 points, or 2 percent,….. -0.14984953: 0.018324828 213.62044621021772 254.37871542510328 The British Foreign Office said Monday that coalition author….. 0.29162696: 0.0856173 495.93908825623913 221.09004893138314 Americans don’t cut and run, we have to see this misadventur….. 0.20598656: 0.057479672 441.17313369285034 235.00934791414113 There is no doubt about the chemical programme, biological p….. 0.1994478: 0.076431826 436.9916769291562 225.63397598599732 Ridge said no real explosives or harmful devices will be use….. 0.122333944: 0.0014369134 387.67834259548727 262.73293635638555 This is America, my friends, and it should not happen here,»….. 0.23189126: -0.017154098 457.7388622649459 271.92965592596795 On May 1, he crawled through a narrow, winding canyon, rappe….. -0.11899615: 0.019735925 233.35079511132028 253.680664922275 Amnesty International has said that over the past 20 years i….. 0.2992578: 0.04809826 500.81892355080754 239.6502052091078 Texas Instruments climbed $1.37 to $19.25 yesterday and Nove….. -0.114692494: 0.045977186 236.10292909904885 240.6994707302254 She asked to be excused from last week’s Cabinet session to ….. 0.18125911: 0.005308178 425.36024248315823 260.81787465305325 The film is the second of a trilogy, which will wrap up in N….. 0.034019865: 0.05646799 331.20260465603343 235.5098126143725 In addition, the Justice Department said that the FBI has co….. 0.21547525: 0.009610036 447.2410291341502 258.68980387220734 A Royal Duty is based on his experiences with Diana, Princes….. 0.07704259: 0.01875534 358.7150919953505 254.16574735100892 SARS went on to claim the lives of 44 people in the Toronto ….. 0.15491474: -0.041810226 408.51334815723914 284.1267062560564 He had been arrested twice before for trespassing and barred….. 0.04928174: -0.036555238 340.96238006531837 281.52713554429477 Oracle Corp’s Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison didn’t rule out….. -0.010767153: -0.05582705 302.56187195374446 291.0606387714265 The Portuguese weather service said Europe’s heatwave was ca….. -0.028529271: 0.03829788 291.20322181869915 244.49831866364792 Spending taxpayer dollars to create terrorism betting parlor….. 0.21003655: 0.0054844245 443.76304897217335 260.7306877926206 Still, the «somewhat ambiguous ruling» might be a setback fo….. 0.02099633: 0.09585904 322.8742186472264 216.0235964155342 The monkeys could track their progress by watching a schemat….. -0.21182027: 0.087355 173.9909403239286 220.23042929232258 That triggered a 47-hour police standoff that inconvenienced….. 0.12160502: 0.09721436 387.21220263199973 215.35313798890041 Agriculture ministers from more than one hundred nations are….. 0.08036479: 0.035720825 360.8396010522232 245.77315274782165 Complicating the situation is the presence of battle-hardene….. 0.30804774: 0.0803581 506.4399707004363 223.69170022113946 This year the Audubon Society once again hosts its annual Ch….. -0.1281253: 0.16417629 227.51282266504282 182.22798852418515 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -0.04101276: -0.03618503 283.22018841967844 281.34399860951567 Cisco executives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion i….. -0.023065347: 0.13250373 294.6973323721146 197.89596816153994 A poll showed that the FBI bugging of the mayor had given a ….. 0.035128675: 0.02722773 331.91167484202145 249.97457133041337 The injured passenger at John Peter Smith Hospital died late….. -0.16142432: -0.20449668 206.21851427219576 364.60547732109677 Is it in the food supply?» says David Ropeik, director of ri….. 0.037293576: 0.03871321 333.2961012427028 244.29286112597237 Such a step could put the issue before the UN Security Counc….. 0.44121927: 0.09075386 591.6014812495982 218.5490605879732 He planned to stay all day until the river crested, which wa….. -0.1115213: 0.112647116 238.13086544758676 207.7187657152814 Gemstar’s shares gathered up 2.6 percent, adding 14 cents to….. -0.18434829: 0.03405003 191.55893056556283 246.59967295255063 Its shares jumped to $54.50 in pre-open trading from $50.90 ….. -0.19141366: 0.11513631 187.0407152530947 206.4873952555556 The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> was off 58.69 points….. -0.06943139: -0.011551518 265.0468356172951 269.15813622363 His lawyer, Pamela MacKey, said Bryant expects to be complet….. -0.004865932: -0.039467152 306.33562866661936 282.9676197567016 It was the best advance since Oct. 1, when the index gained ….. -0.06104769: 0.104039066 270.4081027056041 211.97705097259075 Scientists believed Stardust trapped thousands of particles ….. -0.056516048: 0.03330698 273.3060319903401 246.96724971727457 The report by the independent expert committee aims to dissi….. 0.18564816: 0.044213127 428.1669830035339 241.57212669234485 The drop in core wholesale prices in April reflected falling….. 0.0009700489: -0.006236049 310.0676646154675 266.5286461460946 I notice a mood change in their priorities, one politician s….. 0.22443905: 0.07326227 452.97327140278423 227.20191356836153 Heather, 35, who lost a leg in a road accident, is thought t….. -0.05909346: -0.10073715 271.6578090108431 313.2770505973591 Rusch has also allowed five or more earned runs in each of h….. -0.07235214: 0.009571524 263.17905016151235 258.7088552586624 The New York Mets then selected outfielder Lastings Milledge….. -0.1176132: -0.030165749 234.23517699513147 278.36634227916466 Florida Sen. Bob Graham was not identifiable by 61 percent o….. 0.021102266: -0.06574476 322.9419634325368 295.9667927963286 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX rose 3.47 point….. -0.137512: 0.03354799 221.5101444141167 246.84802467392984 The House voted 425 to 2 to clear the bill, the first of 13 ….. -0.017319936: 0.012407011 298.37145008953615 257.30617850240435 The procedure is generally performed in the second or third ….. -0.052717652: -0.1294562 275.7350578713185 327.4839779700509 With diplomacy heating up in the nearly 10-month-old nuclear….. 0.0072104605: 0.036497038 314.05832901848186 245.38917092968086 No. 2 HP saw its Unix server sales dropped 3.6 percent to $1….. -0.07701088: 0.016445803 260.19984714552305 255.30824359049132 People are obviously inconvenienced, said Dr. Jim Young, Ont….. 0.09422492: -0.0053704334 369.7029783770743 266.10043799383584 The others were given copies of «Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolu….. 0.05500128: 0.035250388 344.61995525753696 246.0058715700619 The rapper’s lawyer, Mark Gann, didn’t return calls for comm….. 0.05251751: -0.06515593 343.0316155522373 295.6755081913893 Also weighing on the market was news that General Motors GM…… -0.011637057: 0.04163859 302.00557951599785 242.84571500971225 Russin did not comment; his lawyer did not attend the hearin….. 0.086432636: 0.066772535 364.71990953020986 230.41229517092887 Licensing revenue slid 21 percent, however, to $107.6 millio….. -0.1263437: 0.0020859775 228.65213191376841 262.41185320754573 Hispanics, the fastest growing ethnic group in the US, have ….. -0.061746944: -0.022814387 269.9609399534885 274.7297241438088 The American Stock Exchange biotech index .BTK surged 5 perc….. -0.102066435: 0.046976745 244.1771345864972 240.20500266488716 State Education Commissioner Kent King said Wednesday that t….. 0.0062287604: -0.00078192836 313.43054417734305 263.8305671094339 Agents found more than 1,000 credit cards and credit card du….. 0.008252323: 0.0557456 314.72458672519963 235.8671689313038 Officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him, and Rey….. -0.0383131: -0.058343016 284.94658817150537 292.30525195344535 Officials are trying to retrieve the bodies from the water,»….. 0.24344401: -0.043426763 465.1267006575905 284.92638534609034 This is an easy case in my view and wholly without merit, bo….. 0.123058796: -0.015084364 388.141876348927 270.9057871856188 The WiFi potties were to be unveiled this summer, at music f….. -0.071196295: 0.056599848 263.9181989654745 235.4445849278202 Shiites make up 20 percent of the country’s population. 0.22021793: -0.021775786 450.2739143596619 274.215942085847 The CWA, which represents more than 2,300 Comcast employees,….. -0.0051642326: -0.027106903 306.1448690994589 276.8531732864456 GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. Annika Sorenstam drew the crowds, Mi….. -0.093181774: 0.004788127 249.85876301721908 261.0751367860144 British Airways’ New York-to-London runs will end in October….. 0.041462526: 0.06189058 335.96209212684 232.8273320673802 The only other person who had not been accounted for Sunday ….. -0.0015894056: -0.07296447 308.43092580733963 299.538284601899 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> gave up 11.91….. -0.090966955: -0.017454574 251.2751119175719 272.0782974673093 AFTRA members approved the merger by a vote of 75.88% to 24…… -0.0029637918: 0.10258706 307.5520231585467 212.69533873604553 On Sunday, a U.S. soldier was killed and another injured in ….. 0.23140594: -0.10891795 457.4285088644078 317.3239830388667 I’m real excited to be a Cleveland Cavalier, James said. -0.11647416: 0.0010347746 234.96357696935354 262.93186893702114 According to law enforcement officials, the person arrested ….. 0.14273924: -0.17805159 400.72726943436356 351.52345157459854 Wells’ other series include NBC’s ER and Third Watch. 0.023856945: 0.08524362 324.7035458288712 221.27490155979638 Five-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor Lance Ar….. 0.006830598: -0.035482276 313.81541189849986 280.99635595654297 She survives him as do their four children — sons Anthony a….. 0.0023742667: -0.019043123 310.9656441962208 272.86413122300024 Police using pepper spray arrested 12 people Monday night at….. 0.118373714: -0.03111148 385.1458258763946 278.8341830004432 The department ordered an 18.2 percent reduction for Allstat….. -0.032867372: 0.10884963 288.42906130619724 209.59733045938816 Colgate shares closed Monday at $56.30 on the New York Stock….. -0.14862412: 0.04194518 214.40408163797596 242.69404842959494 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> was 0.46 poin….. -0.09389309: -0.025382012 249.4038864551082 275.9998930524349 The index, which measures activity in the service sector, cl….. -0.12292202: 0.0346322 230.8402525069269 246.31168152110672 Bush plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ….. 0.104892574: 0.06352831 376.52480702778126 232.01717084481038 Still, he noted Miami must decide whether to seek ACC member….. 0.022974715: 0.03580616 324.13937043952666 245.7309385758806 Argentine Guillermo Coria and Netherlander Martin Verkerk ar….. 0.032123122: 0.009920595 329.9896616354908 258.536174656515 This led to the recovery of the 270-kilogram Cancuen altar, ….. -0.069736674: 0.056196146 264.85160809131867 235.64429092969328 In a not-too-subtle swipe at Dean, he predicted Americans wo….. 0.10531242: 0.03629438 376.7932943082278 245.4894238291336 Her lawyer Donald Levine told The Telegraph she had been off….. -0.0024584446: -0.020800548 307.87518635543165 273.7335050687262 Perry has called lawmakers into two special sessions to addr….. 0.0035635096: 0.03219464 311.72614995648144 247.51750823275222 AirTran officials and a Boeing official declined to comment ….. 0.19496772: 0.09233935 434.12672311012574 217.7647398123828 Negotiators said Friday they made good progress during their….. 0.0385015: 0.12957987 334.06855426647155 199.34236239487552 It’s very difficult to do large syndicated loans in Japan, w….. 0.010870198: -0.084540695 316.39868479650124 305.26488663977455 The case comes out of Illinois and involves a for-profit com….. -0.006261003: -0.04574364 305.443498132025 286.0725129220991 Another said its members would continue to call the more tha….. 0.12700579: 0.10851407 390.6659264587784 209.76332704347868 Veteran entertainer Bob Hope celebrates his 100th birthday -….. -0.15570195: 0.009948498 209.87789999424652 258.5223717077291 A floating airfield with a flight deck covering 4.5 acres, t….. -0.095860876: 0.09029645 248.14551104715983 218.77533680554654 Im very proud of the citizens of this state, said Gov. John ….. 0.022011949: -0.014435013 323.5236938144247 270.5845617917711 They reported symptoms of fever, headache, rash and muscle a….. 0.06466379: 0.015599367 350.7990077014245 255.7269635975975 Thanks to the euro’s rise against the Japanese currency, the….. -0.07829159: 0.0013676952 259.3808492114122 262.7671776668374 For the year, it expects sales of $94 million and a profit o….. -0.10973991: 0.05953672 239.27004605340326 233.9917536183686 He explained that he found Antetonitrus when he came to Wits….. -0.121742815: 0.014006104 231.59433818200407 256.51512901963713 The bodies of some of the dead, pulled out from under the tr….. 0.028244045: 0.049644057 327.5090404188493 238.88552000351922 Garner said the self-proclaimed mayor of Baghdad, Mohammed M….. 0.12920024: -0.046691693 392.0692490734444 286.54150173911773 Enron company executives engaged in widespread and pervasive….. 0.07187463: 0.03174459 355.41025089539824 247.74014297812244 Customers that pay the $1,219 entrance fee get SMS 2003 with….. -0.0045867115: 0.044897567 306.5141865134063 241.23354349147252 Results of the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey released yeste….. -0.00022580202: 0.041236088 309.3029330603394 243.04482761378705 ONA explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence m….. 0.28707427: 0.042625237 493.027699111567 242.3576342635318 Bryant previously said that hike had a greater impact on dem….. 0.05283234: 0.1073648 343.23294408729276 210.33185373403165 Judge Leroy Millette Jr. can reduce the punishment to life i….. 0.13043015: -0.15214305 392.85576229072524 338.7068478718566 A spokeswoman at Strong Memorial Hospital said Doud was in s….. -0.10903037: -0.0115915425 239.72378388754078 269.177935807309 Ray Brent Marsh, 29, faces multiple counts of burial service….. -0.043539662: -0.08033486 281.60426672175214 303.1843160166138 Ricky Clemons’ brief, troubled Missouri basketball career is….. -0.075638615: -0.023312809 261.0773918969419 274.9762864575417 The former president also gave numerous speeches in 2002 wit….. 0.0918639: -0.0045338776 368.19313466910137 265.686605225739 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX was down 0.04 p….. -0.087324806: -0.028754974 253.6042203745783 277.6684511828878 Dubbed Project Mad Hatter, the Linux-based desktop is being ….. -0.05374034: 0.005093893 275.0810611440921 260.92387839723966 A key figure in former state Treasurer Paul Silvester’s brib….. -0.081333235: -0.07306277 257.43575413179815 299.58691373575243 Yahoo accounts for 159,354 of the BSD sites, with 152,054 fr….. 0.03466908: 0.07951998 331.6177686756425 224.1063083685022 He is suspected of being a key figure in Jemaah Islamiyah, t….. 0.29976562: -0.114711665 501.1436563698545 320.1900538618131 The issue has been resolved, Marlins President David Samson ….. 0.019746346: 0.052335218 322.07486972634626 237.5542394144975 He wounded a security guard and then fled, stabbing two pass….. 0.03448351: -0.1669769 331.49910035652755 346.04495247331107 Congratulations on being named Time magazine’s Person of the….. 0.012351792: -0.112975806 317.3461457778911 319.33134827650395 It will also give Microsoft an opportunity to comment on rem….. 0.048539806: 0.10004749 340.4879235759836 213.95162821759806 Six Democrats are vying to succeed Jacques and have qualifie….. 0.030020047: 0.05135916 328.64477148888034 238.03708093726027 Halliburton on Tuesday reiterated its contention that KBR ha….. 0.1381472: 0.089909755 397.7907234541294 218.96662835292608 The Cleveland Cavaliers won the right to draft James by winn….. -0.07130674: -0.057002544 263.8475692438132 291.64213912812806 Among the workers, the researchers found short workers had w….. 0.051475674: -0.07237808 342.3653739258832 299.2482052210593 Ballmer has been vocal in the past warning that Linux is a t….. 0.05743865: 0.02208865 346.1786213317987 252.51680359777936 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index was up 4.83 poin….. -0.13538617: 0.0426822 222.86958550311473 242.32945523951514 Stanford (46-15) plays South Carolina (44-20) today in a fir….. -0.08588901: 0.061396625 254.52239246251943 233.07168480359712 The same survey a month ago had Street leading Katz 42 perce….. 0.0075334627: 0.052465692 314.26488486285854 237.48969542540846 But they don’t realize that until it’s too late (of course) ….. 0.18175933: -0.08943444 425.680124988076 307.68575431459146 Arthur Benson, attorney for the case’s plaintiff schoolchild….. 0.0034724115: 0.02465157 311.6678939257492 251.2489622090887 The euro has slipped nearly four percent since matching a re….. -0.14951096: -0.020170014 213.83695699082594 273.42158883319513 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. -0.13368204: 0.033171896 223.95935293817098 247.03407331219114 With the Expose feature, all open windows shrink to fit on t….. -0.1042342: 0.05583539 242.7908738332229 235.8227525532481 Instead, prosecutors dismissed charges and Rucker left the c….. -0.011961563: -0.01652761 301.7980624232169 271.61974102586834 He arrives later this week on the first state visit by a US ….. 0.10603552: 0.054372888 377.25570839190294 236.54623162601257 The volatile mix could drag the session beyond the four days….. 0.11289083: 0.060818385 381.6395919199323 233.35773202796906 More than 100 police officers were involved in the busts tha….. 0.132: 0.019657139 393.8596629662172 253.71963936337949 Stripping out the extraordinary items, fourth-quarter earnin….. -0.08529692: -0.02834184 254.9010266604894 277.46407908404194 But at age 15, she had reached 260 pounds and a difficult de….. -0.10806641: -0.08291614 240.34022641440728 304.46124173588385 Among those waiting a turn was Jodie Singer, a sixth-grader ….. 0.030690594: -0.016127942 329.0735776125468 271.42203083087577 Both are being held in the Armstrong County Jail. 0.046103947: 0.059999175 338.9302223235403 233.76298402433235 The confusion capped a tumultuous week for the list, which i….. 0.06856207: -0.0019145733 353.29190716905913 264.39087108830876 Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructurin….. -0.034108408: 0.08953747 287.635434612497 219.15079175532514 Named in the complaint were former chief executive officers ….. 0.1839051: 0.042346686 427.0523160187339 242.49542970940195 Chera Larkins, 32, of Manhattan, charged with three sham mar….. -0.00078246434: -0.09681565 308.94695454067596 311.3371410522931 Mr Morse is charged with assault and Mr Darvish is charged w….. 0.024827957: -0.0048568416 325.3244956221092 265.84637113294764 The third appointment was to a new job, executive vice presi….. 0.055235963: 0.060061015 344.7700315046869 233.73239270926615 Richard Grasso quit as chairman last week after losing the s….. -0.0072368006: -0.04815507 304.8194880073586 287.265413881704 The new servers will run either Linux or the x86 version of ….. -0.02313123: 0.042250462 294.65520062823833 242.54303053278505 Mr. Sweeney outlined plans for the campaign in a speech last….. 0.023207722: 0.115138 324.2883758535719 206.48655860151706 It seemed like an isolated incident,» said Ariel Dean of Was….. 0.16981143: 0.010347456 418.039593805494 258.3250125757197 The jury awarded TVT about $23 million in compensatory damag….. 0.0028700028: -0.061935574 311.2826611207809 294.0824415022635 TVT Records sought $360 million in punitive damages and $30 ….. 0.029373568: -0.05819554 328.2313560599249 292.23229719556343 The two Democrats on the five-member FCC panel held a news c….. 0.093579724: 0.12589374 369.2903824510955 201.16584065765954 Besides battling its sales slump, Siebel also has been sparr….. 0.006975111: 0.030775646 313.90782604612644 248.21946557822747 Stanford (51-17) and Rice (57-12) will play for the national….. -0.07141286: 0.0810595 263.7797077269741 223.34472836567784 A cost analysis is under way, said Michael Rebell, CFE’s exe….. 0.022330305: 0.0370937 323.727278364942 245.09401081054978 At least 11 more cases in Indiana and three in Illinois are ….. 0.15878832: -0.014769158 410.99045789891676 270.74985901417074 They drive around in their cars, while people are being kill….. 0.25163692: 0.010086423 470.36596424025186 258.45414201802964 He’ll be swept over any minute or just die of the cold, Mori….. -0.011826305: -0.022826312 301.8845581036703 274.7356231076357 LURD’s Ja’neh also called for an interim government and the ….. 0.3312151: 0.14922197 521.2552123271095 189.62568353310832 KEDO Spokesman, Roland Tricot said: «The executive board dec….. 0.124503456: 0.07516136 389.065718253974 226.26245796837947 Prosecutors did an about-face in May and asked that the auto….. 0.08682879: -0.015155222 364.97324553469286 270.9408395805613 Hotly contested legislation that would change the state’s ta….. -0.046778027: 0.066542715 279.5333731706711 230.52598429195683 However, other unions including the powerful CGT remained op….. 0.18451452: 0.11305243 427.4420373296495 207.5182636020765 The committee was appointed by Defense Secretary Donald Rums….. 0.17012592: 0.121930644 418.2407055534248 203.12633115493395 spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the osce. 0.08783034: 0.07350494 365.61372522735684 227.08186661378073 the treaty was first signed in 1990. 0.19562021: 0.20666996 434.5439835326983 161.2069489201166 gorgich and pashtoon were executed in prison. 0.16036071: -0.062450632 411.9959785221533 294.3372339854594 ingo kober stated there is larger interest in intellectual p….. 0.07959479: 0.10083085 360.34719411251336 213.56410996972164 the united states government and other nato members have ref….. 0.34482944: 0.19462226 529.9614023106674 167.16677840691665 russia would not immediately increase military strength alon….. 0.24759121: 0.20985475 467.7787838138858 159.63147408000412 brazilian police surrounding slums north of rio de janeiro t….. 0.20847109: 0.056050412 442.7619593824733 235.71638323363237 the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number o….. 0.28705055: 0.13873905 493.0125287773948 194.81144217771543 national, regional and international efforts to end the illi….. 0.34843692: 0.11358364 532.2683413063347 207.2554805199573 russian officials have called for a conference on the conven….. 0.23596244: 0.21085744 460.3423279306966 159.13545986325983 russian president putin signs decree suspending russia’s app….. 0.2695871: 0.15108478 481.84487584155045 188.70417729509876 nato regrets russia’s decision to suspend participation in t….. 0.32916868: 0.18204026 519.9465423062458 173.39092422728976 human rights violations in myanmar include summary execution….. 0.3414161: -0.017933672 527.7786084868571 272.31530091650916 general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that the state….. 0.16121757: 0.051965624 412.54393061129156 237.7370722789762 alstom is in competition with japanese and german countries ….. 0.12860818: 0.141376 391.6906386982353 193.50697690348454 russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east. 0.3176569: 0.16921513 512.584908950645 179.735341829981 the deal has been in process for several years. 0.111918084: 0.1907642 381.01753198603404 169.07530789698586 french energy and transport company alstom may sign a contra….. -0.012911747: 0.13442321 301.1904313400564 196.94642848468789 no other drug has become as integral in decades. 0.069014736: 0.024217289 353.58138230190167 251.46379524769196 the international atomic energy agency reached an agreement ….. 0.23669681: 0.16706635 460.8119507818349 180.79831262881828 russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united st….. 0.30815813: 0.2215804 506.51056230568014 153.83095531638736 police stated tsai wen-huang would be extradited to taiwan. 0.19094783: 0.017598882 431.5560566216495 254.73783074265094 2 of the individuals arrested were released. 0.2314284: -0.033213466 457.44286922470775 279.8740066780221 mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agen….. 0.18179096: 0.04127202 425.7003552766738 243.0270514797432 the osce meeting lasted two days. 0.17350833: 0.14270484 420.4037169565431 192.84961745682006 iran insists that the program is aimed solely at peaceful pu….. 0.3115721: 0.0943813 508.6937563518744 216.7546145888972 china is an important force for safeguarding world peace. 0.25632337: 0.095312685 473.362886625835 216.29387252699428 a spokesman for stockwell day was not immediately available ….. 0.042130947: 0.08520245 336.3895391619944 221.29526874136934 kim myong-chol warned that if there was an interdiction of n….. 0.27861893: 0.12020222 487.6206184716771 203.98135841103397 the treaty was amended in 1999 after the collapse of the sov….. 0.21464945: 0.2307147 446.7129452276433 149.3123453392659 south korea and israel oppose proliferation of weapons of ma….. 0.3597444: 0.17713022 539.4993306408916 175.81985252934157 china will resolutely oppose the means of the delivery of ma….. 0.3360613: 0.07503106 524.3542867116415 226.32691718635448 a breakdown of order in china will lead to significant globa….. 0.24946898: 0.055953663 468.9795939022772 235.76424389890855 north korea has claimed nuclear ambitions and currently nort….. 0.20204553: 0.13003506 438.65289522475075 199.1171882017847 the united states government has accused the iranian governm….. 0.28014088: 0.051550977 488.5938830765887 237.94219257504596 china will resolutely oppose the proliferation of mass destr….. 0.29542142: 0.10693921 498.3655984536613 210.54238832429803 china is north korea’s closest ally. 0.20718582: 0.17832865 441.94004554242247 175.22700758616128 libyan foreign minister abdel rahman shalgam visited london ….. 0.21465991: 0.017096132 446.71963465891776 254.98653444843842 goff stated that this presents a major threat to global secu….. 0.32873482: 0.11324827 519.6690929031303 207.4213849615325 restraining extremist groups is becoming increasingly diffic….. 0.36230654: 0.020950096 541.1377839061234 253.0800311722798 detainees to be accused of homicide, criminal collaboration,….. 0.39871618: 0.040597815 564.4212928382054 243.36057237082719 existing rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months. 0.18148383: -0.023215195 425.5039509063065 274.92799825099473 the international atomic energy agency may have been tricked….. 0.24113202: 0.1013453 463.6482124675785 213.30961971397585 myanmar government has stated myanmar will become opium-free….. 0.2024511: 0.023783868 438.9122488586495 251.6782025878747 jewish-american group the anti-defamation league (adl) publi….. 0.2560332: 0.08462082 473.177335905356 221.582992959519 france provides the rockets, guns and engines. 0.21102619: 0.14415726 444.395914910438 192.13112697983172 withdrawal from the treaty would allow russia to bolster for….. 0.2528023: 0.2600222 471.1112164355692 134.8143250180666 government spokesman maseko stated that if administrative pa….. 0.28516048: 0.0741044 491.8038571778903 226.7853225140704 syria denies having an undeclared nuclear program. 0.3825581: 0.17052703 554.0884085042201 179.0863636665045 amnesty international is a rights group based in london. 0.27614695: 0.115195274 486.0398162879417 206.45822662092507 the iranian government stated– the iranian nuclear program ….. 0.29669288: 0.16226493 499.1786788139524 183.17351078737192 shingarev said it is very difficult to make a nuclear weapon….. 0.1597572: 0.017511144 411.61004026567633 254.78123355303882 an indian government official spoke on condition of anonymit….. 0.16470924: -0.030844582 414.7768094077209 278.7021519903277 russia had threatened several times to withdraw from the cfe….. 0.27173987: 0.22512439 483.22154555126673 152.07779284984827 china has been praised by the international community for ef….. 0.2129378: 0.11244758 445.6183655948754 207.8174724633281 arms smugglers and drug cartels must be eliminated from sout….. 0.3185269: 0.039335404 513.1412561807417 243.98507011084945 the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other no….. 0.27671772: 0.14951204 486.4048191020967 189.48219183694482 britain has struck an agreement to supply saudi arabia with ….. 0.20440346: 0.089685336 440.16076164356497 219.07764534101148 the agreement aimed to establish a wider cooperation coverin….. 0.36188295: 0.18854873 540.8669095850298 170.17127308768733 many of those executed in iran are hanged in public. 0.34042534: -0.060433283 527.1450373948683 293.3392789453893 the united states and the allies of the united states believ….. 0.3111167: 0.1464236 508.402527863826 191.01000319676376 indian troops already fighting rebels in kashmir are now eng….. 0.27363998: 0.08021177 484.43663976712304 223.76408738112735 the matter is delicate. 0.10530992: -0.0096845515 376.79169341869203 268.2345733646799 last week russia announced that it will suspend participatio….. 0.3058717: 0.18847749 505.0484165296791 170.2065157569238 the u.s., other western nations and nato condemned the viole….. 0.44837552: 0.0541816 596.1778145696774 236.64085830348358 indian nationals constitute the largest number of foreign in….. 0.15233964: -0.06420921 406.8666045711971 295.20717727192965 myanmar’s military rulers burned approximately 250 million d….. 0.21962892: -0.020659728 449.89724792174627 273.6638434843396 iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as offic….. 0.27173558: -0.027613178 483.2188011692054 277.10362032862184 india accuses islamabad of funding and training guerrillas. 0.31558192: 0.034794647 511.25798116579006 246.23132034784823 the ensuing battle and airstrikes killed at least 10 militan….. 0.42394987: -0.011064832 580.5579163109846 268.91737934907104 the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public….. 0.25721648: 0.0128809465 473.9340230259288 257.0717292437275 saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms r….. 0.31682202: 0.076701604 512.0510122904665 225.50052045259594 the conventional forces in europe treaty is considered a key….. 0.27772495: 0.16014804 487.04892938352924 184.22070678759673 the villagers are inadvertently involving themselves in drug….. 0.08984316: 0.037186757 366.90089758874024 245.0479764099261 hong kong universities collaborate with universities, busine….. -7.960471e-06: 0.07499371 309.44223998296275 226.3453936035143 the chinese government gave active cooperation and assistanc….. 0.27227008: 0.064013235 483.56061014330055 231.7772833348829 the statement did not specify the quantity of warheads the m….. 0.24534981: 0.07093745 466.34543499131985 228.351970101221 it is a serious threat to international security. 0.40797246: 0.08709731 570.3405628384971 220.35790661933396 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinist….. 0.12888971: 0.013277556 391.8706720672785 256.8755320288355 dutch national research institute tno carried out chemical w….. 0.18000346: -0.014247085 424.55727250261384 270.4915964438502 the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other no….. 0.24694413: 0.16649686 467.36498245620305 181.0800328406736 many of the attacks originated abroad. 0.4798657: -0.010477624 616.3153849818885 268.62689546258935 police arrested 2 honduran drug trafficking suspects. 0.14536995: -0.0154443635 402.4095756379502 271.08387378913653 if japan rises to the occasion japan will never be beaten ev….. 0.106664404: 0.052727643 377.6578699485861 237.36011172049825 it did not say if the men had been hanged in prison. 0.18448837: -0.00825465 427.42531375146336 267.52722061422355 an institute for public policy research report said there ar….. 0.34296808: 0.07396935 528.7710837661979 226.8521295233342 the iranian government denied the accusation and insists the….. 0.3780519: 0.09328005 551.2067501652123 217.29939062471692 the proliferation security initiative calls for stopping and….. 0.34964186: 0.12959652 533.0388837446753 199.3341285397119 naeem m. smuggled 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of heroin. 0.08627929: -0.069161884 364.62184551703973 297.6571988385747 france, belgium, germany, sweden, italy and britain provide ….. 0.09809231: 0.04929107 372.17612401133005 239.06013744133742 wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to ….. 0.019521909: 0.15374097 321.9313447384573 187.3901955418919 defense chiefs from estonia, latvia, lithuania, germany, ita….. 0.28102952: 0.18128076 489.16216074536874 173.76663717611115 the bill proposing the new law allowing the use of space pro….. 0.14213678: 0.11775205 400.3420077442976 205.1934231709625 van der merwe sentenced geiges to a total of 13 years impris….. 0.064915456: -0.09660447 350.95994474529107 311.23266986849177 zahedan is a city in southeastern 0.10484133: -0.03581013 376.49203643781993 281.1585415262023 president putin stated that russia would take countermeasure….. 0.29848808: 0.1599059 500.3266881349765 184.34049205743423 china has so far balked against united states pressure on ch….. 0.23170453: 0.18522468 457.61945305796553 171.81563367220787 brazil’s strategic affairs minister roberto mangabeira unger….. 0.18826516: 0.116212316 429.8405224310913 205.95511005910453 the accused will be charged with international drug traffick….. 0.22256158: -0.01972493 451.77265189648045 273.20141152870684 the iaea report is restricted. 0.19689757: 0.0680903 435.3608374183237 229.76041636107203 the conventional forces in europe treaty was signed by russi….. 0.26773947: 0.19707556 480.663343131319 165.95316565273174 sheik doon salad ilmi said civilian casualties resulting fro….. 0.3651307: -0.060552627 542.9437969427656 293.3983164977665 helmand province is the world’s largest producer of opium. 0.15651357: -0.056646414 409.5357829407493 291.4659663246523 myanmar is the world’s largest producer of illegal opium but….. 0.2417335: -0.0038521993 464.03285476585984 265.3493882680117 the abductee support group hopes parliament will change the ….. 0.28577128: 0.068658255 492.1944551664088 229.47945540354243 santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 compu….. 0.2516967: 0.0096862465 470.40419500702274 258.65210376208887 do quy doan is a spokesman for the vietnamese ministry of cu….. 0.03863116: -0.040125746 334.1514693859543 283.2934172621565 a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pier….. 0.14329469: 0.090280466 401.0824763292164 218.78324263335583 russia ratified the amended version of the treaty. 0.19127317: 0.23217739 431.7641055575686 148.58876859543528 elbaradei is the international atomic energy agency chief. 0.2159221: -0.01791593 447.5267879162848 272.3065243419307 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is 37 years old. 0.31589255: 0.14725062 511.45662487568654 190.6008830576099 chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman jiang yu stated that cy….. 0.14601721: -0.033803057 402.8234913448855 280.16566906727394 if india blames foreign militants it is part of its propagan….. 0.3617477: -0.003053234 540.7804234336808 264.95415101127566 the riyadh-based naif arab academy for security sciences sai….. 0.28361386: 0.027530503 490.81481237612604 249.8247936718589 88 percent of the liberal democratic party supports economic….. 0.23205261: 0.054927383 457.8420434071679 236.27193072948592 naeem m. was hanged in zabol, sistan-baluchestan province. 0.17711209: -0.12931046 422.7082736761155 327.41187829471056 a siemens spokesman in germany stated to the agence france-p….. 0.11865962: 0.12398427 385.32866080212546 202.1104304385919 the cyber attack occurred after the french president sarkozy….. 0.25399575: 0.022753935 471.8744024053288 252.1876963331763 chinese authorities were not immediately available for comme….. 0.2602108: 0.06279719 475.8488584345856 232.3788449600068 a group representing mainly white south africans called afri….. 0.22952712: 0.086044446 456.2270222096054 220.8787440296892 ahmad is fighting extradition to the united states and lodge….. 0.2542532: 0.037833117 472.039046270799 244.72823082487338 the part of the purpose of the united states plan is to incr….. 0.21961431: 0.068662085 449.8879093994543 229.47756095342874 tskhinvali is the capital of georgia. 0.029738955: 0.033342738 328.46501684614026 246.949560197195 china’s cabinet the state council announced that it will ame….. 0.23917404: 0.024601974 462.3961072103119 251.27349699662687 iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop usin….. 0.39357963: 0.09242302 561.136534325733 217.7233493945282 the united states dismissed the action as nuclear blackmail…… 0.3792393: 0.09576235 551.9660673185938 216.07142943805576 the meeting was 3 days long. 0.15058301: 0.08955842 405.7432661014117 219.14042756520877 north korean officials are suspected of building nuclear wea….. 0.32431167: 0.093564205 516.8405497919341 217.15882168913743 the attacks are believed to have come from russian administr….. 0.36779746: 0.105437726 544.6491635789507 211.28515282550637 china is a member of the ballistic missile club. 0.29527953: 0.11840263 498.27486232175903 204.87159147936438 this is particularly true in the poorest countries. 0.12422586: -0.057420503 388.88820056848704 291.84889771811913 a statement issued by the official spa news agency stated th….. 0.14419249: -0.056429524 401.6566048680854 291.3586737370337 the gang engaged in illegal activities including racketeerin….. 0.2891642: 0.037446845 494.36417505901034 244.91931413016846 the international atomic energy agency has no access to peop….. 0.20899387: -0.07150528 443.0962689514218 298.8164438230558 russia is fulfilling obligations and decreasing forces. 0.31986287: 0.21040574 513.9955975629963 159.358909148465 the cfe is 1 of several issues negatively impacting russia’s….. 0.29383516: 0.18368463 497.35120623424746 172.57747535977552 lugar and nunn are senators. 0.10645086: 0.10489403 377.5213131182747 211.55411314184857 officials state that decision about the treaty will depend o….. 0.30867866: 0.17004392 506.84343297986726 179.32535186548301 signing of the agreement is a peripheral issue of the meetin….. 0.32411456: 0.21576717 516.7144987992012 156.70667898923244 the resolution requires all 192 united nations member states….. 0.39401004: 0.073390834 561.4117729766326 227.13831311862873 there is much concern over the drug. 0.18663374: 0.047864746 428.797247496303 239.76572059478815 3 suspected extremists were released on bail. 0.31880513: -0.029468073 513.319183617717 278.02121143115795 this further aggravated the situation. 0.034911435: -0.034442686 331.77275241154786 280.48208462182515 SC dismisses govt’s review plea in Vodafone tax case 0.053888492: 0.035686154 343.9083408006795 245.79030415561203 Castro celebrates 86th birthday Monday -0.050902296: -0.10703451 276.895955306016 316.392271095867 Syria says suicide bomber kills 10 in Damascus 0.15940093: -0.09553904 411.38220890906524 310.7056183669074 Australian PM Gillard set to win leadership challenge -0.01994879: -0.01876281 296.69033145058285 272.7254641089358 Teenager in China kills 8, wounds 5 in knife attack 0.114712976: -0.28688917 382.80482986167476 405.3639154634516 Indian finance minister quits to run for president -0.027031379: -0.0628318 292.1611052580041 294.52579074298603 Jerry Sandusky found guilty in child sex abuse trial -0.09077115: -0.0036273224 251.40032434911944 265.23814472451687 Three Tibetans self-immolate in western China: report 0.09504917: -0.025456844 370.23007602127797 276.03691130794044 White House in damage control over Obama Supreme Court remar….. 0.16155437: 0.027834345 412.7593074284786 249.6744871152668 Nigeria university mass attacked by gunmen 0.22195782: -0.10306691 451.3865516452291 314.42955074972326 Freddie Starr Arrested In Savile Abuse Probe 0.025202766: -0.073861524 325.5641811845685 299.9820466410899 Stocks rise early after Greek deal, then flatten -0.007778884: 0.11748901 304.4728325903329 205.32354683101215 Moscow protesters demand Vladimir Putin’s resignation 0.19519378: 0.08564509 434.27128915266815 221.07630126810642 Australia to establish the world’s largest marine reserve -0.03748857: 0.0854516 285.4738644864162 221.17201522725748 Two U.S. soldiers shot, killed by Afghan soldier 0.1386672: -0.047769483 398.1232510805588 287.0746696608651 Abbas to lead Palestinian unity government 0.1563354: 0.03171299 409.4218434396828 247.7557740344111 Mali’s Tuareg rebels declare independence 0.16813229: 0.038763236 416.9658066784823 244.26811348922394 Lance Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles -0.027930828: -0.09885519 291.585918988549 312.34607210878096 Is Madeleine McCann Still Alive? -0.05950961: -0.04753561 271.39168733055885 286.9589755187051 ISAF: 4 coalition troops killed in attack involving Afghan p….. 0.22641152: 0.0029386424 454.2346389495077 261.99005149401665 UN Security Council unanimous vote on Syria 0.25666705: 0.10924167 473.58266588924533 209.4033925789704 Gunman kills 6 in shooting at Wisconsin Sikh temple 0.030841399: -0.13476096 329.1700157222822 330.1081673190397 Audi to buy motorcycle maker Ducati -0.07262953: 0.009883924 263.0016611189345 258.5543152142067 22 dead in suicide attack on Yemen police academy 0.19235972: -0.10679175 432.4589392616136 316.2721799128788 US, allies to set demands for Iran nuclear talks 0.28402364: 0.095895305 491.0768627465642 216.00565811066343 AOL says to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1.0 bn -0.010670176: 0.027942007 302.62388796061566 249.6212278200216 Navy Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building -0.021719601: -0.08695468 295.55792008229 306.45905363753906 Woman dies after abortion refusal 0.035084162: -0.11102335 331.88320902496366 318.3654956887503 Death toll rises to 236 after Brazzaville blasts 0.25833893: -0.1081297 474.65181234242425 316.9340469713898 I’ll Have Another retired to stud -0.1323531: 0.077547915 224.80919658315844 225.08186172026234 Syria journalists rescue bid fails 0.22729617: 0.08725788 454.8003628183139 220.27847608547955 No damage, tsunami after 6.6 quake hits off Indonesia’s Suma….. 0.06379944: -0.093526386 350.2462672373354 309.7099853182218 Palestinian prisoner ending hunger strike after deal 0.14957038: -0.10678666 405.09569675508925 316.2696625793619 Rebel fighters ‘capture’ Syrian soldiers 0.2531071: 0.077026226 471.3061247365489 225.33993447700146 Colorado shooting suspect was under psychiatrist’s care 0.010195218: -0.07837763 315.9670437642819 302.21610089476883 What time is Andy Murray v Roger Federer in the Wimbledon me….. -0.041963264: 0.036374304 282.6123530563428 245.44988547583574 New Jersey School Bans Hugging -0.017337114: 0.052061968 298.3604654144626 237.68941248438335 Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska 0.07962813: 0.02008036 360.36851548356265 253.5102777473324 ‘No Evidence’ In Afghanistan Massacre Case 0.32644144: -0.08484784 518.2025065644883 305.416825961737 Australian unemployment up to 5.1 percent -0.03478206: 0.033559572 287.2046428617055 246.84229525233098 Halliburton 1Q income rises 23 pct 0.008984202: 0.04777099 315.1926140469233 239.81210145126926 4 killed in shrine bombing in northwest Pakistan 0.23636171: -0.1191031 460.59766028254717 322.3624352871785 India bans bulk texts after riots 0.1219506: -0.011300823 387.4331968562185 269.03412069091695 Radical Islamists in Mali enlist new militia 0.28775188: 0.008911091 493.46102560412356 259.0355626714555 Olympics Opening Ceremony A Hit Around Globe 0.06936662: 0.06242077 353.806407337273 232.56505392624462 Man killed in French terror raid 0.06423275: -0.19717433 350.52336406358893 360.98320761821714 One dead in Ohio school shooting 0.07057367: -0.16664037 354.5783029084356 345.8784767481412 Pakistan condemns U.S. drone strikes 0.19713996: -0.0071169888 435.5158473592661 266.9644350934401 Massive Hurricane Sandy bears down on U.S. East Coast -0.002641173: 0.01756416 307.7583337773779 254.7550070289205 Pena Nieto wins Mexico presidential vote: exit polls 0.013957475: 0.055224787 318.37295978043267 236.1248086182212 Syria tells Russia some troops have pulled out of Homs 0.28687078: 0.19644226 492.89756966215964 166.2664502046144 Strong earthquake hits Mexico 0.0025903133: -0.02950649 311.1038032560983 278.04021582493027 Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria killings 0.32435566: 0.11412574 516.8686797080626 206.9873089435457 Pakistani plane crashes with 127 on board 0.06658538: -0.113658585 352.02783812124403 319.66910956614015 Panetta says Afghanistan role to shift from combat in 2013 0.16323449: 0.018322326 413.83372347637936 254.3799528990832 Israel threatens action against Gaza aid ship 0.15764432: 0.017818287 410.2588799683841 254.6292942310763 Bodies Found at Russian Jet Crash in Indonesia 0.13993534: -0.023139682 398.9342159796777 274.89064275388336 Syria urges refugees to return 0.19237186: 0.19162305 432.46670548168294 168.65044981622566 US soldier kills up to 16 civilians in Afghanistan 0.19248575: -0.16235523 432.539536426456 343.7586755276835 Rupert Murdoch: I was the victim of a cover up 0.09635042: 0.014618901 371.0622050612238 256.21198705512165 Barack Obama’s bodyguards sent back to US after prostitution….. 0.187807: 0.05700628 429.5475310587327 235.24352811667342 Nissan to sell steer-by-wire cars -0.061052732: 0.14610408 270.4048794860477 191.16806078173948 Tibetan monk dies after setting himself on fire in protest a….. -0.06379622: -0.1686953 268.65045225596435 346.8950224620901 Israel kills Hamas commander, bombs Gaza targets 0.24170585: -0.10081862 464.0151687481314 313.3173537335337 Five killed in China building collapse 0.23562555: -0.11350718 460.1268939388833 319.59421244403654 Syrian forces launch new attacks 0.2822269: 0.096576504 489.92786239868457 215.6686781895566 Second teenager charged with murder 0.032936264: -0.14962825 330.50965533237945 337.46281334483353 Hollande defeats Sarkozy in French presidency vote -0.0056948313: 0.031654418 305.8055579418493 247.78474916975966 Libyan government retakes Tripoli airport 0.1506325: -0.015821962 405.77491225705614 271.2706664782085 Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down execution law 0.06876609: -0.07327659 353.422374901672 299.6926859718692 S. Africa’s former president Mandela discharged from hospita….. 0.027579388: -0.041029878 327.0840006736888 283.74067887407693 UN envoy in Turkey for talks on Syria 0.18474138: 0.13966188 427.587108414724 194.3549313001132 Donna Summer, the queen of disco -0.10639609: -0.09463127 241.40837707617848 310.2565562902388 Hurricane Sandy powers toward Eastern Seaboard 0.0015607406: 0.03287598 310.4454045293253 247.1804582833338 Algerian government parties dominate elections 0.098691896: 0.04195009 372.5595513488029 242.6916195528927 Security official killed in Yemen 0.1812067: -0.09829059 425.32672862305526 312.06677340222666 NATO sticks to transition roadmap in Afghanistan: Rasmussen 0.23680997: 0.12957133 460.88431480049337 199.34658620777503 Mubarak faces verdict in murder trial 0.008369249: -0.10921783 314.799359820559 317.472328802734 No blocks to investment -0.007533754: 0.08487368 304.6295899307909 221.4579076522038 Nadal tumbles into French Open final -0.08715455: -0.03291506 253.71309515666704 279.7263888400253 Russian TV reports foiled attempt on Putin 0.15544872: 0.095116526 408.854823612681 216.3909096526645 Putin claims victory in Russia’s presidential election 0.042087443: 0.08939985 336.36171894175817 219.21887033129957 Remains of 167 bodies found in Mexican cave 0.073160365: 0.0033869564 356.23246013768494 261.76827666867007 Obama team raises debate stakes 0.102121666: 0.07675763 374.7528462456395 225.47280398400585 Two Kenyan ministers among 6 killed in plane crash 0.1645771: -0.14572841 414.6923053100829 335.5336144457413 Thousands gather for new Russian anti-Putin rally 0.09136446: 0.088172674 367.87374767761133 219.82593839313535 Google names new Motorola Mobility CEO -0.047645763: -0.05703688 278.9784672176118 291.659124679391 Another rocket hits Eshkol; no injuries 0.07014439: -0.013157904 354.3037837049167 269.9527935465822 Thousands more Syrian refugees flee to Turkey overnight 0.07710636: 0.08467361 358.7558717975429 221.5568760849938 Assange appeals extradition to UK’s top court 0.14411715: 0.039134778 401.60842571634225 244.08431681403556 Lebanese Gunmen Clash Over Syria Crisis 0.416471: 0.035982683 575.775277881088 245.64361511416905 Mob kills man for burning Quran 0.1283132: -0.23579915 391.50200054793737 380.0903808377326 US drone strike kills four in North Waziristan 0.2676783: -0.030259885 480.6242166287364 278.4129101849517 Salvador Dali painting snatched from New York gallery -0.047676332: -0.009066183 278.95891825997705 267.92867495682043 Sarkozy announces re-election bid -0.042226337: 0.039363366 282.4441214830737 243.9712376764587 Strauss-Kahn investigated in French prostitution ring 0.025190629: -0.034165908 325.55641972905136 280.3451663727003 2 Traffic Accidents Leave 47 Dead in China 0.15783182: -0.081917234 410.3787846887923 303.967096169349 France’s Strauss-Kahn charged with involvement in prostituti….. 0.007582531: -0.048154037 314.2962633102269 287.2649034121695 12 killed in Gaza in Israeli airstrikes 0.24821712: -0.12765884 468.17904431424523 326.594846926203 9 killed in attacks after deadly Iraq day 0.318275: -0.07211303 512.9801762003095 299.1170901075455 US closes embassy in Syria (AP) 0.25768194: 0.03960973 474.23167413032905 243.84936445722542 Bahrain Grand Prix Underway Amid Protests 0.18582802: 0.08630267 428.28199929339536 220.75100501793452 Sheryl Crow says has benign brain tumor -0.100539066: 0.027473114 245.153867785403 249.85318278081036 Afghan parliament approves U.S.-Afghan security pact 0.19161144: 0.07934437 431.9804257560892 224.19318033188893 East German rights activist Gauck elected president 0.0003564277: 0.018931713 309.6752616247419 254.0784976033096 Santorum Romping To Minnesota Victory -0.06922403: 0.07270317 265.17943786928896 227.4784922278654 Man arrested over double murder -0.038145117: -0.20630242 285.05400976517626 365.4987510924308 Newcastle 2-0 Liverpool: Match report, pictures & video high….. -0.11354419: 0.00722711 236.83725617619498 259.8686049537709 Egypt lets Mubarak PM back in presidential race 0.081509426: 0.022321504 361.57157920513976 252.401614396603 GOP candidate Romney to call to arm Syrian rebels 0.15067653: 0.06352897 405.8030707604978 232.01684281745605 Greek PM to announce new election -0.011336858: -0.056549847 302.19755285282866 291.4181959590411 Government of Canada Supports Montréal Women Leading Change 0.092659034: 0.041441027 368.70161244334736 242.9434468899475 No problem if Mulayam forms Third Front: Congress 0.19202179: 0.116700806 432.24283823249374 205.7134607842853 Bradley triumphs at Firestone as Furyk fades -0.119666465: 0.060471427 232.92213787990974 233.52936773399347 Plane crash in Ghana kills at least 10 0.124337845: -0.17420118 388.95981178789947 349.6187036133556 Six US troops killed in Afghan bomb attack 0.23682594: -0.09001393 460.89453000038833 307.9724207366659 BBC director general resigns over ‘shoddy journalism’ 0.02682803: -0.020482877 326.603517025834 273.5763578518012 In Islamist-led Egypt, Coptic Church names new pope 0.14451191: -0.008369881 401.86087074956583 267.58422365986377 US pledge to rebuild Haiti not being met 0.18377925: 0.106350444 426.97184273224843 210.83364344363247 Chinese stocks close higher Thursday -0.0666946: 0.013151059 266.7969747504076 256.93810831451117 Greece to vote on 2013 budget; protesters gather 0.13431005: 0.01130206 395.3369123726598 257.8527826457268 U.S., EU Cautiously Welcome Iran’s Proposal To Restart Nucle….. 