Tag programming

OData v4 protocol: Metadata and basic queries

OData v4 protocol: Metadata and basic queries

Data processing and consumption are essential elements of the contemporary business world. Therefore, there are mysterious pieces of software, commonly abbreviated as APIs, whose role is fundamental in this traffic of information.  APIs (Application Programming Interface) are mechanisms for integration…

Overloading functions in Python

Function overloading is a very interesting tool that allows several different functions to share the same identifier, improving the readability and interpretability of our code in some scenarios. This tool is available by default in many of today’s most widely…

Linear Regression with Python

Linear Regression with Python

Regression is a statistical methodology that describes the relationships between a continuous explained variable and a set of explanatory variables. In other words, regression models are able to predict the value of a dependent variable y with respect to a…

Linear Programming and Simplex Method

We are all familiar with the concept of Linear Programming or Linear Optimization, that branch of mathematics that is dedicated to optimizing (maximizing or minimizing) a linear objective function subject to constraints in the form of equations and/or inequalities. Although…