Damavis at Mobile World Congress 2024

The largest international event on technology returns to Fira de Barcelona in a new edition that took place from February 26th to 29th in Barcelona.

Damavis has been one of the 45 Spanish companies selected by red.es to be part of the Spanish Pavilion of the Mobile World Congress and represent our country along with the best of the best of the national technology sector.

During these four days, our team has participated in different dynamics and activities in which we have been able to discover emerging technologies, meet disruptive and innovative companies and connect with top professionals in the sector.

Dynamic Pricing to optimize revenue management at Mobile World Congress 2024

Adopting a dynamic pricing strategy means using algorithms that analyze data in real time to automatically adjust prices based on factors such as market demand, availability of products and services or competition, among others.

Tòfol Torrens, Co-founder and Head Data Engineer at Damavis, gave a presentation in the Presentation Set of the Spanish Pavilion to show how to implement a successful Dynamic Pricing strategy in the company.

Visit our Youtube channel to access the complete presentation:

Humanizing Artificial Intelligence: Ethics as a challenge

We have seen how AI is gradually breaking into different sectors, improving processes and fostering natural interactions between humans and machines. But what are the challenges we face when implementing it in business environments? This was the topic addressed at the round table discussion Humanizing Artificial Intelligence: ethics as a challenge.

Biel Garau, Data Scientist at Damavis, participated together with Alicia Asín Perez, CEO of Libelium, in this debate on the transformative power of AI, which was moderated by Elena Gil Lizasoain, Director of AI & Big Data at Telefónica Tech.

Visit our Youtube channel to access the complete presentation:

Video Podcast: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

We had the opportunity to participate in the podcast space of the Spain pavilion of the Mobile World Congress 2024, where Antonio Boutaour, Senior Data Engineer at Damavis, explained how advances in Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality or Metaverse are influencing society, and how companies can take advantage of these technologies to improve their processes.

Networking and international tours at the Mobile World Congress

One of the most interesting activities of the Spanish Pavilion was the networking with other countries attending the MWC, in which we participated along with more Spanish companies to meet with organizations from Canada, Italy, United Kingdom or Brazil, among others.

In these networking actions, we were able to learn how other markets work and exchange experiences, knowledge and know-how with these foreign companies.

To finish the activities agenda, we were also able to participate in the Big Data / Analytics and Artificial Intelligence thematic tours to show other companies in the sector how in Damavis we develop all our innovative potential.


Once again, we have had the pleasure of being part of this great event and sharing space with the best of the national and international technology scene. Definitely, it has been a very positive experience and our team has been able to make the most of it together with red.es, whom we thank for their work and effort in the organization of the Spanish Pavilion at the MWC.

This is our summary of the Mobile World Congress 2024. Visit the Damavis category to see other articles similar to this one and leave us your comments on social networks. See you soon!
Laura Rodríguez
Laura Rodríguez
Articles: 56