0.2948477: 0.16849236 497.99870887683915 180.0928842747931 Journalists hail London Olympics opening 0.11000304: 0.028039733 379.7928848430372 249.57288432796548 Aust stocks open lower -0.0562254: 0.028678574 273.4918971712636 249.25685853625384 Palestinians: 2 Gaza militants killed in Israeli airstrike o….. 0.17859124: -0.13138191 423.65417069324906 328.4365988926133 Three killed in Nigeria suicide bombers attack 0.21143392: -0.10734108 444.6566502644718 316.54392661888244 Israel among top arms exporters in world: report 0.26004118: 0.060889628 475.7403791103286 233.32248935873258 Egyptians to vote for new president 0.118119754: 0.0029642517 384.9834213504536 261.97738293477175 China trade returns to surplus in March -0.04677721: 0.13342497 279.5338948891359 197.44024602386838 Highlights of the Vice Presidential debate 0.054856148: 0.045700606 344.5271441631561 240.8362913082841 Syrian regime denies role in Houla massacre 0.2818055: 0.027066499 489.65837932683036 250.0543298916221 South Sudan accuses Sudan of bombings ahead of talks 0.19241166: 0.020227473 432.49215771948076 253.4375026673552 Nine killed in gun attack in Pakistan 0.121278115: -0.09692008 387.00315314012073 311.3887998320482 Golf: Westwood takes lead in Dubai Desert Classic -0.057573285: 0.049653787 272.6299420346097 238.8807064785221 Polls open in Russian presidential election 0.08596031: 0.07707147 364.4178655086907 225.3175512171946 Chavez leaves again for Cuba for radiotherapy 0.098068215: -0.031590354 372.16071544954826 279.0710749571996 Romanian president declared victory 0.034544405: 0.028772635 331.53804104157473 249.2103274874729 Russians rally support for Orthodox church over Pussy Riot c….. 0.17314222: 0.08595801 420.1695963910414 220.92150184247026 Clinton lands in India to breathe life into ties 0.060160168: 0.044589885 347.9189978974743 241.38575002672928 Mali interim leader takes office 0.10539679: -0.009100165 376.8472480972249 267.9454854373044 Putin Declares Victory In Russian Presidential Vote 0.07200545: 0.113703504 355.49390690274646 207.1961849685374 AL renews condemnation on Syria’s violence 0.35009775: 0.071411155 533.3304171640639 228.11763325641277 EU slaps sanctions on Assad family 0.2739214: 0.040715232 484.61660643243556 243.30248757205783 Air Force Instructor Faces Sentencing for Rape 0.11180915: -0.13829051 380.9478694684672 331.85418689779584 More than 30 striking miners killed 0.23450601: -0.06697426 459.410962797742 296.5750107967549 Iron Dome intercepts 17 rockets 0.26262215: 0.075623214 477.3908771634962 226.03398507324232 Mali Islamists destroying ‘more Timbuktu shrines’ 0.2929545: -0.024272688 496.78803616541495 275.4511254028542 China stocks end higher on PMI at midday -0.07992308: -0.036116727 258.3375313956542 281.31020994917 Romney, Paul vie for Maine caucus win -0.027000843: 0.041148327 292.180632775154 243.08824148127678 Several dead, 550 injured in Argentina train crash 0.018478373: -0.08716819 321.26401679420394 306.5646710742302 Google CEO says Android important, not critical 0.026965441: -0.028204996 326.6913896618701 277.3963847423562 Factory Fires Kill At Least 260 in Pakistan 0.19548778: -0.07744513 434.459298382077 301.75480597777437 Santorum’s 3-year-old daughter hospitalized 0.044926: -0.05255476 338.1769394755071 289.441880906196 Hezbollah’s Nasrallah warns US over anti-Islam film 0.27081934: -0.017700339 482.63287559911447 272.19987398764346 Childcare costs rise by nearly 6% -0.0135383485: 0.031938784 300.78972773634337 247.6440770345631 First significant gas found offshore Kenya 0.06347561: -0.038178675 350.03918074095867 282.33022759309387 8 rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel; none hurt 0.27688038: -0.064636685 486.50883880550407 295.4186443444504 U.S. soldier killed in shooting incident in S. Afghanistan 0.03493058: -0.122023664 331.7849949283995 323.8072004408443 Polls close in Egyptian presidential election 0.14791322: 0.024594236 404.0359650570374 251.27732459671074 Iconic science fiction writer Ray Bradbury dies at 91 -0.057561275: -0.069706425 272.63762249273964 297.92657563908585 Egypt presidential election May 23-24 0.074567415: 0.014700672 357.1322505832779 256.1715360302101 AP poll: Majority in US have prejudice against blacks 0.06402836: 0.07085945 350.39265810336656 228.39055570091108 AP Source: Redskins to trade for No. 2 pick 0.022708373: 0.1227217 323.9690484189843 202.735005578327 China says defense budget to rise 11.2% in 2012 0.036940236: 0.069698624 333.0701447373783 228.96479891311083 String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 0.32387638: -0.14124964 516.5621855947982 333.31802923782095 6 NATO troops killed in Afghanistan IED attack 0.23561552: -0.05780857 460.12048085163593 292.04086927726127 JetBlue pilot who disrupted flight declared insane, not guil….. 0.038179323: -0.2272988 333.8625255006809 375.8853723827463 Tsunami warning: No need for SA to panic 0.20562427: -0.0029781214 440.9414525780699 264.91699385092835 Blitzbokke ousted by Fiji 0.039655678: 0.020776136 334.8066358107433 253.16608675298136 ‘Grenade attack’ kills one and injures at least 11 0.110851206: -0.120567575 380.3352766997701 323.0868929134551 Jonny Bairstow and Eoin Morgan shine for England in Mumbai -0.056210324: 0.04280756 273.50153824261963 242.26744148389508 Nerves Calmed — For Now : Markets Jump on Relief over Spani….. 0.070486225: 0.062836304 354.52238135938404 232.35949503180228 Heavy Fighting Reported in Syria’s Aleppo 0.3045328: 0.11640538 504.19220744296615 205.85960249918764 France says Greece must show credibility for eurozone 0.051203236: 0.049746692 342.19115331051154 238.8347476347609 Avengers sets box office record -0.12861687: 0.005543887 227.1984670406652 260.7012724464054 4 French Soldiers Reported Killed in Afghanistan 0.22100347: -0.08003872 450.7762601552396 303.0378204744528 Spanish bailout dilemma gets more acute 0.13897876: 0.029770585 398.32249512403126 248.7166555334665 NATO soldier dies in Afghanistan 0.065270215: -0.104798645 351.1868088978077 315.2862181425949 Chinese stocks open lower Wednesday -0.048854258: -0.0024538538 278.2056497056004 264.65764584177805 Palestinian leadership condemn Israeli FM call to oust Abbas 0.11393451: -0.01227661 382.30701039067725 269.5168295284577 Man finds car on eBay 42 years after it was stolen -0.13869055: -0.03586251 220.75647801963225 281.18445200149336 Sylvester Stallone’s son found dead in Hollywood -0.056808013: -0.08461529 273.119323483679 305.30178787428565 Russia jails Pussy Riot protest punks for two years 0.18792531: 0.03446392 429.6231921475065 246.39492675509285 The Note’s Must-Reads for August 1, 2012 -0.04487848: 0.010587628 280.74811004511315 258.2062026344062 NATO US troop detained over shooting of Afghan civilians 0.18272382: -0.054560404 426.2969057981479 290.43404571060717 Military: Syria chemical stocks threaten Israel 0.40342656: 0.1005997 567.4335189654222 213.67845883115882 Syria peace plan conditions “unacceptable,” opposition says 0.30852324: 0.13672061 506.74404442118833 195.8099353300746 Clashes as Greeks protest against more cutbacks 0.13574478: -0.007867171 396.2544031296378 267.3355402254296 9 dead, 11 hurt, 4 missing in Mont Blanc avalanche 0.06322984: -0.005633553 349.8820124578743 266.230599662673 China activist Chen lands in US 0.0651202: 0.005040225 351.0908746394664 260.9504271898051 City Room: Empire State Building Shooting 0.13263781: -0.08033783 394.26753722097584 303.1857866111573 Mohamed Morsi sworn in as Eygptian president 0.04644514: 0.009083867 339.1484102265193 258.9500926564384 Attack on Nato base in Afghanistan kills 15 0.28215727: -0.06202947 489.88334242302324 294.1288905442059 Yemen Suicide Blast, Drone Attack Kill At Least 30 0.34942538: -0.105702706 532.9004449162491 315.7334447403596 Torres moving on after Olympic bid fails 0.026607087: 0.039747052 326.462226612922 243.78143330927543 House-Senate deal reached on payroll tax measure -0.0030098108: 0.03358907 307.522594604162 246.82770356361448 Tropical Storm Isaac drenches Haiti, swipes Cuba 0.12100043: -0.039490074 386.8255782800075 282.97895881462944 World stocks rise on hopes for EU, US stimulus -0.00014088365: 0.117757104 309.3572372858724 205.1909242659487 South Africa police shot dead 30 miners 0.08442633: -0.060731657 363.43690138744034 293.4868801977334 Microsoft’s Surface a big bet on future: Analysts -0.027023457: 0.09222881 292.16617116811994 217.81942455233906 ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s girlfriend gets 8 years -0.039338242: -0.044630997 284.2910215243325 285.5221032928964 Man sets himself on fire at Breivik trial 0.0032222029: -0.23695925 311.50788864962027 380.6642665369731 U.S. drone strike kills 10 in northwest Pakistan 0.21118748: -0.06234979 444.4990579362425 294.2873480276978 Toys R Us waives fee for layaway program 0.004020684: 0.11006922 312.01850719672206 208.99401444077375 At least 80 dead in northwest Iran quakes 0.24271469: -0.032216225 464.66030817283695 279.3806848655737 Brazil’s ‘pop-star priest’ gets mammoth new stage -0.08371403: -0.09597866 255.91326530231348 310.9230931314231 Washington: More Than 100 Are Charged in Medicare Fraud Swee….. 0.104836725: 0.039424002 376.4890919445666 243.9412416020411 Clinton ready to fight for Obama 0.08924545: 0.052858848 366.5186709184191 237.29520653274938 European markets rise on Greek bailout hopes -0.033385314: 0.0686638 288.09784393162005 229.47671324228833 Edwards Acquitted on 1 Count, Mistrial on Others -0.014478605: -0.050092317 300.18844541897573 288.22374395451186 Ukrainian weightlifter gets four-year doping ban 0.08102786: -0.047462232 361.2636223743531 286.92267689624373 Hong Kong stocks close down 0.28% -0.058862474: -0.04328856 271.8055220401069 284.858017442618 Suicide bomber attacks Algerian security base 0.27575365: -0.15408643 485.78830510694735 339.6682112762668 Israeli military court rejects appeal of Palestinian hunger ….. 0.17537957: -0.071617626 421.6003532972162 298.87202050255985 British Archbishop of Canterbury changes career to Cambridge -0.09860137: -0.06287028 246.39299916705681 294.5448273866387 Punjab Mail derails near Rohtak, 19 injured -0.005088379: -0.026207283 306.1933764097341 276.40814336624476 Indian Maoist rebels offer talks to free Italian hostages 0.14069216: 0.03426064 399.41818966201157 246.49548556769628 Five dead in Pakistan suicide blast 0.16973814: -0.18316142 417.99272967015526 354.05121562421846 Storm delays start of Republican convention 0.079399526: 0.12323982 360.2223247287235 202.47869827218028 At least two Nato killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash: mi….. 0.12240985: -0.07621545 387.7268838531968 301.1465032062341 Russian Air Force celebrates 100th anniversary 0.037846625: 0.13087894 333.6497691871983 198.69973100785012 6 NATO troops killed in Afghanistan 0.20746534: -0.02676695 442.1187924823744 276.6850030604202 Teenager and father killed in crash -0.016161632: -0.12894763 299.112171195721 327.23239204638605 Japan PM calls for quicker tsunami waste processing 0.061816666: -0.060559586 348.9783079326574 293.40175894213655 Syrian Arab Republic (the): Syrian Arab Republic: Syrian Ref….. 0.17259288: 0.13309006 419.8182964289843 197.60591826630514 Spain asks for bank rescue 0.09141544: 0.03999221 367.906351508246 243.66015717354105 The murky waters of the South China Sea 0.102989905: 0.0943127 375.3080738059716 216.7885525201176 Sri Lanka seek one-day revival against Pakistan -0.038019728: 0.057799045 285.13419479625423 234.85135851462672 Syrian opposition in reconciliation talks 0.25556245: 0.19455983 472.87629243979666 167.19766457803166 Sensex down 193 points on budget blues -0.034078754: 0.04531931 287.6543975302124 241.0249125655714 Facebook boosts size of IPO by 25pc to raise $15bn -0.06191764: 0.0046552853 269.8517816805444 261.1408516761161 Iran’s Parliament Questions A Dismissive Ahmadinejad 0.23370814: 0.05583701 458.90073643284234 235.82195091336536 Yemen suicide attack kills 7 soldiers: officials 0.305998: -0.1038009 505.1291852184003 314.7926475453553 Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan 0.13456044: -0.06549251 395.4970299135497 295.84200971646345 Afghan, US govts sign deal on controversial night raid 0.32537565: 0.082704775 517.5209469028441 222.53083352838973 Australia can eclipse England in Windies -0.08399323: 0.096034415 255.7347232381057 215.93684239456695 Details of Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Ireland 0.13274682: 0.049185738 394.3372426195124 239.1122440337167 Woman killed by falling debris -0.005199047: -0.2021228 306.1226058359986 363.43114676401734 Germany warns Greece: No more money without reforms 0.059603497: 0.057100624 347.56301438061456 235.19685793269446 Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ips….. 0.038069114: 0.012759982 333.7920482446896 257.13156889669995 Two killed, 19 injured in Toronto shooting 0.11716792: -0.119404145 384.37473551455207 322.51135970604173 Anti-Putin protesters form human chain in Moscow 0.2265336: 0.117128566 454.31271090168946 205.5018536551413 Lakers Fire Coach Mike Brown After 1-4 Start 0.015581122: -0.099925205 319.41126111830397 312.8753940019413 Canadian Muslims issue fatwa against ‘honor killing’ 0.19784017: -0.084797 435.96361997406206 305.39167842647237 U.N. to take up Syria resolution 0.31450656: 0.15149535 510.57030381913404 188.50107307726296 Soldier ‘can’t recall’ massacre 0.20849986: -0.03834055 442.7803600830303 282.41030496740535 Cause of Whitney Houston’s death could take weeks 0.054844335: -0.055813495 344.5195899656592 291.0539326391659 N Korea warns of retaliation for South Korea drill 0.18300095: 0.072754756 426.47412808139916 227.4529724368391 A Tale of Two Passes: How The New York Giants Won The Super ….. -0.121714614: 0.05149115 231.61237201204239 237.97178875094733 UN aid chief Amos enters Baba Amr with Red Crescent 0.10917134: 0.051061068 379.26102264664377 238.18454397583145 Profiles of Egypt’s main presidential candidates 0.10554749: 0.012007591 376.9436159298155 257.5037661478516 British gold rush silences gripes over cost -0.038017977: 0.13579082 285.1353144660188 196.26988865204692 Avalanche buries at least 100 Pakistani soldiers 0.1991649: 0.030932594 436.8107668825101 248.1418253734446 Inflation falls to 15-month low: what the analysts say 0.019393614: 0.0035268338 321.8493015320253 261.6990812102326 Komen won’t cut Planned Parenthood funding 0.120380804: -0.03276629 386.42933429714407 279.65279461308745 Forex & Gold 25 August 2012 -0.022752887: 0.18276814 294.89714697071173 173.0308533918589 Iran says UN nuclear talks will continue 0.16124235: 0.13754202 412.5597775118748 195.403594209181 Agribusiness: Mad cow disease found in California -0.12169488: 0.13775711 231.62499331079314 195.29719540396042 300 potential Jimmy Savile victims: police 0.17892037: -0.11606368 423.8646495507849 320.8588758373759 Armstrong steps down from Livestrong -0.0155735975: 0.0055651464 299.48821169059266 260.69075576042627 US drone strike kills 5 militants in Pakistan 0.19810587: -0.08836142 436.13353343425416 307.1549470840851 Obama’s poll rating drops in boost for Republican rivals 0.04711403: 0.048715062 339.57615742846156 239.34508079837656 Syrian forces bombard Homs, Russia warns of civil war 0.23529933: 0.16114539 459.91828278580584 183.72733153248947 Egypt presidential election results delayed 0.13071342: 0.02288569 393.0369105649808 252.12251932500743 Arrested Russian killer denies ties to Pussy Riot 0.17048177: -0.05082198 418.4682700951132 288.5846975152389 Norway memorial honours 77 massacre victims 0.14036776: -0.0777673 399.21074105966835 301.91417935786797 US Afghanistan general linked to Petraeus scandal 0.121385: 0.015037273 387.0715054058354 256.00502390874675 Chinese stocks fall after RRR cut – May 14 -0.011534062: 0.0020827989 302.0714434943314 262.4134256195686 Al-Qaida says it captures 70 Yemeni soldiers in Abyan’s batt….. 0.12453307: -0.014671359 389.0846573489284 270.7014791258211 China stocks open higher Wednesday -0.07278702: 0.012184638 262.900952779299 257.4161837656722 4 Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan 0.24458082: -0.075953685 465.8536760307078 301.01700980098883 Syrian forces move to retake Aleppo 0.117629886: 0.18288708 384.67015680852745 172.97201486731473 Europe shares bounce as more China stimulus seen -0.03930686: 0.091672346 284.31108981815584 218.09469847382684 Man charged after MP hurt in attack 0.018793754: -0.25058025 321.46569909725946 387.4023906788656 Nokia apologises for ‘faked’ ad 0.007654284: -0.025389686 314.34214862787513 276.0036893240636 U.S. orders non-essential staff to leave Sudan, Tunisia 0.2654726: 0.031085534 479.2136995402639 248.0661680755901 Egypt’s Mubarak critical 0.206824: 0.020429166 441.7086693589821 253.3377279875566 Assad says mercenaries are behind Syria unrest 0.25550047: 0.103526704 472.83665136557767 212.23050923216567 Japan PM dissolves lower house for election -0.0012404496: -0.09617199 308.65407874593103 311.0187296908614 Two killed in new Israeli strike on Gaza: medics 0.21542254: -0.096508354 447.2073246919597 311.1851243306178 One NATO soldier killed in S. Afghanistan 0.12724686: -0.08256591 390.82008830943107 304.2879880072916 Spain jobless rate hits new high 0.034611274: -0.040336158 331.580802897478 283.39750513309434 Bank of England’s Paul Tucker tainted by Libor mess 0.04931027: -0.028591584 340.98062591792916 277.5876246899272 Red Cross says negotiating halt to fighting in Syria to take….. 0.19741027: 0.14998303 435.6887053127115 189.24919658715874 Syrian forces shoot civilians on bus 0.2356815: 0.013254545 460.16267572582865 256.88691531517065 German parliament overwhelmingly backs Greek rescue deal 0.04120629: 0.075608924 335.79823203020504 226.04105424701305 Burma’s reforms bring easing of U.S. sanctions 0.14442267: 0.05044375 401.8038009434366 238.48992269990487 Heavy fighting rocks eastern Syria ahead of poll 0.36053935: 0.17828028 540.0076893013329 175.25093515452392 China yuan weakens to 6.3282 against USD Monday -0.033304594: 0.0060589053 288.14946309004415 260.4465000042066 7 dead in Christian school shooting 0.16405985: -0.12808064 414.3615310388593 326.8035018091581 Indonesia anti-terror squad kills two suspected militants 0.2636917: -0.10180956 478.07483815944414 313.80755928611603 Yahoo! to name Google’s Mayer as CEO: report -0.06474885: -0.01860393 268.04125661297854 272.6468683862696 Motor Racing: Button fastest in year’s first F1 practice -0.18915774: -0.01938837 188.4833454233264 273.0349201393094 Rangers voted into Division Three -0.020767665: 0.061162267 296.1666714307841 233.18761851629677 Newark mayor saves neighbor from fire -0.04975608: -0.02761975 277.6289459262729 277.10687111656017 F1 protests in Bahrain 0.2648522: 0.031943135 478.816964808525 247.64192458540663 New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday -0.03329423: 0.08187667 288.1560905821401 222.94048440843147 Hundreds honor student killed in Ohio shooting 0.14167453: -0.12315174 400.046405397339 324.3652449988614 Bombs in southern Thailand kill 5, wound 50 0.30247465: -0.15083374 502.8760475460601 338.0591523321925 Barack Obama admits US has ‘more nuclear weapons than we nee….. 0.18861586: 0.006996832 430.0647899026645 259.98252051503005 2 rockets hit in the Eshkol region; no injuries 0.1981126: 0.0091638 436.1378405894337 258.91055107815254 ‘Betrayed’ disabled workers protest against Remploy closures 0.17003196: 0.056993727 418.1806245503116 235.24973852220194 DR Congo rebels kill park rangers 0.17622267: 0.105837055 422.1395004939078 211.08761032989162 Nine Pakistani troops killed in militant ambush 0.14745004: -0.045474593 403.7397719056073 285.9394185873575 Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in southeastern Jamaica: NHC -0.0073467772: -0.044571728 304.7491593458387 285.4927835445408 Remarks With Prime Minister Elkeib After Their Meeting 0.2692715: 0.03984662 481.64304941079115 243.73217760631826 Weak earnings drag stocks lower -0.044691928: 0.05873915 280.8674072851171 234.38630049730904 Death toll rises in Russia plane crash 0.12314887: -0.04423608 388.1994797849015 285.32674273204304 Indian media: Commonwealth summit 0.19104455: 0.10455865 431.61791003817723 211.7200212691244 Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire; stock takes a beating -0.05608312: -0.08926649 273.5828834421558 307.6026712514322 Yvette Cooper backs gay marriage bill -0.04351269: 0.0020710335 281.62151440067913 262.419245801545 Swiss tourist ‘gang-raped’ in India 0.11393976: -0.114293694 382.3103693999711 319.98328974327114 Israel planes strike inside Syria 0.2398361: 0.061381124 462.8194853178962 233.07935290371705 Iranians Vote in Presidential Election 0.13760345: 0.02785029 397.44299690621455 249.66659879453545 12 killed in bus accident in Pakistan 0.13736838: -0.11904445 397.29267528462685 322.3334251376742 Carney sets high bar to change at BoE -0.033779204: 0.062107358 287.84595635100266 232.72009476527074 Suicide bomber kills 3 at US base in Afghanistan 0.23704739: -0.1783135 461.03614202057304 351.6530113224548 Afghans flock to colleges, even as Taliban loom 0.24036358: 0.040626064 463.15680608382854 243.34659803696286 North Korea Postpones Family Reunions with South 0.20688683: 0.12284821 441.7488440630464 202.6724223819627 Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan 0.23103215: -0.09105701 457.1894712810463 308.4884188221197 David Beckham Announces Retirement From Soccer -0.08023452: -0.003006751 258.1383683495691 264.9311565010582 23 killed in Iraq car bombings 0.3229937: -0.07734092 515.99771956777 301.7032577690376 Man Who Set Himself on Fire on National Mall Dies of Injurie….. 0.050215654: -0.24421881 341.55960715320344 384.2554731551084 Taliban attacks kill 17 civilians in Afghanistan 0.26395744: -0.16209887 478.2447802069494 343.6318579410814 EU ministers ‘determined’ to resolve horsemeat scandal 0.04217219: 0.13162996 336.4159133406409 198.3282123863234 Thai opposition party to boycott general election 0.04546269: -0.032793377 338.52014684566996 279.6661939776565 Central African Republic president overthrown by rebels 0.17214827: -0.03911714 419.5339765416111 282.79447291342694 Brazil tied 2-2 by England as Maracana re-opens -0.10734391: -0.06616137 240.80225456935506 296.1728861173595 George W. Bush warns against bitter immigration debate 0.06715522: 0.023527922 352.3922453663753 251.8048156180929 Mandela hospitalized, responding to treatment 0.07295038: -0.08528563 356.09817599876806 305.63339404390257 Russia condemns North Korean nuclear test 0.13013913: 0.10332196 392.6696588821922 212.33179228493907 Hundreds of Bangladesh clothes factory workers ill 0.22225139: -0.06376278 451.5742845306109 294.986333777056 18 trapped in Russian coal mine blast 0.1424466: -0.031328566 400.54013688255765 278.94157233770284 Thai protesters break into army headquarters 0.18744357: -0.017051423 429.31512573201945 271.8788642072814 Police fire tear gas to disperse protesters in Tunis 0.15227191: -0.097516365 406.82329479179197 311.68377382329857 Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games 0.044982284: 0.026433546 338.21293328502486 250.36744305842637 >Cuba’s Castro assumes CELAC presidency 0.15168981: 0.022494022 406.45104985830847 252.31627199896957 Dozens feared trapped in India building collapse 0.22270189: 0.031898737 451.86237794331845 247.66388767534391 Daily Press Briefing: South Sudan 0.28247938: 0.11842069 490.089323543292 204.8626573410848 Shots, Explosions Heard as Thais Continue Protest in Bangkok 0.28149855: -0.1024766 489.46209883482 314.1375326903625 Israeli military focuses on northern border 0.14943214: 0.124772124 405.00729525376 201.7206897132474 North Korea blocks Kaesong access 0.15073234: 0.07494453 405.8387572563993 226.36971922754287 China stocks close higher after economic meeting 0.00083538156: 0.02688724 309.9815465629983 250.14300692688278 Police kill gunman, find 3 more dead in Colo. home 0.102836564: -0.029392097 375.2100145573537 277.98362742060874 Dolce and Gabbana convicted of tax evasion 0.083355285: -0.004450978 362.75198271650225 265.645595817185 Asteroid zips between Earth and satellites -0.014005898: 0.05939262 300.4907360060708 234.06303875387403 Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport 0.2560586: 0.10531457 473.1935734992188 211.34607745659605 2 killed, 11 wounded in attacks in Iraq 0.29230732: -0.08784089 496.3741681040015 306.8974492966412 Can the U.S. trust Syria to hand over chemical weapons? 0.316543: 0.115079716 511.8725893400635 206.51539183739214 Mexican singer Jenni Rivera believed killed in plane crash 0.0147047015: -0.19533089 318.8508014840984 360.0712842017946 Mugabe declared winner of disputed elections 0.11033384: -0.0059767906 380.00442619571146 266.4003945915988 Rouhani leads in Iran presidential vote – preliminary result….. 0.051719278: 0.0006640884 342.5211557242804 263.11524233253 Police attacked in Belfast flag protests 0.08795498: 0.021594891 365.6934314209397 252.76105958435528 India gang-rape victim «struggling against the odds» 0.043005407: -0.1242263 336.94874512340493 324.8968151693941 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 362 0.19488434: -0.14474377 434.07340777112205 335.04652699587535 Man arrested after police officer shot in Leeds -0.11661082: -0.08736903 234.87618555308848 306.6640265055844 Obama to refocus on economy in State of the Union 0.019206014: 0.06031809 321.7293336813007 233.60522129540544 Iraq Backs Egypt Crackdown on Morsi Supporters 0.3449258: 0.057681438 530.0230174995856 234.90953729876162 Russia gives initial OK to American adoption ban 0.15403447: 0.16868946 407.95042584512044 179.99538275084603 Five convicted in Kosovo organ trafficking case 0.18654034: -0.099248454 428.73751907005186 312.5406144440989 Hrithik Roshan, wife Sussanne part ways 0.048093267: -0.029450355 340.2023672873171 278.01244683510646 Israel strikes Syria as tensions rise on weapons 0.23584788: 0.037984245 460.2690681762265 244.65347007369235 Gunmen kill nine people in northwest Pakistan 0.23987895: -0.118994005 462.8468910220918 322.3084692588413 X’mas cruise passengers hit by Norovirus 0.04330163: -0.053724557 337.13817657164253 290.0205635447809 Murder claim over Diana’s death New information which has be….. 0.17413965: -0.054946743 420.8074365217923 290.62516218720776 Snowden asks to stay in Russia 0.12270475: 0.17611082 387.91546959342065 176.32413745825562 Narendra Modi pledges tough stand against Pakistan 0.10063962: 0.03606499 373.80509581770417 245.60289917952616 Egyptian court considers Mubarak’s release 0.20672752: 0.014606486 441.6469684081244 256.2181283537637 2 car bombs kill 8 in southern Iraq 0.41445202: -0.060961325 574.4841604704914 293.60049376189875 Tokyo stocks close down 0.26pc -0.03058992: -0.0449801 289.8854634145335 285.6948004806966 China stock index futures close higher — Dec. 4 -0.05756666: -0.01178246 272.6341777215064 269.27238004259976 Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife to plead guilty to fraud -0.04657215: -0.051934622 279.66502965905534 289.1351071444416 USA expels Venezuela diplomats in row 0.2707462: 0.025401168 482.5861067548196 250.8781466349534 Ryanair reports record profits but warns growth likely to sl….. -0.0388229: 0.065165624 284.62057607019545 231.20721233577416 Stocks to watch at close on Monday -0.07167992: 0.091152854 263.6089271182835 218.35168394888592 Philadelphia building collapses, 8-10 people may be trapped 0.14823207: -0.102528416 404.23986883255145 314.16316673810775 ‘Friends of Syria’ in Doha talks on arming rebels 0.28696725: 0.14721309 492.95926108391296 190.619451617285 Syria condemns Israeli air strikes. 0.29839462: 0.066145256 500.2669215923079 230.7226016767184 Turkish PM urges to end protests in Istanbul 0.115687005: -0.030695025 383.4277092985496 278.6281680005503 EU receives Nobel Peace Prize 0.10523618: 0.047728874 376.7445386456697 239.83293487396946 Start of San Fermin bull-running festival briefly delayed as….. -0.039017055: 0.17706344 284.4964166046819 175.85289114961307 Up to 21, mostly foreigners, killed in Kabul suicide attack 0.2905381: -0.18136692 495.2427775410153 353.163499889405 Tokyo shares close 0.88pc lower -0.049370974: -0.032064635 277.87521609985845 279.30569560095483 4.1 magnitude quake strikes U.S 0.04772705: -0.0497995 339.9681752535326 288.0788903919728 Alleged cop killer died from shot to head 0.015279664: -0.16433764 319.21848257215305 344.73934463189096 Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya’s Benghazi, no casual….. 0.19411866: -0.07076432 433.58376427168224 298.44990089735313 Musharraf arrested in Lal Masjid case 0.05258495: -0.07221112 343.07474189638316 299.16561235608117 35 militants killed in Afghan raids: official 0.19634186: -0.14391868 435.0054685286964 334.6383651388802 Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez dies of cancer 0.027224498: -0.08450183 326.8570531415089 305.24566202539074 North Korea’s third test brings it closer to nuclear power s….. 0.1134181: 0.11964704 381.9767745138512 204.25599839201675 Indian stocks open flat -0.06325803: -0.0118297925 268.99461968339347 269.29579483786495 NM County Prepares for Same-Sex Marriages Hearing -0.008478171: 0.028957687 304.02564720659433 249.11878481998764 Malaysia detains Australian senator at airport 0.08488578: -0.06294347 363.7307170273277 294.5810357094351 South Korea Says North Fired Missiles 0.22135153: 0.07421691 450.99884097533754 226.72966474915302 Britain shuts down plants as horse meat scandal reaches Fran….. 0.02842342: 0.085896105 327.6237482039564 220.95212632884198 37 killed in bus crash in Italy 0.031155542: -0.1424971 329.3709059185361 333.93513346241883 U.S. recognizes Syrian opposition 0.31417894: 0.16988915 510.3607969302449 179.40191123856192 Car bomb kills one and wounds five in Benghazi 0.3010177: -0.1497916 501.9443488944521 337.5436186450156 Roadside bombs kill 5 in Afghanistan 0.39562356: -0.075855665 562.4436034570609 300.9685207237586 Nato airstrike kills two Afghan kids 0.32446876: -0.050429534 516.9410056103036 288.3905606069882 N Korea to halt work at joint industrial zone 0.14854062: 0.08228577 404.4371784678348 222.73810995931655 Delhi Gang Rape Suspect ‘Beaten, Poisoned’ 0.07734669: -0.18321422 358.90956195752875 354.07733249874366 France pledges military aid in Mali 0.11129886: 0.08843047 380.6215452889889 219.69840946631547 6.2 magnitude quake jolts Sarangani -0.008886151: -0.059629716 303.7647492622171 292.9417650774575 Obama renews offer to cut social safety net in big budget de….. 0.0301318: -0.006135106 328.71623619831297 266.4787111224437 Committee nears final big immigration decisions 0.1615717: 0.09354799 412.77038977687204 217.16684177366562 Tunisian opposition politician shot dead 0.13120766: -0.12029908 393.35297189904236 322.9540713205587 Stocks soar on Wall St lead -0.08439537: 0.13779576 255.47755653366207 195.27807398919373 Royal sorrow over nurse’s death 0.005313022: -0.09001043 312.8449411078785 307.970688457379 Brooks pleads not guilty to hacking charges -0.025795368: -0.06696553 292.9515182612523 296.5706911556395 Purge sends chilling message to North Korea’s elite 0.25853246: 0.03761743 474.77557635010606 244.8349281718434 Thousands protest gay marriage 0.08136324: -0.0027203425 361.478093926624 264.78947413836 Iran nuke talks begin amid hopes of progress 0.13027225: 0.076625325 392.7547919007193 225.53825465544503 Thai political protests paralyse more ministries 0.19377801: -0.036752943 433.36591941646094 281.6249374528416 Obama economic tour buffeted by low expectations 0.11706031: 0.10076173 384.30592108727507 213.59830589998478 Israel vows to deny Hezbollah after air strike 0.18630205: -0.0026552624 428.58513916191816 264.7572798890627 More French soldiers to Central African Republic 0.22622602: 0.10582259 454.1160111290864 211.09476427477637 Libya abruptly closes its borders with four countries 0.21392374: 0.0407329 446.2488587861495 243.29374693306028 Meteorite hits central Russia, more than 500 people hurt 0.1447173: -0.012624323 401.9922199243338 269.68883841166894 NATO protesters acquitted of terrorism charges 0.27965355: -0.061100364 488.28224324695935 293.66927446383943 ‘Credibility on the line over Syria’ 0.34896785: 0.18469605 532.6078632953788 172.07714150191583 Tony Abbott sworn in as new Australian PM -0.026952412: -0.109499425 292.2116035555256 317.61162985730346 Chicago man to be sentenced for terror convictions 0.052203625: -0.14518999 342.83088973303387 335.26726360543125 US drone strike kills three in northwest Pakistan 0.1809358: -0.0286761 425.1534895054347 277.6294334348011 Suicide bomber kills 13 in Russia’s south 0.26858246: -0.10890332 481.2024236242799 317.31674432286786 41 killed, 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 0.33608687: -0.09187934 524.3706386547569 308.89521328418846 Facing Bailout Tax, Cypriots Try to Get Cash Out of Banks 0.12852353: 0.007576073 391.636503856255 259.6959777942823 Andy Murray deserves knighthood, David Cameron says -0.091871455: -0.049888942 250.69669528173208 288.1231372278005 Hushen 300 Index closes higher — Oct. 14 -0.05655076: 0.0156034175 273.2838339416879 255.72495995860316 Soccer-France to host Australia for first time in October -0.00048640172: 0.040053494 309.13628284380326 243.62984044317034 Honduran ambassador to Colombia sacked after wild party 0.08663406: -0.050258756 364.84871919866066 288.30607882044717 Syria must destroy chemical weapons 0.36953714: 0.041752294 545.7616674570565 242.7894675326972 Moderate tremor in the Central Mediterranean 0.028496126: 0.004758274 327.67024308650036 261.089904466935 Asian markets gain on upbeat US economic data -0.065148085: 0.039555028 267.7859528484411 243.87642487110685 Suicide bomber kills 9 at Pakistan political rally 0.25619933: -0.18128054 473.2835663609794 353.12076787652813 Pistorius officer dropped from case -0.024478205: -0.06167123 293.79382795808965 293.9516746874574 Dozens killed in air strike on bakery in central Syria 0.18450986: -0.10453918 427.4390547199787 315.1578636188383 Police confirm how suspect was captured -0.009604993: -0.08273004 303.3050587156875 304.3691803060377 UN says US drones violate Pakistan’s sovereignty 0.2193842: 0.049650904 449.7407514405206 238.88213284465832 Obama Praises Mandela ‘Inspiration’ 0.016296074: 0.0045577115 319.86846397302145 261.18912007202226 Obama coming ‘to listen’ to Israel, Palestinians 0.265576: 0.10385006 479.2798315246581 212.07054982567502 Syria ‘to declare chemical weapons and sign convention’ 0.3231424: 0.14667404 516.0928200294782 190.88611205644634 Australia to scrap soaring national debt ceiling -0.035084963: -0.003967663 287.0109399924298 265.40650649179594 Asian markets hit 3-wk high on hopes of US debt deal 0.015748035: 0.013531791 319.51800018987365 256.7497653276199 South Africa Admits Mistake Over ‘Schizophrenic’ Mandela Sig….. 0.0967824: 0.027608175 371.33845379718747 249.78637024299564 Iran says serious issues remain in nuclear talks 0.21350355: 0.12499233 445.98015710085446 201.61175514600689 Crowds Gather in Bethlehem for Christmas 0.02440668: 0.047447663 325.05509473878027 239.9720461149575 Israeli soldier hits Palestinian child in Hebron 0.06644524: -0.11208579 351.9382216591064 318.89106922438987 UN voices alarm over Israeli strikes on Syria 0.3331343: 0.13602327 522.4825037965717 196.15490216440418 Dozens injured as Boeing 777 jet crash lands at San Francisc….. 0.03577233: -0.108779706 332.32328450569696 317.255594864041 13 children die in fire Myanmar mosque fire 0.18767646: -0.055570275 429.46405610436767 290.9336147855902 US Senate to vote on fiscal cliff deal as deadline nears 0.03612614: 0.014644349 332.5495411778093 256.1993980839743 Man with knife arrested at entrance to Buckingham Palace -0.05917961: -0.1973532 271.60271649387266 361.0716939184713 5 people buried in Colorado avalanche 0.07959569: 0.001576861 360.3477706233283 262.6637061717376 Iraqi president in hospital due to health problem 0.20027967: -0.13400601 437.52364871025 329.73470264759067 Malaysia’s long-ruling coalition hangs on to power 0.0976671: 0.075233035 371.9042062533068 226.22700152850757 Explosions Near the Iranian Embassy in Beirut 0.45290858: -0.035399113 599.0766443547773 280.9552161663299 19 hurt in New Orleans shooting 0.09447246: -0.18727396 369.8612758590277 356.08563390433596 U.S. bans carry-on liquids, gels on flights to Russia 0.194827: 0.009959231 434.03673977746945 258.5170619952873 Egypt’s Brotherhood stands ground after killings 0.26534536: 0.03622743 479.1323400470711 245.52254169196823 4 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan 0.25608802: -0.018334335 473.2123839512641 272.5135031525332 Mandela to spend Christmas in hospital 0.00083096494: -0.08848675 309.9787221885725 307.216947939753 Exit polls suggest Putin ally wins Moscow vote 0.137832: 0.1336872 397.58915430918836 197.31052410518527 At least 45 killed in Spain train crash 0.049039192: -0.06562354 340.80727483333214 295.9068264473977 Chris Froome rides to Tour de France endgame -0.0963203: 0.01986869 247.8517144654812 253.61498758024823 US Senate to meet as path out of fiscal impasse still elusiv….. 0.05603347: 0.14269862 345.28002678880534 192.8526987025303 China’s new stealth frigate commissioned 0.025400976: 0.10693529 325.6909337576114 210.5443270028191 Iraq violence kills 11 0.33308524: -0.08019008 522.451133984954 303.1126954823528 Protests continue in tense Ukraine capital 0.1999092: 0.046432532 437.28673611716516 240.47421729457142 Israel faces European backlash over settlement plan 0.19985984: 0.051025454 437.25517572346 238.20216162474912 Islamists kill 21 in suicide attacks in Niger 0.22997406: -0.14360087 456.5128381663662 334.48114789364365 U.S. has determined Syria used chemical weapons 0.35508963: 0.085245825 536.5226671312194 221.2738105924157 Pakistani Taliban names new leader after drone strike 0.22789939: -0.08239203 455.1861104927033 304.2019711264464 Muslim Brotherhood supporter dies in Cairo clash 0.13008715: -0.06717428 392.6364213661163 296.67395711534124 China stocks end lower Thursday -0.037706338: 0.014480104 285.334603772737 256.2806479717925 Topless Women Protest Against Berlusconi As He Votes In Elec….. 0.14226191: -0.02638648 400.4220236337729 276.4967899944754 Indonesia: Schoolchildren among 14 killed by Indonesia volca….. 0.22011745: -0.13884528 450.2096596088304 332.12862416524507 Deal reached on new Italian government 0.0638284: 0.1335092 350.26478705169717 197.39857549276735 Obama mourns death of icon Nelson Mandela 0.0347797: -0.033671685 331.6885103642803 280.1006809512614 Maldives holds fresh election for president 0.030840253: 0.009366404 329.169283172383 258.81032536074173 Egypt announces arrest of 1,004 Muslim Brotherhood supporter….. 0.121033244: -0.02438635 386.8465613678513 275.50735260851593 What the Papers Say, Mar. 12, 2013 0.24277218: 0.20390876 464.6970714575333 162.57287693772628 Mumbai photojournalist gangrape case cracked, five accused a….. 0.052426368: -0.09736323 342.9733307852997 311.6080216186533 ‘Israeli’ arrested in Yemen Mossad spy 0.13291416: -0.051712055 394.4442544616949 289.0250060529579 Egypt’s interim president appoints 2 advisors 0.15940242: 0.06259739 411.3831618195032 232.47768439327547 China launches first air-to-air missile from chopper -0.00535738: -0.059213005 306.0213537418445 292.7356238423187 Egypt swears in new interim leader 0.19066642: 0.05084391 431.37609948544133 238.29196924867205 Senior Pakistani Taliban commander captured in Afghanistan 0.079192966: -0.07884357 360.0902322838139 302.4465972395411 Driver in Spanish train crash faces questions from judge -0.1122885: -0.090085655 237.6402547440525 308.0079029764421 Stocks close 0.39% higher -0.110830255: 0.0050799022 238.57278242774146 260.9307994519171 US releases initial report on fracking impacts on water 0.14030048: 0.013852674 399.1677171533946 256.5910291130193 Death toll from west Chinas violence rises to 35 0.16987315: -0.05953453 418.07906335583414 292.89467840930956 Trailblazing Israeli electric car company Better Place to fo….. 0.057398167: 0.058766473 346.1527331374755 234.37278503317077 Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak hospitalized after col….. -0.05264872: -0.14622885 275.77913950817833 335.7811755843396 Pro-Pak Taliban warlord killed in US drone strike 0.13786688: -0.13696146 397.611461942541 331.1967242515143 Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Syria 0.29894352: -0.08162801 500.6179356812337 303.8240209573545 South Korean soldiers kill man trying to cross border into N….. 0.10469289: -0.03230762 376.39711226454284 279.4258973549613 French train derails south of Paris -0.031267405: 0.09955176 289.4522203016403 214.1968599934106 Former spokesman for U.S. President Ronald Reagan dies 0.023143802: -0.015350413 324.2474995691977 271.03739756515216 Obama meets Mandela family as icon remains in hospital 0.09784647: -0.03691484 372.0189128472759 281.70502588425495 Three feared dead after helicopter crashes into pub 0.11553441: -0.0724185 383.33012650515064 299.26820383257126 Indian stocks open lower -0.071829475: -0.006625221 263.5132882621779 266.7211643407086 US readies possible solo action against Syria 0.30827275: 0.13444923 506.5838601765678 196.93355801815642 Brief clashes with police in Belfast 0.049092956: 0.058784842 340.84165584193363 234.36369793831585 RI condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria 0.35370106: 0.04440331 535.634688010505 241.4780454985642 Strong new quake hits shattered Pak region 0.13443741: -0.06834752 395.418357627792 297.25434439045847 Indian troops kill Pakistani soldier along Kashmir line of c….. 0.02582496: -0.07726251 325.96206655566135 301.66446945581384 China’s new carrier extends military modernization drive 0.098293625: 0.11598349 372.304862211498 206.06830529625068 Tropical Storm Andrea zipping up the East Coast -0.048627745: -0.071952224 278.3505016212743 299.03754163127155 Four dead in Indonesia train accident 0.06347456: -0.10355507 350.03850893909987 314.6710378537157 Israel advances plan to build 900 settlement homes 0.08783966: 0.013107255 365.61968568214627 256.9597774698248 Man sets himself on fire on the National Mall -0.049498606: -0.19845504 277.79359693857134 361.6167574389385 India Ink: Image of the Day: January 27 -0.06822131: 0.0036980556 265.8206655966467 261.6143801245053 Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinians in West Bank 0.18102488: -0.008701964 425.2104544914158 267.74850086461953 Senate to vote on moving ahead on Hagel nod 0.01657915: 0.09766124 320.04948717778205 215.13207335199013 Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy returns to stir up el….. 0.002212528: 0.020758301 310.86221425503913 253.17490939881742 Obama travels to tornado-ravaged Oklahoma 0.085438296: -0.004801903 364.0840419240656 265.81919369807184 Syria car bomb kills at least 12 in rebel-held town 0.3310105: -0.03791316 521.1243586657693 282.1988802804416 Kerry: $4b Palestinian Economic Plan Could Work 0.23055632: 0.08693873 456.88518791999786 220.43635307112538 Libya threatens army action against oil protesters 0.2716771: 0.008748917 483.18140896362 259.11578793450406 2 Turkish unions call for strike on Monday in protest over p….. 0.08316871: 0.04450758 362.6326688005657 241.4264641185219 Two U.S. soldiers killed in «insider» attack in Afghanistan 0.24818687: -0.08000424 468.1597002323547 303.020763052028 South African icon Nelson Mandela hospitalized 0.015689874: -0.13303104 319.4808069043421 329.25239923711695 Pope Francis condemns global indifference to suffering 0.10623551: -0.021268561 377.38359850178114 273.9650251168429 Top judge Mansour sworn in as Egypt interim president 0.10840912: -0.0058334367 378.77359466397223 266.3294794082921 Blast kills 10 young girls in eastern Afghanistan 0.29112136: -0.16905063 495.6157657446404 347.07080089560054 Kenyan police arrest key Al-Shabaab recruiter, financier 0.14025448: -0.045280546 399.1383008081749 285.84342635781036 Obama to announce gun control plans Wednesday 0.088895954: 0.027545994 366.29517053974854 249.81713017886477 President for early conclusion of Eco Partnership with Sri L….. 0.071724355: 0.090608805 355.3141498777303 218.62081749315678 Bomb explodes at Greek shopping mall, two people injured 0.17162222: -0.14356536 419.19757056969917 334.46358184453453 Six Australians killed in Laos plane crash 0.08856681: -0.14275208 366.0846869176604 334.0612655087074 10 dead, five injured in SW China road accident 0.101270795: -0.10329458 374.20872485646174 314.5421783889754 Bollywood cuts costs by a third as rupee collapse bites -0.03126935: -0.046772983 289.4509767535188 286.58171457562736 China gives US regulators access to audit records 0.022786483: 0.069889635 324.01899879300396 228.8703086065624 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads not guilty to Boston bombing charge….. 0.08736181: -0.11586316 365.31410636290224 320.7596825768486 Chinese general’s son gets 10 years jail for rape 0.14571391: -0.08936481 402.6295359543438 307.6513114423874 Afghan legislators approve new election law 0.09554804: 0.0012732632 370.5490961422493 262.81389184886746 In Pakistan, army adamant on fighting the other Taliban 0.28113917: 0.10261353 489.23227589539357 212.68224344177685 South Africans Mourn as Mandela Buried 0.07029985: -0.001982158 354.4031960863566 264.4243043664909 Cryptic crossword – Saturday 27th April -0.07417133: 0.12770754 262.0157037469893 200.2685789582651 Angelina Jolie’s aunt dies of breast cancer -0.022891825: -0.08833093 294.8082976014766 307.1398651971874 Myanmar’s Suu Kyi urges party unity amid squabbles 0.11080414: 0.06673414 380.30517902358724 230.43128758617422 Former Zambian president arrested 0.02790984: -0.10477493 327.29532047468626 315.27448655755205 26 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prison 0.17240305: -0.06383242 419.6969051682929 295.02078402066127 Officer injured in India anti-rape protests dies -0.01833469: -0.13227935 297.7225276103919 328.88054890253534 US Cannot ‘Conclusively Determine’ Chemical Weapons Use in S….. 0.34184667: 0.048450597 528.0539614870091 239.47590842724276 Egypt shuts down Muslim Brotherhood newspaper 0.18349524: 0.0255055 426.7902180027738 250.82653484788102 Senate confirms Yellen as Fed head -0.020931674: 0.027113928 296.0617893434304 250.03086764296154 ‘Large and extremely dangerous’ tornado heads towards Oklaho….. -0.0096041355: 0.0238382 303.3056072347583 251.6513255375986 Hostage drama drags on after Alabama school bus shooting 0.15046489: 0.01669301 405.66772889099474 255.1859529656639 two found dead in swimming pool at essex hotel 0.033044126: -0.025173796 330.578631754431 275.896891541752 Pakistan condemns US drone strike in Shawal Area 0.16176428: 0.009447013 412.8935439218736 258.77044930512545 Iran’s Ahmadinejad may face charges over election appearance….. 0.089863166: -0.0017956045 366.9136904113698 264.33201885756546 Singapore stocks close 0.44 pct lower -0.07331161: -0.06029678 262.5654806596163 293.2717532245065 Sniper waiting for result of appeal 0.112387896: 0.0059891655 381.3179703534653 260.48099931370126 Apple shares hit hard on iPhone disappointment -0.013152081: -0.016655153 301.0367411800705 271.6828346917672 occupied Palestinian territory: Palestinians rebuff US peace….. 0.2895136: 0.091389515 494.58761349850244 218.23461135469768 Owners, others charged in Bangladesh factory fire 0.16417153: -0.12336805 414.4329516761842 324.47224825898206 Egypt set to lure Gulf investors 0.16358353: 0.10268875 414.0569332173664 212.6450326084144 US-Russia reach agreement on Syria 0.19940361: 0.237879 436.9634231346708 145.76826408913502 Palestinians, Jordan coordinate stances on peace talks 0.25995794: 0.0683943 475.68714953326435 229.61002871906652 Obama cancels Moscow meeting with Putin 0.14198746: 0.09426669 400.24651658931 216.81131172138674 Egypt court orders Mubarak release 0.15790263: -0.0062869964 410.42406699280394 266.55384919722474 Hollande ‘threatens legal action’ after affair allegations 0.09600209: 0.057215925 370.83945271724696 235.13981987289844 Iranian exiles report deaths in Iraq camp 0.27832168: -0.014701066 487.4305318975135 270.7161744748673 ‘Blade Runner’ Pistorius to dispute murder charge -0.0004795351: -0.10018342 309.14067395560363 313.00312932799534 Egyptians vote on Islamist-backed constitution 0.13849898: 0.00566107 398.01567702121787 260.6433037472053 Helicopter crashes near rail station in London -0.10113582: -0.1140038 244.77225097776224 319.8398828182217 Indonesian capital prays for metro to ease traffic chaos 0.052298583: 0.012136611 342.8916139506927 257.4399417918067 Typhoon survivors raid Philippine stores 0.17157692: -0.049046297 419.1686020923853 287.7062918601672 US Senate confirms Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chief -0.05389144: -0.01900574 274.98443602568324 272.84563822018765 Suarez set for Cup comeback -0.07510031: -0.0009498967 261.42163079265384 263.9136587533649 Mixed reactions to NZ same-sex marriage 0.102013044: 0.02864506 374.68338383926465 249.27343773902453 TV weatherman Fred Talbot arrested over sex claims -0.07021588: -0.09136717 264.5451616235761 308.6418508528294 U.S. drone strike kills 5 in Pakistan 0.254537: -0.06302555 472.2205185346035 294.6216373873591 Syrian troops push into strategic rebelheld town 0.20419803: 0.11716749 440.0293934105882 205.48259955515266 Thai opposition protesters begin Bangkok shutdown 0.11219542: -0.043410692 381.19488291219443 284.91843528987374 About 60 Crushed to Death in Ivory Coast Stampede 0.1589829: -0.034997657 411.1148889439052 280.7566214031909 Glasgow Helicopter Crash Search Ends -0.058146503: -0.0044538626 272.26337644733644 265.6470228743901 Swiss tourist gang-raped in India 0.07967014: -0.11721256 360.39537802880864 321.42721087149715 India Braces for Massive Cyclone 0.10971977: 0.02262945 379.6117365687816 252.24927794039974 Many killed in Japan road tunnel collapse 0.20376156: -0.09897806 439.7502764142063 312.4068529975468 Clinton to testify this month on Benghazi attack 0.03391704: -0.01836558 331.1368490712622 272.528960059468 Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Protest in Kyiv 0.21066855: 0.008131429 444.167206876224 259.4212509689789 Thieves snatch English Channel swimmer’s custom-made wheelch….. -0.05291461: -0.11359039 275.6091069341815 319.6353743484533 Three die after car crash at Tian’anmen 0.09204037: -0.09698973 368.3059830877164 311.4232537613541 Singapore shares open lower on Friday -0.053226423: -0.031952664 275.40970566048685 279.25030504933164 Obama pledges to reignite economy 0.0074874964: 0.05476438 314.23548995812365 236.3525664874399 Two Earthquakes Hit Northwest China, 11 Dead 0.16150199: -0.014051182 412.72581262658446 270.3946860141385 Pak missions in UAE gear up for elections 0.31127346: 0.079167485 508.50277404189904 224.2806825500801 Bangladesh building disaster death toll passes 500 0.14369056: -0.09138882 401.33562651616404 308.65256149880315 South Africa’s Mandela taken to hospital 0.0030262582: -0.087745175 311.38258450044304 306.85009910089957 Chicago Shooting Shows Gap in Stepped-up Policing 0.16486236: -0.025169104 414.8747304843253 275.8945704717926 Feds move to require car-to-car safety communication 0.07159502: 0.11475974 355.23144201626775 206.6736779358057 Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq 0.18235824: 0.0802649 426.0631187512996 223.73780465007474 Death toll from Philippine earthquake rises to 185 0.16512628: -0.11853207 415.04350045199186 322.07995582099744 Army jets kill 38 militants in NW Pakistan air raids 0.1366615: -0.087845825 396.84063363106884 306.8998892304453 Egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in Cairo 0.16212073: -0.0796121 413.1214896277372 302.8267772575022 Philippines holds second senator over corruption 0.024883907: -0.075928815 325.3602750267784 301.0047069323514 Renowned Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco De Lucia dies -0.08366713: -0.18567775 255.9432581583482 355.29600940556725 Chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects 0.12493486: 0.0742812 389.3415953548669 226.697860838586 Snowden Hits Hurdles in Search for Asylum 0.21018077: 0.1089927 443.85528117346314 209.52655395056695 Death toll in building collapse in south India mounts to 47 0.1914018: -0.0635897 431.84636078657303 294.9007149518768 Pakistan imposes temporary ban on 2 TV channels 0.075470395: -0.017817264 357.709695250471 272.2577155301725 Palestinian prisoners arrive at Muqata in Ramallah 0.19369705: -0.013659964 433.3141477923667 270.2011558643507 Explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in Lebanon’s Tripoli 0.38577577: -0.15926783 556.1460661293179 342.23138016595004 Pakistan fighter jets bomb ‘Taliban hideouts’ 0.20379509: -0.0008310179 439.7717168990603 263.8548510389743 Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94 -0.095274284: -0.08916393 248.52062900561376 307.5519375825302 Japan’s opposition party chief criticizes Abe’s economic pol….. 