Success stories: Data Lake and Data Warehouse

In general, a company has several types of data: some from CRM, others from Google Analytics, from the web or e-commerce, etc. This data comes from different sources and, in addition, each one has a different structure and format, so it is usually stored in separate databases.

As they are kept in different storage systems, the data are not connected to each other, which makes it difficult to access, query and analyze these data.

The current situation

One of the main questions our customers ask us is how best to store the large volume of data they receive on a daily basis, and in so many different ways, in order to be able to extract information from it that can be used in decision-making contexts in the company.  

The challenge

At Damavis, we have years of experience in data management, especially in the proper storage of data: we go to the origins of the sources, however different or complex they may be, and store the information in a correct and orderly manner.

To do this, we use the various technological tools available to extract the information as the company needs it (in real time, depending on the volume of data, according to the purpose, etc.), with the aim of making the best possible use of this data so that decisions can be made based on what it indicates. 

The solution

The construction of a Data Lake makes it possible to write all the data coming from different sources in a single point, so that they can be connected to each other and exploited to obtain useful information.

In a Data Lake, all these data are stored as they are in origin, without applying any type of change to them, which enables the company to have a global perspective or snapshot of all the inputs that the company received at a given time in the past.

Afterwards, this data is processed and put into a Data Warehouse, a system where all this processed information is stored, which will later be used to feed the dashboards containing the company’s main indicators and KPIs. 

In this way, the raw data becomes valuable and useful information for strategic decision-making. And the company becomes a Data Driven company, guided by what the data reveals.

The results

Companies that choose to implement appropriate storage systems for their data through a Data Driven approach are able to make better decisions because they are backed by what this data reveals, which shows the unequivocal reality of what is happening in the company and in the market.

Having a Data Lake to store the data as it arrives at the source allows our clients to reconstruct its history in order to know how the company was in a specific period.

On the other hand, storing the information in a correct and orderly manner in a Data Warehouse so that it can be consulted quickly, economically and efficiently (even with TB of information), provides the company with the ability to have valuable information at its disposal at its fingertips.


Check out the real case explained by David Martín, CEO at Damavis, on our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to enable English subtitles:

David Martín
David Martín
Articles: 16