0.0223596: -0.02458664 323.7460125841522 275.60643345517457 Ukraine’s opposition chief wants more protests 0.21287489: 0.038669802 445.5781337161848 244.31433401772847 Queen pays tribute to Nelson Mandela -0.017556414: -0.07083513 298.2202255853085 298.4849297959542 Turkish search ends as last missing miners found 0.11580151: 0.049273454 383.5009357011544 239.0688522804307 Iran predicts failure of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks 0.24247935: 0.08768151 464.5098150273704 220.06891083447374 Titanic Violin Nabs Record $1.4 Million -0.13806477: -0.065432265 221.15665275805222 295.8122071413279 JAL’s first order from Airbus is blow to Boeing 0.08156966: -0.028753545 361.610095845042 277.66774444979575 Sienna Miller testifies at UK phone hacking trial 0.05186831: -0.09295722 342.61645867945657 309.42842727719335 Israelis attack 2 Palestinians in Jerusalem area 0.21211876: -0.016645918 445.0945983726524 271.6782662658606 Iranian president makes debut on world stage 0.02935639: -0.062401034 328.2203713848514 294.31269827649606 Cameron ‘has no concerns’ over halal meat 0.0074425964: -0.010160419 314.20677697992096 268.46997860195256 GM slow on recalls, Congress record shows 0.007740207: 0.13944063 314.39709523043484 194.46438186543918 Death toll in Lebanon bombings rises to 47 0.23614307: -0.17145394 460.45783973398574 348.2596825986898 Greek far-right leader imprisoned pending trial 0.075363964: -0.0892001 357.64163362243994 307.5698316589936 Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350 0.09907996: -0.17993504 372.80771304960786 352.45516720329886 Egypt courts hear cases against Mubarak, Islamists 0.20335488: -0.009615744 439.4902080974791 268.2005354588304 Nelson Mandela dies aged 95 -0.030943768: -0.073460236 289.6591817285221 299.78353480621456 Donetsk Region Protesters Detain Trucks Carrying Government ….. 0.3115675: 0.13372512 508.6908023295167 197.29176388907842 Easy Rider star Karen Black dies aged 74 -0.17073712: -0.12482618 200.2631003789923 325.1935656683386 Coronation Street’s Bill Roache Arrested -0.031556558: -0.10751421 289.2673104134309 316.629571243966 At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake 0.22472085: -0.042015485 453.1534762957062 284.22824546502227 N. Korea’s Kim hails execution of powerful uncle 0.12983498: -0.06411034 392.47516033270085 295.15826802482985 Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam 0.058988377: -0.116992354 347.169652951826 321.31827998995726 Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher dies at 87 0.012721356: -0.12763837 317.5824770956088 326.5847186209257 U.N. condemns ethnic killings in South Sudan oil town 0.3039607: -0.03567929 503.82636606762566 281.09381509493306 Feds drop ‘morning-after pill’ appeal 0.0879553: -0.048341617 365.69363629668385 287.35769645358675 Police fire tear gas at protesters in Bangkok 0.15087004: -0.11216501 405.92681570997087 318.9302592789801 Seven Filipinos slain in Yemen attack 0.24434662: -0.10894795 465.7039070971741 317.33882166952407 Israel ends airstrike case; Palestinians critical 0.2502615: -0.106228724 469.48638978960014 315.99365888915327 Queen visits London soldier attack scene 0.13063139: -0.090313934 392.98445284537127 308.1208291574436 Syrian army retakes Crusader castle from rebels 0.17198531: 0.12769482 419.4297662561161 200.27487413490763 Saudi to give Lebanese army $3 billion 0.17305534: 0.04358392 420.1140321834042 241.8833877945924 Red Cross workers released in Ukraine 0.17470789: 0.049450506 421.17081938820274 238.9812671339758 Syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition 0.22117569: 0.13157864 450.88638801455426 198.35359949212773 Wreckage of Air Algerie plane carrying 116 people found in M….. 0.18945146: -0.076428816 430.59914395985317 301.2520506146137 US government shutdown begins – live updates 0.14068107: 0.05464867 399.4111000083532 236.4098054179192 Suicide bomber kills 14 in Afghanistan 0.236055: -0.20487395 460.40152272710253 364.7921064572042 China launches probe and rover to moon -0.06573448: 0.08571446 267.4109587683442 221.04198370972313 Chinese News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet 0.10907654: 0.10404511 379.200398484581 211.97406186939577 Palestinian diplomat dies in Prague blast 0.16685957: -0.20852493 416.1519163443189 366.5981955845084 Novice ‘steered South Korea ferry’ -0.044965833: 0.043382317 280.6922480529641 241.98311732455852 Teenage girl killed in east London Shereka Marsh was shot in….. -0.0065524257: -0.10313803 305.25713713988927 314.46473444775 Iran dissidents ‘killed in Iraq’ 0.37541923: -0.041888773 549.5231861198475 284.1655627547415 James Gandolfini dies aged 51 -0.10060902: -0.096910246 245.1091334048931 311.3839347072426 Nearly nine million people in ‘severe debt’ 0.10271159: -0.020176576 375.13009395892226 273.4248350140077 Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train 0.13105068: -0.14577751 393.2525827844036 335.55790321276373 The new Cold War 0.23678033: 0.14454989 460.8653614118824 191.93689792906565 US: Assad used chemical weapons on Syria rebels 0.31415647: 0.05954126 510.3464270408405 233.9895090266969 Death Toll in Bangladesh Collapse at 194 0.23184222: -0.059136227 457.70750198243275 292.6976426975287 Suicide bomber kills 23 Iraqi army recruits 0.23807536: -0.15968892 461.693516815302 342.4396885930478 Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire 0.02975122: 0.015722984 328.4728604901827 255.66581183520776 Iran excluded from Syria peace talks: UN 0.23673676: 0.1478612 460.8374983106766 190.2988398925889 Kerry call on Congress to end shutdown 0.121742696: 0.047546484 387.30024679191473 239.92316082491163 Canada train plot suspects reject charges 0.07504375: 0.054598596 357.4368626984274 236.43457701172156 Rudd sworn in as new Australian PM -0.013533319: 0.075432256 300.79294380907146 226.12844957988648 Moon rocks indicate earth’s orb born of collision -0.0068277693: 0.06298252 305.0810583491636 232.28716315732345 BlackBerry loses US$965m in Q2 -0.035770964: 0.013933537 286.5722509963837 256.55102728286965 Egypt strongly opposes military action against Syria 0.23160309: 0.0995661 457.55457891534945 214.1897650197356 Pro-Russia rebels downed Malaysian plane: Ukraine 0.16555195: -0.050939605 415.3157088476986 288.64288551362534 No argument with Jakarta on boats: Abbott 0.12850362: 0.010020216 391.6237729728039 258.4868936143661 Egypt’s opposition criticizes president’s speech 0.22177082: 0.036107466 451.26697091436984 245.58188700034634 Ukraine’s Yanukovych says he does not plan to resign 0.07598116: -0.00055002904 358.0363243612895 263.7158496779357 Flash floods kill 58 in eastern Afghanistan 0.22320004: -0.014210437 452.1809359027274 270.47346740397285 Investigators probe motives of LAX airport shooter 0.19900006: -0.1263576 436.70535592986323 325.9511393145994 Outrage after reports emerge about 6-year-old Indian girl ra….. 0.13306917: -0.08070895 394.54338573455556 303.3693750442612 Janet Yellen to become first woman to lead the Federal Reser….. -0.09796657: -0.030384209 246.7989485427308 278.4744116281869 Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis, Palestinians 0.31008893: 0.059825934 507.74528647655836 233.84868393492502 Russia releases Greenpeace doctor 0.123164654: 0.017808126 388.2095711064395 254.63432060528373 Russian aircraft wreckage found after a year 0.1190326: 0.052021053 385.56717428474605 237.70965250928526 17 killed in US drone attack on Yemen wedding party 0.2430323: -0.1413306 464.8634210326874 333.3580780606534 France to ban child beauty pageants 0.0771225: 0.025405165 358.76619658213815 250.8761692565759 Today in History, Dec. 2 -0.00088594895: 0.04768412 308.8807774419282 239.85507487753603 Death toll rises to 29 in India’s Mumbai building collapse 0.14083076: -0.11194046 399.50681986184594 318.8191759482837 Extremists claim responsibility for Niger attacks 0.35902297: -0.05333691 539.0379885814592 289.82880022772326 Pro-Russians forces enter Ukrainian naval base in Crimea 0.108416244: 0.08232932 378.7781495758657 222.71656703924884 No update on Nelson Mandela’s condition 0.072744355: -0.0402817 355.9664266016161 283.37056634733307 Prince George is christened at St James’s Palace -0.115445174: -0.010010818 235.62159974318024 268.39597295868407 Monty Python to reunite for new show -0.055776495: 0.10480273 273.7789662052503 211.5992777171282 Israeli forces arrest 6 Palestinians in overnight West Bank ….. 0.14903364: -0.032154556 404.7524584153372 279.35017832162157 Hague ‘concerns over conduct’ of Zimbabwe election 0.10397125: 0.05177963 375.93563203309697 237.82908026616354 Hong Kong stocks end higher -0.10128643: 0.0018288192 244.67593555524573 262.5390659127711 Southwest grounds flights due to computer glitch -0.0011198926: 0.0027121718 308.7311734437911 262.10208343190766 Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide 0.17595428: 0.010010055 421.9678717949274 258.49191998857356 Egypt’s presidential election begins 0.044778306: 0.028202502 338.082491757449 249.49236466958075 Son of US evangelist kills himself The son of popular US eva….. 0.035070136: -0.19353023 331.87423975546636 359.1805240782769 Italian parliament backs new PM -0.0055055036: -0.0050062295 305.9266305731129 265.9202712730362 Super Typhoon Haiyan, Strongest of Season, Slams the Philipp….. 0.04559717: -0.05431757 338.6061446304194 290.31391951346325 Boston bomb suspect charged; religious motive seen 0.12467705: -0.21014121 389.17672755544385 367.3977493607215 World’s oldest person dies in Japan at 116 -0.05623647: -0.17208263 273.4848194289857 348.5706893875953 Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Indonesia island 0.04475607: -0.121000364 338.0682719514386 323.30098789051107 US, Afghan govt to hold peace talks with Taliban 0.18402593: 0.08220043 427.1295875261478 222.78032597410788 Typhoon death toll rises to 3633 0.11419226: -0.1037657 382.47184007368287 314.7752326099712 Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy 0.074678704: -0.06398425 357.2034186993367 295.09589491340034 G7 ‘to intensify Russia sanctions’ 0.23021512: 0.107180774 456.6669904879145 210.42289053910815 Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit 0.12396682: 0.015562744 388.7225466179526 255.74508065894787 Gang violence kills 16 in Venezuelan prison 0.152363: -0.19487874 406.88154620686424 359.8476137745529 Israel, Palestinians seek another meeting Monday: U.S. offic….. 0.21493769: 0.063445136 446.8972666936573 232.0583143207241 Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast 0.06619185: -0.056916386 351.776184003684 291.59951768626956 Bangladesh Islamists rally against atheist bloggers 0.1428652: 0.0034941502 400.8078189536841 261.715249342207 India accuses China of crossing de facto border -0.0062222984: 0.06572751 305.4682493850819 230.929255224242 Pregnant Sudan woman who married a Christian man sentenced t….. 0.130052: -0.19102295 392.6139422088849 357.9402047374692 Kerry pursuing ‘quiet strategy’ in Mideast peace process 0.26683596: 0.1366865 480.08555541636815 195.826808467469 North Korea says to restart nuclear reactor 0.047446366: 0.07350144 339.78868266116297 227.08359889306757 Suicide bomber kills eight, wounds 13 in Afghan capital – po….. 0.20707048: -0.25035515 441.8662902745246 387.2910382920246 More rain hampers Indian flood rescue 0.03098369: 0.08060862 329.26100914000267 223.5677722238159 Russia responds to Ukraine ceasefire 0.20779866: 0.14635177 442.33194901824095 191.04553335064787 Kim Jong-un Executed His ‘Worse Than a Dog’ Uncle 0.050546583: 0.032514494 341.77123188554106 247.3592811055484 Mandela remains in hospital -0.018971866: -0.10011364 297.3150619159835 312.96860905607855 South Korea Ferry Crew Members Stand Trial 0.13416708: 0.101086214 395.24548061613785 213.43778626700134 US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials 0.20629072: -0.08712498 441.3676417714461 306.5432976963906 Cricket-England v Australia fourth test scoreboard -0.110494554: 0.057443418 238.78745885575657 235.02728253331128 Birthday of DPRK to Be Celebrated in Peru 0.12589478: -0.017852152 389.95545549444654 272.2749738232806 Powerful 7.6 quake strikes off Solomons 0.05649566: -0.0024189958 345.5755910193464 264.6404020611161 India Ink: Image of the Day: May 21 -0.06614304: -0.0042722686 267.1496897844651 265.5571908327006 Australia leader ousted in snap leadership vote 0.048441615: -0.04435757 340.42513154267436 285.38684360904625 Prince’s christening a blend of old and new -0.08422371: 0.02652128 255.5873318161147 250.32404209088884 What the Papers Say, May 20, 2013 0.251803: 0.19532694 470.4721756376665 166.8181848431865 Bombing Aimed at Hezbollah Hits Southern Beirut 0.2821449: -0.082177356 489.8754332663882 304.0957750347594 Chinese premier meets Indian vice president 0.032310557: 0.024627898 330.1095234749292 251.26067260135306 Egypt policeman killed in Sinai attack 0.04203567: -0.08219981 336.3286100685914 304.1068837363991 Extension likely for Iran nuclear talks 0.26223725: 0.15814713 477.14474039737195 185.21053117212034 Fire kills 38 in Russian psychiatric institution 0.15589683: -0.07114014 409.14138283958334 298.6358150075421 North Korea: experts call for dialogue ‚Äď and say China mus….. 0.29590595: 0.13253938 498.67544681166737 197.8783357698199 Sony Xperia Z2 and Nokia‚Äôs X series unveiled -0.0048537618: 0.026428852 306.34341126483685 250.36976504981095 New coronavirus can probably can be passed person to person-….. 0.009467569: -0.02569242 315.5017215170639 276.1534476326899 Mandela back in hospital in ‚Äėserious but stable‚Äô conditi….. -0.023410631: -0.072691016 294.47652753884535 299.40301201809666 Royal Hoax DJ Takes Action Against Station 0.0343703: 0.01680264 331.4267029860038 255.13172064545756 Business news and markets: as it happened, April 17, 2013 0.07509541: 0.09463173 357.46989533875916 216.63073081998095 Iran, world powers begin new round of nuclear talks 0.22507943: 0.12164809 453.3827846634962 203.26610766488216 Car Bomb Kills 37 in Northwest Pakistan 0.33834818: -0.13497093 525.816718360774 330.2120377336415 Microsoft says to cut up to 18,000 jobs 0.012382555: -0.04065855 317.3658180183137 283.556987241356 Malaysians vote in polls for stability or change 0.14947379: 0.046553347 405.0339291005009 240.41445181632378 Fire destroys ancient Tibetan town in China -0.016961053: -0.017978992 298.6009514216898 272.33772011189694 Car bomb in northern Syria kills at least 12 0.36422396: -0.05740024 542.3639509412689 291.8388744553091 Philippine quake death toll climbs to 73 0.111764155: -0.08347758 380.91909633779306 304.7389777053794 Search ends for missing asylum-seekers 0.17110637: 0.03549195 418.86769203428724 245.88637378487203 Supreme Court takes on affirmative action in Michigan ban ca….. -0.016020123: -0.0134043135 299.2026643354616 270.07468888001915 Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India 0.035902876: 0.008520284 332.4067666068903 259.2288896469972 At least two killed in southern Egypt clash 0.31235752: -0.02027614 509.1960163855127 273.47408795268944 Winter Storm Ion: State-By-State… 0.06858133: 0.06234132 353.30422353646975 232.60435639470347 Muslims prepare for start of Ramadan 0.0934133: -0.05158926 369.1839566488323 288.9642620211981 Japan scrambles jets against Russian military planes 0.052723907: 0.06290721 343.1636031769987 232.32441821909322 Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany 0.028548744: 0.08567678 327.7038915452027 221.06062229770987 General Electric posts 9% profit drop for third quarter -0.10641807: -0.011571384 241.39431688266643 269.167963683595 China sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands 0.14740987: 0.09287062 403.7140814402 217.50192724465876 Police: Explosion in Belfast Cathedral Quarter 0.19683981: -0.097123355 435.3239026097484 311.48935680180136 Syrians Protest against Erdogan in Paris, Venezuelans Stress….. 0.30993915: 0.10785232 507.64949991933497 210.09068728599237 Prime Minister to seek nuclear deal, investments during Japa….. 0.104545765: 0.07716459 376.3030266524512 225.271487330966 At least six dead in US shooting rampage 0.20924647: -0.093210876 443.2578063288642 309.55390695447386 Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence 0.26536652: -0.12970293 479.14587137529014 327.6060262600632 Israel downs drone from Lebanon 0.25892335: -0.026218642 475.0255438161909 276.41376221682526 NATO: 5 Americans killed in southern Afghanistan 0.36598504: -0.021642482 543.4901386132638 274.14999845195115 Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car -0.16763674: 0.011085266 202.24575442351852 257.96002777995 Bangladesh garment factory fire ‘kills 8’ 0.13651268: -0.1313837 396.7454664656301 328.4374834607598 Ukraine hosts ‚Äėunity talks‚Äô 0.15099595: 0.11262986 406.00733664197827 207.72730179789505 Washington Pot Shops Prepare for Historic Sales -0.04881758: 0.069439925 278.22910559603076 229.09277380970457 Mumbai Indians puts T&T in its place 0.011814029: 0.047689278 317.00225290778195 239.85252252986334 Obama nominates new transportation secretary -0.020114008: -0.007014549 296.58467631463634 266.9137594743228 China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD -0.030444194: -0.010522546 289.9786532908135 268.6491179337071 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on April 5 0.28957698: 0.062569015 494.6281503085331 232.4917195411998 Hijacker arrested after plane lands at Geneva Airport 0.09476777: -0.16604197 370.050123649622 345.5824560179176 PCB appoints Waqar Younis as head coach 0.04278319: -0.0072453422 336.8066399720686 267.02792980963665 US makes case for action against Syria 0.3487401: 0.09261875 532.4622204640414 217.6265260394934 Iran nuclear deal agreed at talks 0.16036549: 0.11559433 411.99903736465905 206.2608204962329 Egyptian military spokesman denounces incitement against arm….. 0.2350012: 0.012160369 459.7276339944838 257.42818901398533 Snowden sees ‘no chance’ for US fair trial 0.14501888: 0.085877664 402.1850699387675 220.96124843785265 Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident -0.04900024: -0.107916884 278.11229545226996 316.8287686191548 Transcript reveals confusion over evacuation of South Korean….. 0.101564355: 0.102323525 374.39645297729146 212.82570565233544 UK vote rejects military action 0.23239355: 0.073248744 458.06006931537246 227.20860311496938 New Zealand set to legalise gay marriage -0.022455895: -0.018142309 295.08706916782484 272.4185106692766 Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat 0.26618555: 0.050930887 479.66962906840877 238.24894237974638 Official of Malaysia Airlines briefs relatives of missing fl….. 0.1750692: 0.0070418525 421.40187158209415 259.9602494387355 Cristiano Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to 2014 World Cup….. -0.099198766: -0.114224985 246.0109726079277 319.9493002122422 Britain’s Prince Philip set for ‘exploratory’ surgery -0.018534934: -0.124632835 297.5944743146012 325.09792173749906 Three bomb attacks kill six soldiers, one civilian 0.37598294: -0.16735567 549.8836721385267 346.2323261209418 Ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti-government ral….. 0.21321799: 0.11504413 445.7975413445244 206.5329947435073 Canadian freight train blast death toll hits three, to rise 0.058621895: -0.044852357 346.9352917764388 285.6316073008813 Nigel Farage calls on Government to let Syrian refugees into….. 0.105603844: 0.067522995 376.979655002579 230.04105297694792 Radio: Israel set to increase Palestinian prisoner release 0.21809018: 0.017150847 448.91324401619886 254.95946758458092 Morsi’s supporters reject plan 0.28346893: 0.067588106 490.72213230693035 230.0088436393138 Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite -0.048394337: -0.10791924 278.49976312999974 316.8299333005477 Three dead, 63 hurt as New York buildings collapse 0.16771087: -0.07516902 416.69631407752365 300.6288465555056 India Ink: Image of the Day: July 2 -0.06432479: -0.0071262345 268.3124406299645 266.9690088175413 Ukraine‚Äôs pro-Russia protesters demand greater autonomy 0.24315405: 0.118566245 464.9412738154685 204.79065349396035 Iraq army fights to retake Tikrit 0.119107485: 0.04185125 385.6150627988055 242.74051590004035 Iran condemns alleged Israeli airstrike on Syria 0.15273003: 0.007846918 407.1162575768374 259.56199451462476 Israel agrees to extend Gaza truce by four hours 0.11865983: 0.04568131 385.3287942095867 240.84583727286497 Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfe….. 0.06531692: 0.029283894 351.2166778754854 248.95741471158834 Shankill blast victims to be remembered 0.23777303: -0.12682343 461.5001808165449 326.18157668816184 Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada -0.047880292: -0.15874049 278.8284886437817 341.9705136481483 Tokyo stocks close up 0.13pc -0.03987728: -0.006508799 283.9463133202299 266.663571813327 Iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks 0.17125477: 0.0906237 418.9625923848034 218.61344977763662 Poverty stats doubt Modi’s development claims 0.08226128: -0.013996103 362.0523796957153 270.36743901166363 MERS respiratory illness found in U.S., officials confirm 0.08639748: 0.0067842607 364.6974256084263 260.08767654807605 EU declares Hezbollah’s military wing terror group 0.25209862: -0.01754001 470.66121401034843 272.1205613962086 Germany welcomes Iran nuclear agreement 0.08062229: 0.12143827 361.0042687404543 203.3699006797712 What the Papers Say, June 25, 2013 0.24226928: 0.19586599 464.3754737138272 166.5515244040252 Gunmen kill nine foreigners in Pakistan 0.21739776: -0.11753799 448.4704551229934 321.5881985884581 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings 0.23545353: -0.10754518 460.0168899579256 316.64489270140336 Chinese tourist abducted from Malaysia 0.047062922: -0.07863785 339.5434749827157 302.3448313599878 UN inspectors hail progress over Syria chemical weapons 0.3641005: 0.13242465 542.2849927823797 197.93508818781856 Gunmen kill 15 Libyan soldiers 0.27255836: -0.05146373 483.7449601966277 288.90216349446405 Pictures show completed Costa Concordia operation 0.034299: 0.10798529 331.3811086038237 210.02490858719887 Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Third Day 0.2400541: 0.17558855 462.95889611496926 176.58249769964232 Iran nuclear talks expected to resume this week 0.13759044: 0.11855806 397.43467799809116 204.79470407893115 D.C. Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana 0.07887292: 0.014394732 359.88556617994954 256.322880111524 North Korea’s Kim hails execution of powerful uncle 0.11367869: -0.062057212 382.1434147266889 294.14261425042866 Chinese president arrives in Netherlands for state visit, nu….. 0.101926535: 0.036186054 374.62806262378905 245.54301023030803 UK Sky News cameraman killed in Egypt 0.06535462: -0.10528496 351.24078650956574 315.5267911928359 Stocks rise in early trading -0.08911384: 0.12149062 252.46015610276726 203.34400494728266 FBI audio expert testifies in Zimmerman trial 0.05113181: -0.041720476 342.1454779309442 284.08230830650376 Iranian nuclear talks to be extended to November 0.2186064: 0.12677 449.24336077922027 200.73236540887223 Death toll in India building collapse hits 42 0.15326023: -0.09572833 407.4553126397669 310.79925727661487 US, NATO Raise Doubts Russia Pulled Back from Ukraine Border 0.27327362: 0.258241 484.202357206847 135.69545809158996 FTSE Bursa Malaysia update: 11.30am 0.15439968: 0.059480157 408.1839746643593 234.01973545740265 Bone fragment ‘could be King Alfred’ -0.09047917: -0.056798335 251.58704238488488 291.54111960294836 Two skydivers dead after colliding during US jump 0.072714426: -0.041627165 355.9472873954698 284.0361485920593 ‘Iron Man’ jetpacks spark concerns in Hawaii 0.08652079: -0.06240989 364.7762837117194 294.31707873167153 Boston bombing suspect identified on surveillance video, no ….. 0.025025716: -0.17627154 325.4509599397446 350.6428860989692 Man held after teen shot in Belfast 0.010766956: -0.12670298 316.33266299237647 326.1219936520944 Indian army kill 3 militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir 0.1630997: -0.0541539 413.74753272726616 290.2329538853046 Iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors 0.19962506: 0.073737465 437.1050351548555 226.96683958343124 Turkey president appeals for calm 0.14526355: 0.101953015 402.34153783268005 213.00899185798926 North Korea test fires 30 missiles into the sea 0.15844032: 0.023392066 410.76791519523636 251.8720216044478 Polling stations open at Ukrainian presidential election 0.056346074: 0.019787073 345.4799331050321 253.6553625875847 India Ink: Image of the Day: April 21 -0.07000537: -0.0069269054 264.6797792811463 266.87040342626136 Two French journalists killed in Mali 0.17741601: -0.022191174 422.9026292890412 274.4214291091275 Iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs 0.28381312: -0.063937046 490.94223555988964 295.0725423143329 India Minister’s wife died ‘unnatural death’ after affair ru….. 0.047318347: -0.15072773 339.706815743162 338.006712183908 3 dead, 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel 0.04354161: -0.09188763 337.29164041539934 308.8993154689678 5 killed in S China road cave-in 0.20062658: -0.03931954 437.7454957893107 282.89459865620864 World News Update, what you need to know 0.2717992: 0.12147265 483.25949044490613 203.35289485715487 Abdullah Widens Lead in Afghan Presidential Poll 0.17938344: 0.0090313135 424.1607759984844 258.97609020640635 Bomb blast rocks shopping mall in Nigeria, 12 killed 0.26660556: -0.09940569 479.9382164044513 312.6183974697804 Police fire teargas on Venezuelan vote protesters 0.13672985: -0.07775292 396.88434363285796 301.90706595569 Wave of attacks kills at least 95 in Iraq 0.37240753: 0.007028516 547.5972397754842 259.9668468428281 Top Chinese political advisor meets Greek PM 0.12984675: 0.024796665 392.48268832516067 251.1771859539769 US believes Syrian government used chemical weapons 0.28963006: 0.06677372 494.66209297833313 230.41170914453187 Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Refuses to Back Down 0.26492083: 0.09631016 478.8608558632972 215.8004346149766 At least 6 dead in Canada bus, train crash 0.066008225: -0.016936019 351.6587568504146 271.821775469102 China stocks open lower on Wednesday -0.043965355: -0.0036918125 281.33204165011267 265.2700471123971 Fire in Beijing kills 10 0.16023853: -0.06687278 411.9178493953452 296.52481155444144 India, China ink border pact; 8 other agreements 0.07785523: 0.14612658 359.2347664672425 191.15692996589615 Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats 0.26208037: 0.025678355 477.0444179864638 250.74102567229494 3 Chinese tourists killed in Pakistan 0.12717804: -0.095579244 390.7760829054062 310.72550640740104 Sevens World Cup within Kenya‚Äôs reach 0.035121303: 0.06541182 331.90696031762974 231.0854220448046 Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants 0.20816907: 0.007449351 442.5688234949083 259.75866557240147 Pakistani Taliban chief killed in US drone strike 0.065531775: -0.10425755 351.3540732669822 315.01854413576575 Putin signs Crimea annexe treaty 0.08577013: 0.12984665 364.2962455494942 199.2103921988201 FAA continues ban on US flights to Tel Aviv 0.19164805: -0.023856979 432.00383876554974 275.2454798944475 Obama moves to fill Fed board, taps Fischer to be No. 2 0.07308038: 0.0356485 356.1813126699276 245.80893168649692 UN Invites Iran to Syrian Peace Conference 0.2263602: 0.17329232 454.20182071402445 177.7184085135591 Soccer Ref Punched by Player Dies -0.043153502: -0.097007014 281.85121107947253 311.4318045867702 Israel detains 37 Palestinians as arrest operation continues 0.19035845: -0.09488647 431.1791519561244 310.3827989075457 Rebels kill 21 civilians in Syria Alawite village 0.35084528: -0.06139972 533.8084542143694 293.8173622286641 Palestinian hunger striker, Israel reach deal 0.20354643: -0.02471845 439.6127047342785 275.67163810609804 Sentences
Podemos ver que estos resultados son considerablemente mejores que los originales, cuando usábamos un embedding simple de tf-idf. Y eso es porque ahora codifica la información semántica de los textos, información que es vital para entender el lenguaje.
Debido a que el espacio obtenido como embeddings puede no ser lineal, como es el caso de este último, también añadimos una representación usando t-SNE para reducir la dimensionalidad, para poder ver estas relaciones entre texto de forma más apropiada.
Pygal -100 -100 -80 -80 -60 -60 -40 -40 -20 -20 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 -100 -100 -80 -80 -60 -60 -40 -40 -20 -20 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 A plane is taking off. 4.4207993: -75.56044 323.75729211519666 458.4671547465802 A man is playing a large flute. -91.75429: -47.25918 47.23364628977071 388.3290116416765 Three men are playing chess. -55.040215: -44.8815 152.79434489129576 382.4364859086568 Some men are fighting. -33.47417: -1.6481949 214.8012664344682 275.29272083546164 A man is smoking. -30.67545: -55.888035 222.84818009571867 409.7136405417908 A man is playing on a guitar and singing. -74.98096: -41.82685 95.46050732514469 374.8662427795373 The man hit the other man with a stick. -32.03845: -1.4912333 218.9292708002443 274.9037278494628 A man is playing a flute. -91.57766: -47.800674 47.74148934186405 389.67098513701285 A man is running on the road. -24.507952: -28.349838 240.58103571622286 341.4665786922067 The polar bear is sliding on the snow. -53.429977: 26.854328 157.42411600466727 204.65579840814036 A woman is writing. -40.970284: -53.42178 193.2483621152251 403.6015964955502 A cat is rubbing against baby’s face. -86.82956: -5.749336 61.393278403629296 285.45645153061974 The boy fell off his bike. -77.13544: -1.6713681 89.26592328269541 275.35015029339837 A rabbit is running from an eagle. -46.865288: 49.20138 176.29898234497918 149.27378598256485 The woman is frying a breaded pork chop. -47.46391: -74.946625 174.5778197396976 456.9459552313454 A girl is flying a kite. -44.34899: -30.06254 183.53386481524907 345.7111146491061 A man is riding a mechanical bull. -67.86697: 47.845585 115.91473024031798 152.63381534411093 A woman is dancing and singing with other women. -59.168617: -31.65871 140.92431695891074 349.66685450642444 A dog rides a skateboard. -100.600075: 14.66701 21.80014410395391 234.85925174766606 A woman peels shrimp. -71.40035: -68.31004 105.7555000977805 440.49872050942645 A woman is frying fish. -46.23129: -75.2692 178.12186272627721 457.7453913899409 A woman is playing an electric guitar. -77.46595: -49.483006 88.31562874424198 393.8402542958628 A person is slicing a tomato. -13.797687: -90.071945 271.37530544699416 494.43056962155623 A man is playing guitar. -83.38234: -53.13722 71.30476203714592 402.8963773700968 A little boy is playing a keyboard. -79.273674: -29.964401 83.11804123402207 345.4679002699038 A woman is slicing a pepper. -24.878551: -85.3174 239.5154833333367 482.64752237095183 A woman rides a horse. -75.128395: 4.4506636 95.03659185792066 260.17810827763384 A cat is playing a key board. -92.00337: -4.8079886 46.51747593148193 283.12354003724954 A kid plays with a toy phone. -77.29432: -14.210229 88.8091036394902 306.4248216654428 A man and a woman are kissing. -63.886196: 16.11898 127.36028333448728 231.26087910127114 A man is playing the guitar and singing. -74.905304: -41.99422 95.67802586449754 375.2810302899838 A person is cutting mushrooms. -8.915323: -83.80874 285.41312904338514 478.9086584767879 A tiger cub is making a sound. -94.30025: 8.377283 39.913476195357646 250.4468883960128 A woman is peeling a potato. -3.106579: -98.061745 302.1144929016693 514.2314429048603 A person is peeling an onion. -26.783764: -99.61047 234.03759611599187 518.0696100015252 A monkey pushes another monkey. -72.38032: 15.78893 102.93789357239578 232.07883298148687 A boy is singing and playing the piano. -92.55213: -33.21648 44.939676820950304 353.5274272190384 A dog is eating water melon. -82.65026: 21.285385 73.40964217466123 218.45713787111424 A woman is chopping broccoli. -37.953037: -88.88321 201.92358101683595 491.48456200889893 A man is peeling a potato. -2.5252585: -100.243065 303.78591193340765 519.6373413487012 A woman is playing a guitar. -77.124245: -49.28498 89.298103566805 393.34949567581066 A man and woman are talking. -41.297924: -23.65636 192.3063265249429 329.834878068491 A small dog is chasing a yoga ball. -69.76877: 50.62091 110.44664846741559 145.75581120934862 The man talked on the telephone. -36.4739: -26.401897 206.1764128582259 336.63905711677853 A man is levitating. -28.703213: -36.4003 228.51877610372654 361.41778704083544 A man is riding on a horse. -82.8726: 4.0109634 72.77037984369909 261.26780351853955 A woman is slicing a leek. -24.56036: -91.99827 240.43035104231708 499.2045162494813 Someone is sitring noodles in water. -54.19017: -71.23355 155.23840127482492 447.7439593072838 A woman is playing flute. -83.967674: -67.26457 69.62180118017848 437.907761551865 A boy is checking a calender. -79.10486: -28.362274 83.60342170197895 341.49739823144444 A woman is cutting an onion. -32.265236: -96.76668 218.2772087448255 511.02191877787396 A woman is using a sewing machine. -20.722504: -67.616714 251.46499678683355 438.780465019998 A man is spinning. -28.73858: -36.395836 228.41708574785673 361.40672604055686 A monkey is swinging from limb to limb. -74.622406: 15.629425 96.49141709475201 232.47412902413475 A woman plays the guitar. -77.15701: -49.368103 89.20388794291226 393.55549498869107 A man is climbing a rope. -13.487291: -61.294487 272.26775718608735 423.11228396385354 A man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep. -28.714996: 15.306703 228.4848957705246 233.27392206543152 The puppy played with a blue tennis ball. -96.02361: 22.853563 34.9584363343536 214.57077033861998 A cat is playing a piano. -92.587105: -23.201153 44.83912165915185 328.7067505785404 A woman is riding a motorized scooter down a road. -52.616768: 17.845074 159.76226481377176 226.98315541661282 A man cuts up potatos. -3.046223: -92.52215 302.28802952579395 500.5028318821796 A man plays the flute. -91.520935: -47.848354 47.90458437414404 389.7891487630658 A man is cutting a fish. -11.261687: -78.79162 278.66683794024493 466.47488407133324 Two men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car. -30.864237: 15.167052 222.30537635664535 233.620013201071 The woman picked up the kangaroo. -83.49031: 13.619389 70.99432210482226 237.45554031113096 Fish are swimming. -68.093956: 36.8827 115.26208687779018 179.80278961298194 A person is surfing a large wave. -38.480133: -35.982353 200.40806951143665 360.38200472244137 A man is dancing outside. -47.298134: -40.02432 175.05445866490214 370.39908292087716 A woman is feeding a man. -77.74734: 24.406654 87.50658086521702 210.72179276860584 A woman is playing a flute on stage. -83.41888: -67.082565 71.19970997129671 437.4566996328126 A man is folding paper. -34.0163: -66.91442 213.24252980988834 437.03999299154856 The cats are playing with each other. -90.70755: -3.8757064 50.24323771394688 280.8130938372336 A woman is adding spices on a meat. -36.3214: -80.88866 206.61488293929227 471.6719092329905 A woman is adding oil on fishes. -51.9551: -80.03314 161.66469652453358 469.5517140103623 A young boy is holding a guitar. -82.483826: -16.287695 73.888178574014 311.5733415047246 A girl is communicating with sign language. -67.58118: -8.081625 116.73643525903702 291.2364918540758 A big green ball knocks a potato over. -2.235321: -97.2272 304.6195433449126 512.1632249296949 The person is riding the horse. -78.087425: -0.39528054 86.528756499526 272.18766185882265 Someone is slicing tortila’s. -19.463945: -76.990555 255.08361708827448 462.0113639435341 Someone is mixing ingrediants. -57.29892: -76.74231 146.30009155012732 461.39614543573197 A woman holds a kangaroo. -83.48554: 13.625327 71.00803217814774 237.44082303576033 A man is running across a high wire. -24.14947: -29.519814 241.61174806077426 344.36609228830844 A man is mowing a lawn. -36.361454: -61.096355 206.4997183233582 422.6212606361024 A man is slicing a potato into pieces. -5.9343686: -90.97516 293.98400194792305 496.6689757394694 The woman is cutting cooked octopus. -31.141117: -88.15407 221.50928723892767 489.6775538095429 A man is punching through boards. -25.009405: -31.377783 239.1392515011387 348.9706401696594 Someone is playing a piano. -91.79098: -27.229353 47.12815550157509 338.6897145722709 Two foxes are eating from a plate on a brick patio. -82.089096: 22.922901 75.02310941195644 214.39893249967685 A boy is playing a key-board. -79.2917: -30.13663 83.06620618879309 345.8947272537305 A man is shooting a gun. 7.7179914: -91.71338 333.2374143406662 498.4984840932382 A man is swimming. -31.591543: -44.61461 220.2142172605142 381.7750569996909 A car is moving through a road. -39.34538: 7.6603284 197.92030541414582 252.22369510133893 A woman is drinking vodka. -57.171352: -49.73683 146.66687439978938 394.46930378093634 A man is rinsing a steak. -45.05227: -89.41216 181.5117935206197 492.79545125729857 The man is slicing a fish open. -11.495067: -78.791824 277.995823079461 466.47539457903844 A woman is playing a game with a man. -41.210613: -11.375055 192.5573634515619 299.39849849809895 The man is driving a white car. -30.344654: 10.82281 223.799286270513 244.38621418760437 A car backs out of a space. -39.113003: 7.7250123 198.5884356755021 252.06339095499396 A man puts some cheese on a pizza. -6.8660817: -72.7545 291.30513039653357 451.51328349452257 A man is walking on a rope. -13.468382: -61.53854 272.3221258528669 423.71711269447087 A man is buttering a piece of bread. -23.976244: -75.99824 242.10980760454254 459.5521348815979 A man is cutting tomatoes into pieces. -12.249084: -90.046 275.8278628945751 494.36626455839826 Three teenage girls danced in the room. -56.151184: -33.094753 149.60007329539596 353.22575498067147 A man shooting a car. 8.329455: -91.35731 334.9955022864353 497.6160431633214 A man is slicing a potato. -5.936911: -91.11809 293.9766917368259 497.0231924560827 A person is cutting some burrata cheese. -21.286102: -77.163536 249.844531928113 462.4400580620231 A man is crushing garlic with the back of a knife. -5.048726: -82.914635 296.5304108838636 476.6928281440587 A man is riding a skateboard. -102.05322: 13.522232 17.622037646217198 237.69632032488738 A woman is taking a shower. -32.063736: -49.94805 218.85656353938458 394.9927632556582 A man is dancing. -47.24033: -39.520374 175.220657657783 369.15017308942316 A man is swinging from a rope attached to the ceiling. -16.067192: -60.111305 264.8499987897435 420.1800411515429 The woman is peeling shrimp. -71.44982: -68.41471 105.61326631307256 440.7581151467286 Two zebras are playing. -54.537743: 40.955254 154.23905757804224 169.7099104741755 A woman is slicing butter. -26.380407: -78.604996 235.1973312185948 466.0123829981466 Someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill. -16.277643: -68.55857 264.2449074455378 441.11463860186154 A woman is picking tomatoes. -15.686425: -89.186714 265.94478379097427 492.2367289355347 A man is looking at a computer monitor. -61.097824: -53.54802 135.3774406525921 403.9144526341987 The boy is riding a tricycle. -63.584854: 6.004734 128.22670512836473 256.3267034325586 Two men compete in a tire rolling race. -29.792751: -5.6045847 225.3861230613808 285.09771942062343 A man is playing a violin. -82.06152: -21.328121 75.10238653995374 324.0648741847108 The baby crawled through the doorway. -72.07768: -19.74512 103.8080335381591 320.14176900513746 A man is playing keyboard. -82.28336: -35.083336 74.46455005661745 358.1539978355594 A man is smelling two pizzas. -7.699583: -73.572876 288.9086383703925 453.5414360686789 A monkey pulls the tail of a dog. -71.743744: 15.015692 104.76817739328956 233.99512528167207 An elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan. -51.019703: -79.21816 164.35416322058896 467.53197535949477 A woman is chopping an onion. -32.80456: -96.504234 216.726533643361 510.3715130538011 A dog biting on a can. -81.454796: 20.803165 76.84685626988865 219.65220804736617 A woman is deboning a fish. -12.275837: -78.73956 275.75094389918985 466.3458768834688 A man is mowing grass. -36.265366: -61.055946 206.77599275295472 422.52111604127253 A cat is watching a TV. -93.70083: -4.0533366 41.636931124899256 281.2533092401475 A woman swims underwater. -30.602705: -44.615143 223.05733549034295 381.7763805381858 An airplane is flying in the air. 4.743573: -76.94024 324.68533520464285 461.88666770962436 A bear is running from two dogs. -46.94061: 49.091568 176.08241802672978 149.54593385864973 A woman is resting in a floating raft. -23.207888: -44.34183 244.31899397991816 381.0990408057422 A man is dieing in an operating room. -8.641731: -24.619385 286.1997636945375 332.22151104398336 A man is holding a leaf. -7.9841027: -65.819824 288.0905843442 434.3272874001516 A person is riding a horse. -78.093346: -0.42444435 86.51173407248507 272.25993762236163 A girl is eating a cupcake. -37.08192: -72.93803 204.4282249564051 451.96810804443896 The little girl played on the grass with a dog and a ball. -76.73971: -11.563962 90.40372775200689 299.86666006181275 The lady cut up a potatoe. -5.861916: -92.5548 294.1923182860598 500.5837568072946 The missile exploded. 74.91806: -13.473199 526.4517762966484 304.5982629117483 A boy is pushing a van. -24.74321: 2.624388 239.90461908654865 264.7041106488336 A boy is making some dance steps. -48.03462: -39.358673 172.9369104196341 368.7494339947151 A woman is opening a soda and drinking it. -16.35127: -87.620804 264.0332129453336 488.35598171472043 A man is assembling speaker parts. -14.907764: -71.0791 268.18359763480623 447.3611919745668 The dog walked along the edge of the pool. -79.400925: 40.24977 82.75216873322881 171.45828591820867 Butter is being put into a bowl. -60.854824: -78.57168 136.07611695731754 465.9298131037594 Someone fell off a horse. -77.45647: -1.2689905 88.3428953380717 274.3529503038606 A woman peels an apple. -19.421358: -96.79131 255.20606449515907 511.08297171787314 A man is taking some math classes. -57.922028: -23.65351 144.5085249763047 329.82781131831297 A person is doing pencil tricks with his hand. -20.705448: -64.53325 251.51403497710416 431.1388075352338 A man is doing push-ups. -23.918497: -34.289364 242.2758420765435 356.1863215167723 A woman puts a garland over a man’s shoulders. -44.65855: -46.20265 182.64381782301714 385.7106459834248 An old woman is shaking hand with a man. -49.63519: -20.512281 168.33493236690796 322.0430036914819 Trees are bending in storm. -7.4795756: -65.24506 289.5412060725498 432.9028763642776 A man plays a piano. -88.56635: -26.901516 56.39963097614068 337.8772462864241 A person pours oil on a skillet. -54.63077: -81.25167 153.9715795314913 472.57155616334063 A group of people sing. -73.37113: -40.116352 100.08909388818091 370.62716641892916 The man is putting chicken into the container. -41.69285: -86.87492 191.1708363160088 486.5074900373966 A man is tying on a stenographers machine. -19.769646: -65.60595 254.20466428737754 433.797248048341 A woman is adding pasta to a pot of water. -52.00214: -72.49083 161.52944939319232 450.8598336319115 A man is running on a field. -22.149977: -28.86204 247.36071084791058 342.7359513741761 Someone is pouring ingrediants into a pot. -57.68379: -76.48088 145.19351314382197 460.7482544347993 A couple are walking. -48.192417: -23.630148 172.4832057050884 329.7699159630087 A person is adding food in a pan. -50.166164: -81.64899 166.80826634585105 473.55621208044704 A group of penguins is walking. -64.73995: 26.334806 124.90555502988154 205.94331302133588 A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. -56.403168: -77.54193 148.87556721252528 463.3778229010255 Paper is being cut with scissors. -30.566856: -64.98784 223.16040782160397 432.26540350206886 A person peels shrimp. -71.19371: -68.08753 106.34963983541378 439.94727764938443 A man making a bed in a hotel. -49.454117: -55.40899 168.85555320734065 408.52643596573705 Soccer players are kicking a soccer ball into the goal. -32.79387: -15.477063 216.75727711178607 309.56437787528233 A woman is cooking something. -49.41868: -73.09316 168.9574464722957 452.3525770695065 A man is carrying another man. -32.94619: -19.029097 216.31932252947672 318.36727258352335 A man is holding up and talking about a gray You Tube T-shir….. -36.400646: -30.182365 206.38703248868134 346.00807414504663 Someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges. -55.60066: -85.27816 151.18295061708733 482.55028010696435 A person is peeling a potato. -2.6224377: -99.61418 303.50650132453796 518.0787991402182 A cat is jumping into a box. -95.45016: -6.6966567 36.607242656652595 287.8041677474397 The woman is seasoning the oil. -51.72742: -80.21267 162.3193251056789 469.9966309292599 An overweight man is skipping rope. -13.250842: -60.470963 272.9475985920783 421.0713686970681 The turtle followed the fish. -93.01768: 36.96272 43.6011349420364 179.60448573106453 A woman is walking on an open ground with a pet dog as some ….. -64.00979: 26.298767 127.00492920194931 206.03262823512375 A rat like creature is smelling around. -68.48251: 44.866375 114.14490235876025 160.01709920698335 Two Sumo ringers are fighting each other. -33.625305: -1.2409471 214.36672291840227 274.28345123840836 A couple are running towards the ocean. -47.25772: -33.261784 175.17065427835027 353.63970109878903 A woman is chopping a hard egg. -43.857708: -69.71184 184.9464081859446 443.97274435076656 A cat is trying to touch a dog. -89.37148: -4.4148335 54.08471251527892 282.1491959030951 The rhino grazed on the grass. -59.770844: 72.2056 139.1927895381951 92.26314998520297 The man drove his little red car around the traffic. -30.753271: 9.213244 222.6244262150174 248.37515122652803 A cat rapidly swats a kid in the head. -86.917366: -5.7056403 61.140815629384456 285.34816244712323 The man is playing the drums. -85.06303: -44.36307 66.4724328164343 381.1516798224526 A man is slicing a pepper. -24.670113: -84.627525 240.11478902659906 480.93783206635453 A boy is crawling into a dog house. -73.915985: -18.50837 98.52252606971751 317.07677055486795 A small monkey walks through water. -75.603004: 12.576926 93.67198987162966 240.0390425473508 A young man is singing and playing the piano. -92.60709: -33.394855 44.78164903177141 353.9694890763256 The lady sliced a tomatoe. -14.908134: -90.471306 268.18253373311614 495.42029280032875 A person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork. -49.317608: -82.845894 169.24804518650268 476.5224698320759 The man sat in his chair and stared. -65.311424: -47.709408 123.26245209808594 389.44480186208557 A baby is crawling happily. -71.61371: -19.99369 105.14205657690492 320.75779581680604 A man is looking out of a window. -29.772133: -31.072338 225.4454054184402 348.21366596213335 A man seated is playing the guitar. -80.2856: -55.614525 80.20854431318062 409.0358092093349 A rider is running and jumping her horse. -77.887024: 0.052799765 87.1049524931909 271.0771982807577 A person is petting a monkey. -72.68322: 14.94706 102.06698584252622 234.16521415903276 Two cartoon rabbits are kissing. -66.0632: 11.63827 121.10093290564839 242.36528435209146 A cat is licking himself. -92.92446: 1.8597026 43.869150423461676 266.5992068345427 A small guinea pig is gnawing and eating a piece of carrot o….. -83.984344: 19.209482 69.57387076383257 223.60178399683696 A person is slicing an onion. -26.926188: -100.57095 233.62809816187695 520.4499372614742 A badger is digging in the dirt. -85.13382: 60.96429 66.2688875838148 120.12213214068277 A man and a woman are kissing each other. -63.888195: 16.120811 127.35453607174922 231.256341255003 A small boy is playing with a dog. -77.25162: -11.72827 88.9318800881346 300.2738584970681 A man is cutting a potato. -3.3843877: -93.336334 301.31573443267513 502.52060413299756 A toy train is striking a toy car. -40.513424: 24.399832 194.5619297245693 210.73870097287784 A cat opens a drawer and climbs inside. -96.576225: -6.9683466 33.36955948457498 288.4774884134359 A woman is frying a food. -47.426197: -75.39744 174.6862499676142 458.0631918902525 A woman is riding a horse. -75.058815: 4.3070774 95.23664924788615 260.5339534192882 A woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife. -31.871962: -94.67964 219.407955268389 505.8496816014564 A man plays the guitar. -83.80515: -55.194843 70.0890843513457 407.9957253908325 A woman is handling a frog. -70.39005: 24.288563 108.66032462563261 211.01445549136122 Someone is slicing a cucumber. -12.5468645: -103.09215 274.9716825254718 526.6981356034516 The dog is barking at the toy. -57.50052: 32.896072 145.72045158604308 189.68273031565622 A person is driving a car. -29.9349: 9.864036 224.9774148074894 246.76231557821615 A man is crying. -74.3372: -32.28551 97.31145496855466 351.2202349147774 A woman is cutting a leak. -24.662249: -91.83646 240.13739967952742 498.8035029932278 Women are talking. -68.391426: -32.818264 114.40679766345302 352.5405401941834 A group of people are marching in place. 57.862057: -17.778053 477.4121711464809 315.26685057082324 A man played the piano. -89.27135: -27.639738 54.372624055114144 339.7067593671161 A man is slicing a cucumber. -12.455884: -102.8728 275.2332707245221 526.1545394359149 A man is talking with a woman. -41.204456: -23.639841 192.57506589823979 329.79393818669064 The man is walking. -6.5054207: -58.542416 292.3421068735874 416.29191047669656 Someone is pouring oil into a skillet. -54.63758: -81.24234 153.9520015467825 472.5484320550659 A man is exercising. -25.306675: -31.123806 238.2845381098812 348.34121725765345 A person is slicing a scallop. -18.005648: -79.01793 259.27653042520274 467.0357429623817 A man and a woman are riding on their bicycles. -48.741188: -24.78819 170.9053736903808 332.6398579275964 The cat played with a watermelon. -92.14428: -3.3216202 46.112337780684484 279.4399191036115 A girl jumps on a car. -11.887437: -59.248375 276.86767598579996 418.0414676515287 A man is praying. -12.64924: -37.667233 274.6773327352029 364.55758905068114 A car is parking. -39.65931: 7.653719 197.01768902668908 252.24007507194375 A man is carrying another man over his shoulder. -32.95063: -19.186213 216.30655570919603 318.7566481548683 Someone is peeling a potato. -2.6111321: -99.59794 303.539007222889 518.0385446622813 Two robots kiss. -65.03655: 13.459837 124.05276653291895 237.8509521633972 A woman is squeezing a lemon. -23.297298: -93.52529 244.0619191370066 502.98889096017604 A woman is slicing a carrot. -15.472309: -83.58427 266.56041269753786 478.35235633970035 A girl is styling her hair. -44.423077: -58.050667 183.32085414800562 415.07322459215754 A man is playing a guitar and singing. -74.899155: -41.886925 95.6957063750581 375.0151219525176 A man is walking in the rain. -5.5094476: -58.66177 295.2057394861331 416.58770242260766 A man is driving a car. -30.3136: 10.241429 223.8885717520379 245.82703237389165 A woman is grating onion. -32.359436: -98.05463 218.00636350426583 514.2138020274929 The woman is slicing herbs. -19.04874: -81.87254 256.27741898107655 474.1102452944005 A boy is playing the piano. -92.12222: -31.706282 46.17575509585885 349.7847486978552 A boy whacks a man with a sword. -30.97355: -0.71376634 221.99107566767321 272.9769553696867 A person is slicing a carrot into pieces. -15.502324: -83.1901 266.47411326998326 477.3755092997137 A man is writing in a book. -40.575825: -54.232475 194.38251422100262 405.6107184769195 The woman is smoking. -30.995464: -56.39993 221.92806965469862 410.9822521891257 Someone is slicing a tomato. -13.779505: -90.07235 271.4275819565842 494.43157172927374 A cat stares into the camera. -101.974266: -7.7002206 17.849054524369933 290.2912691120009 The baby is laughing and crawling. -71.55466: -20.04161 105.31184212496775 320.8765550351816 A woman is dancing in the rain. 15.710136: -62.162483 356.21651589262973 425.26341217187627 A woman is cutting an apple. -19.24403: -96.478966 255.7159201860166 510.3088907753008 The man is peeling an apple. -19.518225: -97.03828 254.9275525815958 511.6950137332875 A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage. -94.15442: -27.10305 40.33276314182701 338.37670244515687 a group of people dancing -54.113297: -29.766455 155.4594295929491 344.9773354537027 A cat swings on a ceiling fan. -91.93881: -8.931784 46.70309935625036 293.3434138763697 A monkey is brushing a bull dog. -72.172424: 15.1765175 103.53563083326966 233.59655584471096 A woman is washing her hands. -31.989347: -50.814777 219.07044616729146 397.14074333283236 A man is eating a bowl of cereal. -26.39821: -71.56078 235.14614328882678 448.5549291584774 A woman is bathing into bath-tub. -32.060146: -49.50887 218.866884482584 393.9043513744002 A man stares out a window. -29.825514: -31.108105 225.29192388957605 348.3023052259042 A man is eating a banana. -25.705017: -69.611305 237.1392205203874 443.72359768295325 The men are performing on stage. -69.5511: -42.282345 111.07248589457738 375.9950793079672 A cartoon woman dives into a pool. -28.842579: -46.6505 228.11806904862786 386.8205464575317 The lady put the baby int a trashcan. -71.46393: -24.815458 105.57270643214643 332.707434021606 Someone is frying meat. -44.926563: -79.53783 181.87322395765548 468.3241887794468 A man is rapidly chopping some mushrooms using a knife. -8.907614: -83.80976 285.43529548993774 478.9111921076209 A woman is adding ingredients to a bowl. -48.94336: -71.04464 170.32408851749747 447.27578592626196 A skateboarder does tricks on a half-pipe. -103.9064: 12.238674 12.293754749000104 240.87732219730918 Someone is seasoning eggs. -47.44583: -66.6239 174.6297973696892 436.32000695803094 A man is swinging in a rope. -16.021006: -60.063095 264.98279455997414 420.0605634408415 A girl dances in the rain. 15.456382: -62.18639 355.48691788852597 425.32265942721455 A woman is writing a letter. -40.79184: -52.601425 193.76142596324078 401.5685373751164 A woman is riding on a horse. -74.91563: 4.02851 95.64834629776252 261.2243181885982 The boy cut the grass by the curb with scissors. -35.51377: -61.422592 208.9369854785766 423.42976303338776 A man with glasses is talking. -39.62115: -27.868322 197.127402517469 340.2732527506141 A woman is cutting some flowers. -31.028482: -75.18364 221.83313562296362 457.53334161536964 A person is walking down a stone path. -7.1509376: -56.550045 290.4861098101717 411.3542799523414 A man is running with a bus. -24.861176: -29.002115 239.56544284053476 343.0830966136882 A cat is playing the piano. -92.586464: -23.201944 44.8409642930068 328.7087122516667 Men are running a race. -29.41825: -5.794509 226.46289576827652 285.56840279786235 A woman is cutting potatoes. -3.5163636: -94.70687 300.93627593472 505.91716315700205 Someone is cleaning a animal. -75.79843: 20.284723 93.11009622645793 220.93704722203273 A woman is smoking. -30.984379: -56.38838 221.9599428331657 410.9536259422508 A man is being put into an abulance. -8.662286: -24.60702 286.14066505246075 332.1908664009039 A man is diving into a swimming pool. -28.338306: -47.203373 229.56795865906204 388.1907113228088 A man is firing a shot gun. 7.743186: -91.764626 333.30985425509607 498.6254870656675 A man playing the guitar. -82.75526: -53.949345 73.10775732809266 404.9090445438631 The woman is riding a horse. -75.009: 4.253302 95.37987015787351 260.6672231101446 A woman is doing ballet. -61.900032: -33.509933 133.0709237246642 354.2546832604313 A man is slicing vegetables. -18.39042: -79.709785 258.17022622036393 468.7503492671028 The woman is slicing fish cake. -45.685127: -75.17147 179.69219258886113 457.50318384537934 A man is eating bread. -25.96851: -71.53222 236.38162380453832 448.48413875669456 A woman tosses a cat in the air, and the cat hangs off a rod….. -91.96357: -8.882334 46.63191665554444 293.22086366559097 A big turtle is walking. -92.997375: 36.975372 43.659506950226984 179.57312732258248 A man is burning a flag. 31.876427: -42.44192 402.6980078172586 376.390552610235 A dog is speaking to the camera. -69.14434: 48.60973 112.2420099895347 150.74005865026243 A man is cutting a paper. -30.845194: -64.97063 222.360128905478 432.2227477471484 Two boys are talking on the phone. -41.324043: -18.94584 192.23122822729522 318.1609423860192 Someone is cracking an egg open. -43.633774: -67.438515 185.59026613348544 438.3388380396448 A man and woman are Bollywood dancing. -50.264587: -27.074503 166.52527946435436 338.30595458568274 A woman is slicing a lemon. -23.86773: -93.02817 242.4218104852253 501.7568846060708 A woman is adding an egg and stirring. -47.223522: -66.35098 175.26898292424067 435.64364097176576 A woman covers a piece of meat with flour. -35.865406: -81.34482 207.92596079932056 472.80240018453907 A man does floor exercises. -25.943644: -31.333342 236.45311909491605 348.8605028591933 The woman droppped eggplant into the pan. -48.71266: -76.02716 170.9873928330432 459.6238139449416 A person is frying. -47.046906: -76.56337 175.77679307215803 460.9526844091787 A man is shooting a pistol. 7.6731753: -91.55037 333.1085588455092 498.0945023292177 A man is walking outside. -6.457911: -58.7212 292.47870718916585 416.73498389554777 A man dries his hands. -31.41246: -51.337017 220.7291182583555 398.4349938115822 A girl is playing the piano. -94.02024: -27.079435 40.71855363714754 338.3181784090675 A man is drawing some figures. -23.719957: -62.46406 242.84668565758216 426.0108049060841 A woman with a knife is slicing a pepper. -24.917501: -85.40709 239.4034939703848 482.8698012073192 A cat is playing with an antenna. -93.22933: -4.0136395 42.99258317532337 281.1549289694005 A woman is slicing pumpkin. -28.404781: -86.75774 229.37682926884608 486.2170678762361 A gun is being fired. 7.987463: -92.330635 334.01220211745806 500.0282109779185 A woman is cutting a plastic sheet. -29.323797: -65.80958 226.73446490070776 434.30189436874286 A person is adding oil in the pan. -51.393345: -80.956665 163.27986381092117 471.8404524064661 A cook seasons some dough. -49.665184: -81.20302 168.24869052166133 472.4509818064578 A boy is riding a bike on a gate. -63.857674: 4.8654723 127.442291509091 259.1501005661664 A person is mixing water and flour. -56.716686: -77.2391 147.97413537540385 462.62731985135474 The two dogs were in the pen. -55.57136: 43.74343 151.26718530759914 162.80005633091878 A man is riding on one wheel on a motorcycle. -54.345917: 18.684013 154.79059737583856 224.90403715655754 A man is opening a box using a knife. -13.686696: -72.258125 271.6944265977475 450.2831300943102 A man is kicking oots of water. -28.3244: -52.44771 229.60794271690847 401.1875851809067 A man is eating. -26.047579: -71.36749 236.15428336865511 448.0759027617977 A young boy sings and plays a guitar. -82.77835: -15.833661 73.04135670096267 310.4481234360012 The woman is peeling lemon. -23.5642: -93.807655 243.2945224607445 503.6886646701077 The man drilled holes into the wood. -16.264877: -68.58155 264.2816120538448 441.1715885725266 Someone is cutting a circle out of a pink sheet of paper. -29.555496: -65.65177 226.06828146976372 433.91080765120097 A man is placing meat in a bag. -41.831585: -81.360565 190.7719389905891 472.84142566244503 A woman is squeezing some cucumber slices. -13.06256: -104.26928 273.4889490633791 529.6153846153846 The man added vegetables to the broth in the pot. -58.34222: -77.24575 143.30038234680416 462.64380735946224 The man is seasoning the sausages. -43.856884: -87.43665 184.94877728661524 487.8996067339958 A boy rode his bike on top of a metal fence. -63.949856: 4.635445 127.1772483715627 259.7201698670621 A man is throwing knives at a tree. -11.535389: -66.01998 277.87988795740597 434.82333072033686 A large bird standing on a table picks up a plastic glass co….. -43.09385: 38.643723 187.1426632201596 175.43850651075894 A woman is in the rain. 16.029558: -62.135677 357.13492080052805 425.1969799932801 A woman is riding an elephant. -76.777245: 7.9586043 90.29580205478865 251.48448703464493 A kitten is eating its food from a plate. -83.04941: 20.555586 72.26201032479005 220.26577685897286 A woman is reading a lifestyle magazine. -37.554: -54.524467 203.07089479300595 406.3343536951444 A man is pouring chili into a bowl. -42.686104: -86.70701 188.3150170742513 486.0913506269161 The bird ate the food in the tree from a bowl. -41.93003: 39.669945 190.48888630074043 172.89525166209125 A group of girls are exiting a taxi. 2.334409: -24.897293 317.758480379295 332.9102426613292 A woman is seasoning a piece of meat. -36.084797: -81.083855 207.29516580964423 472.15566255286626 A man takes a slice of pizza. -7.7944236: -73.13037 288.63595186698524 452.4447898872135 A rabbi is talking. -39.681847: -27.480343 196.9528897361235 339.31173512255197 A man rides a horse. -82.66803: 3.8719091 73.35855295742113 261.6124174906803 A monkey is walking on a bed. -75.509926: 12.6316 93.93961050294317 239.9035452939383 A man is frying a tortilla. -42.11885: -75.75366 189.94598933316848 458.9460109740249 A woman serving volleyballs over a net. -73.5871: -10.725887 99.46814821518164 297.78968546142687 A man is slicing cucumber with a knife. -12.432091: -102.81739 275.30168124840156 526.0172128632255 The person is removing the scales from the fish. -10.609996: -78.16986 280.54058817760983 464.93400164791046 People are walking in the garden. -49.558826: -21.632368 168.55449096517162 324.81887988446977 A young child rides a horse. -68.03888: 1.6391271 115.4204437087289 267.14585216297354 A man makes a call on a cell phone. -36.37117: -26.242899 206.47178267795016 336.24501607223914 A woman is applying cosmetics to her face. -45.070194: -48.32636 181.46025461297452 390.9737724390545 The man lifted barbells. -22.175947: -33.74056 247.28604030455065 354.82623445174903 A woman feeds an animal by hand. -78.445114: 23.79053 85.50032551117594 212.24871658783093 A young woman is playing the flute. -84.243286: -67.596146 68.82935894196535 438.7294898802527 A woman shoots a shotgun. 9.239469: -97.93527 337.6119820361351 513.9180100815818 A person is adding chili powder to chili with beans. -42.616585: -86.59481 188.51489897527824 485.8132940968362 A woman rapidly fires a handgun. 8.682503: -96.99954 336.0105878894103 511.59901937702375 A dog is opening a fridge. -80.967316: 20.663656 78.24846448609979 219.9979493906891 A woman is doing a joker make up on a man. -44.82068: -46.75098 182.17766436189194 387.0695607714955 The lady added cheese to the sauce. -37.24534: -80.13756 203.9583642914527 469.81048469380255 A woman is chopping garlic. -3.7312248: -83.65485 300.31850482919924 478.5272714056441 A man is carrying another man on his back. -32.949764: -19.189713 216.30904545851192 318.7653220589329 Meat is dropped into a pan. -44.302547: -80.04356 183.6674009294393 469.57752301101226 A man is slam dunking a ball. -27.9146: -47.627575 230.7862028705888 389.24199794928563 A machine is sharpening a pencil. -20.31483: -64.97366 252.6371422478107 432.2302730088764 A woman is brushing her feet. -32.283592: -51.017315 218.22443044655168 397.6426858531662 A man is cleaning the windows. -29.283098: -31.236675 226.85148311855545 348.62093766469826 A man puts a knife in a vice. -18.78782: -76.34184 257.0276177413592 460.4036806415058 A boy plays violin on stage. -81.33981: -19.194181 77.1774554940301 318.77639723998107 A woman cuts a pink loaf with a knife. -30.391422: -81.781784 223.66481787133662 473.88531938104336 A man is adding pork chops to a pan. -49.51694: -82.59348 168.6749202492627 475.8969277240138 The men are fighting each other. -33.4579: -1.67138 214.84804520465477 275.35017983666836 A man is catching a ball. -8.327033: -39.751583 287.1045874037997 369.72317071923885 A girl is reading a newspaper. -37.40805: -54.752304 203.49053271735247 406.8989941247496 Some men are skating on the road. -32.7855: -6.961428 216.78134103248698 288.4603426812733 A cat and a ferret are playing. -90.484886: -2.7574162 50.883443297953804 278.04166981503096 A dog is driving a car. -33.038013: 11.918045 216.0553103894625 241.6719274403984 The man sang on stage into the microphone. -72.68889: -41.308346 102.0506873073569 373.5812476164052 A man is traveling in a boat. -15.8132: -46.447163 265.58027955549886 386.31661862945555 The man rode his motorcycle down the highway. -52.659023: 19.501156 159.64077162799063 222.8789381747858 The women are sitiing down. -69.573944: -32.607254 111.00680915931896 352.01760068101305 A man removes a couple of toaster scrambles from a plastic p….. -24.42995: -83.52028 240.80530509568115 478.19377752032193 An animal is walking. -80.263145: 41.330284 80.27310230645567 168.7804839276908 Someone is scratching an animals belly. -75.70951: 20.155533 93.3657616738316 221.2572159108655 A man is lifting heavy weights. -22.20592: -33.731922 247.19986426765598 354.8048309435177 A man dives off of a cliff. -16.087156: -56.5044 264.79259745474434 411.24115522641546 A man is coming out into the water. -26.327213: -51.379547 235.3502753125846 398.540394745006 A man is sweeping the floor of a house using a long broom. -26.907845: -31.467258 233.68083807194543 349.1923848637057 A group of couples are dancing. -53.978127: -29.7125 155.84807178352133 344.84362025033505 The man set up his camera to take sunset pictures at the bea….. -33.70654: -38.9991 214.1331581092293 367.8583144338105 Someone is holding and petting a baby tiger. -94.19094: 8.331328 40.22775494821244 250.56077652003495 A woman cuts up a vegetable. -19.77083: -82.08168 254.2012587051635 474.62854296899235 A person breaks an egg into a small bowl. -43.64556: -67.44736 185.55637483222483 438.3607520555813 A dog is running around a yard. -68.29587: 58.773922 114.68154753289578 125.5504551081653 A child is walking down the street as a jeep pulls up. -53.149437: -9.893074 158.23072897466966 295.72575007867704 The girl danced in front of the bonfire. -60.863094: -35.213352 136.05233820614183 358.476213282136 A girl is dragged downhill by a dog. -89.51217: 13.6570835 53.68021051188377 237.362122128009 The girl is tiding up her bed. -48.397297: -55.385674 171.89413321055625 408.46865405658946 Someoen is cooking onions. -30.621078: -97.86915 223.0045078358052 513.7541371082239 The man is using a sledghammer to break the concrete block t….. -31.933296: -1.7969922 219.23160533721793 275.6614805221527 The lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook. -53.7398: -71.49896 156.5333122163878 448.4017201238496 A panda bear is laying down. -53.52435: 27.027046 157.15277720146793 204.22775660505232 A man is putting broccoli into water. -38.91767: -88.61185 199.1500551192073 490.8120531919617 The doctor was helping the patient. -12.063019: -20.700644 276.36284092379424 322.50981571862326 A baby is talking. -70.869125: -21.497824 107.28289001070898 324.48544272222597 A woman puts ingredients in a whisked egg. -47.291637: -66.45941 175.07313726880076 435.9123571016104 A girl is slicing a butter into two pieces. -26.420042: -78.64991 235.08337308911334 466.1236925855654 A man is opening a package containing headphones. -14.5277815: -71.513176 269.2761286999823 448.43694515550595 A little girl plays the violin on a beach. -81.2689: -21.449009 77.38135170452674 324.36446657687145 A man is karate kicking at another man wearing protective bo….. -33.416847: -2.4481072 214.9660834519579 277.27511886110983 The man is playing the wooden flute. -90.74478: -48.30127 50.13618946142148 390.91159449133477 A young woman is playing a guitar. -76.99033: -49.519547 89.6831262980193 393.93081269045126 A woman is running on the beach. -48.711845: -33.432262 170.9897399975965 354.062193494045 A man is straining pasta. -52.545834: -72.31424 159.9662158645617 450.42219617473563 Panda’s play on a swing. -53.919815: 27.556078 156.01572952820405 202.91667355280168 a bus driving in a street. -39.433445: 86.4814 197.66709681191207 56.88386937109232 A passenger train waiting in a station. -37.19603: 19.902212 204.10013741769689 221.88501276129205 a woman at a dinner table writing on her notebook. -41.08745: -53.418694 192.9114891615299 403.59394833381907 The man is riding a motorcycle down the road. -53.24415: 18.820807 157.95841401424948 224.56502695186566 A woman riding a brown horse. -71.260056: 2.6652625 106.15888335919229 264.6028126847439 A kid jumping a ledge with a bike. -60.908695: 9.268332 135.92122603291554 248.23863059424355 Close up of a bottle of water. -29.788212: -24.49397 225.39917505118666 331.9107016630786 A close up of a brown faced cat. -103.14146: -11.444689 14.493135679933317 299.5710690101375 A silver and blue Amtrak train on the tracks near a small tr….. -37.88989: 18.898983 202.10514625990004 224.37128455083234 A person in a blue shirt reclines near a coffee table and te….. -58.443092: -51.606934 143.0103539716475 399.10391962073686 A pitched tent with a horse in the background. -33.026024: 63.80872 216.0897829978321 113.07287157853045 An elderly woman stands in a kitchen with two cats at her fe….. -99.87271: -2.0617535 23.891467720964968 276.31763034420686 Camouflage airplane sitting on grassy field. 1.2263198: -76.22096 314.57249035318745 460.1041071570379 Three young women standing in a room together. -56.410343: -32.784138 148.85493629418508 352.4559660843611 A white sheep on a hillside looking at the camera. -54.707947: 74.34735 153.74968473673297 86.95530683613936 A group of sheep in a field. -55.721252: 78.76796 150.83621737865647 75.99984929868566 A close-up, distorted photo of an empty glass Coke bottle. -30.661922: -24.928885 222.8870728317284 332.98853469022407 Very crowded office desk with computer monitor on. -62.69441: -54.522186 130.7869242211661 406.328700295002 A man sitting in a cluttered room. -63.292366: -50.732616 129.0676700580914 396.93712638924274 Two white cows in a green pasture. -48.467674: 66.1469 171.69178349633071 107.27824042489925 A bird holding on to a metal gate. -43.505707: 44.24637 185.95848579883202 161.55364231491222 A women laying across two men sitting on a sofa. -63.989742: -27.110197 127.06256635020966 338.39441422637213 a woman with a big necklace. -44.90567: -5.880613 181.93329601493846 285.7817914734289 Brown and white cow standing in grass at side of road. -55.17484: 62.33006 152.40727113311195 116.7373904246682 A small dog looking up at the camera while standing on grass….. -79.436005: 54.450268 82.65130646578787 136.26563368572135 A tan calf with a yellow tag on his left ear looking at the ….. -56.998394: 60.360733 147.16416617945143 121.61791026296959 Two men on boat floating on the water. -19.191784: -41.055935 255.8661387174293 372.95570550834316 This is a rear view of a Chevrolet sports car. -38.487373: 7.8957305 200.38725213609922 251.6403053308769 A grey and white tabby cat is sleeping on purple fabric. -98.70306: -14.471225 27.254471931296198 307.0716396548099 A woman holding a small baby. -70.45935: -25.318504 108.46107887200799 333.95411747223477 Group of horses grazing in grassy field. -40.225628: 66.053474 195.3894039421437 107.50976512303794 Three men are sitting down at a table that has drinks on it. -55.32527: -45.184624 151.97474573983948 383.18770745065336 An orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa. -94.49529: -16.638403 39.352679356051944 312.4424903266143 Two Eagles perched on a branch. -45.656654: 47.137608 179.77405817870226 154.38837360368439 A man and small child in a living room posing for the camera….. -63.518448: -22.84464 128.41763709352477 327.8232177293654 Five birds stand on the snow. -47.357773: 33.943245 174.8829840358056 187.08755494260396 A black vehicle parked with a vies of low-lying mountains. -38.212563: 8.368056 201.17739108199368 250.4697548869733 The black bird is sitting on the ground. -40.619503: 48.3172 194.25692994934118 151.46502686082857 The black and white bull is looking at the camera. -68.51283: 48.027603 114.05772822852748 152.18272506351934 A young girl riding a white and grey horse. -68.132484: 1.4913169 115.15130948532024 267.51216566691073 A black and white sheep is walking next to a white sheep. -59.76346: 74.91112 139.2140236997616 85.55814178556687 A living room with a dining table in the background. -56.52534: -59.75879 148.524293197809 419.30641120646345 A red moped parked on a sidewalk in front of graffiti. -46.114098: 13.824799 178.45881245638301 236.946479044464 The seagull is floating on the water. -38.57416: 52.00532 200.13771783351672 142.32486854601666 A woman posing in front of an apartment building in the snow….. -46.61488: -1.1589317 177.0189586196231 274.0801950181451 A white animal running through snow covered woods. -75.02998: 66.90402 95.31954583524137 105.401878808412 A black, flat screen television placed on the floor. -68.50123: -57.921432 114.09109306297239 414.75294718409134 A silver bicycle is parked in a living room. -46.28653: 7.5040817 177.96303426881613 252.61091637743732 Black train on train tracks. -44.713894: 24.5675 182.4846932279722 210.32317606241276 The men are playing a guitar and having a drink. -87.978546: -50.4094 58.08969913512006 396.1361114382998 Red double decker bus. -39.944473: 82.83148 196.19778276959036 65.929347414289 A brown and white dog sits on a floral-patterned chair. -103.065895: -5.384325 14.710390985878307 284.55185669341427 A row of locomotives on a siding in a field. -43.406567: 20.932264 186.24353467535687 219.33226625084683 a dog napping under a small table. -92.315475: 15.714193 45.62011324412353 232.2640503765362 A group of river barges with trees in the background. -10.594073: -45.324703 280.5863688544583 383.5348621440119 A potted plant in sunlight from a window. -59.71141: -60.90097 139.36367189212396 422.13704407775344 A girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse. -70.19773: 2.0312207 109.2132902710548 266.17413885701035 A young girl wearing a helmet riding a pony. -66.35382: 1.2031355 120.26534232466531 268.22635678802277 People sitting on the porch. -62.35936: -42.801334 131.7502597813667 377.2812751095911 Two horses standing in a pen. -38.527752: 59.99264 200.271155235179 122.53014026286735 A lamb stands near two tiny animals. -61.44974: 74.58536 134.3656043369952 86.36546245205324 Tan cow with ear tags on a grassy field. -56.636417: 60.719746 148.20492526573577 120.72818041748468 a woman with a viking hat on. -69.69439: -4.5705976 110.66050367517585 282.53522126762493 A field of black faced sheep. -55.545483: 78.99682 151.3415926175512 75.43267523824744 Two birds are perched on a metal band. -44.17505: 44.646866 184.03398635404548 160.56110188991494 Train going down the tracks. -40.66826: 23.505384 194.11674719160274 212.95538215178226 Group of people sitting at table with drinks. -56.32451: -46.009605 149.1017285821025 385.2322340867605 A plane flying at a distance. 4.7360206: -76.945206 324.66361981950257 461.89897661762666 Two women standing in front of tour bus. -42.114452: 77.49057 189.95863550480394 79.16556430149171 A bicycle is parked outside a bookstore. -45.79551: 7.5980043 179.37482084346408 252.37815086195968 Two red buses parked up with gardens in front of them. -42.37595: 78.03309 189.20677508363426 77.82105717532232 Couple sailing in a small sailboat. -15.685705: -41.875523 265.9468540120464 374.9868644056521 A silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car. -46.835228: 13.682132 176.38541064722304 237.30004580913788 Two red buses driving in front of a garden. -42.410038: 78.10751 189.108764511445 77.63661263221553 Cows grazing in a snow covered field. -43.69506: 66.37062 185.4140533030476 106.72379124170459 A man riding a white horse. -86.313736: 6.0829644 62.87637929568713 256.132827495945 A girl in riding gear sits atop a brown horse. -70.13108: 1.1976012 109.40492419196912 268.2400722511086 A girl riding a brown horse. -69.901405: 1.9220859 110.06528906779384 266.4446042438702 A white cat standing on a carpet. -101.01347: -5.352076 20.61153558692753 284.4719350577476 A flat screen TV on the floor. -68.376495: -57.82555 114.4497266450498 414.51532475502984 Two sheep stand in a doorway. -53.7842: 75.44907 156.40565498163954 84.22494145968227 Room with several computer monitors. -61.97858: -54.865646 132.84508042878812 407.179886808747 Two white horses staring over a fence. -38.78168: 59.57836 199.54105544239155 123.55683743487873 a black and white photo of a cat lying down. -100.071266: -12.820526 23.32058026769171 302.9807641537036 A man and woman stand, smiling for camera. -58.159996: -19.118116 143.82431554095228 318.5878875429257 Grey and white domestic kitten lying down on a desk. -94.55754: -17.832773 39.173702574831715 315.40246127039245 A table and chairs are in a room with a picture on the wall ….. -61.56092: -56.189087 134.04594026733815 410.4597286451966 The headlights on a blue car. -38.28162: 4.752354 200.97883631606467 259.4304378366882 a jockey riding a horse. -81.57228: -0.82873535 76.50906199926598 273.26187952830486 A train is running on the tracks. -41.43032: 22.934109 191.9256581130168 214.37115709897728 Someone standing on a snowy mountain, watching a plane. 2.1924493: -77.7715 317.35031641531464 463.9467553768926 A woman pets a dog in a fenced area. -60.59317: 25.85565 136.8284270688923 207.13079175893506 A cat reclines on an office chair. -95.567825: -16.786533 36.26892191921423 312.80959736278305 A group of people having a drink. -56.25993: -46.531208 149.28740684716425 386.52490577316286 Three sheep on a dirt road viewed from a passenger vehicle. -57.392815: 79.43483 146.0301237542605 74.34716568783176 Two women in the kitchen looking at a object. -53.57314: -65.9104 157.01249573120157 434.5517595288819 A race horse galloping without a rider. -78.57131: -0.4453972 85.13748019457294 272.31186442469107 A steam engine and train moving toward the camera. -47.09033: 22.383297 175.65194366042684 215.73621688720272 A horse standing near a gate with another horse in the backg….. -38.491653: 59.7963 200.3749459742823 123.01672973666064 A train is at a train station. -37.085037: 20.123434 204.41926405247958 221.3367653013305 a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby. -67.061356: -26.109846 118.23103067657094 335.9152753639346 Two birds flying towards water feeder. -47.799114: 43.739307 173.61403448909186 162.81027593886847 A man stands in front of a train. -39.418606: 14.939489 197.709762560101 234.18397531719756 Two women are posing for the camera and giving the thumbs up….. -60.784554: -14.332296 136.27815956590058 306.72733765960015 A women holds a small baby while sitting on a sofa. -67.07008: -26.11141 118.20593575835598 335.91915144095526 A double decker red United bus on a city street. -43.930466: 86.4867 184.737214403115 56.8707285246075 The bird is sitting on the branch. -40.384037: 41.083176 194.93394433821234 169.3928851892681 A guy on a white horse. -86.26827: 6.0530252 63.007096618801654 256.20702482762135 A man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach. -49.249683: -20.815054 169.44334243900957 322.79335547961045 A black and white dog looking at the camera. -68.79885: 48.120586 113.23536512628883 151.95228755771575 A blue bird perches on the gloved hand of a person. -42.020657: 43.970745 190.22831813114556 162.2367110782693 A girl riding on a brown and white horse. -69.325874: 1.5014079 111.72006201400407 267.4871575843097 A group of people in a living room. -55.19374: -63.453396 152.3529244024497 428.4626410601417 A mallard and a tame white duck on the grass near water. -40.511093: 51.375824 194.56863120841078 143.88493282376868 A girl with a red bag standing on the street. -44.099987: 2.69908 184.24980484430597 264.51900374561393 A horse rider is riding a white horse. -86.33385: 5.9875727 62.81855569042956 256.36923392401434 A black and tan dog looks at a black sheep. -59.732567: 74.989494 139.30284303879344 85.36390305759801 A room with several computers and pictures on the wall. -61.91015: -55.127415 133.04183643309685 407.82861920200855 A black and white photo of a cow walking under a tree in a f….. -53.03871: 65.75527 158.5490878453461 108.24879120318894 a man on a dirt bike jumping very high. -58.248394: 9.502734 143.5701527176151 247.65771773153625 A white airplane is parked on the cement. 1.4440199: -74.31424 315.1984240936144 455.3787343918747 Three cows grazing in a field. -43.9671: 66.3499 184.6318881357993 106.77514453530563 A dining table with candles, wine, and a teapot. -56.232513: -58.552574 149.36623428475644 416.3170860696383 Two people paddling a red canoe are reflected in the still w….. -21.992208: -44.287544 247.81432781798696 380.96450311773845 Three people sitting at dinner table smiling at camera. -58.959576: -40.119404 141.5253556054414 370.6347294960427 A multi-colored train on a track. -42.835175: 23.29069 187.8864072779206 213.4874540805672 Four women and two men sit at a long table in a restaurant. -57.93482: -43.88948 144.4717490756164 379.97799424673923 Two goats standing in a field by a tree. -49.370823: 68.518814 169.09504076819024 101.39998999993139 A black and white photo of a living room with a large window….. -58.35903: -60.306717 143.25204611228781 420.6643238868166 Close up of a brown horse with a blue halter. -34.30488: 63.712357 212.41280714028855 113.31168519223729 A large black bird is sitting in the water. -39.75067: 50.936733 196.75500402177278 144.97311781271327 A close-up of a cat on a cream sofa. -93.870674: -16.204283 41.14858928110408 311.3666236995184 A yellow school bus is parked in a rural area. -38.016884: 88.03501 201.74000861903698 53.03360135104566 A pug dog wits on a yellow chair next to a green dumpster. -103.51642: -5.0973363 13.415041321969015 283.8406213764632 A sheep standing on a table at auction. -56.32881: 73.12076 149.0893566119336 89.99513442039029 A close-up of a black train engine. -45.90943: 23.48949 179.04727073963025 212.99477160277428 a train rides on his tracks. -41.300877: 23.618134 192.29783724753977 212.67595954089882 A woman wearing a navy dress is cutting a cake on a white ta….. -31.978037: -79.71464 219.10296646121952 468.76237455971335 A close-up picture of a white and purple motorcycle. -46.901093: 15.7043295 176.19603614639277 232.28849565984416 A young girl riding a brown horse. -69.727066: 2.0260174 110.56655128469095 266.18703390348895 Two women posing with a baby. -69.69512: -25.869806 110.65839780791305 335.32039207972156 A group of people sitting around a table containing food. -60.643665: -45.227684 136.68324287640473 383.29442246872566 A red double decker bus on a city street. -43.893677: 86.452156 184.84299036083578 56.956342557532935 A man and two women smiling at the camera while sitting on a….. -63.668015: -26.099716 127.98760144956823 335.89017067484076 A large cruise ship in harbor with trees behind. -7.9454184: -48.32042 288.2018100560677 390.9590528002223 A black cow and a brown cow stands in a plain in front of an….. -49.51358: 66.606705 168.6845831089425 106.13871159620004 A close up of the front end of a purple and white motor cycl….. -46.905537: 15.768226 176.18325835805342 232.13014373277912 A person in a red cap standing next to a brick support beam. -15.659946: -51.918793 266.0209158281507 399.87679047097106 A women standing next to a brown cow. -56.38519: 62.46242 148.92725967299168 116.40936086256056 Two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with ….. -52.246708: -6.035695 160.82626521635746 286.1661269629161 A small white cat standing in a sink. -99.84403: -2.3913262 23.973925585973777 277.13440013016196 A man on the back seat of a red tandem bicycle. -53.00055: 7.3556595 158.65881230418464 252.97874663285506 A little bird floating in the water. -38.639507: 51.62696 199.94983498866426 143.26254830040148 A white bus with the word Julia is near water and a big ship….. -38.663845: 84.48412 199.87985877441096 61.833657541907485 A kitchendiner with papers laying on the blue clothed dining….. -55.312145: -56.415775 152.01248682968992 411.0215234670378 Man playing guitar while sitting down. -80.28751: -55.61723 80.2030383477331 409.0425119864268 Red double decker bus driving down a street. -42.04397: 85.19197 190.16129232467193 60.07942071311135 Three cows are grazing in a grassy field. -44.104095: 66.36552 184.2379922451287 106.73644048817704 A black and white cow in a pen with hay. -52.6076: 59.646324 159.78862105873267 123.3884077075599 A close-up view of a horse’s head. -34.00205: 63.729156 213.28350647704355 113.27005045272722 An old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean. -9.978481: -47.8878 282.3563256107053 389.8869015347584 A sheep standing in a mountainous area. -55.097637: 73.23761 152.6292427042809 89.7055441977123 A gray cat with green eyes looks at the camera. -100.9049: -8.402803 20.92370847251953 292.0324584510454 Two lambs stand on a grassy hill. -53.88952: 72.7904 156.10283785008482 90.81385642562532 A lone cow sits in the cold of the yard. -52.51725: 59.936527 160.048399528104 122.66920634329284 A girl in a black desktop holds up an open box of Corn Flake….. -36.969284: -72.62273 204.75207882447043 451.1867098247593 A wooden bicycle with an awning. -46.818645: 7.15705 176.43308879821976 253.47095405486675 A group of people sitting around a table on a porch. -62.336815: -42.823795 131.81508100804962 377.3369393571469 A close-up view of the headlights of a blue old-fashioned ca….. -38.281723: 4.770903 200.9785401784808 259.3844685086074 A black and white cat lying on a blanket. -99.37671: -13.761855 25.317578580223422 305.3136307413034 A building with a temporary sign over the entrance to its pa….. -40.987244: 7.5543127 193.199598126421 252.48643049160984 A man and women sitting on a sofa holding a small baby. -66.83281: -26.062914 118.88814900703218 335.7989646917745 A black and white photo of a love seat. -69.75067: -51.0025 110.49868093770046 397.6059671137799 A person wearing a bike helmet talks on a cell phone. -35.52411: -26.475191 208.90726203960693 336.82069859443016 A subway train pulling into the station. -35.93611: 19.275557 207.72266783205023 223.43803392348212 A bicycle is parked by a shop. -46.166523: 7.651005 178.3080784262133 252.24680148365167 A goose flapping its wings in a body of water. -37.81725: 50.852325 202.31400003291117 145.1823030718278 Boy laying on couch with dog. -78.09186: -9.474856 86.51601161536261 294.6892941737275 Eight bottles of Harp lager lined up on the floor. -51.73709: -45.209747 162.29152107697482 383.2499704829907 photo of a television screen showing a movie. -69.38867: -58.049835 111.53950583233676 415.07116365364413 Young woman in riding gear on top of horse. -74.5099: 3.3810353 96.81488708076421 262.8289348992031 A small bird on a tiny branch. -39.812878: 41.392006 196.5761478891978 168.6275206930692 Two animals sitting on a rock. -56.900574: 42.68834 147.4454201076798 165.41485788908074 Two young women shear a sheep. -54.99268: 77.87983 152.93101787026288 78.20087490796504 The young rider takes a ride on the brown horse. -69.718094: 2.8314517 110.59234815866017 264.1909511397557 A white leather couch with a purse and throw blanket on it. -69.43036: -50.891766 111.41964688729601 397.3315408607146 The cat is attacking a corn husk broom. -91.63212: -3.7157507 47.58490933642834 280.41668046811526 A small bird eating from the feeder. -43.247055: 39.21704 186.70216404824106 174.01766902882105 A young boy laying on a sofa with a dog. -78.06389: -9.60883 86.5964294214606 295.02131798593575 A red bird is perched in a tree. -40.929268: 40.35269 193.3662906819416 171.20322114255407 Two buses parked on a street. -42.273605: 77.810616 189.50103712943383 78.37240549690046 A green steam engine traveling on the railroad tracks. -46.99993: 21.859102 175.9118537465021 217.03531246222838 A television in a messy room with several bookcases. -68.158226: -58.141376 115.07729702547995 415.2980276055116 A man is standing next to a yellow sports car. -40.94634: 12.208505 193.31720861943637 240.95209030496147 A boat is on the water near a small plane. -8.888171: -46.743366 285.4911969429151 387.05069089409716 Several people on motorcycles in a market square. -55.209167: 14.158935 152.30856957322712 236.11840009476253 A close-up of a sheep in the grass. -59.616074: 72.927345 139.63778561416441 90.47446334015456 Domestic cat laying on back of cat litter. -100.71017: -16.670357 21.48360593101508 312.5216804709164 Two green birds fly towards a wooden telephone pole. -47.697433: 43.747147 173.90638809268455 162.79084828453307 A baby holds a ketchup packet. -70.29674: -22.463095 108.92862527658306 326.87764401324324 A small cat laying on a wooden beam looking up at the camera….. -102.32254: -7.808909 16.847692704793715 290.5606281034002 A small brown birds is eating from a bird feeder hanging fro….. -43.14726: 39.39739 186.9890994308555 173.57071953294917 a bird lands in the water. -38.778313: 51.538925 199.5507402381887 143.48072416743474 A brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant -83.95646: 60.745506 69.65404727264001 120.66433859279988 A boy in a red sled is riding down the hill. -54.184986: -1.4113734 155.2533068665444 274.70581334784373 A man is hanging by a line off a cliff above water. -16.117323: -58.14073 264.705862046858 415.2964299054713 A brown dog laying on a blue cover. -91.76912: 14.332118 47.191002477699115 235.68920492241472 boy doing tricks on a skateboard -103.76317: 12.407456 12.7055834155804 240.45903440023608 A young girl going down a tube slide. -56.96311: -5.113904 147.2656097540014 283.88168061307425 A group of people are wearing bunny ears. -66.167274: 11.230053 120.80170232927567 243.3769569987245 The white and brown dog runs across the grass. -63.57832: 60.431004 128.24549341284995 121.4437609585836 A brown dog is resting its paws on a laptop keyboard. -92.20917: 14.198772 45.92577110287126 236.0196712134299 A small white and brown dog is jumping over a horizontal pol….. -63.31276: 54.474506 129.00903481649297 136.20556394574697 A man is swinging on a rope above the water. -16.03227: -58.942852 264.95040588275003 417.2842996401516 Two Asian men and Asian woman sit in black massage chairs. -64.14764: -26.607824 126.6085874341975 337.14939937963163 Smiling man with reflective classes. -57.77336: -23.32899 144.9359721584174 329.0235678788272 five people standing on a sidewalk -40.637093: -1.854468 194.20635623085812 275.80392103487475 A young boy in a brown jacket playing with snow. -56.57269: -1.747808 148.38815765371623 275.5395888308617 A man picking up a big rock. -14.612507: -53.125324 269.0325253751204 402.86690027704674 A white and brown dog is running over grass. -63.575054: 60.457886 128.25488207106326 121.37713970305958 Man is carrying a tool box down the sidewalk. -12.687199: -71.85829 274.56819232548804 449.29223463858506 A tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest. -32.251556: 63.88101 218.31654020318166 112.8937211894031 a dog is running across the sand with a stick in it’s mouth. -84.42614: 35.224846 68.30361601813826 183.9114028933812 The man is jumping into the water. -26.885132: -50.596626 233.7461418932094 396.60010621921634 A little boy jumping from one chair to another. -52.19652: -37.652534 160.97056099609352 364.52116338053304 A girl swings her long, wet hair in a lake. -43.835007: -58.591534 185.01167910303258 416.4136382028392 Two dogs playing by the shore. -59.823494: 42.77842 139.0414083925644 165.1916147603814 A guy and two girls are smiling at the camera. -63.03626: -25.878054 129.80403261237396 335.34083129562094 a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street….. -32.599792: -31.845375 217.31528806419203 350.1294595719214 A brown and black dog is jumping to catch a red ball. -94.546646: 23.477787 39.20502735036579 213.0237760035048 The tan dog runs through the leaves. -68.0439: 60.05296 115.40600974353181 122.38065604371792 A black and white dog is carrying a stick in its mouth. -84.89315: 30.797594 66.96086240469877 194.88332430432644 A deer jumps a fence. -45.657566: 57.359077 179.77143681268245 129.05682055801225 A little girl holds a wooden stick. -84.1906: 29.762074 68.98084976818265 197.44962290357455 A black dog jumps through the water. -73.76855: 40.218407 98.94644153694156 171.53601544324323 A group of people in front of a red fire truck. -38.611294: 1.7223369 200.03095475051649 266.93963600249145 A woman and a dog standing in the grass. -60.35181: 25.18953 137.5223871083938 208.78161768897291 A man in a blue shirt is running in a stadium field. -22.221106: -28.866255 247.15620042612898 342.7463978744392 A black dog running through water. -73.9511: 39.395447 98.42155412168998 173.57553154076265 Children jumping on a trampoline. -62.134758: -2.5114536 132.39603713917313 277.43210825256364 A large brown dog is crouching in a grassy field. -75.842415: 57.49877 92.98363451010364 128.71062070313928 A skier speeds through the snow. -51.900745: -0.29058522 161.82098039238548 271.9281986811342 Two people are playing golf on a golf course. -40.314663: -11.923511 195.13340945301022 300.7577181727157 A boy and a girl playing on the beach. -50.531937: -14.503281 165.75659404119963 307.151082689503 Two dogs play in the grass. -51.987823: 43.226906 161.57061251734478 164.08014494777348 A man is kite surfing away from the camera. -38.746265: -34.778515 199.6428828989946 357.3985693319184 A little boy and a little girl playing together outside. -50.625298: -14.371142 165.48816177354527 306.82360854087096 Two people sit on the end of a dock. -17.12082: -37.734474 261.8205990516267 364.72423200103196 Two dogs in a yard. -52.45019: 43.948357 160.24120703129495 162.29219570274364 A man chases a dog trying to pass the barrier to enter a pla….. -65.385025: 21.595186 123.05083437429239 217.6893673710086 A bloody man and woman pose for a picture. -57.217297: -19.436102 146.53477510128369 319.3759412704653 a boy plays with a noodle by the pool. -54.63089: -70.943474 153.97123952167283 447.0250699199476 A young boy jumps into a pool with outstretched arms. -37.489746: -45.233006 203.25564077308155 383.3076105844424 Two dogs share a toy in a field of vegetation. -51.570236: 43.909912 162.77126396278024 162.3874715666816 A blond haired lady in white poses for the camera. -47.61539: -6.927394 174.14227813029353 288.3759966454952 Two girls are sitting in front of a statue. -52.360863: -6.2453437 160.4980460609453 286.6856926346553 An infant sitting on a cot reaching over to touch the face o….. -86.39353: -5.998766 62.64694944462911 286.07460663945733 A dog shaking off water. -73.87216: 32.16763 98.64852712760808 191.4880084611225 A young child slides down an orange slide. -56.82286: -4.7180147 147.66886139870925 282.9005604345184 a black and white dog running through some red and white pol….. -63.226986: 54.957302 129.2556516154718 135.00906623868985 A man in a white suit walks down the street holding a newspa….. -7.033657: -59.248604 290.8233159186487 418.04203488231224 a boy swinging on a swing. -77.82679: -14.450398 87.27813813943844 307.02002638043314 A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake. -71.79105: 36.467255 104.63215152978343 180.83237966198925 The brown and black dog sprints across the snow. -80.83356: 47.137814 78.63304849496767 154.38786309597924 The man in the backpack looks to his left. -31.708124: -31.64196 219.87902241979407 349.6253426669175 An elderly man in a blue shirt is holding up a piece of canv….. -24.072361: -62.228306 241.83345091450605 425.42653829136924 A brown dog running through the woods. -73.02068: 64.44986 101.09670750119356 111.48395416159019 A dog is jumping over a barrier at a agility competition. -65.23856: 32.023716 123.47194201849938 191.84466427010494 Three people racing on ice skates. -33.351093: -7.269169 215.15513987908702 289.22300692259654 Two women contestants are walking their dogs in a dog show. -63.14331: 27.291864 129.49623598218744 203.57146586160047 A brown dog in running on grass. -72.530716: 56.902267 102.50546689165127 130.1889186634474 A person is riding their bike on a trail next to the woods. -57.79635: 9.266796 144.86987863692988 248.24243576741634 A skier is falling into the snow. -51.387047: -1.4544017 163.29797207576948 274.8124491899524 A dog with a red toy in it’s mouth. -89.71526: 26.681906 53.09627106880465 205.083107538133 Two hockey players fighting on the ice. -33.988747: -7.725481 213.32175209759234 290.35387130107756 A man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle -52.029877: 7.2313 161.44970063867262 253.2869432069632 A man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car. -31.911234: 14.99478 219.29503910448028 234.04695126759276 A dog leaping over a hurdle. -65.27748: 32.08685 123.36004588404609 191.68820311231826 Two men are setting up some electronic equpitment -41.961357: -24.967365 190.39881660302132 333.0839003657028 A girl runs with dogs in a dry field. -62.85594: 49.20888 130.3224817771919 149.25519972055832 Two dogs playing in the snow. -52.114365: 34.272205 161.20678007546232 186.27230249899475 a group of old men walking down the street -20.46379: -51.19507 252.20885052518116 398.0832067334916 A black and white dog is running through the field. -62.943573: 56.222363 130.07052353364543 131.87390606742258 A boy in black waves his arms while other people are behind ….. -76.058846: -15.443027 92.36135073394779 309.4800259308502 An elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street. -58.331276: 4.2578597 143.33184970710082 260.65592812716784 A young boy is punching a yellow ball. -73.64637: -13.201923 99.29772651971652 303.9259691698164 A group of young ballerinas are in a dance studio. -55.870342: -33.105213 150.40755274203246 353.25167742747817 A man and a dog are playing tug of war. -65.70826: 21.538519 122.12146689176298 217.82980425916088 A wet child shivers under a towel at a pool. -38.444687: -45.110886 200.50998471250898 383.0049645998971 Six dogs running on the sandy beach. -60.821575: 43.953686 136.1717145566015 162.27898867933408 A white dog walking in the snow. -76.81633: 68.768295 90.18342332575429 100.78170844589829 Two people walking on the beach at sunset. -48.728584: -20.483511 170.94161215619474 321.9717027819939 A black and white dog runs with its mouth open. -64.42033: 56.720318 125.82454672891822 130.63983877480393 A young boy jumping in the air at the beach. -50.090122: -34.12058 167.02690362718727 355.76802662931436 Man in red shorts and white shirt kicking a soccer ball. -31.45161: -13.961893 220.61655307232394 305.8093786287889 A man and dog on a rocky seashore. -45.971325: -10.910258 178.86931398786544 298.24660640178064 Brown dog splashing into the water. -74.23978: 33.2258 97.59155725062368 188.86557764892223 A dog with big ears is holding a small stick in it’s mouth. -84.61057: 30.494886 67.77333231802575 195.63351537706632 A brown dog is in the middle of a line of dogs chasing a dir….. -71.900116: 55.23733 104.3185747326829 134.3150782827501 The man is sitting at the top of a rocky mountain. -16.52986: -54.466587 263.51973231108883 406.19091048383945 A man standing on a boat is pulling another boat close by wi….. -16.042667: -46.960552 264.9205124388711 387.588936184576 A person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains. -46.29163: -10.522768 177.94836997438716 297.28630122951824 Two shirtless young people playing in the water. -47.259632: -17.384638 175.16515928096143 314.29186121165253 A man and a woman looking at the camera. -57.895836: -18.743923 144.58383166706693 317.6605361157241 Three dogs pulling a man on a bicycle through the snow. -49.449467: 33.571285 168.8689232708477 188.00937114274313 Three children playing with hay outdoors, throwing some at c….. -47.70642: 30.80498 173.88054734648068 194.86502165771168 a man in red shorts is walking along rocks by a river carryi….. -8.168603: -56.619015 287.56010733205363 411.52520549510774 Three dogs running on a racetrack. -59.474003: 50.15529 140.0462690228533 146.9097476999492 A dog is jumping into a swimming pool after a duck. -71.17686: 42.312496 106.39809671857537 166.34629810484694 A dog running through a forest in the winter time -74.48816: 66.03444 96.87740501512843 107.55693981653377 Many people run in a race on a street. -24.660343: -27.406052 240.1428782248283 339.12762146406885 Two white dogs walking in the snow. -77.14852: 68.99969 89.22830284149028 100.20825703145584 A woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with her arms ….. -62.572643: -7.6007576 131.1370246536057 290.04477306636977 A dog running across the sand -84.22779: 35.65671 68.87391119624385 182.84112348950293 A woman is attempting to ride a small wave. -36.77089: -35.087597 205.32250561927992 358.16455778197917 The black and white dog is swimming in the river. -72.40324: 37.250454 102.87199747596416 178.89140100541306 Man standing on top of jagged rocks near the ocean. -16.737852: -49.637924 262.9217098806898 394.224184451686 Two dogs on the beach. -59.96112: 43.074898 138.6457027722149 164.4568618187996 The dog is running with food in his mouth. -84.65381: 23.484894 67.6490203411689 213.0061634876766 A dog has it’s head inside a red and green gift bag. -88.89937: 26.866455 55.44214139120602 204.62574463046036 A child with his hands on his head. -67.334305: -17.250683 117.44624414330278 313.9598846686763 An old man in a black trench coat standing in a marketplace. -6.6148043: 4.573942 292.0276060175447 259.872590687247 A boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry….. -77.67623: -11.674689 87.71102547864668 300.14107213410847 A dog jumping for a Frisbee in the snow. -96.48144: 26.296825 33.642093806168326 206.03744024293724 A small boy in a bathrobe is sitting in a metal chair. -52.22747: -37.687355 160.8815771361818 364.60745809039867 A black dog is running through the snow. -83.78288: 51.854095 70.15311587780505 142.6996473785324 A black dog running in the snow. -83.74954: 52.403015 70.24897671049686 141.33927669811737 Three dogs in the snow by a fence. -48.109184: 33.052856 172.72251777699944 189.29417722894738 The man in the red shirt is climbing the side of a mountain. -16.022348: -54.421257 264.9789338033257 406.078570427164 A man riding a motorcycle while wearing a black uniform. -54.997223: 19.730179 152.91795491239836 222.31135759895272 a black dog swimming through a river. -73.33105: 38.266388 100.20434624858429 176.3736431804644 A man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the ….. -32.971134: -38.859295 216.24760239389644 367.51184041739225 The woman holding a black purse is smoking a cigarette. -31.331495: -56.87622 220.96190981939293 412.1626310880845 Two girls playing with people and flowers behind them. -54.01983: -14.437521 155.72816896624593 306.98811255847556 A girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair. -62.495193: -7.615717 131.3597091485876 290.0818463249958 A white dog running on sand. -84.4653: 36.86937 68.1910179279307 179.8358308061218 a red and white race car racing on a dirt racetrack. -34.775543: 6.3278003 211.0595461266524 255.52605836335573 A man in a straw hat shades his phone while others walk on a….. -36.05847: -27.481077 207.3708563824596 339.3135549879824 A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall. -32.467747: -31.815685 217.6949474147214 350.05588028545293 A dog swims in the water. -72.34325: 35.87494 103.04448116645744 182.30029729895904 A woman in an red tracksuit squeezing lemons in a press. -22.735102: -93.55935 245.67835323416946 503.0732949007633 a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street -64.057755: 25.698038 126.86701683235358 207.52139633031095 a white dog running in the snow -75.70234: 68.09552 93.38638162411313 102.44902661096694 A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing….. -59.19656: -19.477968 140.8439759292234 319.4796972346169 A white dog running through the snow -75.63278: 67.88005 93.58637320572666 102.98301767056944 A girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline. -62.367596: -3.28548 131.72657974271894 279.3503539537596 A boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool. -36.58562: -44.46994 205.85519132423906 381.41652932912285 three little boys cover themselves with bubbles. -71.441055: -13.028022 105.63847091187414 303.4949943108853 The boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores th….. -54.55751: -15.223929 154.18222109806408 308.93704426332897 A bird sits in a tree. -40.946102: 40.387737 193.3178886390733 171.11636865575127 A child is walking from one picnic table to another. -53.167446: -9.866611 158.17894876973395 295.6601663827945 A dog in the snow. -84.731865: 47.61855 67.42459192486002 153.1964704659738 Four black dogs run across the grass. -59.19939: 52.872505 140.83583762969738 140.17575400727537 A black dog is biting a light brown dogs ear in a playful ma….. -56.472515: 38.58762 148.67617887413806 175.5775442296453 The black and white dog runs through the grass. -64.17761: 56.700665 126.52240042924416 130.6885449914152 A man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a ….. -6.1873903: -59.290977 293.2565111820894 418.14704820803394 A little boy clowns with a colander on his head. -67.35557: -17.245893 117.38510818432977 313.9480153645312 Two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break. -20.074219: -37.956257 253.32895254781474 365.2738691764131 A man and a woman laughing. -58.590954: -21.672764 142.58522104991215 324.9189913908373 A black, brown and white dog running through a field. -62.76677: 56.025284 130.57887111643714 132.36232013356954 Children are playing in a swimming pool while two adult men ….. -45.70466: -16.39754 179.63603612851995 311.8455650115806 Two kids splashing in the water. -46.664593: -16.562283 176.8760228791609 312.2538435487862 The brown and white dog is walking in shallow waters. -74.88708: 34.90124 95.73043124877687 184.7133821366561 A woman reads while on public transportation. -38.78392: -53.274544 199.53461719195792 403.23670638636037 A bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stan….. -68.79383: 56.900276 113.24979909148588 130.19385357126401 A young boy riding a bike on a brick road -63.57838: 5.5239043 128.24531792391141 257.5183288635314 The young man is skateboarding at a skate park. -102.065384: 13.4931 17.587071475207875 237.76851698632106 A person is out in the water at the beach while the sun sets….. -33.71015: -39.02966 214.1227713576779 367.9340491972564 The dog returns the play toy to its master. -90.37575: 26.498749 51.197239456227535 205.53701979187252 A woman with a young girl pose with bear statues in front of….. -52.613716: -6.643395 159.77103926070006 287.6721707806538 The clowns are striking a pose for the camera. -55.39647: -27.34362 151.770037893002 338.9728998140183 Four kids holding hands jump into a swimming pool. -37.769707: -43.993973 202.4506949479956 380.23695400710733 A boy pushes a wagon with two pumpkins. -24.959793: 2.440012 239.28189658804638 265.16104399736076 The black dog is walking through the tall grass. -80.04815: 56.087044 80.89126209255521 132.209262360484 Two black dogs playing in the snow. -52.208023: 34.44047 160.93749229923245 185.85529333464615 A black and a yellow dog -55.546337: 41.035755 151.33913577241128 169.51040595376634 Three children in a ball pit. -72.18412: -13.099351 103.50200276541692 303.67176705764507 A large white and grey dog runs through a yellow tunnel in a….. -63.91652: 30.120209 127.27309823619584 196.56206744275977 A small white dog and large brown dog play on the grass. -51.74129: 43.030487 162.27944524438973 164.5669234984946 A black dog walking through water. -73.81721: 38.92481 98.80653298066964 174.74189983936867 One man in an orange shirt wearing a white helmet is riding ….. -56.736248: 5.114459 147.91789117059338 258.53304446697183 A little boy is standing in front of a wedding party laughin….. -70.04758: -20.225945 109.64501499604503 321.33338380053306 A person on a snowmobile. -52.08295: 0.548115 161.29710203853062 269.8496737976563 This over the top photo shows two men taking a break. -20.13562: -38.12113 253.15241067561712 365.6824738713193 Little white dog wearing a leash jumping after a red ball. -94.28176: 22.953663 39.96662740762589 214.32269668237217 a group of teenagers are jumping in the air on the beach. -52.99951: -32.91104 158.66179561614024 352.77046719228184 One man and two women dressed in vampire costumes -55.056026: -20.042555 152.74888228814845 320.87889486216363 A woman holds a baby while a man looks at it as another man ….. -69.62799: -24.510933 110.85141370421857 331.9527381910604 A white fluffy dog is running in pure white snow. -75.85338: 68.15709 92.95211230951368 102.29644153020098 A group of men playing brass instruments. -89.10023: -49.537594 54.86462923050189 393.9755388377315 A little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide. -50.76605: -14.479327 165.0834733131529 307.09171962454644 Kids play soccer on a field. -37.0276: -15.376941 204.58441011172903 309.3162474959562 A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another. -24.934721: -37.72315 239.3539841535918 364.69616353109427 An owl has its wings up and widespread during the day. -37.64872: 45.923874 202.7985578964685 157.39633227174807 Three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking beh….. -57.30318: 79.39049 146.28784022860367 74.4570571982917 A young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in th….. -65.23508: 2.005966 123.48196682411498 266.23672686531745 A brown furry animal stands behind some plants. -83.07244: 60.522427 72.19578518659863 121.2171900759543 A child in a red shirt is using a black wake board to splash….. -50.241898: -34.49508 166.59051747726636 356.6961390911506 The tan and white dog is running in the field. -62.939472: 56.612843 130.08231419670534 130.90619144305055 Two birds interacting in the grass -48.17834: 43.72595 172.52367784154524 162.84338330893308 Two hikers stand at the top of a snowy mountain. 2.0197608: -78.08462 316.85380062580276 464.7227459964361 Two children in a field of red flowers. -53.838924: -14.4454155 156.2483072120976 307.0076772935837 A young men jumps off rocks into a lake. -27.120516: -50.358902 233.06936331759937 396.01096141976325 A lady dressed in a kimono is looking at the camera. -47.558727: -6.8799577 174.30519767363495 288.25843688388056 A group of people are firing up a hot air balloon. 6.7811933: 58.210712 330.5439223670824 126.94623989716456 Children play fight with swords. -30.848124: -0.64653826 222.3517054364268 272.81034609866373 A man is wind sailing in the ocean. -11.595104: -47.592648 277.7081939671363 389.155438531721 Two people holding hands and walking in a field. -49.477592: -21.07108 168.78805577434463 323.4278551071289 A brown dog chases a Frisbee -97.43172: 27.180067 30.90984071327876 203.84852973780914 Woman in red overalls standing on the sidewalk. -44.188557: 2.3572288 183.99514845832906 265.36620309964314 A brown dog carrying a stick in its mouth. -84.579384: 30.294859 67.86300716563309 196.12923726647426 A young woman leans over her plate at a meal. -37.220085: -74.040855 204.03097283978448 454.7012150363497 A person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows. -46.35518: -10.443753 177.76565308516376 297.09048134574033 A large gray dog is playing in the deep snow. -85.05462: 47.014355 66.49660641772181 154.69382738060807 A dog in in a car. -33.186928: 12.009954 215.62715028353688 241.44415119235413 A dog with floppy ears walking towards the camera in the woo….. -80.69738: 41.360104 79.02458625302626 168.706583210445 A brown dog is splashing water everywhere by shaking the wat….. -73.934105: 32.335114 98.47042779108067 191.07293733528422 Many middle eastern people are sitting in the back of a blue….. -38.526966: 2.4725847 200.27341465526305 265.08031996648157 Person with two ski poles skiing down a snowy hill. -52.367607: -0.6050513 160.47865453323374 272.7075302013627 A child and two dogs play in the water. -64.086945: 38.010277 126.78308924748428 177.00835551952667 A skateboarder doing a trick on a stone wall. -103.97914: 11.814331 12.084615806463802 241.92895861610253 People are standing on an escalator moving up. 1.6358274: -25.574783 315.7499111076284 334.58924578053825 A lady is running her dog through an agility course. -63.47736: 28.41478 128.53577405335582 200.78857964151297 The white and brown dog is shaking its ears. -58.328754: 32.478848 143.33909959387535 190.71672585708222 Some children are raising their hands and clapping. -71.34478: -14.283787 105.91528277634504 306.60711782195705 A man blowing a large bubble. -30.100113: -54.856342 224.50239367093724 407.15682887739706 A skier wearing blue snow pants is flying through the air ne….. -51.40353: -0.10343569 163.25057909429793 271.4643917769501 The girl is wearing a blue striped shirt and Rollerblades. -57.141327: -5.6563344 146.75320398950532 285.22596911904577 A young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing….. -63.859234: 16.156532 127.4378055730989 231.16781543738887 A brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it’s mou….. -94.81943: 24.620226 38.42072341167867 210.19250499758334 A woman is sitting on a sidewalk with a cell phone at her ea….. -50.724094: -50.624104 165.20410002229985 396.6682022747775 Three dogs play in a grassy field. -59.689278: 53.1773 139.42730856847155 139.42039168055913 Two men in a running contest. -29.556728: -5.665663 226.06473878681638 285.2490873186665 Two dogs run side-by-side on the grass. -54.97576: 48.84012 152.97966121042168 150.16909359742107 Two dogs are peeing at a red fire hydrant. -61.401203: 38.44158 134.50516191538998 175.93946583106805 A rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugb….. -32.924618: -17.990343 216.38134690120123 315.79296184945804 A dog splashing in the water. -74.17147: 33.152405 97.78795130899661 189.04746965350324 The dog is in the air above the grass. -74.23704: 57.973938 97.59943231674185 127.53303068886606 Girl stands in subway waiting on something. -43.993156: 3.0768852 184.55696532709018 263.5827007076099 A boy skateboards down the metal handrail at night. -103.26447: 13.114119 14.139437724253085 238.7077353542062 A person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face. -14.915698: -53.133312 268.1607868148073 402.8866966313915 A young girl running on the beach. -48.167877: -33.385647 172.5537632264507 353.9466674911355 A baseball player throws the ball. -39.812595: -7.149278 196.57695952553865 288.9258855295366 A man is swinging on a rope over water. -15.990438: -59.051216 265.07068161401986 417.5528550546075 A young girl dressed in a Minnie mouse outfit and an older w….. -53.398727: -7.661309 157.5139663412132 290.1948351518799 go figure You’re asking me to prove a negative? -20.549854: 32.919712 251.9614001537441 189.62414482956535 I am OK with MEDICAL use! 9.554264: 34.051746 338.5170854308931 186.81865918967793 War in the middle east. 57.678234: 32.495262 476.88364233575413 190.6760459560577 There’s no chance of a fair trial. 28.654177: 29.090168 393.4333599592091 199.11478559166585 Hey, Blue-Eyes, How’s things in London? -2.8510735: 9.736636 302.8491252446982 247.07804568616785 but in the news broadcasts i have seen they did call him whi….. -2.920117: 0.8944608 302.6506109234855 268.9913357445485 They produce nothing I can eat, wear, live in. 17.240454: 26.320217 360.6165006930368 205.97946925686182 Funny, I thought the same thing about some math. -12.673374: 9.022936 274.6079405700733 248.8467870787909 If you asked , conservatives, the numbers will be skewed to ….. 7.095954: 38.478058 331.4489256783051 175.84906815186827 from the year prior. -28.174507: 75.5045 230.03891612988048 84.08757707160737 Still love this show. 1.3552213: -13.798287 314.943109281366 305.4039197012697 their vast properties are protected by the govt. 43.440544: 60.699825 435.94728279611684 120.77754840334336 Fundimental difference, please? -27.28584: 58.481647 232.59402410734612 126.27478991102322 Z stalked him down, then shot him. 8.737598: -30.586634 336.1689995606423 347.00995969720236 Freedom of speech has consequences! 3.38393: 25.259426 320.77607437327123 208.60839486153338 if you could kill one person to save four, would you? 10.808895: -7.733966 342.1244141159432 290.37489901891485 It’s not imposing morals. -17.032904: 45.163254 262.07337441554336 159.2813536115304 It depends how you define extreme. -24.709505: 37.805725 240.00152736884252 177.51528967075546 Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! -16.4111: 30.585024 263.8611899133041 195.41013044067108 And that’s why you’re yelling at me and refusing to answer m….. -19.917734: 33.37482 253.7788787661519 188.49626313962096 Why was the Book of Thomas left out of the canon? 0.3961832: 19.111094 312.1856726689126 223.84561760297794 You mean, you believe the word of the Mainstream Media? -17.824417: 38.3257 259.79760644006984 176.22665477676247 Israel doesn’t give a ****, accept it. 103.75589: 22.58818 609.3666145014812 215.22846025133788 What is your definition of «life»? -28.265154: 33.66644 229.77828763596298 187.77355439834253 Could be a lot of things. 5.4354386: 5.037742 326.6745941807823 258.7231695900294 No extortion, no bribery, no money involved He’s asking for ….. 34.40182: -9.184419 409.9590491074335 293.96951139790735 Dr. Neander’s revised version. -10.684564: 20.937586 280.32619005094585 219.31907813513004 Should I just tell her how I feel? -32.359665: 24.512705 218.0057054207462 210.4589711119866 any woman that wants birth control can get it. -10.853102: 34.72153 279.84160750925656 185.15875284018057 Is it legal to grow? 8.396293: 17.876537 335.18767364222396 226.90518009157205 pressing one does not «do» english. -26.121788: 44.882923 235.9409162395052 159.97608842133508 Does he have supporters? 0.487319: 38.061832 312.4477073022256 176.88058678553955 that is not an answer. -21.753471: 52.02332 248.50074731715944 142.28026529873944 No healthy person needs gambling. -15.394581: 63.56009 266.78389786080197 113.68904492481812 Leprechauns don’t exist – fine. -35.205463: 72.306915 209.8234349475679 92.01205582503297 Gorgons don’t exist – fine. -35.20267: 72.299774 209.8314635665073 92.0297534254787 I have years of «Neener Neener» rights Usually I get pretty….. 8.008266: 18.64044 334.0720164253625 225.0120237169695 You are a Christian. -27.823492: 38.2596 231.0481584996042 176.3904615731957 Morals have absolutely nothing to do with it ! -17.044468: 45.03473 262.04012474571437 159.59987260416773 CYCLONE FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED DURING THE NEXT HOURS. -32.45066: 37.2444 217.7440733494613 178.9064042596371 There is no freedom of religion. 3.0435836: 25.983107 319.797506921606 206.81491984328744 How long after the obliteration should the kid return to sch….. -2.9882336: -26.328062 302.4547611550235 336.45607319293924 A man and a woman are different yes. -27.187124: 58.14429 232.87785004533032 127.11085027054105 Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond We are all vessels filled wi….. -31.995419: 54.03365 219.0529905019335 137.298126065571 If it wasn’t a life, then it would not be able to be born. -28.087597: 33.24639 230.28880141034014 188.8145457860985 GL, Terral That is absolutely amazing. -17.717566: 38.780937 260.1048272471767 175.09845165604077 lets assume we have % white and % black. -12.684254: 51.24771 274.5766596667739 144.20243080099567 If so, state that is why they’re not true. 28.786587: 25.002117 393.8140667593405 209.2460757083627 -Not- talking about it ‘and’ -Not- doing anything. -31.571321: 44.633488 220.27235893947292 160.59425652921146 Being against nukes does not mean «not wanting to use nukes»….. 69.47185: 45.06703 510.79276669168 159.51981743292077 My niece is married to a black man. -14.554395: 51.609005 269.19961003873806 143.3070475553684 The UK population is just over million. -22.781645: 58.456802 245.54453195045406 126.3363628125739 I Shot the Sheriff We are all vessels filled with many wonde….. -29.391401: 50.13242 226.54008896512835 146.96642350906887 I hope this is nothing. 5.3800206: 5.2372823 326.51525570859354 258.228655429498 What isn’t how what was sold? -5.3931174: 4.929261 295.54021317699636 258.99201452853106 I know I’d hate to be him. -5.138042: -11.19606 296.2736088714113 298.954900390773 there were no weapons. 74.57221: -10.525032 525.4573901623802 297.2919120873519 Do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying? -19.969976: 34.310238 253.62867120279788 186.17804765046708 How is this slanted against Bush?? 10.795521: 29.36357 342.08596010227984 198.4372236938321 His position is that it is the individual’s risk to assume. -6.7456455: 26.500038 291.65140983153736 205.53382439179205 I have no problem with those that have money! -15.968054: 62.6905 265.13504218223903 115.84412484063267 Nixon, Ford and Carter shut down the oilfields? 28.809076: 79.27814 393.87872894917285 74.73549188222722 no missile evidence. 75.05394: -11.370259 526.8424585461315 299.3866126497227 My gosh, I’m the one with the pregnancy ticker. -9.686428: 41.158863 283.1960401817447 169.20531142300558 If you leap up to make a hit, you’re getting a penalty. -32.785084: -11.748174 216.78253655088093 300.3231863040797 ALL of the electrical energy comes from the battery. 0.6441504: 60.57066 312.89863058564526 121.09765564217457 Do you know how many passengers testified or what they said? 5.9683666: -25.36735 328.206874476866 334.0751692483604 Imagine a place with % men and % women. -12.401727: 51.14262 275.38898425332366 144.46287481524735 Scenario A assumes that the CO growth rate accelerates by .%….. -11.410024: 58.239586 278.24033949520634 126.87468373382393 to repeat: They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. 31.06559: 1.8062091 400.36668114064094 266.7317781224969 It is mostly just the Dutch. -23.826897: 62.14618 242.5392125851261 117.19309418229903 We’re talking about angels and common pins again, right? -61.37479: -13.199605 134.58110475355454 303.9202235946717 % How much money does PP take in for abortion services? -10.800427: 37.3024 279.9930572052539 178.76266797909398 Why did that transaction take place. -5.105177: 4.972822 296.3681028097925 258.88405869311987 There is no more egg cell post-fertilization. -46.93855: -65.0925 176.0883407784064 432.52477923167817 Lacey – welcome back! -3.0803256: 9.058748 302.1899771378811 248.75803436886332 If you haven’t made any claims, then just say so. -22.070698: 31.314646 247.58865452702014 193.60193105666974 not astros or orioles bad Gameday for the orioles game is fr….. -23.196974: -15.451215 244.3503735957455 309.5003186121305 Those are partial psychopaths. 12.430156: -9.280005 346.7858801768286 294.20640115387346 Alright just got in. 18.109953: 57.206818 363.1164941757339 129.43416138290024 That’s not the Moloch scene, though. -22.338943: 4.783112 246.81739161008022 259.35421147323 @Lustig Andrei, So Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy were comp….. -12.157871: 12.239837 276.0901201452037 240.87444113762126 You need to make up your mind. -21.038515: 39.64943 250.55639732337755 172.9460944479871 Capital gains, top rate: percent. -3.5672944: 72.79857 300.7898393270341 90.79360628665381 He hasn’t been funny in years. -3.527414: 41.70597 300.90450352529183 167.84943131962672 If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that ex….. -20.40107: 45.26671 252.38918734567525 159.0249652973809 What do we get in return for doing the fighting for them? 79.91519: 42.026676 540.8195821638811 167.05463699960967 It wouldn’t stop joke marriages. -12.101701: 46.163597 276.25162206696325 156.80223365678557 If they were Jews, I would call them Jews. 2.4554434: -4.677948 318.1064797429975 282.80126432240223 She was a great lady. -10.297029: -6.279946 281.4404351302548 286.77144611181507 Not as irritated as you. -15.584168: 33.732685 266.23879357142465 187.60937890190002 You already did that – we have a Muslim in office right now. 51.96769: -0.39132628 460.46462304203135 272.17786213459743 I said she has not ever had to be a part of any workforce. -11.832041: 46.417946 277.0269513916515 156.1718889947564 We all believe that we are getting what we expect. -9.07057: 75.5763 284.96676196008326 83.90963677481818 Despicable Ben, Stop trying to find excuses for the man. 6.288144: -8.243435 329.12630215623443 291.637500383406 He said at EVERY level. -24.05426: 37.665478 241.8854943528496 177.86286033335523 morals do not exist, so technically nothing can be morally w….. -17.185453: 44.970066 261.63476174971436 159.76012475435755 I thought that was mostly just the Dutch. -23.812603: 62.10255 242.5803099009266 117.30121782348368 Toyland by Johnny Mathis We are all vessels filled with many….. -31.954409: 53.986458 219.170902616562 137.41507959928578 Let’s let this play out in court. 25.724636: 30.092403 385.0103131782886 196.63097652911063 I’d offer Iran a deal. 79.85385: 42.099163 540.6432157806221 166.87499501046995 Has Annie ever used her sexuality like that? -31.659925: 24.145046 220.01760384096806 211.37012810031888 You should put scientists on a pedestal. -10.666622: 28.989319 280.3777755728404 199.36471692872965 They are NOT as sovereign as they were before. 31.094881: 1.8966205 400.4508993790647 266.50771428175767 The point is an unarmed child was murdered. -8.700905: -15.307375 286.0296271685976 309.1438447896911 Zimmerman replied, «What are you doing here?» -5.331411: -0.62295943 295.7176324938868 272.75191143096606 Irreligion that does that I have a problem. -26.84447: 38.115513 233.8630559144998 176.74755225911213 If you want to buy $ billion in XYZ Inc. common stock, who c….. -1.4843333: 74.3175 306.7787914637037 87.02929263800269 billion . Everyone in the world at Mexico’s current prosper….. -8.01554: 42.365475 288.00019520177244 166.21500308615566 Sometimes I fantasize about having power. -26.830883: 37.304016 233.90211865541878 178.75865954822382 Atlas Shrugged It’s also a stellar performer in terms of bli….. -25.17492: 21.429296 238.66336388795239 218.10048678905497 Regulation get the government into everything. 11.737504: 48.312378 344.7943604095977 151.476976522668 Mann’s work was all about math. -12.705849: 9.049296 274.51456948669744 248.78145863676093 I don’t like flavored beers. -55.620987: -47.094246 151.12450183248612 387.92026513907444 I hope everything is ok! -12.351378: -24.328798 275.5337461755528 331.50135956815393 It means its AN option. 61.614777: 53.43496 488.2020317578148 138.78184107986175 I think you need to reread what I wrote. -21.035997: 39.648045 250.56363624209342 172.94952619422736 This eclipses the old record of set in . -19.52401: -13.249338 254.91091952063735 304.04347575354507 Your schtick is getting stale. -19.123758: 34.630745 256.0617266234907 185.3837449304624 Is that how it works? -15.031892: 5.9071283 267.82670523204115 256.5685966367276 Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On. -30.625744: 48.209785 222.99109390006356 151.7312282675329 wait until they become more consistent and closer together. -19.920683: 8.156695 253.7704004568074 250.99356415401172 What conviction where you talking about before? 8.188347: -16.682234 334.5897855705435 312.5511150216577 The government does not determine if you are married or not. -12.010819: 46.246872 276.51292509648835 156.59585619004946 Hi Pro and Corn: How many threads do you plan on making? 42.8893: 20.713654 434.3623434793973 219.87404255295309 Tell me exactly which system isn’t working right now? 48.61896: 45.224552 450.83632371506724 159.12943975385826 Oh, and again asserts that marriage is a fundamental human r….. -14.059822: 43.80745 270.6216106180135 162.6414018807692 Yes, it’s about dilution. -29.92726: -23.903002 224.99938382898614 330.4461212338852 Classical Gas We are all vessels filled with many wonders. -28.605062: 49.940964 228.800978769029 147.4409026056341 i be having conversations will cornell west My dear brother. -37.185852: -27.02386 204.12940019820277 338.1804500479065 You’re «a bunch of cells.» -31.58953: 37.40424 220.22000291145756 178.51027864196828 What is a girl douche? -14.225915: 23.403423 270.1440586019255 213.2080692850693 Jury nullification means a law isn’t Constitutional? -2.7368436: 25.133497 303.1775603337652 208.920480511701 It’s definitely NOT what it used to be. -9.533806: 25.81432 283.6348612406882 207.23321945766855 In it was a mental illness, now what are they teaching you? 21.296833: -44.105713 372.27944619388427 380.51387607562015 Bush gets zero credit for the budget under him. 17.431: 44.813446 361.1643607071526 160.14827132567154 . Sinful people do not get to heaven. -25.722136: 41.01933 237.0900013571489 169.55111421633006 What was the «answer» in Chicago? 21.917439: -47.09319 374.0638177212257 387.9176464236239 Who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers? 13.586486: -10.055777 350.11057295825907 296.12897080806295 Therefore, the explanation of the existence of the universe ….. -20.401928: 45.30615 252.38671953247666 158.92722197953458 Use of force in defense of person.-A -33.10398: 1.0000356 215.86563975104838 268.72969286440133 That’s what the data available shows. -14.778398: 5.0666423 268.55555466614135 258.65154724976406 Joy to the World We are all vessels filled with many wonders….. -28.893278: 49.29454 227.97229806500198 149.04291359982722 Ive watched kids play. -37.50266: -15.420372 203.21851389451615 309.42388190059006 David @OmSigDAVID, I think Santorum’s more likely than Gingr….. -4.396753: 34.33502 298.40497138656207 186.11663546430503 Are you driving one? -26.908722: 9.077691 233.67831541845354 248.7110889311425 Religion that does that I have a problem with. -26.843876: 38.05285 233.8647614476215 176.9028505937926 not a constitutional issue. -3.5141342: 26.958618 300.9426860795033 204.39733970163098 YOU FOOLS..bought the cover-up..hook.. 12.25463: 3.3999753 346.2812068936881 262.7819965518671 What does pressing the number one do? -26.115328: 44.88802 235.95949064684658 159.96345808255546 What conviction would that be? 8.162261: -16.694937 334.5147832434091 312.5825963301429 For the trillionth time, I’ve never said rehabilitation does….. -14.746315: 27.682955 268.6477987814899 202.60223862180567 Charlie Rangel Censured Did anyone see the footage of this? 3.7143645: 14.663497 321.7261433810185 234.86795874019305 No, none of those factors account for the recent warming. -11.143606: 57.681534 279.0063459700333 128.2576869225013 Stone notified Captain Lord. 5.9376497: -1.6005701 328.1185569265179 275.174693699316 The primary focus of Systematic Dialectics is syn chronic, n….. 20.837666: -43.715473 370.95924290905054 379.5467570435708 in Foxe basin was frozen. 12.178927: -42.386497 346.06354576957267 376.2531976760065 Government deciding what pregnancies need to be carried to t….. -11.106942: 40.213905 279.11176272383295 171.54717098198574 The great thing about living here is there’s space. -27.430635: 51.140778 232.1777040207444 144.46744102305462 I don’t understand how freedom of speech will be prohibited. 3.431102: 25.61578 320.91170401565824 207.7252543469836 Pro-life people do not want a woman to be able to choose abo….. -11.699036: 39.638348 277.409369208934 172.9735578717557 I absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters….. -23.682726: 25.233444 242.95373391010756 208.67278500930888 The Face Of The Franchise: The worst part is that he’s not e….. -35.16216: -7.7128205 209.94794434948062 290.32249516663353 Jake with the assist. -20.413855: -9.310217 252.352427897075 294.28127325383605 Is it possible his home was affected and the school was not? -2.943208: -26.148657 302.5842192079031 336.01145879712624 The people had awakened. 41.47702: -8.778442 430.3017378340893 292.9633928860296 Umm the California was a cargo ship I dont care what the art….. -9.249785: 6.9107122 284.4514798222035 254.08144563947286 Florida The ignorance is yours! 20.124489: 28.4854 368.90870950219744 200.61356531018208 And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. 6.593982: -8.86229 330.0056511782505 293.17119079318616 Yet you didn’t have to declare it. -22.889322: 29.560257 245.23493655864726 197.94977864694027 Proverbs John the Baptist was a Nazarite from birth. -28.21733: 40.55484 229.91578870335897 170.7022429145522 You might not like Obamas views, but he has them. 1.3840891: 38.6346 315.0261104080303 175.4611106574821 fix?: Islam itself is not political. 51.625782: -0.5341829 459.48156691235926 272.5318993019875 I hope everything is OK! -12.351606: -24.328526 275.53309083404787 331.50068361813686 Do you understand why it’s absurd to limit the question to U….. -22.579288: 57.401646 246.1263490741824 128.95132508612454 I have seen UFO over Warsaw in the past. 38.923935: 54.180115 422.9610794060986 136.93514563335236 depending on which action furthers their loony-tunes agenda ….. 42.9583: -6.0008717 434.5607337244464 286.07982516266566 Sadly Ford did accept taxpayer money. 28.816034: 79.432434 393.89873468816944 74.35310270336589 Your confusion doesn’t make me a liar. -22.197378: 31.559834 247.2244217509966 192.99428980675077 When Christians are extreme its just simply religion. -25.193563: 37.89072 238.60975750124973 177.30464851929656 Evolution is not an opinion, not a belief. -26.854198: 32.878246 233.8350818808865 189.72690813984576 I am not the one claiming the right to decide over another w….. -13.746147: 42.51099 271.52349214554 165.85437666168855 Where in the world is Ron Paul? 0.21163812: 37.885387 311.65506669638904 177.3178649965525 You seem to think that poor people are not responsible for t….. -19.775791: 58.03323 254.18699474487565 127.38608955439611 It’s about the baggage attached. -10.101357: 7.877364 282.00303073118084 251.68582205606174 What makes you think the owl didn’t participate? -37.64241: 45.859608 202.8166990654928 157.55560122191315 lol Looking forward to seeing your built-in’s! 42.937412: 20.749493 434.5006726352221 219.78522366610076 Originally Posted by jacko! -18.790222: 22.653261 257.0207133484325 215.06717290496812 Except that it wasn’t. -22.937126: 29.458155 245.09749033154458 198.20281557254384 Everyone else at the current prosperity level of Mexico. -8.069824: 42.32666 287.84411698502043 166.31119597319366 A law is constitutional if it does not conflict with the Con….. -3.786011: 26.03704 300.16098294172605 206.68125663607498 Originally Posted by muslim girl ooops sorry! -16.469206: 23.012512 263.69412444378906 214.17685219408366 This is not your country. -21.995462: 52.678192 247.80497206394966 140.65731403478821 Cone threw an game. -20.823698: -8.31431 251.17404161072008 291.8131481224451 The jury is not told about juror nullification. -2.0187337: 23.54829 305.2422774969772 212.8490500144889 runs victim down Got any proof? -3.1473436: -4.7763233 301.9972861703134 283.04506484008084 you don’t use the search button much, do you? -20.076067: 34.4658 253.32363852339378 185.7925197946036 I don’t think Paul has a shot. -4.355666: 34.01437 298.5231042333711 186.91128797662617 What if they messed up a study? -10.968405: 28.687605 279.51008696818764 200.1124452744844 And a large part of the east coast. -1.5968378: -49.657116 306.45531736466955 394.27174675288387 Why are you talking about women within the Hebrew tribes? -28.44333: 40.86809 229.26599155205355 169.925921410385 Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. 47.169556: 54.485485 446.66897692287637 136.17835577583094 . What is your definition of «life force»? -28.356092: 33.754448 229.51682008555798 187.555444708234 That is not direct responsibilty to the constituents. 0.23813671: 46.303204 311.7312557160577 156.4562512403797 Could this have been an enema? -13.426191: -15.564023 272.4434325816508 309.7798877576331 my final word: ignoring has the effect of normalizing. -31.703989: 44.36209 219.8909117953819 161.26685043076628 SEC Chairman William Donaldson said there is a «building con….. 9.4772005: 15.28186 338.29551145185053 233.33548787659748 Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return ….. 49.530327: 6.13351 453.4566916415622 256.0075616677902 Page said it’s also possible that genes on the Y chromosome ….. -32.703354: 29.424648 217.01752720767976 198.28585343232749 South Asia follows, with 1.1 millions youths infected — 62 p….. -18.308352: 1.6271214 258.40619303438353 267.1756054855979 She countersued for $125 million, saying Gruner & Jahr broke….. 5.3188496: 32.958366 326.33937603293754 189.52834900407578 Microsoft acquired Virtual PC when it bought the assets of C….. 7.657419: 67.8473 333.06325665021984 103.06418839569068 A total of 17 cases have been confirmed in the southern city….. -14.299183: 1.9105712 269.9333978412501 266.4731406792042 General Myers told reporters that «at first blush, it doesn’….. 32.205093: 34.409924 403.64299381532044 185.9309997365528 Proving that the Millville son’s sacrifice would not go unsu….. 32.50435: -41.333366 404.50341608111063 373.64325539488993 They found molecules that can only be produced when ozone br….. -6.858782: 20.35012 291.32611914778755 220.77497520641248 For me, the Lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vici….. 8.222517: 3.9011383 334.68803195599395 261.5399797561636 Metropolitan Ambulance spokesman James Howe said five people….. -11.094255: -20.943785 279.14823974492276 323.11238497995294 Her body was found several weeks later in the Green River. 12.592549: -41.784065 347.25279591803064 374.76020843840524 Fighting continued until midnight, western rebel commander O….. 55.625256: -42.516693 470.98089639814043 376.5758574533635 The reading for both August and July is the best seen since ….. -10.391267: 22.535408 281.16948020910854 215.359244762324 The DVD-CCA then appealed to the state Supreme Court. 13.370135: 9.923786 349.4885195113351 246.61423761871754 Sovereign’s shares lost 74 cents, or 4.5%, to $15.68. -6.5982146: 84.898544 292.0753047336514 60.80661057757959 The new law requires libraries and schools to use filters or….. 15.168313: 50.34455 354.65865945475736 146.44070456505932 In addition, it offered the United States and Israel a way t….. 50.78304: 36.20027 457.05850339310604 181.49403546326857 After protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the….. 4.632648: 19.977295 324.36640188189403 221.69893742968264 A passer-by found Ben hiding along a dirt road in Spanish Fo….. -13.430464: -54.91939 272.43114835595117 407.3130820505631 Also missing is Al Larsen, 31, of Fort Worth, Texas, who was….. 38.819916: 31.21404 422.66200238254714 193.85125734756446 She said he persisted and she eventually allowed him to fix ….. -29.228163: 4.315454 227.0094341313237 260.5131939543423 A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal….. 12.678437: 10.151793 347.4997417587693 246.04917649294794 Earlier on Monday, Grant Thornton SpA repeated previous stat….. 16.34928: 5.25193 358.05418670103126 258.1923538410838 Peter Lyman and Hal Varian of Berkeley’s School of Informati….. -11.047739: 69.28829 279.2819842522275 99.49301682882697 My judgment is 95 percent of that information should be decl….. 5.2074995: 1.9254683 326.0192211426554 266.4362216364475 The researchers found only empty cavities and scar tissue wh….. -9.08145: 31.173603 284.93547831476917 193.9514728462422 After 26 hours of surgery and a year of anticipation, the bo….. -16.51443: -22.44877 263.5640981083701 326.8421448200415 Shares of LendingTree rose $6.21, or 42 percent, to $20.90 a….. 5.02118: 86.10378 325.48351373753536 57.81970562543074 I think it should have been released years ago, said Brian R….. 24.746706: -44.716488 382.19855811219924 382.0275408752805 CIA Director George Tenet said the two men were «defined by ….. 19.152092: 17.275846 366.112863605195 228.39385364829536 But software license revenues, a measure financial analysts ….. -13.216255: 73.03633 273.0470432379374 90.20436694873678 Prosecutors contended that Mr. Durst had plotted the murder ….. 7.8807025: -11.901758 333.70524317275175 300.7038099771273 The seven other nations in the initiative are Britain, Germa….. 52.971905: 60.00957 463.3519535163201 122.4881840925799 The average American makes four trips a day, 45 percent for ….. -3.9175994: 53.05302 299.7826383872286 139.72838854216224 It’s also a strategic win for Overture, given that Knight Ri….. 14.422002: 66.790855 352.5128574903801 105.68233661547538 In the weeks leading up to the execution, several Florida of….. 19.878134: -17.814577 368.20038678988016 315.3573664231029 Hoy confirmed the woman’s age Tuesday and said she has left ….. -0.8860964: 6.7132583 308.4988485229475 254.5707897277586 The 3{ hours of recordings include conversations between pol….. 37.905937: 37.373135 420.0341213358698 178.5873653054482 The 30-year bond US30YT=RR jumped 20/32, taking its yield to….. -4.088344: 103.9484 299.29171150910787 13.595935742416145 Oracle shares fell 27 cents, or 2 percent, to $13.09. -6.094837: 85.78182 293.5226209633224 58.61761026091074 Morrill’s wife, Ellie, sobbed and hugged Bondeson’s sister-i….. -10.023927: -6.99792 282.22566038586945 288.5507793575894 Mr. Grassley and Mr. Baucus rejected any disparity in drug b….. 24.768055: 19.193335 382.25994085249204 223.64180212861407 It was brazen intimidation to keep people on the reservation….. 3.915141: 14.668225 322.3034183574541 234.85624069759024 No charges were announced, but the statement said legal proc….. 8.078299: -23.764294 334.27337353027923 330.1023651983046 The tech-heavy Nasdaq Stock Markets composite index added 14….. -28.661713: 94.40895 228.6380976138929 37.23726395321199 But the FBI never kept tabs on al-Bayoumi – even though it h….. 32.40967: 24.196024 404.2311998332184 211.24379162406018 It’s going to happen, said Jim Santangelo, president of the ….. 23.593067: 13.492944 378.88160329615357 237.76890459402313 He was released on $3-million bail and immediately returned ….. 13.999495: -25.528631 351.2980599912874 334.47486841996533 Brian Brabazon said his son would get upset but then turn ar….. 5.991403: -9.587464 328.27310921210875 294.9683669922945 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index dipped 0.08 of a….. -24.364983: 94.72991 240.99210210272625 36.441836225486725 Likewise, the 30-year bond <US30YT=RR> slid 1-11/32 for a yi….. -4.140761: 103.753265 299.14100215707015 14.079537800749563 A seventh victim, a woman, died Tuesday night in the burn un….. 41.582623: -48.80447 430.6053666019849 392.1586608227424 Tech stocks were hurt by a sour forecast from Sun Microsyste….. 1.7554114: 71.3814 316.09374020977714 94.30572912895343 Shares of Coke were up 6 cents at $44.42 in afternoon tradin….. -3.2269416: 67.16795 301.7684252872984 104.74778608424623 Ernst & Young has denied any wrongdoing and plans to fight t….. 28.930702: 33.07773 394.2284290474714 189.2325381504719 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> was up 9.69 p….. -21.282124: 81.6765 249.8559716132958 68.79170739407033 Shares of Guidant plummeted in trading both on and off the N….. -8.629776: 86.00007 286.2341375903792 58.07673680113493 Based on a separate survey of households, the unemployment r….. 17.981377: 78.14579 362.74681027455614 77.54175273751878 The rate of skin cancer has tripled since the 1950s in Norwa….. -11.372093: 27.657171 278.3493976444813 202.6661371695688 The Rev. Christopher J. Coyne, spokesman for the archdiocese….. 31.266716: 21.383017 400.94496106545125 218.21518085348202 Previously, it had reported a profit of $12 million, or 0 ce….. -2.3609998: 77.55775 304.25819036979107 78.99908206652958 The company is highlighting the addition of .NET and J2EE su….. 19.647064: 69.58216 367.5360130886151 98.76473031817727 Ryan Harvey, an outfielder from Dunedin High School in Flori….. -19.985079: -4.4586945 253.5852486585614 282.2578950471789 Glover spoke at a news conference that included about 20 rel….. 1.8240647: -29.311056 316.29113304699183 343.84873527143253 He gave a surprisingly impassioned speech to the United Stee….. 4.5753245: 21.372276 324.2015848644044 218.24179815799857 And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit.I was in the wate….. -24.958212: -50.445595 239.2864428483611 396.22580953286655 But Adora Obi Nweze, the NAACP state president, said the sta….. -5.6124854: -12.068744 294.909483995672 301.1176450125498 Their contract will expire at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday instead o….. 27.719345: 49.173126 390.7455220198648 149.34381062279 Now, Blanca’s American husband, 63-year-old Roger Lawrence S….. 28.223408: -16.401133 392.1948083870726 311.8544705348818 The operating revenues were $1.45 billion, an increase over ….. -8.694911: 70.05973 286.0468607307677 97.58118438067714 Spot gold was quoted at $367.90/368.60 an ounce at 1000 GMT,….. -28.804552: 76.610504 228.22740414138394 81.34660447949852 But the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeat….. 2.7145128: 2.2137525 318.85135899482987 265.7217758523483 The report ranked 45 large companies based on employment, ma….. 6.723892: 67.40694 330.3791697869374 104.15552151548377 French retirees will increase from one fifth to a third of t….. 48.734417: -27.736372 451.16828297848264 339.9462442039168 The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> added 28 points, or ….. -13.975623: 94.712685 270.86370035078033 36.484529795792696 During the same quarter last year, EDS declared a profit of ….. 0.6949867: 80.366325 313.0447957338793 72.03866875276873 Microsoft fell 5 percent before the open to $27.45 from Thur….. -6.392376: 85.88444 292.66713432392936 58.36330179296749 This is extraordinarily fast, said Matt Geller, an analyst a….. 12.23731: 83.67413 346.2314091653552 63.84103056169431 Both rebels and government forces have been accused of pilla….. 51.2854: -38.371525 458.5028980061514 366.30301489464 The arrests revealed new details about the four-month invest….. 5.3003964: 0.4700257 326.28631942017523 270.0432001635279 The transaction will expand Callebaut’s sales revenues from ….. -9.419611: 69.89835 283.96319556071626 97.98111989844188 Iraq’s economy was ravaged during years of U.N. sanctions ov….. 86.29385: -10.797126 559.1595801555605 297.9662336793348 The bulk of the funds, some $65 billion, will go for militar….. 27.885931: 71.72223 391.22449165753466 93.46106576921886 Advancing issues outnumbered decliners about 8 to 5 on the N….. -16.21633: 87.62686 264.4211970523863 54.045106191905234 A beauty contest to be held in Italy next week may be the fi….. -61.235584: -13.48889 134.98135115018945 304.63714894541994 Boeing’s board is also expected to decide at its December me….. 22.129177: 58.34438 374.6726107852292 126.61497711959089 Defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed becaus….. 0.30319157: -19.631775 311.91830216074936 319.86087159421686 Founded in 1996, the LendingTree exchange consists of more t….. 5.36865: 85.76127 326.48256266774155 58.66854758527052 Most taxpayers will get surprise tax cuts of between $4 and ….. 19.794903: 47.917316 367.9610802019985 152.4560452165568 Security lights have also been installed and police have swe….. 24.466415: -5.228964 381.39266355003906 284.16682989140963 Standing with reporters and photographers about 150 yards fr….. 1.0203519: -20.270433 313.9802892199224 321.44363928407915 The gloves are off, said UNIFI official Rob O’Neill. -34.188606: -10.847601 212.74711356825722 298.0913246113314 Staff writers Selwyn Crawford and Colleen McCain Nelson and ….. 39.025436: 53.088768 423.25291751093425 139.63979654762335 The Commerce Commission would have been a significant hurdle….. 70.72113: 34.00879 514.3847181584882 186.9251189538976 Prosecutors filed a motion informing Lee they intend to seek….. 11.80973: -14.765309 345.0020241482442 307.8004603077808 Gillette shares rose $1.45, or 4.5 percent, to $33.95 in aft….. 4.648004: 88.56476 324.4105538020315 51.72074570259656 The Dow Jones industrials climbed more than 140 points to ab….. -13.203725: 93.22471 273.0830705686221 40.17213493481955 The government has chosen three companies to develop plans t….. 50.861473: 48.592697 457.28401764722236 150.78227007440245 Tamil parties blame the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LT….. 51.54602: -37.767002 459.2522357738292 364.80484494921603 Two of the Britons, Sandy Mitchell from Glasgow and Glasgow-….. 17.704271: -16.514624 361.95007404137755 312.1357319188885 He urged patience from Americans eager for the service, whic….. 11.684362: 53.764687 344.6415671264145 137.96468841312776 Jordan Green, the prelate’s private lawyer, said he had no c….. 31.592546: 21.056252 401.88179231189906 219.0249926084927 Mr Hadley, who has a new partner and child, said: «I am abso….. 7.9937825: 9.703289 334.03037207763634 247.16068884786466 The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon, one of three….. 23.286411: -62.348866 377.99990299656224 425.72531765274016 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX advanced 2 poin….. -19.734962: 84.336235 254.30438587671782 62.20016425883034 Two officials initially said about 300 workers had been arre….. 15.320125: 20.940248 355.0951498012355 219.3124793503485 This deal makes sense for both companies, Halla said in a pr….. 19.13084: 58.353428 366.05176055039794 126.5925525959492 The president began his speech by acknowledging the terroris….. 43.6543: -48.35143 436.56187796315174 391.0359031175424 I´m very proud of the citizens of this state, Gov. John Bald….. 9.127269: 12.768201 337.28938401078636 239.5650125084892 He will replace Ron Dittemore, who announced his resignation….. 21.417019: 8.941832 372.6250058500385 249.04778530693 Selenski had previously spent seven years in prison on a ban….. 18.442768: -11.258726 364.0734079375889 299.1102034523766 Graham, a presidential candidate, was criticized by several ….. 11.934711: 29.039974 345.3613733961492 199.23917930249104 Mr Howard said he also had faith in the system under which H….. 20.229502: -21.457392 369.21064370503 324.38524140431775 Smugglers in a van chased down a pickup and SUV carrying oth….. -23.861193: 3.3702002 242.44060425373988 262.8557873681486 The trial, featuring 125 witnesses, could continue until the….. 3.418587: -18.445732 320.87572055720824 316.9215383971123 The European Union banned the import of genetically modified….. 18.406555: 25.471468 363.96928815672584 208.08289808291403 Annika Sorenstam gets her first opportunity to test that obj….. -25.090822: -2.6695428 238.90516022515 277.82389573646935 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX gained 3 points….. -20.645054: 83.29257 251.68768128181546 64.78664209320203 Cisco has signed similar deals with AT&T Corp. T.N , SBC Com….. 4.485893: 61.707108 323.94444969717017 118.28123190201165 Harris and Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher before t….. 24.481937: -44.838165 381.43729258072824 382.32909021364435 We condemn the Governing Council headed by the United States….. 62.10315: 27.186443 489.60620649975255 203.832727633565 In a statement distributed Friday, 28 Chechen non-government….. 57.97024: -15.907779 477.72322529008954 310.6318069444734 July 18: Hurlbert files a single count of felony sexual assa….. 9.263125: -24.2752 337.6800004519175 331.36852829942393 Instead, Weida decided that Meester’s case on charges of rap….. -0.021815227: -18.893515 310.9838391098931 318.0312639750609 They made a similar discovery in Houston on another aircraft….. 38.881756: 53.21477 422.8398055814907 139.3275265474511 On Saturday, the International Committee of the Red Cross sa….. 78.10842: 10.232125 535.6247366683264 245.85009030524157 The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, of which Mr O Mui….. 48.471584: 17.61738 450.4125837367818 227.5474413269783 In September, a 27-year-old Singapore researcher contracted ….. -13.164313: -0.24339283 273.1963870666719 271.8112432271069 A lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to block the removal ….. 13.284601: 8.070617 349.24259095803717 251.2068901978459 Britz earned $3.77 million in salary, bonus and other compen….. 1.157142: 56.018692 314.37358975065877 132.37865638013483 That truck was spotted in the Campbells Creek area, fitting ….. -39.176838: 13.194196 198.40489618187914 238.50928257420816 Chairman Michael Powell and FCC colleagues at the Wednesday ….. 17.110636: 13.035721 360.24324668876505 238.9020260783302 The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.3 per cent at 9,88….. -13.510431: 94.261444 272.2012249422535 37.60282528549567 Tehran has made clear it will only sign the Additional Proto….. 77.65495: 46.835094 534.3209196631312 155.13808253025826 AMD’s chip sales jumped 7 percent year-on-year to $402 milli….. -7.5693736: 71.663284 289.2830179716842 93.60714660366716 So far, Georgia has been returned all but $70,000 of the mon….. 7.013162: 52.177326 331.2108817881767 141.8985946122039 When police removed the four from the home, they weighed 136….. 13.1635: -28.110569 348.8943989678044 340.8736050849649 While the Ibrahims had one separation operation, Goodrich an….. -16.525995: -22.458427 263.5308429545118 326.86607723218265 The company has expanded into providing other services for b….. 7.9408717: 65.63068 333.878242362002 108.5575727340426 The department’s position threatens to alienate social conse….. 13.251006: 27.990906 349.14599800742974 201.83905323720006 South Africa has the world’s highest caseload with 4.7 milli….. -18.359116: 1.6236271 258.2602355937604 267.1842655043256 The new Army Commander is the Masaka Armoured Brigade comman….. 37.930153: 9.71688 420.103746572246 247.12700715663175 The state wants to kill the wolves in approximately a 1,700-….. 31.154222: -47.596867 400.6215184995857 389.1658944858305 The Fed’s Empire State survey far exceeded expectations by j….. -7.5670905: 75.991936 289.28958235479246 82.87958348733764 Board Chancellor Robert Bennett declined to comment on perso….. 26.145088: 20.987036 386.21920163577806 219.1965279243513 Tampa Bay manager Lou Piniella, bench coach John McLaren and….. -33.899067: -10.766514 213.57960018863946 297.89036892550104 Other changes in the plan refine his original vision, Libesk….. 31.720667: 41.67154 402.2501655300669 167.9347617371604 There are now 37 active probable cases in the GTA, compared ….. -14.251986: 2.1070306 270.0691001470257 265.9862613859325 SARS has killed 296 people on China’s mainland and infected ….. -14.405328: -0.5102409 269.6282088670101 272.4725645985701 The redesigned Finder also features search, coloured labels ….. 11.92753: 74.617836 345.340726025721 86.28497240387225 The S&P/TSX composite rose 87.74 points on the week, while t….. -22.10237: 83.19214 247.49759221999224 65.03554296100913 Sales for the quarter beat expectations, rising 37 percent y….. -7.6498027: 75.95804 289.0517674228886 82.96359036637648 The company said it would issue revised guidance for the ful….. -4.8954587: 78.40348 296.97108691572805 76.90312650605023 We haven’t decided whether to use an unbroken or dotted whit….. -19.75578: 8.279021 254.24453318060804 250.69040766176124 Shinseki retires Wednesday after a 38-year career that inclu….. -1.0979521: -8.222631 307.8897187052679 291.58594383210755 The department also sent water and soil samples to the state….. 21.865585: 1.8260189 373.914728899855 266.6826840027509 Previously he had seen the grinning mechanic from east Java ….. -57.352108: -23.381172 146.1471639082255 329.15288704362257 NASA satellite images show that Arctic ice has been shrinkin….. -11.861795: 57.30003 276.94140053410047 129.20315664631312 A nationally board certified teacher with a master’s degree,….. 0.8920515: 56.102055 313.61139861786245 132.1720614749317 In Vienna, the IAEA said ElBaradei would accept the invitati….. 66.71878: 33.997986 502.8771187564771 186.95189224687954 The epidemic began in November in the mainland’s Guangdong p….. 36.62757: 45.213753 416.3585493898349 159.15620359299385 Druce will face murder charges, Conte said. 12.104505: -14.69245 345.8495644291378 307.6198942051563 That compared with $35.18 million, or 24 cents per share, in….. -2.9409895: 75.35313 302.5905978195178 84.46272460413246 Nick Markakis, a left-hander from Young Harris Junior Colleg….. -19.630417: -4.2904234 254.60497649236444 281.8408740655223 We remain hopeful that the city will agree to work with us a….. 24.275702: 33.5583 380.8443209413423 188.0415520358613 The notification was first reported Friday by MSNBC. -11.960014: 21.727903 276.6590004437421 217.36045860118645 There is, however, no photo of Peter Hollingworth in the Jun….. 39.224194: -0.60515 423.82438627131654 272.70777481963813 We continue to work with the Saudis on this, but they did no….. 73.80268: 4.87919 523.2448256249372 259.1161045345409 Costa’s semifinal opponent is Spaniard Juan Carlos Ferrero, ….. -26.080853: -16.086275 236.05861447698985 311.07416896138363 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -35.71669: 28.779255 208.35355056619585 199.88531188799476 No Americans were reported among the casualties, according t….. 54.33021: 32.120853 467.2573720996422 191.6039315255805 We think they have the right to choose. -14.012033: 43.140236 270.7590129728815 164.2949363377984 One question was whether France, which infuriated Washington….. 81.77618: 3.7203486 546.1703057091174 261.98802530735156 Luzerne County District Attorney David Lupas told a news con….. 19.349327: 33.238037 366.67995611017176 188.83524970969688 The flamboyant entrepreneur flagged the plan after a meeting….. 31.79137: 41.70354 402.4534530133079 167.85545341977837 Government bonds sold off sharply after Greenspan told Congr….. -3.74426: 105.244194 300.2810256017493 10.384615384615358 Police said her two small children were alone in the apartme….. 13.14048: -27.888842 348.8282122178183 340.3241049903564 Three no votes would kill it for now. 19.812122: 39.738605 368.01059001879156 172.72509188088264 Some 660 prisoners from 42 countries, including Canada, are ….. 29.639338: -13.454376 396.26590498048927 304.5516152701888 To reach John A. Dvorak, who covers Kansas, call (816) 234-7….. -5.0808687: 37.466866 296.4379940215912 178.35507484575174 Prosecutor Jim Hardin called the decision a victory for Kath….. 56.265244: 5.858027 472.82099663153525 256.6902830022923 And now it’s anything he wants to say,» Alesha Badgley, Ston….. 1.0158938: -29.174736 313.96747132961855 343.5108973436933 The national denomination of the Episcopal Church, with 2.3 ….. -17.590084: 9.580832 260.4713633155189 247.46417149781558 British police arrested 21 people early Tuesday in connectio….. 28.749235: -5.8342776 393.7066730129673 285.66696032822915 By late afternoon, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 1….. -13.566484: 94.18522 272.0400602882977 37.79173204409949 Janice Kelly said her husband had received assurances from s….. 4.452152: 11.764962 323.84743721831904 242.0513079326455 U.S. corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty tradin….. -3.8536007: 104.855995 299.96664813636664 11.346676608845087 Evacuation went smoothly, although passengers weren’t told w….. 3.786595: -25.436537 321.93382151524196 334.24663366037106 Between 1993 and 2002, 142 allegations of sexual assault wer….. 8.869517: -24.228569 336.54829422322126 331.2529644811288 Cooley said he expects Muhammad will similarly be called as ….. 17.695353: -10.073288 361.9244307202295 296.1723686899252 He really left us with a smile on his face and no last words….. 7.611344: 9.5749655 332.93078032469765 247.4787091501048 They were an inspirational couple, selfless and courageous, ….. 18.856642: 17.234528 365.2633819779185 228.49625298548966 In an interview, Healey, who is a criminologist, acknowledge….. 20.286592: -21.199215 369.37479167094136 323.74540980743427 Franklin County Judge-Executive Teresa Barton said a firefig….. 27.13233: -61.489773 389.05772973305744 423.59625472219625 Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Satur….. 14.523536: -24.37079 352.8047888237144 331.6054275092364 But the prime minister told the BBC he wasn’t bothered by po….. 28.010582: 38.325424 391.58288942635085 176.22733545370272 Gen. Sattler heads a Combined Joint Task Force based on ship….. 37.915073: 9.607329 420.0603898363615 247.39850271731558 Wall Street analysts had expected 22 cents a share, accordin….. -10.577179: 79.95829 280.6349436442505 73.04988997823654 The findings were published in the July 1 issue of the Annal….. -10.938126: 22.240978 279.5971459338045 216.08892098839334 Labor Department analysts think the payroll statistics from ….. -19.091599: 74.477066 256.1541928420271 86.6338382434277 Terri Schiavo, 39, is expected to die sometime in the next t….. -0.66228235: -8.880692 309.1423611480165 293.21679378471924 Mr McDevitt has been granted control of three crucial aspect….. 11.954015: 15.473709 345.41687451498547 232.86003503385388 Officials with North Carolina Speedway at Rockingham could n….. 35.182076: 31.752728 412.2024448577709 192.51624661009578 The unions also staged a five-day strike in March that force….. 26.135012: 48.26979 386.1902295088266 151.58251926378767 Gov. Rick Perry has said that while he opposes gambling expa….. 29.795681: 26.448214 396.715425380656 205.66225962194977 In midafternoon trading, the Nasdaq composite index was up 8….. -26.786974: 90.084274 234.02836649462918 47.95497616160111 In Kentucky, Democratic Attorney General Ben Chandler faces ….. 0.982629: 14.5434475 313.8718279729649 235.16547364960905 The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 98.32, or about 1.1 pe….. -14.212201: 97.306915 270.1834887728096 30.05532811079513 The US Senate judiciary committee overcame a significant hur….. 14.3685465: 39.8656 352.3591620843721 172.4103638806485 But she didn’t say whether she’ll certify the two-year $117…… 16.526203: 45.512375 358.5628797776708 158.41613758973978 It would be difficult to overestimate the potential dangers ….. 43.912434: 28.951963 437.3040645565829 199.45729371952274 Although obesity can increase the risk of health problems, s….. -35.90702: 32.888092 207.80631024739438 189.7025077623082 Sony said the PSP would also feature a 4.5-inch LCD screen, ….. 2.2664557: 64.16338 317.5631001808445 112.1939191179323 At one of the three sampling sites at Huntington Beach, the ….. 21.496449: 1.8580836 372.8533827674651 266.60321910603795 Carnival Corp. stock was trading at $31.29 during midday tra….. -3.223997: 67.91942 301.77689125757684 102.88545397580458 But Senate criticism of the House plan Tuesday came on sever….. 12.0931225: 43.229916 345.81683848410984 164.07268586297022 The rule bars groups from airing ads that promote, support, ….. 3.8354993: 25.880035 322.07443134176447 207.07035804587457 Cisco pared spending to compensate for sluggish sales. -6.2929583: 64.26992 292.9529811267218 111.92989209589814 Right from the beginning, we didn’t want to see anyone take ….. 2.3210034: -2.9312346 317.7199365646514 278.4724384619376 DeVries did make one stop in town Wednesday – registering as….. -44.697247: 57.773373 182.53255783596614 128.03008557061526 At 5 p.m. EDT, Grace’s center was near latitude 25.6 north, ….. 1.0503205: -46.8051 314.06645531701395 387.20368249025796 October heating oil futures settled .85 cent lower at 69.89 ….. -7.377263: 89.128876 289.8353762608581 50.322710898156004 Mr. Bankhead said the crime scenes indicated that the killer….. 7.4426265: -11.888356 332.4456822842513 300.6705962512908 Egyptologists cast doubt Tuesday on an expedition’s claim th….. 43.6907: -40.431416 436.66653517888915 371.4079785001326 Treasurys long-range plan is to provide retail buyers of al….. 42.31763: 8.991448 432.7186702085514 248.92482149037158 He was listed last night in critical but stable condition at….. -7.344016: -18.188107 289.93096837611273 316.28307288103235 The 30-year bond US30YT=RR grew 1-3/32 for a yield of 4.30 p….. -4.0208354: 104.20389 299.48581324322083 12.962773834162135 Byrd, speaking from the Senate floor, said he questioned «th….. 10.565048: 28.866274 341.4233029021951 199.66965547102495 Similar bills passed the House twice but died in the Senate. 12.39797: 43.666115 346.6933399238962 162.9916668895907 The woman was hospitalized June 15, Kansas health officials ….. -8.6994505: -20.629883 286.0338087409619 322.3344515949759 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> tacked o….. -27.455482: 94.3533 232.10626357065993 37.37517666437765 Two Kuwaitis and six Palestinians with Jordanian passports w….. 15.939968: -24.150007 356.87733045885955 331.0582672416099 Her birthday, 21 April, was declared a public holiday and sh….. -12.295171: -6.7955194 275.6953550358843 288.04917599399494 The man, who entered the post office in Lakeside shortly bef….. 9.630287: -30.934608 338.735667871936 347.87233483815226 Fewer than 10 FBI offices have conducted investigations invo….. 35.697678: 0.51054734 413.6849096024264 269.9427766063713 Outside the court, Sriyanto, who faces up to 25 years’ jail,….. 27.599964: 25.51544 390.4022766240879 207.97392359555408 Comcast Class A shares were up 8 cents at $30.50 in morning ….. -2.9244847: 66.91211 302.63805249631935 105.38183665406109 Thomas was joined in full by Rehnquist, and in parts by O’Co….. 0.51154697: 18.630434 312.5173678420405 225.03682115605557 Toronto yesterday had 64 probable cases of SARS and nine sus….. -13.76031: 1.6644071 271.48277048574863 267.08320152293413 The Nasdaq composite index rose 13.70, or 0.8 per cent, to 1….. -26.842012: 90.0768 233.8701193442771 47.9735057005293 Micron has declared its first quarterly profit for three yea….. -1.6381896: 77.531494 306.33642223778355 79.06414343739897 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. -28.97339: 90.41472 227.7419578650751 47.13604617174542 Chavez said investigators feel confident they’ve got «at lea….. 23.25947: 33.83078 377.9224410822733 187.3662732419312 Jim Williams, director of the US-VISIT project, said that by….. 39.75009: 3.3135285 425.33645380629645 262.9962348918781 The Episcopal Church »is alienating itself from the Anglica….. -17.611294: 9.582954 260.4103809093671 247.45891043229847 Counties with population declines will be Vermillion, Posey ….. -16.194643: 53.7321 264.48355046587056 138.04544316900774 When the bomb exploded at the Casa de España, customers were….. 75.363266: -13.381996 527.7318364867851 304.3722379887481 Plofsky said the commission won’t investigate because the th….. 29.433897: 26.160906 395.675220181334 206.37428551680534 But church members and observers say they expect that the de….. -17.967525: 9.670341 259.38613971942533 247.24234408261344 Squyres is principal investigator for the Athena payload – a….. 42.628902: -42.110085 433.61364185912174 375.56817196644624 Lawyers and others familiar with the federal investigation s….. 24.839672: 25.969057 382.4658551857822 206.84973835954895 Boeing said the final agreement is expected to be signed dur….. 21.634665: 57.9943 373.25078295287767 127.48256605682587 Shares in EDS closed on Thursday at $18.51, a gain of 6 cent….. 0.98190445: 80.81605 313.8697447273231 70.92413589392982 Of 24 million phoned-in votes, 50.28 percent were for Studda….. -0.12578727: 14.204879 310.6848975643592 236.004537968818 Consumers still would have to get a descrambling security ca….. 5.498749: 61.455517 326.85662419533213 118.90474143309945 However, we have decided to opt for the European consortium’….. 37.223637: 65.95289 418.07236339581397 107.75904414470074 Mr Sahel said police had identified the bodies of seven of t….. 39.843502: -41.739174 425.6050286587134 374.64895557406487 Only New Jersey now bans holders of learners permits or inte….. -24.936596: 8.904537 239.34859335276022 249.1402108361808 The University of Michigan released today a new admissions p….. 24.4574: 40.855373 381.3667405433953 169.9574405342558 The audiotape aired last week by the Arab Al-Jazeera televis….. 37.262436: -6.308528 418.18391952044874 286.8422802376375 The company didn’t detail the costs of the replacement and r….. 16.360836: 45.719257 358.0874144347429 157.90342713836554 I felt that if I disagreed with Rosie too much I would lose ….. 5.2766466: 33.321247 326.2180336579629 188.62903295834946 The American decision provoked an angry reaction from the Eu….. 70.71283: 34.35249 514.3608516628432 186.07333684782992 Ms. Cripps-Prawak left last Friday, two days after the depar….. 5.4103146: -36.558517 326.60235717543765 361.8098947737877 I came basically to Washington to establish relationships an….. 2.8563135: 7.8406334 319.2590657278649 251.77685077950815 The latest snapshot of the labor markets was slightly better….. -19.031397: 74.44944 256.32728525977603 86.70230299899816 Chante Jawan Mallard, 27, went on trial Monday, charged with….. 22.0737: -37.14254 374.51310230813124 363.25725974870136 Linda Saunders pleaded guilty in federal court to six charge….. 11.824437: -19.938667 345.04431149840934 320.62143353644865 Vivendi shares closed 3.8 percent up in Paris at 15.78 euros….. 1.7259526: 81.13159 316.0090400622759 70.14213262808107 Microsoft has identified the freely distributed Linux softwa….. 16.658998: 68.11762 358.944694351727 102.394251024972 Spin and manipulative public relations and propaganda are no….. 32.908623: 36.53841 405.6657890018214 180.65603706524035 Another shooting linked to the spree occurred Nov. 11 at Ham….. 23.712814: -45.019726 379.2259016255619 382.7790460326688 On Tuesday, the central bank left interest rates steady, as ….. 35.210613: 85.91282 412.2844969046092 58.292965175811446 Dusty had battled kidney cancer for more than a year. -15.016293: -30.274918 267.87155636591814 346.23744336620797 The commission estimates California lost $1.34 billion — th….. 19.802057: 47.934505 367.9816507960161 152.4134461847147 VeriSign introduced its Site Finder service on Sept. 15. 11.843862: 74.55806 345.10016085310804 86.43311417683401 Druce is still being held at the prison and is now in isolat….. 12.261526: -14.922806 346.3010344017314 308.19077890030337 Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, turned himself in in June; h….. 37.278507: -8.413344 418.230127951585 292.0585817920879 Palm Wednesday announced plans to acquire Handspring, a comp….. 10.841922: 69.07713 342.2193728258101 100.0163250420066 Get it all out,» says Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidow….. -18.319237: -3.5119596 258.3748956789961 279.91163117751086 The updated products include Pylon Pro, Pylon Conduit, Pylon….. 5.430974: 61.76339 326.66175743912765 118.1417498523449 Turkish authorities have said all the suicide bombers were T….. 67.386406: -68.375496 504.7966825748664 440.66092960581943 One of the 14 Kurds pointed at the word «refugee» in an Engl….. 72.431595: -4.272558 519.3026640451028 281.79659933940724 Whatever has happened to you by way of punishment is certain….. 3.9593673: -17.468523 322.43057791654064 314.4997512938114 Yes, from today Flash memory purchased from AMD or Fujitsu w….. 2.1452034: 64.09322 317.214474266791 112.36779426077294 A tropical storm rapidly developed in the Gulf of Mexico Sun….. 1.7739637: -49.719913 316.1470819920646 394.42737597218803 Pataki praised Abraham’s decision, and LIPA Chairman Richard….. 25.425522: 34.763977 384.15029673066886 185.0535598913774 Dynes came to UC San Diego in 1991 after 22 years as a physi….. 26.503351: 4.003582 387.24928331695645 261.28609671130795 Meningitis is an infection of the spinal cord fluid and the ….. -12.395361: -1.3226002 275.4072872012132 274.4858096386971 It exploded in his hands, but the former Italian prime minis….. 74.29843: -13.42415 524.6702125923241 304.47670771830224 Waksal, in a letter to the court, said: «I tore my family ap….. -6.436415: -7.812514 292.54051219971717 290.56956198824054 But Forest, the Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy ….. 11.626395: 46.191845 344.4748992490259 156.73222792425327 A federal grand jury indicted them on Tuesday; the document ….. 5.2467356: 0.40422556 326.13203311000683 270.20627059395696 Sequent representatives could not immediately be reached for….. 35.37438: 31.490904 412.7553556628997 193.16511608412998 MSN Messenger 6 will be available for download starting at 6….. 12.987709: 69.28338 348.388963404587 99.50519338297983 In connection with the incident, I have acknowledged that I ….. 7.931364: -23.169281 333.8509058467984 328.6277636919357 A spokesman said: «Since November, we have co-operated fully….. 24.223118: 33.707745 380.69313173673817 187.67118814961054 Women who eat potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during ….. -3.2231693: -96.37494 301.7792713263062 510.05108438419256 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX inched up 3 point….. -20.551373: 83.34707 251.95703486639727 64.65158444364675 It appears from our initial report that this was a textbook ….. 12.646299: -75.42942 347.4073386065702 458.1424529384025 The ADRs fell 10 cents to $28.95 at 10:06 a.m. in New York S….. -7.03062: 86.4003 290.83204786434965 57.084858145385056 The British Foreign Office said Monday that coalition author….. 35.844093: -45.76531 414.10588562992945 384.6268003099741 Shares of Corixa were gaining 71 cents, or 10%, to $7.91 on ….. -3.2275448: 67.418304 301.7666909630227 104.12734905323578 Spokesmen for the FBI, CIA, Canadian Security Intelligence S….. 31.91949: 23.62474 402.82182623147577 212.65958547894797 This has been a persistent problem that has not been solved,….. 32.806545: 35.941475 405.37229472012797 182.13540331019078 Ridge said no real explosives or harmful devices will be use….. 74.304756: -10.032531 524.688397633583 296.0713614316121 On May 1, he crawled through a narrow, winding canyon, rappe….. -13.8324995: -54.782894 271.27521094365943 406.9748045189666 Amnesty International has said that over the past 20 years i….. 43.730907: -43.764843 436.7821385171697 379.6691087235753 She asked to be excused from last week’s Cabinet session to ….. 66.15446: 30.288395 501.25456996661103 196.1452568091854 The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI edged up 13.33 points,….. -13.9637985: 95.120705 270.89769859061283 35.4733463857105 The launch coincides with the JavaOne developers’ conference….. 19.776434: 69.64238 367.90797834599425 98.61549189903405 A Royal Duty is based on his experiences with Diana, Princes….. 22.313663: -29.810059 375.203048038163 345.0853976448858 SARS went on to claim the lives of 44 people in the Toronto ….. -13.582467: 0.8560117 271.99410686452535 269.08662298264545 Apple Computer’s new online music service sold more than 1 m….. -15.184083: 69.652466 267.38912356372623 98.59049592917376 He had been arrested twice before for trespassing and barred….. 13.286076: -26.782265 349.24683011270935 337.5817095943656 Oracle Corp’s Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison didn’t rule out….. 21.913807: 65.10698 374.053376129381 109.85543458211407 Spending taxpayer dollars to create terrorism betting parlor….. 49.40425: -1.0585756 453.09419730283633 273.8314855907274 Still, the «somewhat ambiguous ruling» might be a setback fo….. -18.861134: 9.00617 256.8168281059945 248.88833673368345 The monkeys could track their progress by watching a schemat….. -75.0561: 15.420474 95.24445850565235 232.99196582371502 Complicating the situation is the presence of battle-hardene….. 50.739296: -39.21351 456.93273266444737 368.38967732411606 Before it was removed, the site listed in broken English the….. 32.72936: 54.634262 405.1503670211937 135.80964631269876 Doctors have speculated that the body’s own estrogen protect….. -35.714542: 28.77984 208.3597255832216 199.88386072257356 They also found shortness was associated with a family histo….. -8.877081: 15.968467 285.52308383145555 231.63389242797325 Cisco executives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion i….. -5.5561824: 65.58392 295.07136705747 108.67343907542221 Sobig.F spreads when unsuspecting computer users open file a….. 13.05544: 58.4724 348.5837040281169 126.29770603467728 The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose 17.26….. -23.927465: 91.75526 242.25005617063294 43.81383219576719 During a screaming match in 1999, Carolyn told John she was ….. -9.262243: -4.7632914 284.4156608846333 283.0127681373444 On the other hand, if this will help further establish Steve….. 6.1118174: -1.5124673 328.61932558077524 274.9563512082401 Fletcher said he expects to have the support of lawmakers fr….. 0.39715776: 15.056844 312.18847475083646 233.89313955025744 Such a step could put the issue before the UN Security Counc….. 45.72644: 28.100132 442.5197164594165 201.56836125345956 Dealers said the single currency’s downward momentum against….. 12.625725: 84.01705 347.34818238218537 62.991186494137025 Gemstar’s shares gathered up 2.6 percent, adding 14 cents to….. 4.546705: 86.77071 324.1192970043048 56.16687075303457 Along with chipmaker Intel, the companies include Sony Corp…… 7.298794: 67.230736 332.03213300346863 104.59219468032762 Its shares jumped to $54.50 in pre-open trading from $50.90 ….. -3.6799479: 81.78583 300.46593678820847 68.52076015647725 The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> was off 58.69 points….. -14.425087: 96.90521 269.5713970651639 31.050855951252345 It was the best advance since Oct. 1, when the index gained ….. -19.10756: 85.61277 256.10830248459206 59.036566917616085 Mr. Mask said Mr. Cullen would be taken from the Somerset Co….. 15.1890335: -22.277029 354.71823520738593 326.41652320162984 Scientists believed Stardust trapped thousands of particles ….. 38.470577: 52.85824 421.65758047460463 140.21111139278128 The report by the independent expert committee aims to dissi….. 73.68746: 37.116817 522.9135463811588 179.22258815221562 International rescue workers are scouring flattened debris f….. 41.1888: -63.36555 429.4730461620036 428.24493788542804 Griffith, a Mount Airy native, now lives on the North Caroli….. 1.0537277: -46.80125 314.07625184990866 387.1941435592485 The Conference Board reported its U.S. Consumer Confidence I….. -15.521761: 76.757 266.4182282690939 80.98353896266235 Heather, 35, who lost a leg in a road accident, is thought t….. -38.09998: 33.5208 201.50109139723776 188.13448334589413 The network is also dropping its Friday night «Dateline» edi….. -7.598973: 12.113459 289.1979140625236 241.1876399782015 The 51-year-old nurse worked at North York General Hospital,….. -10.057832: -11.285518 282.1281762804959 299.1766001790488 Rusch has also allowed five or more earned runs in each of h….. -19.777542: -10.141749 254.18196040595052 296.3420345076598 Florida Sen. Bob Graham was not identifiable by 61 percent o….. 25.831665: 18.96234 385.3180440001231 224.21427034303179 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index .SPX rose 3.47 point….. -21.579521: 82.56982 249.0008907920732 66.5778245536979 The technology-packed Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> dropped….. -24.10659: 94.607834 241.73503452414636 36.744378217721646 Shares of SCO closed at $10.93, down 28 cents, in Monday tra….. 0.9640244: 87.24916 313.8183358939986 54.98115043086432 The procedure is generally performed in the second or third ….. -25.241455: 14.879145 238.4720590087979 234.33352571327168 With diplomacy heating up in the nearly 10-month-old nuclear….. 56.528347: 27.053463 473.577474605401 204.16228871878815 There is the real potential for a secondary collapse, Gov. J….. 45.042255: 29.383606 440.5525402983824 198.3875673656584 No. 2 HP saw its Unix server sales dropped 3.6 percent to $1….. -7.451833: 85.25089 289.6209726501648 59.93339660174138 The others were given copies of «Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolu….. 34.7769: -8.05735 411.0374834752162 291.1763323025606 The rapper’s lawyer, Mark Gann, didn’t return calls for comm….. 32.656506: 20.227177 404.9408990368976 221.0796632217784 Licensing revenue slid 21 percent, however, to $107.6 millio….. -13.212887: 73.0554 273.0567280337345 90.15711662446984 The Bishop of Armidale, Peter Brain, was forthright. 56.16656: 6.1973276 472.5372639220497 255.84940472630694 When fully operational, the facility is expected to employ u….. 18.746635: -1.0615833 364.9470905862995 273.8389393577421 For the full 12-month period ending June 30, 2003, advanced ….. -20.937384: 69.66273 250.84717152652317 98.56506508237942 State Education Commissioner Kent King said Wednesday that t….. 24.04462: 45.46733 380.17991433590123 158.5277686079358 Lowe’s, with about half as many stores, reported a 33 percen….. -5.1653757: 66.6275 296.1950186180876 106.08716922567118 Officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him, and Rey….. -2.97266: -18.110985 302.49953825450456 316.09194446852644 The best-performing stock was Altria Group Inc., which rose ….. 4.280135: 89.33208 323.3528531781388 49.81912340855001 Officials are trying to retrieve the bodies from the water,»….. 13.855597: -41.39594 350.8843228825002 373.79832683725704 According to market research from The NPD Group, the number ….. -15.173777: 69.82708 267.418756516212 98.15775556442895 This is an easy case in my view and wholly without merit, bo….. 28.617235: 29.168818 393.32714527914186 198.91987091367992 Forecasters said warnings might go up for Cuba later Thursda….. 31.827116: 11.902355 402.5562292069851 241.71081111060846 Shiites make up 20 percent of the country’s population. 65.0521: -6.542117 498.08506424716643 287.4211770676017 The consumer group generated $4.47 billion of profit and $20….. -1.6537714: 76.56216 306.29162114567424 81.46642252867002 British Airways’ New York-to-London runs will end in October….. -24.906937: -21.516447 239.43387000884474 324.5315964003114 The new policy gives greatest weight to grades, test scores ….. 24.391254: 41.572655 381.17655989025343 168.1798243433323 The new version, W32/Sobig.C-mm, had already reached a «high….. 17.676968: 64.75117 361.87157016151576 110.73723265047619 The only other person who had not been accounted for Sunday ….. 38.79492: 31.21579 422.59013966220425 193.84692275899374 The currency briefly weakened slightly on Monday to trade at….. 39.785686: 88.36082 425.43879676165653 52.22616723840264 On Sunday, a U.S. soldier was killed and another injured in ….. 56.56959: -49.368805 473.6960612556371 393.5572344964272 Excluding litigation charges, RIM’s loss narrowed even furth….. -6.8269577: 82.71379 291.41762017716184 66.22101748317323 It will also help reform the Royal Solomon Islands Police, s….. 12.001827: 15.478088 345.5543454202201 232.8491820181959 A jury convicted rapper C-Murder, also known as Corey Miller….. 19.523645: -51.71867 367.18115800274626 399.3808322354033 Five-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor Lance Ar….. -14.362542: -31.476954 269.751226612945 349.21641181431073 She survives him as do their four children — sons Anthony a….. -9.919198: -4.922671 282.5267774683317 283.40775338479216 Police using pepper spray arrested 12 people Monday night at….. 59.195293: -18.161764 481.24550764828695 316.2177893447728 Several shots rang out in the darkness, but only one gator h….. 27.66215: -50.940464 390.58107243234025 397.4522286637541 The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> was 0.46 poin….. -17.040668: 81.184425 262.0510489321401 70.01119685555267 Republicans had pledged to complete a Medicare drug package ….. 9.021621: 37.428505 336.9856236261869 178.4501427250691 The index, which measures activity in the service sector, cl….. -21.102413: 76.10423 250.37267685678674 82.60128115725166 Bush plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ….. 99.171135: 9.8726425 596.1844777115538 246.74098533729432 Unlike many early-stage Internet firms, Google is believed t….. 2.4772983: 71.090805 318.16931712207025 95.02590423939887 And when asked if he felt regret or guilt about the attack h….. 6.1456985: -8.834038 328.7167411357822 293.1011732433458 Another big gainer was Rambus Inc. (nasdaq: RMBS – news – pe….. -12.4639225: 91.54147 275.21015828291 44.34364465526443 If you pass this bill, Big Brother will be watching you, sai….. 0.10624639: 6.9064164 311.3520432496528 254.09209185224103 Shares of Littleton, Colorado-based EchoStar rose $1.63, or ….. 4.6902194: 86.434616 324.53193182319666 56.999811343243096 Revenue rose 3.9 percent, to $1.63 billion from $1.57 billio….. -8.358846: 70.14134 287.0131192786014 97.3789287909679 In January 2000, notebooks represented less than 25 percent ….. -11.14371: 69.860344 279.0060470904348 98.07531802389121 What can I say to you? he told a crowd at a cemetery with a ….. 1.2859843: -29.470436 314.7440383311763 344.2437217006111 She had only a single condition, that the book not be publis….. -8.846862: 31.793983 285.60997005014843 192.41400326136693 Median household income declined 1.1 percent between 2001 an….. 16.719202: 78.03539 359.11779225350523 77.81534705210163 He left the army for Syria where he received religious train….. 29.65996: 6.1242223 396.32519830560733 256.03057942029295 The meeting was scheduled to end Wednesday night, with atten….. -18.156618: 10.229243 258.84245853565915 245.85723268619068 Perry has called lawmakers into two special sessions to addr….. 41.51437: 35.550423 430.40912609643317 183.10453601152165 The lawsuit names Shelley, a Democrat, and registrars in Los….. 13.859588: 8.362279 350.89579821387366 250.48407273733392 He urged Congress to «send me the final bill as soon as poss….. 2.0358236: 8.250506 316.899984378807 250.76107516354102 Yee is a 1990 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West ….. 26.614025: 4.198819 387.567494118841 260.80224648950673 They later fell out and have backed a series of rival Congol….. 50.44005: -39.210426 456.0723323347745 368.3820386162314 Declining issues outnumbered advancers nearly 2 to 1 on the ….. -16.205238: 87.630486 264.4530866829413 54.0361250378329 A floating airfield with a flight deck covering 4.5 acres, t….. -7.742945: -46.901733 288.78396307659256 387.4431673270587 An injured woman co-worker also was hospitalized and was lis….. -8.899682: -20.44375 285.45810082590737 321.87316534105065 We’ve become like total strangers, Klein quotes him as sayin….. -38.43911: -22.145252 200.5260200142705 326.08994480494334 It was a final test before delivering the missile to the arm….. 68.740944: 71.84604 508.69126471623207 93.15423173072196 Air Canada, the largest airline in Canada and No. 11 in the ….. 23.887838: 38.86598 379.7291326089885 174.8876970584252 The jury also found Gonzales guilty of using excessive force….. -2.3588872: -18.105917 304.2642646177779 316.0793850335948 Customers that pay the $1,219 entrance fee get SMS 2003 with….. 10.692577: 63.427517 341.78997607127053 114.01759444847733 While the day’s trading was lackluster, the Standard & Poor’….. -17.18182: 84.84176 261.6452088255884 60.94734053497007 ONA explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence m….. 33.314457: 24.502457 406.8326478585242 210.48436887031858 Those reports were denied by the interior minister, Prince N….. 28.521929: 25.467197 393.05311930157075 208.09348166394977 A spokeswoman at Strong Memorial Hospital said Doud was in s….. -8.45163: -19.718445 286.74634592981937 320.0756629842418 For the 12-month period ending June 30, high-speed lines ins….. -20.938677: 69.66201 250.8434533546373 98.56684240550112 Ricky Clemons’ brief, troubled Missouri basketball career is….. -21.479788: -21.293705 249.28764520171973 323.9795815825627 US military officials say rotor wash from the helicopter mig….. 8.850655: -77.69381 336.4940599151603 463.75421834127434 The U.S. Capitol was evacuated yesterday after authorities d….. 11.766038: -47.297073 344.8764014883774 388.4229261517341 Dubbed Project Mad Hatter, the Linux-based desktop is being ….. 16.927729: 68.166756 359.7173502121167 102.2724854834438 A key figure in former state Treasurer Paul Silvester’s brib….. 9.4694605: 1.0188825 338.27325726082864 268.6829852500038 We believe that it is not necessary to have a divisive confi….. -3.4516068: 27.370096 301.12246558551675 203.37758637979448 Yahoo accounts for 159,354 of the BSD sites, with 152,054 fr….. 10.728572: 73.55564 341.89346793077533 88.91737702401599 In the latest top-level shuffle at CNN, Teya Ryan is leaving….. 21.561916: 8.949822 373.04161659019474 249.02798186220048 He is suspected of being a key figure in Jemaah Islamiyah, t….. 36.557453: -7.605625 416.1569455035982 290.0568361743659 The issue has been resolved, Marlins President David Samson ….. 23.048979: 33.86703 377.3172345734516 187.27643333966859 He said the FDA was hoping Congress and the courts would bri….. 2.003811: 8.4911375 316.80794111603274 250.1647265331373 Ernst & Young admitted no wrongdoing with the settlement. 28.936785: 33.083565 394.2459176170054 189.21807376549225 The differences between Grassley and Thomas on energy and Me….. 13.193809: 28.19751 348.9815429358759 201.32703291661244 He and his colleagues attributed some of the communication g….. -12.553418: -20.910995 274.9528394006933 323.031124443291 State police said as many as 30 workers were trapped immedia….. 15.380622: 20.92208 355.2690922435306 219.35750802071328 Texans saddled with skyrocketing homeowners premiums might f….. -5.503433: 57.59284 295.22303200161855 128.47749830496036 Six Democrats are vying to succeed Jacques and have qualifie….. 0.56101364: 29.840975 312.6595949430877 197.2540842717268 Mr Colpin did not specify whether it was this system that wa….. 33.613056: 29.343061 407.6911836182248 198.48804757203516 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index was up 4.83 poin….. -21.359896: 81.34132 249.63236031735713 69.62237906114484 Talabani told him the Governing Council would «need UN assis….. 47.920372: 27.195131 448.82773216453154 203.81119649840736 Stanford (46-15) plays South Carolina (44-20) today in a fir….. -23.56933: -11.947853 243.27977042184628 300.8180455300043 The same survey a month ago had Street leading Katz 42 perce….. -1.1039001: 13.334263 307.87261710255353 238.16215860585038 The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index <.SPX> advanced 11 poi….. -19.037153: 84.943054 256.3107344592575 60.6963030978784 Arthur Benson, attorney for the case’s plaintiff schoolchild….. 24.751116: 29.594425 382.2112371880106 197.86510054480766 The tech-loaded Nasdaq composite rose 20.96 points to 1595.9….. -28.981598: 90.415276 227.7183600868673 47.1346659101722 With the Expose feature, all open windows shrink to fit on t….. -29.943874: -30.774687 224.95161244949082 347.476005962786 This case was both mentally challenging and emotionally exha….. -6.5236897: -7.73701 292.28957946965545 290.3824431883356 The volatile mix could drag the session beyond the four days….. 37.725796: 38.34024 419.5161767017502 176.19061671431638 But at age 15, she had reached 260 pounds and a difficult de….. -37.9709: 33.5937 201.87221759812934 187.95382034134406 According to reports, Knight allegedly punched a parking att….. -4.6499214: 0.4478596 297.67705835047 270.098133732159 But the cancer society said its study had been misused. -11.00198: 28.024445 279.4135515998882 201.75593501972213 Both are being held in the Armstrong County Jail. 15.115502: -22.581936 354.5068176506629 327.17216441681467 A few miles further east is Tehuacan, where corn may first h….. -31.796268: -73.71216 219.62558897235778 453.8866149081415 The confusion capped a tumultuous week for the list, which i….. 11.791448: 53.730446 344.9494597271143 138.04954613834184 Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructurin….. 24.971172: 29.960703 382.84394610392314 196.95736584886924 Named in the complaint were former chief executive officers ….. 15.496559: 6.51063 355.60243622435183 255.0729567769443 Chera Larkins, 32, of Manhattan, charged with three sham mar….. 12.293458: -19.526691 346.3928452787628 319.60044648765796 It estimated on Thursday it has a 51 percent market share in….. -3.4444642: 81.34477 301.14300190435097 69.61381387631371 The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing ….. 14.162147: 39.494957 351.7657188184637 173.32891850378246 Mr Morse is charged with assault and Mr Darvish is charged w….. 6.201861: -21.609856 328.8782197504171 324.76308800998777 The district also sent letters yesterday informing parents o….. -2.8528638: -25.531143 302.8439777976682 334.4810937778144 Richard Grasso quit as chairman last week after losing the s….. 21.134829: 8.644833 371.8136491946655 249.7838286985443 Cadbury Schweppes plc plans to cut 5500 jobs and shut factor….. 16.250153: 72.50721 357.7691762127117 91.51567216637761 Mr. Sweeney outlined plans for the campaign in a speech last….. 31.771246: 41.693188 402.395591019845 167.88111115888609 The jury awarded TVT about $23 million in compensatory damag….. 6.417499: 50.213623 329.49822491238626 146.76517948092362 The two Democrats on the five-member FCC panel held a news c….. 17.103481: 12.776216 360.2226760947475 239.54514997721975 Unit volumes also set a record as notebooks accounted for mo….. -11.0292225: 69.69405 279.3352232089651 98.4874300958088 Besides battling its sales slump, Siebel also has been sparr….. 1.2639041: 71.56011 314.68055315113895 93.86283533318368 A soldier was killed Monday and another wounded when their c….. 56.544945: -49.37169 473.62519662863235 393.5643816042995 A cost analysis is under way, said Michael Rebell, CFE’s exe….. 55.993904: 49.57192 472.04083861902177 148.35549606712988 They drive around in their cars, while people are being kill….. 60.793476: -47.99031 485.8406196962917 390.14095474884914 He’ll be swept over any minute or just die of the cold, Mori….. 6.5518703: -11.295122 329.88457066567645 299.20040260080214 Penn Traffic’s stock closed at 36 cents per share on Wednesd….. -4.0400295: 87.0882 299.4306260850637 55.38004602552593 The family owns Cheetahs strip clubs here and in Las Vegas. -10.585659: -4.157859 280.6105616498485 281.5123434495559 The new bill would have Medicare cover 95 percent of drug co….. 10.948344: 22.932596 342.5253597263177 214.37490554907168 mexico wishes to guarantee citizens’ safety. 25.38133: -2.299395 384.0232372551175 276.90657011336634 spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the osce. 30.024363: 10.587564 397.37293307719966 244.96921635036432 safe bourada was sentenced to 15 years in prison. 18.394226: -10.793383 363.93383939113545 297.9569570925627 santos stated the radioactive material was the primary basis….. 66.69791: 53.037434 502.8171015394874 139.76701695851972 ingo kober stated there is larger interest in intellectual p….. 14.584771: 66.954765 352.9808535853603 105.27612374370636 russia and nato member countries will hold meetings this fal….. 56.00266: 53.70832 472.0660103136474 138.10437844741512 the united states government and other nato members have ref….. 59.037937: 43.62 480.7930752285459 163.10595443862292 russia would not immediately increase military strength alon….. 55.84546: 40.92568 471.61402758431143 169.78320614525228 georgian government websites are under intense cyber attack ….. 30.651014: 55.972378 399.1746889775178 132.4934355291794 switzerland’s trade and diplomatic relations with iran have ….. 77.1037: 45.796566 532.7359474422358 157.7118354873864 the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number o….. 58.77317: 51.249153 480.03181518110426 144.19885724705955 reports state that the syrian government was concealing a nu….. 75.04287: -36.74536 526.8106292398991 362.27294417006505 myanmar was formerly known as burma. 51.208393: 11.879262 458.28148580597417 241.7680423332037 alto huallaga is located northeast of the capital lima. 42.898884: 6.2741323 434.3898952427522 255.65906216478237 nato regrets russia’s decision to suspend participation in t….. 54.932682: 44.43683 468.98960147611217 161.0816306722553 general nikolai n. urakov stated by telephone that the state….. 22.253529: 2.6406372 375.0301475614406 264.6638408083963 the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascrib….. 43.91906: 50.84751 437.32311607447605 145.19423382597444 anatoly sokolov announced– soviet-built a-135 missile defen….. 51.73324: 46.770214 459.7905261567638 155.29887354969242 the deal has been in process for several years. 20.838226: 57.385056 370.9608552136736 128.9924398640831 french energy and transport company alstom may sign a contra….. 37.10301: 61.282757 417.7255314448551 119.33288722849778 no other drug has become as integral in decades. -4.212614: 18.291965 298.9344091751504 225.87563731179665 russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united st….. 58.916183: 43.10275 480.44300770028224 164.38783928629204 police stated tsai wen-huang would be extradited to taiwan. 37.880955: 46.860447 419.96229151970294 155.0752522671374 2 of the individuals arrested were released. 14.869839: -24.97812 353.80048289897786 333.1105554856049 berlin will host top-level meetings in october to save key e….. 55.47989: 54.76918 470.562936586769 135.47528267350856 the cfe treaty was signed in 1990. 58.513885: 75.948135 479.2863162339576 82.98813255160997 a spokesman for stockwell day was not immediately available ….. 36.188694: 31.531206 415.0966852090157 193.06523619699914 iran is the most prolific applier of the death penalty in th….. 20.822714: -19.023897 370.9162536031311 318.3543869908911 john duncan is great britain’s ambassador for multilateral a….. 34.671337: 6.8203635 410.73396438790735 254.30535408261204 kashmir is divided between india and pakistan. 52.91401: 20.058468 463.1854912900314 221.4977690323085 south korea and israel oppose proliferation of weapons of ma….. 69.43948: 40.969173 510.6997136820052 169.6754133886913 a breakdown of order in china will lead to significant globa….. 45.5209: 60.763783 441.92874649073605 120.61904521473605 north korea has claimed nuclear ambitions and currently nort….. 63.075066: 66.27163 492.40067042136377 106.9691185555755 abuja is the capital of 42.817245: 6.8779106 434.15516781936117 254.1627369011356 libyan foreign minister abdel rahman shalgam visited london ….. 34.425472: 7.211284 410.0270510711279 253.33654753898173 goff stated that this presents a major threat to global secu….. 44.95193: 28.729342 440.29283860542165 200.0090107411101 detainees to be accused of homicide, criminal collaboration,….. 29.443092: -12.956407 395.7016586867349 303.3175125256462 existing rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months. 62.28195: 51.51351 490.12030134528226 143.5437056920979 jewish-american group the anti-defamation league (adl) publi….. 48.253906: 18.796478 449.786713405444 224.62531885723024 france provides the rockets, guns and engines. 40.831425: -28.731474 428.4455145544637 342.41237457371903 capital offenses in saudi arabia include rape, murder, apost….. 25.406576: -16.738081 384.09582386733194 312.68951933283574 additional individuals and entities are subject to an assets….. 73.98112: -29.28235 523.7578675368355 343.77759507733316 withdrawal from the treaty would allow russia to bolster for….. 55.77775: 41.029446 471.4193445430895 169.5260426156986 turkmenistan borders afghanistan. 50.23248: -7.865995 455.4755273588868 290.702102551194 the number of executions increased in iran last year amid a ….. 21.649479: -18.220415 373.2933774086853 316.36314223304896 syria denies having an undeclared nuclear program. 69.92694: 39.76268 512.1012560898645 172.6654286563031 amnesty international is a rights group based in london. 48.08292: 18.474173 449.29509211210933 225.4240790658087 the plan for tunisia is the creation of electronic databases….. 42.375057: 8.759746 432.88378336362484 249.49904339329498 china has been praised by the international community for ef….. 48.918125: 62.311916 451.69648274744964 116.78235291810824 the russian foreign ministry stated that russia has not susp….. 28.577805: 38.45465 393.2137739407988 175.90707695332924 arms smugglers and drug cartels must be eliminated from sout….. 42.615616: 15.09738 433.5754401108077 233.792680615035 the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to buildi….. 43.68666: 50.81954 436.6549200047678 145.26355888156655 non-proliferation expert at the international institute for ….. 31.157589: 46.85705 400.6311978113535 155.08366619042624 estonian officials stated that some of the cyber attacks tha….. 30.960335: 55.868256 400.0640504660834 132.75147826644746 the united states and the allies of the united states believ….. 76.92323: 37.748047 532.21707052313 177.65823182820162 the cfe is very important for european security. 56.629784: 49.44213 473.8691262532394 148.67714428292294 the u.s., other western nations and nato condemned the viole….. 70.59725: 35.56992 514.0285414215507 183.05621740261245 indian nationals constitute the largest number of foreign in….. 20.23997: -15.912248 369.24074005799406 310.6428821255216 india accuses islamabad of funding and training guerrillas. 41.607143: -10.901624 430.6758692830539 298.2252076204725 the panamanian foreign ministry communique stated that the t….. 47.676414: 32.59824 448.12630287708225 190.42083937270718 saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms r….. 50.710808: 12.407457 456.8508232023716 240.4590320367745 bulgaria is located on the southeastern part of the balkan p….. 50.768875: -7.0957685 457.0177789913 288.7932740627351 the iranian government has dismissed the allegations in the ….. 74.12619: 37.21524 524.1749828076902 178.97866946145712 the cfe treaty was established in 1990. 58.51367: 75.94758 479.28570202267264 82.98951281318318 the conventional forces in europe treaty is considered a key….. 56.72881: 52.852276 474.15384608800446 140.22588775469188 13 kurds from turkey were arrested near paris on suspicion o….. 11.743855: 19.739023 344.81262222726724 222.289438856093 the russian government strongly opposes u.s. plans to instal….. 51.89089: 46.835724 460.2438031170217 155.13652264560358 hong kong universities collaborate with universities, busine….. 40.48692: 19.993221 427.454989176844 221.65946762099628 the mexican government has adopted a series of measures agai….. 25.500046: -2.5348668 384.36456872465817 277.490132416525 it is a serious threat to international security. 44.97138: 28.400747 440.34875376847236 200.8233556154657 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinist….. 26.595367: 8.724123 387.51384934393303 249.58732577436456 russian president vladimir putin states that the decision to….. 51.083523: 43.63835 457.92245737378494 163.06047198363126 a report issued by security software vendor mcafee inc., sai….. 33.108288: 56.44528 406.2398681601648 131.321461099663 the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other no….. 59.35303: 51.40112 481.69903687389404 143.82224436834372 police arrested 2 honduran drug trafficking suspects. 27.38812: -6.984842 389.79318193847115 288.51836802696545 egypt and jordan have signed the nuclear nonproliferation tr….. 62.733364: 33.066025 491.41820656685945 189.2615425512024 it did not say if the men had been hanged in prison. 19.326431: -16.394659 366.6141258220921 311.8384273575547 amnesty international’s report was compiled by european and ….. 48.115356: 18.509823 449.38835351489865 225.3357281443528 the iranian government denied the accusation and insists the….. 75.51168: 37.546204 528.1585597770262 178.1584537484921 the international community should modernize and seek a fair….. 69.1224: 54.332813 509.7880267100364 136.55671761612928 amnesty international has published a report stating that an….. 53.58824: 13.592169 465.1240517860205 237.52299823206067 29 people were convicted by the quang ninh people’s court of….. 41.390022: 13.605158 430.05160028828044 237.4908078850961 france, belgium, germany, sweden, italy and britain provide ….. 38.755615: 67.01154 422.4771247857676 105.13541269400866 illegal arms trafficking increases in kenya due to easy avai….. 48.080246: 31.903008 449.28740350298847 192.1438123314852 elbaradei states that a middle east peace deal can only be r….. 65.91388: 32.838013 500.562858379135 189.8266178577416 drug traffickers face the death penalty under tajik law. 27.893839: -11.713914 391.24722844313766 300.23828130963363 international atomic energy association is the united nation….. 67.75682: 34.543724 505.86170300690753 185.5994060743554 wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to ….. 55.25629: 55.26504 469.9200438283903 134.24640554255905 7 police officers were killed and 4 officers were wounded. 41.69639: -48.58677 430.9324670154137 391.61913926300053 defense chiefs from estonia, latvia, lithuania, germany, ita….. 49.363365: 36.877453 452.9766416501143 179.81579810561726 china has so far balked against united states pressure on ch….. 49.0992: 65.02001 452.21711455594095 110.07096337215762 the iaea report is restricted. 31.222504: 46.83412 400.81784126557733 155.14049326108818 the conventional forces in europe treaty was signed by russi….. 56.495712: 53.105526 473.4836428635614 139.59826580042358 nuclear weapon systems at a high level of readiness increase….. 67.62393: 52.813652 505.47961971541423 140.3216079494103 the afghanistan-iran border region has been the scene of fre….. 48.787987: -8.136693 451.32230742625046 291.37296521712824 physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified inform….. 38.38951: 47.950825 421.42449826001274 152.37300262984996 the abductee support group hopes parliament will change the ….. 47.118523: 18.526785 446.52224623411774 225.29369161637106 santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 compu….. 26.630285: -6.6513495 387.61424546888094 287.6918844138426 a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pier….. 51.161243: 73.96401 458.14592060093173 87.90532386006572 government initiatives to disarm have been ineffective. 67.450294: 43.935104 504.98037562131066 162.3250383651092 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is 37 years old. 61.349754: 52.08912 487.44003685044294 142.1171959023248 the riyadh-based naif arab academy for security sciences sai….. 37.381405: 3.9991107 418.5259803658903 261.2971778010101 in september 2007 jordan signed an accord with the united st….. 62.645527: 33.42997 491.16565604814525 188.35958888233267 according to the statement the rs-24 reinforces the military….. 48.687267: 38.31686 451.0327177734402 176.2485593388526 iran lies on a major drug route between afghanistan and euro….. 48.754265: -8.113371 451.2253497876926 291.3151667637495 china’s council of agriculture opens a special office in cha….. 40.68512: 19.645334 428.0248566006618 222.5216253234791 iranian parliamentary speaker gholam-ali haddad-adel visited….. 31.34954: 7.941375 401.1830995550856 251.52718651360493 tibet suspects chinese government of creating the virus to s….. 37.200996: 47.864628 418.0072679676646 152.58662174292232 a group representing mainly white south africans called afri….. 47.710777: 11.79677 448.22510314949506 241.97247939796785 ahmad is fighting extradition to the united states and lodge….. 43.813656: -10.298156 437.0200576456308 296.72965166357585 russia has ratified the amended version but the united state….. 59.052174: 43.583767 480.8340080234665 163.19574707165356 an indian government official stated that india does not att….. 39.05795: -13.791971 423.3463982748968 305.3882664951062 the opposition japanese communist party was against the new ….. 44.687103: 51.112904 439.53140306904146 144.53652027864058 some asean officials stated such standardization would be di….. 37.317493: 44.741417 418.3422215110942 160.3267788532442 the golden triangle region was 1 of the world’s biggest prod….. 37.22777: 15.973072 418.0842527714018 231.62247927191657 north korean officials are suspected of building nuclear wea….. 62.956753: 66.056694 492.0604960820118 107.50178607668317 president vladimir putin signed a decree suspending russia’s….. 51.483677: 42.85477 459.07298479114246 165.0023960248467 the attacks are believed to have come from russian administr….. 31.318274: 55.718174 401.09319986227575 133.12342094504572 russia may pull out of the treaty if the us and other nato a….. 58.196617: 44.37189 478.37410279517303 161.24256349938537 iran has noticeably increased the number of executions in re….. 21.657993: -18.29111 373.3178581156153 316.53834091438443 both tajikistan and uzbekistan share a border with afghanist….. 50.214813: -8.096961 455.42473427923045 291.27449868003293 russia said the system is a clear threat to russian security….. 49.021034: 44.29199 451.992368065931 161.44058376591101 the international atomic energy agency has no access to peop….. 69.040886: 38.550625 509.55366123258113 175.66922763195436 the book states that the drug conveys a completely positive ….. -5.161645: 18.404713 296.2057453794574 225.5962194278364 executive director of the arms control association in washin….. 31.079674: 46.91367 400.40717521321506 154.94335220227703 the cfe is 1 of several issues negatively impacting russia’s….. 55.403538: 46.432846 470.34341089268133 156.1349622707495 lugar and nunn are senators. 0.4502526: 16.375978 312.3411335896131 230.62396874292273 signing of the agreement is a peripheral issue of the meetin….. 49.397522: 36.802147 453.0748496473594 180.0024264872406 in early may 2002 officials from the philippines, malaysia a….. 44.309746: 1.9684945 438.44642077023843 266.3295911121274 after the first meeting between leaders of the european unio….. 49.250412: 35.257084 452.6518774331802 183.83150843752287 the resolution requires all 192 united nations member states….. 48.922646: 32.943897 451.7094798969622 189.56420744344047 the international atomic energy association stated that jord….. 62.5998: 33.65921 491.03418192898323 187.79146943725522 there is much concern over the drug. -4.1705766: 18.280151 299.05527581058055 225.90491587407251 the amnesty international report suggested that– belgium be….. 53.512753: 13.849091 464.9070048731901 236.88627695064014 saudi arabia is an absolute monarchy that has taken steps to….. 31.996159: 1.972632 403.04226227443223 266.3193372339845 the spokesman said there will be an exchange of opinions on ….. 39.306038: 56.83728 424.05970596987515 130.34997439058054 indian and pakistani governments nearly engaged in a fourth ….. 53.43636: 21.322027 464.6873585304571 218.36632894959644 iguaran stated that the detainees will be accused of homicid….. 29.375721: -12.757529 395.5079518027337 302.82464097092543 3 suspected extremists were released on bail. 15.418906: -25.141348 355.37916768024627 333.51507611886973 6 czech hospital employees are charged with human organ traf….. 69.3193: -24.649492 510.354154025851 332.2961255266317 this further aggravated the situation. 44.678696: 24.427704 439.507229467754 210.6696264442151 Drug lord captured by marines in Mexico 27.193691: -7.220601 389.23415644063914 289.1026429137959 Explosion hits oil pipeline in Syria’s Homs 75.371544: -16.603199 527.7556371740782 312.35524550518625 NATO Soldier Killed In Afghan Attack 53.966057: -81.46589 466.21035025186285 473.10244636132654 Castro celebrates 86th birthday Monday 25.142492: 11.292946 383.3365271023905 243.22109143326054 Israel ex-spy warns against ‘messianic’ Iran war 85.826225: 41.96576 557.8150497166181 167.20560547264262 NATO traces path out of Afghanistan 50.460613: -75.38755 456.1314611390127 458.03868752040455 Syria says suicide bomber kills 10 in Damascus 64.33833: -63.39881 496.032830791221 428.3273659721194 Australian PM Gillard set to win leadership challenge 56.874584: 0.28560987 474.5729794816525 270.5002321865768 Obama backs Philippines over South China Sea 42.976803: 41.179325 434.61392880894925 169.15460099095918 Syrian rebels move command from Turkey to Syria 81.74201: -4.107746 546.0720757757549 281.38815063296653 Knesset speaker: Obama reelection bad for Israel 98.71162: 15.242591 594.8632653653233 233.43280813481772 Greece bond exchange the largest debt restructuring in histo….. 29.15171: 84.78569 394.8638744940197 61.08629316923884 Putin ‘Wins Russian Presidential Election’ 60.151062: 17.626665 483.99354377758885 227.5244306648603 Three Tibetans self-immolate in western China: report 30.75873: -66.47202 399.4843940499112 435.94361151778213 Annan warns talks of Syria risks 81.105515: 22.241808 544.2420113160343 216.0868647768031 Quartet calls on Israelis, Palestinians to end irritants 99.06483: 13.87861 595.8788198528061 236.81312072379768 Tropical Storm Isaac boosts jobless claims 33.844166: 12.710164 408.35567248410587 239.7088433274962 Freddie Starr Arrested In Savile Abuse Probe 19.823988: -26.22428 368.04470616525464 336.19887184800007 NATO: 2 International Troops Killed in Afghanistan 51.453136: -76.45336 458.98517451350733 460.68005438692785 Moscow protesters demand Vladimir Putin’s resignation 60.850258: 9.86653 486.0038792494516 246.7561327626758 Australia to establish the world’s largest marine reserve 20.288643: -3.7142758 369.3806870024713 280.413025374754 Abbas to lead Palestinian unity government 104.97148: 7.4200363 612.8616960742008 252.81920352114463 Egypt’s Coptic Church Names New Pope 90.611465: -23.40643 571.5736237975009 329.2154809605836 Malawi Officially Confirms President’s Death 1.4216797: -34.25415 315.134191371829 356.0990530607283 Mali’s Tuareg rebels declare independence 47.035618: -21.472555 446.2838774152515 324.42282044372575 Lance Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles -13.764401: -32.194645 271.47100724283536 350.9950442937213 Aussie surfers find stricken asylum seekers -0.085105166: -60.93655 310.8018671971345 422.22522010305113 UN Security Council unanimous vote on Syria 82.757614: 16.93608 548.9921459051451 229.23588411180975 Gunman kills 6 in shooting at Wisconsin Sikh temple 30.728008: -47.74096 399.3960627894898 389.52299462559336 Audi to buy motorcycle maker Ducati -47.528294: 13.38748 174.39270084562756 238.03027272175956 China news agency: Still hope for Syria peace 74.05189: 13.474255 523.9613469611031 237.81522135095884 South Korea Orders Immediate Shutdown of 2 Nuclear Reactors 67.33622: 66.01657 504.6523867951303 107.60122163303362 AOL says to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1.0 bn 11.450997: 69.802666 343.9705933958505 98.21826018133737 Woman dies after abortion refusal -12.150557: 39.851326 276.111151397685 172.44574017384713 Syria journalists rescue bid fails 68.342705: -47.77428 507.5462432643221 389.60557397382695 1 person killed in sectarian clashes in Lebanon 74.29491: -39.33337 524.6600781061219 368.68672663159737 Gains in financial stocks push up European equities 22.791485: 86.34968 376.576885129846 57.21031068700614 No damage, tsunami after 6.6 quake hits off Indonesia’s Suma….. 23.495632: -91.20134 378.60145714184995 497.22951319974044 18 killed, 108 wounded in wave of bombings in Iraq 51.925274: -48.06313 460.3426691977864 390.3214192226249 Rebel fighters ‘capture’ Syrian soldiers 78.867096: -4.0582895 537.8060861108219 281.2655838779566 Colorado shooting suspect was under psychiatrist’s care 21.950266: -44.63574 374.1582033500277 381.82742185485586 6.6 quake rocks Indonesia’s Papua: USGS 23.079378: -90.85191 377.4046390329163 496.36354087023847 New Jersey School Bans Hugging -65.78808: 18.961243 121.89197123235299 224.21698832386943 ‘No Evidence’ In Afghanistan Massacre Case 53.488724: -74.05806 464.8379170716883 454.74385188357735 Cash-rich Apple to pay dividend, buy back shares 6.8884606: 78.67501 330.8523386925832 76.23020171987173 Two reported dead in shooting at Empire State Building in NY 23.459734: -49.386253 378.49824222582635 393.60047638982394 Shares Move Higher on Wall Street 22.632805: 87.88973 376.1206467937498 53.39364163703647 4 killed in shrine bombing in northwest Pakistan 49.922398: -64.45871 454.58397774261834 430.9540793767352 China stocks close mixed Friday 13.001707: 101.65597 348.4292106958414 19.27720582396148 India bans bulk texts after riots 35.45494: -26.086132 412.9869900937485 335.8565055278391 UN monitors yet to reach site of Syrian ‘massacre’ – video 80.79145: -35.85383 543.3390110465245 360.06348572980403 Yorkshire soldier killed in Afghan bomb blast 48.71695: -79.89257 451.11806023787665 469.2033397708192 Radical Islamists in Mali enlist new militia 47.180332: -21.981901 446.69996168859194 325.6851169216708 Olympics Opening Ceremony A Hit Around Globe 32.509098: -3.2953029 404.5170713141428 279.37469760821887 Man killed in French terror raid 42.46292: -19.923344 433.1364106587496 320.58345743549216 Capello quits as England manager 21.036413: 8.224403 371.53068424928614 250.82576547093953 One dead in Ohio school shooting 27.73188: -47.41176 390.7815630606228 388.7071465896615 2 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes 99.11553: -0.737622 596.02460728852 273.03607617982954 Massive Hurricane Sandy bears down on U.S. East Coast -0.30496058: -50.40137 310.1697365464085 396.11621109164474 ‘Iran will attack Tel Aviv if Israel strikes’ 88.98602: 10.024759 566.900134002309 246.36399903164602 Pena Nieto wins Mexico presidential vote: exit polls 61.095913: 16.4208 486.71018932300467 230.51289077474058 Nigeria plane crash: No survivors 9.940906: -70.498375 339.6287612424608 445.9219951229357 Strong earthquake hits Mexico 19.552797: -95.07704 367.26497590702894 506.83454550318345 Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria killings 83.17864: 17.139822 550.2026905394922 228.73095890293928 Pakistani plane crashes with 127 on board 9.463836: -70.3152 338.2570848583339 445.4680403268874 UN security council orders global sanctions against Haqqani ….. 48.999626: 27.007132 451.93081532072887 204.27711041014146 Hurricane Sandy Closes in on US East Coast -0.4371807: -50.367146 309.7895758356351 396.0313911818163 Israel threatens action against Gaza aid ship 98.88475: -7.379683 595.3610616756837 289.49689076122513 Bodies Found at Russian Jet Crash in Indonesia 11.368398: -54.635513 343.7331020216771 406.6095551636139 Syria urges refugees to return 77.206314: -2.257234 533.0309882202002 276.802083839581 US soldier kills up to 16 civilians in Afghanistan 58.40812: -74.2471 478.98221583953966 455.2123466953765 Man, 19, quizzed over teen murder 24.381767: -38.640465 381.1492823283651 366.9695205191184 Israel kills Hamas commander, bombs Gaza targets 100.69726: -7.5396366 600.5724031314637 289.8932988125549 NATO Condemns Syria’s Downing of Turkish Military Jet 73.18913: 3.101512 521.4807450061176 263.52166903876514 Syria rebels attack Lebanese post near border: army 74.87974: -44.109028 526.3415911793461 380.5220914681347 Five killed in China building collapse 33.38914: -78.06195 407.0473805109773 464.6665712411752 Former Nazi death camp guard Demjanjuk dead at 91 15.262229: -7.218685 354.92868757494676 289.09789471944555 Boris Johnson re-elected London mayor -2.6578565: 10.230424 303.40466495638725 245.85430672073238 Breivik drops far-right salute in court 26.494532: -56.4165 387.2239251653337 411.02331969785223 French Fear New Serial Killer After Murders 41.994534: -19.437717 431.7896975761337 319.3799449744123 US: Madoff brother to plead guilty in NY in fraud 12.840241: -19.121899 347.9649629349084 318.59726103162336 Libyan government retakes Tripoli airport 72.56256: -39.538418 519.6792194350313 369.19488978285705 UN envoy in Turkey for talks on Syria 74.822655: 9.515194 526.1774651495521 247.62683910575856 Donna Summer, the queen of disco -16.35615: -26.727055 264.019184798307 337.444884075535 U.S. Drone Kills Five Militants in Pakistan 80.854515: -54.778824 543.5203349922981 406.9647172648664 Mali future interim president readies to take office 47.118305: -14.984379 446.521621054774 308.34337343491575 9 killed, 168 injured in latest Cairo clashes 64.151726: -28.617477 495.4962952976721 342.1298605550654 Romney wins Maine Republican caucuses -3.1455708: 34.02027 302.0023835755758 186.89666287625784 Hurricane Sandy powers toward Eastern Seaboard -0.76013964: -50.08629 308.86100079534395 395.3353517412094 Clinton calls for friends of Syria to unite 75.69445: 8.821312 528.6840614035627 249.34646540291385 JK Rowling launches her first adult novel 34.867626: 74.73336 411.2983368143363 85.99867211973861 US stocks fall as Greek talks lumber; Apple falls 27.453648: 93.7573 389.98158576611 38.852226716962036 Romney picks Ryan as vice presidential running mate: source -3.2461162: 31.241251 301.71329434044196 193.7838230612507 NATO sticks to transition roadmap in Afghanistan: Rasmussen 50.35179: -75.265884 455.81857532960777 457.7371665435799 Mubarak faces verdict in murder trial 68.26667: -35.006172 507.32762791910324 357.96276543074316 5 aid workers freed in operation in Afghanistan 35.9649: -46.18467 414.4532330796453 385.6660900053796 Nadal tumbles into French Open final -15.935384: -14.797719 265.22897537862127 307.8807801867268 Russian TV reports foiled attempt on Putin 45.461624: 44.711346 441.75831382721225 160.40130352435193 Putin claims victory in Russia’s presidential election 60.158806: 17.436333 484.01580893666943 227.99612560366313 orphaned alps massacre girl returns to uk 0.5948372: -62.738503 312.7568447775833 426.69094297705965 Obama team raises debate stakes 5.4008255: 44.482903 326.57507412952 160.96744711553345 Thousands gather for new Russian anti-Putin rally 60.377254: 11.1005 484.64389481585664 243.69802380296449 Another rocket hits Eshkol; no injuries 96.87441: -24.605959 589.5809166977759 332.1882382316069 Assange appeals extradition to UK’s top court 43.991787: -10.273496 437.5322221128364 296.6685372735751 Salvador Dali painting snatched from New York gallery 25.856424: -12.596826 385.3892321848584 302.42637405704886 Sarkozy announces re-election bid 57.930946: 3.4223444 477.6102433178289 262.72655978749015 US, UK in pact to release emergency oil stocks 55.342407: 12.409558 470.1676477526486 240.4538253308741 Eurozone unemployment stays at record 11 percent 20.868855: 79.77437 371.0489177566579 73.50569772817767 French Socialist Party wins parliament victory 56.76528: 4.1355844 474.25871169685644 260.95895935595354 Salafi Islamists, police clash in Tunis – witnesses 64.38404: -24.459173 496.16425007008974 331.8244636762913 Romney wins Florida Republican primary -1.049999: 33.330223 308.0275940576657 188.60678805778917 Head of CIA resigns over affair 8.816213: -2.0313845 336.3950320555303 276.24236768221516 Barclays hit by fresh U.S. investigations 16.633255: -46.65363 358.8706764078573 386.82829861157313 Bahrain Grand Prix Underway Amid Protests 35.51964: -36.99332 413.17301933668733 362.88745363938773 Afghan parliament approves U.S.-Afghan security pact 45.64735: -4.4423766 442.29231569921063 282.21745503750657 Two German tourists, two pilots killed in Kenya air crash 12.003906: -67.66346 345.56032301219 438.8963124536849 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators quietly meet 99.89941: 9.4824505 598.2784117265261 247.7079861962638 US astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82 -12.002387: -31.992416 276.53716999015717 350.49386753494525 East German rights activist Gauck elected president 62.506325: -3.0415962 490.76542061956906 278.74594414671054 3 dead, 27 injured in SW China accident 33.760826: -73.250465 408.1160533065523 452.74241587932465 Santorum Romping To Minnesota Victory -3.4922934: 35.165516 301.00548301385965 184.0584385663151 Space legend Neil Armstrong dies -12.111545: -32.03014 276.22331899159013 350.5873566219152 Florida counties extend early voting 20.136372: 28.508177 368.9428750049246 200.5571163933758 Egypt lets Mubarak PM back in presidential race 81.95181: -21.287176 546.6752970659591 323.9634013244629 Syrian journalists killed in capital 66.59823: -47.16466 502.5305061666914 388.09477368962337 GOP candidate Romney to call to arm Syrian rebels 81.59449: -3.4409738 545.6479190112403 279.7357092769264 Greek PM to announce new election 81.683304: -17.696733 545.9032773529716 315.065318200363 No problem if Mulayam forms Third Front: Congress 47.79881: -15.85032 448.47821303920085 310.4894083831948 Six US troops killed in Afghan bomb attack 49.04271: -79.56352 452.05468857523925 468.38786988874296 US pledge to rebuild Haiti not being met 33.179035: 13.764238 406.44328177608037 237.09656358285935 Chinese stocks close higher Thursday 12.669904: 101.01798 347.47520621154604 20.85830490993567 Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to Nearly 20 Countri….. 67.64755: -6.1057954 505.5475339346394 286.33985438940687 WikiLeaks begins publishing two million Syria emails 84.13025: 8.595488 552.9387605167956 249.90611892854724 Mali’s President Hands in Resignation 46.669685: -14.525458 445.23174445213635 307.2060449889642 Three killed in Nigeria suicide bombers attack 51.365433: -33.52267 458.7330078768464 354.286249653534 FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, February 1 50.21045: -43.64085 455.412186820123 379.36182090045156 Egyptians to vote for new president 85.79862: -20.795956 557.7356848441515 322.74602479764917 Qaida leader calls for kidnap of Westerners in Egypt 57.159122: -23.146069 475.39108697713095 328.5702370366407 43 killed in bus crash 25.001804: -70.467125 382.9320196149661 445.8445492132929 China trade returns to surplus in March 46.31114: 68.220184 444.20084565058767 102.14007491087824 Highlights of the Vice Presidential debate 4.8553543: 44.343994 325.0067294855536 161.31169947804966 Full Episode: Nightline 6/29: Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise to Di….. -6.7462378: 12.156325 291.6497070404303 241.08140474283368 Syrian regime denies role in Houla massacre 81.562004: -35.229355 545.5545150236885 358.51587216775016 South Sudan accuses Sudan of bombings ahead of talks 59.24707: -27.509937 481.39437710848443 339.38507806286066 Minn. terminal reopens after evacuation 69.70564: 18.335287 511.46497707085786 225.7682747052466 Sudan Blocks YouTube Over Anti-Islam Film 67.961586: -6.0074954 506.4504464596799 286.0962405851945 Chavez leaves again for Cuba for radiotherapy 27.15104: -29.603344 389.1115225767573 344.5731031627528 Romanian president declared victory 59.00293: 17.329817 480.6924213542195 228.26010062954214 Clinton lands in India to breathe life into ties 55.954098: 24.46056 471.9263869269006 210.5882004652413 Mali interim leader takes office 47.016212: -14.864338 446.22808290084606 308.04587979665405 Putin Declares Victory In Russian Presidential Vote 60.20709: 17.578188 484.154631655134 227.6445701448091 EU slaps sanctions on Assad family 74.10519: 24.837973 524.114592676706 209.65286999168484 More than 30 striking miners killed 42.939163: -35.018963 434.5057069741472 357.99446417769536 Mali Islamists destroying ‘more Timbuktu shrines’ 47.74788: -22.318525 448.33177848802603 326.51936214268136 Scientists Resurrect Flowers from Prehistoric Seeds -31.680058: -73.919586 219.95971991138788 454.4006772595498 Sectarian clashes rock Lebanese city of Tripoli 73.220825: -39.299282 521.571867637468 368.60224706023894 Repsol blasts Argentina over nationalization of YPF 33.12098: 84.317696 406.2763588913279 62.24610995229517 Several dead, 550 injured in Argentina train crash 20.128963: -72.02997 368.9215750350061 449.71769554160807 Aung San Suu Kyi to address British MPs 48.648083: 6.49693 450.9200538748807 255.10690908453012 Sheriff: Man recovers stolen car 42 years later -29.438766: 4.6072435 226.4039040647716 259.79006097170696 Iran may cut oil exports to more EU states 79.77615: 37.624134 540.4198183618273 177.9653211205511 Factory Fires Kill At Least 260 in Pakistan 40.660015: -89.31268 427.9526758066177 492.5489138510894 Mandela released from hospital -0.12297328: -41.120384 310.69298839275626 373.115428243135 Beef burger mix recalled over salmonella concerns 19.862013: 23.802567 368.1540357739814 212.21888497554113 First significant gas found offshore Kenya 52.97145: -26.791885 463.35064831733956 337.60555219496604 U.S. soldier killed in shooting incident in S. Afghanistan 58.77068: -76.23413 480.024653038799 460.1367418347829 Polls close in Egyptian presidential election 84.72757: -19.57541 554.6561830140739 319.7211862868527 Police ‘did not link’ Savile claims 20.30756: -26.255793 369.43507760536824 336.2769700730439 James Murdoch quits BSkyB 13.101456: 2.6238856 348.71600897772254 264.7053556022303 Egypt presidential election May 23-24 82.4425: -19.930054 548.0861184514449 320.60008675129563 Four French soldiers killed in Afghan suicide blast 44.007317: -76.36945 437.5768730796428 460.4721075816907 AP poll: Majority in US have prejudice against blacks -14.600873: 51.915012 269.06597521201985 142.54867890549951 China says defense budget to rise 11.2% in 2012 32.60598: 67.202034 404.7956270999407 104.66332542058063 US offers US$10 mil. for Pakistan militant 72.47026: -55.8854 519.4138362876845 409.707107933934 Egyptians vote in landmark presidential election 85.486: -20.094118 556.8368305008153 321.00668250384354 Shooter charged with murder of US black teen 24.218668: -39.27256 380.68033749631076 368.53602286626335 US drone kills six militants in Pakistan: officials 80.89357: -57.463196 543.6326259768632 413.61731334010557 Nerves Calmed — For Now : Markets Jump on Relief over Spani….. 33.34112: 85.246574 406.90931458856033 59.94409835585708 Avengers sets box office record -26.041765: 68.34224 236.17099869005355 101.83758964172165 NATO soldier dies in Afghanistan 53.911793: -81.77831 466.0543296174188 473.8767163808267 Chinese stocks open lower Wednesday 13.821949: 97.43315 350.78757912108625 29.74248142599299 Palestinian leadership condemn Israeli FM call to oust Abbas 105.05754: 7.538727 613.1091354775792 252.52505654450567 Mitt Romney wins Maryland GOP primary -0.62254757: 33.49805 309.25660701766185 188.19086608577567 Man finds car on eBay 42 years after it was stolen -29.50014: 4.6854367 226.22744445301396 259.5962772100957 NATO: 4 aid workers rescued from Afghan insurgents 35.99651: -46.293476 414.5441144137053 385.935742066017 Russia jails Pussy Riot protest punks for two years 35.7705: -18.599926 413.8942898422532 317.303672322121 Israel bars German writer Grass from visiting over poem 98.9075: -8.060056 595.4264751775343 291.18303744311413 Hollande wins French presidential election 57.246918: 3.7315543 475.6435168471998 261.96025463357523 Fitch upgrades Ford to investment grade 28.827505: 79.633934 393.9317156405612 73.85373162925066 9 dead, 11 hurt, 4 missing in Mont Blanc avalanche 40.633316: -76.69418 427.8759103640537 461.2768757096512 Taliban pose as ‘attractive women, on Facebook for spying 28.293808: -17.219904 392.3972239096501 313.8836063090629 City Room: Empire State Building Shooting 23.289766: -49.205544 378.0095494041541 393.15262877854485 Yemen Suicide Blast, Drone Attack Kill At Least 30 88.83201: -42.742603 566.4573096019544 377.1357236905408 Pakistan begins demolition of bin Laden compound 73.57441: -61.901966 522.5884969946995 424.6177806402313 Sudan blames Israel for Khartoum arms fire 94.484116: 4.6839437 582.7083092050588 259.59997720922735 Tropical Storm Isaac drenches Haiti, swipes Cuba 33.619102: 13.260786 407.7085679912015 238.34425386812876 Foreign pro-Palestinian activists seek to enter West Bank 102.92: 0.51438856 606.9632496155821 269.9332570262037 Gore Vidal dead at 86: Legendary author, playwright, and pol….. -7.4463677: -32.54094 289.63668576520314 351.85325501533555 World stocks fall before Greek debt deal deadline 27.455053: 93.63638 389.98562749572636 39.15189473989386 South Africa police shot dead 30 miners 43.160744: -35.017647 435.14279762949457 357.99120260069014 Britain reaches out to Syria opposition 76.8882: 7.7979817 532.116339872393 251.88255305428567 ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s girlfriend gets 8 years 16.06751: -12.799709 357.2440420161403 302.9291745139427 Mauritanian president shot by army unit 53.70733: -13.731236 465.46645264128057 305.2377494432385 Man sets himself on fire at Breivik trial 26.011305: -56.73014 385.83454633452885 411.80060549435143 Iraqi Attacks Kill General, Four Police 47.18828: -44.983875 446.72280815478155 382.6901987842774 European markets rise on Greek bailout hopes 28.90378: 86.59431 394.1510219734757 56.60405442558357 Edwards Acquitted on 1 Count, Mistrial on Others 7.985987: -16.752934 334.00795884976384 312.7263278837628 Ukrainian weightlifter gets four-year doping ban 65.91903: 24.82485 500.5776652583265 209.6853912232731 Gunman may have filmed school massacre 23.110733: -45.10972 377.4947909910753 383.0020717229012 Hong Kong stocks close down 0.28% 8.694213: 101.3055 336.04425708748306 20.145768507374896 Thailand: Iranians planned to attack Israelis 88.98399: 10.029226 566.8942989951016 246.35292857752103 Putin casts ballot as Russians vote 60.75281: 17.901484 485.72370019097195 226.84335666309192 Libyans begin handing in weapons 69.067955: -41.367867 509.6314905768353 373.7287559816587 Five dead in Pakistan suicide blast 59.60348: -68.08644 482.4191337971833 439.9445738493163 Israel must release or try Palestinian on prolonged hunger s….. 101.70438: 30.32866 603.468080298393 196.0454714605184 UN report says both sides in Syria abuse rights 83.78568: 8.249367 551.9480596502373 250.76389950015061 Chicago teacher strike nears end with ‘framework’ agreement ….. 25.847576: 48.18429 385.3637917727956 151.7944083229703 Indonesian president to visit UK 48.145794: 7.1504617 449.47586765494987 253.48728202931648 Storm delays start of Republican convention 1.1578393: -50.904083 314.37559450613077 397.3620673307142 At least two Nato killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash: mi….. 52.137737: -82.821266 460.9535461929355 476.4614357997695 Japan closes last nuclear reactor 69.262825: 65.41735 510.1917828854426 109.08625073197283 Ryanair in new bid for Aer Lingus 2.9982915: 76.28125 319.66728247562753 82.1625848692799 Russian Air Force celebrates 100th anniversary 10.030633: -53.35719 339.8867464342412 403.4415239684418 Putin sworn in as Russian growth falters 61.44812: 20.904716 487.7228592110597 219.40053720256623 ArQule, Daiichi stop lung cancer trial, shares tank -6.2716055: 84.26969 293.0143748350733 62.365077155291374 Teenager and father killed in crash 17.48606: -67.36104 361.3226681818273 438.1468304194244 6.1-magnitude quake strikes Indonesia 23.004412: -91.00888 377.18909474412226 496.7525477415741 2 Americans Killed as Afghan Unrest Enters Fifth Day 53.241768: -74.68599 464.12786689013205 456.3000306304623 Syrian fighter pilot defects to Jordan 101.15926: 7.252778 601.9007666519408 253.23371450658414 Syrian Arab Republic (the): Syrian Arab Republic: Syrian Ref….. 77.12655: -1.509261 532.8016461136115 274.94840525034766 The murky waters of the South China Sea 47.369972: 67.580605 447.2452167887759 103.7251257046442 Sri Lanka seek one-day revival against Pakistan 59.710243: -7.947419 482.7260968549116 290.9038937206992 SpaceX docks with International Space Station: Up next, publ….. -16.940424: -37.594612 262.33927306164713 364.37761617691774 Syrian opposition in reconciliation talks 77.30136: 13.98579 533.3042683697824 236.54749836518488 Sensex down 193 points on budget blues -17.125473: 80.500206 261.807218020061 71.70687655979714 Iran’s Parliament Questions A Dismissive Ahmadinejad 66.68344: 1.3346635 502.7755106610472 267.90039495938066 Presidential vote polarises Egyptians 86.10583: -19.749874 558.6189645441899 320.15355322466496 Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan 59.436523: -76.47892 481.939094773794 460.74339515775387 Police raise death toll in bus accident to 8 25.75184: -71.47874 385.0885318886252 448.3515958302795 Four foreign soldiers killed in Afghan east 45.623055: -76.17918 442.2224601336026 460.0005497236606 Afghan, US govts sign deal on controversial night raid 45.426064: -4.59973 441.65606958438013 282.6074191107894 China mine accident kills 10 35.982555: -67.84741 414.5039932551256 439.3521958343972 Details of Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Ireland 48.82729: 6.2165856 451.4353113346284 255.80167816452803 Norway marks anniversary of massacre 38.482494: -52.476543 421.69184468985975 401.25904680578344 Germany warns Greece: No more money without reforms 29.57354: 88.08621 396.0767224206855 52.906711824773026 Obama to meet families of shooting victims 5.8564043: -44.024788 327.8849592131689 380.31332217826144 Two killed, 19 injured in Toronto shooting 24.297333: -52.29311 380.906515317976 400.8044491481804 What the Pope’s butler saw – aide arrested over Vatican leak….. 9.203839: 1.0788268 337.50954036824703 268.53442721236814 Anti-Putin protesters form human chain in Moscow 59.537098: 11.177851 482.2282676403752 243.50632815967504 Canadian Muslims issue fatwa against ‘honor killing’ 31.708855: -43.627068 402.216202936425 379.32766415343747 Soldier ‘can’t recall’ massacre 53.584164: -73.73567 465.11232693131257 453.94488841730146 4 foreign soldiers killed in Afghan east 45.633247: -76.17902 442.2517667863432 460.0001715698049 Syrian forces storm central town 79.26232: -5.003645 538.9424427963902 283.6084290004231 Pak: 20 dead in anti-Islam film protests 67.37609: -6.1727223 504.76702494424876 286.5057173974303 Cause of Whitney Houston’s death could take weeks -16.159382: -27.19326 264.58493371609785 338.6002670046335 N Korea warns of retaliation for South Korea drill 63.347588: 64.56866 493.184228532062 111.1895424772523 A Tale of Two Passes: How The New York Giants Won The Super ….. -20.899418: -7.8247585 250.9563311303407 290.59990765342786 One dead in new Israeli strike on Gaza 96.702675: -1.3941437 589.0871346968852 274.66311357345097 Four seriously injured in M23 motorway crash 32.715385: -73.30229 405.1101910223207 452.8708558364056 Profiles of Egypt’s main presidential candidates 81.739105: -19.79186 546.0637181150557 320.2576069849779 Komen won’t cut Planned Parenthood funding -10.7837305: 37.179825 280.0410643980104 179.0664389713599 Forex & Gold 25 August 2012 -28.289684: 76.30227 229.70775753474737 82.11049417566034 Agribusiness: Mad cow disease found in California -52.727467: 58.78055 159.4439827195059 125.53403377698248 BP sells some Gulf of Mexico assets for $5.55 bil 27.673777: 69.04731 390.6145030751371 100.09023521309882 300 potential Jimmy Savile victims: police 20.426006: -26.259975 369.7756358267733 336.2873362156127 US drone strike kills 5 militants in Pakistan 80.73443: -55.91311 543.1750605056691 409.7757806741251 Chinese stocks close higher midday Friday 12.464513: 101.187935 346.8846639971533 20.437117145481807 Myanmar: Opposition claims Suu Kyi win 51.71231: 7.388579 459.73035538695285 252.89716348368495 Obama’s poll rating drops in boost for Republican rivals 4.7773914: 38.468483 324.7825697866819 175.87279730631207 New Syria opposition chief wants no-strings aid 82.345314: 13.52631 547.8066961890129 237.6862141630944 South Africa mine clash kills at least 30 44.358948: -34.99988 438.5878867908402 357.9471760380428 Deadline passes with no new Iran sanctions 89.19631: 46.640972 567.5047592040215 155.61916986545145 Arrested Russian killer denies ties to Pussy Riot 35.13858: -18.209208 412.07738705292513 316.33536683234945 US Afghanistan general linked to Petraeus scandal 57.507774: -75.6355 476.3935346345146 458.65316862818804 Chinese stocks fall after RRR cut – May 14 13.813142: 98.501595 350.76225661565405 27.094591405459255 NKorea makes «significant» nuclear reactor progress – IAEA 67.64119: 66.19708 505.5292392127938 107.1538656217669 Maldives president quits after police mutiny, protests 52.541843: -13.733367 462.11543651906516 305.2430294164484 Al-Qaida says it captures 70 Yemeni soldiers in Abyan’s batt….. 87.16268: -44.344887 561.6576432599335 381.10661333670214 US teen held in Chicago ‘jihad’ car bomb plot 25.667715: -40.917667 384.8466532909876 372.61304139202076 PC David Rathband: twin brother’s fears for his ‘bestest mat….. 8.45816: 9.2301 335.3655563595928 248.33337940624523 20-member parliamentary, trade team leaves for India 49.548183: -16.292881 453.50803312415144 311.5861940088945 Wall Street Opens Lower 22.331814: 88.103226 375.2552340612691 52.864547669864976 Stock index futures point to lower start -7.505957: 90.07842 289.46535372086925 47.96947836196637 Man charged after MP hurt in attack 6.1314054: -21.705492 328.67564519098903 325.00010066595695 Nokia apologises for ‘faked’ ad 3.115236: 64.8219 320.00352270943876 110.56193943067677 Syria rebels leave besieged Homs 84.903885: -2.3528652 555.1631266853572 277.0390834965114 U.S. orders non-essential staff to leave Sudan, Tunisia 28.251896: -26.46838 392.27671784914844 336.80381875169735 Egypt’s Mubarak critical 67.79981: -33.6575 505.9853130280101 354.62039585425725 Assad says mercenaries are behind Syria unrest 82.662865: 8.167758 548.7197212641383 250.96614799947508 Spain jobless rate hits new high 21.081747: 80.02202 371.66102865840617 72.89195402041275 Civilian, defector killed in Syria, says NGO 66.20022: -47.34056 501.3861427983011 388.5307000006022 Bank of England’s Paul Tucker tainted by Libor mess 1.9050012: -9.241443 316.5238423475893 294.1108322206973 German parliament overwhelmingly backs Greek rescue deal 29.120728: 86.963264 394.77479192158 55.689678402554875 Burma’s reforms bring easing of U.S. sanctions 52.144413: 14.512918 460.97274029559117 235.24113278228378 Usain Bolt wins 200m – Steven Howard reaction -26.2839: -4.814222 235.474812134644 283.138987622254 Dozens dead in Taliban resort attack 68.608505: -68.22189 508.3104756556607 440.2802610270014 Heavy fighting rocks eastern Syria ahead of poll 85.57614: -8.301048 557.0960057269602 291.7802818254635 China yuan weakens to 6.3282 against USD Monday 40.87853: 88.68709 428.58094814280213 51.41757975649972 7 dead in Christian school shooting 28.18623: -47.972473 392.0879136873684 390.0967485631204 Indonesia anti-terror squad kills two suspected militants 45.401836: 1.6778923 441.58641144382796 267.0497815850732 Romney wins big in Puerto Rico primary -1.4895033: 33.21501 306.7639266594524 188.89231312651867 Motor Racing: Button fastest in year’s first F1 practice -34.60894: 6.204616 211.53856512058627 255.83134197104437 Rangers voted into Division Three 46.24046: -30.448484 443.99762945972793 346.6675886501182 New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday 21.722181: 88.53911 373.50241215466434 51.78431336573601 Bombs in southern Thailand kill 5, wound 50 48.02259: -56.042397 449.1216322643953 410.09619043604084 ‘Betrayed’ disabled workers protest against Remploy closures 25.100979: 49.295406 383.21716720401884 149.04076757669628 DR Congo rebels kill park rangers 46.954964: -30.066507 446.05197975099486 345.7209466493538 Nine Pakistani troops killed in militant ambush 59.925114: -56.89813 483.3438946950753 412.2169245279134 Remarks With Prime Minister Elkeib After Their Meeting 34.525234: 8.064668 410.31388774121444 251.22163347129413 Barrick in talks with China firm over African assets 44.329037: 61.525772 438.50188624288404 118.73062994409906 Weak earnings drag stocks lower -13.521082: 84.80899 272.1706021224736 61.02854907547686 Weiner stays in NYC mayor’s race amid new sexting scandal -2.208524: 12.593424 304.6965905294835 239.99815702516725 Death toll rises in Russia plane crash 14.058387: -55.31768 351.46738762290113 408.30014869849947 Syria military police chief defects to opposition 47.14942: -45.17233 446.6110875092669 383.1572377037321 Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire; stock takes a beating 24.8274: 61.181087 382.4305709410717 119.58485114253585 Yvette Cooper backs gay marriage bill -6.9149303: 49.652824 291.1646802923653 148.15498943900315 Gunmen abduct seven foreign workers in Nigeria 54.80781: -30.320911 468.63057304392294 346.35142839215564 Israel planes strike inside Syria 93.061195: 3.3696983 578.6171136441469 262.8570311398145 Iranians Vote in Presidential Election 63.78642: 2.1798086 494.4459610961772 265.80589795014 100 killed in new Darfur tribal clashes 61.791668: -33.807014 488.71063160595577 354.99092990974304 Protest against US drone strikes in Pak postponed 79.394875: -52.080338 539.3235608987214 400.27714195797705 Gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern Pakistan 56.574955: -56.24087 473.71148234611366 410.5880646099672 David Beckham Announces Retirement From Soccer -24.545155: -21.239492 240.4740697241374 323.8452282445636 23 killed in Iraq car bombings 59.622196: -50.60403 482.4729430929711 396.61845613506307 Egypt minister survives assassination attempt 79.64775: -26.65367 540.0506335073186 337.26301570556996 Ex-first lady Barbara Bush leaves Texas hospital 28.770245: -62.27594 393.7670795960394 425.5445884712654 Schumacher in a coma after ski accident -51.06947: -1.8898628 164.21107392730553 275.8916388440551 Boeing airliner crashes in Russia, 50 killed 14.051476: -55.256725 351.4475162426232 408.14908568700264 EU ministers ‘determined’ to resolve horsemeat scandal 20.804235: 22.46924 370.86312432698026 215.52322645491546 Bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 540: army 36.369694: -89.22515 415.61709765633384 492.33198589177994 Central African Republic president overthrown by rebels 47.608128: -29.610424 447.9299636590027 344.59064950165623 California wildfire: 1,900 on the lines as firefighters labo….. 25.35074: -63.00609 383.9352843927199 427.3540924860689 Mandela hospitalized, responding to treatment -0.5212392: -41.16812 309.5478898645278 373.2337336768838 Russia condemns North Korean nuclear test 69.20682: 67.24626 510.0307498481908 104.55371752551241 Israel conducts airstrike on Syria 92.95656: 3.7194164 578.3162597950924 261.99033559106357 Police fire tear gas to disperse protesters in Tunis 63.870907: -18.713188 494.6888816593875 317.58436647534415 Egypt’s main opposition rejects president’s call for dialogu….. 87.529976: -29.434126 562.7136918199903 344.1537352637294 Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games 56.178318: 85.48323 472.571067478841 59.3576006333937 6.9 magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand 20.129383: -92.69622 368.9227815214587 500.9342298007367 Dozens feared trapped in India building collapse 31.318336: -80.28201 401.09338083524364 470.1684829489726 Daily Press Briefing: South Sudan 59.2442: -27.504694 481.3861291283718 339.37208375099493 Islamists attack north Mali city after suicide bombings 47.258335: -22.510647 446.9242365520796 326.99549093544204 French parliament backs reform of law on prostitution 39.504856: -23.780598 424.63135021919595 330.1427709377838 Shots, Explosions Heard as Thais Continue Protest in Bangkok 60.850964: -12.60237 486.00590834030373 302.4401152227796 North Korea blocks Kaesong access 57.89181: 62.50448 477.4977220040319 116.30513220608935 Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison 7.9001045: -3.5757968 333.7610280901058 280.06983716082226 US Senate approves fiscal cliff deal 17.914011: 41.609158 362.553119842643 168.08936048720784 Zimmerman stopped for speeding in Texas, released with warni….. -4.7775965: 0.16558047 297.30996565315075 270.79769735251205 Russia unveils $30 billion oil link to Pacific 58.15884: 11.609114 478.2654861102592 242.4375424635267 Police kill gunman, find 3 more dead in Colo. home 28.017988: -49.801243 391.60418391224 394.6289319772643 Asteroid zips between Earth and satellites 7.692696: -59.4866 333.16468514368916 418.63185090485916 Fight for Mali Town Reflects Islamist Tactics 47.253475: -22.08399 446.9102632453463 325.9381207588119 Two Santa trackers competing this Christmas -62.2415: -18.333076 132.0891289217381 316.6423474054654 Ships Train for Syrian Chemical Weapons Transport 89.06619: 20.43506 567.1306387231157 220.5644711357263 2 killed, 11 wounded in attacks in Iraq 53.56622: -48.058784 465.0607331833741 390.31065129158446 Mexican singer Jenni Rivera believed killed in plane crash 17.276001: -53.70244 360.7187065476636 404.2971443361446 Bangladesh court sentences first lawmaker to death for war c….. 21.152594: -35.871754 371.86472744384696 360.10790935399973 Rouhani leads in Iran presidential vote – preliminary result….. 63.97028: 2.2565644 494.9745995874906 265.6156765160223 S.Korea proposes ‘final’ N.Korea talks over Kaesong 57.34115: 64.47621 475.9144498322288 111.41864699071465 Gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists, 1 Pakistani 56.470604: -56.324615 473.4114511014587 410.7956048998095 Statement by the Spokesperson of High Representative Catheri….. 50.41941: -44.08252 456.01299513742174 380.4563966895571 Palestinians build another West Bank tent protest 102.948044: 0.6276733 607.0438867828532 269.6525068884839 2 dead, 2 injured in Nevada middle school shooting 23.742287: -49.553234 379.31064084677206 394.0142996079385 Ukrainian Prime Minister resigns amid protests 60.928238: 9.507722 486.22808830458723 247.6453568273788 Iraq Backs Egypt Crackdown on Morsi Supporters 74.27267: -23.53183 524.5961343241318 329.52625725302596 Five convicted in Kosovo organ trafficking case 69.3582: -24.724901 510.46600628806965 332.4830091621077 Hrithik Roshan, wife Sussanne part ways -0.94624215: -7.7588034 308.3259168558084 290.43645301277274 Gunman Among 7 Dead After Florida Apartment Shooting 28.736341: -48.75186 393.66960097469524 392.0282828271511 Obama lauds progress on gay rights in inaugural address -4.107082: 45.552685 299.23783640496805 158.3162387949161 Israel strikes Syria as tensions rise on weapons 93.17189: 3.696805 578.9353847703541 262.04637267468644 Gunmen kill nine people in northwest Pakistan 58.92173: -56.480694 480.4589552575745 411.18240902493585 Murder claim over Diana’s death New information which has be….. 22.305418: -29.782715 375.17934057936856 345.0176324739483 Narendra Modi pledges tough stand against Pakistan 54.205208: 21.31885 466.89795978539996 218.3742040036409 Egyptian court considers Mubarak’s release 67.63285: -34.357468 505.50526303656216 356.35510103640763 2 car bombs kill 8 in southern Iraq 60.396976: -48.168056 484.70059967913085 390.5814567214817 Van der Sloot to Marry in Prison 20.817505: -8.760888 370.90127671903036 292.9198886483955 Tokyo stocks close down 0.26pc 55.53415: 85.23851 470.71894625315434 59.96408378712965 Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife to plead guilty to fraud 12.561602: -19.330635 347.1638148001336 319.11456605234406 7 killed, 3 injured in south China road accident 33.534454: -73.30562 407.46518676952746 452.87909959045936 Ryanair reports record profits but warns growth likely to sl….. 2.9903593: 76.291275 319.6444757686506 82.13774016096187 Stocks to watch at close on Monday 0.5434518: 88.358154 312.6091009144059 52.23276602318418 Profiles of Kenya’s presidential candidates 53.347763: -27.104416 464.4326253680696 338.38008692216516 Obama meets with Mandela family 5.4546227: -43.264275 326.72975254778544 378.4285655461781 Car bombing kills 53 in Damascus 63.50607: -47.464943 493.6398965291079 388.83895211605795 ‘Friends of Syria’ in Doha talks on arming rebels 74.04862: 12.073084 523.9519583028898 241.28769948841386 Syria condemns Israeli air strikes. 91.592804: 4.451582 574.3951788240033 260.175832264115 ABVP protesters clash with police at Jantar Mantar, throw st….. 62.664513: -23.457165 491.220244076098 329.34121711759644 Two men charged with terrorism offences 38.552025: -41.484303 421.8917594950626 374.01731573507993 EU receives Nobel Peace Prize 29.289259: 12.555484 395.25935526916663 240.09218261791995 Start of San Fermin bull-running festival briefly delayed as….. 33.343513: -39.724808 406.9161915613404 369.65681417141377 Tokyo shares close 0.88pc lower 55.367386: 85.13571 470.2394666007568 60.21884603969971 Intel’s McAfee Buys Cloud-Based, Networked Firewall Speciali….. 29.66713: 56.886887 396.3458127718595 130.22703657209973 4.1 magnitude quake strikes U.S 19.897886: -95.303986 368.2571793976237 507.39697373273293 Bangladesh Opposition Leader Sentenced to Death for War Crim….. 21.08984: -35.76046 371.68429739485424 359.83209338551484 Alleged cop killer died from shot to head 19.239035: -52.14368 366.36284211415324 400.43412307731523 Car bomb at Swedish consulate in Libya’s Benghazi, no casual….. 62.580235: -44.2723 490.9779267561141 380.9267255475563 Musharraf arrested in Lal Masjid case 34.94711: -50.34532 411.52686728458417 395.97730572660794 North Korea’s third test brings it closer to nuclear power s….. 68.66425: 66.67352 508.4707628649236 105.97311802279876 Israelis, Palestinians resume talks in US 101.343575: 10.97102 602.4306993741762 244.018910984123 NM County Prepares for Same-Sex Marriages Hearing -7.675092: 47.65137 288.97905467799956 153.1151295716175 Four U.S. Air Force helicopter crew members killed in UK cra….. 12.37222: -82.79808 346.61930278592394 476.4039753213993 Malaysia detains Australian senator at airport 55.916466: -6.026604 471.81818702821585 286.1435972652333 U.S. recognizes Syrian opposition 76.8463: 8.086056 531.9958667160673 251.1686281180361 Sri Lanka’s Tamils Vote for Greater Autonomy 59.486572: -7.9564133 482.0829957034183 290.9261835270298 French-led troops close in on Timbuktu 47.87831: -27.879286 448.7067983497421 340.30042310514455 Nato airstrike kills two Afghan kids 50.46139: -84.612816 456.13369862297935 480.9013780346672 Gunmen Kill 11 Foreign Tourists in Pakistan 56.41622: -55.95384 473.25509045719616 409.8767193920519 N Korea to halt work at joint industrial zone 58.19142: 61.577484 478.3591642992776 118.60247360240987 Reid cites ‘tremendous progress’ in debt ceiling talks 22.552658: 76.118 375.890207881295 82.56717167946948 Suicide Bomber Kills 14 at Afghan Province Council 61.637012: -67.60482 488.2659645717463 438.75098792694797 Mother arrested on suspicion of manslaughter after dog kills….. -60.13862: 24.78431 138.13535900274695 209.78586197580347 Tunisian opposition politician shot dead 54.00418: -13.727682 466.31996503011476 305.2289408218628 Insiders Reveal 2012 Election Secrets 5.790946: 3.4695334 327.69675281058596 262.6096127532948 N Korea says it may delay controversial rocket launch 67.81005: 71.57975 506.0147512974546 93.81416693195791 Jeff Bezos Bets $250 Million on Reviving Washington Post 10.349215: 71.873276 340.8027356272196 93.08673126748351 Brooks pleads not guilty to hacking charges 13.171208: -33.9753 348.9165626723424 355.4079863433236 Purge sends chilling message to North Korea’s elite 54.605625: 66.800735 468.049243998805 105.65785115332022 South Africans mark ailing Mandela’s 95th birthday 8.608114: -51.667767 335.7967052615034 399.2546801091492 Heavy rain raises threat of Christmas Day flooding 18.18843: -62.07034 363.3421345625248 425.03505451227886 Thousands protest gay marriage -7.049139: 49.15286 290.77880205257543 149.39403890867038 Taiwan gang leader nabbed at airport after 17 years 39.08481: 46.482742 423.4236243759246 156.0113059599429 Amazon’s Bezos to buy the Washington Post for $250 million 10.384884: 71.92119 340.9052924597235 92.96799095680069 Obama economic tour buffeted by low expectations 15.17877: 32.83007 354.6887256455601 189.84630076592964 More French soldiers to Central African Republic 48.151375: -28.26808 449.49191392477 341.26395912941143 UN resolution orders Syria chemical arms destroyed 86.4227: 21.210234 559.5300373048739 218.6433833719587 Exclusive-UPDATE 2-Egypt pro-Mursi alliance signals flexibil….. 62.602085: 32.536922 491.04075179612073 190.57280049961128 Search after man swept into sea -25.621464: -51.36723 237.37945390922587 398.5098682750064 Militants stage Pakistan jailbreak 43.889793: 0.21397993 437.2389691284335 270.67775045775437 Blizzard brings US northeast to a halt 1.487104: -54.607803 315.3223000901395 406.5408824234228 NATO protesters acquitted of terrorism charges 51.49261: -76.40915 459.0986719845251 460.57048430724524 Taliban on agenda for US in Pakistan 72.20723: -55.92224 518.6575667069333 409.7984131823874 China’s yuan weakens to 6.2767 against USD Thursday 40.832836: 88.58968 428.4495727361681 51.658974270271585 Egypt ‘freezes Muslim Brotherhood assets’ 73.454605: -29.154686 522.2440341444113 343.4612079270572 Egypt army cracks down on Brotherhood 71.37606: -29.882349 516.2677802776557 345.26455276093634 Venezuela assembly meets amid Chavez health crisis 27.211235: -29.430456 389.2845985424183 344.14464066350035 Syria opposition threatens to quit talks 77.233: 12.556281 533.1077207585882 240.090206764024 Suicide bomber kills policeman in Pakistan 60.24004: -67.29618 484.24937374584243 437.98609612306865 Chicago man to be sentenced for terror convictions 25.738554: -41.035126 385.050330140311 372.9041347762751 US drone strike kills three in northwest Pakistan 83.03766: -56.809406 549.7973330275215 411.9970469685296 41 killed, 22 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 52.840736: -48.251637 462.97481681928264 390.78859049592916 Eurozone jobless hits fresh record high 21.009653: 79.943726 371.4537433177835 73.08598476376096 Facing Bailout Tax, Cypriots Try to Get Cash Out of Banks 32.0611: 86.062225 403.2289825050667 57.92269582802459 Obama signs up for Obamacare 10.13119: 36.44761 340.17586994455837 180.8810669709078 Lance Armstrong confesses all to Oprah -14.164783: -31.870726 270.3198272259876 350.1922851081191 Andy Murray deserves knighthood, David Cameron says 16.406551: 16.852737 358.21885564972905 229.44243174778092 Hushen 300 Index closes higher — Oct. 14 9.387323: 99.04336 338.0370957637678 25.75195614087545 Soccer-France to host Australia for first time in October 20.163464: -3.327018 369.02077015753065 279.4532962962561 Honduran ambassador to Colombia sacked after wild party 27.513975: -26.16222 390.1550401297947 336.04507194797276 Suicide Bombs Hit Egypt Military in Sinai, Kill 6 88.47795: -42.176926 565.439320205449 375.73382226292586 Asian markets gain on upbeat US economic data 41.199623: 78.19872 429.5041625444231 77.41057116498416 Suicide bomber kills 9 at Pakistan political rally 60.182144: -67.80482 484.0829115195537 439.24663418558475 Four Morsi supporters killed in Egypt clashes 64.70479: -28.008192 497.0864663783726 340.61988748242106 Students take a ride on airwaves -35.59204: 21.38037 208.7119428509827 218.22174182287807 Pistorius officer dropped from case -3.1167445: -18.161127 302.08526508185037 316.21621055242537 Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone st….. 77.35009: -61.418755 533.4443743511102 423.42025246391745 Gunmen kill one soldier, injure two others in Pakistan 58.705063: -57.23985 479.8359914617817 413.06380008770367 Police confirm how suspect was captured 17.766783: -31.066877 362.1298076186453 348.2001327810233 Flooding in Canada forces evacuation of another city 21.567865: -62.363327 373.0587212776756 425.76115718441207 UN says US drones violate Pakistan’s sovereignty 78.389656: -52.998802 536.4333458250048 402.55334455376516 Syria ‘to declare chemical weapons and sign convention’ 86.65535: 20.33074 560.1989572664537 220.82300547300673 Australia to scrap soaring national debt ceiling 22.52492: 76.155396 375.81045364274604 82.47448616944291 Asian markets hit 3-wk high on hopes of US debt deal 41.377514: 78.26895 430.01563602393304 77.23652585290853 Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti Resigns 69.81485: -12.827777 511.7789706541875 302.99873355223303 Crowds Gather in Bethlehem for Christmas -61.78338: -18.020723 133.40632695849888 315.86825228212354 NATO: Patriot missile battery operational on Syrian border 72.98154: 2.8275893 520.8838632538192 264.20052315922754 Israeli soldier hits Palestinian child in Hebron 101.306076: -2.3166616 602.3228833575446 276.94936117646324 UN voices alarm over Israeli strikes on Syria 93.52059: 3.640686 579.9379750125003 262.1854505724199 Egyptian police fire tear gas at Brotherhood protesters 63.344078: -18.05309 493.17413791809446 315.94846344183594 Syria Regime Agrees to Attend Peace Conference 73.73818: 13.2771845 523.0593776891074 238.30361414595143 Dozens injured as Boeing 777 jet crash lands at San Francisc….. 14.735789: -55.803402 353.4150625756371 409.5038975057392 13 children die in fire Myanmar mosque fire 61.284332: -14.370232 487.25193464441725 306.8213514350449 Man with knife arrested at entrance to Buckingham Palace 8.58182: -36.064808 335.7211024331573 360.5863496122032 Ban Ki-moon to Review Syria Chemical Arms Accord 85.99752: 21.22477 558.3075594227041 218.6073594902822 Iraqi president in hospital due to health problem -5.679254: -21.637316 294.7175100649392 324.83114152324015 U.S. bans carry-on liquids, gels on flights to Russia 87.54206: 17.450443 562.7484386298264 227.9611558258593 Egypt’s Brotherhood stands ground after killings 71.23959: -29.890171 515.875408947139 345.28393787296295 Nato troops kill two Afghan children 50.471397: -84.5989 456.1624678408456 480.8668904030294 Iranian president calls for new nuclear talks 81.31654: 48.73154 544.8487643211271 150.43817842727492 Floods kill two, forces 75,000 from Calgary homes 21.746946: -62.357426 373.57361679148755 425.7465320840437 4 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan 50.550606: -78.14965 456.39020861086993 464.8839151697259 Typhoon Fitow makes landfall in east China 34.24999: -55.792057 409.5224984366327 409.4757817665695 Judge enters not guilty plea for James Holmes 12.936549: -34.01785 348.2418680278779 355.5134345459794 At least 45 killed in Spain train crash 20.168594: -72.08965 369.0355221964289 449.8656104222564 Chris Froome rides to Tour de France endgame -56.81201: 12.83564 147.7000545575394 239.39788032158765 US Senate to meet as path out of fiscal impasse still elusiv….. 17.308357: 41.283867 360.8117376212211 168.895518330588 Egypt’s Brotherhood as Beleaguered as Its Leader 71.264854: -29.98435 515.9480394315881 345.5173391596105 Protests continue in tense Ukraine capital 64.8213: 8.409724 497.4214528259782 250.3664905228341 Britons released after kidnapping in Egypt’s Sinai -sources 56.869717: -23.052494 474.55898423880194 328.3383341846463 Syria welcomes Iran’s nuclear deal 84.975105: 35.066006 555.3679003405466 184.30505160329534 Obama jokes about himself at reporters’ dinner -3.1858134: 41.961323 301.8866774117453 167.21660029599644 More than 1,000 inmates escape from Libya’s al-Kweifiya pris….. 56.33045: -22.863333 473.0084736582173 327.8695415766859 Forex & Gold 6 March 2013 -28.27872: 76.09493 229.73927973533733 82.62432963475521 Snowden’s father arrives in Moscow 39.29839: 26.160976 424.0377150122611 206.37411062064712 Muslim Brotherhood supporter dies in Cairo clash 64.93099: -27.84499 497.73685032081636 340.2154282991578 Facebook earnings jump 63% as mobile ads accelerate 10.6949835: 82.09208 341.7968941742706 67.76178646043928 Syria envoy calls for National Unity Government 74.99232: 9.3322 526.6652805265315 248.08034720756484 Thirty-Seven Dead In Italy Tour Bus Plunge 26.56501: -70.17549 387.4265655331137 445.12180265662886 Rogers, Videotron extend reach with network-sharing deal 28.260338: 55.619816 392.3009901629639 133.36717892041554 China stocks end lower Thursday 13.787203: 97.80173 350.68767655877804 28.82905078760342 Topless Women Protest Against Berlusconi As He Votes In Elec….. 36.468777: -19.775206 415.90198201197876 320.2163314916307 Egypt announces arrest of 1,004 Muslim Brotherhood supporter….. 70.418335: -27.176962 513.5141175342611 338.5598754459239 What the Papers Say, Mar. 12, 2013 -13.214199: 17.16897 273.0529550215553 228.6587220626584 Israel green-lights 1500 settler homes 100.247444: -17.804577 599.2790935264653 315.33258316478646 Piers Morgan questioned by police 27.591305: -34.78451 390.37737913092883 357.4134307784465 ‘Israeli’ arrested in Yemen Mossad spy 102.73481: -9.804943 606.4307942398548 295.5073378654839 Pakistani girls learn a hard lesson -16.021347: 23.03898 264.9818129187241 214.11125668089318 China launches first air-to-air missile from chopper 44.367447: 72.1714 438.6123236255355 92.34789426426033 Egypt Crackdown Draws Condemnation 74.42817: -23.780561 525.0432362673639 330.142681126243 Senior Pakistani Taliban commander captured in Afghanistan 29.724209: -20.566017 396.509927833595 322.176175298682 Stocks close 0.39% higher 2.1695907: 92.2569 317.28459306580686 42.570632487533885 US releases initial report on fracking impacts on water 16.33338: -46.392754 358.0084718325347 386.1817784183673 Philippines, rebels reach wealth-sharing deal 42.89713: 13.796205 434.3848499357684 237.01734271355645 Death toll from west Chinas violence rises to 35 39.65516: -61.58142 425.063502698474 423.8233833817627 Imran to contest from four NA seats 32.03205: -13.427039 403.14546073836783 304.48386664348254 South Korean soldiers kill man trying to cross border into N….. 69.4787: 20.49746 510.812465325034 220.40982984337006 Five foreigners sentenced to death for drug smuggling in Egy….. 70.0124: -26.023197 512.3469625399745 335.7005359700648 French train derails south of Paris 40.631626: -29.56991 427.8710515140671 344.49024492605065 Egypt votes on new constitution 89.33285: -19.72828 567.8973279595942 320.1000350002402 Obama meets Mandela family as icon remains in hospital 5.3717923: -43.127174 326.491597606063 378.0887943068517 Weak earnings drag US stocks lower in early trade -13.498578: 84.5627 272.23530544252594 61.63892721392625 Three feared dead after helicopter crashes into pub 12.305192: -82.93875 346.4265830272022 476.75259536094853 Israel’s Peres urges return to peace talks 101.255745: 10.104856 602.1781707915794 246.165498982416 Obama set to speak on Syria from White House at 1:15 p.m. ED….. 78.75111: 21.306538 537.4725913191942 218.40471629287094 Brief clashes with police in Belfast 28.389202: -36.234287 392.67150215257044 361.00636509970445 China quake: Death toll rises 40.009228: -61.770313 426.0815249991553 424.29150949355255 Indian troops kill Pakistani soldier along Kashmir line of c….. 58.87742: -60.42784 480.3315502881754 420.96450241745356 China’s new carrier extends military modernization drive 47.80063: 68.655205 448.48344480318195 101.06197717603385 Brazilian leader holds crisis talks on street protests 38.538982: -34.99348 421.8542597025028 357.93131248379717 Tropical Storm Andrea zipping up the East Coast 1.064877: -50.463398 314.10830840060646 396.26993063397776 Israel advances plan to build 900 settlement homes 100.31915: -17.441944 599.4852710931633 314.4338816190756 Suspected Saudi militant dies in Lebanese custody 42.179146: -17.807335 432.3204967750032 315.3394182957278 Man sets himself on fire on the National Mall 25.443745: -57.1673 384.2026911468895 412.88400683702173 US Capitol Hill on lockdown after shots fired 11.753708: -47.2914 344.8409499807724 388.4088682821493 12 killed, 25 injured in bomb blast in NW Pakistan 49.639477: -64.912125 453.77052070401186 432.07776355888154 Select images from Bangladesh building collapse 35.48643: -89.71872 413.07753141799003 493.5551812610479 Chinese court upholds death penalties for Mekong murderers 20.646154: -19.645605 370.4086079760937 319.8951465143108 Protests sweep Brazil despite concession 38.144955: -35.30686 420.7213469873538 358.7079554187417 Angela Merkel wins third term in German elections 62.250248: -2.8478055 490.02914580975573 278.26567870528805 Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy returns to stir up el….. 59.867157: -11.232188 483.177256979848 299.04443540648947 Obama travels to tornado-ravaged Oklahoma 3.2685442: -53.335037 320.4443159624301 403.3866254824438 Syria car bomb kills at least 12 in rebel-held town 64.215256: -47.393967 495.67895734660215 388.66305385008945 Kerry: $4b Palestinian Economic Plan Could Work 97.27026: 23.633883 590.7190721449645 212.63692933606967 Dozens dead in Central African Republic fighting 48.11482: -29.224771 449.3868070186275 343.63489871989316 Libya threatens army action against oil protesters 69.53382: -41.380173 510.97095377267664 373.7592540901191 2 Turkish unions call for strike on Monday in protest over p….. 63.933025: -23.10576 494.8674855266133 328.4703429687403 [Ticker] Fitch upgrades Greek credit rating 28.907389: 84.32822 394.16139775696837 62.2200362439462 Two U.S. soldiers killed in «insider» attack in Afghanistan 58.20674: -77.266754 478.40321202285776 462.6958602376963 Pope Francis condemns global indifference to suffering -11.850746: -35.852562 276.9731695160103 360.06034705280194 Top judge Mansour sworn in as Egypt interim president 84.396385: -25.156681 553.7039580972963 333.5530758544421 Blast kills 10 young girls in eastern Afghanistan 52.754284: -63.51397 462.7262477058622 428.6127586869994 President for early conclusion of Eco Partnership with Sri L….. 47.794827: 7.6384935 448.46676238595944 252.2778077363556 Three freed in centre abuse probe 16.062311: -25.105997 357.22909255218616 333.4274673243556 Bomb explodes at Greek shopping mall, two people injured 55.23379: -36.193054 469.8553542184113 360.904178474054 Three dead, including gunman, in Maryland mall shooting 27.908716: -50.03813 391.29000387191314 395.21600638435757 Merkel Vies 3rd Term in Office in Germany Elections 62.24329: -2.8458886 490.0091400707592 278.2609281474761 Ex-Virginia governor Bob McDonnell charged with corruption 9.063788: -19.756996 337.1068645466189 320.1712035558787 Sprinters Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell test positive for banne….. 66.01295: 24.823132 500.84769886254526 209.6896501810727 Egypt court orders release of Mubarak 66.86462: -34.461407 503.2964276390638 356.61268998904893 American investigators waiting to question arrested Boston b….. 16.026741: -32.580124 357.1268208892074 351.95036492547354 10 dead, five injured in SW China road accident 33.529915: -73.88287 407.45213477972163 454.3096934418738 China gives US regulators access to audit records 43.66147: 62.180634 436.58248694537457 117.10770704168698 Singapore stocks end up 0.26 percent 2.0708585: 94.89156 317.00071708605503 36.041220030781744 China’s new PM rejects US hacking claims 33.929276: 56.747593 408.60038084087773 130.57224377310155 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads not guilty to Boston bombing charge….. 13.353363: -33.93572 349.44029569942 355.30989323316084 Chinese general’s son gets 10 years jail for rape 22.120377: -12.983972 374.64730747389973 303.38582601967437 P.G. police seeking driver in crash that killed child 17.546644: -67.48434 361.4968628894716 438.4523976425048 Egypt to hold presidential elections before parliamentary po….. 83.08416: -20.14394 549.9310336625916 321.13015446464544 Pentagon adjusts plans for more intense attacks on Syria 81.670715: -7.1637497 545.8670827593922 288.9617498775552 In Pakistan, army adamant on fighting the other Taliban 71.69151: -56.36866 517.174772920518 410.9047590102509 South Africans Mourn as Mandela Buried -0.29823294: -34.116592 310.18907991748745 355.7581473598348 Cryptic crossword – Saturday 27th April -21.462835: 12.724633 249.3363872544065 239.67298488813157 Costa Concordia captain to be tried for manslaughter 12.381923: -14.189281 346.6472000431266 306.37290823144303 US Senate confirms Yellen as Fed’s next chair 36.068985: 73.84217 414.75249656019406 88.20727971382439 Officer injured in India anti-rape protests dies 33.398643: -29.904621 407.0747019451003 345.31974904309567 Faction Names Bianca Ojukwu APGA National Leader 47.390747: 11.574375 447.3049488362404 242.52363391569492 US Cannot ‘Conclusively Determine’ Chemical Weapons Use in S….. 86.65429: 27.542336 560.195908146146 202.95073103442866 Egypt shuts down Muslim Brotherhood newspaper 71.63447: -28.151367 517.0107565713105 340.97471397212666 Strong earthquake in western China kills 47 people 38.31127: -66.76921 421.1995433768882 436.68012287479286 Snowden thanks Russia for asylum 38.503258: 25.606754 421.7515438331483 207.74762214754696 French forces take key Mali town 46.043793: -24.246983 443.4321711954916 331.2985981976627 Boston bombing suspect buried in Virginia 16.667646: -34.728367 358.96955894071004 357.2742890672499 ‘Large and extremely dangerous’ tornado heads towards Oklaho….. 2.933782: -53.35987 319.48180437763637 403.4481700224553 Hostage drama drags on after Alabama school bus shooting 22.778933: -45.32407 376.54079473282405 383.5332928055109 Palestinian president assigns academic to form West Bank gov….. 104.35461: 6.2081685 611.0880513082293 255.82253807659185 occupied Palestinian territory: Palestinians rebuff US peace….. 101.7087: 11.119468 603.4805180769141 243.6510169152421 Egypt set to lure Gulf investors 74.78424: -24.139313 526.067016798842 331.0317633832501 US-Russia reach agreement on Syria 84.97436: 33.57248 555.3657506010492 188.00641208882246 Palestinians, Jordan coordinate stances on peace talks 100.84993: 8.806419 601.0113667751699 249.38337321922796 KLCI Futures traded mixed at mid-day -27.52607: 76.66829 231.90331061320808 81.20339761435338 Egyptians vote on Islamist-backed constitution 89.22904: -19.129597 567.5988651473277 318.61633889364225 Mexico swears in president amid violent protests 84.7728: -26.554197 554.7862203175516 337.0164972070537 Helicopter crashes near rail station in London 11.613754: -82.46723 344.43855384464 475.58404322382603 Japanese planes flew into China’s new defense zone 47.425816: 54.657696 447.4057781995054 135.7515713343131 Car Bomb Wounds 15 in Hezbollah Stronghold in Lebanon 74.74067: -41.111423 525.941739632823 373.09322115796033 At Least 66 Killed in Bomb Blasts in Iraq 49.387615: -46.562675 453.0463655990184 386.60289055205 Russia Destroys Over 75% of Its Chemical Weapons Stockpile 87.61686: 18.62051 562.9635003240394 225.0614153374442 Iran earthquake death toll rises 40.386482: -62.108868 427.16621116037453 425.1305383608375 Death toll rises to 6 as Storm Xaver batters northern Europe 41.43023: -59.378845 430.16720362656093 418.36480810582594 Pakistan releases top Afghan Taliban prisoner 29.696585: -20.466946 396.4305026368057 321.9306494540369 Building collapses in India; 25 feared trapped 31.338947: -80.29378 401.15264125618575 470.19763861124534 Israel agrees to release Palestinian prisoners 101.92697: 22.54944 604.1080884573441 215.32446878837123 About 60 Crushed to Death in Ivory Coast Stampede 45.317947: -34.923393 441.3452128658274 357.757616964038 Discipline against student gunman thought to have sparked Co….. 22.649866: -45.14218 376.16970143610837 383.0825239556966 Many killed in Japan road tunnel collapse 34.042248: -76.29822 408.9251998981052 460.29556645416756 Clinton to testify this month on Benghazi attack 13.804219: 39.024597 350.73660232644744 174.4945966716018 Karzai to visit Pakistan for Taliban peace talks 71.54922: -54.472603 516.7656423963682 406.20581919959955 Three die after car crash at Tian’anmen 35.0708: -72.420166 411.8825065866473 450.68471058134713 Two Earthquakes Hit Northwest China, 11 Dead 38.26042: -66.768745 421.05333915494515 436.678969505533 ‘Whitey’ Bulger given two consecutive life terms 16.061863: -12.801007 357.2278038052936 302.9323911851776 Kenyan forces caused mall collapse 56.233803: -35.876595 472.7305978920563 360.1199062850711 Bangladesh building disaster death toll passes 500 36.25401: -88.64398 415.2844803093989 490.8916923939674 Algeria hostage crisis ends; death toll unclear 56.703167: -32.978065 474.08011879768935 352.93657127338827 Egypt ministry again urges end to pro-Morsi protests 69.918106: -19.588308 512.075854066007 319.7531497415038 Police question man in deadly LA boardwalk crash 17.759977: -67.91885 362.1102406019952 439.5292474696255 Turkish riot police tear gas Taksim Square protest 64.57573: -18.657406 496.7153950177743 317.44612287955476 Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq 85.83749: 41.914032 557.8474274257835 167.33379962971736 Israel PM accuses Iran president of hypocrisy 77.504036: 34.73124 533.887001326409 185.13469280111303 Police clash with youth in Cairo after anti-Morsi protest 64.712296: -25.9869 497.10805151781625 335.61058262164545 Top Diplomats Meet in Munich at Critical Time 55.351006: 55.038483 470.1923697568691 134.80787893362293 EU foreign ministers to discuss Syria arms embargo 74.0007: 24.058525 523.814177549998 211.58455079033456 Death toll from Philippine earthquake rises to 185 34.74126: -58.537342 410.93500890315227 416.2793368609953 Army jets kill 38 militants in NW Pakistan air raids 72.36945: -62.372562 519.123994369525 425.78404494652693 Philippines holds second senator over corruption 55.866455: -6.0391984 471.67439577917816 286.17480913909634 German envoy optimistic about Iran-G5+1 talks 85.0882: 36.079712 555.6930813437099 181.79281482463955 Chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects 47.652122: 64.92143 448.056458279533 110.31526967061819 Snowden Hits Hurdles in Search for Asylum 38.1813: 25.50752 420.82585065027 207.99354978066378 Palestinian prisoners arrive at Muqata in Ramallah 103.211395: 23.750122 607.8010776805319 212.34885645573758 Thai junta amasses security force to smother Bangkok protest….. 61.74249: -11.844597 488.569231393706 300.5621488158672 Aso refuses to resign over Nazi comments 70.03566: -18.620993 512.4138457616855 317.3558811888205 Gunmen Kill Eight In Second Kenya Attack 53.43522: -29.553514 464.6840790809177 344.44961229425803 Egypt forces set to block access to Morsi protest camps 71.60311: -20.485445 516.9205991291221 321.9764958821146 Nobel author Doris Lessing dies at 94 -11.196055: -27.94404 278.8555433894969 340.4609021476478 3 Suspects Taken Into Custody in Boston Bombing Case 17.148205: -32.30615 360.3512656144819 351.27138022375783 Queen pays tribute to Nelson Mandela 0.11621747: -32.145752 311.38071221260776 350.8738743445158 The Note’s Must-Reads for Friday May 24, 2013 -20.494263: 16.127718 252.12123767260195 231.2392250661104 Iran predicts failure of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks 85.52443: 44.001507 556.94732272376 162.1604752609647 Titanic Violin Nabs Record $1.4 Million -82.25477: -21.12201 74.54676662433573 323.55407341030775 JAL’s first order from Airbus is blow to Boeing 24.818314: 61.16859 382.4044450253427 119.61582194331584 Sienna Miller testifies at UK phone hacking trial -1.4503785: 0.6931591 306.8764184965917 269.49021551408407 Israelis attack 2 Palestinians in Jerusalem area 101.48195: -0.99354506 602.8285547340231 273.6703223260916 Cuba sees «major role» for foreign investment 30.508148: 11.2481 398.76391872859824 243.3322308514442 ‚ÄėGlee‚Äô star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room -20.807405: -22.281116 251.2208861892586 326.4266529980388 Lebanon’s PM forms ‘unity cabinet’ Lebanon’s prime minister ….. 68.00354: -11.679937 506.5710731688269 300.1540782632822 Cameron ‘has no concerns’ over halal meat 20.275616: 23.276999 369.3432310821461 213.52138393526792 Death toll in Lebanon bombings rises to 47 74.40565: -38.98735 524.978480849033 367.82919658692333 Greek far-right leader imprisoned pending trial 81.53531: -17.25582 545.4777605491831 313.9726142728431 Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350 40.091354: -90.17565 426.3176563340549 494.6875818895676 At Least 22 Dead After China Earthquake 38.25056: -66.749016 421.0249867233081 436.6300742119939 EU, Myanmar work toward investment protection agreement 52.605885: 14.567662 462.2995682878558 235.10546299617465 Tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam 13.332316: -1.7433788 349.37978217777595 275.52861202890256 Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher dies at 87 0.5281589: -10.136053 312.56513065274004 296.32791755153505 Feds drop ‘morning-after pill’ appeal -10.638029: 35.646038 280.4599866565293 182.86757535170761 Shooting, protests mar Thai voting 60.24081: -12.183302 484.2515892936918 301.40155111008465 Seven Filipinos slain in Yemen attack 86.54227: -44.590553 559.8738201355251 381.71544104434327 Iran ‘thwarts nuclear sabotage attempts’ 76.91645: 37.283775 532.1975693148319 178.80882165717946 Protesters gather in Brazil despite concessions 38.24133: -35.236507 420.99844402134994 358.5335981297351 Relief in Boston as second suspect captured 17.678343: -31.27451 361.8755241466629 348.71470091321356 Red Cross workers released in Ukraine 70.12425: 9.807068 512.6685679560144 246.90349695677185 Queen to name biggest ever carrier 47.598618: 69.247604 447.9026202887623 99.59385155444346 US government shutdown begins – live updates 42.176605: 34.75791 432.3131920479354 185.06859150714058 China launches probe and rover to moon 44.362843: 72.17697 438.5990851787324 92.3340916485281 All eyes on Khurshid‚Äôs trip … 31.648085: 6.8826337 402.0414762779357 254.15103185757158 Australia cuts rates to record low 18.641047: 93.52727 364.6435002066093 39.42231256208902 Classic crossword – Saturday 1st June -21.464293: 12.72167 249.33219745599823 239.68032816331652 Novice ‘steered South Korea ferry’ 69.00724: 19.432108 509.4569229551965 223.05005752140318 Death toll in Nairobi attack rises to 59 56.76679: -32.141846 474.2630440800273 350.86419360581044 Iran dissidents ‘killed in Iraq’ 24.352066: -20.82697 381.0638850236353 322.82288456881565 Twelve killed in bomb blast on Pakistani train 49.377342: -65.00855 453.0168286170459 432.31673788797707 The new Cold War 58.033398: 32.79915 477.90481246927095 189.9229336447827 Cuba’s ‘Ladies’ to pick up EU prize 8 years late 29.60196: 12.064888 396.1584344577054 241.30801107738694 US: Assad used chemical weapons on Syria rebels 86.10143: 25.989958 558.6063293406131 206.79794073516751 President mourns death of Mandela 0.89229774: -34.390713 313.6121065717738 356.43749130771346 Two blasts near Iranian embassy in Beirut, 7 killed 74.63748: -37.464863 525.6450536460595 364.0560624995886 Singapore shares open 0.31% higher on Monday 3.7490406: 94.81939 321.82584440524874 36.22008680451728 Deaf customers sue Starbucks, say they’re mocked 24.796803: 49.60773 382.3425961425568 148.2667433572023 Thousands evacuated in Moscow metro fire 12.932497: -53.429535 348.23021720756594 403.620816165265 7 killed by Shiite al-Houthi fighters in northern Yemen 86.77597: -44.36803 560.5457672812952 381.16396982276206 Iran excluded from Syria peace talks: UN 72.96446: 13.4182005 520.8347702232552 237.95413853330365 Moon rocks indicate earth’s orb born of collision 7.692728: -59.489 333.16477700118037 418.63779737423965 BlackBerry loses US$965m in Q2 6.7436337: 77.158 330.4359308615122 79.98976953763406 Pro-Russia rebels downed Malaysian plane: Ukraine 11.411839: -56.899273 343.8580035316869 412.219760681831 No argument with Jakarta on boats: Abbott 56.406353: -3.76412 473.22671608944177 280.5365528769035 Egypt’s opposition criticizes president’s speech 87.40606: -29.328152 562.3574054024663 343.89110268403806 Volcano erupts in Indonesia -100,000 evacuated and airports ….. 25.679634: -86.67926 384.880922990272 486.0225833482611 49 killed, 148 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 52.76956: -48.32784 462.77017478079705 390.9774405314546 Flash floods kill 58 in eastern Afghanistan 19.429193: -59.529324 366.909588870315 418.73773398444894 Investigators probe motives of LAX airport shooter 17.40934: -47.421227 361.1020840700789 388.73061103640623 More Deaths Expected in Canada Oil Train Explosion 22.172419: -76.054436 374.7969392141741 459.69140894664406 Philippines defers comment on Taiwan fisher attack 32.49031: -55.671577 404.46305362524043 409.1772009359728 Obama Urges Restraint from Israelis, Palestinians 98.72086: 14.352538 594.8898519395161 235.63859848267867 Russia releases Greenpeace doctor 58.588837: 11.477434 479.50181665051696 242.76387978713018 17 killed in US drone attack on Yemen wedding party 82.55202: -54.74746 548.4010114155847 406.88698773983185 China manufacturing index at 11-month low: HSBC 13.207335: 96.28222 349.0204356718856 32.594801420906094 Death toll rises to 29 in India’s Mumbai building collapse 33.14509: -82.45697 406.3456770220615 475.55861237703175 Extremists claim responsibility for Niger attacks 52.57053: -31.10134 462.19791632019127 348.28553882932806 Pro-Russians forces enter Ukrainian naval base in Crimea 57.258347: 39.86987 475.6763771509464 172.39978502653588 Body of missing South Korean shipping tycoon found in field 67.46895: 19.745749 505.03400942815995 222.27277172490398 No update on Nelson Mandela’s condition -1.126876: -39.56141 307.806556485242 369.25186811506126 Prince George is christened at St James’s Palace 8.303717: -37.7143 334.921498052639 364.67423060746495 Gunman who held suburban Atlanta firefighters hostage now de….. 29.002516: -48.91779 394.4349082357826 392.4394967836614 Bradley Manning-WikiLeaks case turns to sentencing 8.137139: -4.734794 334.4425530931011 282.94214435960413 Egypt poll: 98 per cent vote ‘yes’ for new constitution 89.54082: -20.043165 568.4952845816413 320.88040747758635 Iran, six global powers sign landmark nuclear deal 79.76977: 46.712593 540.4014578316298 155.44167389944272 Israeli forces arrest 6 Palestinians in overnight West Bank ….. 106.125496: -0.89131385 616.1797312440244 273.4169658900233 Hong Kong stocks end higher 8.63956: 101.34833 335.8871177110556 20.03962072008619 Vatican Embassy in Syria hit by mortar fire 73.947556: -37.19609 523.6613705567415 363.38997284435146 North Korea blocks access to joint industrial zone 58.088173: 61.839382 478.06230282357546 117.95341977837103 Islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists, 1 Pakistani 55.638462: -56.749393 471.0188678172227 411.84831905709154 Hong Kong set for huge democracy rally on handover anniversa….. 45.348186: 57.88796 441.4321566668283 127.74611093269408 Suicide bomber kills 20 in Iraq 64.00445: -63.203743 495.0728404889117 427.843934083021 Five children buried alive in Bohol landslide 40.29578: -76.80116 426.90542362960645 461.5419993778669 Egypt’s presidential election begins 82.62059: -20.041721 548.5981732380639 320.876829196727 Russian lawmakers pass new bill restricting Internet 51.792557: 41.007435 459.96107946893284 169.5805913093801 Super Typhoon Haiyan, Strongest of Season, Slams the Philipp….. 33.654182: -56.0815 407.80943025864246 410.1931018154046 Nato condemns Ukraine crackdown 55.525696: 43.524693 470.694641035163 163.34214933687917 Conan O’Brien at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner -3.0937016: 42.022114 302.1515183256921 167.0659437998944 Boston bomb suspect charged; religious motive seen 16.914276: -32.960133 359.6786713532509 352.89212874149973 Asian markets mixed on China trade data 41.20905: 78.14944 429.5312646173729 77.53271486036812 World’s oldest person dies in Japan at 116 -7.3180532: -29.895903 290.0056169833553 345.2981422771669 Foreign exchange rates in India 32.508606: -23.975132 404.5156564345756 330.62487928838726 Colorado wildfire destroys more than 90 homes as winds worse….. 23.135475: -62.329556 377.56592981954657 425.6774622823042 ‘It’s either too late or too early to intervene in Syria’ 80.66276: 4.113308 542.9689926195576 261.01416627369014 G7 ‘to intensify Russia sanctions’ 72.04704: 26.78314 518.1969959876662 204.8322213625836 Russian Prime Minister On Second Day Of Crimea Visit 57.87965: 38.311176 477.46275583302264 176.2626455699766 Gang violence kills 16 in Venezuelan prison 23.94066: -24.464487 379.881007317259 331.8376328843153 US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 2,153 58.388897: -74.1317 478.92694779194994 454.9263489343274 Israel, Palestinians seek another meeting Monday: U.S. offic….. 99.63906: 9.762366 597.5298636590718 247.01427949225422 Tropical Storm Karen targets US Gulf Coast 1.6335748: -49.865746 315.7434344689895 394.78878706590564 Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies at 74 -6.51266: -28.63976 292.32129224026465 342.18508047184076 Crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in Eastern Ukraine 11.348347: -56.775757 343.67545116334344 411.9136545895063 Anthony Weiner slips to fourth place in new poll -2.3413537: 12.603809 304.3146772428994 239.9724189283652 Egyptian court considers Mubarak‚Äôs release 67.48764: -34.35921 505.08775291559584 356.3594214442088 Suicide bomber kills eight, wounds 13 in Afghan capital – po….. 61.382366: -66.802505 487.5338027839306 436.7626360461017 More rain hampers Indian flood rescue 18.297556: -61.96467 363.6558923325932 424.77317351337564 A look at major terror attacks in East Africa 38.757328: -3.7421262 422.4820494441061 280.4820461346653 Kim Jong-un Executed His ‘Worse Than a Dog’ Uncle 56.164604: 67.84614 472.5316373079569 103.06706236499383 South Korea Ferry Crew Members Stand Trial 69.00001: 19.420635 509.43612751597647 223.07848996442692 US drone strike kills six in Pakistan officials 80.87546: -57.436783 543.5805496343436 413.55185490768775 Obama condemns Egypt violence, cancels military exercises 89.188934: -29.565506 567.4835469785723 344.4793304603911 Prince’s christening a blend of old and new 8.391412: -37.986588 335.173640011168 365.34903670907545 What the Papers Say, May 20, 2013 -13.0234785: 17.216682 273.6013168243548 228.54047807891118 Bombing Aimed at Hezbollah Hits Southern Beirut 74.728806: -41.089603 525.9076289703892 373.0391451565984 U.S., allies to add sanctions against Russia over Ukraine 71.68116: 26.968435 517.1450056093137 204.37301022794134 Factories that ran on Korean cooperation go silent 53.777367: 65.347404 465.6678261982853 109.25959645941549 Algerian president in France for medical tests -5.4060025: -21.815254 295.5031658168562 325.2721209151155 Manchester City wins second Premier League title in three ye….. 45.94786: -30.592794 443.1563464563001 347.0252276591254 Bodies of MH17 crash victims flown to Netherlands 11.151012: -56.129128 343.1080734888415 410.311133087608 Egypt policeman killed in Sinai attack 88.76815: -34.695286 566.2737042999795 357.19230531133894 Extension likely for Iran nuclear talks 84.92892: 48.301987 555.2350990862866 151.50272880023965 Fire kills 38 in Russian psychiatric institution 44.179184: -68.73533 438.071027994528 441.5526920282786 China stocks open higher Monday 17.05506: 98.35273 360.08345304214185 27.463518307058393 New coronavirus can probably can be passed person to person-….. -11.6583: 1.1814386 277.5264916233389 268.28012760740586 Mandela back in hospital in ‚Äėserious but stable‚Äô conditi….. -0.6722928: -41.647526 309.11357890558065 374.4218269144984 Arsenal v Stoke City ‚Äď live! -23.796497: -15.370942 242.62661704459074 309.3013813225049 Workers killed in India building collapse 33.096985: -78.916504 406.20736980235404 466.7843840945127 North Korea fires three short-range missiles 74.7234: 69.16698 525.8920762632088 99.79366805178353 Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to B….. 4.84: -63.679394 324.9625830494455 429.022724735786 Malaysians vote in polls for stability or change 57.98755: -7.629375 477.7729873722318 290.11569464027133 Fire destroys ancient Tibetan town in China 30.873081: -66.47966 399.8131780603444 435.9625381182588 India starts voting in world’s largest election 50.64239: -16.246906 456.6541110702975 311.4722562521788 Car bomb in northern Syria kills at least 12 63.764824: -47.39248 494.3838709161007 388.65936684999656 Search ends for missing asylum-seekers 0.8592066: -62.024185 313.516962604541 424.92067242478277 ICC Champions Trophy: India vs South Africa -28.484776: -11.89518 229.1468290787377 300.6875068190244 Supreme Court takes on affirmative action in Michigan ban ca….. 24.001913: 40.457962 380.0571214351688 170.942332797522 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on Sept 30 67.19759: 0.623229 504.25380754341177 269.66352106267954 Cyclone leaves trail of destruction in India 35.977917: -26.699583 414.4906560957946 337.3768022007434 Thousands rally to support embattled Tunisia government 64.05321: -19.57839 495.21303421470884 319.7285697408848 At least two killed in southern Egypt clash 63.301704: -29.853363 493.05230472249485 345.1927177091271 Bomb attacks kill 20 in Baghdad’s Christian areas 50.946495: -46.122684 457.5284737386451 385.51247445535694 Japan scrambles jets against Russian military planes 72.79764: 0.30726066 520.355115081919 270.4465756996485 Thousands of Britons claim dole in Germany -22.974092: 58.760387 244.99120435909606 125.58399735516394 Obama to sign up for Obamacare 10.267133: 36.392754 340.5667331670093 181.01701328202392 ‘Trayvon could have been me’ -3.0439513: -4.3212485 302.29456100472623 281.9172670530232 Police: Explosion in Belfast Cathedral Quarter 29.469957: -36.04673 395.77890123985065 360.5415478341518 Prime Minister to seek nuclear deal, investments during Japa….. 70.28738: 55.479107 513.13758408045 133.71589349842878 US postpones missile test over N Korea tensions 68.1534: 71.645935 507.0019423852416 93.65014269705773 At least six dead in US shooting rampage 30.133696: -48.043125 397.6872886064651 390.2718432521456 Gunmen kill 10 in Philippine political violence 58.44107: -56.00547 479.07695793024806 410.00467720296683 Israel approves release of first group of Palestinian prison….. 101.99791: 22.361967 604.3120504761928 215.7890780693033 Deadly clashes as Egypt marks anniversary 63.276566: -29.903027 492.98002521592286 345.31579733530384 Conmen dressed as women steal cash -54.988426: -20.062847 152.9432472556692 320.9291845980456 Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Found Hanged in Prison Cell 25.601038: -11.57676 384.6549425936626 299.89837771645773 Google Unveils Prototype Self-Driving Car -28.470413: 9.235474 229.1881238195941 248.3200613001406 US seeks to reassure wary Gulf allies over Iran deal 81.48471: 43.42626 545.3322802191117 163.5860869353305 Ukraine hosts ‚Äėunity talks‚Äô 59.703197: 37.357777 482.70583885056584 178.62542649102215 Pakistan’s Musharraf Under Arrest in Bhutto Assassination 34.95005: -50.348686 411.5353236578113 395.98564401912563 Trial Date Set for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Chief 70.713455: -30.87345 514.3626504244635 347.72076604587346 Red panda‚Äôs short-lived zoo escape -54.1337: 27.826279 155.40076144717466 202.24704343209078 Israeli doctors could be tried abroad for force-feeding Pale….. 101.77443: 29.440287 603.6694977276326 198.2470973890437 Rio airport workers strike on eve of FIFA World Cup 42.31551: -35.02338 432.7125719679361 358.0054117318172 Quotes from leaders, family at Mandela memorial 0.33043605: -31.019156 311.99663577863794 348.08186516266005 What the Papers Say, Nov. 20, 2013 -13.074984: 17.200583 273.4532288383369 228.5803780376084 Amazon launches new device for streaming video 6.2971272: 62.059605 329.15213056337234 117.40764922616415 Palestinian President Receives Jordanian Foreign Minister 104.014885: 6.3454823 610.1112798761696 255.48223742186747 Obama nominates new transportation secretary 13.544805: 34.666084 349.9907304653063 185.29616449748744 China yuan weakens to 6.1059 against USD 40.612297: 88.481094 427.81547636083496 51.92808746166463 French raid wine cellar for austerity auction 42.334656: 63.347527 432.76762065435264 114.21583215346993 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on April 5 67.38128: 0.37299165 504.78194150402686 270.2836766201853 PCB appoints Waqar Younis as head coach 104.977844: 5.3505015 612.8799907960463 257.9480676320468 US makes case for action against Syria 78.555405: 6.5910845 536.9099079737988 254.87356924788418 Indian stocks close lower 17.974575: 94.95727 362.7272542259647 35.8783869805269 19 killed, 42 wounded in violent attacks in Iraq 52.630947: -48.233173 462.3716284332545 390.74283387939215 Indian rape accused face verdicts 32.752384: -30.97891 405.21657022326775 347.9821270832251 Snowden sees ‘no chance’ for US fair trial 37.555714: 25.776619 419.02715483831815 207.32665182156012 Headlines in major Iranian newspapers on Dec 30 67.26705: 0.5278879 504.45351395550017 269.89980207956785 Dozens injured in Connecticut train collision 20.47598: -72.91533 369.91932287925374 451.9118576584069 Queen visits Britain’s new prince 8.21035: -37.117756 334.6530493328966 363.1958381086929 Ride operator charged in N.C. fair accident 19.192507: -69.462654 366.2290647026725 443.35520019675204 Transcript reveals confusion over evacuation of South Korean….. 69.24034: 19.067776 510.1271371476983 223.95297075568163 Singapore stocks end up 0.37 pct 2.1066656: 94.85856 317.1036701396781 36.12301470976479 Cairo protesters defy crackdown threat 64.83764: -25.921276 497.4684399892793 335.44794810216484 Los Angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats 17.459288: -47.40368 361.24569434614864 388.68712334300335 Cristiano Ronaldo hat-trick fires Portugal to 2014 World Cup….. -28.64236: -19.253725 228.69373857547703 318.9239623283129 Britain’s Prince Philip set for ‘exploratory’ surgery 7.4835644: -37.156773 332.5633873767726 363.2925320495897 Three bomb attacks kill six soldiers, one civilian 48.076668: -54.96554 449.277115463965 407.4274546842128 At least 20 dead in Somalia attacks 62.051178: -63.89999 489.45677766856335 429.5694217649393 U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Ga….. 93.91458: 10.853064 581.0707780470626 244.31123809533148 Nigel Farage calls on Government to let Syrian refugees into….. 76.842545: -2.318557 531.9850741463455 276.95405855638927 Radio: Israel set to increase Palestinian prisoner release 101.17302: 23.574955 601.9403174714702 212.78296762820924 Morsi’s supporters reject plan 74.0626: -23.047548 523.9921452698214 328.32607727279924 Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death – s….. 70.480446: -27.03865 513.6926994653695 338.21710261036804 Men tried to behead soldier on London street, court hears 38.06889: -41.045002 420.5026438976657 372.92861078458384 Mel Smith dead at 60 and UK mourns a comedy favourite 2.0830657: -12.966028 317.03581555927195 303.34135748970823 Asian Muslims celebrate Eid as 14 killed in Afghanistan 62.838947: -67.3347 491.7217804944617 438.0815610639345 Russian coal mines seek new outlets in China 42.659134: -69.052124 433.70056372400535 442.33779615574394 Ukraine‚Äôs pro-Russia protesters demand greater autonomy 63.298386: 10.938326 493.0427625114603 244.09993517462516 Israel agrees to extend Gaza truce by four hours 93.94708: 10.920766 581.1642259068491 244.14345359302888 Fire at South Korean bus terminal kills 5 34.656948: -65.55323 410.6925928706403 433.6665958912043 Tokyo stocks open down 0.24% 55.493347: 85.28419 470.6016318977229 59.85088343043253 Australia returns asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in sea transfe….. -0.069492154: -60.347477 310.84675789742624 420.7653382355145 118 people killed in twin blasts in Nigeria 51.489243: -33.89818 459.0889871887279 355.2168579308177 Glee star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel room in Canada -20.773703: -22.33518 251.31778898752313 326.56063763602856 Tokyo stocks close up 0.13pc 55.62084: 85.26459 470.9681953862117 59.8994572931943 Those refused medical cards urged to contact HSE -12.28299: -17.871502 275.7303760471869 315.49844144588667 Syrian opposition agree to landmark peace talks 77.1306: 13.953509 532.8132941919088 236.6274991768151 Poverty stats doubt Modi’s development claims 38.677082: -13.369954 422.2513253621262 304.3423945591503 Pro-Russia rebels to hold vote in Ukraine 62.684772: 11.637894 491.2784954356434 242.3662179194227 Georgians vote for new president 85.9718: -21.182566 558.2336127712158 323.7041484948566 EU declares Hezbollah’s military wing terror group 89.42509: 3.0273924 568.1625356180025 263.7053572741606 What the Papers Say, June 25, 2013 -13.040109: 17.216572 273.55350157262484 228.54075224045653 2 Indian traders stranded in China sent back home 51.48154: 23.885254 459.06684267829263 212.0139634011494 Peace talks with Palestinians would take months: Israel offi….. 100.70048: 9.121445 600.5816601729732 248.60265567648855 17:02 23 killed in Iraq car bombings 59.617386: -50.61536 482.4591123710004 396.6465340588472 Two dead, more trapped in latest Mumbai building collapse 32.14698: -82.46478 403.4759064096881 475.5779738544424 Gunmen kill 15 Libyan soldiers 68.04982: -41.60148 506.7041376564947 374.3077095347013 Pictures show completed Costa Concordia operation 17.464857: -2.567198 361.2617077117928 277.5702579007545 Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Third Day 84.73036: 48.63525 554.6642116330133 150.67681241790035 Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 September 57.32923: -2.5042627 475.88018561697373 277.41428716124943 Bangkok tense on Thai election eve 57.915077: -11.409435 477.56461619380167 299.48370128870636 China ‚Äėwill protect interests‚Äô of foreign business 44.31865: 61.404037 438.47202021915183 119.03232109015875 D.C. Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana 0.9752833: 51.16765 313.85070760500696 144.4008481290698 Margaret Thatcher dies after stroke 0.28524253: -10.178177 311.8666948741135 296.43231165031807 Chinese president arrives in Netherlands for state visit, nu….. 56.420822: 26.58715 473.2683179359406 205.31793635558563 UK Sky News cameraman killed in Egypt 66.98792: -46.763794 503.65095916720213 387.10131624152604 FBI audio expert testifies in Zimmerman trial -1.828591: 0.51439893 305.78897798164144 269.9332313235588 Obama announces creation of twin manufacturing hubs 13.91202: 34.470085 351.04655143814597 185.7819031251055 Five charged with terrorism offences 38.76741: -41.651302 422.51103802314555 374.43118622242645 President Obama reveals plans to withdraw troops from Afghan….. 7.895209: -46.74821 333.74695195782255 387.06269727901497 Philip leaves hospital after 11 days 5.810991: -37.198517 327.75438584582434 363.3959854906567 Israel frees second group of Palestinian prisoners 102.91431: 23.149137 606.9468852720607 213.83825795863305 Two skydivers dead after colliding during US jump 11.926919: -66.953316 345.33896839432066 437.1363844093608 China yuan strengthens to new high against USD 43.46858: 86.1302 436.027887059212 57.75422828532015 Police stop Maldives presidential election 52.25822: -13.995298 461.2999613576652 305.8921659616432 Indian army kill 3 militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir 58.878036: -60.447304 480.33332711367837 421.0127359417453 Turkey president appeals for calm 67.49616: -18.33374 505.11225555864314 316.6439923747376 Doha gas blast kills 12, injures dozens 42.95782: -57.031002 434.55935174905517 412.5462209054376 India Ink: Image of the Day: April 21 -15.265537: -7.657347 267.15492534916564 290.18501733240186 Two French journalists killed in Mali 45.43287: -24.234972 441.67563660103025 331.2688327622977 Gunmen kill nine tourists in Pakistan 56.786804: -56.36193 474.32059348381836 410.88808242521554 China’s troubled Xinjiang hit by more violence 47.989216: 61.443977 449.0256727191756 118.93333931843512 3 dead, 1 hurt in shooting at S Carolina oceanfront motel 27.757402: -50.462265 390.8549448570901 396.2671228415993 Burial of Boston bombing suspect appears legal 16.666298: -34.678688 358.9656817319736 357.15117162568765 5 killed in S China road cave-in 33.9104: -76.40108 408.5461108866262 460.5504799682799 South Africa president: Mandela is improving -0.6157345: -36.614063 309.2761959704293 361.94755223110076 World News Update, what you need to know -15.865349: 17.395266 265.430340709582 228.09790098699557 Abdullah Widens Lead in Afghan Presidential Poll 29.189873: -18.922384 394.97359895285825 318.10281068455515 Japan defends dolphin hunt after US criticism 32.111305: -55.44854 403.37333312509605 408.62445344512867 Bomb blast rocks shopping mall in Nigeria, 12 killed 55.394558: -36.127316 470.31759208259473 360.7412603391816 Top Chinese political advisor meets Greek PM 58.619957: 24.234901 479.5912940730684 211.14744274855667 Palestinian diplomat injured in explosion in Prague 93.09589: -4.313913 578.7168571696045 281.8990873064115 US military presence in East Asia 49.447414: 65.49585 453.2183008865787 108.89170948091942 US believes Syrian government used chemical weapons 86.40029: 26.893435 559.4656109283027 204.55888230185332 Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Refuses to Back Down 71.78259: -28.96079 517.4366462890935 342.9806830957243 Chinese president meets Greek PM, calling for stronger partn….. 58.620594: 24.23632 479.59312573886467 211.14392591769888 AstraZeneca pays $4.1bn to buy Bristol-Myers Squibb out of d….. 7.080205: 76.80187 331.4036440481257 80.87234282140031 Italian fugitive arrested in Dominican Republic 27.29002: -8.714758 389.5111218579313 292.8055656474393 India, US to hold talks on China next week 54.654858: 23.687355 468.190797763876 212.50441004427063 Israel Carrying Out Ground Offensive In Gaza 98.8834: -7.5808372 595.357178982918 289.9954050805111 US delays missile test as tensions rise 68.331955: 71.71149 507.5153352750171 93.48768780065859 India, China ink border pact; 8 other agreements 53.606964: 22.739674 465.1778830179257 214.8530196495746 Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats 27.867786: -26.389566 391.17232208651654 336.60849755831657 Heavy smog hits north China city, flights cancelled 33.791096: -67.49486 408.2030848520225 438.4784713508538 Russia claims to have foiled possible terror act 45.45184: 44.715984 441.7301807567484 160.38980764713932 3 Chinese tourists killed in Pakistan 55.298008: -56.915836 470.03999051790026 412.26080928286484 Egypt Launches Offensive Against Sinai Militants 88.55961: -34.09709 565.6741024691333 355.7098192970792 Pakistani Taliban chief killed in US drone strike 77.41027: -60.26862 533.6174064445365 420.56990832290023 Putin signs Crimea annexe treaty 58.37842: 37.91031 478.89682950286857 177.25610301807393 FAA continues ban on US flights to Tel Aviv 89.573296: 3.9932976 568.588666633076 261.3115842811806 Chinese envoy rebuts Vietnamese, Philippine accusations over….. 42.95669: 41.092587 434.5561052036917 169.3695625502192 Four more people arrested over Australia’s largest illegal t….. 28.701555: -6.832987 393.56958324777116 288.1420304915258 A society fraying at the edges 49.70905: -0.25589907 453.9705561578601 271.84223707163744 UN Invites Iran to Syrian Peace Conference 73.20861: 13.363271 521.5367479136374 238.09026919442442 Soccer Ref Punched by Player Dies -32.77815: -11.9444895 216.80247648152553 300.8097096009483 Angela Merkel headed for narrow win in German elections 62.15892: -2.7714627 489.7665595173674 278.0764806500423 Israel detains 37 Palestinians as arrest operation continues 106.172676: -0.85593474 616.3153841935361 273.3292869302429 Rebels kill 21 civilians in Syria Alawite village 65.70995: -47.30503 499.97652789926786 388.4426468753077 World sends emergency relief to battered Philippines 33.426563: -56.993336 407.15497716643574 412.4528736261635 Assad says Syria will comply with UN arms resolution 82.365845: 17.019968 547.865726280723 229.0279893027277 South Korean President Sorry For Ferry Response 69.052185: 19.338606 509.5861486223332 223.28178075031605 Sentences
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